2024 Spring Issue of The Newsvine

Page 1

Every page an altar to His works!”




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Business Phone: 209-522-5365

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Charlene Wilson

Lindsay Castro

Leo & Virginia Aguilera

Leo Aguilera and Creative Team

Joshua Aguilera, Jocelyn Powell, Alexis Diaz, Autumn Amador, MaKayla Johnson, Devina Aguirre, Emma Zuniga, Angel Torres Colin, Russ Campbell, Andrew Mazon, Brooke Montes, and assisted by Don Mellow and Gabriel Chavoya

Carol Castillo

Alexis Diaz

Virginia Aguilera

Julie Chavoya












Matthew Aguirre

David Amador

Dana Le’ Blanc

Noah Wells




B.U.F.F. (MEN 50+)









Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah

Antonio & Gloria Gutierrez

Joshua & Jeannette Aguilera

Chris & Lindsay Castro

Moses Burciaga

Jerry Powell

Jeremiah Williams

Vinnie Zapien

Tim & Jeriann Montes

Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre

Nancy Holston, Tim Montes

Sujay Diaz, Mary Aguirre

Herb Jenkins

Charles & Joyce Bispo

Jonathan Quinones

Alex Diaz

Joyce Jones

Joyce Jones

Joshua Williams

Jeremiah Williams

MaKayla Johnson


SUNDAY - 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

12:30 p.m.

MONDAY - 7:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY - 7:00 p.m.

THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m.

FRIDAY - 7:00 p.m.

SATURDAY - 10:00 a.m.

Spanish/Service - Chapel

Pre-service Prayer

Morning Service - Sanctuary, KREW

Growth Track - Chapel

All-Church Prayer

Mid-Week Service, KREW

Spanish Service

Revive Youth Service

Saturday Morning Outreach

THE NEWSVINE is published quarterly (first week of January, April, July, October) by Revival Church, United Pentecostal Church, 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to The Newsvine are subject to pastor’s approval and editing by The Newsvine staff.

An Apology from the Editors

We apologize for being seven days late in releasing the 2024 Spring Newsvine. As we promised, The Newsvine would always be released the first Sunday service in the months of January, April, July, and October. We were blessed to schedule a trip to Switzerland, Germany, and Holland for the end of March, knowing when we returned on March 31, we had until April 7 to release this issue. Unfortunately, towards the end of the trip, we both came back with the cold virus and some pretty tough symptoms, most likely intensified by how COLD Central Europe is at this time of the year. Our traveling buddies, Brother Donnie Wilson (church board member) and Sister Charlene Wilson (church secretary-treasurer) were unaffected. Thank God for that! So our apologies to all you readers for the delay. We are also grateful to all who prayed for our safe return! Maranatha, the Lord Cometh!

2 SPRING NEWSVINE 2024 • Editors Leo and Virginia Aguilera, cruising on the Rhine River in Germany.



It is remarkable how the prophecy found in II Thessalonians 2:3 has been fulfilled in our times: "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first." The scripture makes it clear that many will leave the church in the last days. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, more than one quarter of U.S. adults identify themselves as agnostic, atheists, or "unaffiliated" with any religion. The same survey revealed that two-thirds of them were raised in the church, mosque, or synagogue. Church attendance polled worst, according to the latest Gallup poll in May 2023. Only 31% American adults claimed they attended church on a regular basis. A generation ago attendance was 49%, and in the 1930s it was 73%!

Many social experts who have studied the shrinking church attendance admit that America is losing a vital sense of community which religion has provided for centuries. The above mentioned PRRI found that most church attendees valued "experiencing religion in a community" and "installing values in their children." BUT these Christian Americans are shrinking in numbers.

When a bold Christian goes door-to-door knocking today, they will find most households will not welcome their invitation, a flyer announcing a church event, or their witnessing of the gospel. As one acquaintance recently said to me about attending church, "I am not interested

Jesus witnessing to the Samaritan woman in the painting by Carl Bloch, "Woman at the Well." 1875

in all that church dogma." Witnessing to him has been difficult. He does not understand why there are so many different Christian churches, each with their own doctrines and plans of salvation. Like many unbelievers, he was raised in Sunday school, but as an adult he uses the excuse that confusion of Christian doctrine is not for him anymore, and yet he wants me to keep praying for him. Hmm, something is still


there that he desires from God, so I won't give up on him.


Another hindrance the bold Christian faces today who wants to share the gospel is an uncanny and wicked trend that has surfaced in the 1990s. Again the PRRI surveys revealed an unprecedented lack of face-to-face socializing, especially among single men from age 18 to 25 who are not college educated and do not attend church. They number in the millions. Also, teenagers still in school are fleeing from church attendance in the millions faster than adults who also are not socializing face-to-face with their peers. Surveys found that teenagers have cut their socializing by three or more hours a week. What is the distraction? VIDEO GAMES, CELLPHONES, LAPTOPS, and CABLE TV!

Screen time is numbering in the hours daily for millions of young Americans. They entertain themselves all day long, even in school, with everything the INTERNET has to offer. This is causing a dangerous social trend called hyper individualism which can lead to a focus on the self, rather than the collective good, and more severely the individual can suffer social isolation and a lack of community support. Marriage proposals drop, suicides increase, aloneness causes bouts of depression, and fear begins to cause paranoia to the many antisocial persons who have allowed themselves to disassociate from the community. Technology is beginning to offer AI generated multi-sensory gadgets to immerse the "player" into parallel realities, which will further isolate a new generation.

The Pew Research Center reports that nonchurch goers tend to not like their community and are not satisfied with their social life, they do not volunteer, and are "most likely to feel lonely." Americans prefer to sit on their couches Sunday mornings and that has negatively affected the collective life of every level of American society.

Is there an answer to the bold Christian willing to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ today with such momentous odds against he or she? The answer is YES! The holy scriptures gave us the answer for end times outreach 2,000 years ago!


How can we Christians prevent this civic retreat that so many in our neighborhoods are bringing upon themselves? American sociologist Eric Klinenberg says Americans today have fewer shared spaces where connections are formed. It is sad that church attendance is being replaced by a diabolical technology device - the smartphone! Is this where connections are being made for the secular non-believer's very existence?

Christians have the answer for them found in Acts 2:42. As new followers of Jesus in the early church, they “devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to breaking bread, and prayer." The first Christians met daily in the Temple courts and broke bread in their homes, and shared possessions with those in need.

The first trait the bold Christian must exhibit is what I have called him/her throughout this article - BOLD! He/she must not be ashamed of the gospel, but share it with courage, wisdom, and prayer.

Then, he/she must build a community for the prospective convert when sharing the Good News. Invite that person to any commonly shared interest activity, then lead him to your home "for breaking of bread." Evolve these home visits into a Bible study. Then an invitation for church attendance will surely follow. Use wisdom to offer the best community that loner will cherishthe Apostolic congregation of the one true God, our Lord Jesus Christ. And let the Holy Ghost do the rest.


Table of Contents

First Sunday Service of the Year!

