Division 34 South | September 2022 Newsletter

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PINGU POSTPINGU POST Division 34 South Newsletter september '22 THE VOLUME 9 • ISSUE 5

Happy September everyone! Hope everyone had a great start to your school year. I know school can be overwhelming sometimes, so I hope you all are balancing your time and making sure to take a break for yourself when needed. Club officers, I hope you all had a successful club rush/club fair and showed off your purple penguin spirit to new members! Have fun at your first general meetings!! Now that the first month of school is done, are you guys EXCITED ?! Major Key Club events are coming up SOONER than you may think. Be on the lookout for LTG Sriya's emails for more information on events like Region Training Conference (RTC) and Fall Rally North (FRN). To my new members, welcome to Key Club we are so excited to have you! If you ever have any questions do not be afraid to reach out to your club officers, Division Leadership Team (DLT), or Lieutenant Governor (LTG). Everyone is always super nice and willing to help! Be sure to check out the rest of this newsletter for more information on district projects like the SERVE tember Initiative and also meet current D34S officers and learn about their own experience in Key Club! Enjoy the rest of this newsletter AND the rest of your school year! I cannot wait to see you guys at the September DCM! Waddling in Service, ren Gaela 1

DNE'S LETTERd n e ' s l e t t e r

Hello hello Penguins!

LTG'S LETTERl t g ' s l e t t e r 2 Sriya Pillutl

Fall Rally North is a District Level event where you get to meet Key Clubbers from ALL of Northern CA and Nevada! It will be hosted on October 22nd at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, CA. More details will be sent out soon! These are some of the year's largest events, and registration for both will open very soon Be sure to check in with your President if you have an these events will be starting soon, so be sure to save are where you will make some of the most significant memories that will last a lifetime!

Waddling in Service, I hope the start of your school year has been wonderful! Remember to work hard, but also find time for a bit of relaxation. Thank you to everyone who attended our August DCM! We had an amazing time and I loved playing water games with all of you. Members also got a chance to dunk me in water, so I hope you guys enjoyed that moment :) Congratulations to our Penguins of the Month, keep up the great work See you all at the September DCM! As the first month of school comes to an end, many of you guys are in the process of (or have completed) your first Club Rush/Day/Fair/Arena! I hope you guys all had the chance to talk to new members and network. Remember to be inclusive and reach out to anyone who looks a little lost!

Our big events are coming up very soon… keep a lookout for email updates about Region Training Conference and Fall Rally North!

Regional Training Conference (RTC) is an annual event hosted by Region 9 and Region 17 (our region!). It is a great opportunity to network with new members, learn from District Presenters, and participate in Key Club! RTC will be hosted on October 8th 9th at Camp Jones Gulch in La Honda, CA. Be sure to save the date!

hey hey Penguins!

19 STAY KEYNECTED! Division contact information and a thank you. 04 GOALS Update on division goals for the 2022 2023 term 05 EVENTS Photos from the August DCM & DWS 11 02 LTG & DNE LETTER Letter from LTG Sriya Pillutla and first letter from new DNE, Lauren Gaela 08 KEY CLUB STRUCTURE See how Key Club is organized! SERVE-TEMBER INTIATIVE Learn about a month long district service opportunity! PENGUINS OF THE MONTH Congratulating all the exceptional members of the month! 14 Overview of the district newsletter The Bumble TImes and CNH links. 15 CLUB UPDATES #JOINOURHIVE Meet members of D34S and their experiences in Key Club 10 Check out what our clubs have been up to in the past month! 18 DISTRICT NEWSLETTER Helpful Key Club terms to know! 13 KEY CLUB ACRONYMS 3

GOALS UPDATE DDIVISION IVISION GOALS GUPDATE OALS UPDATE ICY! 260 Members $205/3,000 Funds Raised 665.246/3000 Service Hours 4 Ask your club President/Treasurer if you questions on paying dues to become an official MEMBER!


6August Division Council Meeting and water games at Ortega Park!

