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Charlene Wilson
Lindsay Castro
Leo & Virginia Aguilera
Leo Aguilera and Creative Team
Joshua Aguilera, Jocelyn Powell, Alexis Diaz, Autumn Amador, MaKayla Johnson, Devina Aguirre, Emma Zuniga, Angel Torres Colin, Russ Campbell, Andrew Mazon, Brooke Montes, and assisted by Don Mellow
AtA Word from the Editors
Carol Castillo
Alexis Diaz
Virginia Aguilera
Matthew Aguirre
David Amador
Dana Le’ Blanc
Chris Harris
B.U.F.F. (MEN 50+)
S.I.S. (Ladies' Ministry)
SUNDAY - 9:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
MONDAY - 7:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY - 7:00 p.m.
THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m.
FRIDAY - 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY - 10:00 a.m.
Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah
Antonio & Gloria Gutierrez
Joshua & Jeannette Aguilera
Chris & Lindsay Castro
Moses Burciaga
Jerry Powell
Noah Wells
Jeremiah Williams
Vinnie Zapien
Tim & Jeriann Montes
Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre
Nancy Holston, Tim Montes
Sujey Diaz, Mary Aguirre
Herb Jenkins
Charles & Joyce Bispo
Jonathan Quinones
Alex Diaz
Angela Warren, Joyce Jones
Joyce Jones
Joyce Jones
Joshua Williams
Jeremiah Williams
MaKayla Johnson
Spanish/Service - Chapel
Pre-service Prayer
Morning Service - Sanctuary, KREW
Growth Track - Chapel
All-Church Prayer
Mid-Week Service, KREW
Spanish Service
Revive Youth Service
Saturday Morning Outreach
THE NEWSVINE is published quarterly (first Sunday of January, April, July, October) by Revival Church, United Pentecostal Church, 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to The Newsvine are subject to pastor’s approval and editing by The Newsvine staff.
the time of this publication, Modesto was right smack in the middle of a heat wave, with temperatures between 107 to 112 degrees. This year's theme for our church is FIRE! It may be physically hot outside, but our church is definitely feeling the hot fire spiritually! In this issue, revival fires seem to be spouting in all our departments and outreaches. Pastor Johnson says now is the time to witness and win souls, and he leads by example by personally winning several new members!
There are more than 240 photos in this issue, chronicling the events of the prior three months since Easter. There are special articles on the testimonies of Elder and Sister Kinchloe; a memoriam to the passing of Elecia Caraveo, a very precious and loved young person; an article by Sister Carol Castillo focusing on the differences between low self esteem and humility; a report on our Bible quizzing teams–the juniors are going to Nationals; and so much more! Not only does The Newsvine capture the history of our church, but it is also our desire that it can be used to reach souls, so be sure to share this issue with your family and friends.
Let's all continue to fuel the flames of revival since our mighty God has called Himself a consuming fire–something the prophet Jeremiah felt "shut up in my bones." Catch it! Maranatha! Our Lord is coming!
Editors Leo and Virginia Aguilera
"All Christians Need to Know" by Editor Leo Aguilera
Miraculous Healing of Ron Kinchloe
Testimony of Faith - Elders Ron & Dora Kinchloe
Youth Convention & Hyphen Conference
Elecia Caraveo, In Memoriam
Spanish Revival with Ariel Lopez
Jesus Still Heals and Raises the Dead!
Those who believe that the types of miracles Jesus performed while here on earth along with the apostles' miracles in the first generation of the church can no longer happen are called cessationists. They admit that Christ can still perform the miraculous, but such demonstration of power has diminished in the modern church. They tend not to believe any reports of modern healings after prayer and the anointing of oil and reject any witness to the raising of the dead. Those in the spiritualist, fundamentalist church today who still believe speaking in tongues, gifts of the Spirit, divine healing, and astonishing miracles like the raising of the dead can still happen are called continuationists. For those who have had a miracle of healing or have witnessed a divine healing of a close relative or acquaintance are absolutely convinced that the scripture found in Hebrews 3:8 applies to Christ's demonstration of power for all time: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!" And did not Jesus say in Matthew 10:7,8: "As you go, proclaim this message: 'The kingdom of heaven has come near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give."?
In James 5:15,16 the apostle actually gives instructions how to come into the realm of the miraculous: "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righ-
teous man availeth much."
So what kind of believer are you, a cessationist or a continuationist?
This editor is an absolute continuationist because of my personal miracle of an astounding healing when at the age of 34 I suffered an esophageal perforation, a large tear of my esophagus, with several pints of blood spilling into my stomach. Medical reports warn: "Rapid diagnosis and therapy provide the best chance for survival; however, delay in diagnosis is common, resulting in substantial morbidity and mortality." Fortunately, I am blessed with a wife who saw the signs of my dilemma and rushed me to the hospital. After the vomiting of much blood, I was prepared for surgery to stop the bleeding. I insisted that my pastor and my wife pray for me. He anointed me with oil and prayed in front of the medical team. Then I was wheeled into the prep room where I went through the agony of my stomach being pumped. There was no blood! The doctor ordered a scope down my throat and was astounded to find the tear had sealed itself. He canceled the surgery, but kept me in the hospital for a week to gain my strength after I received several pints of blood, and to observe if the tear should reopen. That was over 35 years ago! Since then I have never had a problem with my esophagus. I was dying, but when the man of God prayed for me, Christ's virtue flowed into me and healed me and made me whole. I BELIEVE IN HIS HEALING POWER, and it is for the church today!
Brother Ron Kinchloe and his wife Sister Dora are on the front cover of this issue. They give their testimonies of their conversions, but this testimony appeared in our Spring 2014 issue which reports the astounding power of prayer to raise the dead in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
After Ron had retired from 35 years of service as Auditor Controller for Merced County south of Modesto, he continued to return to the county office three days a week for special assignments, even though he and Dora had moved to Modesto. He admits that his duties and responsibilities at that time became stressful with deadlines to meet. Little did he know that even in retirement his past exertions would catch up to him.
That midwinter in 2014, Ron went golfing with a few of our retired churchmen. During the game, he mentioned to the brethren his hands felt funny. Barry Wilkins, a fellow player who happens to be a paramedic, had his stethoscope on him (strange but true). He checked Ron's heartbeat and told him it was irregular, and that he best go into emergency, NOW!