Bible Quizzing!

37-Year Prayer Answered! Pastor Johnson's Parents Baptized!

Pastor Luis Hernandez, "No Translation Needed"

"The Salvation Chair" by Carol Castillo

'Super Soul' Sunday with Missionary Charles Robinette

"Delivered from the Agony of Abuse" - Cassie Crump

"The 11th Hour Laborers" - Nathan Herrod

Get Connected! - Life Group Kick-Off

S.I.S., Sisters in Seasons Ministry

Church Outside the Walls

Dana Le' Blanc, Newly UPCI Locally Licensed Minister

Heart of Worship Conference Coming to RC July 10-13!

Cover Story - Tim & Jeriann Montes

Volunteer of the Month - Linda Salazar

Youth Explosion - San Rafael

Gustine Church Celebrates 30 Years!

Ministry Update - India - Elder Chacko Thomas

"Revival" - Floyd Lozada

Palm Sunday with Elder Billy Hale

The Centurion


6 8 - 10 11 12 14 16 18 - 21 22 24 26 28 30 31 32 - 34 35 36 37 38 40 43 44 - 49, 52 50 SPRING NEWSVINE 2024 • 5

FirstSunday Service of the Year

2024 Is "The Year of Fire!"



"Don't let the fire of the Holy Ghost burn out in your life," cautioned Pastor Johnson in his introductory remarks during his first sermon of the year. He declared the year 2024 as "The Year of Fire!" Fire, he said, represents the presence of God, the dominion and holiness of God, and the Holy Spirit. "There's going to be fires that break out," he said, "all over this city." He then spoke of the recent shocking airplane crash in Japan and the miracle that all 379 people aboard were able to escape the burning plane. He said they survived because they did three things: 1) they moved with a sense of urgency, 2) 379 strangers worked together, and 3) they knew what they had to leave behind. He then used Hebrews 12:1

to correlate this to the church: "...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." In 2024, he said there are two kinds of fire he sees for our church: the fire of purification and the fire of Holy Ghost power. He urged the congregation to make sure the foundation of their lives are built on the cornerstone of Jesus Christ. "It will be revealed," he said, "with fire. Fire will test each one's works to see what kind of foundation you've built on for your life."

After a time of reflection and repentance, Pastor Johnson led the church in partaking of the Lord's Supper. It was a powerful service to kick off a new and exciting year - A Year of Fire!


A L Aunching O ut , u ndefe Ated !

Top Tourn a ment



Congratulations to Melanie Walls and Seth and Liam Burciaga who won first place in the Western District Junior Novice Tournament held in Exeter, CA, on January 13! In fact, in this first tournament of the year, they were undefeated! To top it off, Melanie Walls was the highest scorer, making the All Tournament Team! Congratulations also to Coach Brandon Wayne and RC Bible Quizzing Director Joshua Williams. Brother Williams said, "I'm so proud of the work and effort that our quizzers have made during this tournament. God has so much in store for them."

According to upcquiz.com which quoted from A Handbook for New Coaches produced by the Texas District Sunday School Committee: "No other program sponsored by the United Pentecostal Church can claim a higher percentage of participants who remain faithful to God and the Church than can Bible quizzing. Statistics reveal that, of those who spend at least three consecutive years in a quizzing program, 90% never leave the church, and 70% of the small minority who do leave eventually return." Yes, the time and effort to compete in Bible quizzing is a sacrifice, but it is also an investment in the future spiritual success of our children. Quiz on!



On January 19, our quizzers competed in the Western District Winter Open. This year our church had its own beginner's team and competed against nine other teams. Placing second were Logan D'Aquino and Liam and Seth Burciaga! Logan had the second highest score in the tournament! Our junior team of Jazzy D'Aquino, Naomi Salazar, and Melanie Walls, competing against 11 other teams, placed 4th! On top of that, Naomi Salazar made the All Tournament Team! Our experienced senior team of Natalie Diaz and Julian Salazar competed as well, but did not place against the powerhouse teams from Sacramento (1st) and Stockton (2). Congratulations to all of our quizzers. We commend you. You are always a winner when you hide the Word of God in your heart!

fe B ruA ry i nvitAti O n AL r esu Lts

Our quizzers competed again in the Western District February Invitational held in Stockton, California. Congratulations to our Beginner team, coached by Brandon Wayne, which came in fourth place and to Logan D'Aquino who was the fourth highest scorer in his division! Commendations also are due for our Junior team, coached by Jessica D'Aquino and Linda Salazar, which came in third place and to Naomi Salazar who placed 2nd in the "Ultimate Challenge." Their next tournament is the Southwest Region Extravaganza in March. If they place first or second, they will qualify to go to Nationals in Branson, Missouri. RC Bible Quizzing Director Joshua Williams said, "Please keep the quizzers and coaches in your prayers as we prepare for it....To God be the glory!"

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From left: Junior Team of Naomi Salazar, Melanie Walls, and Jazzy D'Aquino; Junior Team with Coaches Jessica D'Aquino and Linda Salazar; Beginner Team with RC BQ Director Joshua Williams and Coach Brandon Wayne; and Beginner Team of Liam and Seth Burciaga and Logan D'Aquino.

Congratulations to our junior Bible Quizzing team members Naomi Salazar, Melanie Walls, and Jazzy D'Aquino who placed third in the Southwest Region Extravaganza held in March. Pray for them as they have one more opportunity to make it to Nationals. Pictured clockwise from top left: Coaches Linda Salazar and Jessica D'Aquino pose with our RC Junior quiz team; our quizzers and coach Salazar pose with Terry Marshall, North American Junior Bible Quizzing Director and Steve Cannon, Children's Minister Director of the UPCI; Naomi Salazar poses with the All Tournament Team members. Congratulations to all!

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!

The church recently recognized Sister Johnson's birthday and the Johnson's wedding anniversary. We won't reveal their ages...but they are a mite older than 21. Below they laugh as they open their presents - a his and her set of pickle ball paddles. On Sunday afternoons a group of church members meet at a local park for fellowship. We heard Sister Johnson is a tough competitor!

10 SPRING NEWSVINE 2024 • s O uth W est r egi O n e xtr AgA nzA

Pastor's Prayers answered!

We join in celebrating with our Pastor who, after 37 years of prayer, had the privilege of baptizing both of his parents in Jesus' name for the remission of their sins. Congratulations to Sister Betty Hemingway and Brother Harold Johnson! We rejoice with you all. God still answers prayers!


Luis Hernandez

"No Translation Needed"


The Hernandez Family: Pastora Yorleny and their children: Samantha, Isaiah and Isaac; and her brother-in-law Angel Urbina and his wife, Kihanna, and their baby, Kayla.

The Language of the Unheard

"I believe we are in a season where God wants to create something out of nothing," began Pastor Luis Hernandez as he preached on the last Sunday of January. He wondered what language God used to speak the words, "Let there be light" - Spanish, English? He went on to ask, "What is the language of the unheard, unseen, and "unhappened" things? What is it that connects us now to where God wants us to be? He cautioned us to be sensitive to the moment, or "it will be lost in translation." Just as Moses in faith called water from the rock, he said God wants us to speak to something that we don't understand, can't comprehend, something that's never happened before. Although we have had trying seasons, we need to get our ferociousness back. "We need to get furious about revival! We need to get furious about souls!"

