BROTHER ALEX DIAZ’S DELIVERANCE FROM DEATH EDITOR’S NOTE: One year ago, Brother Alex Diaz was involved in a near fatal car accident that astonished the first responders by how he was still alive when they came on the scene. Alex was driving west on Highway 120 to Kimball High School in Tracy, CA, where he teaches chemistry. The morning of April 4 was clear and sunny, however, there was traffic congestion ahead on the four lane highway, and Alex stopped in the left lane. Behind him was a fast moving truck in the right lane hauling a one ton barrel of irrigation water. The driver was not licensed to haul this much of a load, he already had numerous citations for non-compliance, and this morning he had ineptly hitched the trailer for such a heavy load. He saw the stopped traffic ahead and slammed on his brakes, but as he passed Alex on his right, the trailer jackknifed into the left lane, slamming into Alex’s vehicle from behind. The truck driver tried to overcorrect, causing his truck to detach from the trailer. The impact and detachment of the trailer from the truck took Alex’s vehicle into the medium with it. Alex’s car and the trailer rolled three times into a twisted mess of metal. The sunroof of Alex’s vehicle shattered and Alex’s body was pushed through it. Now read on to see the power of Christ’s protection for His saints.
ister Sujey was asleep when her middle child, Natalie, woke her up holding the phone. “Mom,” she said, “a man is on the phone and said Dad’s been in an accident.” As Sujey listened carefully to each detail. Her husband, Alex, who had been on the way to work, had been in a severe car accident on Highway 120. The ambulance was on the scene, and they were taking Alex to General Hospital in Stockton. “OK, Faith,” she thought, I need you to show up right now.” She gathered her daughters in the living room, and they knelt
and prayed. When they got to the hospital, they had to wait anxiously for a long time until three nurses came out and explained Alex’s injuries. “Not much of what they said was coming through to me after I heard the words brain surgery,” said Sujey. “My head started to spin, and I felt faint.” She was told the doctors had to remove a part of Alex’s skull in order to release pressure from his brain and allow for drainage. The surgeon who operated on him was just finishing up on another patient. Miraculously, this surgeon was available as he resides in Sacramento, and is only at that hospital a few days a month. “He did an outstanding job,” said Sujey, and I thank God he was there and God used him to help my husband.” During the surgery, Pastor Johnson called and asked how she was doing. “I wanted to say I am OK, but I told him I am absolutely terrified,.” As she cried, Pastor Johnson began to pray and quote scriptures. “I literally felt fear leave my body,” she recalled. The Johnsons arrived as quickly as they could, and the doctor spoke to Sister Kim Johnson who asked the pertinent questions on behalf of Sister Sujey. Afterwards, Sister Sujey was so grateful. Sujey was told that since the trauma was in the left side of the brain, it would possibly affect Alex’s speech, his speech comprehension, and he would have difficulty swallowing and much more. She rebuked this prediction, and prayed against it. She was determined to believe that God was going to do a complete healing. When she and Pastor Johnson finally saw her husband after his surgery, she was shocked to see his head and his whole body swollen about four times his size. “I told God and myself,” she said, “that no matter what happens, he is in Your hands, and I am ready to accept whatever comes our way.” Sujey found out later from a police officer that when the first responder who arrived at the scene walked over to the center divider where the car had landed, he was taken aback as he saw a bleeding head talking, but he couldn’t figure out where the rest of the body was in the smashed vehicle. Alex’s head was sticking out through the sunroof. Most of the damage was on the driver’s side of the car, but somehow God protected Alex. They had to use the Jaws of Life to cut the car open to pull him out. The whole time, Alex was conscious and talking. One of the ICU nurses later told Sujey, she was impressed at how calm Alex was in the middle of this traumatic experience. ALEX - A MIRACULOUS RECOVERY! I don’t remember that day. I remember planning on getting to work earlier that day. The accident or anything that happened is absent from my memory. The only thing I can remember is hearing the men outside my car saying “We’re going to get you out.” After that, I was in the hospital. I saw my wife, Sujey, and sister-in-law, Jeannette. I have other memories of people visiting and coming in and out. Co-workers, friends, and family all came to support and pray for me. Ray and Jen Espinosa were some of the first people to come to