D34S Pingu Post - November 2019

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Division 34 South’s Newsletter MONTHLY ISSUE Look out for Division & Club Updates!

u g n i P ost P NOVEMBER 2019



Letter from LTG Aloha Purple Penguins! Welcome to the November Newsletter! I hope you all had a great time at Fall Rally North and in Key Club so far! It’s officially the holiday season, and we’re already more than halfway into the term :( This month, I challenge you all to show gratitude towards your community through service! We will be having a lot of exciting events this month including pen pal friends-giving activities, our DCM, Key Leader, and thanksgiving-inspired carnivals and other events! Make sure you are following our social media and are in our communication groups so that you can get updates and information about all Purple Penguin things! You can find links to each of these on our link tree here: linktr.ee/d34south Enjoy the rest of this newsletter with updates on each of our clubs, recaps, upcoming events, and more about all things Division 34 South!

Waddling in Service, REBECCA PAN

Letter from DNE Hey Key-uties! Thank you for reading through the November Pingu Post! October has been one of the busiest months for Key Clubbers: getting ready for Fall Rally North, fundraising for PTP, volunteering… It’s unbelievable how it’s already halfway through the term. And even though it’s only been a few months into school, we’re juggling college applications, academics, and extracurriculars. There’s so much going on this month, but please remember that to enjoy these upcoming months, you need to take care of yourself! Your health comes before Key Club, school, and any other extracurricular. Consider sleeping 30 minutes earlier, treating yourself to your favorite food, or just cutting time out of your day to have alone time. Have a wonderful day Penguins and I hope you take this piece of advice to heart! Also hope you enjoy the new layout!

Waddling in Service, ANNABELLE LAW




Recognition, division goal updates, and Penguin Popsicle Points L eader-board.


NEW BUSINESS SOSP, upcoming events, and more!

UPDATES FROM CLUBS Our clubs' updates and articles & visuals submitted from our PUB committee.

From LTG Rebecca Pan and DNE Annabelle Law.




STAY KEYNECTED! Division contact info, division contact information, and a thank you.


10/14 PTP WEEK

Candidate Training Conference is for anyone interesting in pursuing leadership positions (like LTG!) in Key Club! Sign up at bit.ly/cnhctc19

Participate in the annual campaign to raise awareness for PTP by completing daily challenges



NOVEMBER DCM This DCM will be hosted by Fremont Key and they will be hosting a blanket making service project!

Ice skating social at the Winter Lodge in Palo Alto is hosted by Paly Key Club!

SPOTLIGHT ON SERVICE PROJECT WHAT: Try orienting volunteer events and service projects around the theme. Showcase your club's unique service projects that positively impact your home, school, and community by submitting articles/visuals to the District. They can be showcased on the District Newsletter! The project and fundraiser guide for this spotlight can be found at CNH Cyberkey > Projects > SOSP




O ffi ce r o f t he

M on th :

Chianie Chi

Member of the

Club of the Month:


Advis or of the M onth:


Sami Frehner

Dede Verzic

Division Updates $2100 Donated to PTP

$4628/6000 Raised for PTP

1394.75/5500+ Hours of Service

Great job penguins! This month focus on getting you service hours!

Popsicle Points Leader-board! 1) Homestead: 1015 points

2) Monta Vista, Mountain View: 290 points

3) Lynbrook: 166 points

Fundraising, attendance, and timely submissions will help you club earn points!


Our club has been going well so far, we have had multiple service events and are getting ready to turn in dues. We had a boba fundraiser and we are hoping to fundraise more as we go on!

Monta Vista

During club rush, MV Key dressed up in purple penguin gear and got 170+ sign-ups. 130 new members came to our first interest meeting, where we handed out free cupcakes. At our next meeting, our Kiwanis advisor Mrs. G, as well as immediate past president and co-VP Alison and Satoshi, attended. We taught members about the basics of Key Club (e.g. about D34S, our core values, preferred charities, etc.) and held a trivia game with prizes. During the month of September, MV Key has also had at least one event every week, with 33 MV Key Clubbers volunteering at the Kennedy Middle School Fall Festival.

Lynbrook With the end of Club Rush, Lynbrook Key Club is proud to have recruited so many new members and reunite with old members. In terms of fundraising, we have gotten the approval to host a Tpumps fundraiser in the beginning of November. Our members were able to attend their first volunteer event (Aki Matsuri Fall Festival) and the officer team is planning to hold 3 more volunteer events for this month. In terms of social media, we have started a series on Instagram that resembles "Humans of New York" where we interview members, advisors, and officers about their experiences in Key Club. We are excited to see how this series captures the attention of other students on campus so they can join!


This past month, our club has kept busy with FRN madness, PTP Week, service events, and finalizing committees. We had 8 attendees from our club at FRN, most of which were freshmen. Our club participated in PTP Week by having officers and members share on social media and hosting a card making event for children in the Children's Hospital in Oakland. And lastly for committees, VP Roderick Sou has been interviewing and decided on committee members to help him with organizing fundraisers for PTP and MNT. We are currently working on collecting dues, finding more service events, and finalizing a service project to do for our school's first Service Night!

Cupertino Good turnout to member meetings, still need to increase member diversity at events, and fundraiser underway soon. Turnout at FRN was less than expected due to PSAT being on the same date. Family system within out club will start soon.

Palo Alto

Recently, we volunteered at the Moonlight Run and Walk where we guided runners and walkers. I also developed a system where the VPs are helping underclassmen to get their presidents award. Each VP is assigned 2-3 members and help them keep track of their hours and make sure that they are receiving hours. There were other service events such as the Monarch Festival and the B&W ball in which we volunteered there too. Also, on October 19th, I made the officers either go to FRN or go to the lemonade fundraiser (they HAVE to go to one). We needed 20+ people to go to Lemonade and we did!!!

