Konkurrenceprogram Køge Nord Station

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køge nord station

Indbudt projektkonkurrence Restricted design competition konkurrenceprogram competition brief 2014 2014

konkurrenceprogram competition brief

køge nord station

2014 2014

kolofon Konkurrenceprogrammet er udarbejdet af Banedanmark, Køge Kommune og DSB i samarbejde med Arkitektforeningen

Publication details This brief was prepared by Banedanmark, Køge Municipality and DSB in collaboration with the Danish Architects’ Association

Kort: Banedanmark og Køge Kommune Foto: Banedanmark og Jens V. Nielsen Grafisk tilrettelæggelse: Jens V. Nielsen Oversættelse: OVRZ, Mette Aarslew Tryk: Production Facilities Oplag: 75

Maps: Banedanmark and Køge Municipality Photos: Banedanmark and Jens V. Nielsen Graphic design: Jens V. Nielsen Translation: OVRZ, Mette Aarslew Print: Production Facilities Copies: 75

Udgivelsesdato: 2. maj 2014

Publication date: 2 May 2014

Indbudt projektkonkurrence Restricted design competition konkurrenceprogram competition brief 2014 2014

køge nord station


invitation invitation

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baggrund og vision background and vision

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konkurrenceomrĂĽdet competition site

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konkurrenceopgaven competition assignment

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budget budget

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tidsplan time schedule

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uddybende oplysninger further information

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konkurrencebetingelser competition regulations

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invitation invitation

Når den nye bane mellem København og Ringsted åbner i 2018, er det startskuddet ikke blot for en ny og stærkt forbedret jernbaneforbindelse mellem hovedstaden og det øvrige Danmark, men også startskuddet for en ny og spændende byudvikling i Køge Nordområdet. Her vil nye kontor- og servicevirksomheder få betydeligt forbedrede betingelser for at etablere sig i en helt ny bydel. Køge Nord Station – den nye station på den nye jernbanestrækning – bliver på flere måder enestående. Først og fremmest fordi den vil give et tiltrængt bidrag til en mere effektiv kollektiv transport ind og ud af København, og dermed medvirke til at mindske biltrængslen i hele hovedstadsområdet, men også fordi den bliver bygget hen over to vigtige jernbanelinjer samt over landets mest trafikerede motorvejsstrækning, Køge Bugt Motorvejen. Stationen vil således blive bemærket og brugt af en tusindtallig personskare hver eneste dag året rundt, enten fordi man parkerer eller henter sin bil på et avanceret og super­effektivt Parker og Rejsanlæg og hurtigt og let skifter til eller fra den offentlige transport, eller fordi man

basismodel basic model


When the new railway line between Copenhagen and Ringsted opens in 2018, it will not only be the first step towards new and far better railway connections between the Danish capital and the other parts of the country, but will also mark the beginning of a new, exciting urban development scheme in the Køge North area, where new administrative enterprises and service providers will be offered a highly attractive setting for their activities in a completely new urban district. Køge North Station will be the only completely new station along the new route, and it will be unique in several respects. First and foremost it will provide a much-needed boost to efficient public transport to and from Copenhagen, thus helping to reduce traffic congestion in the Greater Copenhagen area; secondly, it will connect two important railway lines and be built above the busiest motorway in Denmark, the Køge Bay Motorway. The station will thus be seen and used by several thousand people every day of the year, either because they park or collect their cars in a new sophisticated and ­super-efficient park and ride facility where they transfer to or from public transport, or because they pass the station while driving on the motorway. Over time, the station will be extended to include additional service facilities that will make it even more attractive.

tilvalgsmodel optional model

konkurrenceprogram competition brief

visionsmodel vision model

station station


byudvikling urban development

perron og gangbro platform and bridge


parker og rejs anlæg park and ride facility

bemærker stationen som trafikant, når man kører på motor­vejen. Ad åre vil stationen blive udbygget med en række yderligere servicefaciliteter, der gør brugen endnu mere oplagt. Vi udskriver nu en arkitektkonkurrence om, hvordan stationen, bestående af en gangbro med tilhørende Parker og Rejsanlæg konkret kan udformes og indpasses i landskabet, hvordan den kan se ud og fungere, og hvordan koblingen til den nye bydel kan udformes. Banedanmark vil være bygherre for gangbroen, og Køge kommune vil være bygherre for Parker og Rejsanlægget. DSB vil efterfølgende stå for apteringen af perronerne uden for denne konkurrence. Vi har indbudt fire topkvalificerede hold, som hver især vil komme med deres bud på opgaven. Til oktober har vi vinderen, der skal hjælpe os med realiseringen. Vi glæder os til at se resultatet.

: :

køge nord ny bydel new urban district

køge nord station

We are now launching the competition for the specific design of the new station, which will consist of a pedestrian bridge and an associated park and ride facility, and the incorporation of those elements into the landscape. Competition entries should illustrate how the station and parking ­facility will look and work, and should also show how the new facilities will be linked to the new urban district. Banedanmark will be the contracting authority in relation to the pedestrian bridge, while Køge Municipality will be the contracting authority in relation to the park and ride facility. DSB will subsequently be in charge of the fitting-out of station platforms in a project outside the scope of this competition. We have invited four highly competent teams to participate in the competition and have asked each of them to present a response to this brief. In October we will know the identity of the winning entrant who will be asked to help us realise the project. We look forward to seeing the outcome.

God arbejdslyst til holdene. We hope the teams will enjoy working with the design. Jesper Hansen, Administrerende direktør, Banedanmark

Jesper Hansen, Chief Executive Officer, Banedanmark

Flemming Christensen, Borgmester, Køge Kommune

Flemming Christensen, Mayor, Køge

Niels A. Dam, Fungerende chef for DSB Ejendomme

Niels A Dam, Acting Head of DSB Properties

køge nord station



baggrund og vision background and vision

Køge Nord Stati

Køge Ringsted © Banedanmark

Køge Kommune

køge nord station

e Kommune


konkurrenceprogram competition brief

Målforhold Dato

1:50000 20/3-2014

København H Ny Ellebjerg

baggrund og vision Background and vision


ion Den nye bane Eksisterende bane Ny station Eksisterende station 0

N 15 km

Den nye bane København-Ringsted I perioden 2010-2018 anlægger Banedanmark en ny dobbeltsporet, elektrificeret jernbane fra København over Køge til Ringsted. Banen bygges til hastigheder på op til 250 km/t for persontog og er Danmarks første jernbane, hvor der kan køre højhastighedstog.

Ved at bygge en ny bane mellem København og Ringsted over Køge bliver det muligt at få en markant bedre køreplan med flere togafgange, kortere rejsetid og færre forsinkelser. Den nye bane København-Ringsted er en del af Timemodellen. Det er en politisk plan om at afkorte rejse­ tiderne mellem landets største byer, så passagererne kan køre med tog mellem hver af byerne København, Odense, Aarhus og Aalborg på en time. Byudvikling ved Køge Nord Station Med en station på København-Ringstedbanen i kombination med en station på S-banen og de nye motorvejsramper på Egedesvej bliver området et regionalt, trafikalt knudepunkt og en oplagt lokalisering for et større Parker og Rejsanlæg.

Det er Køge Kommunes vision, at Køge Nord Station og Køge Nord stationsområde udbygges gradvist i en intensiv udnyttelse af de stationsnære arealer, med mulighed for at kunne tiltrække erhvervs- og forretningsservicevirksomheder. Dette blandt andet gennem etablering af et attraktivt bymiljø omkring den nye station, med fokus på service, effektivitet, tryghed og kvalitet i byrum og inventar. Udbygningen af stationsområdet tager udgangspunkt i en basismodel bestående af en fungerende station, gangbro, adgangsveje og –stier samt et Parker og Rejsanlæg med

The new line Copenhagen-Ringsted In the period 2010-2018, Banedanmark will build a new double-track electrified high-speed railway line between Copenhagen and Ringsted via Køge. The line will be prepared for passenger trains running at speeds of up to 250 km/hr and will be the first in Denmark capable of being used by high-speed trains.

By building a new line between Copenhagen and Ringsted via Køge it will be possible to introduce a considerably improved timetable with more frequent departures, shorter journey times and fewer delays. The new line between Copenhagen and Ringsted is part of the One Hour Target plan, which is a political plan to shorten journey times between the major Danish cities. Once implemented, the plan will mean that journey times between Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus and Aalborg will be one hour from city to city. Urban development at Køge North Station With a station on the Copenhagen-Ringsted line, an S-train station and new motorway ramps at Egedesvej, the area will become a regional transport hub and an obvious location for a large park and ride facility.

It is the vision of Køge Municipality to gradually expand Køge North Station and the Køge North station area through intensive use of the areas located close to the station, thereby attracting commercial enterprises and providers of business services. One way to do this will be to create an attractive urban environment around the new station and the park and ride facility with a focus on service, efficiency, comfort and quality in urban spaces and street furniture.

køge nord station


baggrund og vision background and vision 6

900 p-pladser på terræn. Udbygning vil ske ved fortætning af Parker og Rejsanlægget evt. i konstruktion, kombineret med kontor- og erhvervsservicebyggeri efterhånden, som det store potentiale i den nye station vil blive udnyttet. Den fuldt udbyggede Køge Nord Station og det omkringliggende nære stationsområde forventes at kunne rumme ca. 2.700 Parker og Rejs p-pladser samt ca. 5.000 arbejdspladser. Køge Kommunes visionsskitse Køge Kommunes vision for byudvikling i Køge Nord er at styrke Køges position som regionalt knudepunkt for erhvervsudvikling og udnytte potentialet fuldt ud. Det er målet at udvikle og tiltrække virksomheder gennem eta­ blering af attraktive erhvervsområder med forskellige karakterer, som er målrettet forskellige virksomheder fra de transporttunge erhverv i forlængelse af det eksisterende Skandinavisk Transportcenter over de innovative virksomheder til kontor og serviceerhverv i området ved Køge Nord Station.

