The Pretty Boss Mom Special Edition Issue

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Women balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood


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Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of MW’s Mobile Notary

Miesha Weaver is a native of Houston, Texas. She’s an author, a child advocate, a small business owner, has an established career in the oil and gas industry and above all, she’s a mother to twin daughters and one son. She’s a woman who breaks barriers and believes she can do all things through Christ who strengthens her. She’s founded a scholarship that helps high school seniors pay for items to help them pursue their dreams beyond high school. If there’s a problem you can best believe she’s going to find a solution. She’s known for being fearless and her bold approach to getting things done. To know her story is a testament to her faith

What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship? In 2016 I was laid off from my job in the oil and gas industry, I lost everything that I had worked for. My kids still had needs and I didn’t have the means to provide. It was then I decided to step out on faith and start my own business. I never wanted to rely on one source of income ever again.

What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? Pray, Prepare, and Position yourself! What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? A pretty boss mom is a mom who finds a way to make it all happen with no excuses all while looking like the boss she is!

How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? Work-life balance is so important, that I dedicate Sunday evenings to planning my week ahead. I have my kids bring me all their events for the week and plan my work week around their practices, concerts, games, and recitals.

and evidence that God truly has the final say.



Boss Mom Spotlight



Originally from Richmond, California. Dedra is the product of a single mother and the public

What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

I listen to audiobooks. After listening to several audiobooks returned to school, pursued a that were not enjoyable and the career in accounting, and earned audio voice-over presentations her BA in Financial Planning. This were less enjoyable, I decided to career path led to her Certification start writing my own novel. That of a Payroll Professional and novel turned into a series, which several other certificates. Dedra also steered my decision to selfhas two beautiful children and a publish, and Leave A Legacy beautiful grandchild. She is the Always, LALA Enterprise, LLC was founder of LALA Nonprofit Org. manifested. and LALA Enterprise, LLC., Leave A How do you balance life as a Boss Legacy Always. Dedra's mother Mom and Entrepreneur? instilled generational wealth in I pray for time management. All her, more than she realized. After are so important and need my her death from battling breast attention. At times being a mom cancer, her mind’s eye became supersedes being an entrepreneur open to that concept. Dedra and vice versa. My children are praises God Almighty daily for all thriving adults and don’t need as things and continue to perfect her much of my time as if they were life in every area as much as she adolescents, this is a mixed can. blessing. Being a school system. After a divorce, she

“Boss/Entrepreneur” is extremely time-consuming. I force myself to exercise, eat right and stay prayed up. What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? I would advise them to be absolutely sure of what it is they want to pursue. The balancing act is not easy and becoming successful takes time. Having supportive people is very important, as well as releasing others that you are no longer compatible with, or have outgrown. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? It is a woman who does what she needs to do to take care of herself and her family while leaving a legacy for them. Proverbs chapter 31:10-31


Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of Rant with Rona

A living example of success, Walton is the managing partner of "Rant with Rona", a trusted coaching agency and advocate for moms. She is able to inspire followers on any given social media outlet. Walton has been accepted in the 2022 Black Girl Ventures(BVG) Change Agent Fellowship for a 9month leadership development program. As well as jumpstart the ecosystem for Black and Brown women in Austin, TX. Your first encounter with this certified Parent Life Coach is guaranteed to be a whirlwind. Through determination, she graduated with honors from Austin Community College. Undaunted by being a single mother, residing in public housing; she earned a spot on the National's Dean's List.

Rona's heartbeats are her family and friends as she resides in Buda, TX.

things make you who you are. If you can't, you're not living—you're just working.

What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams?

As a single mom, at the time, I understood I had to set an example for my children and the other mothers living in public housing. I combined adventurousness and a sense that it's not all about you, then that creativity benefits society as a whole. How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? Symbolic work-life boundaries are almost impossible to maintain. Why? You are your business. Your business is your life, just like your life is your business - which is also true for family, friends, and interests—so there is no separation because all those

First, Write down your dreams. Writing it down gives you clarity, and by committing the dreams to paper, makes it more real and concrete. Studies have shown that people who wrote down their dreams and goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not. Dreams are pills of hope. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? Pretty Boss Mom: a female human striving above her own comfort zone to raise her children intentionally.


Boss Mom Quote

“There is no way to be a perfect mom, but a thousand ways to be a great one.” UNKNOWN

Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of Signature Tax

18, I gave birth to my hter Mia.Lea After givingisbirth, I Simpson an Entrepreneur, ntly knew that one stream of Notary Public, Tax Expert, and Marketing best known me was not enoughSpecialist to provide formy being the owner of Signature yself and daughter. I Tax. She is also the mother of her d into seasonal streams of four-year-old daughter named Mia, me because I did not want to who job alsoas has my full-time a entered the entrepreneurial world. eting Data Analyst. Lea attended Huston- Tillotson University but later transferred to Sam Houston State University earning a BS in Business Administration majoring in Marketing. After graduation, she went on to work as a Marketing Specialist in Houston, Texas. From Oil and Gas to working for several Fortune 500 global brands, she realized just how successful her skills in Marketing were and then decided to market for her own brand. In just four years after making that decision, she now owns Signature Tax firm a tax preparation company that helps individuals and small businesses file their taxes the proper way.