Pastor Luis Hernandez and his wife Pastora Yorleny Pentecostals of San Francisco Pastor Arturo Chavez and his son Arturo Gamaliel Chavez Pentecostals of Napa

Wisdom Begins with a Word

The Salvation Chair

Building our salvation experience is like building a wood chair. The seat of our chair is the foundation of our doctrine: repentance, baptism in Jesus Name, Holy Ghost infilling. To that seat, add four legs, or principles: prayer/fasting, tithing/giving, faithfulness to the house of God, and personal ministry.

If one leg is removed, you don’t have a chair, you have a stool. You can still sit on it, but you’ll sit low all your life. Others will step on you so they can get higher. You don’t pull up to the Master’s table on a stool. Stools are also called “spectator chairs” because people sitting in them are watching the action but not participating.

If two of the four legs are removed, the chair will be so unstable, it will be worthless either to use or look at. It will be cast onto the junk heap, ruined.

Wood chairs also need a back consisting of a frame and some type of backing. Build plenty of back support so you can have the right posture. Fellowship weaves a slat into your back support. Convictions weave a slat into your back support. Church attendance weaves another slat into your back support. The more slats you weave into your back support, the more you will sit straighter and stay stable in your seat without falling or tipping off.

A chair that stands the test of time must be built from materials of great strength and hardness. At my house we have a set of old oak chairs that barely have a scratch. They weren’t as comfortable as the recliner, but the recliner fell apart long ago, while

those oak chairs are still standing strong. Some people are recliner saints. They want to sit in the cushy chair with the cup holder, push back and just sleep in Jesus. The Bible says one day we will sleep in Jesus, but not when we’re still alive!

Don’t forget to add armrests because we rest in the arms of God.

Now we get to the final step. This is when the finish is applied. A good finish creates a glow and shine, protects the chair, is durable, and lasts forever. The finishing ingredients are listed in II Peter 1:5-8 (NIV). “…add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

There’s a reason why the head of a committee or a board is called a “chair” - it’s an emblem of authority – the kind of authority God wants us to have in our lives. Tapping into that authority requires diligence. We must put our salvation chair to daily use and care. The chair will get wobbly if it’s not maintained properly. “I prayed for a week, I can skip a day.” "I haven’t missed church in a month, I can stay home for a while.” Diligence requires the discipline of repetition. Days add up to months and then years of building that strong chair, that seat, that foundation, that will keep you from falling and support you successfully through life’s tests and trials.


"I Can Hear tHe Sound of abundanCe of raIn"

What an exciting Sunday service we had with Missionary, International Evangelist Charles Robinette! It was surely a "Super Soul" Sunday! Twenty-seven people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and 11 were baptized in Jesus' name just like the Christians in the New Testament! Brother Robinette and his wife Stacey were appointed full-time missionaries to Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Liechtenstein in 2004. For the past ten years, they have pastored The Church of Acts in Vienna, Austria, and he has served as the General Superintendent for the last eight years for the German Speaking Nations. Their appointment with the UPCI has now changed to International Evangelist, and they are being used globally.

Reverend Robinette began his sermon stressing the soon coming of Jesus Christ. Using the scriptures, he pointed out the end-time signs and provided current evidence of widespread wars, earthquakes, and famine. He said the most important sign of the end times is the fulfillment of Joel 2:28 where God said He will pour out His Spirit upon all people.

He then gave recent examples of how the Spirit of God is being poured out in country after country: El Salvador, 2,000 filled; South Africa, 308 filled and 521 received miracles; Brazil, more than 12,000 filled in one service; Philippines, more than 20,000 filled in the last eight months! "You can't tell me that Jesus isn't coming soon!" he said. Then Brother Robinette asked everyone to come up to the altar, bringing someone with them. After a time of repentance, the Holy Ghost miraculously filled nearly thirty people. What joy in the house!


"Super Soul" Sunday Charles robinette



(Editor’s Note: This encore repeat testimony is not for the squeamish. The evil one person can inflict on another can be horrifying and almost hopeless in the final outcome. But there is a God who sees all. Cassie was prayed for salvation by a loving grandmother and uncle. It was those prayers that protected her from a brutally abusive relationship that could have ended in a fatal tragedy.)


Cassie first met Johnny at James Marshall Elementary School in Modesto, California. There was something about him that just clicked with her. But what started out as a schoolgirl crush almost ended in her death and that of her unborn son.

After years of attending elementary school together and weekly Awana youth church programs, she was saddened when Johnny moved with his family to the Los Angeles area when they were in junior high. Heartbroken, she thought she would never see him again. But she was wrong...almost dead wrong!

On a hot, summer evening while at a gathering of friends at Mellis Park in Modesto, Cassie, now in her early twenties, saw a familiar, handsome face. It was Johnny walking toward her, smiling broadly. Seeing his face, brought back her romantic feelings and stirred up a new hope that perhaps she could finally have a relationship with the boy who had stolen her heart in elementary school. Her friends at the park gathering warned her that he was crazy, but she told them she knew him and he was not that way. Convinced that Johnny had not changed, Cassie was now ready to move beyond

her school year crush to serious dating.

Although Cassie had believed in God her entire life, she had been struggling spiritually. Her uncle was an United Pentecostal Church preacher, Brother Gregory Pearson, and her grandmother, Sister Dorothy Nash, was a faithful church member of Revival Church. Even though both encouraged her to live for God, Cassie’s addiction to crack and alcohol had her bound. Instead, she would visit numerous different churches, trying to connect with God, but still not ready to give up her vices. She had started taking drugs to assuage her emotional pain and depression, but they only ended up deepening her troubles and blinding her to the real answer to her problems--Jesus Christ!

Johnny, on the other hand was not religious at all. In fact, when he was living in the Los Angeles with his family, he had become heavily involved in the Crips, a mostly African-American gang. Alcohol and drugs also had become part of his existence. He was struggling with mental illness, having been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. Sadly, Cassie would find out later he had also been in trouble with the law. Hardened and angry, he was not the same boy Cassie had fallen for since junior high. Instead, he had become an unpredictable, violent threat. But Cassie had no idea how dangerous he was.

They started dating and ended up moving in together, as she admits it was a terrible mistake!


The first time Johnny attacked her was a complete surprise. They had been arguing as they of-

as told to Editors Leo and Virginia Aguilera

ten did, especially when Johnny had been drinking. When Cassie slapped a cigarette out of his hands, he leaped up, grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter, and plunged it into her back. He then slugged her in the jaw. Cassie screamed, “I’m going to call the police!” She never made that phone call. Suddenly, Johnny became extremely apologetic and kept saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She believed his sincerity and excused his violence as her fault, after all she did knock the cigarette out of his hand first. Cassie, herself, had grown up in an abusive household, so in her eyes this was “normal.” She did not want to live in an abusive relationship like her mom, but she just fell into it. Not only did she not call the police, she also did not seek medical care for her deep stab wound. She was in a great deal of pain for many weeks, but was relieved the knife had not hit a vital organ. “I didn’t want to tell them at the hospital what had happened,” she said, “because I didn’t want him to go to jail.”