Ølsemagle ligger som en kulturhistorisk perle i centrum af den nye erhvervspark, og det er Køge Kommunes vision med afsæt i landsbyens strukturelle og kulturhistoriske kvaliteter at udvikle og fortætte Ølsemagle som boligby mod det stationsnære område med ca. 800-1.000 boliger eller ca. 2.100 indbyggere.

konkurrenceprogram competition brief

The expansion of the station area will be based on a basic model comprising an efficient station, access roads and paths, a pedestrian bridge, as well as a park and ride facility with 900 on-site parking spaces. The expansion will be realised through densification of the park and ride facility, possibly inside built structures, combined with office and business service facilities built gradually as the great potential of the new station is realised. When fully developed, Køge North Station and the surrounding station area are expected to have in the region of 2,700 park and ride spaces and employment for about 5,000 people. the vision of køge municipality The vision of Køge Municipality for urban development in Køge North is to strengthen Køge’s position as a regional business development hub and to fully exploit its potential. The objective is to develop and attract enterprises through the creation of a range of different, attractive business zones targeted at a wide range of industries, ranging from transport-intensive businesses centred around the existing Scandinavian Transport Centre to innovative enterprises and office and service businesses in the area around Køge North Station.

Ølsemagle is a historic gem at the centre of the new business park, and it is the vision of Køge Municipality to develop and densify Ølsemagle as a residential area close to the station. This plan will be based on the structural and historic qualities of the village and create 800-1,000 homes for about 2,100 people.

baggrund og vision background and vision

køge kommunes visionsskitse the vision for urban development

køge nord station



konkurrenceområdet competition site


des vej







lev ej







lev ej

konkurrenceprogram competition brief






mod nord looking north

mod syd looking south

konkurrenceområdet competition site



ej Egedesv

køge nord station


konkurrenceområdet competition site

Konkurrenceområdet competition site


nord north











gle ve j

konkurrenceprogram competition brief



es ve j

konkurrenceområdet competition site

fra egedesvej view from egedesvej

adgang fra øst entrance from east

snogebækstien snogebækstien

ølsemagle landsby ølsemagle village

fra ølsemaglevej view from ølsemaglevej

køge nord station


konkurrenceområdet competition site

Scandinavisk Transportcenter Ølsemagle

Snogebækstien Ølsemaglevej


mod øst looking east


konkurrenceprogram competition brief


konkurrenceområdet competition site

mod nord ved ølsemaglevej looking north at ølsemaglevej



es ve j

viewpoint 1








lev ej viewpoint 2

køge nord station

Køge Kommune


konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment

konkurrenceprogram competition brief


konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment



Gangbro (bygherre Banedanmark) Forslag til en gangbro ca. 200 m lang og fri bredde på min. 4,5 m (bredden kan variere f.eks. på grund af passagerflowet). Gangbroen skal spænde over den kommende dobbeltsporede jernbane mellem København og Ringsted, Køge Bugt Motorvejen og den eksisterende dobbeltsporede S-togs linje mellem Køge og Hillerød. Gangbroen har som formål at forbinde perronerne ved de to baner med en kort og naturlig passage, så passagererne nemt kan skifte mellem fjern- og regionaltog og S-tog. Broen skal af hensyn til komforten overdækkes og afskærmes samt forsynes med trapper og elevatorer til perronerne.

pedestrian brIdge (client: Banedanmark) Entrants are asked to present a proposal for a pedestrian bridge that is about 200 metres long and at least 4.5 metres wide (the width may vary for reasons such as passenger flows). The pedestrian bridge is to span the future dual-­ track railway between Copenhagen and Ringsted and the existing dual-­track S-train line between Køge and Hille­rød. The pedestrian bridge should be a short and natural connection between the platforms of the two railway lines that makes it easy for passengers to transfer between long-­ distance/regional trains and S-trains. With comfort in mind, the bridge should be covered and screened, and it should also feature stairs and lifts to the platforms.

Trapper fra perronerne på fjernbanen skal have en fri bredde på min. 2,5 m. På S-banen må trapperne have en fri bredde på min. 2 m. Der skal indbygges cykelslisker i alle trapper. Det er muligt at overdække trapperne til gangbroen, frihøjden fra overkant trappe til underkant tag skal være minimum 2,83 m. Elevatorstole skal have kapacitet til mindst 10 og højst 12 personer, udvendig dimension på elevatorer må ikke overstige trappernes udvendige breddemål. Belægninger på perroner og afvanding til fastlagte udledningspunkter jf. bilag 6 vil indgå i projekteringsfasen. I bilag 1 er de tekniske krav til belægninger beskrevet. Banedanmark vil udarbejde et detailprojekt for aptering af perroner. Vinderen skal i projekteringsfasen forholde sig til denne apteringsplan. Installering af aptering vil senere blive udbudt i en særskilt entreprise. Aptering vil være standardaptering og leveres af bygherre. Information om indretning og aptering af perronerne, se bilagene 1 og 10.


The horizontal clearance of stairs from the long-distance train platforms to the pedestrian bridge should be at least 2.5 metres. Stairs leading to and from S-train platforms should have a clear width of at least 2 metres. All stairs should feature bike ramps. Stairs leading to the pedestrian bridge may be covered and should then have a vertical clearance of at least 2.83 metres from the top of steps to the soffit of the roof. Lift cars should have a capacity for at least 10 but no more than 12 people. The exterior dimensions of the lifts should not exceed the exterior width of the stairs. Hard surfaces on platforms and discharge of water to fixed discharge points (see Annex 6) will be part of the services to be provided in the design phase. Annex 1 sets out the technical requirements applying to hard surfacing. Banedanmark will prepare a detailed platform design showing how the platforms will be fitted out. The winning

køge nord station


konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment


Gangbroen bør i sit arkitektoniske koncept spille op til de to store infrastrukturanlæg, bane og motorvej. Den skal fremtræde enkel, men markant set fra motorvejen, og den skal falde godt ind i landskabet. Gangbroen bør være et ikon for stationen, da stationen er en vigtig regional/ national station.


Der skal være udsigt fra gangbroen til omgivelserne og himlen, så passagererne kan følge vejrliget og døgnets skiftende lys. Det skal indtænkes i gangbroens design, hvordan gangbroen ”lander” på både øst og vestsiden. Hvad er det for en rumlighed, der opstår, og hvordan er overgangen mellem Parker og Rejsanlægget og gangbro? Materialer, drift og vedligehold

Det står deltagerne frit for at foreslå materialer, som lever op til den overordnede målsætning om en moderne, funktionel og bæredygtig gangbro. Gangbroens bærende konstruktion skal have en levetid på mindst 120 år. Den skal være let at vedligeholde for en overkommelig pris. Der skal f.eks. tænkes i antigraffiti-løsninger. Såfremt der anvendes transparente materialer i gangbroen, bør det have en hældning, så det rengøres udvendigt af regnvandet. Gangbroen skal kunne bruges og vedligeholdes på en måde, som ikke skaber problemer for motorvej og bane i drift.

The architectural concept chosen for the pedestrian bridge should fit into the context of the two large infrastructural elements in the area: the railway and the motorway. Its design should be simple, yet distinctive when seen from the motorway, and the bridge should also blend well into the landscape. The pedestrian bridge should serve as an icon for the station, highlighting the station’s role as an important station in the regional and national railway network. The pedestrian bridge should offer views of the sky and the surrounding landscape so that train passengers can see what the weather is like and follow the changing light over the course of the day. When designing the pedestrian bridge, entrants should pay particular attention to the way in which the bridge ‘abuts’ on both the east and west sides. What kind of spatiality does it create, and how does the transition between the park and ride facility and the bridge work? Materials, operation and maintenance


Frihøjden fra overside skinne til underside gangbro vil ­variere, men fremgår af bilag 3. I bilag 3 og 4 er der redegjort for de geometriske begrænsninger, som gangbroens udformning er underlagt. Teknik- og depotrum

I eller i umiddelbar nærhed af gangbroen har DSB brug for et teknikrum på 5-6 m2 ved S-togsperronerne på østsiden af stationen. Banedanmark har brug for et rum til tekniske installationer på vestsiden af stationen på 10 m2.


entrant should take this fitting-out design into account in the design phase. A special contract for the fitting out of platforms will be tendered at a later date. Standard fitting-out elements will be used and will be supplied by the client. For layout and fitting-out of platforms, see Annexes 1 and 10.

Entrants are free to choose the materials they prefer as long as they meet the overall objective of building a contemporary, functional and sustainable pedestrian bridge. The anticipated lifetime of the bridge’s load-bearing structures should be at least 120 years. It should be possible to maintain the bridge at low cost. Anti-graffiti solutions should be incorporated into the design, and all transparent elements in the pedestrian bridge should be sloping to ensure that the exterior will be kept clean by rainwater. It should be possible to use and maintain the pedestrian bridge in a way that does not cause disturbance to the operation of the motorway and railway.

Derudover er der behov for et rengøringsrum på 8 m2 på øst- eller vestsiden af stationen.


Udover de beskrevne teknik- og rengøringsrum skal der etableres vejadgang til et område for tekniske installa­

The vertical clearance from the top of the permanent way to the soffit of the pedestrian bridge will vary, but is indicated in Annex 3. Annexes 3 and 4 set out the geometrical

konkurrenceprogram competition brief

constraints that apply to the design of the pedestrian bridge.

Parker og Rejsanlæg (bygherre Køge kommune) Forslag til et Parker og Rejsanlæg med plads til 900 ppladser på terræn fordelt med 2-300 pladser ved S-banen og 6-700 ved fjernbanen.

