turner's torque Lockdown is driving me up the wall, I’m bored, bored, and… oh yeah, bored! I know I’m not the only one. However, there’s good news on the horizon, isn’t there? Life will be back to normal-ish on the 21st June, yay! Not wanting to be negative and burst anyone's bubble, but at the time of going to press, it’s important to know that the government never actually said that. It appears on social media that everyone is planning their escape on the 21st June - green laning trips are being organised and holidays booked, but let’s read the small print before we get excited and build our hopes up. The government’s road map has four stages, and each stage has a caveat that states certain criteria must be met before moving onto the next stage.
I’m not going to go into details, but it’s important to remember that if one stage isn’t met, then we have to wait a further 5 weeks until it has. Again, I’m really not being negative, I just want us all to be aware of the situation, and not build our hopes up, just in case. In reality, is the UK going to pass each stage with flying colours? I hope we do... Moving on to something more positive, we have a couple of great giveaways in this month’s issue - a Robens Tarp, and a ...(you'll see later), oh, and to top it all I am growing a frelling awesome Santa beard! See you next month!