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825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354

Business Phone: 209-522-5365

email us at thenewsvine@gmail.com google us at: the newsvine or follow us on: issuu.com/thenewsvine




A Word from the Editors






Charlene Wilson

Lindsay Castro

Leo & Virginia Aguilera

Leo Aguilera and Creative Team

Joshua Aguilera, Jocelyn Powell, Alexis Diaz, Autumn Amador, MaKayla Johnson, Devina Aguirre, Emma Zuniga, Angel Torres Colin, Russ Campbell,

Andrew Mazon, Brooke Montes, and assisted by Don Mellow



Carol Castillo

Alexis Diaz

Virginia Aguilera










Matthew Aguirre

David Amador

Dana Le’ Blanc

Chris Harris





S.I.S. (Ladies' Ministry)





Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah

Antonio & Gloria Gutierrez

Joshua & Jeannette Aguilera

Chris & Lindsay Castro

Moses Burciaga

Jerry Powell

Noah Wells

Jeremiah Williams

Vinnie Zapien

Tim & Jeriann Montes

Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre

Nancy Holston, Tim Montes

Sujey Diaz, Mary Aguirre

Herb Jenkins

Charles & Joyce Bispo

Jonathan Quinones

Alex Diaz

Angela Warren, Joyce Jones

Joyce Jones

Joyce Jones

Joshua Williams

Jeremiah Williams

MaKayla Johnson


SUNDAY - 9:00 a.m.

10:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

12:30 p.m.

MONDAY - 7:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY - 7:00 p.m.

THURSDAY - 7:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

FRIDAY - 7:00 p.m.

SATURDAY - 10:00 a.m.

Spanish/Service - Chapel

Pre-service Prayer

Morning Service - Sanctuary, KREW

Growth Track - Chapel

All-Church Prayer

Mid-Week Service, KREW

Young Adults Service

Spanish Service

Revive Youth Service

Saturday Morning Outreach

THE NEWSVINE is published quarterly (first Sunday of January, April, July, October) by Revival Church, United Pentecostal Church, 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to The Newsvine are subject to pastor’s approval and editing by The Newsvine staff.

hat a blessed 2024 proved to be. Great revival meetings and special events effectively evangelized our city of Modesto. New families were added to our membership and outreaches ruled the day! The Spirit of our mighty Lord Jesus continued to anoint us and to heal us. A standout testimony is Elder Grover Hunt. He had tests done and cancer was imminent. But when he went in for his last checkup after he was prayed for by our Pastor and prayer chains, the evidence of cancer had completely disappeared. What a great Christmas gift he received from our Lord Jesus Christ.

"The Year in Pictures" and The Newsvine ministry itself could not be possible without a dedicated staff and awesome publishers, the Johnsons, who financially make it all possible from their tithing account. A big hearty thanks to our columnist, Carol Castillo, who gives us an anointed written word every issue. The Creative Team, expertly headed by Jocelyn Powell and Autumn Amador, with the awesome talents of Don Mellow, provide these editors the pictures that each speak 1,000 words. Our office staff members, Charlene Wilson and Lindsay Castro, serve as our liaisons to the pastoral staff. And speaking as an editor of this magazine, Leo Aguilera commends his wife, Co-editor Virginia Aguilera, for her many hours and creative talents in being the primary layout artist for each issue. We are grateful for all of our devoted readers worldwide who are our purpose in publishing The Newsvine. A very happy, fulfilling, and astonishing new year to all.

"There Is Power Displayed When You Are Saved" by Editor Leo Aguilera

COVER STORY - Tribute & Testimony of Missionary Xenn Seah

Tributes to Olive Virginia Collins-Jones & Jack Robinson THE YEAR IN PICTURES BUFF Men Build Up Firmer Foundations

Veterans Honored

Midweek On Ice at Modesto On Ice

Mature Ladies Christmas Luncheon "The God of Sudden Storms" by Columnist Carol Castillo Christmas Concert - A celebration of our Savior's birth

Ugly Christmas Sweater Midweek - and the winner is... Candlelight Service - Jesus, the Light of the World "Something Worth Waiting For" - Reverend Taylor Fairbanks


"But as many as received Him, to them gave He POWER to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name!" John1:12 KJV

This is my favorite scripture in the Bible, for it declares the essence of the gospel message our Lord Jesus Christ gave to all humanity. It takes divine power to take a sinner and transform his/her life into a saved believer granted eternal life.

In John 3, when Nicodemus met Jesus secretly at night, Christ related to him the core message of His ministry, which is the essential key of salvation: "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." This astounded Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a scholar of holy scriptures, who had never heard of such a concept. At first he thought he had to be physically reborn from his mother's womb, but Jesus said He was talking about a spiritual rebirth that would take tremendous sacrifice and divine power - Holy Ghost power - to revive a dead, repentant sinner and transform him/her into a child of God.

"Jesus Meets with Nicodemus at Night"; composite of artists Bloch & Hofman, 1911

Never, and I mean NEVER, did Christ, Peter, Paul or any other apostle say in the scriptures "You are saved if you accept Jesus in your heart." Modern day evangelists like D.L. Moody and Billy Graham, along with a host of others, will have to answer on Judgment Day their preaching this shortcut plan of salvation.

But, this power can only be initiated by a person who becomes strongly moved by conviction to begin the journey to salvation in accordance to the full gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Scriptures clearly state the plan of salvation in Acts 2:38, when Peter answered the question of convicted Jews, "What must we do?" It is sad when modern day trinitarian scholars become critics of Peter's word by saying that he was speaking out of context or appealing to his Jewish audience. The plan of salvation is threefold: repentance, baptism in

Jesus name, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. All these astounding experiences are mentioned time and time again in the Book of Acts whenever a person became a believer, and certainly it was witnessed on the birthday of the church when Peter preached his message on the Day of Pentecost.