Technical rooms and storage rooms

Til- og frakørselsforhold, afsætningspladser,

DSB needs a technical room with a floor area of 5-6 m2 inside or very close to the footbridge. It should be located at the S-train platforms on the eastern side of the station. Banedanmark needs a 10 m2 room for technical installations on the western side of the station.

privatbiler, bus og taxi

Forslaget skal angive stationens passager-flow med tilog frakørselsforhold, afsætningspladser, busholdepladser, cykelparkering, adgangsforhold fra p-pladser over gangbro til og fra perroner. Der skal etableres 15 Kys og Kør pladser ved fjerntogsstationen og 10 ved S-togstationen. Ved hver station skal der etableres tre busholdepladser og fem taxi-afsætningspladser. Det er vigtigt, at disse er synlige og med let adgang til og fra stationen. Stationsforpladserne skal indrettes, så busser kan køre ubesværet rundt uden at være til gene for øvrig trafik. Køge Kommune vurderer, at der er behov for 12 handicap­ parkeringspladser, fordelt med otte ved fjerntogsstationen og fire ved s-togsstationen. Cykelparkering

Det skal være attraktivt at cykle til stationen fra nær­ oplandet. Cykelstativerne skal placeres så tæt ved perron­ adgangen som muligt uden at være til gene for fodgængere til trapperne. Se mere på http://www.cyklistforbundet. dk/Alt-om-cykling/Cykling/Parkering eller http://www. cycling-embassy.dk/2010/08/16/bicycle-parking-manual/ Der skal etableres ca. 300 cykelparkeringspladser ved fjerntogsstationen og 350 cykelparkeringspladser ved Stogsstationen, hvoraf de 300 cykelparkeringspladser skal placeres med direkte tilknytning til Snogebækstien. Der skal derudover afsættes plads til 30 by-/pendlercykler. 50% af cykelparkeringspladserne skal være overdækkede.

An 8 m2 room for cleaning equipment is required on either the eastern or western side of the station. In addition to the technical rooms and cleaning storage room mentioned above, roads leading to an approximately 120 m2 area for technical installations are needed. The area will be established at the long-distance railway tracks under another contract; see Annex 6. Park and ride facility (Client: køge municipality) Entrants are asked to present a proposal for a park and ride facility with 900 on-site parking spaces: 200-300 spaces at the S-train station and 600-700 spaces at the station for long-distance trains. Access and exit routes, set-down areas for private cars, buses and taxis

Entries should illustrate station passenger flows including access and exit routes, set-down areas, bus stop areas, bicycle parking facilities and access routes between parking spaces and station platforms via the pedestrian bridge. Fifteen kiss and ride spaces at the station for long­distance trains are required. Ten such places are required at the S-train station.

konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment

tioner på ca. 120 m2, der placeres af anden entreprise ved fjernbanen, se bilag 6.

At each station, three bus stop areas and a set-down area for five taxis are required. It is important that these areas and spaces are clearly visible and offer easy access to and from the station. The layout of station forecourts should facilitate easy circulation of buses while at the same time ensuring that buses will not cause any disturbance to other road users.

Landskabsplan og grønne elementer

Med til det samlede stationsområde med Parker og Rejs-

Køge Municipality estimates that twelve disabled parking

køge nord station


konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment

anlæg hører forslag til en landskabsplan, som anviser koblingen til den eksisterende by mod øst og den nye by mod vest, herunder også koblingen til det eksisterende stisystem. Beplantning i stationsområdet ønskes som udgangspunkt etableret som grupper af træer frem for solitære træer for at opnå beplantningsvoluminer, der kan modsvare Parker og Rejsanlæggets størrelse.

VISIONSMODEL, KRAV OG ØNSKER Gangbro Gangbro forsynet med ekstra funktioner og evt. udbygget med et bygningsvolumen til stationsformål.

Forslag til en gangbro som beskrevet under basismodellen suppleret med funktioner til: Venteophold, servicefaciliteter og indkøb

Til dette formål skal deltagerne komme med forslag til et bygningsvolumen på op til 3.000 m2 i en eller flere etager, fritliggende på begge sider af de to banelegemer (fortrinsvis mod vest), eller delvist påbygget/integreret i basisbroen. Planerne for brugen af arealerne er på nuværende tidspunkt ikke konkretiserede, men Køge Kommune ønsker, at mulighederne står åbne for at udvide stationen med vente-, service- og indkøbsfunktioner, der kan gøre det endnu mere attraktivt at benytte stationen. Deltagerne opfordres derfor samtidig til at pege på muligheder for brugen af arealerne. Kunstnerisk udsmykning

Hører sammen med ønsket om at gøre opholdet på stationen til en attraktiv oplevelse. Parker og Rejsanlæg Forslag til udvidelse af Parker og Rejsanlægget, evt. i konstruktion, til et samlet anlæg med i alt 2.700 p-pladser, der gerne må sætte nye standarder for fremtidens Parker og Rejsanlæg. Fordelingen af p-pladserne på de to sider er ikke fastlagt, men hovedparten placeres mod vest.

spaces are needed: eight at the station for long-distance trains and four at the S-train station. Bicycle parking

It should be an attractive choice for people living in the immediate catchment area to cycle to the station. Bicycle racks should be located as close to the platform access as possible without causing nuisance to pedestrians using the stairs. More information is available at http://www. cyklistforbundet.dk/Alt-om-cykling/Cykling/Parkering or http://www-cycling-embassy.dk/2010/08/16/bicycle-parking-manual. A total of about 300 bicycle parking spaces are needed for the station for long-distance trains, and 350 spaces are needed at the S-train station. Of these, 300 should be located with direct connection to Snogebækstien. In addition, 30 spaces for city/commuter bikes are required. Fifty per cent of the bicycle parking spaces should be under cover. Landscape plan and green elements

The proposal for the station area including the park and ride facility should include a proposal for a landscape plan that illustrates how the area is linked to the existing town to the east and the new town to the west, as well as to the existing network of paths. Any planting schemes proposed should generally feature groups of trees rather than solitary trees in order to achieve a planting volume that matches the size of the new park and ride facilities.

VISION MODEL: WISHES AND REQUIREMENTS pedestrian bridge Pedestrian bridge with extra functions and possibly extended with a floor area for station purposes.

Entrants are requested to present a proposal for a pedestrian bridge of the type described as the basic model, supplemented with the following facilities: Waiting area, service facilities and retail facilities

Hele parkeringsanlægget skal være overskueligt, let og trygt at bruge og kan evt. indeholde faciliteter, som let-


konkurrenceprogram competition brief

The proposal should feature a building with a floor area of up to 3,000 m2 on one or more levels. The floor area may

be laid out as detached buildings on both sides of the two permanent ways (primarily to the west) or as an addition to or integrated part of the basic bridge.

Blandt andet af hensyn til afstanden fra fjerntliggende ppladser til knudepunkterne ved gangbro/perroner ønskes – gerne visionære – forslag til hvorledes de samlede flows mellem Parker og Rejsanlæg og de to baner kan udformes.

The plans for the utilisation of the area are currently not finalised, but Køge Municipality wishes to leave open the option of extending the station to include waiting, service and shopping facilities that can make it even more attractive for people to use the station. Entrants are also asked to suggest further use of the area.

Samlet stationsområde med Parker og Rejsanlæg Den nye station med Parker og Rejsanlæg skal opleves som et samlet anlæg, der sætter den rejsende i centrum. Samtidig skal stationsområdet udgøre basen for den nye bydel Køge Nord. Særligt den vestligt beliggende stationsforplads har potentiale som et aktiv for såvel stationen, Parker og Rejsanlægget og den nye bydel. Landskabsplan Forslag til en overordnet landskabsplan for hele konkurrenceområdet med koblingen til den nye by vest for stationen indarbejdet i planen jf. afsnit 2. Byudvikling ved Køge Nord Station.

Artistic decoration

Artistic decoration is part of the effort to make it attractive to spend time at the station. Park and ride facility Entrants are requested to present a proposal for an extension of the park and ride facility, possibly in a built structure, so that the facility as a whole will have a total of 2,700 parking spaces. The facility should preferably set new standards for future park and ride facilities. The distribution of parking spaces on the two sides has not yet been determined, but the majority of them should be on the western side.

The parking facility should be secure, easy to navigate and easy to use. It may include facilities such as simple auto services, car wash services, etc. Entrants should illustrate possible covered walkway connections between the parking facilities and the station forecourts. For reasons including the long distances from remote parking spaces to the nodes at the pedestrian bridge and platforms, entrants are asked to present proposals, which should preferably be visionary, for the overall flows be­ tween the park and ride facilities and the two railway lines.

konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment

tere autoservice, bilvask m.m. Der ønskes illustreret muligheder for overdækkede gangforbindelser mellem parkering og forpladser.

Coherent station area with park and ride facility The new station and the park and ride facilities should be experienced as a coherent whole with a focus on passengers. In addition, the station area should be the central base of the new Køge North district. The western station forecourt in particular offers great potential to be an asset in relation to the station, the park and ride facility and the new town. Landscape plan Entrants are requested to present a general landscape

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konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment

TILVALGSMODEL KRAV OG ØNSKER Gangbro (bygherre Banedanmark) Udvidelse af gangbroen med rullefortove Deltagerne skal arbejde med løsninger til en gangbro i tilvalgsmodellen, hvori der indgår rullende fortov i begge retninger. Løsningen kan enten bestå i, at man udformer gangbroen i tilvalgsmodellen med udgangspunkt i basismodellens arkitektur eller som helt selvstændigt design. Den fornødne højde i dækket er til stede fra starten og konstruktionerne er forberedte på at kunne bære vægten af rullefortovene. Solcelleanlæg

Deltagerne skal indtænke mulighederne for at indbygge solceller på gangbroen med henblik på helt eller delvist at dække stationens energibehov.

