Agape ἀγάπη

Editorial Board
Hans Richmond Ong
Associate Editor
Steffi Marie Jacob
Managing Editor
Michelle Patricia Cabrera
Junior Associate Editor
Shaula Cane Floresta
Junior Managing Editor
Christian Chagas
Features Editor
Rico Chung
Arts and Culture Editor
Chino Lauron
News Editor
Felixberto Mercado
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Layouts Editor
Georgina Mia Gato
Photography Editor and Multimedia Editor
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Rostum Agapito
Agape, a greek word, simply means the "highest form of love", standing several notches higher thanothergreekwordsfor the same such as philia, brotherly love or philautia, self-love. Agape is characterized by deep and profound love that is sacrificial in nature, persisting regardless of circumstance.
Inthebattlegroundthatis law school, such a love could not be more appropriate. In between mountainsof
readings and hours spent prepping for recitation, it's no small wonder that love is able to take root and bear fruit withinthehallowedgroundsof ourcampus
This issue celebrates precisely that. Inside this issue you'll read about the love stories of students and our very own school professors. "Flip" throughthesepagesandswoon along with them as you relive their love stories; or perhaps check out the section on great restaurantstocheckoutjustin timefortheseason.
This issue started out as a passing idea before gradually morphing into the magazine you now read It was created notonlythroughtheeffortsof the publication's editors, artists, writers and photrographers, but also throughthecandorandhonest insight of those featured in thisissue.
We sincerely hope you enjoy reading the firs issue of Agape as much as we ' ve enjoyed its creation.
"Deep and profound love that is sacrificial in nature, persisting regardless of circumstances"
Love is found in unlikely places, and this couldn’tbemoretruethaninthecaseofour veryownlawschool.Onewouldthinktwice before associating the idea of law school with the idea of romance, but love truly knowsnoboundsandtheAteneoLawSchool isn’texemptfromthisrule Atty Richieand Atty. Jun Pilares is one such story, meeting in their time as students in Ateneo, and existing as a testament that love can be found in law school and allow those who findittothrive.
Before Atty. Richie became the successful lawyer she is today, she was a law student just like any of us, living the daily grind of law school. While law school is quite a bit smaller than college, it’s not difficult to get lostintheseaoffacesandnames,unlessyou were Atty Jun Pilares at the time Atty RichierecountsthedayswhenAtty.Junwas knownas“TheJun”or“thegod”,anickname forhimgivenhisacademictrackrecord
Of course today, we are well aware of Atty. Jun Pilares’ academic achievement, top-notching the bar and graduating valedictorian of his batch. Naturally Atty. Richie grew curious, ‘stalking’ (intheromanticsense)Atty.Juntofindoutmore about him. She went so far as to ask the admin whichclassesshecouldtakesothatshecouldbe in the same class as him in an elective, and was told to enroll in Natural Resources, which she did. However, she soon found out during class rollcallthatshehadactuallyfollowedthewrong Jun Pilares Regardless, this did nothing to squashherromanticfervor,andshestalkedAtty. JunPilaresonceagain.
While it would seem that Atty. Richie was the first to notice her now husband, Atty Jun had alsonoticedher,astheyhadbothusuallystudied at the library. Perhaps seeking more time with Atty Richie, Atty Jun requested to the office of the dean if he could switch blocks to be in the same block with her so that their schedules wouldsync,hisexcusebeingtraffic. Eventually, they spoke, coming across each other due to mutual friends, Atty. Richie asked Atty. Jun a question she already knew the answer to. Over time they grew closer, talking more and more backinthedaywhenunli-textwasthestandard, andstudyingwithoneanotherinthelibrary.
But here is where their story becomes even more interesting. You would think that dedicating your timetoyourromanticinterestwouldcauseafallin grades, due to spending less time studying. However, this wasn’t the case with the Pilares’, as although he shifted into a block with even more difficult professors and classes, his grades actually rose with the fact that he was able to spend more time with Atty Richie, jumped in the batch standingfromthirdtofirst.Atty.Richiewouldsay thoughthathetrulyhadmoretimetostudyasAtty. Jun’s previous partner was non-law school, and nurturing that relationship truly came at a cost to thetimehecouldspendstudying.