Signature Tax values honesty and transparency which helps the firm stand out.

What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? I’m still learning how to balance it all out. However, it’s not as challenging as I thought it would be. I’m proud to be a parent and a dedicated one at that. With all that said, I learned to not totally neglect myself in the process. I'm an advocate for self-care. Massages, gym visits, using a

planner, and therapy have really helped me mentally, physically, and emotionally. Also, removing people who are negative or just not moving in the same direction as me has helped too. What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? For my child's first 3 years of life, I was solely dedicated to being 100% her mom, her everything I kind of lost myself, I had no social life, I was just Mia’s mom. But I wanted to be present in my child’s life and make sure she hit all those important milestones before entering school. Plus, let's not forget to mention the Pandemic hit when she was 2 years old. So we are just now coming back outside but I’m so happy I spent that time with her, so now our bond is unbreakable. Forming a bond with your child I would say is


Boss Mom Continued..

the most important thing before anything. However, don’t neglect yourself. Be patient and kind to yourself. Take time to fully understand where you are wanting to go with your business. I took classes, and workshops and even linked with others doing the same thing to fully understand what I would be getting myself into and how I would work that in with my already busy schedule. A successful business doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, I started learning about tax preparation 4 years ago. I basically interned my first year, worked with a mentor my second year, and in my third year, I felt comfortable enough to start my own firm. So basically I invested not only my money but also a lot of time and planning. We all know time and money is a major sacrifices when you have a child, so pick what you want to do wisely. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? For me, a Pretty Boss Mom is a mother who knows who she is, what she stands for, understands her purpose, is fearless, knows her worth, gets things done while inspiring others, and is beautiful on the inside and outside.


Boss Mom Quote

“Behind every successful mom, is a little boss pushing her to be the best she can possibly be.” PRETTY WOMEN HUSTLE

Boss Mom Spotlight



CEO of Arm Kandy Collections and Kiauna Hughes Photography

Kiauna Hughes is the CEO of Arm Kandy Collections and Kiauna Hughes Photography. For the past three years, Kiauna has worked tirelessly to maintain both businesses with the help of her family. Kiauna recently began an annual toy drive for children that are less

My inspiration comes from my children, as a stay-at-home mom, I would always capture the moments of all four children, which lead me to my first business as a Photographer. How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur?

My daily life has to have a routine in place at all times. Number one season. on my schedule will always be my Kiauna's goal as an entrepreneur is family, my husband, and my to collaborate and network with children coming before anything other moms and business owners else. Number two: my business is to bounce off ideas for growth. the second most important thing Kiauna recently joined a women's to me because I birthed this league which allows her to have business on my own. As an involvement in several community entrepreneur, I have to make sure projects. With this opportunity, my client's needs are met such as Kiauna has been able to donate scheduling photo sessions, and money and time to fundraisers attending events for my boutique. around the city. Number three: In my 9 to 5 job I What Inspired your start in make sure I'm well-rested to entrepreneurship? maintain the day-to-day operations as a leasing agent. fortunate around the Christmas

The last person I take care of is me so that includes shopping, spa days, or ice-cream days with my best friend. What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? The best advice I can give another mom who is chasing her dreams is to never give up. The key is to find out what she is good at and start from there. It does get scary at first but you must always be consistent and make time for your business. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? My definition of a Pretty Boss Mom that hustles, would be a boss mom that wears many titles but at the end of the day, she holds the family down while taking care of business.


Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of HFS Candle Co.

Shanice King is a passionate chandler and proud mother of 5.

What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

she has faced many struggles from

What inspired me into entrepreneurship were my violence but overcame them. The children. I wanted to be able to struggles she has faced gave her provide for them without the perspective on life to always restriction. I am an active parent strive for greatness and be a light and work isn’t something I wanted to others who also are survivors of to prevent me from being able to such testimonies. On October 11th, show up. 2017, her life changed! She homelessness to domestic

launched Heart-Filled Scents by Shanice, LLC which has since become HFS Candle Co.

How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur?

How I balance being a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur is simple I Her pride and joy were launched include my children. They are a with every intention to create part of the business and products that would not only bring individually have specific positions love but light to those via an within the company. I take them extraordinary aromatherapy with me to events and make it fun. experience. After much research We have scheduled vacations at and determination, HFS Candle the same time every year and our Co. is here to change the entire group chat definitely serves its aromatherapy experience one purpose of staying in the know. candle, spray, or body butter at a time!

What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? The advice I have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams is DO IT! Unapologetically! Create a realistic plan, do the research then execute. There is no limit to what you can do. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? My definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles is a woman who is resilient, inspiring, ambitious, and gets the job done no matter what without an excuse. She’s dependable, she shows up, and commands the room no matter what hat she’s wearing whether it’s the mom or boss.


Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of Scholars With A Purpose

Regina currently works at Post

What Inspired your start in University as an Academic Success entrepreneurship? Specialist focusing on the firstI was inspired because I realized year experience, allowing her to that I had something of value to work with students that are facing share. I also am very passionate academic challenges and help about what I do, I began to realize them successfully complete their that I could use this passion to coursework. She has worked with help others. As a mother of three students in both a professional adult children, I became aware and non-professional setting. She very quickly that I had to leave a has worked with high-performing legacy for them after I am gone. high school students in need of How do you balance life as a Boss guidance in time management, self-advocacy, and accountability. Mom and Entrepreneur? In addition, Regina has experience Time management is my friend! I plan my schedule out for the week working in the non-profit sector from working with Higher Heights and take breaks in between so that I am not overdoing it! My husband Youth Empowerment Programs, is one of my biggest supporters Inc. as well as GEAR UP in and he helps run things at home partnership with Waterbury Public while I take business trips and that Schools and the U.S. Department support really helps me to work of Education. Regina holds a towards my goals. I do admit that Bachelor of Science in Business I have got to get better at taking Management as well as a Master of out time for myself. It is a work in Science in Higher Education for progress. Student Success.

What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? My advice would be to not let anyone get in your way of pursuing what you want. Once you have identified it, trust the process and do the work that it will take to be successful. Never, ever give up on your dreams even when it gets hard. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? Walking in her purpose and own it! Never let them see you sweat!


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“Giving up is not an option when you have someone calling you mommy.” UNKNOWN

Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of The Adonis Collection

Sabrayiah Williams, a Miamian, is a

I was inspired to start my business certified wig maker and an because I wanted to have more control over my time and my life. experienced make-up artist. She Starting my own business allowed knows the emotional importance hair has in our community and was me to not only work in a career inspired to enter the beauty world field that I'm passionate about, but it gave me more control over my to help, educate and inspire life and what/where I decided to others. spend my time. Sabrayiah was driven to pursue the beauty industry from her passion for fashion shows to pop charting artists. She’s been working in the beauty industry for 6 years and will be graduating as a Master's Cosmetologist Fall of 2022. Sabrayiah resides in Savannah with her one-year-old son Cameron. In addition to being a mom, Sabrayiah enjoys trying new restaurants and fun nail designs.

How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? It takes a village. I wouldn’t be able to chase my dreams and achieve the things that I have without the support of my family and friends. 3. I would tell them to take the risk. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. It's not going to be easy at all, but you have to remember the end outcome and your end goal.

What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? My advice to new moms wanting to chase their dreams is to listen to your gut. Don’t let the fear of being a mom prevent you from going after your dreams. Don’t let the doubts of others stop you from achieving your goals either. You have to have tunnel vision and you have to remember who and what you are doing this for What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles would be someone who just doesn’t give up. Regardless of what's going on in their life, they make things happen. A force to be reckoned with honestly.

What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship?


Boss Mom Spotlight


Driven by a solid propensity to see reach their goals and pursue their women stand on their own, believe dreams that seem impossible to most. in themselves, and achieve their goals. Kimberly Ware has been selfless and resourceful in supporting women with their dreams and ambitions. Currently elevating to a broader audience of women, Kimberly has launched into writing, sharing a variety of experiences that many women can identify with. Discover that one of the best ways to empower women is by assisting and helping them start their business ventures. Kimberly provides her audience with information on how to start a business, strategic management planning, and goals. A current resident of Indiana and passionate about real estate Kimberly enjoys spending time empowering family and friends to

Kimberly Ware aims to change lives, society, and ultimately the world. What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship? My children are my inspiration I want to set a great example for them and give them the tools and opportunities I never had.

family comes first everything else will fall into place creating a Tasks list To accomplish something in your business every day. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? Pretty means a good attitude true empowerment of women spending time with your children and setting a great example for the for future women to follow.

How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? It’s not easy but prayer and time management is paramount patients .is also Key. What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? Having a great support system persistence And keeping your priorities intact and making sure


Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of Flawless Faces Cosmetics

Schiniece Morgan-Kress is a

transformative beauty with every professional Makeup Artist born client she has the privilege to and raised in Chicago, IL. She grew enhance. Schiniece signature looks are sought for the red carpet, up learning to appreciate the special events, monthly blend of beauty from different subscription services, and group ethnicities in her world-known birthplace. She is the Founder and and one-on-one makeup lessons. CEO of Flawless Faces Cosmetics, What Inspired your start in LLC. Schiniece creates unique entrepreneurship? masterpieces with every stroke of My journey in entrepreneurship her brushes, revealing the flawless began when I realized my love for beauty of her clients. As the makeup and my passion for incredible wife of Mr. Kress of enhancing the beauty of all eleven years. The beautiful mother women. of five children (two college grads and three college students). She How do you balance life as a Boss embraces her God-given talent as Mom and Entrepreneur? a trendsetter and elevator of Being a mom and entrepreneur beauty to reflect her inner beauty. isn’t easy but I maintain by setting goals, planning, and setting time Schiniece specializes in beauty, aside for my Family. fashion, lifestyle, editorial,

Don’t wait! Follow your dreams and step out on faith. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? A pretty Boss mom who hustles is a Queen who knows her assignment and executes it without wavering while being the pillar of her home and community.

commercial, film and video

production, celebrity, runway, and What advice do you have for new wedding makeup artistry. She has moms wanting to chase their dreams? a consistent record of


content section here


Women more than ever before are

2) Invest in ways to tell the world who

opening businesses while staying on

you are by posting on your favorite social

their full time job as a mother. The

media site and asking others to do the

pandemic forced many of us to come out

same on your behalf.