Now let us take note of the word POWER found in John 1:12. When you ask for salvation at an altar of repentance, you are inviting this power to descend on you and KILL your sinful nature. You are then empowered and propelled by the Holy Ghost the desire to be bap-

tized, the essential symbol that your sins will be washed away. It is pitiful many Protestant churches, including the Southern Baptists, up to the mid-twentieth century, preached the absolute necessity to be baptized by immersion for completion of salvation and today preach it is not necessary. The Apostolics of today still

preach that baptism, as Peter said in the name of Jesus, is vital to fulfill the plan of salvation. The final experience in completing the plan of salvation is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. YOU WILL speak in tongues when this occurs. Such power is injected in you to explode with emotion this powerful infilling that anoints your entire flesh when YOU ARE BORN AGAIN! It is what young believers call today the Jesus moment. You know a great change has happened in you. You are a new person. You are a born again Christian, just like the first generation of the church experienced 2,000 years ago!

If you are searching for an absolute confirmation you are saved, then don't hesitate to experience the true Apostolic plan of salvation, promised to you in Acts 2:37! Invite the POWER!

Cross Over - The Testimony

Recentlya mighty man of God, Brother Xenn Seah, crossed over to his reward after decades of ministering around the world. Countless lives have been changed because of his dedicated sacrifice to the work of God. Well done, thou good and faithful servant! We have included his amazing testimony in this issue of The Newsvine to honor his Apostolic legacy. Read his book entitled Cross Over which chronicles his personal journey. This is the testimony of a man whose life was destined for disaster until Jesus Christ stepped in. It is our hope that Brother Xenn’s testimony will speak to the heart of the drug addict and to those whose lives have been wrecked with misery. May it also be an encouragement to those who labor in the harvest, whether it be in prisons or in the mission fields. Your labor is not in vain.

We begin his story at the arrest which leads him to his eventual encounter with the Steve and Barbara Willoughby and Sister Genevieve Miller, missionaries to Singapore.

"Where are the drugs?"

“Jesus help me! Jesus, help me,” I prayed desperately as I felt death clutching at my heart. Hidden in my dresser drawer was about a pound of heroin–enough to warrant the death penalty in my native Singapore –death by hanging!

“Where are the drugs?" The police officer screamed as I sat numbly on my bed with my hands cuffed behind my back; three other officers were tearing up my apartment.

“I don’t have any,” I lied. My words were answered by a severe smack to my head by the officer. Still, I denied any knowledge of drugs. Angry due to my lack of cooperation, the officer began to viciously punch and kick me. Although the blows were brutal. I was determined not to incriminate myself. When he finally paused to interrogate me further, I furtively glanced to my dresser and was terrified to see another officer rifling through my drawer: somehow missing the package of heroin as it shifted around with the other contents inside. I averted my eyes elsewhere in the room in order not to draw attention to my stash. Finally, the officer slammed the drawer shut. I felt my breath coming back and my terror relieved. But, to my horror, another officer jerked open the drawer and began pawing through the junk inside. Miraculously, the second officer also was not able to locate my drugs, even though his hands missed them by mere centimeters.

The officers eventually gave up their futile search and decided to take me to the police station for a drug test. Because I knew I would test positive, I admitted to using drugs, but denied possessing any. While I was waiting to be booked, my mind worked frantically to try to figure out how I could get my heroin out of my apartment. Surely they would go back and thoroughly search the premises. I could already imagine the rough coils of a noose squeezing my neck. I begged the officer to let me call my mom, giving the excuse that my apartment could be robbed as it was left unsecured. He reluctantly agreed. As the officer stood next to me listening to every word, I spoke to my distraught mother

of Missionary Xenn Seah

on the phone.

"Are you going to die?" she agonized.

I somehow, with yes and no answers, passed the message to her to go to my apartment, find the heroin in my dresser drawer, and flush it down the toilet. As my mother, a devout Buddhist hung up the phone, her words startled me. "Only Jesus can help you now."

Downhill Spiral

I grew up in Singapore. My Chinese family was Buddhist, and we had an altar in our home where we prayed and offered up incense to many gods, idols, and ancestors. I lived with my parents, grandmother, and sisters in a crowded 12-foot square room. As my parents worked long hours, I was left to run around with the other neighborhood children, and I soon found myself in trouble.

After much coercing, I became involved in a gang. They recruited me as their lookout. I will never forget one particular night in which I stood guard outside a local coffee house. The leader of our gang was meeting with the leader of another gang because of a recent beating. The discussion escalated until the rival gang leader leaped up and yelled, "It's more war then!'' Suddenly, the room was filled with screams and the sounds of knives clashing and clubs thudding against bodies. I frantically yelled, “Police!" when I heard the approaching wail of police sirens. Gang members ran out of the coffee shop, stumbling past me, clutching bloody wounds. Inside, the cafe was destroyed. It seemed like everything was splattered with blood. I would never forget this haunting scene.

My life continued its downward spiral as l got caught up with drugs. At first, I would smoke the marijuana joints I received from a pusher as payment for my drug deliveries. He purposely gave me free drugs to hook me in order to keep me working for him. It was not long until I was high every day. My drug habit eventually progressed to heroin. I became an addict, and my life centered on my next high.

My partying days were abruptly interrupted, however, when I was conscripted into the military. All men in my country are required to serve a three-year term.

Needless to say, military life did not agree with me. The early mornings and extensive exercise and discipline were not conducive to a drug addict who was used to sleeping in until the afternoon. Just because I was in the service, though, did not mean I had left my partying days behind. In fact, I smuggled in a small amount of drugs on my first day in the military. After that, my friends kept me supplied during weekend visits. My drug use finally caught up to me one night when l was out with my friends.

