2017 spring newsvine for issuu com

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A Word from the Editors “...For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” JAMES 4:14


heologically speaking, who can argue against the apostle James when he reminds us how fleeting our life is? Allowing that our spiritual footprint among all the others in the kingdom of God may be insignificant, yet how we serve under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost can make a powerful punch, perhaps greater than we realize in the grander scheme of God’s plans for the universe. Our theme for this year is “A NEW THING!” The context from where this challenge is inspired comes from Isaiah 43:19: “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” It is a prophecy with an incredible promise - a promised adventure into the unknown - with the Almighty guiding us to our final destiny, defying the impossible with “RIVERS in the DESERT.” What miracles are in store for us this year? What wonders will God perform for a faithful church with unconditional trust in Him? Pastor Johnson has hit it right on the nail while preaching to us since the new year that to experience a new thing in Christ, WE MUST ALL SERVE! No matter how insignificant the service may seem to be or how much greater the effort we may do, the end result will be memorable and vital in experiencing new potentials achieved. This issue is dedicated in showing visual stimulations of new ministries and unique strategies in winning our city of Modesto for Christ. Our pastor has reinforced his message to us by bringing great speakers to the pulpit who have EDITORS Leo and Virginia Aguilera confirmed our theme for the year. Read, observe, and enjoy!


“Aiming for Awareness!” Spring 2017 REVIVAL CENTER UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354 Business Phone: 209-522-5365

email us at thenewsvine@gmail.com

Google us at thenewsvine or follow us on issuu.com/thenewsvine EDITOR LEO AGUILERA



Virginia Aguilera Joshua Aguilera Charlene Wilson Leo & Virginia Aguilera Leo Aguilera, Grover Hunt Gabriel Chavoya, Marissa Martinez-Cardenas, Isaac Pena Jim Campbell, Carol Castillo Josh Aguilera Virginia Aguilera Norbert Feliciano

CHURcH SERVICES SUNDAY - 9:30 A.M. Sunday School-Children - Tuolumne 9:45 A.M. Sunday School - Adults - Sanctuary 10:30 A.M. 2:00 A.M. 5.30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. MONDAY - 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:00 P.M. THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Thursday - 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY - 10:00 A.M.


Starting Point for New Converts Morning Service - Sanctuary Spanish Service Prayer in Youth Chapel REVIVAL SERVICE All-Church Prayer Mid-Week Service, K.R.E.W Pulse (Youth Service) Spanish Service Saturday Morning Outreach


Church staff


assistant pastor assistant pastor youth PASTOR resident missionaries church secretary SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR RC Kingdom Kids K.R.E.W. Kids prayer ministries Word Ministry Choir world missionS ladies ministries (S.H.E.) discipling ministries L.E.A.D. director PURPOSE INSTITUTE OUTREACH connect groups community relations apostolic man ministry BUFF (Men’s 50+) HYPHEN (Young Adults) THRIVE (Young Marrieds) spanish services Nursing Home Ministry Food for Thoughts & Food PantrY

Uday Narayan Dana Le Blanc Jonathan Quinones Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah Charlene Wilson Mary Aguirre John & Amy Rodriguez Kim Johnson Charles Bispo Dana Le Blanc Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre Jerry & Andrea Powell Priscilla Gomez Chris Harris Carol Castillo Jerry Powell & Carol Castillo Leonard Alvarez Paul & Jenifer Winter Jeremiah Williams Alex Diaz Herb Jenkins Jeriann Powell Aaron & Shannon Gomez Antonio Gutierrez Joyce Jones Nancy Williams

NEWVINE is published quarterly by the United Pentecostal Church of Modesto, Inc., 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Postage paid at 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Newsvine, 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to the Newsvine are subject to Pastor’s approval and editing by the Newsvine staff.

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24


esus’ words best describe the worship service of a Pentecostal church today. We have the Apostolic truth that inspires us to worship in the Holy Ghost with not only a spiritual experience but a direct divine impact on our physical being. Our bodily vessels clap, raise our hands, stomp our feet, dance, leap for joy, and express our love for our Savior with loud, vocal praise. Many critics will say that the best way to worship God Almighty is an historically, long steeped tradition of the Catholic institution: folded hands, bowed heads, inactive singing from song books, ritual prayers, and absolute silence when the preaching is heard. Most of the Protestant churches in the past five hundred years just blindly accept that this is the correct, orthodox way to assemble with other Christian worshippers. Any other way they believe is irreverent, confusing, disorderly, scary, and basically an unlawful assembly. Some critics will actually say anything beyond silent worship is satanic, allowing the flesh to be satisfied rather than the spirit. We could defend Pentecostal worship with historical evidence that the early church did enjoy displays of the raising of hands, loud praise in singing, speaking in tongues,and general physical appreciation of the joy of salvation. However, many critics say there is scant evidence in historical records of what kind of worship was manifested in the first generation of the church. This is a direct contradiction to the many passages in the New Testament, particularly Paul’s writings to the Corinthians, that details what was accepted during worship in his times. So let us I focus on what the Bible says can be done when the church members come together. SPEAKING IN TONGUES: There are so many scriptures that accounts for this powerful display of the Holy Spirit as found in the first worship service on the Day of Pentecost to the Corinthian church’s worship assemblies Paul gives spiritual guidance. In the first nineteen verses of the fourteenth chapter of I Corinthians Paul gives very specific directions how tongues are to be displayed by worshippers. Look it up! LOUD, VOCAL PRAISE: Not only do we have numerous verses throughout the Old and New Testament that encour-

