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A.1.3.5 Attributes of the "CodeLists" package

Class name Association end Designation Definition Multiplicity Target

UserDefinedCodeList userDefinedCodeListE ntry User defined code list entry User defined code list entry for the associated UserDefinedCodeList 1..* PkCommon.Use rDefinedCodeLi stEntry

A.1.3.5 Attributes of the "CodeLists" package

Table Error! No text of specified style in document..10— Attributes of the "CodeLists" package

Class name Attribute name Designation Definition Multiplicity Type

ReferencedCodeListE ntry codeListEntryId Code list entry id reference to a specific entry in a specific user-defined code list 0..1 PkCommon.Ref erence (pkcmn:UserDef inedCodeListEnt ry)

codeListId Code list id reference to a specific user-defined code list 0..1 PkCommon.Ver sionedReferenc e (pkcmn:UserDef inedCodeList)

entryDefinedValue Entry defined value free-text defined text (name) for the code list entry being referenced UserDefinedCodeList creator Creator creator/originator of the user group code list

includeNilReasonType Include nil reason type Boolean: [TRUE] indicates the NilReasonType list shall be included in this user defined code list. 1..1 PkCommon.Stri ng 1..1 PkCommon.Ver sionedReferenc e (pkcmn:Organis ation) 1..1 PkCommon.Boo lean

locator Locator URI for the user group code list 1..1 PkCommon.Url UserDefinedCodeListE ntry definedValue Defined value free-text defined text (name) for the code list entry being referenced 1..1 PkCommon.Stri ng

Copyright Alliance for Parking Data Standards: APDS Overview 4.0 Version release June 7, 2021

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