Ron called his wife Sister Dora to meet him in the ER at Memorial Hospital. The brethren on the golf course called Pastor Johnson, letting him know where Ron was going. Ron got there before anyone else did, and, while in line, he DROPPED DEAD onto the floor! He later was told there was havoc in the waiting room and nurses quickly came out from behind closed doors, trying to resuscitate him. He had no heartbeat, and his color was quickly fading to an ashen gray. When his wife got there, he had been moved lifeless to a bed. Pastor Johnson was already there. He was allowed in with Sister Dora and immediately began to pray for Ron, while the nurses and doctors worked on him with a defibrillator, trying to revive him three times. His pulse finally came back, although faintly, and he had to be put on a respirator, for he could not breathe on his own. He was unconscious, and within a few hours, he
was tested and found that he had 100% blockage in one of his arteries. A stint was installed and the family and church members prayed for a complete recovery when he awakened. The medical team informed Sister Dora that Ron had a 5% chance to live and a 0% recovery from brain damage.
However, two days later Ron regained consciousness, completely alert, and all physical signs showed he was on the way for a complete recovery! Even though his doctors said a lack of vital signs for 21 minutes denoted he was dead, the power of prayer raised him from that deathbed. Dr. Powanie, the attending cardiologist, was astonished, and in two weeks, he told Ron to presume his recreational activities, go back to work, and "every day you wake up, you better thank your God!"
When Brother Ron testified in front of the whole church, the saints rose to their feet and gave praise to our mighty Jesus, the Healer! Today, Brother Ron feels as good as new!
"Raising of Lazarus" c.1870 by Carl Bloch
Cover Story
TesTimony of faiTh Ron and Dora Kinchloe
As told to Editors Leo & Virginia Aguilera
We are honored to share the inspiring testimonies of Ron and Dora Kinchloe, faithful and godly elders in our church. Ron is active in our 50+ BUFF men's ministry; Dora, in Mature Ladies and S.I.S., Sisters In Seasons. Their lives are a testament to the power of prayer and God's faithfulness, an example that God answers prayers, even beyond the grave! Don't miss Ron's astounding testimony of being raised from the dead on page 5 of this issue.
Sister Kinchloe's Story
Bornto Miguel and Elenor Cisneros, Sister Dora Borjorque was one out of 10 children, and the only one born in Mexico. Her family lived in the area of El Paso, Texas, but when her grandfather purchased a ranch in Chihuahua, Mexico, they moved there for a time for her father to be the manager. She was only a baby when the family moved back to the United States. Her father, a full-blooded Comanche, managed farms, and her mother cared for the home.
However, it was during the short time the family lived in Mexico that her parents had a life-changing experience. They were baptized in Jesus’ name and received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. “The Apostolic religion is all I’ve ever known,” said Sister Kinchloe. "My dad was a ‘walking bible.’ He was always preaching to us and telling us about the Word.”
Raised in the church, she never saw her parents use alcohol or smoke cigarettes. Her parents were strict,
not allowing Dora and her siblings to go to dances. She went to church until she was a teenager. “I always knew who Jesus was,” she said. “My parents never pushed us to go to Sunday School or to go to youth services, but we knew what our boundaries were.”
Her education was with the public schools in Merced, California. By the time she entered high school at El Capitan, she had cut her hair and started wearing a little make up. All of her high school friends were Catholic. “On Fridays, I used to drive the drag,” she said. “There was a chili dog stand on Main Street.” She chuckles when she remembers that her Catholic friends had to wait until midnight before they could eat their chili dogs, as they were not allowed to eat meat on Fridays.
After high school, Dora attended beauty college, and for many years she was a hair stylist. She was in no hurry to get married, and as the last single sibling in her family, her parents started to worry. “In Spanish culture if you are not married by age 20,” said Dora, they think you are an old maid!”
Although she was raised in an Apostolic home, she was not committed to the Christian life. "I knew my parents were serving God, and I just respected that.” Once she moved out of the house, she never went to church. She was disturbed by a dream she had after her move. “I couldn’t forget it.,” she said. When she explained the dream to her mother, she said, “It sounds like the Lord is calling you, but you are not ready.”
Yet, it wasn’t until many years later that this calling would bring her back to the church.
A young Sister Dora
Brother Kinchloe's Story
Brother Ron Kinchloe was born in Spokane, Washington. He was the second oldest of four children. His father was in the air force so they were always moving as his father would be stationed at various bases even beyond the United States. His mother would work in the cannery part time to help out the family finances. His parents were Methodists, but were very faithful. He explained, “It was hard to find a Methodist church because we were always moving around.”
became an emancipated minor, living temporarily with his grandmother. Needing to financially support himself, he moved to Michigan and worked at an assembly plant.
At this time, the United States was involved in a military conflict in the country of Vietnam. The Cold War was intense and the United States was trying to limit the spread of communism in the world. It was a very anxious time for the young men in the nation as they were being drafted to fight a controversial and dangerous war. Between 1964 and 1973, 2.2 million eligible American men were drafted. “To be drafted,” said Brother Kinchloe,” meant you would be in the infantry.” Many chose to enlist to have more of a choice in which branch of the military they would serve. Some fled to Canada to avoid being drafted. Many college campuses were inflamed with protests against the war. According to the Defense Casualty Analysis System: 40,923 American soldiers were killed in action; 5,299 died of their wounds; 1,085 were declared Missing in Action, Dead; and 116 were captured and declared dead. To be drafted, meant a death sentence to many.
Due to his father's frequent transfers, schooling for Ron would change every three years. He attended kindergartner in Merced; elementary school in London, England; and 8th, 9th, and 10th grades on Midway Island. When asked what it was like living on Midway, he said, "It was fantastic!" He loved all the water sports including skin diving which is similar to snorkeling, but divers stay under water longer, go down deeper, and don't wear a snorkeling vest. When his family moved back to Merced, he started high school as a junior at Merced High. At age 17 he dropped out of school and
Beginning in 1969, The Selective Service System (SSS) began televising the lottery. Each eligible young male of draft age was given a random lottery number corresponding to his birthday. The lower the number, the more likely he would be drafted and possibly sent to Southeast Asia to fight and perhaps die. “My lottery ticket was really low,” he said. “I made myself a sandwich to watch the lottery. Before I took my first bite, they called my birthday.”