age praising our God aloud, specifically David’s words in the Psalms, but Jesus Christ our Lord applauded it. Upon entering Jerusalem during the week before His crucifixion, critics admonished Him to silence the loud praises He was receiving from His disciples and the multitudes following Him. Christ told these Pharisees through the cheers, “I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” Luke 19:40 RAISING OF THE HANDS: This is a direct command from Paul who was encouraging ALL Apostolic believers to practice this form of praise in prayer as well: “I will therefore that men pray EVERY WHERE, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting.” I Timothy 2:8 DANCING IN WORSHIP: Again, there are many references in the Bible about dancing in worship to God, as David did before the Lord who also had a critic in his wife Michal. The inspiration by the Holy Ghost in the psalmist of Psalm 149 declares: “Let them praise His name in the dance!” CLAPPING IN WORSHIP: Psalm 47 is a beautiful passage of scripture to the worship leaders of Biblical times how to praise in worship service. The first directive is, “O clap your hands!” LEAPING IN PRAISE: Jesus said for us to show gratitude in Luke 6:23: “Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy.” Peter never told the lame man healed to stop leaping for joy in the temple. The temple was where the church gathered back then. The critic today simply chooses NOT to believe all the above is for the modern church today. Many of these forms of worship are inspired by the Holy Ghost, but if the critic today wants to deny this is so, Jesus leaves a very serious warning to those who question what the Holy Spirit does. The critics of Jesus’ day were attacking His powerful demonstrations of healing and deliverance. Christ warned in Matthew 12:31: “All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.” Critic, if you have not been inspired, be careful NOT to judge those who have.



ur annual Watch Night Service began with powerful worship and testimonies. THE NEWSVINE presented the traditional multi-media presentation of the year in pictures. Pastor Johnson delivered a powerful message inspired by this year’s theme: “A New Thing!” - a prophetic sermon on the incredible possibilities God will show us this year. Communion was blessed by Elder Floyd Havner (far right) and the congregation welcomed 2017 with a shout of praise.

LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY In the beginning of the new year, Pastor Jonson called a special meeting of all the church leaders and newly appointed leaders to hear his vision for 2017. He also gave sound advice how each leader should conduct the Lord’s business in their department or ministry, always expecting God could show a new and better way to reach the lost and edify the church body. PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS!

BUFF STARTS OUT RIGHT! The elder brothers of Building Up Firm Foundations began the new year at the home of Brother Freddie Hernandez with youthful Pastor Johnson invited to be the guest speaker. After Director Herb Jenkins gave a list of accomplishments made by the philanthropic group for 2016, he laid out new goals for 2017. Thank you elders for serving our church!





ur Missions Director Jerry Powell again helped organize a building team of our National Men’s Ministry, directed by Pastor Mike Williams of Florida. Participants this spring were: from Alabama; Robert Burk, J.B. Simms -from California; Dean De Ascentis, Jack Jones, Rich Jones, Jerry Powell, Nathaniel Royer, Guy Sturdivant -from Louisiana; C.W. Dowden, James Gerard, Alan Goss, Terry Harris, Robert Perilloux, Ron Thompson. The missionary work to place a roof on a new church building was in New Berlin in the nation of Uruguay. Missionaries Michael Walmer and Jacob Palma were grateful for the much needed assistance. (Clockwise) The map of Uruguay; the men stake their claim for Jesus in the capital’s sign; the American team assembled; three photos of the construction of the roof in progress; ministers visit the UPC Bible College in Montevideo, worshipping in one of the churches in the nation’s capital; tornado weather threatened the work, but the Lord did not let that happen. Thank you, hard-working volunteers! May our Lord Jesus Christ reward each of you.




ith a large congregation, it is surprisingly easy for some members to participate in services, but never really feel connected with anyone. With this in mind, Pastor Johnson and Youth Pastor Jonathan Quinones have spearheaded the formation of Life Groups. The purpose of these groups is to bring people together in order to build strong, supportive relationships. Each Life Group is focused on a personal interest such as knitting, shooting, or cooking. Groups are asked to meet at least twice a month and are to include a spiritual component and prayer. Every three months, a new semester of Life Groups will form. Members are encouraged to bring visitors to activities for them to become acquainted with our church with the ultimate goal of connecting them with Jesus Christ. If you have not become involved in this vital Revival Center ministry, it is not too late to participate. See Brother Jonathan for a list of Life Groups to join or apply to start one of your own. Let us unite in this endeavor so that all of our members feel connected to the body of Christ.

