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ISSUE 004 WINTER / 2019


Gir l e lc o me to W

Issue 004 Winter 2019

GIRL MAGAZINE ISSUE 004 Editor in Chief/ Founder/ Publisher Daniela Majic Managing Editor Adam Stevenson Contributing Photographers: Olivia Bossert Daniela Majic Annie Hall Sarah Bauman Contributing Writers: Daniela Majic Contributing Stylists: Nicole Davidson Daniela Majic Sarah Bauman

Contributing Make-up & Hair Artists: Jilly Ijoe Georgina Yates

Submit Writing, Art & Fashion Stories to: GIRL Magazine is published in Ontario, Canada

All Rights Reserved. @GIRLMAGAZINE2018. No part of this publication shall be reproduced in whole or in part without permission from the publisher. The views expressed in GIRL are those of respective contributors and not necessarily shared by the publisher.






COVER BY: Photography / OLIVIA BOSSERT Model / TAMSIN @ Valkyrie Models Make-up & Hair / GEORGINA YATES Styling / NICOLE DAVIDSON


Editors diary

Winter. The most dreaded of the season’s. Atleast for me it is. It’s -30 today in cold Canada and although the snow is blowing off the tree’s and decorating my garden, I still yearn for the days that I can enjoy the outside world wearing a sun dress instead of a thick coat and big boots. For some people winter is a wonderful time of year. Filled with wonder and the excitement of winter Holidays and merriment. For others winter brings with it saddness and blues. The sun sets earlier allowing darkness to set into our souls. The cold days stop us from exiting our houses and entering the world. Nature has died and all the colour and beauty of tree’s and plants fade away to dull sticks and stems. I am neither one nor the other but somewhere in between. A hopefulness for family gatherings during the Holidays happens for me. An obsession with the weather channel also takes over my life. Checking each day for when spring will be arriving. Spring is my favourite season. It’s when new life “springs” from the ground. It’s when hope for a hot fun summer begins to simmer in my belly. It’s when I can put my hands in the earth and work on my garden again. Colour emerges from tree’s and flowers and our world opens up to new possibilities. For now I count down the days on my calender and await the end of Winter. Even though it’s only January I pretend like most of winter is behind us.

Words & Art by THE EDITOR

Romanticizing Romanticism Romanticism is defined as “the state or quality of being romantic” We see it glorifired in movies and tv shows. Marie in Sofia Coppola’s 2005 version of Marie Antoinette is a romantic, Jack Dawson in Titanic, Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy in Pride in Prejudice are both romantics. Jay Gatsby, Hermoine Granger heck even The Joker is a romantic. But romanticism is so much more then just yearning for romance or seeing everything through rose coloured glasses. Romanticism was an actual historical movement. It began in Western Europe in the mid 18th century. This new mindset. This new state of being started to become prominent in the works of artists, poets and philosophers. This influence spread to all of the world. Changing the way people looks at love, money, sex and even work. In history there are a few moments that stand out as being the “birth” of modern day romanticism. A French author writes a book in 1762 about the raising of children. The book explains how the adult oppresses the Childs natural excitement and well being. It praises childhood and and spontaneity. The book puts a spot light on childlike imagination and how it is the seed of everything creative and genius. Think Lucy Pevensie in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe or Willie Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In 1770 a poet named Thomas Chatterton commits suicide in his small apartment because no one wants to publish his poems and his family is pressuring him to become a lawyer. He later gains a cult like following. He then becomes and emblem for the romantic. The doomed artists, the “starving” artist. The one whose life and art is never understood. The rejected. Think Edward Scissorhands, Jack Dawsons in Titanic, Laney Boggs in She’s All That. Thomas Chatterton was the beginning of a long line of the mis-understood romantic heroes think real life artists like Van Gogh, musical talents like Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Amy Whinehouse they are just a few that are given this status in our modern world. In the same year in Germany an author publishes one of the first romantic novels where unrequited love is the plot. The book follows a young man who is desperately in love with a woman but she is married. The love they have is like no other but it cannot become a reality. In the novel the man kills himself. Instead of portraying the man as a lunatic the author directs the readers sympathies to him. Taking the approach that romance and love is a dramatic outpouring of feelings rather then traditional and rational. For a romantic it’s always right to follow your heart. Think characters like (again) Jack Dawson in Titanic, Rose Dewitt Bukater in Titanic, Tom in 500 Days of Summer, and Julianne Potter in My Best Friends wedding. Even Shakespeare touched on this type of romanticism when he created the story of Romeo and Juliet. Many of our modern music is quite romanticized. With lyrics like “I’m in the corner, watching you kiss her, I’m right over here, why can’t you see me” - Robyn Or “ And I want the one I can’t have, and it’s driving me mad, It’s all over, all over my face” - The Smiths. The romantic movement has shaped our modern society. In a technological and changing world romanticism is there for the irrational, the untrained, the dreamer, the naive and creative.