Shortly after being drafted, Brother Kinchloe was shipped off to Ford Ord, California, and then to Fort Lewis in Washington State. From there he went to military training in Ford Riley in Kansas for artillery spotting. Instead of being shipped off to Vietnam, he was sent to Kitizgen, Germany, as the U.S. government was very concerned about the Russians. He was assigned to the Mechanized Infantry Squad in an armored personnel carrier.
Ron with his parents, Alice Burke and Eugene Kinchloe, and three sisters from oldest: Jeannine, Debbie, and Dawn.
Brother Ron sits by his bunk
He was supposed to serve a full two-year term in the military, but was relieved when he was released after 18 months. The Vietnam War was winding down and the government needed to cut some troops.
He moved back to Merced, California, where his parents settled after his father retired from the military and worked at the Post Office for 20 years. He immediately signed up for classes at Merced College. He told the enrollment counselor when she asked him what he wanted to do, "I want to make money." She replied, "You are going to be an accountant."
Again, he got drafted. The military let him go back to school. After three years and transferring to Fresno State, he was told he had to be reactivated into the service. His assignment was abruptly ended when the facility at which he was working at training other soldiers had a fire. He was told his commitment was up and to go home.
Upon returning to Merced, he saw a picture of a girl that would not let him rest until he met her. Could she be the girl of his dreams?
Their Story
Sister Dora had been a member of the wedding party of one of Brother Ron's friends. When he saw Dora, he immediately was interested and asked his friend if he could set up a date with her. Dora did not like blind dates, so she told their mutual friend that the next time they came over to visit, to bring Ron with them.
When Ron met Dora, they talked and, wanting to get to know her better, invited her to go with him to Strawberry Lake. She agreed as long as their friends went with them, and they all went. Dora had already planned a month long trip to Greece. She was skeptical when he said he would wait for her. Sure enough, when she returned, he called her right away. Their relationship had started out as friends, and Ron admits that he was in love with Dora before she fell in love with him.
After dating a little less than a year, they decided to get married. They went to Reno with Dora’s sister as their witness. Her family was so happy that Dora was finally getting married and would not be an old maid. Her father had told all the children not to marry a Catholic. All of her siblings had married a Catholic, so her parents were glad Brother Kinchloe was not one. They
The picture that captured Brother Ron's eye.
Dora at her desk for the county welfare department
Ron and Dora cut their cake at their wedding reception
did not have a honeymoon because Ron was still in school. Their daughter, Erynn, was born 9 months later. Ron was finishing up his schooling on the G.I. Bill and during the summer he worked as an inspector for the local cannery. Even though she was busy in her job as a hairdresser, she found time to help Ron with his studies. Money was tight. It was so tight that he did not attend his graduation ceremony because he could not afford the $10 for his tassel.
After 4 1/2 years, Ron, armed with his business degree from Fresno State University, got a job with the county. He got hired on the spot as an accountant/appraiser. Apparently, majoring in accounting was a wise move as even the IRS was trying to recruit him out of college. "We bought a house right away," said Dora. Ron would go on to work in the accounting department of the county for 20 years, plus an additional 6 years part-time.
Their daughter Erynn was 7 or 8 years old when Dora quit hairdressing and went to work for the Merced County welfare department. Their finances had improved so much that they were able to buy another home.
God's Story
Dora's parents both passed away in 1978, months apart, never seeing any of their children serving God. Dora and Ron had been busy with their lives, never concerning themselves with church. All of this was about to change. Prayers that had gone up for decades were not in vain. God had heard every one and was ready to make His move.
It all started on one particular visit to Dora's brothers. "I loved to dance," said Dora. "My brothers would take us out to night clubs, and we would drink socially." They had gone out with her brothers many times to the club, but this time was different. When the music started playing, Ron said, "Let's dance." Dora, surprisingly, told Ron she did not want to dance. "I didn't feel like being there at all," said Dora. "I just wanted to get out of there." God was starting to work on her heart.
Then a woman, Dina, who was going to a denominational church started talking to Dora at work about God. "She would not leave me alone," she said. Finally one Saturday, she told the woman she was going to church that Sunday. Dora didn't know which church she was going to visit, so she opened up the phone book. "The Lord erased everything else and only let the phone number of the church show," she said. She called the church and spoke with the pastor, Brother Yandris. When she asked him what time the service started, he said, "We are a little different here." Dora felt offended. She thought he told her this because he did not want her there. Undeterred, she put on her dress and started driving to the church.
"When I passed an Assembly of God church on the way, I literally heard a voice saying keep going." She was surprised when she realized that her destination of the United Pentecostal Church building was located right behind her parents' house! When she arrived at the church, no one was there. She went in and sat down and waited. Soon Elder Yandris and his wife came in and introduced themselves.
At the end of the service, the pastor told her she was welcome any time. Dora started only going on Sunday mornings. Then she started going twice on Sundays. She knew from her parents' examples about tithing, so she started giving tithes right away from her own income. When she stopped working, Ron told her it was OK with him to tithe from his income. "Dora was getting something out of it [church]," he said. "My daughter was getting something out of it, so I didn't mind giv-
Ron and Dora Kinchloe and their daughter Erynn
ing a tithe."
One Sunday, Dora finally felt strongly convicted to get baptized. She thought, "OK, I'll do it tonight. I was already in the Spirit before he baptized me. I didn't hear the minister talking. I felt like a cloud just floating." All her sins and any doubts she had were eradicated instantly. The pastor told her to start praising God and said, "She's ready for the Holy Ghost!" Before she even got out of the baptism tank, she lifted her arms and started speaking in tongues! What a power came over her! When she got home, she was so excited she woke up Ron and told him, "I got the Holy Ghost!" Dora's siblings were surprised and shocked at this news.
When Dora continued going to church, Ron would go on occasion. "I was not bothered by hearing people speaking in tongues," said Ron. "I enjoyed going to the services." He didn't even mind that Dora for three years was holding a Bible study in their home.