Scriptures & Scholars at the Aguileras’ home.

First Semester Life Groups Scriptures & Scholars Senior Walkers & Talkers Stitches & Friends Sisters Helping Sisters Star Gazing Motorcycling Miracles THRIVE Cookies & Coloring Community Compassion CRAVE Fiji/India Fellowship Bark in the Park Moms & Tots Guns, Roses & Grub Coaching & Kool-Aid Serves You Right (Volleyball) New Convert Group Chess Mates Sisters on the Move Brothers Breaking Bread Men’s Basketball Sweet Treats Financial Peace B.I.B.L.E



Orientation meeting for potential Life Group leaders led by Pastor Johnson and Youth Pastor Jonathan Quinones. Sister Priscilla Gomez stands ready to sign up group members at the Sisters Helping Sisters booth.

Church members check out the various Life Groups at our kick-off service.

Brother Jerry Powell promotes Guns, Roses & Grub, a life group that focuses on practice shooting and fellowship. Sister Kay Hall (right) shares her love of knitting and crocheting with Sister Holly.

Chess, anyone?


Life Group Community Compassion Reaches Out


ommunity Compassion was birthed out of the deep desire by Brother Angelo and Sister Carolyn Dimas to reach out to the less fortunate in our community. They and their crew pack bag lunches, clothing, shoes, and flyers to pass out and also witness to and pray for their recipients. Already several have been baptized in Jesus’ name. It is the mission of Revival Center to not only meet physical needs, but spiritual needs as well.

Bagged lunches, socks and church flyers

Sister Carolyn and Brother Angelo Dimas with bagged lunches. Many times they feed over 100 hungry people on a Saturday afternoon. If you would like to donate to help fund this worthy ministry, please either contact the Dimases or the church office.

One of the many who received lunch and an invitation to our church.

Prayer is always readily offered.

Members of Community Compassion meet for prayer prior to ministering.





n unprecedented assemblage of visiting ministers for the beginning of the year, backed up by inspiring and challenging sermons from our pastor, exploded into a revival not felt before. The Lord was definitely moving among us in a new way of spiritual enlightenment. Each guest speaker offered us fresh, anointed wisdom to meet the challenges of a world in flux. (Upper left photo) First we were privileged to have Dr. James Hughes from Texas come in mid-January for several gatherings, preaching to us on topics like “Truth at the Mercy of a Lie”, “Protecting Your Gardening”, and the deeply moving “The Perfect Father.” With his psychiatric background, his delivery is fascinating and applicable for all saints. Then we had Brother Nick Mahaney preach to us on topics like “Death for Life” and his dynamic story of his life, “My Testimony,” a sermon our pastor specifically requested for the Modesto church to hear. The Mahaneys posed for the camera in the bottom left photo. Always welcomed at our church is Brother Mark Drost whose creatively anointed sermons included “God-ipulation of Time” and “I Am a Donkey.” His photos flank both sides of the page showing his altar calls are as exciting and unpredictable as his sermons. From Canada came Pastor Raymond Woodward (right photos), a seasoned scholar of the Bible, who shared his knowledge with keen interpretation of the scriptures. His sermon topics over three days of services included “Heaven’s Echo”, a powerful message of how much what a church does is already ordained in heaven. He has the ability to take popular verses and offer new interpretations previously not recognized.

Evangelist Josh Herring (left photos) knows no boundaries when the anointing of the Holy Spirit allows him to move the congregation from hearing the Word to submitting to the power of the Word. He challenged our faith to expect the unprecedented moves of God during the year we call “A New Thing!” A tongue and interpretation spoke that these series of meetings would set ablaze a great revival - “LET THE FIRE FALL!” As Pastor Johnson accepted the confirmation of his sermons (above photo) coming in sync with those of Evangelist Herring, the Holy Spirit began miracles of healing and wondrous interventions. Not only were more that twenty baptized on the morning Brother Herring preached on “Time to Get Baptized!” but Sister Rachel Jenkins (above right photo), blinded by her eye filled with blood for weeks, received her sight instantly during prayer at the altar’s evening service. Brother Herring had all healed lineup on the platform for God’s glory (top right photo). Even though he came for only a one night engagement, Brother Robert Tisdale (photos below) preached on the power of possibility with his sermon “Blessed Beyond the Boundaries.” He first started with his profound descriptions on who God is. He then declared how such a powerful Holy Father in Jesus and the Holy Ghost has enabled us to touch the divine ONE GOD. The pastor and the preachers have opened a gate of exciting expectation for the year 2017. What God will wrought this year! SHOW THY GLORY, LORD!



ur junior Bible quizzers (top), led by coaches Sujay and Alex Diaz, display the trophies and ribbons recently won at the regional Bible Quizzing Extravaganza. Pastor Johnson and the church congratulated Jocelyn Amador, Natalie Diaz, and Julian Salazar who will be competing in the North American Junior Bible Quizzing Tournament in July at Bridgeton, Missouri. (Left) Revival Center was blessed by the Old Time Gospel singing of Brother Tim Spell and the AQUA Quartet. (Right) The church was brought to its feet during our Easter service as Brother Alex Diaz who was recently injured in a horrific car crash ten days prior, did a victory walk around the church. In the photo he is prayed for by Bishop Randy Keyes, brother-in-law Josh Aguilera, wife Sujay Diaz, and Brother Josh Williams. (Bottom left) Sunday School children brave the rain during our annual Kidz Zone Easter egg hunt. (Bottom right) Sunday School teachers Aubrey Amador (left) and Nayeli Burciago, along with Sunday School Director Mary Aquirre, worked hard to create a memorable day for our children.