Soon bar season rolled around and Atty. Richie would‘bar-ops’forAtty.Jun,however,workedout for them both. It became a symbiotic relationship, shewouldprintgoodreviewersandaskAtty Junto read them, since he was a faster reader than her, and ask him what was missing in those reviewers, asAtty Jun’sphotographicmemoryallowedhimto remember what was covered by some reviewers versus others. It might come as a surprise, especially given all the stress of reviewing for the bar, but Atty. Jun and Atty. Richie’s relationship flourishedduringthisperiod.
Sincetheywerebatchmates,theywere takingthebaratthesametime,andas such,theywerewakingupatthesame time, studying at the same time, and essentially going through the entire process together. The only difficulty camewasimmediatelybeforethefirst Sunday of the bar and waiting for the results,sincetheywerebothnaturally nervous, it was difficult to alleviate one another's stress. They would recount the stress of bar results, and thereisasayingthatwhentwopeople in a relationship would take the bar together, then one of them would fail, whichclearlywasn'tthecasewiththe attorneys But to cement their relationship with one another, while they took the bar on September 6, 2006, they married one another in a quiet ‘secret’ ceremony on October 6, 2006, and had another official ceremony two years after And of course, here they are today, together, teachingintheveryschoolwherethey met.
"Findsomeonewhohas thesamevisionORfind someonewhosupports yourvision."
“IwouldnotbevaledictorianifnotforAtty. Richie”
Atty. Richie would recount how when Atty. Jun would try to talk to her while she was studying, she would make him “talk to the hand”,aswhenshestudiedshedidn’twant anydistractions
“FindsomeonewhohasthesamevisionOR find someone who supports your vision” Richie
“It’s easier for you to understand one another if you are able to find someone in lawschool.”Jun
“Law school should come first The relationship should come after, as when you ’ re in law school you are building your future, and if you fail, then it’s something that will affect the relationship, as you’ll lookforsomethingorsomeonetoblame.It doesn’tmeandontenterintoarelationship, itjustmeansyouneedtofindsomeonewho will understand that you ’ re investing not onlyinyourselfbutyourfuturefamilyand spouse. If that person can understand what you ’retryingtodo,thenyou’llreallyhavea future together Your goals should always come first when you ’ re in a relationship, and this only really changes when you get married.”
How does both your professions affect your dynamic with one another?
It’s a blessing to be married to Jun because he’s very successful as a lawyer so he’s not insecure, he lets me pursue my career. Here what i appreciate about him, he helps me with the children, he doesn’t have this unreasonable expectation that I will be the one taking care of the family it’s a shared relationship, he doesn’t get insecure with my achievements, he’s my number one supporter, especially as a woman you go through certain stereotypes, he’s the one that reminds me to just give my best, so that’s the blessing.
My philosophy talaga, diba if you love the person, you want that person to be happy?
Si Richie kasi, she’s happy when she’s successful, she’s driven, very driven. So you have to support that, and how do you support that? So you have to share the usual burdens of family life, and you just have to be understanding. I mean if law students kayo, you complain about the time it takes to study, prepare for every class, its preparation for your life as lawyers eh, since its a service profession, and binubuhos mo talaga is your time for your clients. So she has to spend time working, even at home, she works, but you have to be okay with that, lalo na kung pareho kayong lawyers. Both of you have to be okay with that, we trust each other that we know the important things in life I think that’s part of it, but you cannot impose diba. Pinaghirapan mo yung law school ng four and a half years tapos pag magasawa na kayo housewife agad, parang unfair naman diba. Atty.Jun
a homemaker. Atty.Richie
I think you should allow one another to do what they love doing and what they do best, dont impose. Of course ou will have that conversation, what’s best for the family, but dont impose, it has to be a compromise. Of course, happy wife happy life. Atty.Jun
I’m not the type of wife to complain that he’s not making time for the family because I understand. For example what’s nice about our schedule is that if we are both busy, we can figure out which work duties we can beg off from to be there for our kids when the other isn’t available, laging negotiation. Atty.Richie
For example our kids have a presentation, one of us will always be there. You just have to understand, and put yourself in the place of your spouse. Atty.Jun
marriage, it’s not about what he can give me, it’s about what I can give him. It’s never you ’ re not helping me enough, it’s how can I be of help to him. Until now, after 16 years, nahihiya pa rin kami sa isa’t-isa, i don’t like spending his money, he doesn’t like me spending so much time on something for him. I think relationships will last when you stop thinking about what you can get from the other person, but more of what can you contribute to the other person. Kindness begets kindness, love begets love, i think that’s how our relationship works talaga. Especially kapag lawyers diba, negotiation, you give some, you get some. Atty.Richie
How Atty. Richie thinks you should prioritizeyourlife
God-your family- your studies- your other relationships
Althoughwewenttothesamecollege,we only met each other when we got to law school ShechoseBlockDbecausemostof her college friends were there, while I chose Block D because of my close friend sincehighschool.