My friends and I were walking down the street when suddenly we were surrounded by a dozen narcotic agents. I was taken back to the base for interrogation; first by being assaulted with an icy cold shower, and then by having my hands handcuffed to two poles for the rest of the night. As my stomach constricted with the agony of withdrawal pains, I sunk to the cold cement floor. I was miserable and afraid. When my drug test came back positive for heroin, I was not surprised when I was sentenced to eighteen months in military prison. It proved to be a living hell.

A Living Hell

Life in the prison was truly horrible. The guards had pretty much complete control over us, and they delighted in inflicting hours of brutality. Some of the prisoners could not withstand the physical and mental torment; many went crazy and some even committed suicide. Although the guards tried to take precautions to prevent inmates from hanging themselves, the most determined prisoner always found a way. Somehow I survived this nightmare. After l was released from military prison. I returned to my outfit where I continued to use drugs until my release. Although I was on two years' supervision because of my drug conviction, I lived a reckless life, high everyday on drugs. It would finally catch up to me yet again.

One day while I was visiting a friend to purchase my daily dose of heroin, there was a knock at the door to his apartment. As my friend was expecting another customer, he sent his six-year-old daughter to the door with a package of drugs. When she unlatched the door, it was flung open by narcotic officers, knocking her to

the floor. With guns pointed, the officers forced us to the ground and roughly handcuffed us. I was sentenced to another eighteen months.

This time I was sent to a Drug Rehabilitation Center which was really a prison with locked cells, security guards, strict discipline, and brutal punishment. I tried hard to stay out of trouble, but things soured after I confronted an officer about some shady dealings. He was buying expired and substandard products for the center's canteen, pocketing the difference. I found myself being transferred to a maximum security prison to serve my time with hardened criminals, kidnappers, and murderers.

The prison to which I was transferred was originally a POW camp built by the Japanese during World War II. My cell block was near the condemned prisoners, which I found out the following morning when I was awakened by shrill screaming. The guards were dragging a prisoner to be executed by hanging. “If it's really quiet," explained one of my fellow cellmates, "you can hear him hit the end of the rope.” I felt sick.

I survived my term and was released from prison, but prison did nothing to change my life, except to change my drug buying habits. Now I purchased drugs less often to avoid the danger of arrest. But, with a month's worth of heroin in possession, I risked being sentenced to death if I were caught. So when the police came crashing into my room on that fateful day. I knew it had to be my prayer to Jesus that blinded the officers' eyes as they searched my dresser drawer.

Although my mother had saved me by flushing my heroin, my blood had tested positive for heroin, so I was once again sentenced to prison. Still, I could not stay away from drugs. When I was allowed a day pass to work outside the prison, I connected with my old friends and once again began using drugs. My sentence was extended when during a random drug test I tested positive. My privileges were taken away, and I was confined to my dormitory, awaiting the head of the prison's decision on how I was still to be punished. The boredom and depression of this wait was stifling. It was in this hopeless, helpless condition that my life began to change in a miraculous way.

"Jesus, I want to change."

The change began with a simple invitation by a prison clerk to chapel service. There was nothing else to do, so I decided to check it out. When I walked into the room, I saw a group of people singing songs about

Jesus. I was taken aback when tears started coursing down my face. I was angry and confused. Why am I crying? I thought. An American woman, Genny Miller, sat in the front of the room, singing with a glow of joy on her face. I had no idea how her friendship and mentoring would be used by God to change my miserable life.

The second time I visited the chapel service, I was determined not to cry. Don't cry, I kept telling myself. Yet, the tears flowed again. On my next visit, I was determined to be disruptive. I talked loudly and joked and laughed all through the service. It was not long, though, until the tears flowed once again. Although I tried to appear tough, God was softening me through the hearing of the gospel. When I went back to my prison cell that night, I could not sleep. I decided to try and pray, even though I had no idea how. I waited until my cellmates were asleep and then started talking to God. All I could think to say was, "Jesus, I want to change. Please, help me to change.” I made a deal with God that night: "If you let me out of here in six months, I will serve you." God had done a miracle before, blinding the eyes of the police officers who searched my room. Could He do it again?

A change came slowly over me. I continued to attend chapel services faithfully, and began to read the Bible. However, there was a lot of pressure on me from my cellmates to become involved in illegal dealings. I only felt safe during chapel services.

One day I received the dreaded summons to see the head of the prison. I was terrified. I thought they had found new evidence against me and had decided to hang me. When the superintendent of the prison announced that my punishment for my recent drug conviction would be caning, I was relieved, even though I knew from the experiences of other prisoners that it was very brutal and painful.

On the day of my caning, I was led to the prison yard and tied down. My hands were bound together and my feet were tied apart. My naked body was bent over a wooden frame with a broad leather pad belted around my waist. I waited nervously for what would come. It seemed like an eternity. Then I heard the "voop'" of the cane as the guard swung it through the air to warm up his arm. Every second of the wait was agony. To my horror, the guard took a running start toward me and swung the cane at my bare bottom with all of his strength. The pain was unbearable. By the time I caught my breath, he hit me the second time. I didn't even feel the third strike because I was numb with shock. After I

was untied, I was examined by the prison doctor. The caning had split open the skin on my backslide and the wounds were bloody. The prison doctor poured iodine on my wounds, but no pain killers were given to alleviate the intense pain I was experiencing.

That night was chapel service, and I was determined to attend. The missionary to Singapore, Reverend Willoughby, was confused when he asked the congregation to sit, but I persisted to stand. He was shocked when he found out after the service that I had attended service the same day I had been caned. Usually prisoners lay on their stomachs in bed for several days before venturing out due to the excruciating pain.

As I attended chapel service each week without fail, Jesus began to become more real to me. He not only healed my physical wounds, but he also healed my spiritual ones.

"God had answered my prayer to the day."

God did not forget the prayer I made six months prior, asking Him to let me be released in six months if I served Him. God kept up His end of the bargain, because in exactly five months and twenty-nine days after my prayer, I was escorted to the superintendent's office. There he told me I would be released the next day. I thought he was kidding. My cell mates agreed. “They're not going to let you out. They're just messin' with you," they said.

