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RCL Branch No. 39 Remembrance Day Ceremony

RCL Branch No. 39 Remembrance Day Ceremony

Rosanne Fortier - News Correspondent

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 39 Remembrance Day Ceremony was held at the Vegreville Cenotaph on November 11.

Around 40 citizens braved the -16 C weather to attend the event which is normally held at Vegreville Social Centre but couldn’t be done this year because of COVID-19 social gathering restrictions.

Terry Kuzyk, President of RCL Branch No. 39 addresses the crowd.

(Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

The ceremony began with the Act of Remembrance. It was followed by the March on the Colours, the singing of O Canada, Last Post, observing two minutes of silence, Rouse and Lament, Deposit of the Colours, and Retiring of the Colour Party.

Master of Ceremonies and Acting Branch Chaplain Rev. Pamela Milton gave the welcoming prayer. That was followed by the laying of 15 wreaths.

Terry Kuzyk, President of RCL Branch No. 39, said this year is particularly significant as 75 years ago the Second World War came to an end. “During six years of the war, over one million Canadians served and many made the ultimate sacrifice. Your presence here today shows the respect you feel for those who served in that conflict, as well as, those who continue to put their lives on the line for us every day.”

Read the full story in the November 18, 2020 edition of the News Advertiser - now online! https://issuu.com/thenewsadvertiser/docs/vna_november_18__2020_-_web?fr=sNTcwZTQxNTAw

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