Cassie convinced herself that Johnny would never assault her again. After all, he was very apologetic, and she would be more careful in the future not to push him too far when they argued. She was wrong!

The second time Cassie was attacked was a fight over her going to church. Cassie and Johnny had moved to Prescott Estates in Modesto, along with her two children from a previous relationship. She had finally allowed her uncle to convince her to go to church at Revival Church. This was the same church where her children regularly were attending Sunday School, She was getting dressed for service when the trouble began. Johnny was very upset that she was going to church. He jealously thought she was going there to meet someone. Drunk and swearing, he locked her in the house and took the key. Without the key, Cassie could not escape. She was locked in with a very intoxicated and venomously angry man. Johnny began to verbally abuse her, then he grabbed a Louisiana Hot Sauce bottle and slammed into Cassie’s head. The blunt force of the bottle caused an injury that would later require 13 staples in the ER. “There was blood everywhere,” she said. “I thought I was going to die.” Convinced he planned on killing her, she desperately broke a window and crawled to safety. A neighbor who had seen what happened called for help. Cassie didn’t wait for the

ambulance. Somehow she managed to get herself to the hospital. In the meantime, Johnny, afraid he would get arrested, left and hid out at his brother’s ex-wife's house. When the ambulance and police arrived, Cassie’s two children had to crawl out the broken window to escape. Fortunately,they had been upstairs during the attack, and had not witnessed anything other than the yelling. Johnny was arrested and sent to prison for two years. The prosecutor wanted to ask for a tougher sentence, but Cassie begged for leniency. After all, she thought, she had provoked him again and... she loved him.

Helplessly in love, she began writing letters to her abuser, thinking he would change. Johnny responded back that he was truly sorry.

In prison, Johnny received the medication he needed to help control his schizophrenia. His letters sounded like the boy she first had met in elementary school. Cassie was filled with hope that they could make a fresh start. When Johnny got out of jail, Cassie, blinded by her love, went back to Johnny, even though there was a restraining order banning any contact with her.


Their troubles began again when he decided to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol and stopped taking his prescribed medication. The jealous demon soon reared his ferocious head again.

They had moved to Oakland to live with family. Cassie had quit drugs cold turkey when she found out she was pregnant. She got a job and was working security patrol at a hospital. She and Johnny had gotten married by the hospital chaplain where she worked. Her job made her exhausted, but her paycheck and Johnny’s permanent disability check made ends meet.

At first Johnny was sweet and nice. However, his jealous side soon appeared. At times he would follow Cassie to work and stay to watch her during her shift. However, since he had gotten out of jail, he had never hit her again. But they were beginning to argue a lot.

As her pregnancy advanced, they decided that she needed to quit her security patrol job and move back to Modesto where living expenses were more affordable.

Soon after they settled in their apartment, Cas-


sie and Johnny went to visit Cassie’s aunt who was bedridden due to cancer. Cassie had been out on the front porch drinking when she stepped inside the house and caught her husband in an inappropriate situation with a minor. They began venting and swearing at each other. She was so angry, she did not realize how mad Johnny had become. She finally told him if he did not quiet down, she would call his parole officer since there was still a restraining order against him. She thought the threat with this phone call would calm down. Instead it infuriated him even more.

As she held the phone receiver and started dialing, he yanked the phone cord out of the wall. Frightened, she raced to the bedroom to use the phone there, slamming and locking the door to protect herself. Enraged, he kicked the door open and punched her, knocking her to the floor. He then got on top of her, straddling her, even though she was seven months pregnant. He swore then bellowed fiercely, “I will kill you.” He got up and went into the kitchen. Thinking he would not follow through on his threat, Cassie followed him. She realized she might have to run for her life. Cassie at first didn’t realize Johnny had grabbed a sharp serrated steak knife. As she passed him, he violently pushed Cassie down onto her stomach. “I thought I was going to die now,” she said. “I couldn’t move because he was on top of me. He put the knife to my neck and used the serrated blade to slice my neck from the front to the back.” Blood spurted everywhere. Terrified, Cassie cried out, “I’m sorry!” Her desperate words cut through his rage, triggering him to stop. He brusquely told her to get a towel, oblivious to the amount of damage he had done. Cassie’s children, ages nine and seven, had witnessed the attack and were scared and crying. This time Johnny was apologizing to no one!


“Go call a ambulance,” Cassie urged her husband, but he just sat there and did nothing. Unfortunately, no one at the apartment complex at which they lived had a phone, so Cassie asked her oldest son to run to the school next door to find the custodian who could radio for help. “I was praying, ‘God, please spare me’,” she said, realizing that she was about to faint. Cassie’s son could not find the custodian, so weakened with blood

loss and fear, Cassie somehow managed to walk to her aunt’s house down the street. Shocked by Cassie’s condition, her aunt hysterically called 911 for an ambulance. Cassie became more and more pale as she sat and listened anxiously for the siren’s scream.

The ambulance delivered her to Doctor’s Hospital in Modesto. As the emergency room doctor cleaned and stitched the gaping wound, he shook his head and said that if her wound had been made just a little further toward the front of her neck, he would have sliced her jugular vein and “a thousand doctors could not have saved you!”

Cassie was released from the hospital and spent the first night back at her house alone. Johnny had disappeared. Her children were with her aunt. The next day, she went to stay with her aunt. She had a visit from an officer from the Modesto Police Department. He told her, “He will not get away with this. I will find him.”

When the police did arrest him south of Modesto in Turlock, they found him shaking. He thought they were there to arrest him for murder. He was convicted of attempted murder and went to prison for 17 years.

After all those years of abuse, Cassie had finally had enough. “The love was gone,” she said. “He attacked me when I was pregnant with his own son.” After the child was born, she presented him to her husband at the jail, but she has never seen her abuser since. She decided she was now more than ready to make major changes in her life, including coming to church.

About two weeks later, she came to Modesto Revival Church. Traumatized by her near death experience; however, it took several years before she could completely surrender herself to God. She was off then on drugs during those dark years. She also had severe bouts of depression. “The attack mentally disturbed me,” she said. “I lost everything. I even lost my kids.”


Cassie finally took note of Revival Church reaching out to her. With the persistence of family and church members like Sister Angel Padilla who visited her when she was staying at the women’s shelter, she at last found the strength to break free. She was baptized in Jesus’ name and filled


with the Holy Ghost, and with God’s grace, she has been living a victorious life. Cassie is now single and says, “I am married to Jesus."