The next day, before I was even awake, the prison guard came to take me to the superintendent. In his office I signed my release form and received my ID card. I was amazed. God had answered my prayer to the day!

My first stop was at the missionary’s house. The Willoughbys were shocked to see me. They thought I had escaped from prison. When I showed Brother Wil-

loughby my ID card, he was finally convinced that I had been released. They asked me what I wanted to do now that I was released from prison. I told them I wanted to work for the church. They had been praying for someone to work at the church, but they had seen too many men come out of prison with the same request and then disappear after a few days. They agreed to give me a try.

A month after being released from prison, I was baptized in Jesus' name. When I came out of the water, it was as if a huge weight had rolled off my back and had sunk to the bottom of the pool. I felt clean, free, liberated! Six months after my release, Brother Frank Tamel from Parkway Apostolic Church came for the first time to minister during a Holy Ghost Crusade. I tried to slip away, but he cornered me and said, “I’m going to pray for you, and you're going to receive the Holy Ghost." I began speaking in tongues in a language I didn't understand. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I was flying on the highest high ever. Receiving the Holy Ghost was the turning point in my spiritual life. My personal ‘cross over’ from darkness to light.

In 1995, Brother Seah married his precious wife Barb, and together they centered their lives around the work of God. They were blessed with two beautiful children, Scott and Erin. In 2006, Brother Seah brought his family to Revival Church Modesto. Brother Xenn was a global missionary and served in multicultural ministries for the United Pentecostal Church, International. He published his personal testimony in the book Cross Over, as well as authored many gospel outreach resources. A year before Brother Xenn's passing, he had the privilege of baptizing his elderly mother in Jesus' name. We have been blessed and inspired by the life of Brother Seah, a man whose passion compelled him to win the lost. Until we meet you again, Brother Seah...

Brother Xenn Seah upon being honored by the church for his evangelical efforts poses with his wife, Barb; children, Scott and Erin; Bishop Keyes; Pastor Johnson; and Newsvine editors Leo and Virginia Aguilera.

Xenn Seah, a man after God's Heart

Brother Seah ministering in Singapore
Brother Seah takes the Aimers sightseeing in China.
In Malaysia
At the Great Wall of China
Xenn Seah with his wife Barb, the love of his life
Overlooking the beautiful city of Singapore.

A Tribute to Two Mighty Evangels for Christ

Olive Virginia Collins-Jones 1935-2024

SisterBrother Jack Robinson

was a man who loved God and loved souls. His fascinating testimony was covered in the 2024 summer issue of The Newsvine. Brother Jack grew up in an Apostolic home, but as an adult went his own way. After serving as a soldier in Vietnam, he joined a rock & roll band playing drums. This lifestyle was not conducive to his marriage, and led to divorce. He finally found his way back to church, received the Holy Ghost, and became involved in bus ministry. A tremendous soul winner, he won hundreds to the Lord. "It doesn't matter how old you are," he said, you can always be a soul winner. You're never too old to witness." Thank you, Brother Jack, for your dedication to bus ministry and for your burden to tell others of the saving and transforming power of Jesus Christ!

Olive Virginia Collins-Jones lived an extraordinary life. The fifth of 12 children born to James and Charlotte Collins, she felt the call of God at an early age. Little did she know the plans God had for her.

At the age of 11, she received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. She had a strong desire to learn how to play the piano so she could play and sing for the Lord. When she was 13, after praying to God for the ability to play, the Lord told her He would do so. At first nothing happened. One day she sat down on the piano and prayed, “Lord, you told me you would anoint me to play. In frustration, she started crying. She was surprised when she then placed her hands on the piano and was able to play a chord. By the time her father came home later that day, she was playing with ease. Her prayer had been miraculously answered, but God was not through.

At age 14, Sister Olive saw a bright light come into her room. Out of the light, she heard a voice saying, “I have chosen you to preach the gospel and to sing all over the United States.” Surprised, she reminded the Lord that she was only a child. The Lord brought to her mind the verse in Isaiah chapter 54, verse 13: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed

Text by Editor Virginia Aguilera

Jack Robinson R.I.P. 2024

you a prophet to the nations.” He told her, “You are not just a child. I have anointed you to preach the gospel.” Obediently, she replied, “Lord, if that’s what you want me to do, send me where you want me to go.” But she had one request: let me be invited by others to come and preach. It was not long before God confirmed His word and fulfilled her request.

Soon Olive received a call from a minister to play the guitar and sing on a Christian radio broadcast. After recognizing her anointing, he looked at her and asked her if she would be willing to preach a revival. Thus her first revival was booked. Before that revival ended, she was requested to preach another one, and so it continued. She traveled everywhere and ended up preaching the gospel in every state. Her daughter Charlene Jackson (Lena) said of her mother, “She was an extraordinary woman. She lived a big life. She lived for God her entire life.”

Countless lives have been touched by the ministry of Sister Olive. What a godly example she left for her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. We at Revival Church continue to be blessed by the anointed singing of her daughter, Charlene, and her granddaughter, Celia. Yes, Sister Olive truly lived an extraordinary life.

First Sunday of the Year

The Year of FIRE !

With great expectation, we met for the first Sunday service of 2024, ready to be inspired and challenged by Pastor Todd Johnson. "Fire," he said, "will test one's works to see what kind of foundation you've built on for your life." Yes, we've been through the fire this year, but with a foundation built on Jesus Christ, we "can do all things through Christ who strengthens" us (Philippians 4:13 NKJV). Pictured above clockwise: Pastor Johnson and his sister Lindsay Castro celebrate baptizing their mother, Betty Hemmingway; Pastor Luis Hernandez preaches, "No Translation Needed"; and the excitement builds as our Bible quizzers, Melanie Walls, and Seth and Liam Burciaga win their first tournament.