The Kinchloes eventually transferred to Revival Church in Modesto under the pastorship of Randy G. Keyes when they bought a beautiful home in Modesto after Ron retired. During one of Pastor Keyes' sermons, Ron suddenly had a revelation. "I knew," he said. "It
was confirmed. I knew the future. I knew where I was going." He went down to the altar and got the Holy Ghost. "All of a sudden it came over me," said Ron, "and I started speaking in tongues!" Ron found pure joy and peace in his heart. Dora was shocked. She had prayed for her husband for 26 years!
Ron told Pastor Keyes that Sunday morning that he was ready to be baptized in Jesus' name. Unfortunately, the church's baptistry was being repaired, so he was taken to the old church to be baptized. It was winter. The church was freezing cold. The water was freezing cold, but he was so caught up in the Spirit, that he wasn't bothered by the chilliness of the water. In fact, it felt warm to him!
The Kinchloes are faithful, godly members of Revival Church. Sister Dora, although saddened by the thought her parents never saw her saved in church, is thankful for all their prayers. "I know it was my parents' prayers," she said, "that made me where I am today." She never gave up praying for her husband Ron even though it took 26 years before he got the revelation and surrendered his life to Christ. They both say: "Keep praying. Never give up."
The Kinchloe family Christmas 2023: Ron; Dora; granddaughter, Teagan; daughter, Erynn, and son-in-law, Drew Dingeldine
Western District Youth Convention "Greater Things"
In April, Revive, our junior high and high school youth led by Tim and Jeriann Montes, attended the Western District Youth Convention in Visalia, California. The conference speaker was Chris Green, lead pastor of Be Church in Austin, Texas. What an exciting time for our young people! Great preaching! Great worship! Great fellowship! Thank you to all who made it possible.
National Hyphen Conference 2024
Also in April, our college and career aged young adults, led by Chris and Lindsay Castro (far right), in April attended the National Hyphen Conference in San Diego, California. Speakers were: Adam Hunley, Darin Sargent, Jennifer Malech, Jeremy Stafford, Dinah Copple, Travis Worthington, and James Wilson. Thank you to all those who donated to enable our young people to attend this outstanding conference.
Celebrating 8th grade graduation
Elecia Caraveo ♥ 2009 - 2024
Elecia's eulogy which was written by Elecia's uncle, Joe Luna and her aunt, Michelle Pulido
young girl of just 15, whose laughter was a song, whose smile was light that could soften the sharpest pains of life, Elecia was treasured and deeply loved by her parents, Uriel and Felicia; brother, Phillip; extended family and friends. Her mom was her best friend and confidant. For her Father, she was the apple of his eye, his princes..
Elecia embodied an appetite for life that was truly infectious. She lived every moment with a joyful spirit that touched everyone she met. Her laughter resonated deep within the hearts of all who had the pleasure of knowing her.
Deeply committed to her faith, Elecia was a pillar of strength and a source of wisdom which was special to see at her young age. Her dedication to the church was evident in her actions. She was a protective force for her family, especially over her brother Phillip, watching over them, ensuring they felt safe and cherished.
An avid reader and writer, Elecia found adventure in the pages of her books. She shared these dreams and stories with all of us, enriching our lives with her imagination. Elecia also loved animals, especially her dogs Lady, Weena, and Lil Guy.
Elecia cherished the time she spent with her loved ones above all. Her presence made every gathering brighter and every conversation meaningful. She loved celebrating the holidays, especially Christmas. Though her departure from us feels untimely, we find solace in believing that God had other plans for her. Plans that required her light elsewhere, in a kingdom where she now spreads the same joy and love she so generously shared here. We take comfort in knowing that she is at peace, her laughter and warmth, a blessing to the heavens as it was to us.
Elecia with her parents Uriel and Felicia and her brother Phillip on Father's Day 2023
Singing with youth praise team
We do not always understand when someone as young as Elecia is called home to heaven, but we are assured that she is in the arms of a loving God, after she passed in her sleep. Uriel and Felicia know that this is but a temporary parting. Someday they will see their precious daughters again. They are so thankful that many years ago, they surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and brought up their children in the house of God. Until we see you again, Elecia...
Elecia with Uriel, her father
Elecia and her brother Phillip
makes"Pressure you or breaks you."
Pressure that Multiplies
Using the example of the Israelites suffering under the hand of Pharaoh, Evangelist Lopez, who hails from New York, expertly illustrated the effects of pressure and stress. Pharaoh intended on crushing the spirits and limiting the population growth of the Israelites, but instead they continued to multiply. "It's time to multiply," he said, "and it all starts with you." He went on to say, "The enemy wants to put pressure on you so you do not grow." He explained that when the body is under stress, it releases hormones that prepare it for fight or flight. "In other words," he said, "are you prepared either to fight or to retreat? We need people who are going to take possession, who will speak positively, who have a big vision, a positive vision, a vision of growth. You are the change you've been waiting for!"
Be challenged by listening to Pastor Lopez's sermon at
"Something Only Babies Can Do"
"If you really want to be used by God, look around you."
Listen to Pastor Fairbanks sermon focused on witnessing at: w4uVgUAakds?si=H3DKIOdOWnhIdCVN
Bible Quizzing News
April's spring Open TOurnAmenT resulTs
Junior quizzers: Naomi Salazar, Jazzy D'Aquino, and Melanie Walls with their coaches Linda Salazar and Jessica D'Aquino; (right) beginner quizzer Logan D'Aquino.
Congratulations to our Beginner and Junior Division quiz teams who did an amazing job at the Western District Spring Open held in Stockton, California, in April. Our junior team of Jazzy D'Aquino, Naomi Salazar, and Melanie Walls came in 1st place, while our beginner team of Logan D'Aquino and Seth and Liam Burciaga came in 5th. We are also very proud of Logan D'Aquino who was the 3rd highest individual scorer in the Beginner Division. Accolades also are in order for Naomi Salazar who was the 5th highest
scoring individual in the Junior Division and to Jazzy D'Aquino who was the 2nd highest scoring individual in the same division. A shout out to Beginner coaches Anthony D'Aquino and Moses Burciaga and to Junior coaches Jessica D'Aquino and Linda Salazar, and to RC Quizzing Director Joshua Williams. Our quizzers are working hard toward their next two tournaments. Keep them in your prayers as they place the word of God in their minds and hearts.
undefeATed AT WesTern disTricT
JuniOr finAls WArm-up!
