
PrimaryhorizontalloGoSvertical Stacked center Stacked left
white full color color aPPlication
Secondary loGoS academic athletic Prairie P arch
white full color color aPPlication
Primary athletic loGoS tPS hawkemBlemhead
white full color color aPPlication
event & GrouP loGoS ParentS of Prairie Parent Prairie fund thank a teacher GrandParentS’ day ParentS of Prairie Premiere PerforminG artSPrairie jazzviSitinG artiSt SerieS &Grandparents’Day20XXSpecialFriends
SPort SPecific art around loGo StarS to dePict accomPliShmentS Prairie aPProved SuPPortinG text accePtaBle loGo accentS BASKETBALLBASKETBALL
color Guide C:68 M:61 Y:59 K:46 R:65 G:65 B:66 #414142 PMS 296 C:100 M:65 Y:15 K:15 R:0 G:84 B:137 #005489 C:100 M:77 Y:23 K:7 R:7 G:77 B:131 C:0#114e81M:0 Y:0 K:24 R:201 G:202 B:204 #c9cacc C:25 M:100 Y:97 K:22 R:218 G:29 B:177 #9b1f26 PMS 201 C:25 M:100 Y:97 K:22 R:218 G:29 B:177 #c5ad73 C:0 M:91 Y:72 K:23 R:191 G:44 B:55 C:75#bd313bM:28 Y:72 K:40 R:46 G:99 B:71 #2e6347 accentacademicS athleticS
unaccePtaBle loGo uSe chanGinG Scale, location or ProPortion addinG artwork on toP or inSide aPProved loGoS
font Guide Print ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book [Demi] ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ITC Avant Gade Gothic Pro ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ(Medium) ITC Avant Garde Gothic (Book Condensed) evellore nobit voluptamet quis volor accullori doluptatiis nulparum dis es dende ipsaper eperiam nimagnimusam eat odis ab il mostiaectem est, id molumet enis eturibus dolupta tiameni hitiaerum dis ducipsu stiatem quianduImoluptata voloresed que doloria core dento quis porem. Erum eaquam rersperchil invelest ad est, occuptat re consequae disque sedipsapiet ea conserumquis derfere cerovit laut milibus lloyd write S a B cdef G hijklmno P qr S tuvwxyz
co-oP athletic loGoS Primary loGo color Guide Secondary loGo C:25 M:100 Y:97 K:22 R:218 G:29 B:177 #9b1f26 PMS 201 C:16 M:36 Y:100 K:0 R:217 G:163 B:28 #d9a31c C:60 M:51 Y:51 K:20 R:217 G:163 B:102 #666666
co-oP athletic loGoS Primary loGo color Guide C:100 M:93 Y:35 K:41 R:3 G:28 B:79 #031c4f C:14 M:14 Y:100 K:0 R:227 G:204 B:8 #e3cc08
need a loGo file? have a queStion aBout loGo uSaGe? PleaSe contact auStin Gundlach, aSSiStant director of advancement at aGundlach@ queStionS?