Pastor Johnson Baptizes

His Father - Prayers Answered!

fabulous februarY!

What an exciting month! We had visits from two powerful guest speakers: Nathan Harrod, UPCI Regional Director for Europe (top left) and UPCI International Evangelist Charles Robinette (top right). Preaching, "The 11th Hour Laborers," Brother Robinette urged people to get involved in bringing in souls. "God is looking for anyone who is available. Anyone who wants to get involved in the last hour can work," he said. Also on the theme of the soon coming of Jesus Christ was Brother Robinette who preached "I Can Hear the Sound of Abundance of Rain." He used scripture to point out signs of the end-time evident with widespread wars,

BUFF Valentine's Gathering

earthquakes, and famine. The most important sign, he said, is God's outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all people. He gave example after example to prove his point. "You can't tell me that Jesus isn't coming soon," he declared. Yes, God is moving in these last days. One exciting example is, after many years of prayer, Pastor Johnson not only was able to baptize his mother, but shortly after was able to baptize his father, Harold Johnson. Praise God! The final picture on this page is of our February BUFF Valentine's gathering. Love is still alive and well as our elders can attest. After all, real love is a commitment, not a feeling.

Charles Robinette Nathan Harrod

MighTY March!

Easter came early this year and with it, "The Centurion," an Easter drama by the very talented Brother Danny Gregory (top photo). On Easter morning, Pastor Johnson preached his Easter message. "Today doubt and death has to die," he said. "Doubt the doubt; fuel your faith!" In March, we were also blessed by the ministries of pastors Floyd Lozada and

Billy Hale, both great men of God. We also set aside a time to celebrate Pastor and Sister Johnson's wedding anniversary and her birthday. God has truly blessed us with this precious couple! With all of these amazing events, we still found time to kick off another quarter of Life Groups. Pictured above, Lindsay Castro recruits some bicyclists. What a March!

Ariel Lopez

National Hyphen Conference

april - The fire conTinues!

We were blessed in April to have two men of God visit Revival Church: Pastor Ariel Lopez from New York and Evangelist Marvin Michell. Pastor Lopez was a special speaker for our Spanish-speaking ministry, and what a powerful message he preached! His title was "Pressure that Multiplies." He said,

Marvin Mitchell "God Time"

"You are the change you've been waiting for." Brother Mitchell's message, "God Time," He said, "We have to begin to step out in faith." Also this month our young adults traveled to San Diego, California, for the National Hyphen Conference. The flames of revival keep burning brightly!

Baby Dedication Mother's Day

March was filled with celebrations, fun, and mighty moves of God! From Pentecost Sunday, Cortt Chavis and the spirited Overcomer Concert, to special times set aside to honor our mothers, dedicate precious babies and children to just a fun time at the park playing pickleball and enjoying BBQ. What an exciting month! busY MaY!

Father's Day Taylor Fairbanks

JoYful June!

June brought lots of celebrations! We honored our fathers, both natural and spiritual, and our high school and college graduates. Pastor Taylor Fairbanks of Vessel Church in Baton Rouge taught "Something Only Babies Can Do," on a Wednesday night, encouraging per-

sonal evangelism. Our KREW kids took over a midweek service, leading worship, and bringing the Word of God. We are so proud of our young people, from the youngest KREW kid to our college and career young adults and thankful for our RC elders.

Heart of Worship Conference

JubilanT June!

After months of preparation and much anticipation, our church hosted the Heart of Worship Conference which brought together musicians, worship leaders, media and more for valuable workshops and powerful worship services. Thank you, Sister Nanci Holston and your team, for all your efforts. Revive Youth had their annual Revive week and took over a midweek service, leading worship and teaching. Tim and Jeriann Montes are doing an outstanding job leading these junior and senior high students. Also this month our Young Adults traveled to the Central American country of Belize to support missionaries Danny and Esther Becerra. Lastly, we had some fun wearing our favorite sneakers on Sneaker Sunday.

Revive Midweek

Robert Martin Frankie Taylor

aMazing augusT!

Revival Church was thrilled to have two special speakers during the month of August, Evangelist Robert Martin and Pastor Frankie Taylor, both gifted men of God. We were excited that our Junior Bible Quizzing team of Jazzy D'Aquino, Naomi Salazar, and Melanie Walls competed at Nationals. Although they did not place, these young ladies fought hard against the best quizzers in the USA and Canada. Awesome job! Our young adults took over a midweek service and knocked it out of the ballpark. Pictured is Jayne Campbell speaking on "Faith-Dependency." The last picture is of our Student & Educator Prayer Service. What a month!

Junior Bible Quizzers at Nationals Jayne Campbell
Student Covering Service

Tim Gaddy

Happy Birthday

Pastor Jon!

sTupendous sepTeMber!

What a treat to have Tim Gaddy, pastor of New Life Church in Cabot Arkansas and the Arkansas District Superintendent, visit us in September. His enthusiastic sermon on the "Supernatural Power of God" energized our faith. "If there is an impossibility," he said, "we are worshiping and serving a God who laughs at impossibility." Also in September, Pastor Johnson took time out of a service to commend our gifted Administrative Pastor Jon Quinones and wish him a Happy Birthday. We love you, Pastor Jon! We also had our quarterly Rally Night.

BUFF Men Build UP Firmer Foundations

In August, our BUFF (50+) men, led by Brother Herb Jenkins, gathered at the home of Brother Leo and Sister Virginia Aguilera. Thank God the weather cooperated, and the men were able to relax in the Aguileras' backyard. After hearing a word of encouragement from Pastor Johnson, the men enjoyed a time of fellowship and a chicken and tortellini dinner. The Aguileras would like to thank their brother-in-law Ed Beneker who drove all the way from Salinas to make

his mouth-watering tortellini and to help in the kitchen; Sister Angel Padilla who stepped in to help set up the tables and chairs: "Samson" Isaiah Garcia who, even though it was his birthday, helped serve and clean up; and Sister Joann Gann who graciously provided tasty cupcakes. If you are 50 or above, we encourage you to start attending BUFF events. As iron sharpens iron, our elders minister to one another to truly build up firmer foundations in the Lord.

