FALL 2022 THE PET PRESS A Quarterly Magazine for Rescue Animal Lovers | Compliments of SafeHaven Humane Society Tanner PAGE 3 Meet Cover Dog

Can you believe Fall is almost here? Even harder for me to believe is that it has been over 8 years now since SafeHaven moved into its new facility. It truly seems just like yesterday. I still get goosebumps as I drive into the parking lot every morning. I am so grateful that each of you, our friends and donors, support and value the work we do for the animals. In a world filled with so much uncertainty and negativity, you are the light that shines bright in my world. Your kindness, support, and friendship keeps me pushing forward to always “do better”, “be different”, “care more”.

Have a great Fall season! Stop by anytime and say Hi.
After reading this, I remember that each day, we may not be able to help every animal that needs our help, but we will always do what we can.
"I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost more than 300 games. Twenty six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life….And that is why I succeed."
I am not much of a sports fan, but there is a quote from Michael Jordan I like to reflect on when it seems like the tasks are endless (as they are at a Humane Society) and our emotions are raw:
Executive Director Focus
I promise that we will continue to house, love, and take care of every animal that comes into SafeHaven until they find a family to love them. We will give them our hearts, our attention, and our hard work. I am aware that, as much as I hate to make a mistake or fail, we will, and that is ok. Through failure comes new Oneopportunities!suchchange is SafeHaven was able to recently purchase an older transport vehicle. Once refurbished and transformed, we will be able to transport up to 40 animals at a time to SafeHaven when they need our help for their second chance. Thank you for helping me help animals. Thank you for making a real difference day in and day out. Thank you for answering my pleas for help and giving me hope at the end of a long day. But most of all, thank you for helping me always remember how important the work is that I do.
Dear Friends:
Chris Storm Executive Director

Executive Director Focus.................. 1 Cover Story............................................. 3 Events...................................................... GiftMedical...................................................10HappyHolidayDevelopment.........................................65Happenings...........................8Tails..........................................9&Thrift...........................................14 Table of Contents Seven days a week | Noon to 5 PM

Learn more about sweet Betty by visiting us any time during open hours. Don't pass up meeting the shy dogs and cats. They've gone through a lot and are possibly not acting or feeling like themselves. A visitor might be just what they need!
How could you not fall in love with those eyes? Betty is hoping you will stop by today to meet her. She can be a little shy at first, but if you sit with her and give her a moment to warm up to you, she will quickly become your best friend!

Tanner: “Chase?! Oh how I love to chase a good ball in the evening! Every evening my mother tosses the ol’ ball around for me, I just adore it. Favorite time of the day.”

Tanner: “My dear, my apologies for this distracted head of mine. SQUIRREL! Oh, there I go again. It’s a full-time job keeping this yard clear. Excuse me while I have a quick drink of water…I feel simply parched after that little burst of excitement. Yes, yes back to how I came to this wonderful home. It was back in the winter of 2015. I had just arrived from New Mexico on a life saving transport. I came to Tangent with nothing but the shirt on my back. I had one big hope of finding a forever home. Actually, the boys next to me on the way to the shelter sang a lovely ballad about a dog that they had heard of that came all the way to Tangent, Oregon, was whisked away within days after being in her old shelter for years. Loved for eternity and given daily treats. It brings tears to my eyes now just recalling the beautiful lyrics.”
SHHS: “Good morning Mr. Franklin. This yard of yours is stunning! It’s been such a warm summer, I hope you are staying cool.”
SHHS: “Wow, I never actually thought about that. Tanner, to cut to the chase…”
SHHS: "Our readers will be very curious as to what a typical day in the life of Tanner Franklin looks like?"
SHHS: “Do you need a moment?”
SHHS: “I can tell by your tail wagging that is the case. What I wanted to ask you was what is your origin story? Can you tell the readers how you came to be the loved companion of Bernice Franklin?”
The interviewer pulls up the driveway to the home of Tanner Franklin. A beautifully landscaped fenced yard is shaded by several large oak trees. Tanner, a quite distinguished alumni from SafeHaven Humane Society, sits majestically beside a mature hydrangea in the shade ready for this long-awaited interview.