Words & Art by THE EDITOR

Winter Blues

Words & Art by THE EDITOR

Is it the winter Blue’s or is seasonal affective disorder? And yes this is a real thing. You might be feeling a bit “Under the weather” and this is actually quite normal. Humans after all weren’t really made to spend most of our days indoors behind a computer all day. What’s even worse is we tend to be inside all day and when we look out our window at 3pm we only see a dark sky. According to health experts it’s very common to see a mood shift during the winter months. You may find yourself feeling more lethargic and gloomy. However, health experts warn that if these blue’s start to affect aspects of your life like work or relationships you might have a disorder called “Seasonal Affective disorder” (a.k.a SAD) It’s a bit more complicated then just longing for spring or staying in to cozy up to a cup of tea and your favourite Netflix show it can be truly debilitating for some people. Here’s how you can tell if what you are feeling is more then just a disdain for old man winter or Mother Nature. Here’s the difference between common Winter Blues and SAD. WINTER BLUES 1. Difficulty Sleeping 2. Feeling less social the usual 3. Difficulty taking initiative SAD 1. Mood that is depressed or down all day everyday 2. Loss of interest in things you enjoy 3. Withdrawing and isolating from family and friends 4. Struggling to focus 5. Feeling constantly tired and lethargic 6. Feeling hopeless 7. Having suicidal thoughts If you are suffering from any of these symptoms health experts urge you not to ignore the signs. Talking to your doctor or even an online therapist is your first strategy to help you cope with these feelings. If you are suffering from the Winter Blues like many of us are this winter, remember that it’s normal and common. Spring is just around the corner and all will be well.

country cool Photography by OLIVIA BOSSERT @oliviabossert Make-up & Hair by GEORGINA YATES @withgeorgiamua Styled by NICOLE DAVIDSON @_nicoledavidson_ Model / TAMSIN @ Valkyrie Models @tamsinhough

This Page: Blazer by Collusion, Dress ASOS, Hat Models Own

Opposite Page: Blazer by Collusion, Dress ASOS, Hat is Models Own This page: Jumper is by MANGO

Opposite Page: Jacket ASOS, Trousers ASOS White, Boots ASOS, Scarf ASOS. This Page: Coat ASOS White, Bag New Look,Jumper by MANGO

Opposite Page & This Page: Coat ASOS White, Bag New Look, Jumper by MANGO

Opposite page / This Page: Coat Zara, Dress Vila, Jumper ASOS

This page & Opposite Page: Top and Trousers ASOS White, Jumper ASOS

Opposite Page & This Page: Jumper by Weekday, Dress by Free People

Opposite Page & This Page: Jumper by Weekday, Dress by Free People


Photographed/Styled by DANIELA MAJIC Make-up/Hair & nails by JILLY IJOE Assistants: ADAM STEVENSON & NIKK CHUNG With clothing provided by Interviewed by Daniela Majic

GIRL Magazine sits down with model and FH agency founder Rebecca Dunham to talk about her inspiring career, being a business woman and life.

GIRL: Tell us about yourself? RD: I sort of grew up all over the place, by which I mean a bunch of towns within an hour of each other. Ajax, Port Dover, Milton, Oakville, Stouffville. GTA AF. I was born in Ajax and for the first part of my life lived in the country side of Ajax. Thats where my family’s house was when I was born. I’m the second child, classic middle child and only girl. My older brother is only 17 months older than me and my little brother, Caleb is four years younger. My parents got divorced when I was 8 and both of them remarried, which was hard as a kid but now I’m really grateful for my step parents and all my step siblings. I grew up mostly with my mom and step dad, but I had a few years after my parents divorce where my mom and little brother and I lived with my Nana and Papa. They are from Newfoundland and were extremely proper. My Nana was a homemaker but went to school to be an interior architect, just to fuel her passion. She was hugely influential on me and always really pushed me to be an individual. When I had hair to my waist but was a devoted tom boy, she cut my hair off while my mom was on vacation. She also fuelled my love for antiques, interiors and fashion. I still have one of her old Fendi bags. I also grew up with a young mom and her twin. My mom sacrificed so much for me to realize my dreams, which is the ultimate form of love. She answered all the calls of me crying because I was tired. She would