of our shells. We've sat back long enough and although the pandemic was horrific

3) Use the same "rules" in motherhood in

for many, it was a stepping stone for

your business that you created for your


household. You're already familiar with those rules so they will come naturally in

Being a mother is empowering and when


you add in entrepreneurship, women are a force to be reckoned with. We are use

4) Create a safe space to have a mental

to making decisions for the family unit

health break. This allows you to unwind

and in business we are bringing those

and regroup. Listen to some music or

same skillsets into our entrepreneurship.

simply have quiet time away from

Having a voice that the world should


hear is important to mothers, across the globe and now we are speaking loud and

5) Balance motherhood and business by

clear about what we want. We want both

creating one schedule that combines

worlds and we shall have them!

business and mama duties. This creates a visual of how you're spending your time

Here are a few steps to Empowering

in each area.

Yourself As A Mother and Entrepreneur: Lastly understand that you are special 1) Identify your niche and continue to

and everything you do is for your brand

build it. Your gifts are not the next

and your babies. YOU ARE YOUR BRAND!

person's so what you bring will be different from everyone else in your genre.




Photo by Katie E -

Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of Glitz Chica Boutique

Kathy Germulus is

What Inspired your start in Dominican/Puertorican, after entrepreneurship? living in NYC for 15 years decided Seeing other women doing different things and embracing to leave the cold and move to Orlando, FL. Currently living there their ability to do more than just being a mother/wife and for over 18 years now. Kathy is a employee captivated me and gave happily married mother of two, working on her 9-5 job while living me a push to search for my own adventure as well. her dream as an entrepreneur. Glitz Chica is a creative project and entrepreneurial vision come true. Its founder, Kathy G. finds her influences and fashion inspiration from the streets she grew up in, New York City. Glitz Chica is a perfect concoction of sassy, sophisticated and trendy style for the modern professional

How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? Even though it's not easy to balance life as a Boss Mom and an Entrepreneur; you should know what's your priority and to be extremely organize. But most important is to take time for YOU; than everything else will flow.

New moms should just Go For It, to never let anything hold you back. To make the effort to at least try. I never like to stay with the regret of "What If?". What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? Pretty Boss Mom Who Hustles to me means a woman that handles different hats and embraces it so others do the same. It means showing their journey to get to their purpose.

What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their journey as we do what we love and dreams? inspire other women to follow woman. Follow us along in this

their dreams.


Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of Renew You Body Butter

Kayshaun Brooks is a Holistic Pain & Trauma Warrior. Owner of Renew You Body Butters a luxury skincare and holistic business. Specializing in helping to manage severe dry skin issues such as eczema, rosacea, hyperpigmentation & more. She has partnered with 49 affiliates & 1 celebrity brand ambassador who all make additional income sharing the products & services. She also teaches other entrepreneurs & nonprofits how to start, grow & scale their own affiliate programs. Kayshaun is all about networking, collaborating & building relationships.

What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship? I was raised around entrepreneurs. However, for my personal business, I wanted to be who I couldn’t find when I was looking for solutions for severe

skin issues. Most people know how to make skincare products but don’t have the medical background and experience to go more in-depth to solve solutions holistically. How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? I balance it by communicating with my children the importance of what’s going on and including them in my business. My children have been some of my biggest supporters. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am today in my business if it wasn’t for my children’s support. My children were part of my motivation to become an entrepreneur. 2 of the 4 have skin issues. Therefore, taking care of their skin and running my business go hand in hand.

What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? I would tell new moms to never give up on their dreams. Motherhood may put a pause at times on your dreams but you can always come back to it. Being a mother doesn’t mean you can’t dream and actually achieve them. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? My definition would be a beautiful mom who loves her children, knows her purpose in life and not afraid to do both at the same time.


Boss Mom Spotlight

SHAUNA NOEL-ROBINSON QUEENS, NY AND SANFORD, NC Executive Chef at Tasting Queens Market

Shauna Noel - Robinson is the owner and recipe developer at Tasting Queens Market. Offering the Caribbean-influenced, chefcrafted gourmet spices, teas, marinades, sauces, baking, and frying mixes.

What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship? I started this journey after my son was born and I realized that my career as a corporate executive chef was over. Those 80+ hour weeks just wouldn't cut it with an infant to care for, so I turned my passion for creating flavors into a thriving gourmet market. How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur?

The toughest part of my life is balancing motherhood and growing a business. Both demand so much of me. I extend myself lots of grace, because I know I won't always get it right. I do my best every day and I've found that that's enough. What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? I'd tell any mom to go after what you truly want in this life. Find your passion and chase it hard. It's the best example for your children. Teach them that the world is theirs by grabbing a bit of it for yourself. Plus, I truly believe that the best gift you can give your child is a happy parent. Being

fulfilled by what you do makes you happier and able to share that with your family. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? My definition of a Pretty Boss Woman Who Hustles is a woman who finds the yeses after the no. A woman who creates space for herself in a world that tries to shut her out. She's a person who is dedicated to finding her joy and sharing it with her family and the world. This is a woman of passion, poise, and purpose.


