1 minute read
glory from above
by The Muse
see those days where our body floats, ghost towns, finding crossroads little lumbers forming covered courts white hooded horses, gray raven evenings, spent around museum floors messing now, messing now. confuse about, confused about.
i’ve prayed in change, kept a little myself, rowing me over. don’t leave your phone, don’t leave me nights, or gray raven evenings, spent around over vinyl records. don’t mess around, mess about, now too much to pray for, with little changes, changes.
the well we’ve dug never overflowed, mud-walled, stone-weighted shoulders you can’t spade the sky with dirt, too high, regard me near, i’m with you here. in the sleep of a clocktower, lockets clasping in, showing the clear in bouts of isolation, i pray you here, it’s cool to fear, it’s cool to fear, i’m with you here, i’m with you near.
Franz is a graduate of AB English at PUP His poems were featured in Anxious Poets Society, Knack Magazine, and recently, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal and Likhang Lansangan He’s an editorial assistant for a Publishing company in the Philippines Usually once or twice a month On Sundays Current influences in poetry include Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, E E Cummings, Nick Joaquin and Jose Garcia Villa His free time is spent on Prince’s music, going home to his parents or visiting his bestfriend, Kevin.