give me pep talks or tough love when I was ready to quit. Even if she didn’t know what to say or do she was there for me. I really feel like I was raised by a group of incredibly different, yet similar women. GIRL: How did you first get into modelling? RD: It’s not one of those fairy tale stories that I was discovered in a mall and then was in Paris the next week. I had to fight really hard. People kept telling me and my mom that I should model, but we really had no concept of how to get into that. We lived in small towns, my mom was a single mom and didn’t have time to drive me to castings and I didn’t have a mentor to teach me how to model. This was also before google and looking in the yellow pages for a reputable modelling agency wasn’t exactly easy. I went to a modelling school when I was a kid, which was really fun and taught me a lot but ultimately lead no where. Later, when I was in high school my mom took some time off to take me to agencies meetings but we kept hearing that I wasn’t right for the Canadian market, “not commercial enough”. I had a scout from Ford scout me in Fresh on Queen street in university and while they ultimately didn’t sign me it pushed me to follow my passion and I signed with a boutique agency in Toronto. My career really started when I did a semester abroad in Europe and signed with a highly reputable agency there, and Team models still represents me.

Rebecca wears: ITCHI HELGA TOP ($55.00) Available at, Skirt is VERO MODA Josephine skirt ($65.00) Available at, Cardigan is available at KITSU BOUTIQUE ( Shoes by RODARTE, Earrings by KNOTS & PIPES (Available at kitsu boutique &

GIRL: Tell us a bit about your career as a model, what were the positives and what were the challenges you had to face? RD: The positives were travelling. As a kid I always had fantasies of seeing the world, and modelling really allowed me to do that. I don’t know if I would have ever been able to live in China, let alone visit China without modelling. My favourite part of modelling is being a muse. Changing into a character and creating a piece of art or a mood with talented professionals. The challenges I had to face were often my height, I’m 5 great (5’8) teetering on 5’9 but that really left me at a disadvantage as a model who was more fashion than commercial. Modelling abroad can be lonely as well, I was often the only North American model in a sea of Russians and Brazilians who didn’t feel like I necessarily belonged in their crews. I was super lucky to have made some of my longest strongest friendships with models. Women who are going to be my bridesmaids in my wedding, and even if I don’t see them for years I know exactly what’s happening in their lives and they know mine. GIRL: What inspired you to start your own agency? RD: I think what largely inspired me was the deep passion I have for helping people. Modelling is what I know best, and I love working with people. I love to mentor the young models and I would love to be evoking real change in the industry but also in their lives and careers. I’ve heard and seen a lot of unfortunate things happening to girls, not always at work or at the hands of their agencies but also because of the lifestyle that a lot of models fall into. The constant travelling, loneliness, exhaustion and pressure that models can feel is often daunting. Without someone in your corner who not only is fighting for you to get the right jobs and agencies but also who cares about your mental and physical wellbeing it’s easy for a model to get derailed. I hope that I am making a meaningful impact on the models whom I represent. I really try to council them in all aspects of their lives, wherever my advice is welcome. When they start to earn real money we start chatting about investments and how to save for life after modelling. I also hire my models to work for me, I want to empower them and teach them a skill outside of modelling. If one of my models is a graphic designer then I would hire them to re-brand for us, I also have my models who scout new models for me.

Opposite Page Rebecca wears: ITCHI HELGA TOP ($55.00) Available at, Skirt is VERO MODA Josephine skirt ($65.00) Available at, Cardigan is available at KITSU BOUTIQUE ( Earrings by KNOTS & PIPES (Available at kitsu boutique &

This Page &Opposite Page Rebecca wears: ITCHI HELGA TOP ($55.00) Available at, Skirt is VERO MODA Josephine skirt ($65.00) Available at, Cardigan is available at KITSU BOUTIQUE ( Earrings by KNOTS & PIPES (Available at kitsu boutique &

Opposite page / Rebecca wears: Dress available at, Cardigan available at Boots by RODARTE, Earrings are Stylists Own.

