2 minute read

A.1.2.5 Attributes of the "Classes" package

Class name Association end Designation Definition Multiplicity Target

ElectricChargingEquip ment electricChargingPoint Electric charging point Electric charging point for the associated ElectricChargingEquipment 1..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.ElectricCha rgingPoint

ElectricChargingPoint connector Connector Connector for the associated ElectricChargingPoint

A.1.2.5 Attributes of the "Classes" package

1..* EnergyInfrastruc ture.Connector

Table Error! No text of specified style in document..7— Attributes of the "Classes" package

Class name Attribute name Designation Definition Multiplicity Type

Connector chargingMode Charging mode Available charging modes 0..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.ChargingM odeEnum connectorFormat Connector format Information on the cable type used. 0..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.ConnectorF ormatTypeEnum

connectorType Connector type Specification of the connector, i.e. the charging interface type

countryOfDomesticSoc ket Country of domestic socket Countries for which the domestic socket is applicable. Only needed if explicit type of a domestic socket is not specified. 1..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.ConnectorT ypeEnum 0..* PkCommon.Cou ntryCode

maximumCurrent Maximum current Maximum current in Ampere 0..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.Ampere maxPowerAtSocket Max power at socket Maximum power at the socket in Watts 1..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.Watt otherConnector Other connector Some other connector / charging interface 0..1 PkCommon.Stri ng voltage Voltage Possible degrees of voltage. 0..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.Volt

Copyright Alliance for Parking Data Standards: APDS Overview 4.0 Version release June 7, 2021

Class name Attribute name Designation Definition Multiplicity Type

ElectricChargingPoint availableChargingPow er Available charging power Possible degrees of charging power in Watts. 0..* EnergyInfrastruc ture.Watt availableVoltage Available voltage Possible degrees of voltage. 0..* EnergyInfrastruc ture.Volt

externalIdentifier External identifier A unique string to identify the charging point.

0..1 PkCommon.Stri ng usageType Usage type Usage type of the electric charging point. 0..* EnergyInfrastruc ture.ChargingPo intUsageTypeEn um

vehicleToGridCommun icationType Vehicle to grid communication type Type of vehicle to grid communication used.

RefillPoint authenticationAndIdent ificationMethods Authentication and identification methods Information on what methods of identification and/or authentication are accepted 0..* EnergyInfrastruc ture.VehicleToG ridCommunicati onTypeEnum 0..* EnergyInfrastruc ture.Authenticati onAndIdentificati onEnum

currencyOverride Currency override Information on which currency/currencies can be used to pay 0..* PkCommon.Cur rencyCode

deliveryUnit Delivery unit Measurement unit that is used for delivery and accounting the energy provided at this refill point 0..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.DeliveryUnit Enum

maximumDeliveryAmo unt Maximum delivery amount Maximum delivery amount 0..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.Units

minimumDeliveryAmo unt Minimum delivery amount

Minimum delivery amount 0..1 EnergyInfrastruc ture.Units modelType Model type A description of the refill point model type. 0..1 PkCommon.Mult ilingualString

refillPointIndex Refill point index An index to link this element between the static and dynamic publications. 1..1 PkCommon.Inte ger

Copyright Alliance for Parking Data Standards: APDS Overview 4.0 Version release June 7, 2021

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