Our Junior quizzers were fired up at the Western District Junior Finals Warmup held in Stockton on May 18. With over 10 teams competing, our juniors were undefeated, placing first! Naomi Salazar not only was the top scorer in the tournament, but she also made the All Tournament Team! With one more win, they will qualify to compete in the nationals! Congratulations to team members: Jazzy D'Aquino, Naomi Salazar, and Melanie Walls and to their coaches: Linda Salazar and Jessica D'Aquino, and RC quizzing director Joshua Williams.
Our JuniOr Quiz TeAm is gOing TO NATIONALS!
In mid June our Bible Quizzing teams competed in Merced at the Western District Finals. This was the last opportunity for them to qualify to compete in the National competition to be held in July in Branson, Missouri. We are thrilled to report our Juniors are going to Nationals! Our Junior team of Jazzy D'Aquino, Naomi Salazar, and Melanie Walls came in second place out of 10 teams after a hard-fought battle for first place with the team from CLC. And there's more. Logan D'Aquino from our Beginner team of Logan and Seth and Liam Burciaga, received a trophy for being the third highest quizzer in his division! And that's not all. Beginner Coach Anthony D'Aquino was named Coach of the Year in the Beginner Division!
"Our quizzers, as well as coaches, have shown tre-
mendous grit and determination throughout this year," said RC Quiz Director Joshua Williams. "Their sacrifice and work ethic with the help of the Lord has paid off. Congratulations to all the quizzers and coaches for their work within this ministry. A shout out to all those who showed up to a tournament, sacrificed during a fundraiser, and prayed for our kids and coaches."
Revival Church congratulates our Junior quiz team along with their coaches Linda Salazar and Jessica D'Aquino. We also commend our Beginner quizzers and their coaches Anthony D'Aquino and Moses Burciaga! Hats off to our RC Quiz Director Joshua Williams for his leadership and burden for this incredible ministry. We are so proud of you all!
Clockwise from top left: Our Junior quizzers with their coaches celebrate their second place win; Logan D'Aquino and his coach, Anthony D'Aquino, with Logan's 5th highest scorer trophy; Beginner Coach Anthony D'Aquino with Junior Bible Quizzing Director Phil Swank; RC quizzers, coaches, and family members.
"God Time - Your Miracle Is on its Way"
Reverend Marvin Mitchell, former pastor of The Sanctuary Church and currently the Vision Facilitator at Capacity Consulting LLC, was invited to our church at the end of April to preach. His topic focused on trusting in God's timing and not our own. "We've got to stop putting miracles in man-size boxes," he said. He expounded this thought by saying that God's ways are perfect. His ways are so far above our ways that we cannot understand or comprehend them. "I want to submit to God's timing. I want to have faith, to believe God's ways are perfect, even when they are not my ways. We've got to stop figuring them out and faith God into our situation. God, help us to fight our
way through our doubts, fight our way through the confusion." God is an on time God he declared. He may not take you out of your situation so He can demonstrate His greatness through your testimony. "Miracles, signs and wonders are being prepared right now," he said."We have to begin to step out in faith...these signs will follow you as you walk by faith." There are prophetic preparations God has been working on, waiting for you to surrender your will.
God, help us to trust You even when we do not understand. Help us to walk in faith, even in the midst of the storm. Thank you, Brother Mitchell, for your healing and timely words.
Mother's Day!
Proverbs 31:28–29: "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'"
- Proverbs 31:28-29
Sister Nanci Holston, on behalf of the church, honors Sister Johnson on Mother's Day.
Sister Sharon Keyes and her daughter Kimberly Johnson
Happy Mother's Day!
"Strength and honor are her clothing..." Proverbs 31:28
Baby Dedication
are a blessing and a gift from the Lord." Psalm 127:3 (CEV).
The Fires of Pentecost Still Burn!
The atmosphere was filled with anticipation on this Pentecost Sunday as members and visitors gathered to celebrate the birth of the Christian church nearly 2,000 years ago.
As told in Acts 2, one hundred twenty followers of Jesus, including His disciples and His mother, had been gathering in an upper room in Jerusalem praying for the gift of the Holy Ghost which Jesus had promised them. They had no idea what to expect, but they were obedient. As they prayed, suddenly, a sound like a mighty wind from heaven, filled the room and what looked like flames appeared over each of their heads. Everyone was then filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. It was this experience that empowered the followers of Jesus to change the world.
After a time of worship led by the RC worship team, Pastor Johnson came to the platform. Already there were individuals in the altar praying. He explained that the same Holy Ghost infilling that happened long ago in Jerusalem, happened again in early 1900 in Topeka, Kansas, and at Azusa Street in California. In fact, Pastor Johnson said the gift of the Holy Ghost has already been poured out and is available today. He then had everyone repent and start worshipping God with their hands raised. Many had tears as they asked God to help them make a change in their lives. Then one by one, people started speaking in tongues just like the disciples did, just like the Christians in Topeka, Kansas, just like millions of people around the world!
Praise God for touching hungry hearts and empowering individuals to live an overcoming life. Those fires of Pentecost still burn brightly!
The Class of 2024
College graduates
Jayne Campbell
College: MJC
Degree: Human Psychology
Future College Plans: CSU, Stanislaus
Career Goals: Marriage & Family Therapist
brianna FletCher
College: MJC
Degree: AA in Child Development
Career Goals: Home Day Care Center
anita Gutierrez
College: CSU, Stanislaus
Degree: BS in Business Administration
Future College Plans: CSU, Stanislaus
Career Goals: Human Resources
ethan hunt
College: CSU, Stanislaus
Degree: Bachelor's in Political Science
Career Goals: Employed by local utility company
zoë Warren
College: Christian Life College
Degree: BA in Business Administration & Management
Career Goals: Wherever the Lord may lead...