GIRL: What is the most important message you want to tell with your agency and as well, what is your vision for the future of the modelling industry? RD: Unique is beautiful. You have a voice and you have rights. My vision for the future of the industry would be a more transparent industry, an industry that protects its talent, and an industry that represents beauty that doesn’t always look conventional. GIRL: We talked a bit about self confidence, being a woman in a creative industry as well as body perception, as both a model and a mother agent you had some amazing insight and powerful opinions can you share some advice/wisdom? RD: Often models are the least confident women I know. When you are told your entire life that beauty is your currency and your worth it causes a lot of self doubt and lack of real authentic self worth. How could you feel safe with that idea when we all know that beauty fades and changes? Some wisdom that I would share is that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder- of course the society which we live in has certain “beauty ideals” but that changes so drastically from culture to culture. I’ve seen the most beautiful people in the world who very clearly do not love or value themselves. The most beautiful and free people are the people who can let go of these “beauty ideals” and allow themselves to find their worth in bigger parts of themselves. Nurture what gives you true happiness, because I promise you that loosing five pounds will only make you feel good temporarily if there isn’t a deeper sense of self love that you are developing.

“Unique is beautiful. You have a voice and you have rights. My vision for the future of the industry would be a more transparent industry, an industry that protects its talent, and an industry that represents beauty that doesn’t always look conventional.”

Opposite page / Rebecca wears: Dress available at, Cardigan available at Boots by RODARTE, Earrings are Stylists Own.

Opposite page / Rebecca wears: Dress available at, Cardigan available at Boots by RODARTE, Earrings are Stylists Own.

GIRL: What is something you wish you knew before becoming a model and before becoming a business women? RD: As a model I wish someone told me to slow down and enjoy it. I think that in all fields that are considered freelance there is a tendency to take every job you can because there is a constant fear that the work will end. That fear that your time is finite can cause a lot of models to force themselves to take a contract or a job that they don’t want and make decisions not based on what is actually sound for your career and your wellbeing but decisions of desperation, which are never well thought out. The advice I would have given to my young self was enjoy this time, take breaks when you need to and love yourself despite the criticism you are hearing. I wish that I believed that I belonged more. People will always try to make you feel like you don’t belong in a position they want, but you do. There is room for everyone. As a business woman I would give the advice to ask for help, keep your mind open to networking with different people and don’t let people in positions of power make you feel like you don’t belong. I’ve worked with people who did not believe in me, didn’t believe that I deserved a seat at the table or that I wasn’t qualified to run a business, but here I am still in business and growing each year. GIRL: Do you have advice for women who want to get into a create field but are too afraid or don’t have the confidence to pursue their dreams? RD: The worst anyone can say to you is no, and then what? Nothing has changed! You are exactly where you started and all you need is a new plan. Life really is too short, as cliched as that is. No one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself and even then they might not, but fuck them. I had no business experience, I only had the contacts of the agencies I had worked with as a model and I found a way. If I can do it, anyone can. Ask for help, I’ve had so many amazing people do work for me for free, patiently sit me down and explain things to me and all of my models trusted me. How huge is that? That people trust me to take care of them, it’s such an honour and privilege.

This Page / Rebecca wears: Dress available at, Cardigan available at Boots by RODARTE, Earrings are Stylists Own.

GIRL: What is next for you and your career? RD: Right now I’m really focused on representing models who I have really great communication and working relationships with. I really love being boutique so that I can keep strong relationships with my models. I’m not sure whats next! I take it one day at a time. I would love to open a curve division of my agency and a street casting division as well. QUICK FIRES Q’S GIRL: Favourite Food? RD: I don’t have one! It changes too much. Lately pomegranates. GIRL: Best place to be in the world? RD: Mexico City and Montreal in the summer. GIRL: Happiest moment? RD: Getting engaged to my Fiancé. Every time one of my models books a great job or gets the contract they’ve been dreaming of is huge for me too. Their accomplishments are mine as well. GIRL: Favourite childhood memory? RD: Playing in the Nana’s garden with my little brother Caleb. GIRL: Favourite colour? RD: Black. GIRL: Something you can’t live without?