Today, Sister Cassie is a faithful member of Revival Church. She completed our Starting Point New Christian Bible study series and the Acts Class, was involved in the Juvenile Hall Ministry, Door-to-Door Outreach, and was a greeter. She is currently in the 50 and over Women's Bible Study with Sister Joyce Jones, comes to Monday Night All Church Prayer, and has faithfully attended Bible study fellowship meetings for years with Newsvine Editors, Leo and Virginia Aguilera.


Sister Cassie has a word for women who are living in a home that is filled with fear and violence. “If you are in an abusive situation,” she says, “GET OUT RIGHT NOW! If you don’t, but then you finally can get away, it might still mess you up for years. You could die, or it could take you years to get back to God, and your kids will be affected by the trauma.”

Cassie may have fallen into the pattern of being an abused woman, but thanks to Jesus Christ, she has been snatched out of it by God’s saving power and grace. You can find the strength and help you need to make a change in your life. Let Christ make you a new creature, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT).

If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, help is available. Contact the National Domestic Hotline at 800-799-7233 or thehotline.org. In Stanislaus County, contact The Haven's Women's Shelter crisis line at 209-577-5980 or the Stanislaus County District Attorney's Office online at https://www.stanislaus-da.org/domestic-violence. shtm or call 209-555-5550 during business hours. AND seek spiritual counseling from your pastor and his wife. There is help for you. God does not intend for you to be a punching bag or to live in fear for your safety. Act TODAY for your sake and that of your children. You CAN do this!

Hannah and Eli the priest. Engraving by German painter Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1764–1841). Wikimedia Commons.

Nathan Harrod

"The 11th Hour Laborers"


With an urgency for the hour, Nathan Harrod, Regional Director for Europe, preached on "The 11th Hour Laborers. "You must do everything you can to gather the harvest in time," he said. He warned us to be careful that we are not so focused on the chaos around us that we miss the end-time harvest.

Using the parable of the vineyard workers found in Matthew 20:1-16, he paralleled it to present day farmers rushing to gather their crops in time. The landowner goes out early at the third hour to get the most qualified, most experienced laborers. Seeing he needs more workers to get his crop in on time, he goes out again at the 6th hour and again at the 9th hour. Still it isn't enough, and at the 11th hour of the day, he again hires more workers. This last group of 11th hour laborers, probably not the best skilled, have been waiting all day for someone, anyone to hire them to do anything. They are probably desperate - if they don't work, they have no money to eat, no money for their families. The landowner is pressed as well as he must get the harvest in before it is too late.

We are in the last days, said Reverend Harrod. God is looking for anyone who wants to get involved in bringing in this last harvest of souls before it is too late. "In the 11th hour," he said, "God is looking for anyone who is available. Anyone who wants to get involved in the last hour can work."

T he 11 T h h our I s u pon u s !

Life Group Kickoff

Let's Get Connected!

This past March we launched a new semester of Life Groups for our church. Pastor Johnson stressed the importance of getting connected to people in the community, and that a life group is a great way to accomplish this. Invite a colleague, neighbor, family member, or friend to join you in one of our life groups. Whether it is bicycling, playing pickle ball, or participating in a Zoom or in-person Bible study fellowship group, it is great way to have an opportunity to share your testimony. "We want you to get connected," said Pastor Johnson, "because we believe life is better together."


S.I.S., Sisters in Seasons

Sisters Connected!

The Lord put a burden on Sister Angela Warren's heart to restart our women's ministry. With the blessing and support of Sister Johnson, she enlisted Sister Joyce Jones to assist her. This newest RC women's ministry is for all ladies ages 18 and above. It kicked off during our Life Group sign-ups with questionnaires passed out querying ladies for ideas of what they would like to be included in S.I.S. There was a Kick off party on April 2, followed a week later by a four-week Bible study broken down by age groups: 18-25, 25-39, 4055, 55+. On the fifth week, all will gather together for a discussion of what was learned. Possible ideas being considered are: a High Tea, all women's prayer meetings, a game night, possibly a two-night women's conference, and an end of the year gathering. Thank you, Sister Warren, for yielding to God's prodding to begin this ministry. Now, ladies, it's on you.


BUFF Celebrates Love

February is traditionally a time to gather with the one you love. So this month's BUFF life group fellowship led by Brother Herb Jenkins was opened up to not only the men aged 50 and above, but also to our ladies in the same age group. The event was held at Brother Prenesh Narayan's house and, as you can see, it is the perfect house for fellowship. Thank you, Brother, for hosting. Soup, salad, bread, and dessert were enjoyed by all. We love our elders--all of them!

Get Connected!

Pictured above is a meeting of the Joshua's Men Ministry held in February at the home of Reverend Dana Le' Blanc. It was taught by Reverend Matthew Aguirre. This group is for all men ages 16 and above. If you have a question on how to become involved, see our Men's Ministry Director Alex Diaz.

Along with our quarterly Life Groups, there are several ongoing connect groups such as SIS, BUFF, Mature Ladies, Joshua Men, and the Aguileras' home fellowship and Bible study group (pictured below), called Feed the Body and the Soul. We as a body of Christ need you. Yes, you! And you need us! Get connected!


Church Outside the Walls

Sister Raelene Martins Shares Her Hard-Fought Testimony Over Addiction

On Thursday nights, Sisters Grace Delgadillo, Jeanne Lozada, Jacqueline Aguirre, Zoe Warren, and Devina Escobedo minister at the local shelter for women who are struggling with addiction. They met Sister Raelene Martins last year while she was enrolled in the program. She has since graduated, has been sober since September, and now regularly attends Revival Church.

In February, Sister Raelene shared her amazing testimony during a Bible study at the shelter. She recounted that because of her addiction to alcohol, she went from being a successful woman in her work life to losing it all. She became so despondent that she attempted suicide many times, but God kept her through it all. "Her testimony encouraged and impacted the ladies at the shelter who are currently going through tough trials similar to what she experienced," said Sister Escobedo. "Sister Raelene had been away from God for 40 years," said Sister Delgadillo. "Thank God for His mercy in her life and for her parents, the Havners, who never stopped praying for her."

Sister Raelene has become quite a soul winner, with many visitors from her support group. Pictured here is Rogelio, a man Raelene met in her weekly sobriety meetings. After attending several church services with her, he went down to the altar and was baptized in the powerful name of Jesus Christ - the one Who can break every chain!


Pastor Johnson Walks the Walk!


Johnson has always encouraged the church to find opportunities to witness to people outside of our walls. This is something he has personally practiced in his own life, and there are souls he has won sitting on our pews today. Whether it is waiting for his order at the El Pollo Loco drive-through or sitting at one of the Sunday afternoon informal pickle ball games, Pastor Johnson is always looking for an opening to tell someone about Jesus. Above, is a picture of him baptizing one such person. He had been inviting a woman named Beth for at least a year who worked at the bank. One day when he went in to the bank, he said we are going to pray for your family. "I grabbed her by the hand, we prayed, and the spirit of the Lord came upon her," he said. Right in the bank lobby! About three months later she and her husband John started coming to Revival Church. She received the gift of the Holy Ghost during the service with Brother Robinette and two weeks later was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord places people in our paths everyday. Who will you speak to today about Jesus?