Because of all the restrictions due to the pandemic, it was very hard to get close to blockmates. We only started to get close when we decided to study together on discord with other friends We would usually stay on the call for hours, even untilthesunwouldrise.Somecallswould be us seriously studying, while most of themwouldusbetalkingaboutourlives.
We were always accustomed to guys making the first move. However, this was not the case between me and Kat We would “beat around the bush” and flirt with each other during our Discord calls, butthefirstevermovewaswhenwewent to Xylo and Kat held my hand. The rest washistoryfromthatpointon.
4. How would you describe your
Our dynamic is me talking about random things,whileKatwouldlisten I’mmoreof the extroverted one, while Kat’s the “would-rather-stay-at-home introvert” (notduringcollegetho,iykyk) Andlastly, wejustgeteachother.It’snotallthetime that a person can give his 100% in the relationship, and whenever one of us can’t, we just meet each other halfway. I don’tthinkIcanputintowordsthewhole pictureofourdynamic,butIguessthat’sa glimpseofit.
5. How has being in law school changed the way you view relationships?
Mostpeoplewouldsay“aralmunabago landi” but Kat and I believe that you can “Aral and landi”. Most couples would think that being in law school would greatly affect their relationship with each other badly. But for us, it actuallystrengthenedours.Mostofour dates would always involve studying, and we wouldn’t mind that. Because of law school, we ’ re able to help each other in everything, whether it be about academics or not So I guess, the myth was busted, law school won’t destroyyourrelationship.Youcanlove somebody without having to let go of yourdream,folks.
Since we ’ re both law students, our usual date spots are cafes and generally,placeswherewecanstudy.
UCCin8Rockwellhasbeenastaple,aswell as After Hours in Poblacion. But when we don’tfeellikestudying,ourgo-todatespot is usually Cafe Fleur or Dr Wine Kinda pricey, but worth it, especially if you ’ re spendingitwiththerightperson.
7. Any words of advice for the students whohavecrushesontheirblockmates? Justlikewhatthefamoussportsbr
Coming into law sch would be putting my told to already apol andfamilyasIwould to put 110% of my t just to survive. True throughtheinterview beingacceptedinAL eat, sleep, and study to forego either of the first 2) W the sacrifices I had to make and someonewhohasbeen“NGSB”,Id forthelifemeexpectthat,4yearsl would be writing this as someone girlfriend as wonderful, kind, c loving,andbeautifulasher
It started as a friendship formed by an extracurricular necessity (being in 2 different departments for OrSem and Career Fair) which turned into a friendship formed by an actual necessity (Zoom arals during the hardest sem in law school) which then turned into a courtship and, finally, a loving relationship built on support and understanding.
would say “Just Do it” Don’t listen to other people when they say, “Don’t date our blockmate,” or “She’ll just be a distraction.” Asking Kat to be my girlfriend has been the bestthingthat’shappenedtome.Iwouldn’t want you to miss out on that opportunity, especiallyifitwouldturnouttobethebest decisionforyoutoo.
That is why I thank God every single chance I get for giving me a most unexpected blessing. I would not have beenabletosurvivethepast2andahalf yearsifitwerenotforherlove,care,and support.
I came into law school thinking that I had already given up my chances of finding my dream girl due to the sacrifices that law school entailed but little did I know that she was actually waiting for me in law school. So what I would want to impart is just let go and let God. You may not understand His timing,butyouhavetobelievethatitis andwillalwaysbeperfect.