Photo by ermias Tarekegn -

Boss Mom Spotlight



CEO of Joi Filled Delights

Joi Kyles, is a Columbia, SC native

What Inspired your start in with a love for art and baking. As a entrepreneurship? freshman in high school, she My drive and passion for cakes! My became the owner and custom grandmother inspired my love for cake designer of Joi-Filled baking and I would make cakes for Delights. Wanting to perfect her my family every year. When I was a craft, she attended the teenager, I saw Cake Boss for the International Culinary School of first time. I was so in awe at the The Art Institute of Charlotte things that could be made of cake. where she earned an associate's I haven’t looked back since then. I degree in Culinary Arts. combined my love for baking and She is an award-winning pastry my passion for art. I spent chef and has competed nationally countless dollars, hours, sweat, on Cooking Channel, Food and tears perfecting my craft. Network, and The Good Dish. As There is nothing else I’d rather do. much as she loves her success, How do you balance life as a Boss what she loves more is using her God-given talents to give Him the Mom and Entrepreneur? I’m only 5 months into glory in her gratitude. When she is motherhood so I’m learning day by not creating, she "finds Joi" in day. Taking care of me has been spending time with her husband, the biggest help. Making sure I’m Duane Kyles, and their newborn getting as much rest as possible is daughter Gabrielle Elliana.

key for my mental health and helps me to be a better mom and entrepreneur. Also reaching out for help when I need it has been extremely beneficial. Whether it’s asking for help with dinner, cleaning, or someone to watch the baby when I’m getting a few things done. As a new mom, I am learning my new limits in business understanding more about what I can handle so that my clients are not impacted. I am also looking at other areas where I can continue to be a contributor to my industry without necessarily being bound to customer orders. What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams?


Boss Mom Spotlight

Don’t give up on yourself. I’m not going to lie, it gets hard. But don’t let the difficulty defeat you. Be patient with yourself, and your little ones. Take it one day at a time. You can be an amazing boss and an amazing mom! What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles?

She is beautiful, she inspires others, she puts her family first and strives to leave a legacy for her kids by chasing her dreams and passions.


Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of How Do You Sleep At Night? Media, LLC

Queen GerVaise Sarah Guyton is a What Inspired your start in Certified International Public entrepreneurship? Speaker, Filmmaker, Screenwriter My grandparents were and Author. She is best known for entrepreneurs, they lived well and her #1 Best Selling book, “The earned every dollar with a daily Dirty Man: A Memoir of Healing routine one could set a watch and Deliverance from Sex Abuse down to the minute. Growing up both Naturally and Spiritually.” in an unstable toxic household I Queen GerVaise has liberated longed for that type of stability thousands of survivors from and adventure. In my early decades of mental torment. twenties, my husband’s aunt Pamela S. helped me establish my Queen GerVaise featured in first business real estate multiple sold-out events. Notably, management business which was a featured speaker for Dr. Cheryl my official start to Wood and Les Brown's entrepreneurship. “Possibilities Unlimited.” As a How do you balance life as a Boss widower to her first king, their Mom and Entrepreneur? legacy continues in their little It’s a balancing act that requires king. Inspired by his mom, the consistent check-in both with my little king launched his first little king as well as myself. The business eight years young. desire to ensure we both succeed GerVaise is globally empowering in this journey fuels me and every survivors to eradicate the bondage decision I make on a continual of embarrassment, guilt, and basis. At times I miss the mark, shame to live in peace on purpose.

but that has never stopped me from getting up every day to strive to accomplish that healthy balance. Self-care is essential especially as a widowed mom that’s always on. The wonderful wealth of wisdom and supportive family both blood and spiritually aligned individuals who understand and support the vision within their scope of capability. My spiritual core keeps me grounded and focused on my purpose on the earth. Ensuring that I fulfill my purpose and confirming my little kings keeps me on target with exceeding my own expectations. The entrepreneurial legacy has continued on with my little king at the age of eight launching his own business. The desire to teach him how to navigate and establish a healthy family business balance is essential to the longevity of sustainable life.


Boss Mom Spotlight

What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? I highly recommend having a plan for emergencies both great and small. After taking the COVID 19 vaccine, I had a rare neurological reaction that caused every area of my body that experienced paresthesia. As a result, I was unable to care for my son or myself for two weeks. Thankfully I had an amazing team of individuals in place to help ensure we both were well taken care of until I could recover from the side effects. My advice is to always have a plan b and c as well as individuals you can really physically upon trauma to flare up with an onset of temporary paralysis. It was a scary moment in my mom and entrepreneurial journey. Living a life on the go and being a supermom for the past 9 years it never occurred to me that I needed an actionable plan for ensuring my son got to school if I’m physically down. My goal in being vulnerable is to inform other Moms of ways to prepare for the unexpected. Yes, he has an assigned person who will take care of him long-term but I didn’t have a plan for short-term accommodations. This applies to both home and business life. We must have a plan for short- and long-term challenges. Not to the extent we become consumed with the plan that we don’t execute the plan. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles?

A Pretty Boss Mom is unapologetic about her decisions, she knows her value, and worth. A Pretty Boss Mom isn’t afraid to take risks or face challenges she sees them as an opportunity for growth. Most importantly a Pretty Boss Mom knows when to ask for help because she cannot do it all alone and accepts help as a sign of strength to delegate task to be the catalyst to the next level of greatness.