7 Service event creating coloring pages for the First Light Charities

KEY KCLUB EY CLUB structure HOME CLUB: Cupertino, Gunn, Fremont, Homestead, LosHOME CLUB: Cupertino, Gunn, Fremont, Homestead, Los Altos, Lynbrook, Menlo-Atherton, Monta Vista, MountainAltos, Lynbrook, Menlo-Atherton, Monta Vista, Mountain View, and Palo AltoView, and Palo Alto D34SOUTH PURRPLE DPENGUINS 34SOUTH PURRPLE PENGUINS REGION 17: RROYALS EGION 17: ROYALS CALI-NEV-HA CALI-NEV-HA (CNH) (BEES CNH) BEES KEY CLUBKEY INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONALCLUB 8

of kind and passionate people. Key Club has lots of fun service opportunities and bonding events. Some of my

every month. I’ve

I can’t

Key Club is a place where you can make genuinely impactful friendships that last a lifetime. When I initially joined, I was overwhelmed with all the events, ideas, and projects KC offered. I remember feeling unsure if I could sit with the Officer Board at events because I was intimidated. When I entered my first DCM, people invited me to hang out with them while completing service hours. All the members at 34S events were so welcoming. I absolutely loved getting to know the incredible people in KC and wait to make more memories with

Caitlyn community favorite events at Six Flags DCMs met so many cool

Oda PaloAltoKeyClubVicePresident(12) You should join Key Club to be involved with an amazing


them! D34S Members share why YOU should join Key Club <3

are FRN

people through Key Club! #JOINOURHIVE#JOINOURHIVE Sriya Pillutla D34S Lieutenant Governor 9


People should join Key Club because it’s a great way to meet new people while doing community service. My favorite Key Club event is probably FRN. It’s so cool seeing everyone hyped up abt Key Club and in all their spirit gear. I met a bunch of people there from different divisions, which was pretty cool. So many people should join Key Club because it is a wonderful opportunity to give back to your community AND connect with others your community!


Key Club has tons of fun volunteer and bonding events that have personally been the highlight of my previous school year. Joining the club is also a fantastic way to meet new people, make new friends, and enjoy yourself as you are serving others. Cuan Homestead Key Club Project Chair (10) Tzeng Palo Alto Key Club President (12) 10

SERVE-tember Get ready for a month full of service with the SERVEtember initiative. Upon completion of the service bucket list, your club will have the opportunity to receive recognition in the District Newsletter and at District Convention 2023! initiative Complete items on the bucket list and submit your club progress using the Google Form at https://tinyurl.com/servetember202 2 by October 5th at 6 PM PST! For any questions regarding the SERVEtember initiative, please contact SP Chair Karen Vo (sp.chair@cnhkeyclub.org). Good luck and see you at DCON! 11

Raise$1foreverymemberinyourclub:Increasefunds raisedforPTP,YES!Initiative,orKeyClubpreferredcharity.HostanInterclubeventwithanotherbranchofKiwanis:Attend/hostanyserviceprojectorevent,andinteractwithanotherKiwanisbranch!HostanInterclubeventwithanotherKeyClub:Fromcardmakingtocreatingresourcesoutofrecyclables,therearemanyserviceprojectsyouandanotherclubcandotogether!Thisisagreatopportunitytoserveandmakenewfriends!HostaneventfortheGovernor’sProject“PromotingaHealthierLifestyle”:Serveyourcommunitywhilepromotingahealthierlifestyleforyouandyourfriends!HostaneventfortheKCIFocus“Children:OurFuture,TheirFocus”:Hostaneventhelpingoutchildreninyourcommunityorbeyond.SubmittotheSpotlightonServiceProgramforSeptember:Hostaserviceproject/eventthatmatchesthethemeforthemonthofSeptember,“PediatricTraumaProgram,”andsubmitadescriptionandphotographofyoureventtotheSOSPSubmissionForm.Whatdoesservicemeantoyou?:Makeavideoorsocialmediapost/storyaskingmembers/officers/advisors!7654321....... BUCKET LIST 12

D34S - Division 34 South R17 - Region 17 CNH - Cali-Nev-Ha DCM - Division Council Meeting DWS - Division Wide Service LTG - Lieutenant Governor DLT - Division Leadership Team KCTC - Key Club Training Conference RTC - Region Training Conference FRN - Fall Rally North DCON - District Convention PTP - Pediatric Trauma Program Key KClub ey Club acronyms acronyms 13

PENGUINS OFPENGUINS OF THE MONTHTHE MONTH Ivy Nguyen Member of the Month Cupertino Key Club Lucia Liu Officer of the Month Homestead High School Huey Lee Kiwani of the Month Mountain View Key Club Cupertino High School Club of the Month Amanda Slowikowski Advisor of the Month Palo Alto Key Club 14

We have hosted a few service opportunities recently, such as assisting the Cupertino Library and Sunnyvale Office of Emergency Services. We’re also preparing for our club booth at freshman orientation by making new signs and a trifold.





