POP #6 "Summer Loving"

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P P /2013


FEATURING Green Tips Poetry & Art Summer Style WOMEN’s Group Inerview

Summer Loving


Green Kind of Love By Tynazha Jones

When you think of global warming, you are thinking on an international scale. Global warming is happening everywhere and effecting everyone, its not just a theory anymore its a fact. Everyone knows something about it, everyone knows that it has been proven but what people don’t know is how they -one person- can possibly make a difference. Rest assured that is not true, you can make a difference all by yourself. In a few steps you can reduce your carbon footprint.


Tips for Going Green 1. Buy CFLs Light bulbs. Compact Fluorescent light bulbs are better in every way. They save energy, which saves you money and last on average 8 to 10 years. Also they reduce mercury in the air and can be bought almost anywhere. GET ONE.

2. Wash your clothes with cold water and Air dry. 85% of energy used by the washer machine goes to heating the water. Drying your clothes outside on a rack or clothesline wastes no energy and it is natural.

3. Lower your shower time

No more fooling around in the water for you.Your grown do what you need to do and get out. Lower your water use AND your water and heating bill.

Have some tips to be envrionemtal conscience to give?

share your energy saving tips with us at womynsgroup@gmail.com 2


“Untitled” by Stephanie Romero


tarted out as a melody And you ended it as a harmony I remember our favorite song. Now our memories are in a hellhole You cheated, Mistreated my heart Always trying to act hard When really you’re just a plain asshole All the lies you told. My hand you use to hold. But I’m moving on To someone better than you


“Untitled” by Marlene


Day in My Skin Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes You could be skinny, thick, or plus-sized It doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable in your own skin Society says that being skinnier is better than a fat woman It’s unattractive It’s ugly “But you are what you eat” It’s your body, you can do whatever you want to do with it Don’t be something you are not Don’t compare yourself to others



Face and complexion By Andisha Nesbitt, Erica, Paola Face cleanser • Nivea Cleansing Pads; 4.99 Oily to combination skin • Neutrogena grapefruit cleanser; 5.99 Dry to combination skin • Acnefree system; 14.99 -19.99 Acne prone skin *Expensive but clears skin up in a couple of weeks* Balance • Toner dry to combination skin • Asstringent oily to combination skin Face Moisturize • Cedaphil (sensitive skin) • Neutrogena Daily Moisturizer +SPF *Good for the morning before you go out in the sun* • Ganier Nutrise Moisture Renue lotion + gel



Planned Parenthood The Bronx Center

Seundo Ruiz Belvin Diagnostic and treatment Center

Dr Emily Womens Health Center

Adolescent and Young Adult Heath Program, Bronx Care at Third Avenue MLK, JR. Health Center

349 E 149th Street, 2nd Floor Bronx, NY 10451 212.965.7000

560 Southern Boulevard Bronx, NY 10455 (718) 585-1010

Center for Child Health and Resillency

545 East 142st Bronx, NY 10454 (718) 579- 4000

2739 Thrd Ave. Bronx, NY 10451 (718) 838-1016

890 prospect Ave Bronx, NY 10459 (718) 991-0605

Community Healthcare Network Bronx Health Center 957 Westchester Ave, Bronx, NY 10459 (718) 320-4466

The Children’s Aid Society Bronx Clinic 1515 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY 10460 (718) 860-8595


by Lexi Jackson

I choose this image because it expresses the difference in between cultures in the middle east and western culture.

It also shows how materialistic certain parts of the world is. My collage shows the difference between Western and Eastern hemispherical culture. Pictures range from how men and women dress and what materials they have in their lives. The main pictures from people in the eastern culture are mainly the middle east , this shows how they dress and as well as the community they live in. The eastern culture shows a wedding, a ring, and other materials that are essential to these peoples lives. Both cultures vary in differences based upon the way they dress, living condition, and community. The middle east have a distinct style to them where they dress in hijabs and head scarfs. The western culture dress more unique and differently than others. The middle east shows that they are not as materialistic as some of the western countries. The way they dress does not determine how they live their lives.




“Untitled” by Alexis Davilla


My scars will be stories to tell

Your emotional Scars have left a dent on me

A reminder of the times i stood strong even when the very ground beneath me trembled

layed in colors in blacks purple and blues

I was a punching bag for your insecurities.

Ur faith in me is belittling. You sketched happy in my eyelids, even though you thought there was no hope in me. You assumed I was a ticking time bomb A volcano waiting to errupt Self mutilation is what you expect of me You wait for that call The one where the doctor would pronounce the end if me. I am not as week as you assume. 9

I am not dead and won’t soon be. I am stronger then the Pettie names & crude behaviors I am not the sand in coney beach but the mountain they call Everest. I am a survivor. I am an example to every human been that has ever contemplated taking there own lifes because someone need to prove who they were by taking someone else down.

You are a survior. Next time you questioned whether or not you were strong for living or week for not being able to kill yourself

Even if it is not in a church. or in the bible he had created a way for you to find him.

Look in the mirror and tell your self you are strong.

Live because people didn’t think you would Live because there is someone who needs.you.

Stronger then most because you, with everything against you decides to live.

Someone Who is going through something you know to well about.