NORMER, REGLEMENTER OG ANVISNINGER Oversigt over teknisk grundmateriale I konkurrencematerialet skal der tages hensyn til de tekniske rammekrav jf. bilagsmaterialet Norms and Standards, The New Line Copenhagen-Ringsted, bilag 01B. Konkurrencedeltagerne forpligter sig til at designe en løsning, som overholder den økonomiske ramme. Udførselsbetingelser I forbindelse med konkurrencematerialet skal udførsels­ metoden beskrives, da arbejdet skal foregå ved motorvej og S-bane i drift. Der skal ligeledes tages hensyn til andre entrepriser inden for konkurrenceområdet, som det fremgår af bilag 5.

S-banen vil være i drift under byggeriet af gangbroen, hvorfor det vil være relevant at reservere sporspærring til udførelse af arbejdet. Behandlingstiden for ansøgninger om sporspærring er ca. 1 år. Motorvejen vil ligeledes være i drift under byggeriet af broen, hvorfor det vil være relevant at sikre trafikomlægning eller lukning af kørebaner på forhånd. Behandlingstiden for ansøgninger om dette er ca. 2 måneder. Gangbroen skal kunne bygges inden for perioden mellem 1. november 2016 og 1. april 2017.


konkurrenceprogram competition brief

plan for the entire competition site, illustrating links to the new town to the west of the station; see section 2 Urban development at Køge North Station.

OPTIONAL MODEL: WISHES AND REQUIREMENTS pedestrian bridge (Client: banedanmark) Extension of pedestrian bridge to include travelators When working with the optional model, entrants are requested to include a pedestrian bridge design that features travelators in both directions. Such a solution may either consist of a pedestrian bridge based on the architecture of the basic model or be a completely separate design. The slab will have the necessary height from the outset, and the structures will be prepared for the load of the travelators. Solar cell system

Entrants are asked to illustrate the potential for incorporating solar cells into the pedestrian bridge with a view to generating energy that would fully or partly meet the station’s energy requirements.

STANDARDS, REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS BASIC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The technical framework requirements set out in Annex 01B, Norms and standards for The New Line CopenhagenRingsted, should be taken into account in the entries submitted. Entrants have an obligation to present a design that stays within the budgetary framework applying to the competition. EXECUTION CONSTRAINTS Entrants are requested to explain execution methods in their entries, taking into account that the work will be carried out close to and above a motorway and an S-train railway in operation. Entrants should also take into account that other contracts will be executed at the competition site; see Annex 5.

The S-train line will be in service during the execution of the civil works contract for the construction of the pedestrian bridge. It will therefore be relevant to reserve track possession, for which the notice period is about twelve months.

Relevante normer for baner – i relation til gangbroen særligt med hensyn til afstand til kørestrøm – skal ligeledes iagttages i konkurrenceforslaget. Se vedlagte bilagsmateriale. Vejregler Vejdirektoratets gældende vejregler jf. http://vejdirektoratet.dk/da/vejsektor/vejregler-og-tilladelser/vejregler/ sider/default.aspx Bygningsreglement BR 10 BR 10 er gældende for projektet i relevant omfang. Specielt henledes opmærksomheden på flg.: Kapitel 3. Indretning og 3.2 Adgangsforhold/Tilgængelighed

Herunder henvisning til DS-håndbog 105 og SBI Tjeklister til BR 10 for personer med handicap. Kapitel 4.3. Glas

Glaspartier, glasfacader og/eller glaskonstruktioner skal udføres og dimensioneres, så der opnås sikkerhedsmæssigt tilfredsstillende forhold mod personskader. Henvisning til SBI anvisninger 215 og 230, DS/INF 119 bygningsglas og DS 410. Banedanmark ønsker ikke glasværn over køreledninger. Tilgængelighed Deltagerne skal sikre den bedst mulige adgang for alle til det samlede anlæg. Køge Kommune har en handicap­ politik, som følges af en handleplan, der i forhold til tilgængelighed i de fysiske omgivelser bl.a. skal sikre handicap-parkeringspladser samt at tilgængelighedsforholdene til offentligt byggeri er overholdt i forhold til BR 10. Komfort Ved gangbroens konstruktion skal der tages hensyn til at trækgener mindskes mest muligt.

Ved anvendelse af stål og glas i brokonstruktionerne skal det sikres, at der ikke opstår kondensdryp i gangarealerne. Gangbroens rum forventes ikke at blive opvarmet.

The motorway will also be in operation during the construction of the pedestrian bridge, and road closures or traffic diversions will therefore be necessary. The processing time for applications for road closures and traffic diversions is about two months. It should be possible to construct the pedestrian bridge in the period from 1 November 2016 to 1 April 2017. Railway standards In connection with the detailed design of the pedestrian bridge, the stairs, connections to platforms, etc, the winning team is required to meet relevant railway standards issued by Banedanmark and others. In relation to the pedestrian bridge, this is particularly important as regards the distance to traction power elements. See the attached annexes. Road regulations Applicable Road Directorate regulations. See: http:/vej­ direktoratet.dk/da/vejsektor/vejregler-og-tilladelser/vejregler/sider/default.aspx BR 10 Building Regulations The BR 10 Building Regulations apply to the project wherever relevant. Special attention should be paid to the following chapters and sections: Chapter 3. Design, layout and fitting out of buildings and 3.2 Access/accessibility

Reference is also made to the DS 105 Manual and the SBI Checklists for BR 10 regarding people with disabilities. Chapter 4.3 Glass

Glazed panels, glass exterior surfaces and structural glazing should be designed and executed in a way that ensures adequate protection against personal injury. Reference is made to SBI guidelines 215 and 230, DS/INF 119 Glass in buildings and DS 410. Banedanmark does not want any glass shielding above catenaries.

konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment

Normer for banen I forbindelse med den videre projektering af gangbro, trapper og tilslutning til perroner mv. vil det vindende team skulle kunne overholde Banenormer etc.

Accessibility Entrants should ensure optimal accessibility for everyone to the entire complex. Køge has adopted a disability policy that has been followed up by an action plan setting out guidelines concerning accessibility in the physical environment, aiming to ensure an adequate number of disabled parking spaces and compliance with the rules on accessibility in public buildings set out in BR 10.

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konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment 22

Bæredygtighed, miljøambitioner Det forventes, at deltagerne i alle skalatrin i projektet indtænker bæredygtige løsninger. Eksempler på bæredygtige tiltag i dette projekt kunne være:

Comfort In their structural design of the pedestrian bridge, entrants are requested to ensure that draughts are reduced to a minimum.

Anlæg • Montagemetoder og transport til byggeplads, lavt CO2 forbrug • Materialevalg, livscyclus og upcycling • Patinering kontra forfald • LED-belysning

If steel and glass are used in the bridge structures, dripping condensation in walking areas should be avoided. Pedestrian bridge spaces are not expected to be heated.

Drift • Sikre lave drifts- og vedligeholdelsesudgifter i broens og bygningernes levetid • Regnvandshåndtering Designmanual og Informationskoncept DSB’s designmanual for standardaptering på stationer og DSB’s Informationskoncept for stationer indgår som bilag 17 og 18.

Sustainability, environmental ambitions Entrants are expected at all stages of the project to incorporate sustainable solutions into their design. Examples of sustainable solutions in this project are:

Structures • Installation methods, transport to building site, small CO2 footprint • Selection of materials, product life cycles and upcycling • Patina versus delapidation • LED lighting Operation • Low operating and maintenance costs in the lifetime of the bridge and buildings • Rainwater management Design manual and information concept The DSB Design Manual for the standard fitting-out of stations and the DSB Information Concept are annexed to this competition brief as Annexes 17 and 18.

konkurrenceprogram competition brief

konkurrenceopgaven Competition assignment


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budget budget

budget Gangbro og Parker og Rejsanlæg skal i basismodellen kunne realiseres inden for en økonomisk ramme på 85,0 mio. DKK for gangbroen og 30,0 mio. DKK for basis Parker og Rejsanlægget. Køge kommune forbeholder sig ret til at udbygge Parker og rejsanlægget etapevis.

budget It must be possible to realise the pedestrian bridge and the park and ride facility within a budgetary framework of DKK 85 million and DKK 30 million respectively. Køge Municipality reserves the right to decide to build the park and ride facility in stages.

Beløbene er i 01.01.2014 Byggeomkostningsindeks for Anlæg: 180,43 for Parker og Rejsanlæg, og gennemsnittet af Reguleringsindeks for Betonkonstruktioner 167,51 og Reguleringsindeks for Jernkonstruktioner 168,21 lig med 167,86. Beløbene er eksklusiv rådgiverhonorar og øvrige omkostninger.

The amounts are based on the Road Construction Cost Index of 1 January 2014 (180.43 for park and ride facilities) and the average of the Construction Cost Index for Concrete Structures (167.51) and the Construction Cost Index for Iron Structures (168.21) or 167.86 exclusive of consultants’ fees and other expenses.

Visionsmodel og Tilvalg er ikke prissat.

No budget limit has been fixed for the vision model and the optional elements.

konkurrenceprogram competition brief


Tidsplan Gangbro og Parker og Rejsanlæg, basismodel Bygherrerne og vinderen/vinderne udarbejder efter konkurrencen tidsplanen for projektes faser frem til ibrugtagningen, som er ultimo 2018.

Banedanmark forbeholder sig ret til at anmode vinderen af gangbroen om at etablere sig i Projektkontoret for Den nye bane København-Ringsted beliggende Ringager 4B, 2605 Brøndby i for- og hovedprojektfasen. Køge Kommune vil indgå kontrakt for basismodellen for Parker og Rejsanlægget. De 400 af p-pladserne samt tilog frakørselsforhold, afsætningspladser, busholdeplads, handicapparkering og cykelparkering skal være etableret inden udgangen af 2018. Konkret tidsplan aftales. De resterende 500 p-pladser i basismodellen for Parker og Rejsanlægget forbeholder Køge Kommune sig ret til at etablere etapevis.