Gunn We promoted our club at the club fair last Wednesday and racked up over 115 sign ups! Our first meeting will be tomorrow, so the officer team is busy preparing.

Mountain View

Mountain View Key Club took on the SERVEtember Initiative Challenge this month! We had a hectic, but thrilling time organizing a Kiwanis Family House donation drive, holding three service events with our local Kiwanis Club, and planning two fundraisers. Additionally, our club held a PTP Picnic, collecting donations for PTP while members learned about pediatric trauma and enjoyed a delicious pizza lunch!

Fremont Fremont Key Club had it's first club meeting on September 17th! There were many who attended the meeting, and we also brought in donuts for them to eat and enjoy. Club Day/Club Rush also occurred on September 27th. We gave out cute pins and had a tri-fold that explained "What is Key Club?" for others to read. The turnout was great and there were many new members that attended the following meeting. For service events, we had our bimonthly Sunnyvale Public Library Book Sale. Many of our members volunteered and did a good job with helping clean up. We also assisted with our school's Back to School Night, where we guided and directed parents to their destinations. Our Treasurer and PR Fundraisers also started planning fundraisers for October. Overall, we are off to a great start!

Menlo Atherton

We handed out the UNICEF boxes to our members. We also have hallow-grams as a fundraiser for the club and PTP.


Mountain View Close to 12,000 people attend Day on the Bay every year to enjoy activities rich in diversity and talent, and rich in ethnic expression. Volunteers are needed all day for setup, greeting, bounce house, rock wall, water station, food booth, pumpkin area, kayak registration, check in, booth vendor assistance, and tear down.Â

PALY KEY CLUB Palo Alto Key Club has been busy this past month with volunteering and fundraising! Pictured below, the club is volunteering at a Fall Festival. In the  other picture, the club fundraises by partnering up with an organization to help do parking for an event.



! G N


October 19th, 2019

Six Flags Vallejo



Division 34 South placed in the rally, making it to Round 2 of the second rally session! We as a division have raised over $2000 for PTP, and as a result we were able to bid and win District Secretary Lawrence Guittap! Besides achieving these heights, purple penguins got to connect with their home clubs, others in D34S, and members in other divisions! At our second spirit prep, almost all clubs had members attend! DLT taught the spirit cheers, and passed out spirit gear. After learning the spirit cheers, members were free to purchase spirit items to make, including flower crowns, tutus, and capes.

All the

profits made during spirit prep will go to PTP. We even celebrated LTG Rebecca’s birthday!

We weren't able to do this without the help of our Division Leadership Team, our lovely advisiors, and YOU penguins! For attending spirit preps, fundraising for PTP with your respective club, and just the willingness to come out to division events.

Fall Rally North 2019 Thank you to everyone who made it out to FRN! Hope you met new people or reconnected with your fellow Key Clubbers!

Penguin Power! Penguin Power! Penguin Power!


Pediatric Trauma Program What is it?

The Pediatric Trauma Program, or also known as PTP, works to provide training and prevention for pediatric trauma.

The program was established by the California-Nevada-Hawaii Kiwanis in 1994 to educate the public about pediatric trauma. This is one of Key Club's preferred charities! Unintentional child injury is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 14. Moreover, 90% of these cases are PREVENTABLE.

How to fundraise! 1. Fundraise with local restaurants.

3. Have holiday related fundraisers!Â

2. Sell items or services. At garage sales, bake sales, and car washes.


PTP Week Mini Me Monday: Sharing your baby pictures



participated Pediatric



Wholesome Wednesday: Thanking those who've helped you





Homestead Key





awareness by



campaign for






Tips & Tricks Tuesday: Avoid dangerous accidents by gripping blades of scissors

Team Up Thursday: Card Making for Children's Hospital Oakland


DIVISION CONTACT INFO DLT Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Pan d34s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Executive Assistant Cheryl Bai d34s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com Executive Assistant Selina Zhang d34s.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com

Tech Editor Charlotte Chui d34s.cnhkc.tctech@gmail.com Fundraising Coordinator William Cui d34s.cnhkc.tcfc@gmail.com Service Projects Coordinator Honjie Zhou d34s.cnhkc.spc@gmail.com

Spirit Coordinators Michaela Pennebaker, Chianie Chi, Division News Editor and Andrea Maminta Annabelle Law d34s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com d34s.cnhkc.tcspirit@gmail.com

Kiwanis Region Advisor Rachel Shanley rshanley.kiwanis@gmail.com

Region Advisor Valarie Brown valariebrown0206@gmail.com

DIVISION CONTACT INFO Presidents Homestead Chianie Chi chianiechi@gmail.com

Los Altos Selina Zhang lahs.kc.pres@gmail.com

Cupertino Fausto Espitia faustoespitia@gmail.com

Lynbrook Julie Lee julielee.lhskey@gmail.com

Fremont Lyka Illano lykaclaire732@gmail.com

Menlo-Atherton AJ Navarette and Michaela Fong ajnavarrete2002@gmail.com miichaelafong@gmail.com

Gunn Ashley Poon and Cathy Hou ashleyyypoon@gmail.com cathyhou2002@gmail.com

Monta Vista Charlotte Chui charlottechui118@gmail.com

Palo Alto Jasmine Sun selinargao@gmail.com

Mountain View Madeline Cheng madelinecheng04@gmail.com

Contact DLT to send announcements through Google Reflectors.

Thank you for reading!

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