Artists for Dalai Lama ­ Steps Magazin

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The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine

Cologne, Frankfurt, New York, Strasbourg The spread of a creative alliance

Art can... Mike Kuhlmann: 5 Questions

Compassion goes global

The digital picture – and how art change minds



Мирът е състояние на дълбоко почувствана вътрешна сигурност, която се основава на разбиране, толерантност и уважение. (Далай Лама) Fred er tilstanden af en dyb følt indre sikkerhed, som baserer på forståelse, tolerance og respekt. (Dalai Lama) Frieden ist der Zustand einer tief empfundenen inneren Sicherheit, die auf Verständnis, Toleranz und Respekt basiert. (Dalai Lama) Peace is the condition of a profound feeling of inner security that is based on understanding, tolerance and respect. (Dalai Lama) Rahu on sügavalt tunnetatud sisemise kindlustunde seisund, mis põhineb mõistmisel, sallivusel ja lugupidamisel. (Dalai-laama)

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Rauha on syvällisesti koettua sisäistä turvallisuutta, joka pohjautuu ymmärrykseen, toleranssiin ja kunnioitukseen. (Dalai Lama) La paix est un état de profonde assurance

intérieure, qui repose sur la compréhension, la tolérance et le respect. (Dalaï Lama) Ειρήνη είναι η κατάσταση μιας βαθιά αοσθανόμενης ασφάλειας, η οποία βασίζεται στην κατανόηση, την ανοχή και το σεβασμό (Δαλάι Λάμα) Pace e lo stato mentale di sentire una sicurezza profonda che base su comprensione, tolleranza e riguardo. (Dalai Lama) Miers ir dziļi izjustas iekšējās drošības stāvoklis, kas balstās uz sapratni, iecietību un cieņu. (Dalai Lama)




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Strasbourg Impressions

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Abbot Pagoda Phat Hue Frankfurt Main

Venerable Thich Thien Son

Member of the European Parliament, President of the Tibet Intergroup

Thomas Mann

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Art = Communication

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The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine



© 2009 plexus Verlag Frankfurt am Main/Miltenberg

Concept/Design/Chief Editor: Jörg Schmitz; Layout: Yury Ustsinau; DTP: Martin Weber, thema communications, Frankfurt/Germany Photography: Hue Nghiem (title), Manuel Bauer (p.10,15), Mike Kuhlmann Production: Volkhardt Caruna Mediengruppe, Amorbach/Germany


Frankfurt Main

Poster Campaign

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Compassion goes global

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Peace Please

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The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine

Phonebook Hue Chuyen 2009 (The official phonebook of Frankfurt/Main – to be completed by exhibition visitors with sketches of the portrait of Dalai Lama)


Art = Communication To establish visible messages – that was the desire of the group “Artists for Dalai Lama,” an initiative and exhibition of international artists. They created art that will provide inspiration for a long time to come. Making universal messages apparent – this was the challenge for the artists, which was brought to light in exhibitions that built on each other in Cologne, Frankfurt and Strasbourg. We were very happy that through cooperative efforts we even reached New York. Hundreds of visitors appreciated the various works – paintings, prints, installations, and objects – before His Holiness had even arrived in Frankfurt. The press coverage attested to the public interest in this initiative. We started with painting. Today our pictures are being made in a company with others that gets bigger and more colourful every day.


»We try to keep the creative power of Art going – as in Art as communication.«


Artist, Designer, Publisher.


The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine


Dear Assembly Women and Assembly Men, Madam, Sir, and Friends of Tibet, 2009 is a special year for the Tibet Intergroup in the European Parliament: it marks our 20th anniversary as an interparliamentary initiative. That’s reason enough to invite special guests to celebrate this special occasion – “Artists for Dalai Lama.” This association of international artists was founded in 2009, and collaborated during the recent visit of HH the Dalai Lama to Frankfurt. They work in different mediums based on the universal values that the Dalai Lama represents.

»I hope that the creative impulses and energy of “The Artists for Dalai Lama” has a positive influence on our support for the Tibetan people.«


Member of the European Parliament, President of the Tibet Intergroup.