RD: My dogs, Teddy and Bean. My business partner and best friend, Pola. My fiancé! GIRL: Guilty pleasure? RD: I have no guilt for pleasure. GIRL: Your getting married in September (Congrats) What’s something you secretly hope happens on your wedding day? RD: That my fiancé cries! GIRL: Confidence is? RD: Freedom. GIRL: Beauty is? RD: Confidence.

This Page/ Opposite Page Rebecca wears: Sequin Blouse by RODARTE (From Stylists Archive ) Sequin Trousers by BADGLEY MISCHKA, Earrins are Stylists Own, Shoes are PRADA HOT ROD Collection.

This Page/ Opposite Page Rebecca wears: Sequin Blouse by RODARTE (From Stylists Archive ) Sequin Trousers by BADGLEY MISCHKA, Earrins are Stylists Own, Shoes are PRADA HOT ROD Collection, Sunglasses by GUCCI $550.00

Opposite Page & This Page Rebecca wears: Sequin Trousers by BADGLEY MISCHKA, Boots by RODARTE, Glitter top is MOPAZ Pullover ($55.00) available at, Scarf is ($29.00) available at, Earrings are KNOTS & PIPES (Available at and knotsandpipes. com) Quartz headpiece crown by JUDY AND MADELEINE ($91.00) Bag This page) by LUNA THE BRAND ($110.00) Camera bag (Opposite Page) THEITBAGS ($329.00) (Available at &

Image left Rebecca wears: Sequin Trousers by BADGLEY MISCHKA, Boots by RODARTE, Glitter top is MOPAZ Pullover ($55.00) available at, Scarf is ($29.00) available at kitsu. ca, Earrings are KNOTS & PIPES (Available at and Quartz headpiece crown by JUDY AND MADELEINE ($91.00) Bag by LUNA THE BRAND ($110.00)

Image Right & Opposite Page Rebecca wears: Dress is HELGA dress ($95.00) available at Bag is THEITBAGS ($169.00) available at &, Earrings by WE DREAM IN COLOUR ($270.00) Shoes are RODARTE

This Page Rebecca wears: Dress is HELGA dress ($95.00) available at Bag is THEITBAGS available at &, Earrings by WE DREAM IN COLOUR ($270.00) Shoes are RODARTE

Follow Rebecca at (Instagram) @fhmodels (Instagram)

Words & Art by THE EDITOR

Why We Love Alice I had the opportunity to watch Disney’s 1951 version of Alice in wonderland with my 6 year old niece recently. It was something really fantastic to behold watching her expressions and shear confussion about what she was watching. Alice in Wonderland is a peculiar story. It really is very “strange”. I was however very impressed with just how much the character of Alice is her own individual person. She doesn’t need a prince like Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. Her story actually has nothing to with love or her beauty. It has much to do with her creativity, imagination, intelligence and her cunning. Alice is a character young girls should look up to. Here’s some reasons we love Alice. 1. She has a big imagination. 2. She is curious. About her world and the one she falls into. 3. She makes her own decisions the best she can in her predicament. 4. She is cunning. 5. She is courageous 6. She’s inventive. 7. She doesn’t need a man to save her. 8. She’s adventurous.

Suburbia Born SARAH BAUMAN’S series “The Softest Summer” has us dreaming of the warmer weather. Suburbia Born is an editorial story shot on 35mm film.

Photography & Styling by SARAH BAUMAN @ohceaniqque Models are STELLA GREAAN-RHOADES, AUDREY CLAYTON & KIAH FRANCIS

The It Bags

We chat with Nicole Almanzor the visionary creator of TheItBags.

Photographed by DANIELA MAJIC, Make-up by JILLY IJOE Interviewed by DANIELA MAJIC Product Imagery by ANNIE HALL GIRL: Tell us about yourself? NA: Hi ! So my name is Nicole and Im the founder and creative director behind the life-