EASTER He is risen!


hat a celebration of Christ’s resurrection! The choir led by Directors Kellee Hopper and Matthew Aguirre joyfully sang “Risen” and “He’s Alive.” (Left) Mehgan Johnson sings “What a Beautiful Name” while her very proud grandfather, Bishop Randy Keyes, looks on. (Far left) Pastor Todd Johnson preaches “After Eight Days” focusing on Doubting Thomas. Although he missed the first post-resurrection visit to the assembled disciples, eight days later, he was present when Jesus appeared again. “My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed as Jesus displayed his nail-pierced hands. The rest of the moving message focused on, “You can be late and still be loved!”


The Secret to Long Life

n 1994 a man decided to paint his face to disguise his identity while he robbed a Sprint store at gunpoint. Ignoring clear labels on the can that warned it should neither be allowed to contact the skin or eyes, nor inhaled, he sprayed on the gold paint. “What could go wrong? he thought, not realizing he had just unwittingly submitted his entry into the Darwin Awards. For several decades the Darwin Awards (http://darwinawards.com/) have annually inducted into their “hall of shame” people who die in astonishingly idiotic ways. Most of these weird, bizarre deaths have three factors in common: 1) highly dangerous activities 2) fueled by alcohol and 3) a lack of even the tiniest speck of common sense. Sadly there appears to be no shortage of candidates for the annual award. Shortly after the case in point, the gold-painted robber was overcome by paint fumes and died wheezing. Not only that, the disguise was ineffective; witnesses were sure of the identity of the assailant. Oops! While the Bible doesn’t give similar examples of Darwin-type deaths, sheer idiocy in the human gene pool stretches way back to Eden. Thus, the father writing to his son in Proverbs gave him a simple, concise instruction for protecting himself from folly: “My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.” (Prov. 3:1-2 NIV). Like the robber ignoring the spray paint warning label, we can choose to ignore that age-old truth. We can forget God and chase after a super food, hormone, habit, or exercise that might prolong life. We can discard His commandments and search for well-being in an anti-depressant. We can even buy into the modern prosperity gospel and substitute a Bible-based God for a cosmic vending machine pumping out heavenly treats. But is that wise? Length of days, prosperity, and peace are blessings of God for those who live right. They are by products of exercising wisdom and understanding. And wisdom begins with righteous fear of the Lord. (Prov, 9:10) The secret to a life well lived is so simple. Remember God. Fear Him. Keep his commandments. (Ecc. 12:13). Please don’t die stupid.


Testimony of Faith

A Convert Tells Her Story of Embracing the Pentecostal Faith by Associate Editor Virginia Aguilera A Simple Life


he night I was born my father was hastily closing out his gas station in my hometown of Hilmar, California, when a young man in a truck pulled up to the gas pumps. “Sorry, I am closed,” my father apologized. “I have to get to the hospital. My wife is having a baby.” The young man pleaded with him that he was very low on gas and wouldn’t make it to the next station. My father reluctantly gave in and sold him some gas. The young man was very grateful and said a prayer as my father sped away. “Please Lord,” the young man prayed, “let this kind man’s child receive the truth one day and become an Apostolic Christian.” The young man’s name was Henry Feuerstein from the United Pentecostal Church in Turlock. Thus with this prayer unknown to me and my family, I was born on December 20, 1955, to Art and Nora Olson. My mother always said I was her Christmas baby, and she would tell me how she lovingly rocked me as she sat beside the lighted tree on Christmas Eve. I grew up in Hilmar, California, with my two sisters, Cookie (Noreen) and Kathy, and my brother Larry. My father became the postmaster in Hilmar, as well as the fire chief of the volunteer fire department. My mother was office manager at Emanuel Hospital in Turlock. My mother was raised in the Lutheran Church and my father in the Covenant Church. Both churches were made up mostly of Swedish members when Hilmar was established as a Swedish colony in the early 1900s. Sermons in both churches were originally given in Swedish and standards were very strict. Card playing, dancing, and reading the comics on Sundays were not allowed. Both my parents were Swedish and only spoke Swedish before they entered their first year in the public school. My mother remembers how the teachers in school would wash her brothers’ mouths out with soap if they were caught speaking Swedish in class. Both my parents graduated from Hilmar High School which would also be my husband and my alma mater a generation later. Even though my parents were married in the Lutheran Church, they chose the Covenant Church in which to raise their children. The Covenant Church is staunch in the Trinitarian doctrine. Babies are baptized shortly after birth and adult baptisms are rare. About the age of 12, children attend confirmation classes for several months and are confirmed at a ceremony in the sanctuary at the conclusion of their classes. At this ceremony I remember we had to recite the Apostles Creed and answer certain doctrinal questions posed to us by the minister. We all wore white robes. However, this ceremony did not make us members of the church. In order to join we were required to take additional classes with