Hunting for a last minute place to celebrate Valentine's? Or perhaps just looking for a good place to celebrate the season? Look no further! The Palladium has taken the liberty of compiling a list of recommended restaurants as well as places to get a drink when it gets to wine o ' clock.
So what are you waiting for! Grab your +1, and don't forget your appetite!
Starting off the list with the hotly anticipated Cafe Aurora, this restaurant is located conveniently close to campus, headed by renowned chefs Nicco Santos and Quenee Vilar, of Your Local and Hey Handsome fame. Getting its namesake from the mother of Nilo Divina, of DivinaLaw fame, who helped to establish the eatery, enterprising eaters will step into a modern and sleek space offering delightful twists on classic asian dishes. Look forward to twists on classic dishes Beef Rendang, Pomelo Salad and Salmon Donburi. Asian fusion is the name of the game, and the best part? They're opening just in time for Valentine's. Specifically on the 14th for lunch service. What are you waiting for? This is one opening the local food scene is eagerly looking forward to.
8Rockwell,G/FLopez Drive,RockwellCenter, MakatiCity
Ever since it's indefinite closing in 2020 due to the pandemic, many patrons have been left longing for 12/10's expert approach to modern izakaya. Luckily, and almost serendipitously, 12/10 re-opened just last October, finding its new home in 8 Rockwell of all places; featuring the same fan favorites patrons remember like the so so buttery uni toast, and sinful foie onigiri on its expertly curated omakase menu. With an already established following, booking a table is sure to be tricky, but who knows, you just might get lucky!
Many a meat lover was left devastated when Holy Smokes BBQ announced their closure just last year, stating that they would be shifting to a new concept in the near future. That new concept turned out to be Burnt Bean, a delightful little eatery leveraging the team's expertise in grilled meats, cooked to perfection. Offering a casual but modern space for those making the trek to BGC, patrons can expect to see old favorites like 48 hour beef ribs and roasted brocolli salad along with new dishes such as the oh so delicous potato pave, orange chicken and compressed watermelon salad.
Instagram: @floalldaydrinking
Thirsty for a tipple at 8am? We don't judge and neither do the proprietors at Flo All Day Drinking. Located suspiciously close to (right beside!) crowd favorite burger joint Hungry Homies, this fresh, all day drinking concept opened by Laureen Uy and Miggy Cruz offers both classic and unconventional coffees and cocktails. As they're open from 8am all the way to midnight, patrons can take their time sipping on one (or two) of Flo's signature drinks such as coffee martinis, Cuba libres and even cereal milk lattes.
Located deep in Broadway Avenue in Quezon City is a humble little coffee shop called Craft. Unbeknownst to many, as night falls, Craft turns into Recraft, with the second floor of the same establishment opening up to those seeking a nightcap. Recraft offers patrons a plethora of drink options including bottled brews, bespoke cocktails (just let them know your preferred flavor notes and watch the magic happen!), and their own signature cocktails. Definitely do not miss out on this relatively underrated gem if you're looking for a quiet, cozy space to grab a drink and unwind.
G/FPacificStar Building,Sen Gil PuyatAvenuecorner MakatiAvenue, MakatiCity Instagram: @cafeauroraph
Unit204,UpperGround Floor,C2BldgBonifacio HighStreetCentral, Taguig,1635MetroManila Instagram:@burntbeanph
66 Broadway Ave, New Manila, Quezon City, Metro Manila Instagram:
2233 Chino Roces Ave, Makati, 1233 MetroSILKPAJAMAS
Perfectforanightinorforaromantic moviemarathon
Whetheryoursignificantotherlovesworkingout, listening to music while studying, listening to podcastsduringtheircommute,orlisteningtothe lovesongsyouhavededicatedforthem,asolidpair ofheadphonesisagreatandusefulgift
Your love can be immortalized through a custom portrait Any personalized gift is just more meaningful!
