Winter 2021 Pet Press

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Events THAT'S A WRAP! That's a wrap on our second virtual RESCUE ROUNDUP FROM THE HOMESTEAD! Relying on this event as our largest fundraiser each year, we chose to move forward with yet another online auction and, of course, we knew we would miss seeing all of you in person. But similiar to last year, you SHOWED UP! Many people also took a moment to 'Paws for the Cause' to make a donation and we're happy to report that you truly came to our rescue. This year, you helped us raise $131,167 and with a generous $100,000 match, brought in over $230,000 to to support the care of our homeless pets and the continuation of many needed programs! While we missed seeing everyone, we hope you enjoyed bidding in the comfort of your home. So...y'all come back now, ya hear? We hope to see YOU at the 2022 Rescue Roundup! Fingers crossed we get to see your smiling faces!

SANTA PAWS If you have been supporting SafeHaven through the years, you may have attended Santa Paws, a fundraiser that gives families the option to get their holiday photos done with their pets while making a difference in the lives of shelter animals.

This year, in order to keep the event safe, we again held Santa Paws at the shelter instead of Coastal Farm and Ranch and, of course, in order to keep Santa safe, we gave him the days off. Some families have been attending Santa Paws for over 10 years! So, the show must go on. SafeHaven hosted photo sessions on November 28th, December 4th, and December 5th. We photographed one family at a time, sanitized between groups, and asked people to wait in their cars. We're thrilled that we found a way to keep the tradition of Santa Paws alive once again as were so many of our regulars, along with new faces, too!

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