Virginia (standing to the right) poses with her family soon after graduating from college. the minister before signing the church roster. My childhood was very happy, filled with wonderful memories of family vacations to Disneyland, Yellowstone National Park, and the coast of California. I remember tagging along with my poor brother, happily playing army in the mud behind his friend Steve’s house. My girlfriends and I would organize parades complete with our pony, Cinnamon, and a homemade float constructed on top of our pushcart. My friend Janice and I would have carnivals in her backyard and haunted houses in her garage. Although my parents did not have very much money raising four children, I never felt like I went without. My parents always filled our home with love. For as long as I can remember, my parents saw to it that their children faithfully attended Sunday school every week at the Hilmar Covenant Church. Even when we were on vacation, we attended church. I had a Sunday School pin which had bars attached for every time a child attended church for 13 weeks in a row without missing. There was only one boy who had a longer pin than myself. I remember memorizing Bible verses and hymns and attending Vacation Bible School. How I loved to ride the Vacation Bible School train around the streets of our small town, waving at our neighbors. I will always be grateful to my parents for bringing me up in Sunday School where I received the foundation on which to build my Christian faith. Every summer since second grade I attended Church Camp. I remember Ruth, my Counselor, asking me that first year if I wanted to ask Jesus into my heart. I answered yes and the tears streamed down my small cheeks as we prayed together. It was my first personal experience with God.

A Scary Diagnosis

My simple life changed dramatically in the eighth grade when I was diagnosed with scoliosis--curvature of the spine. One day while I was playing a game wearing my bathing suit, I bent over imitating an old lady and walked over to the kitchen where my mother was talking on the phone. My mother glanced over to me and noticed for the first time that my spine was crooked and my rib cage was twisted. She was alarmed that she had not noticed

this deformity before. She immediately called my aunt Rosie who was a nurse and they searched through her medical book until they came to the disorder--scoliosis. By the time my parents took me to a specialist in San Francisco, my spine’s curvature was at 55 degrees, and Dr. King wanted to operate immediately. The following week my parents admitted me into Presbyterian Hospital in San Francisco. I was scared as this was the first time I had ever been in the hospital, and I would be so far away from my home and friends. Prepping me for surgery was frightening. My backhad to be marked so the surgeon would know where to make the incision. I remember being wheeled on a gurney the day of my surgery. I was so out of it from the medication, that I imagined my mother’s image floating in the air telling me not to worry. During the operation, bone was chiseled from both my shins and placed between 13 of my vertebrae. Nearly all of my spine was fused. I bled considerably during the operation, requiring the transfusion of many units of blood. Several days after the surgery, I was given traction which was very uncomfortable. Then I was placed in a body cast covering my entire torso. I remained in this cast for six months. It took several days for the cast to dry. During this time I could not have anything covering the cast and heat lamps were placed over me to aid in the drying process. It was awful, for despite the heat lamps, I was cold and miserable. After two weeks in the hospital, I was sent home for an additional four months of convalescence. All during this time I was instructed by the doctor to lie flat on my back. I could get out of bed, I was not allowed even to sit up. I remember my father being so concerned that the house would catch on fire, and I would be unable to escape. I had a tutor come to my house for my lessons and had a sitter to care for me during the day because both my parents worked. Each week the church’s youth group would meet at my house so I could be included. I received many, many cards and was grateful for all the prayers of my relatives and from the church members. I will always remember fondly my Auntie Lee sending me a card every day that I was laid up in bed. My family was so good to me during this time, especially my mother who virtually waited on me hand and foot. Finally, in July, I was allowed to sit up for the first time. My feet swelled and tingled. When I finally began walking mid-July, the pain was unbearable. It felt like knives stabbing me every time I would put weight on my feet. I remember crying as my mother would force me to walk. When the pain at last abated, I found I had forgotten how to walk like a normal person. I looked like a robot or a giant cereal box navigating the sidewalks around our house. I even forgot how to tie my shoes. My mother enrolled me in a modeling class to teach me how to walk gracefully. My body cast was finally removed the weekend before high school began.


