Spring 2022 Pet Press

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Happy Tails THE DOG WHO LOVED SAFEHAVEN Fergus came to SafeHaven all the way back in October 2020 as an owner surrender. His journey to finding forever happiness was a long one. There were a few potential families along the way, but it was determined that Fergus happened to really like being at SafeHaven. He was a staff favorite and seemed to thrive in our shelter. (A scenario we don't come across often, as you can imagine.) That was until his perfect someone came along. After 453 days of searching, Fergus was adopted the last week of 2021 and is doing amazing in his new home with Denise Huff. We're so grateful that Fergus had all the time he needed to find the right home. What a perfect way to end 2021. And check out that cheesy grin we all grew to love!

'HATTIE' EVER AFTER "I adopted Hattie in the summer after fostering a cat for several months. My roommate had a tuxedo kitten and the kitten and I missed having another feline presence in the house. I saw that there were several sweet-looking senior cats up for adoption at SafeHaven, so my roommates and I came in to meet them. We explained our situation to one of the staff members. They were so kind and helpful and guided us to some cats that got along well with other cats. One of these cats was our dear Dame Hattie. At first, we did not see her because she was hiding under some blankets. But when we went into the room, she charged out and started demanding pets. She had come in with her sisters, but they had both been adopted and she was the only one left. She stole my heart and we took her home. We worried a bit initially about how Hattie, a very regal older lady, would get along with a bunch of goofy twenty-somethings. However, in these six months, she has really adjusted well to our silly voices, instruments, and other antics. She has a very strict schedule she has made up for herself which we find very funny and endearing. She sleeps in the sun in the living room in the morning, then retires for the afternoon to hang out on the soft blankets while I work from home, then comes back and pretends like she hasn't been loved at all the entire day when my roommates come back from work. This way she grifts them into showering her with affection and turning on the space heater -her favorite- before she decides it's time for bed and curls up next to my pillow. We love all her little idiosyncrasies and we are so glad we have such a pretty, sweet lady to preside over our house." -Danielle Jochums 4

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