2 minute read
Lockdown is driving me up the wall, I’m bored, bored, and… oh yeah, bored!
I know I’m not the only one. However, there’s good news on the horizon, isn’t there? Life will be back to normal-ish on the 21st June, yay!
Not wanting to be negative and burst anyone's bubble, but at the time of going to press, it’s important to know that the government never actually said that. It appears on social media that everyone is planning their escape on the 21st June - green laning trips are being organised and holidays booked, but let’s read the small print before we get excited and build our hopes up.
The government’s road map has four stages, and each stage has a caveat that states certain criteria must be met before moving onto the next stage. I’m not going to go into details, but it’s important to remember that if one stage isn’t met, then we have to wait a further 5 weeks until it has.
Again, I’m really not being negative, I just want us all to be aware of the situation, and not build our hopes up, just in case. In reality, is the UK going to pass each stage with flying colours? I hope we do...
Moving on to something more positive, we have a couple of great giveaways in this month’s issue - a Robens Tarp, and a ...(you'll see later), oh, and to top it all I am growing a frelling awesome Santa beard!
See you next month!
Muddy Madam's Moment
Oh how my other half lives!
Damian may have had the luxury to get bored, bored and more bored this month, but that hasn't been the case for this Muddy Madam. No, along with a short month comes an shorter deadline to get this mag created. This would normally be fine to deal with if I'd actually remembered that February has only 28 days compared to the luxurious plenty of 31 days in January, but unfortunately, like it did last year, it blindsided me again. Usually the last 10 days of the month are a mad scramble for me to get all Damian's ramblings, and our guest writers' glorious compositions in some kind of order, and hopefully looking somewhat decent for all you lovely readers.
Well when the 25th came around, a day that will be known from now on as 'First Covid Jab Day', it suddenly dawned on me sat in the waiting room that I didn't have another lavish 5 or 6 days, but only a sparse 3 more days to go.
The horror dawned, especially as this magazine was turning into the biggest issue we've ever done, aaarggh!
If you are reading this on the 1st of March then the 18 hour days of chocolate and Schweppes Bitter Lemon fueled work has paid off, if it came out any later you will know that the late night/early morning combos caused a full system brain fizzle, and Damian had to mainline Cadburys Caramel into my veins just to kickstart me back into life.
Karen Lee A.K.A. Muddy Madam