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Service Dog in Training has its own Unique and Rewarding Challenges
Service Dog in Training has its own Unique and Rewarding Challenges
Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser
Heather Giebelhaus is always up for a new challenge, and for the past three weeks the Vegreville resident has been training a Service Dog.
“Gunner came to our home on October 23, and training started right away. We are given specific skills and commands to teach him over the course of the next year. We also attend weekly training classes in Edmonton. Gunner learns quickly and has been house trained, knows the commands “sit”, “let’s go”, “look” (to look at our eyes), “get busy” (to take care of business), and that “yes” means that he did something correctly and will get a kibble as a treat.”

Heather Giebelhaus was out and about for a walk with Gunner at Pysanka Park recently.
(Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Since Heather and her husband Russell are both out and about frequently training the dog, they wanted to share some helpful information and advice for people in the community. Heather said, “When Gunner is wearing his green jacket, we are teaching him that he has to focus on his trainer. He is only three-months-old so doesn’t have a very long attention span. Petting the puppy breaks his concentration and distracts him from listening to the commands that he is being taught. At home and on walks, he doesn’t wear his jacket so that he learns that he isn’t working all of the time.”

Gunner is training to be a Service Dog.
(Heather Giebelhaus/Submitted Photo)
Read the full story in the November 18, 2020 edition of the News Advertiser - now online! https://issuu.com/thenewsadvertiser/docs/vna_november_18__2020_-_web?fr=sNTcwZTQxNTAw