Photos by Newsvine photographer Vaughn Mellow
THE KITCHEN CREW: Ed Beneker, Leo Aguilera, Isaiah Garcia



MISSIONS! Each year our children's ministry, headed by Sujey Diaz, puts on a missions fair the Sunday before our annual Missions Conference. It's an exciting event with pictures, foods, and information about various different mission fields. Children move from booth to booth learning about the featured countries, gathering stamps in their "passports." Sister Sujey would like to thank the following volunteers for their enthusiasm and hard work in putting on this event:

Gloria Sadeddeen & Robert Evans (JerusaleM)

Chloe Espinoza, Hailey Torres, Ashton Espinoza (Japan)

Felicia & Uriel Caraveo (spain)

Ashley Valencia, Linda Salazar, Cindi Zapien, & Leah

Manangat (philippines)

Rene & Steve Vargas (porTugal)

Imelda, Eddie Jr, & Ignacio Solis (india)

Aaliyah Amador, Jayda Martinez, Nayeli & Moses

Burciaga (belize)

Gilberto & Lupe Quinones (iTalY)

Jesus & Liz Ortiz Chavez (Mexico)

RC Missions ConferenCe 2024

fridaY nighT KicK off

The choir kicked off the night with anointed singing and then we were introduced to our missionaries. The first missionary was Jonathan Follmer from Sweden. He told us of a prayer meeting his wife had attended shortly after they arrived. When she started prayer, the ladies there began to pray for her and said, "God has sent you to this country to give us something we need." Then we heard from James Wilson from Columbia,

Maryland. He said, "He's going to have a church. I don't care how dark it is...God will always have a church." Our special speaker for the night was Paul Pamer. He asked the question,"What is our role in reaching the lost?" He didn't send angels, God sent the church. "God endued on us the power. He told us to go." He emphasized that we all have a role in reaching the lost. What a powerful start to this year's mission conference!

Jonathan Follmer Sweden
James Wilson Columbia, maryland
Paul Pamer SpeCial Speaker
Donna Wharton and her fabulous cakes!
The Follmers
The Wilsons The Holmes
The Hernandezes
The Chavezes
The Hernandezes

Missionary Kids Have an INCREDIBLE Time at John's Incredible Pizza

While their parents were enjoying lunch at the home of Pastor and Sister Johnson, our volunteers took the children of our visiting missionaries to John's Incredible Pizza. There they munched on pizza, played lots of exciting video games, and bounced along on John's bumper tubes. What an incredible way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Is That Money Raining Down?

Missionary Kids Collect a Special Offering Just for Them!

Oooh! Look at all that MONEY!

Missionary kids make sacrifices too as they follow their parents to other cities or countries overseas. They also leave behind their friends and family members in order to support their parents' calling. With this in mind, Revival Church has a long-time history of treating these precious children and young people during the Sunday morning Missions Conference service. After Pastor Johnson introduces each one to the church, suddenly money starts falling from the ceiling (a tradition started by Brother Jeremiah Williams), and the fun begins. As the bills float from the "sky," hands reach up in excitement. At the same time, people come forward with donations. After all the money is collected, it is counted and then divided equally among the children with strict instructions that it is to be spent by them only and for whatever they want. God bless and protect these children and young people as they labor together with their parents in the kingdom of God.

RC Missions ConferenCe 2024

Saturday night continued with more anointed singing by the RC Missions ensemble and choir and further introductions to our guest missionaries: Guillermo Enriquez (Belize), Marcus Beechum (Memphis, Tennessee), and Tevin Holmes (Portland, Maine). Pastor Taylor Fairbanks, pastor of Vessel Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, gave an update of the progress they have been making since our last Missions Conference. He and his wife Meh-

gan were able to purchase and remodel a building, and they even brought 11 people from their church to the conference. After special prayer for revival in Access Challenged Nations, it was time for the night's special speaker, Bishop Mike Williams of Pentecostals of Apopka in Florida, who spoke on "God Can." He preached, "And if the questions is, 'Can still God,' then I am here to tell you that the answer is still, God can! Whatever it is, God can!"

guillerMo enriquez
Marcus beechuM Memphis, Tennessee
Tevin holMes Portland, Maine

scoTT lanKford Fairfield, California

brooKe paMer

Sunday Special Speaker Apostolic Church, Ohio

Sunday morning was the apex of our Missions Conference. It began with an intense time of worship led by our RC Missions Choir and then was followed up from hearing from our last guest missionary, Scott Lankford (Fairfield, California). We then heard from Debra Williams, wife of Bishop Mike Williams of Pentecostals of Apopka, Florida. She mentioned how much she was inspired by receiving The Newsvine when they were building their home missions work in Apopka. When she received the magazine, she would peruse each page to see what was happening at Revival Church, and she saw revival. She prayed to God, "If You can do that there, you can do that here,

debra WilliaMs Pentecostals of Apopka Florida

that's possible." She was also impressed with Bishop Keyes' multicultural focus. She said if you visited Pentecostals of Apopka today, you will see a multicultural church. She thanked, Bishop Keyes for his leadership. Our final conference speaker was Brooke Pamer of Apostolic Church in Ohio. Her topic was "Off the Map." She said we want the familiar, the comfortable, but God likes to do things in a new way. "A life surrendered to God," she said, "is like a life without a GPS." She continued, "God is looking for people who are looking for what He is going to do next." After taking a sacrificial offering, there was a time of rejoicing. Thank God, for the mighty work He is doing.

