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. and locally be a globally that plan will other people in will teach Included where she mé bracelets ue to fundraisermake macra in India, to contin lives ence.” ed her the youth to learned to make to raise nce in . That inspir a differe lly and locally sell in order a well that she Free they will help build try to make in which , both globa ed with to eitherin need or assistive of others has been involv organizamoney initiat unity Younussi en and its sister in a comm of agriculturalen. years. The Childrto We, for four s to raise ts Childr some kind Free The with her parenme with other Parkdale gh tion, Me d throu ssi lives in Ecuho She workes of food for the is curELD Younu siblings non-profit and younger ERIN HATFI 6,000 pound Foodbank rted ng drive and two unity ’s suppo le. Her family ehatfield@ins ts and in a clothi Comm y Parkda Corporation er studenbuild a involved from Turke in South rently g young g ussi was e in need. housing Canada From tutorinlocally to helpin ssi, 16, rated to for peopl summer, YounWe trip to years old. h e Younu immig food was threem b e r o f t a Me to d $5,000 In the raising India, Merve in the way she e when i s a m in to attend Student aroun more do y school chosen laureate nts at plished she raised the mone She many will l Bacca stude has accomothers then India, which house She raised Internationa and tutors l. a coffee see h attend. of aiding e. ittee you to Schoo sales, throug r at comm bake and e Public that when really mento in a lifetim hosted . through means don’t Fern Avenubeen a youth teer with teacher her family “Apathy you, you Merve that her s from go and make She has and is a volun ne below situation,” , bution to in City Information d someo wrong est contri their unity others wante parGreen le Comm something change “I really in the lives of care about am and to you see D the Parkdayouth progr Free Hero’s nce a said. “If do anything a passion said. e a differe RIN HATFIEL Centre’s in the Smok project and Younussi helpe d build Staff photo/E just have thing you don’t India,” she s ticipated guess I change some advocacy t. In India that. I TD Bank’ ng to youth health in the neigh left, and Citizen of Tournamen to university and for wanti school. day the kids al Tedesco, for us,” locally better.” Basketballssi plans to go medic d wait day. Antoine t Ontario Junior “Every the for the Younussi does e, she was wave in woul Thurs Younu ly work editor last would was presen For all affect chang io Junior e get better Wang bour hoodsaid. “They managing It certificate to and possib to help peopl e happen,” to ssi names. Villager ger Chengssi with her globally a 2013 Ontar cewide like that Me Younu Parkdale branch mana shout our field. “I ated for Younu a provin nding to see chang d to do home from nomin to us and thing ever.” to Canada, Parkdale nominee Merve of the Year, izes outsta and I want “Coming knew I wante Citizen the cutestshe returned a new and I just said. s in the Year that recogn she said. We Day, the Younussi peers with When honour to 17. entertainer she had struggles ated for ssi said something,” d with her icons and for the n for a her al youth six ssi was nomin ries hy, Younu of ciation chicke y starte cultur count She appre buy a Younu Marjorie Murp iate an in other of a famil The deeper aiser to Toronto. le Colleg by is part Free can face She developedhelp a fundr Africa. award at Parkda Younussi en really a people We Day ns including to to. in teacher ibed that has family one little chick ssi said. in Toron continue to try age, izatio descr We, French and her to tion d to organ ,” Younu te, who “That and Me a genera one little Institu g maturity beyon ess. action plan that family Children to empower ‘me’ to ‘we’ kindn how that a differhelped goal: as havin smarts and itment from surprised shared such comm four “I was make the world patience, ssi said her ed to shift action. phere and thing could Younu others was sparkded the g through ssi said the atmosher in. atten to helpin when she forum with pulled Younu of We Day years agoan educational and perforenergy hes ts, We Day, l speec s, activis inspirationa global leader from mances r’s Award to Mayo includof Toron nts and City r achieveme rate from docto h audiry. for caree urary Englis Sudbu for in hono I unusual, ing an University got because although who go Thorneloe the things I a great concouple ences. is of a discover “One of Sudbury is country,” The story in Ireland and. The disELD of the came from on ERIN HATFI e the rest the beach on vacati cern for body on we can to the coupl p ehatfield@ins t play for a dead the catalyst hard as get out onshi Rose said. rd is the perfec try as to own relati other covery not be date, but Richaon “And we on Theatre country ing their to see each It might the review . tine’s Day rest of or at Tarrag begin at the Tarrag before ction a Valen c direct out to the effort that way.” and they they haven’t the French shows latest produ is near Rose, artisti some which in a way Quebec, or of theatre said their and makeon Theatre, streets, has D Theatre, story at its core. ents of g a style “In the nt RIN HATFIEL Tarrag there is ntational, talkin e is a love and Other Fragm gon, is and Dupo develop ande Staff photo/E theatre, Tarra prese Bathurst to create, and peopl Flesh play, Flesh very provid Rose now at nce is to g on that ing the tic love, phs Rose said, a missi new plays and work to to the audie is direct Love, stagin trium sy” of roman directly long passages,” es a threed Rose