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Humanitarian Efforts Help Rebuild the Lives of Haitians
Humanitarian Efforts Help Rebuild the Lives of Haitians
Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser
Ryley resident and humanitarian Margaret Jones is helping to rebuild the lives of Haitians who are the poorest people in the Western Hemisphere.
Margaret is not alone in her efforts as she heads up a team of volunteers who are members of the Haiti ARISE (Actively Raising Individuals to Serve and Evangelize). She recently wrapped up her Haiti ARISE fall fundraiser which netted $3,178 for the non-profit Christian organization.
Altogether 26,630 lbs. of clothing, shoes, housewares, books, and toys were donated by fellow residents in the Beaver County region for the Haiti ARISE 2020 construction project. “I learned about this fundraiser from a random e-mail I received from Value Village. It’s called a FunDrive and doesn’t cost anyone anything. People donate used clothes, toys, housewares, and books, and Value Village sends a cheque to Haiti ARISE based on the weight of the goods delivered. It’s a win-win-win-win situation: win for the environment, win for the people who need to get rid of their unwanted items, win for Value Village, and win for the charity.”
This was the third time Margaret has held a used clothing drive fundraiser. Other fundraisers included Mom’s Pantry and the Ryley Market Lunch as well as shovelling snow for...
Read the full story in the November 18, 2020 edition of the News Advertiser - now online! https://issuu.com/thenewsadvertiser/docs/vna_november_18__2020_-_web?fr=sNTcwZTQxNTAw