style brand THEIT. I am a proud mama of two and obsessed with travel, photography, yoga and coffee. I am currently based in Hamilton , Ontario which if your not familiar is about a 45 mins drive from downtown Toronto. I have lived however, in more than 4 countries and moved a couple of times throughout my childhood. I was born in Manila, Philippines but spent most of my youth in Jakarta, Indonesia. I moved here when I was about 16 years old and now call this great country my home. You could say travel has always found its way to my calling ever since I can remember, so much so that prior to THEIT I packed up my suitcase and even worked as a flight attendant for an international airline based in Abu Dhabi. I took travelling the world literally and got to check a few dozen of them off my bucket list. GIRL: Tell us about your brand THEITBAGS? NA: THEIT pretty much was born out of my own need and pretty much fruitless search. I had always been passionate about photography and travel, and had this wild desire to one day be able to marry both. I didnt know how or at what capacity, but I knew I really wanted to be able to capture the world through my lens. At one point I had envisioned myself being a travel photographer capturing life from different countries and perhaps have my work published in national geographic or life magazine or the sort. There was just something about being able to document real life and show countries beyond the road well travelled. So I took a chance and took a job as a flight attendant with this as my sole purpose. Being a flight attendant was one of the best experiences Ive ever had - it was exhilarating, challenging and an overall adventure in one. However, I quickly realized I wasnt taking the photos or telling the stories I wouldve wanted to. I almost hardly never bring my camera with me to my flights, and on the off chance I did I would end up leaving it at the hotel. My excuse? I just didnt have a camera bag that matched my outfit! I remember walking around Champs Elysees in Paris and looking at the beautiful designer bags thinking to myself - “why couldn’t that be a camera bag?” . Certainly I couldn’t be the only one frustrated. So I searched everywhere looking for one that fit my needs exactly. And around that time, there was absolutely nothing in the market that could fulfill this desire. Camera bags were usually clunky, heavy, impractical and uninspiring. It was there and then I had this aha moment where I decided to design one myself. It was in fact Paris that inspired our very first camera bag - The Bossi.

GIRL: THEIT bags are so much more then just “another camera bag, or purse” there are so many functional compartments, also when most people think of a camera bag they think of something big and clunky and not really aesthetically pleasing, but THEIT bags are both functional and beautiful, tell us about why you decided to design the bag for both functionality and style?

seamlessly with your life and style. Whether its for work, travel or that brunch date with the girls. Camera bags don’t need to be an after thought, they too can be an extension of you and your art - and well for the most part your wardrobe too! I remember a quote saying “you miss all the shots you didn’t take” and this is at the heart of why we do what we do.

NA: In this day and age, you’ll come to realize that cameras are no longer just for professional photographers. More people are embracing the art of photography and the desire to create or tell their story. Whether you’re a blogger, an influencer, travel enthusiast, creative entrepreneur or a mother - chances are you most likely own a camera. As a photography enthusiast and a mother, I am almost always with my camera. Theres just something to say about being able to capture those moments that truly matter . At the core of our brand I believe everyone has a story to tell and I wanted to create a line of camera bags that inspires you to be able to do just that. I wanted every aspect of the design to not only be functional and practical but also fit

GIRL: How do you balance being a mother and a creative entrepreneur?

Images Left and above by ANNIE HALL. Bag left ($329) bag above ($169) available at

NA: If there was one thing I learned from being both a mother and an entrepreneur is to let go of the obsession with balance. I like to say Balance is pretty much a unicorn - it almost never exists! I used to struggle with the term balance, because it gave me this feeling of wanting to do be able to do it all. And we all know that’s almost setting yourself up for failure. Instead I learned to prioritize. Owning your own business means your days are never the same - one of the many challenges I love about being my own boss. Some days are more productive than others, and some days are spent in pyjamas and messy offices. Breaking free from the ideal notion of the perfectly balanced life allowed me to really get clear on what’s important in life - family They are who were doing what we’re doing it for , at the end of day. Messy offices and unchecked to do lists or not.