Time schedule pedestrian bridge and park and ride facilities: basic model The clients and the winner(s) of the competition will subsequently determine the programme for the various project stages until commissioning, which is sche­duled for late 2018.

Banedanmark reserves the right to ask the winner of the competition concerning the pedestrian bridge to set up office at the premises of the Project Office for The New Line Copen­hagen-Ringsted, situate at 4B Ringager, DK2605 Brøndby, in the preliminary and detailed design stages. Køge Municipality intends to enter into a contract for the realisation of the basic model for the park and ride facility. Four hundred parking spaces as well as access and exit roads, set-down areas, bus stop areas, disabled parking spaces and bicycle parking facilities will be established by the end of 2018. The specific time schedule for the works will be agreed. Køge Municipality reserves the right to establish the remaining 500 parking spaces in the basic model for the park and ride facility in stages.

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uddybende oplysninger further information

konkurrenceprogram competition brief


uddybende oplysninger further information

Den nye Bane København-Ringsted Detaljerede oplysninger om Den nye bane KøbenhavnRingsted kan hentes på http://www.bane.dk/visModul­ beholder.asp?artikelID=17731 (dansk og engelsk).

The new line Copenhagen-Ringsted Detailed information about The New Line CopenhagenRingsted is available at http://www.bane.dk/visModulbeholder.asp?artikelID=17731 (in Danish and English).


Anticipated number of passengers

1. ”Halv udbygning 2025 + 900 P+R pladser”: ca. 4.000 af- og påstigere, heraf 1.800 fra P+R. 1.050 indb. inden for 500 m fra stationen. 3.000-3.500 arbejdspladser, størstedelen inden for 500 m fra stationen. 900 P+R pladser.

1. Half extension 2025 + 900 park and ride parking spaces: approximately 4,000 people coming to or leaving the station by train each day, of whom 1,800 via the park and ride facility. Number of people living within a radius of 500 metres from the station: 1,050 Number of jobs in workplaces close to the station, the majority within a distance of 500 metres from the station: 3,000–3,500 Number of park and ride spaces: 900

2. ”Fuld udbygning 2040 + 2700 P+R pladser”: ca. 8.500 af- og påstigere, heraf 5.400 fra P+R. 2.100 indb. inden for 500 m fra stationen. 6.000-7.000 arbejdspladser, størstedelen inden for 500 m fra stationen. 2.700 P+R pladser. Antal tog

Antal regional- og fjerntog der standser ved Køge Nord station på en hverdag: I dagtimerne 3 tog/time/retning. I de øvrige timer 2 tog/time/retning. Antal gennemkørende tog på en hverdag: 3 tog/time/retning (2014). Antal S-tog der standser ved Køge Nord station på en hverdag: I dagtimer 6 tog/time/retning. I de øvrige timer 3 tog/time/retning (2014). Køge Bugt Motorvejen Broen skal passere Køge Bugt Motorvejen, som er Danmarks mest trafikerede motorvej med en trafikmængde omkring 100.000 køretøjer i døgnet. Motorvejen udvides i perioden frem til 2018 fra seks til otte spor.


2. Full extension 2040 + 2,700 park and ride spaces: approximately 8,500 people coming to or leaving the station by train, of whom 5,400 via the park and ride facility. Number of people living within a radius of 500 metres from the station: 2,100 Number of jobs in workplaces close to the station, the majority within a distance of 500 metres from the station: 6,000 – 7,000 Number of park and ride spaces: 2,700 Number of trains

Number of regional and long-distance trains stopping at Køge North Station on weekdays: During the day: 3 trains/ hour/direction. Outside daytime hours: 2 trains/hour/direction. Number of through trains on weekdays: 3 trains/ hour/direction (2014).

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uddybende oplysninger further information

Information om motorvejen og udvidelsen kan hentes på http://www.vejdirektoratet.dk/DA/vejprojekter/m10/­ Sider/default.aspx (kun på dansk).

Number of S-trains stopping at Køge North Station on weekdays: During the day: 6 trains/hour/direction. Outside daytime hours: 3 trains/hour/direction (2014).

Ved forslag til udbygningen af Parker og Rejsanlægget i området øst for Køge Bugt Motorvejen, skal der være plads til at motorvejen i fremtiden kan udbygges med 10. spor. Det betyder, at evt. bygninger skal placeres således, at de også kan fungere efter en evt. motorvejsudvidelse. Vejdirektoratet har derfor byggelinjer langs Motorvejen, som ud over at sikre vejens udvidelse, sikrer hensynet til ”færdslens tarv”. Det er ikke muligt at give en konkret afstand i forhold til placering af bygninger m.m. af blivende art indenfor byggelinjen, men som udgangspunkt kan der regnes med en ”respektafstand” på 20 m fra kørebanekanten af det ottende spor af hensyn til vejens udvidelse. De endelige afstandskrav afhænger af flere forhold blandt andet udformning af evt. skråningsanlæg, autoværn m.m.

Køge Bay Motorway The bridge required will cross the Køge Bay Motorway, which with a traffic load in the region of 100,000 vehicles a day is the busiest motorway in Denmark. In the period up to 2018, the motorway will be widened from a dualthree to a dual-four lane motorway. Information about the motorway and its widening is available at http://www.vejdirektoratet.dk/DA/vejprojekter/m10/Sider/default.aspx (in Danish only).

Intern vejtrafik De nye tilkørselsveje til konkurrenceområdet vil blive opført i andre entrepriser, og de må ikke foreslås flyttet. Overkørsler kan evt. flyttes, hvilke fremgår af kortmaterialet bilag 6. Stier Snogebækstien er en eksisterende sti i området og vil fremadrettet blive en primær sti til stationen for beboere i Ølby Lyng. Det eksisterende stisystem skal som udgangspunkt bevares, og koblingen mellem stationen og stisystemet skal indtænkes i konkurrencen. Støj Den primære støjkilde i området er Køge Bugt Motorvejen.

Boligområdet øst for S-togsstationen er i dag skærmet for støj ved en støjvold suppleret med støjskærme. Såfremt der ændres på dette anlæg, må støjbilledet ikke forværres, men gerne forbedres. Støjforholdene fremgår af VVM rede­gørelsen Udbygning af Køge Bugt Motorvejen mellem Greve Syd og Køge, kapitel 6 side 34. Redegørelsen kan hentes på http://www.vejdirektoratet.dk (kun på dansk). I forbindelse med udbygningen etableres en ny støjdæmpende belægning. Udover støj fra motorvejen, vil der særligt vest for stationen være øget støj i forbindelse med den nye bane. Støjfor-


konkurrenceprogram competition brief

Proposals for the extension of the park and ride facility in the area to the east of the Køge Bay Motorway must allow for a future widening of the motorway to a dual-five ­motorway. This means that the location of any new structures proposed should allow for such widening of the ­motorway. The Danish Road Directorate has laid down building zone lines along the motorway that serve not only to allow a later widening of the motorway but also to ensure optimal and smooth circulation of traffic. It is currently not possible to indicate any specific distance to permanent buildings and other structures from the building lines, but entrants may take into account that there should be a ‘respect distance’ of 20 metres from the outer edges of the dual-four motorway so as to allow for widening of the motorway. The final distance requirement will depend on several factors such as the design of slopes, if any, safety barriers, etc. Local road infrastructure The new access roads to the competition site will be established under other contracts, and entrants may not suggest relocation of them. Road crossings may be relocated as illustrated on the maps in Annex 6. Paths In the future, Snogebækstien will be the primary footpath to the station for people living in Ølby Lyng. The current system of paths should generally be preserved, and links between the station and the paths should be incorporated into competition entries. Noise The main source of noise in the area is the Køge Bay Motorway.

Parker og Rejsanlægget må meget gerne have en støjdæmpende effekt, særligt for den fremtidige by vest for Køge Nord Station. Komfort og Tryghed Både gangbro og Parker og Rejsanlæg skal indrettes med særlig fokus på komfort og tryghed.

Det skal være hurtigt og nemt at bruge stationen og behageligt at opholde sig på den. Det skal være let at komme af med bil og cykel samt at stige om til eller fra bus. Derudover skal det være overskueligt og trygt at efterlade sin bil og cykel på stationen. Udstyret og indretningen på både gangbro og Parker og Rejsanlæg skal være så transparent som muligt. Basisgangbro og elevatorer bør i vid udstrækning udføres i transparent materiale. Der skal være tilstrækkeligt og behageligt lys. Der opsættes overvågningskameraer ved adgangsveje og på perron­ er samt ved parkeringsanlægget. Bymiljø og landskab Kulturhistoriske interesser Stationsområdet grænser op mod stjerneudstykningen omkring Ølsemagle landsby. Ølsemagle landsby er udpeget som bevaringsområde og kulturmiljø. Geologiske forhold

Banedanmark har foretaget prøveboringer. Det vurderes, at der ikke er forhold af relevans for konkurrencen. Terræn og jordbalance

Såfremt der foreslåes større terrænændringer, skal al jord forblive inden for konkurrenceområdet. Der skal indregnes et jordoverskud fra andre entrepriser i området på ca. 5000 m3 muldjord, der skal indarbejdes inden for konkurrenceområdet. Ligeledes vil et areal ved S-banen være terrænreguleret jf. bilag 6. Regnvandsbassiner i området

Regnvandsbassiner i konkurrenceområdet skal bibeholdes. Der skal sikres kørende adgang til pumpestationer og regnvandsbassiner. Dog kan der i visionsmodellen stil-

The residential area to the east of the S-train station is currently protected against noise by an earth mound supplemented by noise barriers. Changes proposed to these structures should not increase noise levels, but preferably reduce them. The noise levels are set out on page 34 of Chapter 6 of the EIA report entitled Udbygning af Køge Bugt Motorvejen mellem Greve Syd og Køge [Extension of the Køge Bay Motorway between Greve South and Køge]. The report is available at http://www.vejdirektoratet.dk (in Danish only). A new low-noise surface course will be used for the extension. In addition to noise from the motorway, noise will be generated by the new railway line, especially to the west of the station. The noise levels are set out in the EIA report concerning the new structures. The park and ride facility should preferably have some noise-abating effect, particularly in the future urban agglomeration to the west of Køge North Station. Comfort and security Both the pedestrian bridge and the park and ride facility should be designed with a focus on comfort and security.