HigH sCHool graduates
School: Central Valley High School
College Plans: CSU, Stanislaus
Major: Psychology
Career Goal: Family Therapist
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29:11
School: Ripon High School
College Plans: MJC, UC Berkeley
Career Goal: Software Developer
aelina Calderon
natalie diaz
More HigH sCHool graduates
School: Enochs High School
College Plans: MJC, then CSU, Stanislaus
Career Goal: Nursing or Law
School: Fred C. Beyer High School
College Plans: MJC
Career Goal: Radiologist
School: Modesto High School
College Plans: MJC
Major: Criminal Justice
Career Goal: Probation Officer
School: James C. Enochs High School
College Plans: MJC, then UC
Career Goal: Physician
ryan paul
noah roChester
lanCe rodriGuez
leo mananGat
School: Gregori High School
College Plans: MJC
Major: Criminal Justice
Career Goal: Juvenile Correctional Officer
School: Johansen High School
College Plans: MJC
Career Goal: Wild Life Biology
Our graduates, 8th grade through college, were recognized during a recent service in June. Pastor Johnson, along with the ministerial staff and youth pastors pray for them.
daviana FiGueroa
Gabriella zuinGa
Guest Preacher - Cortt Chavis
"Lame, but Left"
In April, we had the privilege of welcoming Pastor Cortt Chavis from Truth Chapel in Loganville, Georgia, to preach to us on a Wednesday night. He used 2 Samuel 9 as his text, recounting the poignant story of David and Mephibosheth, the grandson of King Saul.
Following the deaths of Saul and his son Jonathan in battle, David ascended to the throne. During that era, it was customary for the new king to eliminate all remaining members of the previous king's family to secure their rule. However, David, honoring a promise he had made to his dear friend Jonathan, sought to show kindness to Jonathan's family. Upon inquiry, David learned that Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth, who was crippled, was still alive. Mephibosheth had been injured as a young child when his nursemaid dropped him in a frantic effort to hide him from certain death. David summoned Mephibosheth, now an adult, to his
presence. Overcome with fear and expecting the worst, Mephibosheth bowed down before the king, referring to himself as a "dead dog." Instead of punishment, David reassured him not to be afraid and promised that he would dine at the king's table from that day forward. Furthermore, David restored all the property that had belonged to Saul’s family to Mephibosheth. David’s focus was not on Mephibosheth’s lameness, but on what he could do for him.
Pastor Chavis drew a powerful parallel to our own spiritual journey. "If the devil could have killed us, he would have, but we were left alive," he declared. Just as Mephibosheth was hurt, many of us come to God bearing wounds. "For some of you," Pastor Chavis continued, "it wasn't something you did. Someone mishandled you and wounded you." He emphasized that we can approach God without fear. God is not angry; He
is waiting for us to come to Him humbly. "You are not a servant, you are a son," Pastor Chavis affirmed. Just as Mephibosheth approached the king undeserving, we too can come to God weary, worn, and sad. In return, God offers us what we do not deserve: He makes us His children. "Therefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ" (Galatians 4:7, KJV).
Live Recording Overcomer project!
the end of May, Matt Aguirre and his Overcomer Project team hosted "Overcomer: A Live Worship Experience" at Revival Church. This event showcased the incredible talents of a group of musicians and singers who collaborated with Matt to write and record eight powerful worship songs.
The night was marked by an atmosphere of heartfelt worship, as these gifted individuals led the congregation in praise. On top of everything, five people received the Holy Ghost! All glory to God!
Matt Aguirre's vision for the Overcomer Live Recording had been a long-standing dream. "It was birthed from my personal testimony," he shared. Faced with a ten-year prison sentence, Matt experienced God's immense mercy, which led him back to his faith. "Seventeen years later," he reflected, "the dream came true."
Brother Matt, you are truly an overcomer!
Matt Aguirre
Cortt Chavis
The Overcomer Project Team
The TeAm
Tim Montes and Matt Aguirre
Overcomer Team and Guest
Tim Montes / MD - Organ/Aux
Julian Tabares / Maryland - Piano
Brooke Montes / RC - Bass
Want to listen to The Overcomer Project's amazing worship music? The first couple of songs will be released by fall 2024; the remainder, this winter, Lord willing. Once released, they can be accessed through all media outlets including: Apple Music, Spotify, and Google Music.
"We prayed, fasted, and believed God to do great things," said Matt, "and that's exactly what happened."
Brett Grubbs/ North Carolina - Guitar
D’Mauriae Harris / Bay Area - Drums
Frankie Ruiz / Modesto - Guitar
Sean Dodson / Bay Area - Vocal Arranger
Ej Latouche / Florida
Rudy Villareal / LA
Josias Navarro / LA
Rayne Libby / Maryland
Stephanie Diaz / LA
Isela Aguirre / Modesto
Abigail Ballestero / North Carolina
Aaliyah Camerena / LA
MaKayla Johnson / Modesto
DeVina Aguirre - Modesto
Project Manager
Aaron Mendoza
Project Lead / Hospitality
Jacqueline Aguirre, Angela Warren
Cam Ops Lead - Josh Aguilera
Memorial Day Church Picnic
Our RC family gathered for our annual church fellowship on Memorial Day. This year we gathered at Graceada Park in Modesto which proved to be a great choice! Thank you, John and Amy Rodriguez, picnic coordinators, for the change. We had a good turnout, with our members and their guests stretched out across the park. Families had lots of shaded areas in which to fellowship and enjoy BBQ chicken, sausage, and tri tip. Another change this year was to be more flexible with the meal. Families were encouraged to bring their own food, as many of them through the years were already barbequing their own specialties. Some pooled together their food, as individual families and others arranged ahead of time to combine their food. Sister Linda Salazar, organized as always, had quite a set up as you can see below. Another way Graceada Park was a great choice was that it had a large number of Pickle Ball courts - which is quite the rage right now. Overall, this year's event was a great success!
Volunteer of the Month Josh Martinez
Congratulations to Josh Martinez for being chosen as Volunteer of the Month. Aside from singing on our worship team and helping as one of our sound engineers, he is in charge of our parking brigade, making sure members and visitors find parking and safely cross the street to our church. He is always quick to help out where needed and has a positive, enthusiastic spirit. Thank you for all you do! By the way, love that shirt, Brother!