Sam Emory "Kingdom Focused"

"Prayer is meant to touch God, and God changes things."

"We cannot be stagnant in past victories because there are victories yet to be won."

Thank you, Veterans, for Your Service

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

‒ Ronald Reagan
Photos by Newsvine photographer Don Mellow and the Creative Team.

What a great time of fellowship at Modesto On Ice, locally owned by Kathy and Dave Halsey, sister of Newsvine editor Virginia Aguilera. We would like to publicly thank the businesses who generously contributed to make this event free to our members: Donnie Wilson Construction, Hotel Buyit, Warren Designs, American Auto Depot, Oak Crafts by Jeremiah, C. Scott Construction & Landscaping, Kind Lending, Wall to Wall Pressure Washing, C&C Portable, and A1 Custom Auto Body

What Fun at the Mature Ladies Christmas Luncheon!

Thank you, Sister Joyce Jones and Joann Gann (pictured below left), for the wonderful time of fellowship at our annual Mature Ladies Christmas Luncheon and for your generosity. What a fun time of food, games, heartwarming stories and poems, and gifts. This year we did not have a special speaker, but our spirits were uplifted by several ladies who shared from their hearts (pictured next page). We are thankful for our fellow golden girls who make us laugh, give us hugs, and provide us with such precious words of encouragement.

Joann Gann and Joyce Jones head up the annual Christmas festivities for the Mature Ladies.
Gloria Sadeddeen readies for the Christmas gift pass-around game. What fun!

Sister Jones laughs as she reads one of Christmas "jewels" she shares each year.

Enjoying the time together to fellowship with one another.

Susan Jackson shows off her cozy new blanket, a gift from her Secret Santa.

Sisters Dwanda Scott, Sandra Hunt, Andrea Powell, Aurora Jacobo, and Karen Chavez were our impromptu speakers this year. Surprise, surprise! We were blessed by their uplifting words spoken from their hearts.

The God of Sudden Storms

It was such a lovely day

And the sun was shining bright

A gentle breeze was blowing my way

Not a storm cloud in sight

Then suddenly without a warning

A storm surrounded my life…

Lyrics from “Peacekeeper” by Geron Davis

Life has a way of delivering sudden storms when we least expect them. One moment, the seas are calm, and the horizon stretches endlessly in peace; the next, the sky darkens, and waves threaten to overwhelm us. Matthew 8:23-27 captures this vividly: the disciples, sailing with Jesus, are caught in a sudden, violent storm. Their cries for help - "Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!" - echo our own when unexpected trauma shatters our lives. But Jesus’ response - “Peace! Be still!” - reminds us of His unshakable presence and power, even when circumstances seem hopeless.

When sudden tragedy strikes, particularly the unexpected death of a loved one, our faith can feel shaken to its core. Yet, it is precisely in these moments of turmoil that our relationship with Jesus can become our greatest anchor. Let’s explore how trauma affects our walk with God, the mystery of unanswered prayers, and how we can hold on to faith in both sudden and expected losses.

The Deepest Storm: The Unexpected Loss of a Loved One

Few events in life are as devastating as the unexpected death of someone we love. It leaves us breathless, like

being plunged into icy water, gasping for air, unsure which way is up. Unlike a prolonged illness, where we may have time to prepare emotionally and spiritually, sudden loss blindsides us. It feels like the disciples’ boat in Matthew 8, tossed about by waves they could neither predict nor control.

The sudden death of a loved one forces us to confront the fragility of life and the depth of our dependence on God. In our grief, we may question why a loving God allows such pain or why this storm came without warning. Sudden death can leave us feeling unsafe, questioning our worth to God, helpless, and vulnerable. Depending on the nature of the situation we can feel guilt and shame. Yet, it is often in the rawness of these moments that Jesus meets us most powerfully. His presence doesn’t always still the storm, but it stills our hearts within the storm.

How Trauma Shapes Our Relationship with Jesus

Trauma has a profound effect on our faith. For some, it becomes a crucible that refines their trust in Jesus, drawing them closer to His heart. For others, it creates a barrier of doubt, anger, or despair. Both responses are natural, and Scripture shows us examples of both.

Consider Job, whose suffering led him to a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty. Or Martha and Mary in John 11, whose grief over Lazarus’ death prompted them to wrestle with their faith in Jesus. Trauma can strip away superficial beliefs and force us to grapple with the core of who Jesus is: our Savior, our Comforter, and our ever-present help in trouble.

But trauma can also tempt us to pull away from Jesus. It’s easy to feel abandoned when prayers for deliver-

ance go unanswered or when the storm doesn’t subside as we hope. Doubt whispers, “If God truly loved you, He wouldn’t have let this happen.” Yet, it is in these moments that we must remember the disciples in the boat. Though Jesus appeared to be sleeping, He was still with them. His presence never left, and neither does His presence leave us in our storms.

The Mystery of Unanswered Prayers

One of the most challenging aspects of trauma is the seeming inconsistency in how God answers our prayers. Why does He intervene in some cases and not in others? Acts 12 offers a sobering contrast: Peter is miraculously freed from prison, while James is martyred. Both events occur within days of each other. The church fervently prays for deliverance, yet the outcomes are vastly different.

The tension between suffering and deliverance is a reality of living in a broken world. God’s plans and purposes often transcend our understanding. His ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9), and while this truth can be difficult to embrace amid pain, it invites us to trust in His sovereignty. Our prayers, like the disciples’ cries in the storm, are always heard. But the answer may not come in the way we expect - or on the timeline we desire. We think we know what’s best and get frustrated when God doesn’t do what we think the situation demands.

When we pray for deliverance in Jesus name, we must remember to also pray according to His will and have the faith to trust God’s heart, even when His hand seems still. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 8 that He has ultimate authority over every storm. Whether He chooses to calm the waves or simply hold us as they rage, He is still good, and He is still in control.