Congratulations, Reverend Dana Le' Blanc!

Congratulations to Reverend Dana Le' Blanc who in February received his local license from the Western District of the United Pentecostal Church International. Brother Dana has been very involved in various ministries throughout the years including:

• Music ministry

• Two missions trips to India in which he taught Oneness theology in the Bible College. Twenty-eight student graduated, 22 were baptized in Jesus' name, several Trinitarian pastors were converted. Also held ministerial training and evangelized multiple cities and villages.

• Licensed through the RC International Evangelism

Association under Bishop Randy Keyes

• Was an instructor for Purpose Institute

• Was director of Growth Track Ministry for 7 years

• Prayer Director, currently

• Serves on the RC Pastor staff

• Serves on staff for the Serve Team and first time visitors

• Recently started a podcast entitled, "LifeTalk Radio," which focuses on the topics of leadership, personal growth, and biblical principles.

May God continue to bless Reverend Le' Blanc as he surrenders to God's direction in his life.


Worship Ministry Conference


825 7th Street, Modesto, CA


Wednesday - July 10

5:30PM | Registration & Connect Hour (finger food served)

7PM | Evening Retreat w/ HOW team (For Registrants Only)

Thursday - July 11

10AM | General Session - Lessons I’ve Learned

12:15 PM | Lunch (On your own)

1:30 PM | Break Out Sessions #1

2:45 PM | Break Out Sessions #2


7:00PM | Evening Worship Service (Open to All)

Friday - July 12

9:30AM | Break Out Sessions #3

10:30AM | Break Out Sessions #4

11:30AM | Break Out Sessions #5

12:30PM | Round Table Lunch (Meal Included)

1:45PM | Break Out Sessions #6

3:00PM | New Song Showcase (songs written @ HOW 24!)


7:00 | Evening Worship Service (Open to All)

Saturday - Feb 11th

10:00AM | HOW Family Photo


(For Registrants Only)


$149.00 - March - June (until 6/30/24)

$109.00 - March - June - for GROUPS of 5 or more

$169.00 - July (until 7/7/24)

$179.00 - Walk-In Rate (7/107/12)

$65 - HOW EN ESPAÑOL - Viernes 7/12

Sister Nancy Holston is excited that Revival Church will host this life-changing event for leaders, worshipers, and musicians. It is an opportunity to connect with your peers for a time of intimate worship and interactive, engaging sessions. This is the first time in many years that this conference has been brought to the West Coast, so don't miss it! Sister Holston is a member of the planning directors. There will be several incredible musicians and clinicians and there may even be a live recording! The Thursday and Friday evening worship sessions are open to all, not just those registered for the conference. For more information, including registration and classes offered, check out: http://www.theheartofworship.net/how-2023-conference. This is an event NOT TO BE MISSED!


Cover Story

The Newsvine Focus: Tim and Jeriann Montes

Leading our Youth and Music Ministries!


Editors' Note: We decided to have Tim and Jeriann Montes as our cover story in this issue because we are very impressed by their godliness, faithfulness, dedication, passion, and their willingness to share their talents with the kingdom of God. They truly fit the definition of a power couple as they are powerfully used by the Holy Ghost!

Raised in the Church


Montes was born to parents Jerry and Andrea Powell. She has attended Revival Church all her life and has only known two pastors, Bishop Randy Keyes and Pastor Todd Johnson. When she was 10 years old, she received the Holy Ghost at young camp and was later baptized by Bishop Keyes when she was 11 years old. She became involved soon after in the youth choir, encouraged by then music director Doretha Jones, and has continued in the music ministry since.

Tim Montes was also born to Christian parents. His grandparents and parents were very active in the Apostolic Assembly. His father helped start the Manhattan Apostolic Assembly church, and his mother was the national Dorcas president until the last years of her life. “It was her heart,” said Brother Montes. He was raised in the Fowler Apostolic church under the pastorship of Ben Carillo. He came from a very musical family. Both his grandmother and mother played a variety of instruments: piano, organ, and accordion - all by ear. His mother encouraged him to develop his musical talents as well, first on the guitar and then in the school band. Nothing clicked for him until, when he was 15 years old, he was watching his cousin Eliseo Quintero play the piano. Brother Montes was fascinated and watched closely as his cousin played. Eliseo taught him one song and gave him a couple of lessons until he left town.

Hungry to learn more, Brother Montes started attending district choir practice to watch and learn. He had found his gift. He then further developed his talent by playing by ear in the school jazz band. By age 16, he was playing for his own church as well as another one. When he was told he had to be baptized to be able to play for the district choir, he readily agreed. His pastor preached at their Apostolic sectional camp. “I didn’t go for camp,” said Brother Montes, “I went to play.” As he was playing along with his pastor’s preaching, his pastor reached out and laid hands on him right in the middle of his sermon, and Broth-

er Montes received the Holy Ghost at that moment.

A Love Story

Jeriann and Tim met when he came to play keyboard for Revival Church in 2010. They became friends and through the years talked back and forth on social media.” I did admire him,” said Jeriann. “I thought he was a great guy.” After a short break, Brother Montes came back to Revival Church and was put on staff as part of the four-person music leadership team. It was after that Jeriann became interested in him beyond just a friend. “I realized what a good man he was,” she said. For Brother Montes, he was struck by her during the Easter drama in 2018 while she was posing in the still scenes for the “‘Alabaster Box.’” They started dating seriously and one year later were wed. Sister Jeriann not only became a wife, but also a step-mother to Brother Montes’ two children, Brooke and Jayden, who both are active in the church.

Busy in God's Kingdom

Jeriann has always been busy working in some capacity in the church. For many years she was the Hyphen leader, having started this ministry for college- and career-age young adults in our church. She also has worked in the youth ministry, first while she was single and then as a married couple, and recently she and her husband were appointed as youth pastors. She, as well as her husband, have always been a part of music ministry. He is one of four leading our music ministry and Jeriann is one of our worship leaders. Both prayerfully and passionately fulfill these roles. Jeriann is presently involved with

The Montes family: Jayden, Jeriann, Tim, and Brooke

the lifestream team, and they have both assisted our Spanish-speaking ministries. Previously, the Monteses worked with the young marrieds, prior to taking over the leadership of Revive, our junior and high school youth group. Her daytime job is working as a dental hygienist for a local prosthodontist; Brother Montes is a full-time staff member, helping to lead our music ministry.

Leading Revive Youth!