Tanner: “Please call me Tanner. Yes, Yes isn’t it? It’s been a wonderful summer. Most of my days are spent inside, lounging on my mother’s recliner or in my preferred chair in the living room. I often find myself gazing out the window, pondering about important things. Just the other day I thought to myself as I watched the garbage man drive away… if a bunch of cats jump on top of each other, is it still called a dog pile?”
Tanner: “Well, in the mornings, my mother and I will take a car ride through the countyside and, my goodness, I just adore a good car ride. Just divine. I’m told I’m an excellent co-pilot, as I always place my paw on my mother’s
Featured Adoption
Tanner: "No, no. I can continue. It was near winter solstice, Yes! December 27th, a wonderful woman by the name of Bernice came to shelter, saw me and said ‘That’s him! That’s the one. Skeeter will be so happy to have a brother!’ I thought to myself, not only do I get a new mom, but a dog sibling as well; how delightful! I have since lost Skeeter, but my mom and I are as close as ever."
SHHS: “Wow, that sounds amazing!”
SHHS: “Oh I’ll be sure to tell them thank you from you. Tanner, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to chat with us at SafeHaven and please thank your mom for letting us visit.”
Tanner: “Yes, yes I know.”
SHHS: “Any advice for our readers and perhaps their pets?”
arm while she drives. Does a son need to do this? Well no, but why not? I take pride in being a gentleman as much as possible. Back to my day, we go to my aunt’s house and we take a stroll around the pond. Darling, it’s just simply stunning. My cousin Tootsie always joins us; she’s a doll. The walk is brisk and exhilarating. I usually nap once home. After a couple of treats and a perimeter walk around the yard to make sure it’s clear from any danger… you know the type… small and furry, I rest some more before playing an evening game of ball.”
Tanner: “Darling, it’s my pleasure. Please shut the gate firmly on your way out and be on the lookout for any pesky squirrels.”
Featured Adoption
Tanner: “SafeHaven is a lovely place to find a true companion. I was impressed with the staff and the meals. The songs that were sung throughout my journey to the shelter rang true. I heard that it’s because of wonderful people like your readers that help make SafeHaven such a beacon of hope for us homeless pets. Please send them my thanks. My advice? Throw the ball more, give more pets and more treats! To my furry friends, remain loyal, watch for those small furry vermin in your yard. We all know how thankful we are that our families chose us. Give them a good lick or purr.”

How does it work? On October 13th at 12 PM, head on over to www.safehavenhumane.org/events and find our Rescue Roundup event page. From there, click the link to view items and begin bidding.
Events 5 AN ONLINE AUCTION TO SAVE HOMELESS PETS IT's TIME TO GET READY FOR... Gather ‘round at Presented by www.safehavenhumane.org/events
Join us for an exciting virtual auction, where you will have the chance to bid on amazing items to help save animals all year ’round. Since this event is all virtual, it's easier than ever to get involved with supporting the pets at SafeHaven.

Items range from beautiful homemade items to fun baskets to fit anyone's interests and also includes experiences such as trips and local services. You won't want to miss this fundraiser this year as the items are bigger and better than ever!


In order to keep supporters, staff, and volunteers as safe as possible, we have decided to keep the biggest event of the year virtual once again for 2022.

October 13th at 12pm and close October 15th AT 8PM

For only $25.00 you can show a homeless animal they’re not alone. You may not be able to take them home, but you can still change their world. We encourage you to share your sponsored pet with your friends and family and help us find him/her a home! Once you sponsor a pet, they will receive an ‘I’m Sponsored’ paw on their kennel so everyone will know they are loved. *Please note that your sponsored pet will get a paw on their photo within 24-48 hours from sponsorship.

Thank you to Steve and Larry Hill (pictured right) who stopped by in August to drop off a check for $5000 in memory of their mom, Nancy Hill (pictured left). The funds will be lovingly used to sponsor a kennel and towards the adoption fees of the dogs who temporarily occupy that kennel. Rest in peace, Nancy. Your memory lives on in the second chances for homeless pets.

At SafeHaven, we care for over 2,500 animals each year. We wouldn’t be able to do this without your support. Some animals find homes quickly, while others wait many months. By sponsoring one of our pets waiting for adoption, you will be making a tax-deductible donation that will help us provide the care, nourishment, and shelter your animal needs.
Once your sponsored pet finds a home, you will be notified of their adoption. If you have any questions about sponsoring a shelter animal, please contact Carly at carly@safehavenhumane.com.


