Around the Jurisdiction Valley of Chicago members enjoyed a viewing of Casablanca with a live soundtrack by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Brethren from Maine participating in the Thursday Night at the Rite discussion panel shoot in Lexington. Shown (l to r) are Jim Dill, 33°, director; Justin Wesley 32°; Brian Ellis, 32°, HGA; Jeff Simonton, 33°, Deputy for Maine; and Wayne Leonard, 32°.
IL The Valleys of Ft. Wayne and Toledo held a joint reunion in Lima, OH, on April 2.
OH IN The Valley of Danville’s cast of the 18th degree Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M. at their spring reunion.
OH A family affair: Brothers Carl Pomaranski, 32˚, and son Lucas, 32˚, received their Gold Passports on the same evening from the Valley of Steubenville's Deputy's Representative, Edsel Emery, 33˚.
NH MI Brothers gathered at the Nashua Masonic Temple for Thursday Night at the Rite, where they witnessed the 30th degree, presented by New Hampshire Consistory.
The Northern Light