Since February 2023, the Monteses have been leading Revive after being approached by Pastor Johnson. Although he gave them time to pray about it, both felt that the pastor was prayerfully directed by God, and they would be obedient. “We would like to see

all the young people to be involved and fully connected,” said Sister Montes. Realizing that many of the youth either do not drive or just don’t have the transportation, Brother Montes said, “If you need a ride, we will do our best.” Revive has a variety of Friday night activities from ‘Revive Night’ services in the RC chapel, out-of-town district events, and a variety of fun activities. They are currently conducting once a month classes, dividing students into separate groups of guys and girls or by junior high or high school age. The Monteses also are excited about our students starting P7 clubs at their local school. They are encouraging our youth and hope at least one of them can establish a P7 club on their campus the next school year. According to UPCI Youth Ministries, “P7 Clubs are student-led and -driven opportunities for students to participate in a spiritually inspired, relationship-oriented, community-serving project in their school.” They are a great opportunity to shine the love of Jesus on middle school and high school campuses. You may wonder what you can do as a parent to support our youth department. They would love to have more parental support, especially for events outside of the church campus in the way of providing rides and being chaperons. When asked what their goals are for the youth, they answered, “We want to see unity, more involvement, more out-

Sister Jeriann, one of RCs soloists and worship leaders, leads the congregation in praise.

Brother Tim, lost in worship, as he ministers on the keyboard and directs the other musicians.

reach outside the church.”

Gifted in Musical Talents

Brother Montes is extremely gifted musically and is in high demand. From playing for James Wilson in a live recording, to being in charge of the instrumental music at this past year’s General Conference, and to playing at UPCI Western District events, Brother Montes is kept busy. He is not only a very talented musician, but he is very passionate about using music to enhance worship and to glory God. It is obvious on his face as his fingers dance across the keyboard, he means business.

God bless the Monteses as they wholeheartedly use their talents for the kingdom of God!


Volunteer of the Month - LINDA SALAZAR

What an appropriate choice for Volunteer of the Month! During April's Rally Night for volunteers and those in church leadership, our VERY busy Sister Linda Salazar and fundraising coordinator was honored for her many, many hours of service to the church. Not only is she in charge of the first Wednesday night food fundraisers, she is also very active in Bible Quizzing, both as a co-leader with Jessica D'Aquino and as one of the coaches for the junior division. It is people like Sister Linda, whose faithfulness and seemingly unending energy keep the RC train moving forward. Thank you, Sister Linda, for your hours of sacrifice and those delicious goodies!


Youth EXPLOSION! - San Rafael

One of our oldest daughterworks, The Pentecostal Lighthouse of San Rafael, again hosted their annual Youth Explosion conference. This event was started eight years ago after a young person at the local high school committed suicide. Pastor Richard Hernandez's burden became a vision for a conference for both English- and Spanish-speaking youth of the Western District. This year's theme was "Moving from Glory to Glory." Even though there was a major storm with major flooding in the valley and snow in the Sierra Nevada that weekend, they still broke records in a lot of areas

said Pastor Hernandez. Overall, they had an attendance of 1,000 throughout the three-service, two-day conference with over 25 people receiving the Holy Ghost for the first time! "We had an awesome time and revival," said JJ, Pastor Hernandez's son. "We had young people from Missouri, Nevada, and Washington." They were grateful for the assistance from young people from different Bible colleges as well. "Many were renewed and touched," said JJ, "and God also opened doors beyond our city and state.

Over 1,000 attend this year's Youth Explosion at the Pentecostal Lighthouse of San Rafael! From left: Western District Youth President Trent Sullivan; Pastor Richard Hernandez and his son Joshua. From left: Emiliano Barquet, youth pastor, Pentecostals of the Bay Area; Reverend Josh Aguilera of Revival Church

West Valley Revival Center Celebrates 30 Years!

Thirty years ago, Elder Floyd Lozada and his family (lower left) left Revival Church to start a church in Gustine, California. He later turned over the pastorship to this thriving West Valley congregation to his son, Floyd, Jr. and his wife, Rosie (below middle). The congregation continues to thrive and has branch works in several nearby cities. May God continue to bless the Lozadas as they labor in His kingdom.


Ministry Update from Elder Chacko Thomas in India

Praise the Lord! Greetings in the beautiful name of Jesus! I am excited to share this ministry update with you. I hope you and your family are doing well.

This quarter has been a busy one for us. We had our Christmas celebration at Badlapur. It was full of joy, fun, and gratitude for the precious gift of Jesus. We distributed warm hoodies and gifts to the church kids and poor children from the slums. The Christmas program consisted of skits, dance and carols showcasing the birth and purpose of Jesus' coming into the world.

February was a month of blessings; we had our General Conference and the church's 27th anniversary. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, with over 200 people attending and staying on campus. Two young men, including my son-in-law Ramith, got ordained as pastors in the anointed service. 10 people, including my

granddaughter Angela (15), got baptized during Christmas, and 8 more people got saved and baptized at the conference, 10 others got baptized in the village ministry. There were three child dedication services as well!

This month, I and Susan were blessed to celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary! We went on mission trips to Kerala twice and were able to fellowship with many pastors and brethren in the faith. God also enabled our church to help a few people with critical medical needs for treatment and put Jesus's love and compassion into action. Your prayers and support are needed for our ministry and our personal health. We are having three days of fasting and prayers in the church, from Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday. We remember you in our prayers.

We continue to give God thanks for your prayers and support for the ministry in India. May the joy of the Resurrection fill your hearts and homes with peace and hope. We are grateful for your partnership in spreading the love of Christ.

In His Service, Chacko & Susan

Christmas celebration at Badlapur, complete with skits, dance, and carols, all focusing on the true meaning of Christmas - Christ's birth and purpose. Gifts and hoodies were given to the church children and to the poor.


Pictures above are of the General Conference and the church's 27th anniversary. Over 200 attended! Elder Chacko's son-in-law Ramith, was ordained at the event. Ten people including Brother Chacko's granddaughter Angela were baptized during Christmas, and eight more people were saved and baptized at the conference, as well as 10 who were baptized in the village ministry.

"We continue to give God thanks for your prayers and support for the ministry in India. May the joy of the Resurrection fill your hearts and homes with peace and hope. We are grateful for your partnership in spreading the love of Christ. "

- Elder Chacko and Sister Susan Thomas

Happy Anniversary, Elder and Sister Thomas!

Pastor Floyd Lozada "Revival!"


You've Got to Relight the Fires of Revival in You!

What a powerful sermon by Pastor Floyd Lozada! He began by reading from Ezekiel 37 about the valley of the dry bones. God told Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones and say, "Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again." He went on to say, "Real Book of Acts revival happens in us." He recounted the moral failure of King David when he stayed home instead of going out to war. "David understood even in his failure," he said, "he needed a revival." He spoke the words of David in Psalm 51: "Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within...Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation." David had lost the joy in serving God. "Joy comes from spending time in the presence of the Lord," said Pastor Lozada. He stressed that we need to make Jesus the most important thing in our life. "There's got to be a fresh encounter with God every

day of your life," he said.

Pastor Lozada grew up in church. His aunt Suzie found God in 1980 and witnessed to her brothers and sister about her life-changing experience. His parents came with her to church and left their prior life behind. He didn't have a testimony of how God delivered him from drugs or alcohol. He said, "The danger of growing up in the house of God is that we get so accustomed that we forget that its the goodness of God that we're not like everyone else. If it wasn't for God stepping into the previous generations of our life, we wouldn't be here today." He spoke of Paul's admonition to Timothy to stir up the gift within him. The Greek word for stir means rekindle. "You've got to relight the fire in your spirit."