Boss Mom Spotlight



CEO and founder of The Jessi K

Back in 2019, when I had my Adventures has always dreamed of daughter, I really felt the need to creating a collection of books that pursue my dreams head on. I have shine a light on true diversity and always loved being a writer and prayed for the day that I could see not "forced". Jessica moved to my name in books and magazines. Toronto from Sault Ste Marie, Ontario in 2012 with her heart set Books for me were always an escape from reality when life was on working in child care and for difficult, which I am sure is the non-profit organizations. Years later after being diagnosed with a same for a lot of other people too. I often questioned why the chronic illness (after an allergic characters in the books didn’t reaction) and giving birth to a reflect the way I looked or how I beautiful little girl, she decided was raised. I want my books to that now had to be the time to motivate, inspire and encourage follow her dreams. She currently children (and adults too) to be has 2 children's books under her whoever they were meant to be. I name available on Amazon, as well hope to keep growing my as 3 co-authored adult books collection of books so that every available on the same site too! She child and every family sees is motivated and passionate about themselves represented in my creating positive change in the books. world and she hopes you follow How do you balance life as a Boss her journey! Mom and Entrepreneur? What Inspired your start in

I am not one of those “social media personalities” that will sell you on sunshine and rainbows 24/7 so let’s just clear that up first. My “balance” right now is more like an erratic teeter-totter that feels like I’m about to be thrown off of it at any moment. I am working full time as an educator at a child care center, I have a very busy 2-and-a-half-year-old, I have a chronic illness that slows me down and I have this business that I am trying to grow. I would love to be this influential children’s author one day but honestly, the reality is: that this business/mom life is some busy s*it! I half the time don’t even know what I am doing or if I am doing it “the right way”. I want to stay consistent and post amazing content but I also want to nap.



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This doesn’t mean that I don’t give it my all when I work on my business, this just means that maybe this whole “balance” thing isn’t so easily described. What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? BE NICE TO YOURSELF! Trust me, more than anyone I know this is a hard one (I am still struggling with it). You are probably sitting there right now thinking about a dream that you have longed to achieve and you have a million excuses as to why you can’t do it. I am not going to tell you “yeah it’s easy, just do it” because the truth is, it’s very hard. I will tell you that it’s not impossible! You learn to find those little “breaks” in the day, you figure out which days you can stay up later than usual and you will probably leave a billion post-it notes everywhere around your house. There will be nights of exhaustion, self-doubt, and tears but I can’t even describe the feeling I had when I first saw my name in print and when I held my book for the first time. It’s easy for us to second guess ourselves; I did it when I started thinking of my answers for this interview. I didn’t think I deserved to be included in this special edition because I am struggling right now. Then I realized, that I am probably not the only one who is working so hard on their business and it’s not as successful as the people around them. If you can relate to that, even just a little bit then I dedicate this to you. You and I BOTH belong here in this special edition and all these women in Pretty Women Hustle are here to support us! I know this because they have picked me up day in and day out when I am feeling helpless. BE NICE TO YOURSELF. CHASE YOUR DREAM. I AM IN YOUR CORNER! What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? To me, this woman is someone who chases her dreams and at the same time holds the hands of those around her trying to do the same. This is a woman who doesn’t step over others to get what she wants, instead, she motivates others to achieve their goals as well. A Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles isn’t perfect at the balancing act but is perfect at putting her whole heart into every aspect of her life.


Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of What2Wear Boutique

TEMPESTT L. FENDERSON is God’s Chosen Daughter. She is a Praying Woman. She is a Caring Wife to Brian Fenderson & Amazing Mother to Carter & Brian Jr. TEMPESTT loves & Cherishes her family tremendously. TEMPESTT has been Gifted with a Unique and distinctive eye for Fashion. She has a passion for expressing her own style and utilizes her gift in helping others connect with their own personal sense of Fashion and Style. TEMPESTT has a Vocational background in Healthcare and is a Specialist in the Radiology field. Her experiences as a healthcare provider have assisted her in cultivating true compassion and sensitivity to the needs of others.

Through her encounters as a Stylist, TEMPESTT discovered there was an overwhelming need for mentoring and coaching amongst her clients. This led her to become a Certified Life Coach in order to Minister completely from the inside and out. In 2018 TEMPESTT was inspired to birth What2Wear Boutique LLC. What2Wear Boutique LLC is more than a place to shop. Every shopping encounter is like a total wellness experience. The boutique offers fashionable clothing pieces, Personal shopping & Wardrobe Styling Services. However, that is just one aspect. Clients of What2Wear Boutique LLC can also expect to laugh, to pray, and to be uplifted overall. It is a space for simply sharpening one another.

