Spring 2022 Pet Press

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Betty White Challenge A TRUE ANIMAL CHAMPION January 17th, 2021 would have been Betty White’s 100th birthday, and some of the many fans who loved her, including anyone who has turned on a TV since the 1950s, decided to remember her by honoring her most beloved cause: protecting animals. As such, the #BettyWhiteChallenge, which implored people to give to a local animal shelter in White’s name, spread on social media. Leading up to Betty’s 100th, the internet was full of images of the beloved actress with animals of all kinds, plus some clips relevant to the fundraising effort. Betty White was famously an advocate for animal welfare for decades of her career. SafeHaven participated in the day by celebrating this wonderful woman and telling stories of how people like her have affected animals like the ones in the shelter right now. We're happy to report this challenge raised $17,529.88 for SafeHaven and 482 individuals donated to her cause! It was the most first time donors we have seen give to one single event.

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