S&D December News

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Celebrating 95 Years: Volume 2, Issue 3| December 2014

Garland Speech and Debate 2014 - 2015 “N O FEA R!”


“ G O F O R I T !”

A Word from Your Co-Historian: Theodora Winter Hello everyone, from your fellow Co-Historian! I’m so proud of everyone for such a great start to the season! We already have state qualifiers and NIECTOC qualifiers! This team has really grown over the past couple of months. I also wanted to give a special shout out to all of the novices who have really put in work. Just be patient and you will see the changes in your performance! It can be really tough competing your first year, so I commend all of your efforts. Hopefully everyone has gotten adjusted for competition season, it’ll be over right before you know it so cherish these moments on the team and set goals to achieve for your partners and you! I am confident that all of us will continue to have a great season. Parents, friends, and fans, please keep supporting our team and we will try out best to make all of you proud of GHS Speech and Debate. Till next time! -Theo

2014 – 2015 S&D Officers President: Ashley Tsao

Vice Presidents: Amani Abderahman, Hannan Ahmed and Emily Jilson

Treasurer: Rohan Rereddy

Co-Historian: Michael Isenburg

Secretary: Louise Nisperos Liam McCoy: Spirit Leader

Selfie Wall Because if you got it, flaunt it.

Questionable Photos of the Month??? This segment of the newsletter is in attempt to better understand the vastly unique personalities on our team through lense.

Hannan is beginning to assert her dominance in the newest part of CX.

“Does she even know what popping is?????”

Louise being Louise.

Ashley and Hannan’s true personalities come out after endless debating.

Byron Nelson

GHS SPEECH & DEBATE @ Byron Nelson November 8th 3rd Place Connor Fitzhugh & Kathryn Owens -­‐ Duo Interp Amani Abderahman -­‐ Poetry 4th Place Chuk Agbakwu -­‐ Prose 5th Place Ashley Tsao -­‐ Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking Mahi Senthilkumar -­‐ Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking Alexis Maldonado -­‐ Original Oratory Amani Abderahman -­‐ Humorous Interp 6th Place Chuk Agbakwu -­‐ Humorous Interp Kathryn Owens -­‐ Dramatic Interp Priscilla Samuel -­‐ Original Oratory 7th Place Jack Schlosser -­‐ Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking 8th Place Kathryn Owens -­‐ Prose Octafinalist (Top 16) Emily Jilson -­‐ Varsity LD Debate Desiree Lopez -­‐ Varsity LD Debate

Thanks for reading! Garland Speech and Debate Newsletter |December Edition Volume 2 Issue 3| 2014 – 2015

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