NC E G BA L A FINDIN ND ROCK /3 EA rock ice and W ITH IC lancing
d calm ba peace an Findindelg’s
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Peter Rie ing anc rock bal n in bor passion Park Sunnyside
N REASO CYNTHIA etoront walks creason@insid ertime enjoy summHumber River know Those whobanks of the already rock along theOld Mill likely stacked – near the l’s work: impossibly Peter Riede s that seem – balanced riously masterpiece d preca and waves. indee fall, and er and er both wind against spring, summ graph Every sional photo south a profes ges from his l, his Riede , emer entertain by trade apartment to – the conns Etobicoke d “obsession” ng creatio s scribe -defyi self-de of gravity er Bay Shore struction Park, Humb where else at Len Ford ere and every of rocks. d and anywh a good crop l move find IAN KELSO , Riede from he can Staff photos/ ago real native A Mont nine years a failed cing along to after n ta rock balan Riedel in to Toron Atlan for the ican woma nsible artist Peter er. landlocked is respo to an Amer ation from captured a hamm ered who er Ian Kelso hands and marriage quent separ with a short g, ed conse graph have wond with his and just walkin son, coupl charges and You may er River. Photo sculptures iful his youngjail on drug , left his life and you’re great for the the Humb ng beaut come heresee this. It’s creati stint in of his father while action isn’t and you inspiring.” up the death last week, – hobby l took s. ing late structures spirit. It’s l, though, his praise his in tatter the city, Riedeand soon or sunny mornthe 23 ice – he’d spent For Riede years New to in Parkdale ying recognition t tall time in in recent the surve in cing six-fee spare ence about his balan rock resid garnered Bravo’s Arts and some nearly takingly spending where his by work has pains began Park, profiled 2011), but rather ratures. hours magic born. (he was of the am in ero tempemakes it really transSunnysidehobby was here before. effect progr sub-z s eutic e more are what Mind balancing even been know y therap ss itself. “I think fact that they creations.the years it’s becom hits them the deepl proce “I’d never a soul, I didn’t might me. (The beginis the thinkthe sun ups You “Over symbolic for do symfor me know Since the l said it, I’m not so when way, that just be, I didn’t I knew nothing. into the Riede lucent, I’m doingor what will and moresculptures) really fact that ht me the right of tion to “When the city, .the is just I’d ning, in just that have broug,” he said. balanced of our lives.. al look what was, all I do what the atten red of Atlanta, as well the fact that ing of needs to be, jungle I’d missed the l requi would the magic bolize any precarious, Living in or cent on a, d to Amazonian so water... detai or what work element within 100 per know that I in Atlant I move them.” i n g T h e they’re “Living h, so when the lake. nt or that missed the him lost , and I didn’t to his handi concentrate Dur to ....and this eleme come along all come thoug s frigid that. I knew I moved often leavelittle world water, can can I’m doing experience sort of I was drawn doing basic so when Guar dian’ Riedel person d they ever ined. drawn in his own blockiew with last Parkdale when I started were some taintop secon found expla was could I I letely you he interv split if a les moun – comp minutes the time. down,” iParkdale And that’s with the rocks you could rishi on a over 45 l wellto exper tumblingis like that all e in secto the lake. ing out the troub the maha severa for me structures Hindu Riedel chang past and r, as chilly “Life Friday, park patrons here, but that’s what gets e call, – Peter of his thinking of lives can there.” ver, every winte ed rocks e phon or somew bundled with camout – evene People’s just a simpl for the bad. doing this, mind” – and his belov Howe and ence it excited to come state of put him in the take stopped r snow set in and onds withfor the good or Most peopl “black in hand to temps hidden unde reluctantly ” I love me reallyr days like this. lost often peace eras in of Riedel’s their transe whether precarious. out, but all he’d him to find C – winte res becom l is forced to ies for the going that -20 on ons all (in pictu from It’s creati the sun. allowing thing in ice, Riede creative energ hide away here last night out by ook keep hand. crystal-like out task at most important it very is. brought y retire his Faceb ? Who it. I was I love it.” lucence one, thatout s from and artistr I’ve found “The season. year until this ful for my is that weather). Riedel’s skill – and now “My friend made these has come iresident all of this It’s very peace calming. Every me ‘who rocks And as nearby photos his hobby the bount and asking the mean in balanced ?’” said therapeutic.meditative This year, Thanks to by a with his evolved, so has from his ever doneI’m made thesepreviously posted ation. created take mind; very thing I’ve has to – of hibern st of ice blocks the Humber who where , ice only tures. out; Alex he no idea has begun It’s the l’s sculp I zone ful harve gree bend in he’s been ing he where the now,” ginal of Riede re I said I had my life just here in Mill Park,ry to more near 90-de e “Befo local Abori King’s actually tell peopl e some said, River at his artist – mayb But now I can adapt result, he explained. able to – and the cal”. people. . “You “magi added frigid climes simply they really I met him. ing,” he has been at these and , the way “It’s amaz tones “I look l one giant gemssaid Riede are like shaped,” they’re
thurs jan 16, 2014
Rob Ford is a fighter: David Nickle /4
Hot House series puts speakers on the hot spot
SHE fitness aims to help girls grow / 5
OLYMPICS Dylan Moscovitch Sochi-bound / 6
KEEP IN TOUCH @ParkdaleLiberty ParkdaleVillager
Toronto firefighter Jeffrey Holmes runs the third leg of the Anchors Aweigh Relay during the seventh annual Toronto International Boat Show event at the Direct Energy Centre. The Toronto Fire Service squad went on to capture its fourth consecutive crown against Toronto Police and RCMP teams, in a race held in the man-made lake set up in the Ricoh Coliseum for the boat show.
10-storey condo gets green light ERIN HATFIELD The concessions around a development at 383 Sorauren Ave. don’t satisfy all of the community’s concerns, but it comes close, says Parkdale-High Park Councillor Gord Perks.
“We couldn’t get everything,” Perks said, of the proposed 10-storey condo at Soraruen and Dundas Street West, immediately to the north of the condo complex known as the Robert Watson Lofts. “But in the judgment of the city lawyer this was as good a
deal as we were going to get out of the applicant and quite possibly better than what the OMB (Ontario Municipal Board) would have imposed after a full week hearing. “It is only by finding the middle ground that we prevented the original building
from being built.” The 383 Sorauren Ave. proposal was made by developer Bill Gairdner in 2012 for an 11-storey residential building. The community expressed concern over the proposal and a working group was set up to >>>LAST, page 10
Outside may have been bitterly cold and cloaked in ice this month, but inside the small greenhouse in Trinity Bellwoods Park the temperature was 30 degrees Celsius and the orchids and geraniums bloomed in vibrant white and fuchsia. The greenhouse, which was donated in 2008 by a television gardening show, is property of the City of Toronto and is run by the greenhouse committee of volunteers. It’s used in the spring by about two dozen area gardeners to start seedlings and in the summer as a storage shed. But, for years it sat largely unused during the winter months, despite the fact on a sunny winter day it can feel like spring in the hot house (a green house with a furnace). “I just thought it was a shame that it sat empty in the winter because it has to be heated or the water pipes would freeze,” said Gene Threndyle, a gardener by trade who lives in a nearby Artscape building. “It is a little bit of an orphan,” Threndyle said. “But it had all the potential to be a tiny little green getaway.” Threndyle started to bring the flowers and plants from >>>ESCARPMENT, page 11