A Visit from the Past

Pastor Jonathan McNeill of Abundant Life Church in St. Paul, North Carolina, visited our church the first week of April. It was a special blessing for our pastor because Brother McNeill was on the pastoral staff when our pastor was converted in Elder Williams' church in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Pastor Johnson blessed the congregation when he recalled Brother McNeill took him shopping and bought him his first suit and accessories for a total back then of $99.00. The photo above is of Pastor McNeill's church which was recently expanded, and the mortgage is paid off ! An inspiration for us to reach that goal in two more years!

Live Recording!

Don't miss The Overcomer live recording happening here at Revival Church in Modesto from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, May 24. In addition to our own worship leader, Matthew Aguirre, we are excited to announce we will have as a special guest artist the very gifted Pastor Cortt Chavis from Loganville, Georgia.

If you haven't reserved your FREE ticket or bought your VIP Experience, do it now by clicking www. eventbrite.com/e/778852136707. You definitely do not want to miss this amazing event! Get ready to be uplifted, inspired, and encouraged through powerful worship and heartfelt messages. Get ready to be an overcomer!


Palm Sunday - Billy Hale

A Seasoned Elder Inspires

We were blessed by the preaching of Billy Hale on Palm Sunday. Elder Hale has been in the ministry for over 40 years, pastoring Landmark Tabernacle in Denver, Colorado, and in many leadership positions including holding the office of the District Superintendent of Colorado. The fire of revival still burns in his heart. One of the topics in his sermon was that of the former and the latter rain. "There's another rain coming to get the harvest in," he said. "Not of quality, but of quantity." He is determined to be a part of this great harvest of souls in the end time. "You come here expecting something," he said. "You come here expecting the power of deliverance, for people to get baptized and to be filled with the Holy Ghost." What a blessing to have this elder come to Modesto and inspire us to be busy in the harvest.


The Centurion - The Marketn

The sound of the bleating of sheep and the voice of those hawking their wares, greeted people as they entered the doors of our foyer, setting the mood for the night's performance.


The CenturionTHE CAST

The Centurion Cast


As guests entered the church foyer, they were greeted by hawkers selling their wares, complete with fruits and vegetables, and even sheep, brought to life by Sister Johnson and her team.

From Jesus’ arrest, questioning by Pontius Pilate, to his flogging by Roman soldiers and to His crucifixion, the audience was captivated. Especially moving was Christ’s prayer of “Not my will, but yours be done.” As the centurion made an impassioned altar call standing before the cross, many came forward with tears and lifted hands.

Thank you, Brother Gregory and to your cast and crew for a tremendous and moving outreach to our community. In total, we had over 3,000 in attendance over the Easter weekend services. To God be all the glory!

From the text by Sister Julie Chavoya.

Centurion/Narrator: Robby Espinoza

John the Baptist: Tim Powell

Adulteress: Lauren Hunt

Barabbas: Ethan Hunt

Blind Bartimaeus: Julian Salazar

Caiaphas: Gilbert Quinones

Centurion 2: Jon Walls

Crowd: Church Members

Disciple 1 Peter: Anthony DaQuino

Disciple 2 Judas: Noah Wells

Disciple 3: CJ Escobedo

Disciple 4: Noah Rochester

Disciple 5: Brandon Wayne

Disciple 6: Brandon Fletcher

Disciple 7: Jesus ChÁvez-Ortiz

Disciple 8: Uriel Caraveo

Disciple 9: Nacho Solis

Disciple 10: Travis Wayne

Disciple 11: Josh Williams

Disciple 12: Ashton Espinoza

Roman Guard 1: Miguel Flores

Roman Guard 2: Ethan DeMoss

Roman Guard 3: John Ramos

Roman Guard 4: Keenan Rochester

Roman Guard 5: Jon Walls

Roman Guard 6: Eddie Solis

Roman Guard 7: Leo Wright

Pharisees: Bob Evans, Grover Hunt, James Cisneros, Willie Jones

Pilate: Matt Aguirre

Pilate's Wife: Jacqueline Aguirre

Woman with Alabaster Box: Jeriann Montes


John the Baptist

"I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not wowrthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire..."

- Matthew 3:11


The CenturionThe Ministry of Jesus Christ

Jesus heals the Centurion's servant

"Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour."

- Matthew 8:13

Jesus heals blind bartimaeus

"Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole."

- Mark 10:52

Jesus Forgives the Woman Caught in adultery

"Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee; go, and sin no more."

- John 8:10,11


The CenturionCrucifixion

"Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."

- Luke 22:42

"But they cried, saying, Crucify him, crucify him."

- Luke 23:21

"It wasn't the nails that kept him up there; it was His love..."

- The Centurion


The Centurion - The CAST

Writer/Director: Danny Gregory

Stage Manager: Jeannette Aguilera

Costume Coordinator: Adrianne Chavez & team

Sound/Lighting: Jon & Brianna Harris

Music Production: Alexis Diaz

Backstage Coordinator: Jocelyn Powell & team

Set Builder Director: Jeremiah Williams

Lobby Decor: Kimberly Johnson & team

Danny Gregory

eASter SunDAY


"The Day Death Was Put to Death"

What a powerful Easter morning service we experienced! The church overflowed with worshippers eager to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Following a stirring worship session led by the choir, Pastor Johnson took the pulpit to deliver a profound message.

He began by delving into the topic of death, drawing from biblical scripture that reminds us of its inevitability. "The wages of sin is death," he quoted, emphasizing the universal truth that death touches every one of us. Pastor Johnson challenged the prevalent notion of seeking remedies to delay death, highlighting the futility of such efforts. Even the extreme measures of cryogenics pale in comparison to the promise of eternal life found in Christ.

Drawing from Romans 8:11, Pastor Johnson illuminated the transformative power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within believers. "If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." This truth, he emphasized, transcends mortal limitations and offers the assurance of resurrection.

Quoting passages like "Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?" Pastor Johnson underscored the victory of Christ over death. Easter, he reminded the congregation, commemorates the pro -

found sacrifice of Jesus and His triumphant resurrection. "Thank God for the blood that was shed," he exclaimed, acknowledging the atoning power of Christ's sacrifice.

Transitioning to the theme of doubt, Pastor Johnson urged listeners to challenge their uncertainties. "Doubt has long been hell's secret weapon," he declared, urging individuals to confront and overcome their doubts. Drawing from John 11:25, he reminded believers of Jesus' promise of resurrection and life eternal for those who place their faith in Him.

As the altar call was extended, hearts were moved to respond to the call of salvation and abundant life found in Jesus Christ. Souls eagerly approached the altar, seeking the transformative power of the One who conquered death and offers eternal hope.

A Full House!




"So don't be angry if I wash His feet with my tears and dry them with my hair. You weren't there the night Jesus found me. You did not feel what I felt when He wrapped His loving arms around me. You don't know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box."
- Lyrics from Alabaster Box by CeCe Winans

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