GIRL: You are also a photographer, tell us about your photography and how you got into it? AM: I have always loved being behind the camera as far as I can remember. Theres something about documenting life, people and places that truly move me. I got my first real camera around high school, I remember saving up to buy myself a second hand film camera and fell in love with all things photography right after I took my first shot. Like almost all creatives, I did struggle finding my own style and creative voice. I dabbled with every style of photography, from wedding photography to family photography and naturally fashion photography. Through growing my craft I also started to feel the dredged fear of comparison and not feeling quite enough. I started comparing my work to others and remembering feeling frustrated . At one point I felt overwhelmed and felt like I fell out of love with the art. I took a step back, and realized that I needed to find my own creative voice. In the end I realized, that just because I loved photography doesn’t mean I had to do the type of photography that everyone did. I now only shoot projects I love, mainly collaborations and for the brand. I also really love food and travel and capturing the beauty of the everyday , and love that I get to share these through the brands platform as well. You can find most of my work through the brands photography but this year I’d love to take more time and get back to shooting creatively- perhaps get my work featured or even publish my own lifestyle photography book. GIRL: What’s next for THEIT bags brand? AM: In the next few years, I would like to grow THEIT into one of the most notable lifestyle brands globally. I want our brand to be the go to brand for not just camera bags but for multi functional bags and accessories that inspire you to create more, explore more and live more. We are looking to slowly expand our designs and product categories, and even partner with other creatives for design collaborations. In fact this year were already looking to release 3-5 new designs including some possible collaboration. So make sure to keep an eye out for that! I also believe in creating with purpose and my mission has always been to advocate change. Each and every camera bag we sell helps create opportunities to women and their communities worldwide through facilitating loans via Kiva . This year I am making it my mission to grow the brand so as to be able to make a bigger impact - whether through giving back portions of our sales or even putting in place programs that help support the creative community. I have a few more projects and ideas left up our sleeves and its really only just the beginning so Im really looking forward to 2019! GIRL: Where can we find and shop THEIT bags? AM: You can learn more about our products and shop us at You can also find a list of stockists on our site. QUICK FIRE Q’S GIRL: Favourite food? AM: Sushi! Im pretty sure I can eat everyday if I could GIRL: Favourite colour? AM: Gray and emerald green! GIRL: Something you are afraid of? AM: Being lost at sea - I may have watched too many movies.

GIRL: A guilty pleasure? AM: Thrifting and collecting cookbooks! Its a serious problem I tell ya! GIRL: Favourite childhood memory? AM: Travelling around Asia and visiting local food markets with my family. I come from a long lineage of foodies! GIRL: Best place in the world to be? AM: Cheesy or not, HOME is truly where the heart is. I can be anywhere in the world as long as Im surrounded with those that truly matter to me. GIRL: Beauty is? AM: confidence and being comfortable with who you truly are.

Shop THEITBAGS @theitbags Follow Nicole / @nixfrances


I still remember the first time I discovered RODARTE. It was in an editorial shot for LULA magazine (one of the magazine’s that inspired GIRL!) They had an entire spread featuring clothing by the Mulleavy sister’s brand Rodarte. I was seriously obsessed. The collection I was obsessed with was their fall 2010 runway collection. I instantly started to google videos from their shows and stumbled upon’s old youtube page. Tim Blanks did these amazing features on the season’s latest runway shows and I was obsessed with watching the one’s that featured Rodarte. In one of the video’s Blanks says something like “It’s always a strange feeling to step back into the real world after watching a Rodarte show” and this could not be less than truth. One of the things that struck me while watching interviews with the sisters is just how creative and inspired they are. It’s like they are living in some sort of fantasy world. I relate to this on so many levels because I too have labelled myself as someone who is constantly living in a dream world, detached from reality. Their collections are inspired by so many strange things like mushroom fungi, Star Wars, Sleeping Beauty, or ghosts just to name a few. They embrace these very nostalgic ideas and somehow marry them with fashion and art. I even get nostalgic writing this article, thinking about their collections.

Words & Paintings by THE EDITOR Paintings are of the RODARTE Spring/Summer show 2018

Of course I love the fact they are women. There aren’t enough female designers and its always encouraging seeing women design for other women. They are just two sisters from Santa Cruz, California who had no experience in fashion or design. They taught themselves how to sew and make clothes by dissecting a Chanel garment. They watched Japanese horror movies for a year as research and made paper dolls of their designs to send out as marketing material. They sold their record collection to collect money for their first fashion collection. It seems like some sort of hopeless dream. It seems like all of that shouldn’t make any sense. It seems like taking the path less chosen never works but in their case it really worked and that’s inspiring. Watching their shows is like watching young girly childhood and teenage dreams whip by your eyes like some fever dream. It’s a world of wonder married with fashion and art. It’s like the models are a coven of witches and the Rodarte sisters are the goddesses they worship. If you don’t believe me just search Rodarte on youtube. Then you will see it for yourself.

TRAVEL ON THE MIND GIRL Magazine’s favourite thing to do during the winter months is dream about all the places we’d love to travel. Here is our 2019 Travel Bucket List.







All Images sourced at UNSPLASH.COM



Photography by Olivia Bossert

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