Questions? Email Carly Peterson at carly@safehavenhumane.com.
SafeHaven is excited to bring back the Holiday Waggin' Train! The SafeHaven Holiday Waggin’ Train wants to provide puppy snuggles to bring joy and get you ready for the holidays.

Cost: 30 minute visit: $150 donation
Saturday, December 3rd at the Albany Coastal store with Santa Sunday, December 4th at SafeHaven with a Holiday Themed backdrop (no Santa)
GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. Giving Tuesday this year is on November 29th, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Each year for the past four years, SafeHaven has celebrated Giving Tueday by reaching supporters with special stories and heartwarming moments in order to encourage the kick off of the Giving Season. Stay tuned for more information leading up to November 29th.
Join us on either December 3rd or 4th from 10 am – 3 pm to get your family holiday photo!
PAW-lidays at SafeHaven
A few things to note when you attend Santa Paws this year: Pets are, of course, welcome at either event! No RSVP, required but please expect a wait time as we do not schedule any photos ahead of time. We appreciate your patience!

Photos cost $20 per pose for digital prints and all proceeds benefit the animals at SafeHaven.

Holiday Waggin’ Train visits will take place on December 14th, 15th, and 16th, 2022.
Please note that we will do our best to accommodate each scheduling request, but the scheduling will be determined by location and staff and puppies' availability.
Please email us at carly@safehavenhumane.com for any questions. Sign up on our website here: www.safehavenhumane.com/events
For a $150 donation, SafeHaven will bring a group of puppies to visit your business and/or classroom in Linn & Benton Counties.
We recently heard from The Bohnetts - Joe, Stephanie, Jack (10), and Owen (5), who adopted a dog named Levi. Here is what they had to say:
not-so-short: My husband had part of his ear cut off due to cancer about 5 years ago. A few fate ful weeks ago, we received the foster team email which included this sweet boy and his ear cancer story. How could we not open our home to him? We made an empty promise that it would be temporary. Our hearts were on the mend after saying goodbye to Finn, our beloved Border Collie. We missed the silliness and love a dog brings to our home, but were guarding our hearts and didn't want to go through more hurt. Little did we know that Levi (now Vinnie) was brought into our life for a reason. He has also gone through some heartbreak in life, but he was willing to love and trust again - and here we are post-adoption as official family members.
Happy Tails
Head on over to Facebook and search "SafeHaven Humane Society Proud Alumni and Parents" to get your daily dose of sweet.

Thank you for all you do! This silly boy has brought so much healing, goofiness, and joy to our daily rhythm. His silly quirks perfectly blend with ours. We all had to persevere through some discomfort to get here and I'm so glad we found each other."
"We're absolutely in love - we've renamed him to Vincent in honor of Vincent VanGogh and the one ear.

He is such a sweet boy and deserves all of the snuggles we can give. I've been meaning to send an email with a little write up about how our paths crossed. It's super sweet and brings loads of joy to my
Join us over on Facebook and join our group for SafeHaven alumni to share their special adoption stories and special updates.

10 Medical

Annie was brought to SafeHaven during the 4th of July weekend after she and her littermates were found in a field. While her littermates all seemed to be doing okay, Annie did not have the ability to use her back legs. We soon learned that one leg was broken in multiple spots and she only had the ability to drag her back legs along. She also needed assistance with going to the bathroom, which just confirmed that she had endured lots of trauma before she was found. Unfortunately, her prognosis was not looking good in the beginning.
Annie then had surgery to try to repair her leg and has been in a foster home that has been helping her do small physical therapy exercises every day. She still has a lot of nerve damage that we are hoping with time will heal, but she is now up and moving some! She started putting more pressure on her legs and regained the ability to go to the bathroom on her own.

More recently, after Annie had the surgery she needed, her treatment now involves getting acupuncture once a week with Dr. Arnold Wittstein and she is making huge improvements! She is beginning to use the litter box on her own and is able to be much more active. Check out these photos of her treatment with Dr. Wittstein, located in Philomath. Acupuncture has never looked this cute!

Did you know there are many positions to help SafeHaven that are outside of the shelter? If walking dogs and cleaning kennels isn't your thing, no problem! Check out loyal volunteer, Peggy Kowal (R)and Volunteer Coordinator, Tia Daversa (L) at the Mennonite Village's 75th Anniversary Event in August.