When I was able to return to school in the fall as a ninth grader, I was shocked to discover that my friends who were so sad to see me go the previous year had rearranged their lives without me, and now I had become an outsider. There was one girl in particular who delighted in picking on others who were too timid to fight back. Unfortunately, I became a favorite target of hers. She was unmerciful and tore apart everything I did, from the way I ate my lunch to the way I carried my purse. She influenced my other friends to shun me. This lasted throughout my entire high school years. It was awful. I finally had to start going home for lunch

because it got so bad. If only I would have laughed off her criticisms, she would have found someone else to ridicule. The pain I felt during this time was worse than the pain I suffered from my surgery. I felt so all alone and fell into a deep state of depression. There were times I wanted so badly to die. I didn’t want to kill myself, but I didn’t want to go on either. Many times it was difficult to make it through the day. I remember my mother hugging me and she would always say, “Someday your day will come.” She always wished she had a magic word to make everything better. I spent many hours sitting, weeping at the piano and playing songs like, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” “Bridge over Troubled Water,” and “You’ve Got a Friend.” It was a comfort for me to know that, while it seemed I didn’t have any friends, Jesus was my Friend and He loved me. I particularly liked the lyrics of “A Bridge Over Troubled Waters”: When you’re weary, feelin’ small, When tears are in your eyes, I’ll dry them all; I’m on your side, Oh, when times get rough And friends just can’t be found, Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down. During those sweet moments at the piano, I felt the strength and comfort I desperately needed. I had Someone who loved me just the way I was, and would never forsake me. What a Friend! I don’t know how I would have made it through those dark, lonely days without Him. During my high school years, I struggled to fit in and find friends. I felt lost and hopeless. I did not always make the best choices, but God had His hand on me and kept me. He heard my desperate prayers, and He was ready now to make Himself real to me.

Grace, Mercy, & Love!

I remember walking home from the store one afternoon and feeling that someday in the near future I was going to come to a crossroads where I would be faced with the decision of making a true commitment to Jesus Christ. I did not know that day would arrive so soon. About this time, my sister Cookie who lived in Turlock, had started dating a man named Roger who was visiting from Michigan. He became smitten with her and ended up moving in with my family so he could continue dating her. My sister and her roommate, Mona, were attending a Bible study group in Ceres called Maranatha. They both received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues. They were very excited and invited Roger to come. He received the Holy Ghost as well. I can still remember sitting in the kitchen and being amazed by the excitement in his voice and the glow on his face when he talked about Jesus. I had never seen this kind of emotion before when someone spoke of their Savior, although I had attended church all my life. It made me think that maybe I had missed something--maybe there was something more to being a Christian. I was interested, but was not ready to make a commitment. Roger kept inviting me to go to Maranatha and persisted until I finally, reluctantly, agreed to go. When we arrived at the Bible study, I felt confident that I was saved. After all, I had attended church since a baby and rarely missed. I listened to Bob, the leader, speak and afterwards we all prayed. I felt nothing. I thought, “Why are they all praying like


I wasn’t saved, like I wasn’t a Christian?” On the way home, I knew Roger was praying for me. Suddenly, I don’t know why, but I started crying. God was reaching out to my soul. When we arrived home, Roger asked if he could pray with me. I asked Jesus to forgive all my sins and become Lord of my life. Immediately, I felt a heavy load lift off my shoulders. I felt jubilant! He asked me if I wanted to go back to Maranatha that night. We drove all the wayback to Ceres. They asked me if I wanted to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I had no idea what they were talking about. I had never heard about any such thing. They asked me if I wanted more of God and I said, “Yes!” They prayed with me, but I was so timid I was afraid to pray aloud. I was discouraged and thought that maybe not everyone received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and I would be one of those who would be left out. I went upstairs in what was considered the prayer room and asked God why I couldn’t speak in tongues like everyone else. It was almost as if I could hear the voice of God saying, ”You haven’t received it because you are not willing to give up everything yet.” I prayed a while longer, surrendering my life to the Lord and went home that night frustrated but determined to speak in other tongues. I remember finally speaking a few words in tongues before I fell asleep, but I was confused and really did not understand if it was from God or from me. The next night, I went to Maranatha and decided I would pray aloud in tongues and see if the others thought what I had was real. I was elated when I realized I had received the gift God promised, the same gift the disciples and all the Christians in the Bible had received. I committed my life to Jesus from that night forward. Thank God He stepped into my life and showed me His wonderful grace, mercy, and love! That night I received the Holy Ghost was in November of 1972. I still went to Sunday School at my family’s church and went to Bible study several nights a week at Maranatha as well. I felt alone in school and at church because it seemed I was the only one at Hilmar High School who had received this experience. Less than two months later I would be surprised. In January of 1973, my chemistry teacher moved me across the room to sit next to a popular senior named Michael Aguilera. I was very quiet and studious, but he was the opposite. The teacher was hoping I would have a calming effect on him, But God had other plans.


