June 20

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thurs june 20, 2013

inside SKETCH-ing out a future in new Shaw Street home/ 3




All 109OZ Fort York Festival parties urged to talk ®

ERIN HATFIELD ehatfield@insidetoronto.com it’s happening Our community calendar is filled with lots of things to do / 6

inside Peggy Nash to host round table on food security/ 8 photos

Taste of Little Italy


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Ward 19 Councilor Mike Layton is known as a bit of a bridge builder at City Hall, but when it comes to a midrise development known as 109OZ, not even he has been able to bring residents and the developer together. “I haven’t been able to sustain harmony over the past year between applicant and community,” Layton said at the Tuesday meeting of Toronto East York Community Council (TEYCC), while introducing an amendment to a request for direction, that he said aims to bring the two sides back together for more productive discussions. After more than a year and more than 20 meetings around a development at 109 Ossington Ave. residents remain opposed to an application that proposes to redevelop the property at 103-111 Ossington Ave. with a 6-storey mixed-use building. The application has already been taken to a pre-hearing at the Ontario Municipal Board and area residents have been fundraising to oppose its construction, saying it’s too large and will cause safety concerns due to traffic. Residents are adamant, with more than a dozen of them coming to speak against the >>>developer, page 17

War of 1812: Above, British troops return fire in defence of Fort York against the advancing American forces during War of 1812 re-enactment of the Battle of York in 1813, held Saturday at Fort York. A British cannon readies to fire on advancing U.S. forces, right, while British troops march around in Fort York. More photos online at http://bit.ly/17kaLnm Photos/PETER C. MCCUSKER

Community council supports restaurant bylaw ERIN HATFIELD ehatfield@insidetoronto.com A bylaw limiting the concentration of bars on Queen Street West in Parkdale, was not only unanimously passed by Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC), but a number of councillors praised the idea

and said they want the same rules in their wards. The Queen West Restaurant Study report was before TEYCC on Tuesday. It outlines a number of amendments to the zoning bylaw with an aim to balance the interests of area residents and businesses and address concerns related to the ever

increasing number of restaurants and bars, including some that function more like night clubs along Queen Street West between Roncesvalles Avenue and Dufferin Street. Originally, there was some question regarding whether the city could enact such a bylaw. The city’s legal department

reviewed the bylaw and gave it the go-ahead. Recommendations include limiting both seating and dance floor size and, perhaps most notable, to limit the number of restaurants in the study area to 25 per cent. In the past five years, >>>other, page 5

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