Peggy has been instrumental to SafeHaven's Community programs for the last few years and has helped us at many different community events and also with office tasks on a weekly basis. She has set an amazing example of what it means to volunteer with us in many different programs within SafeHaven!
We are actively looking for more volunteers to help in our medical department! Medical volunteers must be 18 years old, have completed a dog handling class, and have at least 20 hours of shelter volunteer service. A background in the veterinary field is not required. For more information, or to sign up to become a medical volunteer, please email us at volunteer@safehavenhumane.com.

Humane Education
In July, we saw some exciting additions to our summer camp programs. We partnered with Linn Benton Community College to host camps on their Albany campus each week for youth in middle and high school. Each camp was either in the morning or afternoon and ran Monday-Thursday. These camps focused on information about the animal welfare world, careers with animals, how to become involved in and support your community, and building healthy and strong relationships with the animals in our lives. Camp attendees got to meet and socialize with adoptable animals each day, as well as take part in fun activities such as making cat toys, practicing clicker training techniques, playing animal body language bingo, and participating in a button making contest. Our camps were full every week, averaging 22 participants per camp. We also had a good amount of the college staff sneak in to say hi to our adoptable animals. We are excited to continue this new partnership next year!
There are a few things you can count on during the summer at SafeHaven. First, there will be lots of kittens available for adoption. Second, we will find out which dogs like to play in the little pools in the yards. Third is that summer camps are back, of course, and, boy, was it a good year to be a kid at camp!

August felt a little more familiar, but no less exciting. We were so pleased to bring back our Animal Adventure Camp opportunities for kids entering kindergarten through 5th grade. These camps were single-day experiences, each with a different theme. The education room was full to the brim with laughter, animal fur, paint, and more than a little glitter. Our themes this year were Vet Day, Art with Animals, Feline Fine, Crazy Canines, and All About SafeHaven. The kids had a blast! Each day brought new friends (of the people and animal variety), new crafts and activities, and the opportunity to make a difference. I can’t convey how honored I feel getting to work with the kiddos of our community, and the volunteers that have made it their mission to support them and our animals. Months from now, when I am cleaning the education room and still finding glitter, I know I will smile fondly because of the memories made during this summer’s camps and in anticipation of next year’s. Until then, I will be content knowing that classroom presentations and field trips are around the corner. I love SafeHaven the most when it is full of animals and people who just know something wonderful is around the corner.
Written by Katie Bateman, Humane Education Coordinator
IGA has always been a huge supporter and it was fun meeting shoppers and members of the North Albany community who came out for a fun afternoon.
Thank you to everyone who joined us on Saturday, June 25th for our Stars 'N Stripes Golf Tournament. We had a great time with all of you out on the green!
Community A HOLE IN ONE!
We'd lIke to give a big shout out to our sponsors who helped make this event so fun. Thank you Cornerstone Management Group, INC., South Pacific Powersports, Deluxe Brewing, Spirit Espresso, and Healing Motion Physical Therapy. And thank you Golf Club of Oregon for having us!

We've been having a blast getting out in the community as much as possible this summer. On August 27th, we were invited to join North Albany IGA Supermarket for their annual Block Party event.
Thrifty 13



Gift &
Wondering what's new in stock at the Gift and Thrift stores? Look no further! This summer, we've been making an effort to connect with you even more on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. The SafeHaven Gift and Thrift stores even have their own pages! Just search 'SafeHaven Gift & Thrift' on both Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on flash sales, current hot items, and to check out some of our cute models, like the ones pictured above.

Both SafeHaven Gift & Thrift stores always have a wide selection of current, modern, and trendy decorations guaranteed to keep your creativity flowing! Thrift
Did you know Americans throw away 25% more trash during the Thanksgiving to New Year's holiday period than any other time of year? You can help reduce holiday waste by shopping our thrift stores first for decor, gifts, and more.
And as always, you can always email LebanonGiftAndThrift@safehavenhumane.com if you have any questions!

SafeHaven Humane Society 32220 Old Hwy 34 Tangent OR 97389 Return Service Requested NonProfit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Albany, OR Permit No. 13 Albany: (541) 924-5616 321 1st Ave E, Suite 3C Corvallis: (541) 757-1781 455 NW Tyler Ave