Looking pretty, feeling pretty, and absolutely knowing and shaping your mind to focus on God’s love & His purpose for you, has been and will always be the goal of What2Wear. TEMPESTT believes that you can live a purpose-filled lifestyle, love Jesus & love Fashion all at the same time, and still be that woman of power that you are!!!! You can Do All things through Christ That Strengthens You. (Philippians 4:13) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)



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What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship? I knew I was called to entrepreneurship as a small girl after my dad opened up several candy and snowball shops for me and my brothers. What also inspired me to start was after having my son in the year 2015 I no longer wanted to work on my feet doing heavy labor. How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? Planning my playdates and sticking to my planner and being overly affectionate to my son who loves affirmations and affection. So knowing his love language and demonstrating it helps me balance being a boss mom. How I balance Entrepreneurship is by staying in the face of God because the holy spirit gives sound wisdom on what moves to make, people to call and connect with as well as attending Business Conferences to stay current and knowledgeable. What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? My advice to new moms wanting to chase their dreams would be to know what's your dream, soak it in prayer so you have God's perfect will for your goals and dreams. Hire your weaknesses and continue to cultivate your strengths. Have an emergency fund set up and 6months of expenses saved in a separate account before you leave your 95 and pray for the right team! Can't do it alone. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? PrettyMomBoss who hustles- a praying, executing, well dressed in beautiful garments, confident, purposeful, and powerful woman that has Mommie duties planned out and prioritized!





Boss Mom Spotlight


The Life With the Wells Crew

LaToya is a wife, mother to her

her favorite kind of brands to work three young children, blogger, and with are those that are womenowned and founded. When she is content creator. Over the past 5 not blogging, homeschooling, or years, she has built a brand that creating content, she enjoys she is very proud of. She is the traveling, reading, and having fun writer behind the Life With The with her family. Wells Crew blog. She enjoys blogging about her family life,

What Inspired your start in homeschool life, motherhood, and entrepreneurship? any other interesting thing that’s I started my blog in 2017 right after going on in her life. Since a young my oldest son turned one. I was child, she has always had a passion inspired by my new journey of motherhood to start my blog. I was for writing. Her blog is a way for a new stay-at-home mom and her to express herself through wanted to share my journey with writing and also allows her to other moms. I had been thinking share her experiences as a wife about starting a blog for quite and mother. LaToya also enjoys some time and my husband was creating content for brands on the one who encouraged me to go social media. Since starting her for it. blog back in 2017, she has had the pleasure of working with many different companies and brands, both big and small. While she enjoys working and partnering with all kinds of brands,

How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur?

. I know what I’m doing is important but I will always make time for my family and myself. I always take breaks to pour into myself so that I can show up and pour into others. What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? My advice for new moms wanting to chase their dreams would be to just go for it! Your kids will be proud to have a mom that went after her dreams no matter what. What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? My definition of a Pretty Boss mom who Hustles is a woman who unapologetically goes after her dreams and builds the life she deserves for herself and her family.

I balance being a Boss Mom, Blogger, and Content Creator with good time management


Boss Mom Spotlight


Chief Creative Officer at Designs by Tee LLC

As a social entrepreneur, Tee has over

What Inspired your start in

Go for it! Solicit the help of a coach,

15 years of medical social work experience and currently works in the


and keep a tribe close to you that can pour into you. Write things down, set

space of elder justice. Tee has utilized her creativity to create a positive, motivating, and socially - conscious TShirt line. Designs by Tee (DBT). Designs by Tee is a 3-year-old positive, motivating, and socially - conscious Tshirt line by Tamara Dopwell. DBT's core mission is reaching the unreached through essential toiletries. Each purchase provides a local homeless family the dignity of having what they need. Since Covid has placed new challenges, Tee continues to further her work through DBT. She wants her customers to look good with their tees but more importantly feel good, knowing their purchase is enhancing social justice.

Tee is a Brooklyn Social Worker. After working in the community there appeared to be a dominant theme that preceded a psychiatric episode. Individuals lack the resources they need. This directly impacts children. Children are going to school with smelly clothing because their parents do not have sufficient money for laundry detergent. They are depending on public assistance and if that check does not come in, they cannot purchase soap, deodorant, or toothpaste. Simple items. How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? My faith in God keeps me grounded. I am reminded of what is important

What advice do you have for new moms DBT is purposeful and strategic in wanting to chase their dreams? working with corporations, non-profit leaders, faith-based organizations, social workers, and educators to enhance their organization's goals.

goals, and set deadlines. Hold yourself accountable. Stay prayed up. Keep yourself open to learning. Create new networks. Have fun! It’s a journey, you learn so much about yourself and others. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to make mistakes and fail. But learn from the mistakes. Constantly seek to grow and improve yourself. Believe in yourself even when others shed doubt on your vision. Write your mission statement down and keep looking at it. Stay motivated. You will have to encourage yourself along the way. It’s worth it! Go for it, sis! What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles?

A woman who is beautiful beyond physical measure. Her intellect, her spirit, and her whole vibe is beautiful and she is willing to get up and grind.





Boss Mom Spotlight


CEO of It's a Busy Life, Prepared Place Vacations and One Shot Firearms Academy

She teaches her children the importance of a work/play balance, and yes, the "O" is capital and the traveling the world, having "E" is silent. She is a wife and interpersonal skills, and not taking mother of two boys. Although she life for granted. KiOwana also has many titles, being a mother is knows the importance of her greatest accomplishment. responsibility instilled in children but is a firm believer in letting KiOwana is the epitome of a boss mom. She is an active duty Soldier, children enjoy their youth. Meet KiOwana Eunique Phillips,

Philanthropist, Published Author, Firearms Instructor, Personal Travel Agent, Blogger, Leadership Podcast Co-Host, Health & Fitness Coach, Real Estate Investor, and Board Director for the Moebius Syndrome Foundation. Although it seems like she does a lot, managing the day-to-day of her home as well as her businesses is all about time management. KiOwana prides herself on her organization skills and teamwork mentality in her household.

