January Newsletter

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Volume 2 Issue 2 The Official Newsletter of the Garland High School Division 2C Key Club January Edition

2 Lorem Ipsum

IN THIS ISSUE Cover Page…..………..…..….…1 In This Issue……….…..……..……2 Presidents’ Corner……...…....…3 Pancakes with Santa........….… 4 Canstruction……………...…….. 6 ELIMINATE………….….……......... 7 A Year in Review……………….. 8 DCON………….................…..… 10 New T-Shirts…..….……….……… 11 Valentine’s Day Fundraiser……12 Upcoming Events.…………...... 13 Elections Info………………....… 14 Remind 101.………………………16 Key Leader……………………….17 Committee Page….………...… 18

Contact Page….……………. 19

Presidents’ Corner 3


President’s Corner: Juliana Zhang Hi Key Club! Well we made it through the first semester and I am very proud of our club. To be an even better club, let's make sure to keep our attendance up, to keep getting our hours, and to keep your commitment to the club! DCON is also coming up in April, so be sure to signup for that. Elections are coming and I can’t wait to see the new wave of leadership for our club. It’s been an honor serving you all! - Juliana Zhang, President

Vice President’s Corner: Hannah Oden - Brunson Hey Key Club! It’s been a great year with you guys and congrats on getting through first semester. We’ve got some great fundraisers and events in store this month! Something to look forward to in April is DCON. I want all of you to be there because the experience is awesome and people are great. Make preparations now so that you don’t have to be left out. Also, elections are coming up this month, so for those interested, take the time to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses as a leader. I can’t wait to see who our next VP will be! - Hannah Oden - Brunson, Vice President

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Lorem Ipsum

Pancakes with Santa


This past month, we were able to connect

the Kiwanis members as well. It’s always

with out Kiwanis sponsor club by helping at

great to converse with people who have

the Pancakes with Santa event.

the same passion we do and were able to

This event was a great time to get in the spirit of Christmas, which may have been hard for the people studying for finals – it can be very stressful Fortunately, we were able to blow off some steam by helping the very generous Kiwanis club with their pancakes! After getting out name tags and looking so official, we established a very well – run system for

carry their love for service into adulthood. Another wonderful treat was seeing the adorable kids take pictures with Santa. They faces lit up whenever they got to sit on Ole’ Cringle’s lap and present their requests. Let’s just hope they were all on the nice list! If this event didn’t get you in the Christmas mood, I don’t know what else

would! serving the delicious breakfast. Some people https://www.facebook.com/addpage?ref=bookmarks manned the sausages, others poured the milk and of course the best of the best served the pancakes. Afterwards, we were able to greet

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“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” ― Maya Angelou

“Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water -it will make ripples throughout the entire pond…” ― Jessy and Bryan Matteo

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Canstruction Once again, our club participated in

Packaging the cans up and loading them on the

Canstruction, where we collect cans and

truck was a struggle – for a while we didn’t have

compete with other clubs (though we don’t

eough boxes! Thankfully, we were able to locate

want to outright say it, we do make it a

more, but that was after we had already double-

competition) and whenever we’re done

bagged some of the cans! Needles to say,

collecting, we make our cans into something!

Canstruction and Destruction was an

Now, we’re not as professional as those pros

adventure and collectively as a school we

decorating Northpark Mall but we’ve got

donated over 17,000 cans for those in need of

talent and it’s really the thought that counts!

food during the holidays. Great job everyone

We incorporated our theme of Upholding the

who participated in Canstruction and thank

Legends of Key Club this year and we made

you to those who donated!

the four essential pillars and added our little mascot of the year – Appa! Thank you to everyone who helped build our pillars, they looked great!

Question for Tashmira, What do you think a person going to DCON for the first time can most look forward to this year? -Garland HS Key Club

We need another fundraising idea for ELIMINATE for this year! The Ultimate Frisbee Tournament was a success, shall we but on another tournament? We’ve already raised $1,000, what’s next for our club in 2014?


Help save

Do YOU believe in the power of ZERO?


A Year in Review


Congratulations to all for surviving another year of school! Also, special congratulations to all of the freshmeat freshmen who completed their first semester of high school! Hopefully, you had some good moments leading up to this point. This year has been challenging, but rewarding for us as a club. I’d say the highlight for us as a club would be reaching our goal of raising $1,000 for The ELIMINATE Project and I’m really proud of everyone who made that happen! It really does take a team of gifted people who are motivated to complete great things, and we’ve managed to do that this year. I absolutely think we can progress even more for 2014. This club has done so many great things in the past and we can only go up from here! My hope for this year is that more people are able to go to DCON and experience just how great being a Key Clubber is by meeting others and seeing the lives this organization has touched. I also hope we can spread more awareness about the ELIMINATE campaign – our job isn’t done yet! Awareness campaign has been successful in the past and with more experience, we can do better at spreading the word. Our Advertising Committee Head Lacie Block has done a great job and hopefully more of the club committee members work with her in the future. My biggest hope for 2014 is club participation. We have approximately 120 paid members and I would love to see each and every on of you at all of the events! Key Club is a great way to meet wonderful people and that can’t happen unless you attend events and meetings! I know this year, things can change for the better for our club, we all just have to do are parts. And always remember, the opportunities we have right now may not always be available in the future, but the experiences we take from these opportunities will last a lifetime. Thanks for a great year everyone and I look forward to an even great year with you all!



DCON Theme Announced!

At the next meeting, we will discuss which team we will be supporting, Peter Pan or Captain Hook?


We have our new t-shirt design and theme for this year! Our theme is Uphold the Legend of Key Club. Make sure you pay for your shirt if you ordered one. We have some extra orders if you would like to buy a shirt so bring $15 to Mr. Stolar’s room. Special thanks to Nicha Meyer for her epic design!