It should be quick and easy to use the station and it should be a pleasant experience to spend time there. It should also be easy to park cars and bicycles and uncomplicated to transfer to and from connecting bus lines. Furthermore, car and bicycle parking at the station should be safe and straightforward. The layout of the pedestrian bridge and the park and ride facility and the equipment and street furniture used there should also be as transparent as possible. The predominant material used for the pedestrian bridge and lifts should be glass.

uddybende oplysninger further information

holdene fremgår af VVM redegørelsen for nybygningsløsningen.

Lighting should be adequate and pleasant. CCTV systems should be installed at access routes, on platforms and at the car park facility. Urban environment and landscape Historic interest The station area is adjacent to the star-shaped pattern of fields around Ølsemagle village. The village is a designated conservation area and a cultural heritage site.

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uddybende oplysninger further information 30

les alternativt forslag til det kommunalt ejede regnvandsbassin ved motorvejsrampen på østsiden af motorvejen. Overfladevand

Der er særlige drikkevandsinteresser i hele stationsområdet, og grundvandsressourcen er særligt i området vest for stationen ringe beskyttet pga. de geologiske forhold. Derfor må regnvand fra Parker og Rejsanlægget ikke nedsives. Vandet skal forsinkes og ledes til henholdsvis Skensved Å og Snogebækken. Som udgangspunkt skal der regnes med en udledningskoefficient på 1l/sek/ha og N=10.


Banedanmark has made some soil test borings. The results are not considered to show anything of relevance to this competition. Terrain and soil balance

If entrants suggest major changes to the terrain, they must ensure that all soil remains within the competition site. Surplus topsoil with a volume in the region of 5,000 m3 from work carried out under other contracts should be taken into account in the design of facilities within the competition site. Furthermore, earthworks will be carried out in an area close to the S-train tracks; see Annex 6. Rainwater basins

The rainwater harvesting basins at the competition site should be preserved and vehicular access to pumping stations and rainwater harvesting basins should be provid­ed. However, the vision model may include an alternative proposal for the council-owned rainwater harvesting basin at the ramp leading to the motorway (located on the eastern side of the motorway). Surface water

There are particular drinking water interests in the entire station area, and the main groundwater reserve to the west of the station is poorly protected because of the geological conditions in the area. Rainwater from the park and ride facility should therefore not be allowed to leach, but should be delayed and discharged into the Skensved and Snogebækken streams at a discharge rate of 1l/sec/hectare og N 1/5 for the Snogebækken stream and N=10 for the Skensved stream.

konkurrenceprogram competition brief

konkurrencebetingelser Competition regulations

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konkurrencebetingelser competition regulations 32

Konkurrenceudskriver og –form Konkurrencen er udskrevet af Banedanmark, DSB og Køge Kommune som en indbudt projektkonkurrence med et begrænset antal deltagere i henhold til EU’s udbudsdirektiv 2004/18/EF.

Competition sponsor and competition type This competition was launched by Banedanmark, DSB and Køge Municipality as a restricted design competion organised in accordance with EU Directive 2004/18/EC (the Procurement Directive).

Konkurrencens sprog er dansk og engelsk. I tilfælde af uoverensstemmelse mellem den danske og engelske udgave, er det den danske, der gælder. Kontrakt-, forhandlings- og arbejdssproget ved gennemførelsen af den udbudte opgave vil være dansk eller engelsk.

The competition languages are Danish and English. In the event of discrepancies between the Danish and English versions of the material, the Danish version will apply. The contract, negotiation and working language in connection with the realisation of the assignment tendered will be either Danish or English.

Deltagere 1. Kengo Kuma & Associates (JP) i samarbejde med Ejiri Structural Engineers (JP) og UTIL Struktuurstudies (B) 2. Gotlieb Paludan Architects (DK) i samarbejde med Buro Happold (DK), Speirs+Major (UK) og ES-Consult (DK) 3. COBE (DK) i samarbejde med Dissing & Weitling (DK) og COWI (DK) 4. Arep Ville (F) i samarbejde med MaP3 Engineering (F) og Balslev (DK)

Alle teams er udvalgt i prækvalifikation i henhold til ovennævnte direktiv. I forbindelse med valget af medarbejdere og evt. underrådgivere til konkurrenceforslagenes udarbejdelse skal de medvirkende på det enkelte konkurrenceteam være opmærksomme på, hvilke firmaer og personer, der i henhold til Arkitektforeningens konkurrenceregler, er udelukket fra at deltage: • Alle personer eller virksomheder, som har været med til at tilrettelægge konkurrencen eller har ydet væsentlige bidrag til formulering af konkurrenceopgaven • Repræsentanter for konkurrenceudskriveren eller ansatte hos denne • Ansatte hos kompagnoner til eller arbejdsgivere for noget medlem af dommerkomiteen eller dennes rådgivere • Personer, der er i nær familie med eller har et nært familielignende forhold til noget medlem af dommerkomiteen eller dennes rådgivere • Virksomheder, som er helt eller delvist ejet af personer, der er i nær familie med eller har et

konkurrenceprogram competition brief

Participants 1. Kengo Kuma & Associates (JP) in collaboration with Ejiri Structural Engineers (JP) and UTIL Struktuur­ studies (B) 2. Gotlieb Paludan Architects (DK) in collaboration with Buro Happold (DK), Speirs+Major (UK) and ES-Consult (DK) 3. COBE (DK) in collaboration with Dissing & Weitling (DK) and COWI (DK) 4. Arep Ville (F) in collaboration with MaP3 Engineering (F) and Balslev (DK)

All teams were selected in a prequalification round organised in accordance with the above-mentioned directive. When selecting design team members and possibly subconsultants to work on the preparation of their entry, each individual competition team should bear in mind the following rules of the Danish Architects’ Association on exclusion from participation in design competitions. The following are excluded from participation: • All persons, enterprises and organisations who have participated in the organisation of the competition or who have contributed significantly to the formulation of the competition brief • Representatives or employees of the competition promoter • Employees of business associates of or employers of any member of the jury or adviser to the jury • Persons who are close relatives of or have a close family-like relationship with a member of the jury or an adviser to the jury • Enterprises that are wholly or partly owned by per-

Er man i tvivl, om man opfylder betingelserne for at kunne deltage, bør man straks kontakte konkurrencens sekretær. Konkurrencens sekretær Arkitekt MAA Bent Kolind Arkitektforeningens Konkurrenceafdeling Strandgade 27A, DK-1401 København K Telefon: +45 3085 9015 E-mail: konkurrencer@arkitektforeningen.dk Konkurrencemateriale Konkurrencematerialet består af dette program med nedenstående bilag samt spørgsmål og svar jf. pkt. Forespørgsler, eventuelle rettelsesblade og andre meddelelser til de konkurrerende.

0. Konkurrenceprogram 1. Technical description, basic model (English) 1B. Norms and standards (English) 2. Typical cross section, Køge Bay Motorway (Danish) 3. Indicative footbridge at Køge North Station, cross sections (English) 4. Indicative footbridge at Køge North Station, plan (English) 5. Comptition boundary and contract interfaces with other contractors (English) 6. Work and drainage performed by other contractors (English) 7. Vertical interfaces between contracts, cross section A (English) 8. Vertical interfaces between contracts, cross section B (English) 9. Vertical interfaces between contracts, cross section C (English) 10. Suggested standard platform furniture (English) 11. Utility plan (English) 12. 3D model med begrænsninger for broens udformning 13. Rammer for totalrådgiveraftale, notat af 14. april 2014 14. Køge Kommunes visionsskitse for udviklingen vest for stationen, pdf 15. Luftfoto

sons who are close relatives of or have a close familylike relationship with a member of the jury or an adviser to the jury In case of doubt about compliance with the conditions for participation, the competition secretary should be contacted immediately. Competition secretary Bent Kolind, architect MAA Competition Unit of the Danish Architects’ Association Strandgade 27A, DK-1401 Copenhagen K Telephone: +45 3085 9015 Email: konkurrencer@arkitektforeningen.dk Competition material The competition material comprises this brief and the annexes listed below as well as questions and answers (see the section entitled Queries), any corrigenda and other notices to participants.

0. Competition brief, pdf 1. Technical description, basic model (English) 1B. Norms and standards (English) 2. Typical cross section, Køge Bay Motorway (Danish) 3. Indicative footbridge at Køge North Station, cross sections (English) 4. Indicative footbridge at Køge North Station, plan (English) 5. Comptition boundary and contract interfaces with other contractors (English) 6. Work and drainage performed by other contractors (English) 7. Vertical interfaces between contracts, cross section A (English) 8. Vertical interfaces between contracts, cross section B (English) 9. Vertical interfaces between contracts, cross section C (English) 10. Suggested standard platform furniture (English) 11. Utility plan (English) 12. 3D model showing constraints applying to the design of the bridge 13. Framework conditions for lead consultancy agreement, memorandum of 14 April 2014 14. Køge Municipality’s outline vision for development to the west of the station, pdf 15. Aerial photographs

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konkurrencebetingelser competition regulations

nært familielignende forhold til noget medlem af dommerkomiteen eller dennes rådgivere



konkurrencebetingelser competition regulations

16. Fotos fra terræn 17. DSB’s designmanual for standardaptering på stationer (DK) 18. DSB’s Informationskoncept for stationer DK)

16. Photographs taken at ground level 17. DSB Design Manual for standard fitting-out of stations (Danish) 18. DSB Information Concept for stations (Danish)

Konkurrencematerialet er tilgængeligt på www.bygge­ web.dk

The competition material wil be available at www.byggeweb.dk.