Picturethedate:February14,Valentine’sDay.ItbecomesreallyeasytopictureValentine’sDayas thedaywhereloveabounds,wheresweetheartssendeachothergiftsofflowersorchocolates,and restaurantsorotherdateplacesareswampedwithcouplescelebratingtheirspecialdaytogether Thatdayisthedaywherethetowntrulygetspaintedred,withheartsandrosesabound. However,notallpeoplepictureValentine’sDaythesameway.Indifferentpartsofthe world,Valentine’sDayhasdifferentimagesandevents,sometimesiscelebratedona dateotherthanFebruary14,andinsomecases,thepatronofValentine’sisdifferent.
Hereare10unusualValentine'straditionswhichshowtheradical differencesinhowpeoplecelebratethisspecialday!
OnFebruary14inJapan,thegiverofgiftsare thegirls andtheygivegiftsofchocolateto their husbands or boyfriends! Exactly one monthlater,onWhiteDay,March14,those whoreceivedchocolatesareexpectedtoreturn agifttothegirlswhogiftedthemchocolate. (Thistraditiongivesmeaningtothenotionof “thewaytotheheartisthroughthestomach.”)
The Welsh celebrate Valentine’s Day a little earlierthanmost,onJanuary15.Andtheydo this by giving love-spoons! On their Valentine’s Day, Welsh men would carve spoonsandpresentittothewomantheyare interestedin.
Valentine’sDayinSloveniacoincideswiththe firstdayofworkinginthefieldsafterwinter! However, it does not lose its romantic significancebecauseofworkinginthefields, asSloveniansbelievethatbirdsinthefields proposetotheirlovedonesandgetmarriedon thisday.
Slovenia celebrates its Valentine’s Day (for humans)onMarch12,orSaintGregory’sDay. SloveniansalsoconsiderFebruary22andJune 13asdaystocelebratelove.
France used to have a matchmaking game called “ une loterie d’amour,” or “ a lottery of love”Inthisgame,singlemensettledintoa house on one side of the street, and single women settled in a house across the men ’ s house They would call to one another from openwindowstopairupforadateorevenfind asignificantotherforValentine's.Womenwho wererejectedorwereleftwithoutadatethen gathered together and built bonfires where photosofmenwhorejectedthemwereburnt! Unfortunately, due to being an event where fiery emotions met actual fire, the French government banned the practice as these eventscouldgetunruly.
CouplesintheCzechRepublicwouldkissunder acherrytreeonthe14thofFebruaryforgood luckfortheyearahead
PeopleinNorfolk,EnglandhaveaSantaClause onValentine’sDay!HegoesbythenameJack Valentine and is known for knocking on children’s doors and leaving small treats and presents!
Guatemalans celebrate Valentine’s Day by dancingonthestreet!
OnElDiadelCarino,themaineventistheso calledOldLoveParade,whereseniorcitizens dressinfeathersandmasksforthecelebration!
TheFinnishpeoplecelebrateadifferentkindof love on this day the love that comes from friendship.“YstavanPaiva,”whichistranslated to “Friend’s Day,” is celebrated through the exchangeofcardsorgiftsamongfriends,but thisdayisalsoapopulardaytogetengagedor married.
NorwaycelebratesValentinesinsecret. SecretadmirerssendletterscalledGaekkerev which is roughly translated as “joke letters.” Thelettershavepoetryandintricatepatterns cut onto the paper with a Snowdrop flower pressedintotheletter.Thejokecomesfromthe signature, or a lack thereof Secret admirers leavetheirsignaturebysigningwithadotfor eachletteroftheirname.
The stakes of this game are that if the lady guesses her admirer correctly, she wins an EasterEgg.Ifshegetsitwrong,shehastogive anEasterEgg
SouthAfricanscelebrateValentinesbyliterally puttingtheirheartontheirsleeve!
Girls in South Africa wear the name of their lovebypinningitontheirsleevefortheday. Thistraditionisamucholdertraditionwhich canbetracedbacktothedaysoftheRoman Empire,whichiscalledthe“Lupercalia.” However, the South African version is much tamer,astherearenogoatsacrificesandnaked menrunning.
The Philippines has its own unusual Valentine’s event, as many towns sponsormasscivilweddingsonFebruary14!
Atty. Richie Pilares & Atty. Jun Pilares
Brian Salvador
Katherine Tinawin
Chino Aison
Clarissa Marie Gozos