Live, if only for the better tomorrows and the brighter futures

Live because you are a survivor.

Live because there was once a smile in you that dazzled like a cave of diamonds Live because there is a god. out there and even when he seems to have forgotten you, know that he is watching you. He is waiting for you to find him




by Hilda Gonzalez


been standing with you. right here with you mom. 18 years of my life to stand in the same spot with you. Don't you think I had dreams and hopes? What about my life? What about me. Don't you think it ever crossed my mind to lay up somewhere and forget about my responsibilities? That I wanted someone to love me and embrace my mistakes. You're not the only one who has wants and needs. But I held on to you, mom. I took all my feelings,my wants and needs, my dreams. . . and i buried them inside you. I planted a seed inside you and waited for it to bloom. And it didn't take me no 18 years to find out the soil was hard and rocky and it was never gonna bloom. But I held on to you, Mom.


I held you tighter. You was my mom. I owed you everything I had. Every part of me I could find to give you. And when I'd be laid up in my room, with the darkness falling in on me I gave everything I had to try and erase the doubt that you wasn't the greatest woman on earth. Wherever you was going I wanted to be there with you. Because you was my mom and that's the only way I was gonna survive as your daughter l. It hurts to know that I was never good enough. I'd live day to day wondering what's mami gonna say if I do this? What's she gonna say if I do that? You didn't do anything but hold me back. Afraid that I was going to be better than you. You were like a shadow that followed me everywhere. It weighed

on my shoulders and sunk into my flesh. But I've learned that I can't be nobody but myself. And that I can't live to please others. You wanted me to be everything you wasn't and at the same time tried to make me into everything you were. I don't know if you were right or wrong but I do know you meant to do more good than harm. Sometimes when you spoke, it bruised and your words cut me like a knife. And sometimes when you took me into your arms, it hurt more than it comforted me.

“Untitled” by Teresa Lynn


y mom told me I should feel safer because they are here to serve and protect. So why is it that my hands are now fists, My heart is racing, And I’m walking faster. I haven’t committed a crime. So why do I feel so uneasy. Why is it that when Trayvon’s muderer wasn’t convicted, I began to cry. I didn’t know this young man or his family. But still felt pain.


Summer Style Tips By Lexandra & Charmaine

1. Excessive Jewelry 2. High Socks 3. Epic Shirts 4. Baggy Pants 5.High Wasted pants & Shorts

Have some summer style tips?

share your style tips with us at womynsgroup@gmail.com 13




by Paola Hernadez

Sunset and the Night Light <3 I created this collage in hopes of letting everyone who views it, see a part of me.

The collage consists of a lot of colors which represents my outstanding personality. At the top of the collage I added a picture of the sunset and the night light with a rainbow. Personally, a rainbow symbolizes hope and that’s the reason I decided to add the rainbow because I often tend to look beyond the bad and search for the good in harsh circumstances. I added those two photos to symbolize the struggles and the happiness that I have experienced in my life. I adore watching the sunset fade into night because it makes me analyze life. I also added many colors and shapes to represent that nothing is perfect. I’ve learned to understand that we won’t always get the outcome in things that we expect to have. However, I as a human being have learned to move past those certain things that are obstacles and to always keep my feet on the ground.




by Numa

My collage is basically about women.

They have to go shopping for food, pick out an outfit, get things done, and do things that women are suppose to do . They have to spend money on things they need for themselves and house and family.


Summer Loving

Interview with a WOMEN’S 1.What does love look, feel, smell, and taste like? Look- it looks like 2 people and your ideal family that you only see on T.V or magazines gathering around the dinner table with nothing but happiness and laughter that seems like it lasts a lifetime Feel- It feels like skin to skin connection for the first time with your newborn Smell- ora of your love/significant other Taste- Italian cuisine 2.Where does love come from? Food, mind, body 3.How does love end? When someone in the relationship betrays your trust and commitment and looses respect towards you or any terrible tragedies 4.Describe your first love. Romantically sweet like apples then turning sour like spoiled milk 5.What does falling in and out of love look like? It looks like a fashion statement because it’s either in or out or it comes back around your either feeling it or not. There’s a lot of mixed emotions going on.


Group member 6.What are the different stages of love? Strangers/friends, butterflies/loving, Trusting/Comfort, Endless Possibilities 7.Describe sex and intimacy? Sex- interesting, amazing, embarrassing sometimes sex is not always what you expect it to be or may not always go as planned Intimacy- Pleasurable, sexy, hot, steamy, fun, skin to skin, takes you to tropical island light breeze never ending experience, hits all the right spots. 8.What are your feelings about flings? Interesting, fun and scary /confusing 9.What is the biggest myth about love? Every thing about Love because you never know until you have experience it for yourself 10.Describe one of the most important lessons you’ve learned from love? Expecting the unexpected from people even if it’s the one you love. Not everyone is who he or she appears to be even though they can start off like this amazing person. Also taking a chance on love because even though you been hurt multiple times you don’t always want to have a strong guard up and miss a chance on meeting someone that’s good for you that can mend your heart in all the right ways.




by Marissa A

by Marissa A


W.O.M.E.N.’S GROUP Meetings start soon in the Fall 2013 for more info visit www.thepoint.org

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