produce itions for new Feb. 16. an “autop one where love or Richar e becom speak in is c direct through like to is the cond the play between a coupl said, but . theatre re artisti theatre would ce really adding rsation on Theat ents, at the thrive. mandate of the opment thing he over death what roman said. Tarrag devel way conve Fragm and someof. “The ian importhe maraudience. “It is about have it,” Rose – who creation, Canad t is very said. and Other we and the audience is like “People Rose do more kind of work experireally the ction of new ing,” Rose with said. and why production – said the “The complimen er “That have seen, ist,” Rose t that art of direct lives and and produor plays that With this ing the play e ion said. “I es a numb of my job and the to talk abou the a cours riage therapbattles of their mistak advisor in its tradit es tant,” he direct plays and said. “So part to create is is like the is also made the an er of “I want emier and I teach continues Rose will see ts, help enced, , so I can be nships...Th kitchen and and e more have a numb that,” projec Tarragonnting English-prThe play relatio e the them peopl in n.” their we of times work. goes on is to choos to developthem.” r are throw Gen of prese here and .” help fight that and plates ce te newe Canadianby the Gov.that way.” ry, Rose e them, on to produ work s with of new to educa directors, apprentices ation it goes ally from Sudbu he right Evelyn y of Bellwoods eventually Rose helpsand young more. is an adapt ing playw c play with of that, a variet Origin Trinity Rose Insid e in the years. and runs rage the art years or award-winnlière, a QuebeGaboriau. playwrights ing more has lived ood for 20 sary Angle a dozen playwrightsthat encou de la Chene by Linda rdinarily some for teaching is becom neighbourh er of Neces c director ation Rose said, now programs In fact of a passion, a transl one was extraoRose said. artisti career on of plays. is the found of creati at a time in my that I am been the late,” “This and more , the text, to trans and has on since 2002. a lot, than 20 “I am directed difficult it is very poetic. You have education at Tarrag directed more on stage, that I have to pass on has “Because be one-to-one image, but Tarrag ed He for the and receiv really trying s you can’t ow capture the productions Dora Award Carsen Prize to someh version of it.” to the play, won five gious Walter your own to stay true Rose said the presti You wantfixed by it and one, be a good but not the result is he feels
fo ��� minated ������ youth no Parkdale
tic stor y s roman se direct chard Ro eatre’s Ri Th on Tarrag
thurs jan 30, 2014
ONLINE Lovable Mr. Sam is the colony cat of the month who is up for adoption
INSIDE The Sportsmen’s Show is coming to town / 5
Province reveals park plan for Ontario Place ERIN HATFIELD
The community Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) holds its monthly meeting / 10
The plan to create green from asphalt was unveiled by the province. The province revealed the conceptual design for a new 7.5-acre park on a sliver of land at the water’s edge on the southeast side of the Ontario Place property recently. The concept was created by design team LANDinc and West 8.
REBECCA FIELD plv@insidetoronto
KEEP IN TOUCH @ParkdaleLiberty ParkdaleVillager
n the snowy hills of Banff, Alberta, there are only two Chinese restaurants – neither of which Christina Chong has any intention of visiting any time soon. The East York native will be spending her first ever Chinese New Year away from Toronto. She moved to Banff three months ago for a coveted job at an accounting firm – and so far she doesn’t expect the Chinese atmosphere to be quite as authentic as Toronto’s. The 23-year-old usually spends the holiday listening to her vivacious Uncle Gary order a traditional eight dish meal to their round table , usually at one of many suitable restaurants in the Richmond Hill-Markham area – one of the Toronto area’s five hot spots for Chinese immigrants and exceptional
Ontario Place, which is owned by the province, opened in 1971 and was shut down in February 2012, with the exception of the marina, The Molson Canadian Amphitheatre and Echo Beach, Atlantis Pavilion and the parking lots. Now one of those parking lots, known as the administrative parking lot, will become a new urban waterfront park and a trail, which will allow public >>>PUBLIC, page 12
Learn about electrification of UP Express at open houses dim sum. This year’s Chinese New Ye a r ’s c e l ebrations will run from Jan. 31 to Feb. 15. >>>THE CHINESE, page 6
Metrolinx and Hydro One Networks Inc. will host joint public open houses to offer residents a chance to learn more about plans to electrify Union Pearson (UP) Express, the train that will run between Union Station and the Toronto Pearson International Airport. At each open house, residents can receive a project update and provide feedback on the preliminary design components, environmental effects and mitigation, next steps and timelines. The UP Express is scheduled
for completion by 2015 and will run diesel trains, however an Environmental Assessment (EA) of electrification’s feasibility for the Union Pearson Express is now underway. Open houses are scheduled for: ◗ Monday, Feb. 3 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Locus 144 Restaurant, 171 East Liberty St., Unit 144; ◗ Monday, Feb. 10 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Lithuanian House, 1573 Bloor St. W.
Email electrification@ or visit www.
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