07 06

Dear Friends of Buddhism and Companions on the Path, The bridge has become a symbol for the coexistence work carried out by the Sangha (the group of ordained Buddhist practitioners). Our aim is to build bridges between all Buddhist traditions, between cultures of the East and West, and between different religions and social groups. Every dialogue needs symbols, which can be understood as invitations to communicate, as signs of equality or difference, and as signposts on the path to greater compassion. I’m happy about the messages being created through the work of “Artists for Dalai Lama.” They are creations that come into existence and stay and change at the same time, according to our perspective. It’s a delight to be able to take part in this ever-changing movement.

»They are creations that come into existence and stay and change at the same time, according to our perspective.«

Venerable Thich Thien Son Abbot Pagoda Phat Hue Frankfurt Main.

09 08


The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine


Mike Kuhlmann Meeting HH Dalai Lama Commerzbank-Arena Frankfurt / Germany

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»Art can shake up, wake up, and make people more thoughtful.« MIKE KUHLMANN




Mike Kuhlmann, where did the idea for the initiative “Artists for Dalai Lama” come from? I’ve been working for quite some time on ideals and archetypes. Anyone who through his or her life or actions strongly affects the world for the better falls into this category for me. The Dalai Lama is such a person – a kind of projection screen for good. He stands for peace, compassion, mindfulness and humanity. I strive to keep these qualities alive and cultivate them together with friends and associates. I’m very happy that I could get my wife Andrea HueHoa Kuhlmann and my friend Jörg Schmitz to support this idea, and that together we were able to get 40 international artists to join us.


What effect can Art have? Art can shake up, wake up, and make people more thoughtful. It can create happiness, deepen spirituality, connect, and aid understanding and mindfulness.

The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine


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Does “Artists for Dalai Lama” have a political intention?

What is your vision for how “Artists for Dalai Lama” will develop?

If peace, compassion and humanity are political intentions, then we can call “Artists for Dalai Lama” a political initiative. Regarding the question of Tibet, I’m convinced that the peaceful way of the Dalai Lama – in which he supports the human rights and culture of the Tibetan people – is just and exemplary.

I hope that this initiative for peace, compassion and humanity appears everywhere in the world where people can come together under the roof of these values, to express and sustain them. I’m happy to welcome more and more new supporters, friends, associates and artists to this project.


What do you hope to achieve with the exhibition in the EU parliament in Strasbourg? Europe, for me, is the most convincing implementation of a peaceful vision. About 70 years ago many Europeans were enemies. After a war of destruction they created something unbelievable. Today they are sharing and connecting on a friendly level. Their human values created a wonderful community. That is hopeful. I think that these values and actions are closely connected to the values, demands and wisdom of the Dalai Lama himself. Through this exhibition I want to show and support this harmonious symbiosis.

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Compassion Goes Global

“Artists for Dalai Lama” in Frankfurt, Cologne, New York and Strasbourg Robert KRUSCHBERSKY, Jörg SCHMITZ

In accordance with their slogan “Everywhere You See,” the “Artists for Dalai Lama” exhibition was brought via a digital version to New York by Art Consultants United Creators. In the middle of Manhattan, on two immense LED screens on the Times Square Building – the former headquarters of The New York Times (43rd Street, Times Square) – this exhibition was seen by people in New York at the same time as in Frankfurt. ›››


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Jörg Schmitz: Art is communication.

Through the initiative “Artists for Dalai Lama,” we saw this happen. During the three events, among hundreds of visitors, I observed many people who you normally won’t find at art exhibits – that seemed quite successful. Additionally, the press releases show that the different shows created a social element.

»We bring art worlds in the form of digital projections to places that support the experience of Art in a community setting.«

ROBERT KRUSCHBERSKY: This aspect can be utilized and strengthened by art. JS: Why did United Creators decide to

bring the “Artists for Dalai Lama“ initiative to New York? RK: The more people get into contact – and Art is a means of contact – with the universal messages of the Dalia Lama, the better. For us it was clear from the very beginning that this initiative needed support and dissemination on an international level. In New York we celebrate its origin; this city is an epicenter of all cultures and known as a Mecca of Art – it’s therefore destined to reach many people.

