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Town of Mundare Hosts Remembrance Day Service
Town of Mundare Hosts Remembrance Day Service
Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser
A crowd of around 20 people gathered at the cenotaph in Mundare to observe Remembrance Day on November 11.
One of those people was Leanne Bisson who said she would be mostly thinking of her great grandfather and her grandfather who both served in the war. “It’s been passed down through the family, even a bayonet from world War 1 with their initials carved into it. So, it’s something pretty spectacular that stays in the family.” Unfortunately, she did not get to meet them as they passed away before she was born.
Shortly before 11 am Mayor Mike Saric addressed the crowd, stating, “We debated whether or not to have a collective ceremony today, but decided that in fact this is an important enough occasion of Remembrance to do this. So thank you all for coming. We’re sorry that we couldn’t have had a more normal ceremony but we hope this will at least suffice for today.”
The service began with the singing of O’Canada followed by the Last Post, Two Minutes of Silence, and Reveille.
Read the full story in the November 18, 2020 edition of the News Advertiser - now online! https://issuu.com/thenewsadvertiser/docs/vna_november_18__2020_-_web?fr=sNTcwZTQxNTAw