We’ve started planning service events for the school year and club rush!

We opened PR Committee Applications (which are still open!!) and continued to promote our summer service events for members. Our officer board has been working hard to prepare for freshman orientation and club rush, by making picture frames and posters to promote Key Club!


Homestead Key Club is currently preparing for club fair, where it will advertise to sophomore and freshmen students. Officers in the club are getting ready for the incoming 2022 2023 term by revitalizing the website, preparing slides for the general meetings, and meeting with the LTG to discuss incoming events. This month we had officer training to brainstorm and prepare for club rush, as well as multiple service events and fundraisers!





This month, Mountain View Key Club officer board met with our advisor to plan out the next school year. The club has also continued to regularly participate in Charity Miles. Thank you presidents for submitting your monthly newsletter summaries!

This month, our club mainly focused on recruiting underclassmen through social media. We also updated our website and prepared ourselves for club rush.



MOUNTAIN VIEW Monta Vista Key Club held service projects via zoom almost every weekend in July. This included Color A Smile, Unicef Math Quiz, FreeRice, and BeanBeanBean.

Monta Vista is beginning to plan for the upcoming school year and Club Rush.

NEWSLETTERDISTRICTDISTRICTNEWSLETTER and district links! Read at https://issuu.com/cnhkc CNHWebsite cnhkeyclub.org InternationalWebsite keyclub.org Youtube youtube.com/CNHKCtv Newsletter https://issuu.com/cnhkc 9 18

Google cnhkeyclub.orgResourceslinktr.ee/d34southLinktreeTheNewsletterd34south.comWebsitetinyurl.com/d34sflickralbumsFlickrtinyurl.com/d34spenguinsFacebooktinyurl.com/34sgeneralReflectorGroupPinguPostonIssuu STAY KEY-NECTED! Contact Me! Sriya Pillutla Lieutenant Governor d34s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org (650) 336-4591 Instagram @d34south Youtube youtube.com/d34spurplepenguins 19

Angelina Kondo (Cupertino) Shriya Shekatkar (Monta Vista)

Hannah Su (Lynbrook)

SusanChen(Cupertino) d34s.cnhkc.dsec@gmail.com




LaurenGaela(Homestead) d34s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com


ExecutiveAssistant KimberlyBowman(MountainView) d34s.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com


Fundraising Coordinators


Clara Takahashi (Monta Vista) d34s.cnhkc.tcfc@gmail.com

Lieutenant Governor SriyaPillutla(MountainView) d34s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org

Tech Editors

Secretary AdithriSharma(Lynbrook)

Service Projects Coordinators

Spirit Coordinators

Executive Assistant KellyChu(Lynbrook) d34s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

Jazlyn Dias (Mountain View) Reeya Sawhney (Monta Vista) d34s.cnhkc.spc@gmail.com

Megan Tang (Cupertino) Ellie Yao (Cupertino) d34s.cnhkc.tctech@gmail.com


Palo Alto Olivia Hau & Kylie oh46887@pausd.usTzengkt28417@pausd.us


Lynbrook Hannah Su & Sophie sophie.yang2015@gmail.comyahannahsu@gmail.comYang

Presidents Kiwanis

Angelina angelina.kondo@gmail.comKondo

Anika Edara & Emi

Mountain View Sami samisfrehner@gmail.comFrehner

Monta Vista

Homestead Valerie valeriexu1266@gmail.comXu

Menlo-Atherton Lani 813694@seq.orgVital

Los Altos

Region Advisor Valarie



RegionAdvisor RachelShanley r17advisor.rshanley@cnhkeyclub.org

Fremont Claudia sakura.hearts.1970@gmail.comEscorcia Gunn

Zoe lahs.keyclub.president@gmail.comCohn

Kaylee kayleeawong@gmail.comWong

Division 34South DISTRICTWEBSITE cnhkeyclub.org DIVISIONWEBSITE division34south.weebly.com INTERNATIONALkeyclub.orgWEBSITE

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