We will have a fundraiser at lunches for Valentine’s Day on Friday February 14th. You can sign up later this week to help at lunches if you would like. We would like for everyone to help spread the word this week and at lunches especially. Anyone can pay $1 to take a photo of yourself, with a friend or with your “bae” but don’t feel bad if you don’t have one! You can still take a picture! Please please please spread the word!


GISD Arts Festival – February 1st Chili’s Fundraiser Night – February 4th TWIRP Week – Dress up and take pictures – February 10th – 14th Valentine’s Day Fundraiser at Lunches – February 14th Key Club Elections – February 29th + sign-up ends February 19th Scottish Rite Donations – Two items for 1 hour. Max is 2 hours Talent Auditions – March 19th Go to the website for more updated info on upcoming events : http://ghskeyclub.tumblr.com/


Key Club Elections will be at the end of this month: February 26th, 2014 The following positions will be available: Club President – make all official executive decisions Club Vice President- help the president with executive decisions Club Secretary of Hours – you must document the hours of each member every month so people know what they’re hours are and also take attendance for board meetings. This job is very important because your information gets sent to Key Club International in the form of a report! Club Secretary of Minutes – you must document all decisions discussed by the board and also record the minutes of each meeting. Your information also gets sent to Key Club International as well in the form of a report each month. Club Treasurer – You’re responsible for making sure all our dues get to KCI on time and you also should know how many official members we have. Club Editor (props to whoever runs for this, you’re already awesome) The editor is responsible for making a newsletter every month capturing what we’ve done as a club and also what’s in store next month. You can also send in articles to the District Editor to be posted in the Tex – O – Key if they’re really good! You also must send in reports to the District Editor each month. Club Webmaster – If you are interested in graphic design, this is the spot for you! You are responsible for maintaining and updating the website.

Club Historian - (there will be two elected for this spot) You will take pictures at events and meetings and since there are so many, we like to have two spots. Make sure you are in the position to attend a good number of events, because this is also a very important spot because we really love documenting all of our memories! Sergeant at Arms – You make sure we have all of the materials before the meeting begins (computer, overhead, microphone) and you instill order when its lacking. You also need to know parliamentary procedure. It’s important to write a speech, if you look unprepared when you go up there your chances won’t be very good! Some questions for those who are running: Are you willing to make this club your priority? How willing are you to lead a club? Where do your strengths lie? (Media. Organization, Spirit, Money management?) The people elected will be officially replaced after DCON, but it’s important that you show up to the next board meeting after you win to receive preparation for your position.

Contact Juliana Zhang if you want to run! The Deadline for signing up is Monday, February 19th



Sign Up to receive messages and updates concerning our club straight to your phone with Remind 101! Text @55cbb" to the number 972-675-7475.


What is Key Leader? Key Leader is a weekend camp for those interested on working on their service leadership. If you attend, you will meet

The Key Leader 2014 weekends are as follows: January 17-19 at Mt. Lebanon Retreat &Conference Center near Cedar Hill, Texas Registration due January 10th

a KI leader if you’re looking to fun for LTG,

February 14-16 at Carolina Creek Christian Camp between Huntsville and Trinity, Texas Registration due February 7th March 28-30 at YMCA Camp Classes near Davis OK

District or Club spots this year. You’ll also be

Registration due March 21st

students excited to learn about how to be a better leader like yourself, and you could also get a head start on learning what it takes to be

able to meet some great students from Texas and Oklahoma and hopefully see them at DCON as well!

Important Websites

Key Leader Homepage: http://key-leader.org/Home.aspx District Website links (this has information if you’re looking to receive apply for a scholarship) http://tokeyclub.com/register-for-keyleader-2014/

Committees Advertising - We need you all to spread the

Scrapbook – The pages of the scrapbook are

news about our Valentine’s Day backdrop to

looking great! Thanks to everyone who has

anyone you know! This is supposed to be a fun

participated so far and if you haven’t been

fundraiser. We also need help spreading the

able to attend meetings, you’ve still got time!

word about going to DCON as well.

We take pride in all of our scrapbooks and they’re pretty cool to keep over the years!

Please attend all committee meetings after general meetings as well!

DCON – We’ve got to inform everyone of all the

Fundraising – We need to have more

contests and information for DCON. It’s honestly

organization and coordination with the

a great experience. The talent show audition will

fundraiser! We also need a fundraising idea for

be moved to March 19th. Every great needs to

ELIMINATE in the Spring and possibly a

have at least one act represented per grade

fundraising idea for people who want to go to

and then we will chose one to represent our

DCON as cut their fees a bit. As of right now, we

club. Also, the contest package has been

don’t have any use for the whipped cream, so

released on tokeyclub.com so check it out if

we need a new idea!

you would like to go!

Contacts! Juliana Zhang – Club President

Thomas Le – Club Historian



Hanhah Oden –Brunson – Club Vice

Angelo Echiverri – Club Webmaster

President hannah.vob@verizon.net Michael Nguyen – Club Secretary of Minutes Michaelnguyen86@yahoo.com

angeloechiverri@rocketmail.com http://ghskeyclub.tumblr.com/

Justine Phan – Club Treasurer Justine_phan@yahoo.com

Tiffany Yang – Club Historian

Frank Moreno – Secretary of Hours



Luke Broussard – District Governor

Steffi Lee – Division 2C LTG



Isaiah ValleQuinones – District

Usman Hyder – District Secretary



treasurer@tokeyclub.com Tashmira Hossein – District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com

Henry Nguyen Sargeant at Arms buthead8888@gmail.com


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