We'll Miss You, Brother Jack!
One of our long-time members, Brother Jack Robinson, recently moved out of state to live with family due to his ongoing health concerns. I, personally, will miss stopping by his seat and hearing one of his jokes–he always had a new one. He loved our church, and it was difficult for him to leave. It is difficult for us at Revival Church as well, as he was deeply loved.
He called me on his way to his new home, and I got to spend a little time chatting with him on the phone. He shared part of his testimony with me, as well as his burden for souls. I think it is important to hear from our elders, to find out how they found God and how they kept going through the years. Here's a little of what he told me.
You may be surprised to hear that Brother Jack in his youth played in a rock-and-roll band and, yes, he had long hair. Before his rocker days, he had grown up in an Apostolic home in Modesto, but after he returned from his years as a soldier in the Vietnam war, he moved to Southern California. There, he started teaching people how to play the drums, which led him to playing in a rock-and-roll band. He also going to business college on the G.I. Bill. The lifestyle as a rocker played havoc with his personal life, and eventually he woke up to the fact that he needed to make some changes.
A move in that direction came when his mother called him and asked him to take her to the Western District Camp Meeting. At the time it was held in the camp grounds in Santa Maria and featured morning and evening speakers, Monday through Friday, with thousands attending from California and Nevada. He told his mom, "I'll take you every day to Camp Meeting," and he did. While playing in the band, he met a wom-
an and her husband. She was a backup singer for Neil Simon. She told Jack she wanted to go to church. She said the church she wanted to go to was in Ventura. She had asked her husband about 50 times to take her to church, but he wouldn't so she asked Jack. They took a taxi and passed by several churches: Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist. When they were in front of the United Pentecostal Church, she said, "Stop!" When they entered the church, she walked right up to the altar. Jack ended up getting the Holy Ghost on his birthday. The following week, the church couldn't find anyone to help the Sunday School driver on the bus. "I got on the bus and never got off," said Jack. Soon he was driving the bus and got a woman to help him with the children.
Through the years, Jack was faithful to bus ministry, In the 25 years he served, 150 of his bus children received the Holy Ghost, and he's personally won countless people to the Lord. "It doesn't matter how old you are, you can always be a soul winner," he told me. "You're never too old to witness!" -Editor V. Aguilera
Brother Jack Robinson with his daughter, sister, and Jack, a recent convert of his.
Brother Jack and helper with his bus kids
High Tea, Anyone?
In June, our ladies met in the foyer for a lovely high tea complete with various flavors of tea, dainty finger foods, and HATS! Sisters Hilda Rochester, Mary Aguirre, Joann Gann, Alyssa Suarez and her daughter, and Sister Lindsay Castro went all out decorating the lovely place settings of china on each table! Several prizes were handed out including a beautiful handmade quilt with a dove pattern won by Lupe Miller. Angela Warren, the guest speaker, gave "a very heartfelt and encouraging message," said Sister Andrea Powell. Sister Joyce Jones added, "Her testimony was powerful." As you can see from the pictures, our ladies thoroughly enjoyed their time together. Thank God for our Sisters in Seasons!
SiSterS in SeaSonS tea
Photos by Sister Mary Aguirre
Wisdom Begins with a Word
by Carol Castillo
undersTanding The difference BeTween humiliTy and low self-esTeem
Does this story sound like yours?
“I grew up in a church where I heard a lot of emphasis placed on humility. I thought being humble meant I had to downplay my achievements. Although I was a high achiever, worked hard and got a full-ride scholarship to college, I would brush off any positive feedback from others and tell myself I wasn’t smart, just lucky. I set impossibly high standards for myself, feared accepting recognition, and diminished my self confidence regularly with negative self-talk. By the time I graduated, I had damaged my self-esteem to the degree that it took years of counseling with Bible study and prayer to recover. All in the name of being humble.”
The person in this story experienced a common misconception. Low self-esteem and humility are often mistaken for each other because they both involve being lowly. Neither humble people nor those with poor self-esteem are likely to trumpet their own achievements. And in group relationships both types are open to what others say and adjust readily to others’ ideas.
These seem like positive traits; yet one is a toxic mindset and the other is beneficial.
One believes lies about who you are and the other believes truth.
Low self-esteem or humility? What's the difference?
The biggest factor that sets low self-esteem apart from humility is how you see yourself.
Low self-esteem centers around self in an unhealthy way. It involves making consistent false comparisons with others and viewing yourself as not measuring up. Comparing yourself to others sends you on a futile endless quest to remake yourself into someone else’s mold instead of just valuing and being yourself.
Yes, unhealthy comparisons even happen in a church environment. Because despite being Christians saved by grace, we are (surprise!) messy humans who struggle with doubts and insecurities.
Among fellow believers, social connections are important. Deep down we all want to belong and be loved. We want to matter, be accepted and feel significant. Those feelings are a vital part of connectedness because when we feel we’re a valued part of the whole, we are more likely to be inspired to contribute value.
However, if we focus too much on other people’s accomplishments and strengths, and weigh them against ourselves, it can lead to envy and depression. We may see our-
selves as lacking, not good enough, even defective.
A few ways that we might compete and compare in church:
• Getting pulpit time and platform recognition.
• Having the right personal appearance, including expensive clothes, hair, shoes, “perfect” body type.
• Outward signs of financial success including visible monetary contributions, new car, nice home, job title, expensive vacations.
The result of unhealthy comparisons is we end up feeling unwanted, insignificant and unloved, and those feelings that we don’t matter can drown us.
Jesus Meek and Lowly
We should desire to be like Jesus, so let’s look at how Jesus saw Himself.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30 ASV (emphasis mine).
When Jesus said He was meek and lowly, did that mean Jesus thought less of Himself because He was born under a cloud of scandal? Did He let people push Him into a corner because He came from a back-water town? Did He compare Himself to others in a constant barrage of self-criticism?
Of course not.
Meekness is not weakness but refers to exercising strength with control. Though Jesus understood exactly Who He was, He restrained His power and didn’t use it to egotistically promote Himself. He didn’t demand, threaten or coerce people into follow-
ing Him. When Jesus demonstrated God’s power and authority by flipping sales tables in the temple, He did it strategically without being emotionally out of control, reactionary or trigger happy. That’s meekness.