Forespørgsler og besigtigelse Spørgsmål i forbindelse med konkurrencen må kun stilles skriftligt til konkurrencens sekretær. Spørgsmålene, der skal være forfattet på dansk eller engelsk, forelægges i anonym udgave for konkurrenceudskriveren. De indkomne spørgsmål vil så vidt muligt blive besvaret løbende. Sidste frist for at stille spørgsmål er den 27. juni 2014.

Queries and site inspection Queries regarding the competition should be submitted in writing – and only in writing – to the competition secretary. The queries, which must be in Danish or English, will be submitted to the competition promoter in anonymised form. Queries received will insofar as possible be answered on an ongoing basis.

Deltagerne er inviteret til en besigtigelsestur den 15. maj 2014. Konkurrenceforslagets omfang A. Plancher Basismodel for gangbro og Parker og Rejsanlæg 1. Oversigtsplan af konkurrenceområdet med indtegnet gangbro og Parker og Rejsanlæg for basismodellen, mål 1:2.000 2. Plan, snit og opstalter af basismodel for gangbro og Parker og Rejsanlæg inkl. forpladser, mål 1:500 3. Planudsnit, snit og opstalter af pkt. 2. i større mål end 1:500 efter eget valg. Der skal mindst være ét tværsnit i mål 1:50 af basismodellen for gang­broen Visionsmodel for gangbro og Parker og Rejsanlæg

1. Oversigtsplan af konkurrenceområdet + byområdet vest for stationen i mål 1:2.000 2. Plan, planudsnit, snit og opstalter af visionsmodel i mål større end pkt. 1. efter eget valg. Der skal mindst være et tværsnit i mål 1:50 af visionsbroen. Fælles for basismodel og visionsmodel

1. Rumlige skitser/renderinger af begge modeller. Der skal som minimum vises perspektiver fra de to positioner angivet på kortet side 13. Udover de to fastsatte viewpoints er det vigtigt, at broen vi-


konkurrenceprogram competition brief

The final deadline for submission of queries is 27 June 2014. Entrants are invited to participate in a site inspection on 15 May 2014. Required drawings and other material A. Panels Basic model: pedestrian bridge and park and ride ­facilities 1. General plan of the competition site showing the basic model pedestrian bridge and park and ride facilities, scale 1:2,000 2. Plan, sections and elevations, basic model pedestrian bridge and park and ride facilities including forecourts, scale 1:500 3. Plan details, sections and elevations as in item 2 at a scale greater than 1:500 chosen by the entrant. These illustrations should include at least one cross section of the basic pedestrian bridge at scale 1:50 Vision model: pedestrian bridge and park and ride facilities

1. General plan of the competition site and the urban district to the west of the station, scale 1:2,000 2. Plan, plan details, sections and elevations, vision model, at a scale greater than the one used in relation to item 1, chosen by the entrant. At least one cross-section of the vision model bridge at scale 1:50 is required.


1. Det skal i både basismodellen og visionsmodellen fremgå, hvorledes evt. kommende rullefortove, rulletrapper samt solcelleanlæg kan indpasses.

Common requirements for both models

1. Spatial illustrations/renditions of both models. As a minimum: perspectives from the two positions indicated on the map on page 13. In addition to the illustrations from the two viewpoints indicated, visualisation of the bridge from the inside is important, as is a perspective of the western station forecourt. Entrants are requested to submit both daytime and nighttime visualisations. 2. Brief description of the design concept, the pace of development, the structural design, the choice of materials, etc. The text and where appropriate small illustrations should be included in the panels.


6-8 A0 plancher i højformat. B. Forslagshæfter A3 hæfte indeholdende: 1. Tegninger og tekst jf. A. Tegningerne gengivet nedfotograferet (husk angivelse af målestoksforhold) 2. Et økonomisk overslag for dokumentation af budgetoverholdelse med mængdeberegning fordelt på følgende underpunkter: Basisgangbro: Bærende konstruktioner, fundering og gangbelægning. Jord og afvandingsarbejder. Bygningsdele: skærm, facader og tag. Belysningsinstallation. Trapper og elevatorer til perroner og forpladsarealer samt belægning og afvanding. Basis Parker og Rejsanlæg: Belægninger. Beplantninger. Belysning. Evt. skiltning og anlæg for markering af ledige p-pladser. Tilvalg: Tilvalgsløsningerne skal prissættes ud fra, hvad merprisen vil være i forhold til prisen på basismodellen.

A3-hæftet bør maksimalt bestå af 35 ark ekskl. omslag med tryk på begge sider af arket. A3-hæftet indleveres i 17 eksemplarer. C. Digitalt tegningsmateriale En cd-rom/USB-stik indeholdende a. Samtlige væsentlige illustrationer fra forslaget med henblik på gengivelse i dommerkomitéens betænkning. Illustrationerne afleveres som enkeltfiler i højtopløseligt pdf-, eps-, tif- eller jpgfilformat

Optional model

1. Both the basic model and the vision model should show how any future travelators, escalators and solar cell systems can be incorporated into the design. Number of panels allowed

6-8 panels in A0 portrait format may be submitted. B. Proposal booklet An A3 booklet containing the following: 1. Drawings and texts; see A above. Drawings should be reduced in size (remember to state scale). 2. Cost estimate broken down into the following items and documenting compliance with the budgetary framework: Basic pedestrian bridge: Load-bearing structures, ­foundations and deck surfacing. Earthworks and drainage works. Build­ing elements: enclosure, facades and roof. Lighting installations. Stairs and lifts to platforms and forecourts. Hard surfaces and discharge of water. Basic park and ride facility. Surfaces. Planting. Lighting. Where appropriate signage and systems to indicate vacant parking spaces. Optional: The optional elements should be priced on the basis of the additional costs involved as compared with the price for the basic model.

konkurrencebetingelser competition regulations

sualiseres indefra, og at der er et perspektiv af den vestligt beliggende stationsforplads. Ligeledes ønskes visualiseringer af både dag og nat. 2. Kortfattet beskrivelse af forslagets idé og udbygningstakt samt teknisk beskrivelse af konstruktioner, materialevalg m.m. Teksten og evt. vignetter monteres på plancherne.

The A3 booklet may not contain more than 35 sheets of paper with printing on both sides (excluding cover). A total of 17 copies of the booklet are required. C. Digital drawings A CD-ROM or USB memory stick containing the following:

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konkurrencebetingelser competition regulations

b. Pdf af Forslagshæftet Cd-rom/USB-stik mærkes ’Digitale illustrationer’. D. Navnekuvert En ugennemsigtig, forseglet kuvert, indeholdende navneseddel i A4-format med forslagsstillerens navn, adresse og telefonnummer (dag/aften) samt forslagets kendingstal. Desuden skal totalrådgiverteamets sammensætning oplyses, og det skal anføres, hvem der har ophavsret til forslaget, og hvem der eventuelt har medvirket som medarbejder, konsulent eller rådgiver uden andel i ophavsretten.

Kuverten forsynes med teksten ”Navneseddel” og det valgte kendingstal. Det understreges, at tegninger og andet forslagsmateriale ud over ovennævnte ikke vil blive optaget til bedømmelse. Modeller modtages ikke.

a. All important illustrations of the entry for reproduction in the assessment panel’s report. The illustra­ tions must be submitted as individual files in a highresolution format (pdf, eps, tif or jpg). b. A pdf file of the A3 booklet. The CD-ROM or memory stick must be marked ‘Digital illustrations’. D. Identification sheet An opaque, sealed envelope containing an A4 identification sheet with the entrant’s name, address and telephone number (day/evening) and the identification number chosen for the entry. In addition, the document should list the members of the lead consultant team, and it must be stated who holds the copyright to the entry and who participated as an employee, consultant or adviser without any share in the copyright.

Write ‘Identification sheet’ and the identification number chosen on the front of the envelope.

Der må kun indleveres ét forslag fra hvert hold. Forslagets udførelse Forslaget skal være anonymt, og samtlige dele af forslaget skal tydeligt mærkes med et 5-cifret, tilfældigt valgt kendingstal.

Forslaget udføres i en teknik, der muliggør en klar opfattelse af forslaget. Indlevering Forslagene skal senest den 28. august 2014 være indleveret til et postkontor eller et kurérfirma og skal adresseres til:

Banedanmark Den nye bane København-Ringsted Ringager 4B DK-2605 Brøndby Danmark Emballagen skal tydeligt være mærket: Projektkonkurrence – Køge Nord Station.

It should be noted that no drawings or material in excess of the above will be accepted for assessment. Models will not be accepted. Each team may submit only one entry. General requirements Entries must be anonymous, and all parts of an entry must be clearly marked with a five-digit identification number chosen at random by the entrant.

Entries should be made using a technique that facilitates a clear understanding of the proposal. Submission of entries Entries must be handed in to a post office or express delivery service by 28 August 2014, addressed to:

Banedanmark Den nye bane København-Ringsted Ringager 4B DK-2605 Brøndby Denmark

Forslag kan ikke afleveres personligt. Umiddelbart efter indleveringen til postvæsenet eller


konkurrenceprogram competition brief

The package containing the entry must be clearly marked: Projektkonkurrence – Køge Nord Station (Design competition – Køge North Station).