One day in the middle of the teacher’s lecture, Mike turned to me and said, “I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost!” I was shocked. I asked him if he spoke in other tongues, and he said, “Yes!” I was excited. I told him I had had the same experience. We immediately became friends, and he started telling me about his church. I had never heard about a church where people clapped their hands and ran around the church in worship. I had only known church services to be very quiet and formal. I was interested, but did not decide to visit until another close friend of mine, Karen - who had been invited by Mike’s sister, Sharon - had gone and enjoyed the services. Now I felt left out. I will never forget the first night I went to the United Pentecostal Church in Turlock. I enjoyed the clapping and singing, but when people started dancing in the spirit, I became afraid and uncomfortable. However, when I looked into the face of Mike while he was worshiping God, I could see that he was feeling something



genuine, and he was sincere. I became hooked. It was exciting to attend a church service where people worshipped God freely and enthusiastically. During these visits, Mike and his older brother Leo, who was a student at Stanislaus State University, began to explain the doctrine of the United Pentecostal Church to me. They quoted from Acts 2:38, “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” They explained that the Bible commands us to be baptized in Jesus’ name--not in the titles Father, Son and Holy Ghost - and to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Even though Matthew 28:19 does say Christ commanded us to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, the word “name” was singular and was intimating a future revelation of what that name would be. Mike and Leo told me that the name was revealed on the day of Pentecost when Peter preached that all should be baptized in the name of Jesus. Jesus was the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. All were one God! Also, the same God requires His people to live a holy life outwardly as well as inwardly. It was difficult at first to accept this doctrine after I had been taught all my life that all you needed to do was to ask God to forgive your sins and come into your heart. I had never heard of Acts 2:38 before, and the book of Acts had not really been taught much in my Sunday School classes. When I kept hearing about baptism, it seemed to me an extra thing to do and not a necessity. I did not understand why baptism was such a big deal and why people kept talking about how many people got baptized and not about how many people got saved. During the months I attended the United Pentecostal church, I heard many sermons about baptism in Jesus’ name and heard countless songs and Sunday School lessons about it, but it just did not sink in. I was planning on being baptized in the ocean that summer when I went on a trip with the Maranatha group, so I did not feel any hurry to get baptized--after all, it was just something extra to do. One night after church when one of the brothers was witnessing to me about baptism again, Leo Aguilera walked up to me and gave me a Bible verse I had heard several times; but suddenly, the words sunk in and I understood. “He that believed and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned.” The Scripture was Mark 16:16. It suddenly hit me: I must be baptized. I could not wait to be baptized. I remember singing in church and feeling everyone else there was going to go to heaven except me. I will never forget the night Pastor Leon Brokaw baptized me. It was May 20, 1973, and I was nervous. I was afraid to tell my mom that I was getting baptized since she was not happy I was attending a Pentecostal church. When I came up out of the water after being baptized in Jesus’ name for the remission of my sins, I didn’t expect to experience anything special, but immediately I felt so clean and complete! It seemed that now I was truly part of God’s family.

An Answered Prayer

After my baptism a few months later, an older brother of the church came up to me and asked me to repeat my name to him “My name is Virginia Olson,” I answered him. “By chance,” he continued, “is your father named Arthur Olson, and did he once own a gas station in Hilmar?” “Yes,” I told him. The brother

looked at me for a long time - his eyes moistened. He then said, “God does answer prayer no matter how long it takes.” I knew this brother’s name was Hank Feuerstein as I was becoming acquainted with his children in the youth department. He then proceeded to tell me about his encounter with my father the night I was born. My heart leaped for joy when he told me the prayer he had made for me so many years before. I knew that God had used this elder brother to guide me into His truth, even if it took eighteen years to answer his prayer. At that moment I became more determined to lead a dedicated life for Christ, for truly His supernatural hand was overshadowing me.

One God Believer

I am convinced that baptism in Jesus’ name is right. It is clearly in the Bible. Everyone in the early church was baptized in Jesus’ name. It wasn’t until the Roman emperor Constantine in the fourth century instituted at the Council of Nicaea that baptism would be changed to the titles Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I was told by Leo who had done some research on the early church that this council caused division among the bishops, the word used for pastors during the time. Some bishops were adamant that Jesus’ name baptism remain unchanged, especially the bishops from the Jewish extraction. They separated from the majority and throughout history remained clandestine to avoid persecution by the Catholic Church. Leo went on to say that Pope John in the early 1960s announced that any person baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost had embraced the Trinitarian doctrine and were all “true Catholics.” I discovered the word “Trinity” was never mentioned in the Bible. The true church was born on the Day of Pentecost, and I believe what was established on that day is what we should follow today. Any other institution that has veered from this doctrine in the past 2000 years has veered from the original teaching of the church. Jesus, in Matthew 28, commanded the disciples to baptize in the NAME, not names, of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and the Bible says that Jesus has a name above every name (Philippians 2:9, 10) and to do everything in the name of Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17). I believe that if a person really studies the scriptures with an open mind that God will reveal this truth to them. The Holy Ghost is given to us to lead us into all truth (John 16:13). I also was confused when I first began to seek God in the Covenant Church about to pray to for certain things. I had been taught that there was one God who was in three persons--the “Blessed Trinity.” I remember studying the Bible to determine who to thank and pray to for certain things since I did not want to offend God the Father or God the Son. I was confused when the Bible said God created the world and then it later said that Jesus did the same. Now, when I came into the truth, the confusion no longer was there when I started studying the Scriptures. In Isaiah, I read where God said, “I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no savior.” Also Deuteronomy 6:4 says, “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord.” And Isaiah 9:6 says, “... And his name shall be called Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Train up a childWonderful, in the way he Father, the Prince of Peace.” I also was surprised when I read in 1 should go: and when he is old, Timothy 3:16: “And without controversy great is the mystery of he will not depart from it. godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” And when Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father, Jesus answered in John 14:7, “Have I been

so long time with you, and yet hast though not known Me, Philip? He that has seen Me has seen the Father.” I was amazed when I discovered so many verses in the Bible talk about the wonders of God, but not one confirming a “Trinity” or the mention of such a word. What a relief to know Who I am praying to and what His name is. Jesus Christ is the physical manifestation of God Himself.