Lowly means being God-reliant rather than self-reliant. Jesus wasn’t caught up with ego and pride and didn’t think He was entitled to a privileged life. He went humbly to the cross and gave His life for people who hated Him, falsely accused Him, and deeply disagreed with Him. We all know Jesus was indeed better than us because He was without sin. Yet He never put others down or made them feel small.
Jesus’s lowliness is what made Him accessible. He laid aside His supreme glory to become an impoverished servant, approachable and touchable. He lived with open hands rather than closed fists; He held out a beckoning finger; not a pointed one.
Finding the balance between humility and low self-esteem.
Sometimes we fear that if we are humble, others will mistake it for weakness and timidity. On the other hand, we may desire humility to the degree that we fear expressing confidence.
Being humble is recognizing that you’re flawed and have weaknesses, but also recognizing what your talents and strengths are.
Having low self-esteem is only viewing yourself as having flaws and weaknesses, and rarely acknowledging your own strengths.
Finding the balance between these two can be difficult.
How do I know I matter?
At the heart of humility is an understanding that your value lies primarily in being a child of God. As His child He is your source for
love and for life, and this source can never be stripped from you.
You don’t need to compare yourself to others because you have assurance from God of your worth. You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not because God loves you and wants to use you in your uniqueness, not as a flimsy copy of someone else. The more your internal worth is anchored in God, the less external approval and reassurance you will need.
For you to truly get this into your heart, you must stop listening to inner doubts and fears and ingest the truth of what God’s word says about you.
Here are some of the beautiful ways God tells you that you matter:
God pays attention to you. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer. (I Peter 3:12)
God actively pursues a relationship with you. I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. (Jeremiah 31:3)
God is interested in what you have to say. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. (Philippians 4:6)
God depends on you to carry out His will. For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in, I needed clothes and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you came to visit Me. (Matthew 25:35-40)
God has given you important status. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:16-17)
True humility united with healthy self-esteem involves understanding that there is always a place at God’s table for you. Never lose sight of the secure and unconditional love of God. He is your North Star; nothing else in life is as reliable and trustworthy. Though waves of self-doubt and low self-esteem may rock you, you won’t go down.
Remember that self-esteem and humility are not mutually exclusive, and that both qualities work together to help you become the best version of yourself.
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”
~ C. S. Lewis
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord."
- 1 Peter
Brother Quinones, Sr. Teaches Our KREW Kids on the New Jerusalem
The New Jerusalem
Our KREW Kids had a special treat for May's Extravaganza service - Elder Gilberto Quinones, the father of our Administrative Pastor, Jon Quinones. Elder Quinones, who for many years was our Sunday School Director, has many years of experience ministering to children, and it showed. He taught using the UPCI's Search for Truth's illustrated charts focusing on Lesson 12, "The New Jerusalem." His dynamic teaching kept the children focused and involved. His burden for the souls of our children was evident. We are thankful to all the gifted men and women who sacrifice their time in this vital ministry of our church. Only time will tell of the influence you had on this generation of the church. God bless and keep our KREW kids!
We Love Our Dads!
"The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him." - Proverbs 20:7:
"Since childhood, you have known the Holy Scriptures that are able to make you wise enough to have faith in Christ Jesus and be saved."
(2 Timothy 3:15 CEV)
Whether it is taking up the offering, leading worship, or preaching the Word, our KREW kids know how to get it done and done right. Each year, KREW, led by Sujey Diaz, takes over a Wednesday night service. More than one person was surprised by their confidence and skill. After all, these are children ages 5 to 11, not seasoned adults. Sister Sujey and her team are to be commended for doing a great job teaching these children to worship God
with liberty, to take ownership of their own church services, and to teach the Word. And, wow, they surely meet the qualifications of 2 Timothy 3:16 - "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15 ESV).
KREW Director Sujey Diaz
They sang and worshiped God... and they taught the Word of God... and they prayed to God!
S.I.S. MeetS to 'eat thIS Book'
Sisters In Seasons (S.I.S), our new ladies' group led by Sister Angela Warren and Sister Joyce Jones, have been meeting on Sunday afternoons to learn how to deeply study the Bible, using Eat This Book written by Melani Shock and Elizabeth Robinson ( To facilitate discussions, the ladies were divided into groups, some meeting at a home, some at the church.
Each week, aside from the lesson, the groups were assigned homework consisting of daily reading: the book of Jude, a chapter of Psalms, and a chapter of Proverbs, along with journaling. The following week, individual groups met to discuss the homework and to listen to a lesson from Eat This Book from the assigned instructor. On the fourth week, all the groups met together at the church to discuss what they learned. The discussions were insightful and heart-felt, and many expressed that they had a deeper commitment to the study of God's word. Let's all start our days off by "eating" His word!
Sister Amy Rodriguez graciously provided her home for the ladies (in a little younger season of life than the ladies below who met in the church's youth chapel) to gather for the weekly Eat This Book Bible study.
B.u.f.f.'S fellowShIp & food &
(AKA Building Up Firm Foundations), our group for men ages 50 and above, met this spring at the home of Don and Charlene Wilson. Brother Ron Kinchloe spoke to the men and upcoming events were announced by BUFF Director Herb Jenkins. We are thankful for the older men in our church and their example of faithfulness, prayer, and generosity. Hey, if you are a man age 50 or above, 'BUFF up' and join your brothers.
Leo and Virginia Aguilera's Bible study and fellowship life group meets at their home on the last Thursday of each month. Here the group is feasting on Sister Gloria Sadeddeen's delicious Middle Eastern dishes, complete with pita bread and an assortment of baklava for dessert to complement her chicken and rice delicacy. The group later "feasted" on the Word taught by Brother Leo Aguilera.
Special Spring Visitors
We were blessed by some very special visitors in June: (clockwise from top left): Pastor Taylor Fairbanks of Vessel Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and his wife, Mehgan, and their son, Atlas Clay; Pastora Kimberly Johnson with grandson Atlas Clay; Meryl Fletcher visiting from Troutman, North Carolina; and the family of Manuel and Catiana Batista who are standing above his sisters and in-laws.