Dommerkomité For Banedanmark • Jesper Hansen, Administrerende direktør (formand for dommerkomiteen) • Ulla Nøhr, Arkitekt MAA For Køge Kommune

• Flemming Christensen, Borgmester • Marie Stærke, Repræsentant for Økonomiudvalget • Mette Jorsø, Formand for Teknik- og Miljøudvalget

Personal delivery of entries will not be accepted. Immediately after the entry has been handed in at a post office or to an express delivery service, a scanned copy of the date-stamped receipt must be sent to the competition secretary. The five-digit identification number chosen by the entrant must be stated as sender, together with a telephone number that can be contacted in the event that something is missing in the package, for example the envelope containing the identification sheet. The telephone number and the email address used to forward the receipt must not break the anonymity. Assessment panel For banedanmark • Jesper Hansen, Chief Executive Officer (chair of the assessment panel) • Ulla Nøhr, Architect MAA For køge municipality


• Niels A. Dam, Fungerende chef for DSB Ejendomme Fagdommere udpeget af Arkitektforeningen

• Lene Tranberg, Arkitekt MAA • Thomas Nybo Rasmussen, Arkitekt MAA

• Flemming Christensen, Mayor • Marie Stærke, Representative of the Finance Committee • Mette Jorsø, Chair of the Technical and Environmental Committee For DSB

Fagdommer udpeget af FRI

• Niels A Dam, Acting Head of DSB Properties

• Christian von Scholten, Civilingeniør FRI Design professionals appointed by the Danish Ar-

Rådgivere for dommerkomiteen • Rikke Elise Mortensen, Projektleder, Banedanmark • Torben Nøhr, Teknik- og Miljødirektør, Køge Kommune • Casper Toftholm, Byg- og Planchef, Køge Kommune • Anne Pilegaard, Chefkonsulent, DSB Ejendomme • Ulla Egebjerg, Chefarkitekt MAA, Vejdirektoratet • Lise Kærn, Arkitekt MAA, Movia Public Transport Dommerkomitéens sekretær • Arkitekt MAA Bent Kolind, Arkitektforeningens Konkurrenceafdeling

Dommerkomiteen har ret til yderligere at indkalde særligt sagkyndige som rådgivere, til f.eks. økonomiog mængdeberegninger.

chitects’ Association

• Lene Tranberg, Architect MAA • Thomas Nybo Rasmussen, Architect MAA Design professional appointed by the Danish Association of Consulting Engineers

• Christian von Scholten, Engineer FRI

konkurrencebetingelser competition regulations

til et kurerfirma fremsendes en scanning eller kopi af den datostemplede indleveringskvittering til konkurrencens sekretær. På kvitteringen anføres som afsender det valgte, 5-cifrede kendingstal samt et telefonnummer, hvortil eventuel henvendelse kan ske, såfremt der f.eks. mangler navnekuvert i forsendelsen. Telefonnummeret og e-mailafsenderadresse vælges således, at anonymiteten ikke brydes.

Advisers to the panel • Rikke Elise Mortensen, Project Manager, Banedanmark • Torben Nøhr, Director of Technical Services and En­ vironment, Municipality of Køge • Casper Toftholm, Head of Building and Planning, Municipality of Køge • Anne Pilegaard, Chief Consultant, DSB Properties • Ulla Egebjerg, Chief Architect MAA, Danish Road Directorate • Lise Kærn, Architect, Movia Public Transport

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konkurrencebetingelser competition regulations

Bedømmelseskriterier Projekterne vil blive bedømt på funktionalitet, æstetik, teknik, landskabelig indpasning, tilgængelighed for handicappede, bæredygtighed og udførelsesforhold ved bane og motorvej i drift, samt for basismodellens vedkommende overholdelse af den økonomiske ramme jf. afsnit 5 Budget.

Secretary to the assessment panel • Bent Kolind, Architect MAA, Competition Unit, Danish Architects’ Association

Basismodellen vægtes med 50%, visionsmodellen med 30% og tilvalgsmulighederne med 20%.

Assessment criteria Entries will be assessed on the basis of functionality, aesthetic aspects, technical installations, adaptation to the landscape, accessibility for people with disabilities, sustainability and matters relating to the execution of works while the railway and the motorway are in operation, and – as far as the basic model is concerned – compliance with the budgetary framework; see section 5 Budget.

Vederlag Alle konkurrencehold, som afleverer et konditionsmæssigt forslag, modtager et vederlag på DKK 300.000. Beløbet er ekskl. moms og kommer til udbetaling umiddelbart efter konkurrencebedømmelsens afslutning.

Konkurrencehold, hvor totalrådgiveren har postadresse uden for Danmark, modtager en rejsegodtgørelse på op til DKK 15.000 jf. udbudsbrevet. Offentliggørelse af resultatet De konkurrerende vil skriftligt modtage nærmere meddelelse herom. Rettigheder Ejendomsretten til de indsendte forslag tilhører konkurrenceudskriverne. Ophavsretten til et konkurrenceforslag forbliver dog altid hos forslagsstilleren.

Udskriverne, Arkitektforeningen og tredjepart har ret til at publicere de indkomne forslag, f.eks. i dagblade og elektroniske medier. Ved publiceringen vil forslagsstillernes navne blive oplyst. Eventuelt to vindere af konkurrencen Det er konkurrenceudskrivernes hensigt at udpege én vinder, som skal varetage totalrådgivningen i forbindelse med projektets realisering af både gangbro og basis Parker og Rejsanlæg.

Udskriverne forbeholder sig dog ret til at udpege to lige­ stillede vindere, der i så fald tildeles henholdsvis opgaven med gangbrodelen inkl. forpladser – og Parker og Rejsanlægget inkl. omkringliggende udearealer.


konkurrenceprogram competition brief

The panel may call in additional special experts as advisers if the members of the panel agree to do so, for example cost experts and quantity surveyors.

The following weighting will be applied: basic model – 50%; vision model – 30%; optional elements – 20%. Fee All competition teams that submit a compliant entry will receive a fee of DKK 300,000. This amount is exclusive of VAT and will be paid immediately after the conclusion of the assessment of the entries.

Competition teams with a lead consultant domiciled outside Denmark will receive an amount of up to DKK 15,000 to cover travel expenses; see the invitation to tender. Announcement of result Entrants will receive further information in writing. Rights The competition promoter will acquire ownership of the entries submitted. However, the copyright to an entry will always remain with the entrant.

The competition promoters, the Danish Architects’ Association and third parties will be entitled to publish the entries submitted, for example in newspapers and electronic media. The names of the entrants will be mentioned in connection with such publication. Possibility of two winners of the competition It is the intention of the competition promoters to select a winning entrant who will be asked to work as lead consultant in connection with the realisation of both the pe-

destrian bridge and the park and ride facilities. However, the promoters reserve the right to select two equal winners, one of whom will be entrusted with the pedestrian bridge project, including forecourts, while the other will be responsible for the park and ride facility and surrounding areas.

Basismodellens realisering Hvis der ikke indgås kontrakt med vinderen/vinderne inden for to år regnet fra datoen for offentliggørelsen, tilkommer der vinderen/vinderne en samlet kompensation på i alt DKK 300.000 ekskl. moms. Såfremt opgaven senere overdrages vinderen/vinderne, er det udbetalte kompensationsbeløb at betragte som en ácontoudbetaling af rådgiverhonoraret.

Possible realisation of the vision model The winner(s) will be given an option for the preparation, as a minimum, of an outline design of a vision pedestrian bridge and vision park and ride facility for use if it is decided to realise these facilities wihtin a period of three years.

Forsikring Forslagene vil ikke blive forsikret, idet det forudsættes, at forslagsstillerne opbevarer originaler af det indleverede materiale. Programmets godkendelse Nærværende konkurrenceprogram er godkendt af dommerkomitéens medlemmer, og konkurrencen gennemføres i henhold til Arkitektforeningens konkurrenceregler af 1. juni 2007.

Realisation of the basic model If no agreement is signed with the winner(s) within a period of two years from the date of announcement of the competition results, the winner(s) will be entitled to total compensation of DKK 300,000 exclusive of VAT. If the design assignment is then subsequently given to the winner(s), the compensation amount paid will be treated as payment on account towards the consultancy fee. Insurance Entries will not be insured, as entrants are assumed to keep the originals of the material submitted. Approval of brief This competition brief has been approved by the members of the assessment panel, and the competition is organised in accordance with the competition rules of the Danish Architects’ Association of 1 June 2007.

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konkurrencebetingelser competition regulations

Visionsmodellens eventuelle realisering Vinderen/vinderne vil få option på som minimum at udarbejde et dispostionsforslag til en eventuel visionsgangbro og et evntuelt visions-Parker og Rejsanlæg, såfremt disse projekter bliver aktuelle inden for en periode på tre år.



kolofon Konkurrenceprogrammet er udarbejdet af Banedanmark, Køge Kommune og DSB i samarbejde med Arkitektforeningen

Publication details This brief was prepared by Banedanmark, Køge Municipality and DSB in collaboration with the Danish Architects’ Association

Kort: Banedanmark og Køge Kommune Foto: Banedanmark og Jens V. Nielsen Grafisk tilrettelæggelse: Jens V. Nielsen Oversættelse: OVRZ, Mette Aarslew Tryk: Production Facilities Oplag: 75

Maps: Banedanmark and Køge Municipality Photos: Banedanmark and Jens V. Nielsen Graphic design: Jens V. Nielsen Translation: OVRZ, Mette Aarslew Print: Production Facilities Copies: 75

Udgivelsesdato: 2. maj 2014

Publication date: 2 May 2014

udkast 02.05.2014_1

køge nord station

Indbudt projektkonkurrence Restricted design competition konkurrenceprogram competition brief 2014 2014

konkurrenceprogram competition brief

køge nord station

2014 2014

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