A Blessed Life

It has been many years since I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and since I was baptized in Jesus’ name for the remission of my sins. I too went to Stanislaus State University, graduating with a BA in Business Administration. The Lord blessed me with a career in finance, then led me to do a mid-career change and, presently, I am now teaching high school in the Ceres School District just south of Modesto. I ended up falling in love and married Mike’s brother, Leo Aguilera, who recently retired after teaching AP English at Thomas Downey High School in Modesto. The Lord has blessed us with two sons, Adam and Joshua. Both are teachers. Josh is married and has his ministerial license. He and his godly wife, Jeannette, are very involved in the church. Adam attends Pastor Ted Graves’s church in the Portland, Oregon area and is a teacher leader, teaching high school English in the Evergreen School District in Vancouver, Washington. I have experienced sorrows and problems as well as many great joys. I have found in every trial or struggle, Jesus has always been there. Many years ago when my husband almost died in the hospital, He was there. When my parents passed away, Jesus was there. Christ’s love is invaluable to me and helps me when I do not have anyone else to turn to. I have found I can have peace when the storm is raging around me and there seems no escape. I know from experience that there is no problem too great for Jesus my God to fix. If you are confused about the doctrine of the Trinity and wonder if it is the correct representation of the Godhead, pray that God will reveal Himself to you. Baptism in Jesus’ name is just as pertinent today as it was 2000 years ago on the day of Pentecost. I wish I could express to you the beauty of worshiping God in the Holy Ghost. There are no words to describe the thrill of feeling God touch your soul. To be able to pray in tongues when words are not enough to convey your praise and love to Him is something that is so wonderful. Do not wait until your life is destroyed by sin, call on him today. There is a joy in living for God that cannot be matched by anything else in this world! Like a bridge over troubled water, He will ease your soul.

At their vacation home on the California coast with her family are (from left) Adam, Leo, Virginia, Josh, and Jeannette.



Kids Radically Experiencing Worship

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6 KJV)


t is the burden of Pastor and Sister Johnson for our children to acquire a strong doctrinal foundation, as well as to learn how to worship and pray. Each Sunday during the main morning service and on Wednesday nights, Sister Johnson’s team welcomes children for a time of spirited worship, teaching, and Bible-based games. This allows parents to focus on the service and altar prayer without distractions. If your children have not participated in KREW yet, then consider starting them during the next service. Children are supervised and are carefully checked out after church, so you can feel comfortable leaving them in the care of the KREW team. If you would like to assist in this ministry, please contact Sister Johnson. These children are the church of the future; let us do everything we can to prepare them.

From the mouths of little children and infants, you have built a fortress against your opponents to silence the enemy and the avenger. - Psalms 8:2 (God’s Word translation)

More of... EASTER!

Easter Celebration!


He is not here; he has risen!

aster is a time of great rejoicing, remembering Christ’s resurrection after his crucifixion. The choir ministered in song, Pastor Johnson preached, and the altars were filled. We even had a baptism during the service! (Clockwise from top left: Pastor Johnson prays over the altar service, Pastor Johnson preaches the Easter message, the church celebrates during a baptism, Mehgan Johnson sings lead while her proud grandpa (Bishop Keyes) looks on, members lift their hands in prayer and worship. As we remember Christ’s sacrifice for us, we need to consider our own lives. What are we doing for Him? Are we faithful to God’s house? Are we faithful in our giving? Are we faithful to share the gospel with others? Are we involved in serving others? Easter is a great time for us to reevaluate where we are spiritually and make a renewed consecration to God. Our church has many areas in which we can serve, whether it is as a greeter or usher, a Sunday School teacher or KREW team member, a Life group leader or member, or a prayer warrior or altar worker. Let’s get busy about His kingdom. Maranatha--the Lord is coming! May He find us busy in His kingdom.

More faces of REVIVAL!


ith miraculous healings, dynamic preaching, and powerful moves of God, this year has been exciting as we watch God touch the lives of both our members and visitors. God is on the move, and we can’t wait to see all the glorious things He is going to do in the year 2017!

The Newsvine


United Pentecostal Church of Modesto 825 7th street Modesto, CA 95354

Mr. and Mrs. Suzanne and Ethan DeMoss

Congratulations to our latest married couple! Suzanne is the daughter of Jeff and Bonnie Glasgow and Ethan is the son of Desmond and Robin DeMoss. May God bless their marriage with much happiness and may they continue to be a blessing to the kingdom of God.

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