Holding on to Jesus in the Storm

Matthew 8:23-27 teaches us a profound lesson about faith in the face of trauma. When the disciples woke Jesus in their panic, He rebuked them for their lack of faith before calming the storm. At first glance, His response may seem harsh. But it reveals a crucial truth: faith isn’t about avoiding storms; it’s about trusting Jesus through them.

In our darkest moments, we can rest in the knowledge

that Jesus is in the boat with us. He is not shocked by any storm nor is He horrified by the raw feelings that erupt in our response to it. He is not distant or uncaring. He sees our tears, hears our cries, and holds our hearts. The same Jesus who calmed the sea is the one who bore the ultimate storm - death on the cross - so that we might have eternal life.

An Anchor for the Soul

Trauma may shake us, but it cannot unseat the love of Jesus. The unexpected loss of a loved one, the unanswered prayers, the raw pain of grief - these are storms that test our faith. Yet, they are also opportunities to experience the profound depth of God’s grace.

Healing from sudden trauma can take months, even years. God is prepared to walk beside us and enter into our brokenness with us however long emotional healing takes. He is an anchor to cling to, trusting that even when the waves rage, He is with us, whispering, “Peace, be still.” In His presence, we find the strength to endure, the courage to trust, and the hope of eternal life.

Christmas at Revival Church Concert

How adorable are our KREW children! They brought to us in song the Christmas story, complete with Mary riding on a "donkey." Thank you to KREW Director Sujey Diaz and her team for a truly delightful number. May we all follow the star to the child born in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago, our Savior, Christ the Lord.

The Revive Youth Ensemble under the direction of Lauren Hunt (below middle) was one of the highlights of the concert with the song, "Glory" by Eddie James. They sang with passion, precision, and anointing. Hats off to the ensemble singers: Ashlyn Gregory, Lauren Williams, Melissa Walls, Robert Alvarado, Rafael Fernando Torres Colin, Angel Fernando Torres Colin, Averie Gregory, Emma Zuniga, and Addy Suarez, and to band members: Malia Ramos (aux), Jayden Montes (drums), Brooke Montes (bass), Lance Rodriguez (organ), and Tim Montes (main keys). We are thankful to young people who use their talents to glorify God.

Emma Zuniga
Ashlyn Gregory
Lauren Hunt
Lauren Williams

Christmas at Revival Church Concert

DeVina Escobedo and MaKayla Johnson sweetly sing "He is the Truest Friend," accompanied by Brooke Montes.
Joshua Aguilera sings "O, Holy Night." "Mary, Did You Know" is sung by Nichole Evans.

Commendations to our Music Ministry team of Matthew Aguirre, Nanci Holston, Kellee Hopper, and Tim Montes and to Sister Johnson for an outstanding Christmas concert which focused on glorifying God for His gift that brings true joy, not just at Christmas but all the days of the year. The graphics, videos, and lighting were also topnotch, initially designed by our pastor's wife. Thank you to all who worked hard to make this an amazing experience. All glory to God!

Christmas at Revival Church Concert

The church was filled with many visitors for our Christmas concert. Above right: Newsvine Editor Virginia Aguilera sits with her cousin Marla Mack and her husband Jeff On the left the Aguileras' nephew, Mark Wood, sits with his wife, Sophors, and daughters, Kiley, Skylar, and Zoey. So glad you all were able to enjoy the concert with us! ♥

Ugly Christmas Sweater Midweek


First Place Andrea Powell

ith all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, a little light-hearted fun is welcome. With this in mind, the tradition of an Ugly Sweater December midweek service was begun. After a time of worship, Pastor Jon led the festivities with a silly ice breaker: Sound Effects. While Noah Wells and Josh Aguilera (below right) told a short holiday-related story, sound effects

were added by a pair of their peers. I never thought a reindeer sounded quite like that... After a quick game of Kahoot, the highlight of the evening was the crowning of the best ugly Christmas Sweater won by Andrea Powell, with second place going to Gloria Sadeddeen The evening finished with a time of fellowship and refreshments in the foyer.

Noah Wells and Josh Aguilera describe a Christmas parade, complete with sound effects.

Jeriann Montes poses with her parents, Jerry and Andrea Powell
photos by Editor Leo Aguilera

Merry Christmas!

"...I am the LIGHT of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the LIGHT OF LIFE." (John 8:12 NIV)

photos by the Creative Team and Don Mellow

people who walk in darkness will see a great LIGHT. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, A LIGHT WILL SHINE." (Isaiah 9:2 NLT)

Taylor Fairbanks "Something Worth Waiting For"

"Whenever we wait on the Lord, whenever we bring Him into the equation, we now have something worth waiting for."

"If we are going to wait, we might as well position ourselves in a place where we have a promise, we have a word."

Holiday Celebrations

The Zoom Good Book Bible study group led by Andrea Powell met at El Bistro by Salt & Pepper in December for a Christmas breakfast before visiting Lana Fletcher who is recuperating from an illness. They chipped in together, and Carolyn Farias put together a beautiful basket of goodies. We are praying you will be home soon, Sister Lana.

The Feed the Body, Feed the Soul life group Bible study, led by Leo and Virginia Aguilera, met in November for a Friendsgiving feast complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cornbread. We are thankful for the opportunity to gather together to thank God for all of His many blessings.

RC Young Adults, led by Chris and Lindsay Castro, gathered in November for their own Friendsgiving celebration.

Our RC Spanish Ministry, led by Antonio and Gloria Gutierrez, also met in November for their Thanksgiving fellowship. Yum!

Susan Jackson unwraps her Christmas Ornament at the SIS Christmas Ornament Exchange.

For God, who said, "Let there be LIGHT in the darkness," has make this LIGHT shine in our hearts so we could know the GLORY OF GOD that is seen in the FACE OF JESUS CHRIST."

- 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NLT)

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