ROBERT KRUSCHBERSKY Cofounder and CEO of United Creators.

The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine


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RK: Digitalizing Art at the same time democratizes it. Art is way of connecting, so we always want to bring it to as many people as possible. There are still people who are afraid to visit an art gallery or museum, which is a shame. JS: One positive aspect about “Artists

for Dalai Lama” is a certain natural notoriety that is definitely based on the popularity of the Dalai Lama. Without a doubt, the resistance to visit is lower. RK: Art institutions and new talents often don’t have a way to properly present themselves in order to gain fans and collectors. Internet platforms are spaces that enable and liberate contact with Art. United Creators goes a step further; we bring art worlds in the form of digital projections to places that support the experience of Art in a community setting. JS: I myself was surprised at how great

the awareness of “Artists for Dalai Lama” grew in such a short time. Does this prove that digital presentations do not reduce the awareness of a physical presentation, but achieve the opposite? RK: Exactly. Again, United Creators doesn’t want to make art a daily activity, but instead create a global awareness. It’s the same as music – a universal expression of humanity that deserves a broad perspective rather than being restricted to a single “happy view.” We believe that digital presentation is current and can be implemented internationally at a relatively low cost.

Dalai Lama” achieve through a space such as United Creators?

RK: Through quick work and the circulation of images in “real time,” United Creators offers an ideal space for these kinds of initiatives and local artists and organizations. UC offers them a way to reach an international audience and generate interest. I’m still curious about what kinds of installations our state-of-the-art technology will produce. In the end, the artists will benefit, as they may not otherwise be able do a standard exhibition around the world.

»I myself was surprised at how great the awareness of “Artists for Dalai Lama” grew in such a short time.« Artist, Designer, Publisher.

presenting Art in a digital format?

JS: What can initiatives like “Artist for


JS: What is so special about the idea of

Artists for Dalai Lama in Cologne HalleLuja 20.-24.5.2009

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The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine


Propheten Mike Kuhlmann Jรถrg Schmitz 2009

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Artists for Dalai Lama in Frankfurt Union halle 29.7.-3.8.2009

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The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine


Thoughts about Religion and Peace Jรถrg Schmitz 2009

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The Artists for Dalai Lama Magazine



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Taika – tai giliai viduje atrasto saugumo būsena, kurios pagrindas yra supratimas, tolerancija ir pagarba. (Dalai Lama) Vrede is een toestand van diepe inwendige gevoelens van zekerheid, die sich op begrip, tolerantie, en respect baseren. (Dalai Lama) Pokój jest stanem gleboko odczuwalnej wewnetrznej pewnosci bazujacej na zrozumieniu, tolerancji i szacunku. (Dalajlama) Il-paċi hi stat ta‘ sigurtà, ibbażata fuq komprensjoni, tolleranza u rispett, li wieħed iħoss fil-fond tiegħu innifsu. (Dalai Lama) Paz é um estado de profunda segurança interior baseada na compreensão, na tolerância e no respeito.” (Dalai Lama) Mír je pocit hlubokého vnitřního bezpečí založený na vzájemném porozumění, toleranci a respektu.“ (Dalai Lama)

U3 36

Fericirea este o stare de siguranţă interioară profund simţită, care se bazează pe înţelegere, toleranţă şi respect. (Dalai Lama) Fred är tillståndet av en djup känsla av inre trygghet som baseras på förståelse, tolerans och respekt. (Dalai Lama) Mier je pocit hlbokej vnútornej bezpečnosti založený na vzájemnom porozumení, tolerancii a úcte. (Dalai Lama) Svoboda je stanje globoke, notranje varnosti, ki temelji na razumevanju, toleranci in spoštovanju. (Dalai Lama) La paz es un estado de profunda seguridad interior que descanca en la comprensión, la tolerancia y el respeto. (Dalai Lama) Béka a belső biztonságnak olyan mèlyről jövő érzése, amely a kölcsönös, megértésen, tolerancián és tiszteleten alapul. (Dala Láma)

Hue Chuyen

Ute Hillenbrand

Christian Maria Knecht

Mike Kuhlmann Jรถrg Schmitz

Hue Trieu

Yury Ustsinau

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