Her family is her number one priority. Breaking generational curses, creating generational wealth, and memorable life experiences for her children is her goal as a mother. What Inspired your start in entrepreneurship? What inspired my start with entrepreneurship was the feeling of having my own. I own several businesses and there is nothing like being the person to make decisions that lead to the success

of your business. All income from my businesses goes to my household and not to someone at the top of the food chain who knows nothing about me or my work ethic. How do you balance life as a Boss Mom and Entrepreneur? I will not say that it is easy balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood but it is possible. Understanding your priorities, having time management, and being realistic about how much you can do in one day is key. You can be a boss entrepreneur and a boss mom at the same time. I even think those two roles complement each other. Burnout is definitely something that can creep up without even knowing it. That turns into frustrations, dropping the ball somewhere, feeling overwhelmed, and possibly turning into an angry


Boss Mom Continued.. mom. This is what you do not want. To alleviate that, I am an advocate of my calendar, organization, and selfcare. What are my priorities for the day, week, month, and year for my family and business? What advice do you have for new moms wanting to chase their dreams? The advice I would give moms who are looking to get started in entrepreneurship is to be realistic when goal setting. Decide what your business is going to be and be realistic on how much time and money will be required, and how that fits into your family routine. It is possible but you must have a plan and know to understand that your plan has to be adjustable. . What is your definition of a Pretty Boss Mom who Hustles? To me, Pretty Woman Who Hustles means just that. Gone are the days when women are put into boxes to only hold down the homes. We can hold down the home, businesses, children, events, and finances all while making it look good.




The Pretty Boss Mom Cover

KRISTINA PECK by Jakia Cheatham - Myles

Kristina is a 27-year-old, Mother, Wife, Author, Nurse, and CEO. She grew up in Central New York, where she always dreamed of becoming a successful business owner. In 2016, Kristina began practicing as a nurse in

Executive Director of Pretty Women Hustle Network in

Central New York. She continued on this journey for

July of 2020, from their became director of Marketing

over 5 years before realizing her passion was not in

in 2021.

the health care field and immediately experienced burnout. In late 2016, Kristina entered the boss life with Avon and quickly achieved President Club Status. During her journey with Avon Kristina received 2 promotions, 3 Regional Pinnacle Awards, and rose to National Leadership status. Now Kristina has over 70 female representatives that she mentors through Avon. Through this experience alone, Kristina fell in love with entrepreneurship and helping others build successful brands. Kristina's ambitious spirit led her to the network

In November of 2020, Kristina took a leap of faith and launched KP Business Marketing. With this leap, she has dominated the Marketing industry in Charlotte, NC. Kristina has proudly earned the title of, "The Spitfire Italian" and an "Influencer" in the Charlotte area. The KP brand has earned Business Person of the year for Concord, NC for the past two years. Also a proud member of Chi Gamma Xi Chi Multicultural Sorority, Incorporated Kristina is an advocate for empowering women, shaping young minds, and encouraging individuals to be the very best version of themselves.

known as Pretty Women Hustle in June of 2020. Her dedication and devotion to the network led her to quickly become appointed as the


content section here How do you balance entrepreneurship full-time and Family Life? It's really hard. I don't try to pretend that I have it all together. I really try to focus on time blocking my day and setting boundaries. Some people get upset but I stick to my business hours. If it's outside of my hours, I will not answer you until the next business days. I think that's a really important factor when it comes to work/life balance. We're not Walmart- we don't have hundreds of customer service representatives to assist you. It's a one-man show. Sometimes I go to bed and wish I spent more time with my family and other days I wish I spent more time on work. At the end of the day, all that matters is you did the best you could with the cards you were dealt. What has been the greatest part of your career thus far? What has been the most challenging? The greatest part is I have my life back. I no longer have to sell my soul to work for another CEO. I don't have to miss out on anything if I don't want to. I don't have to make money for someone else. I have more time to focus on both my physical and mental health and it's Who is Kristina Peck in five words?

amazing. What's challenging? Learning the ins and outs

Resilient, Vivacious, Quirky, Confident, Loving

of the business. Writing sealed contracts, invoices,

​How did you get your start in entrepreneurship?

working out price points, profit margins, and financial

As silly as it may sound-I started with AVON. I started by passing out those AVON brochures to everybody I knew. Doing book drops around town to every house, doing events, and attending training, AVON really taught me the basis of marketing, branding, and customer service.

"I never dreamed about success, I worked for it." - Estee Lauder

projects, it's a lot. The marketing part is easy. It's all of the backend business stuff that's really challenging. What does a creative session with KP Business Marketing entail? Coffee, comfy pj's, and laughs. A creative session is much more than just coming up with a lot of ideas. I believe a good creative session has three different goals. 1. Understanding the problem for getting valuable ideas 2. Setting a base for collaboration throughout the whole project

What inspired the name KP Marketing? I'll be honest, it wasn't super creative and there really isn't much of a story behind it. My husband threw the name out and I kind of liked it! For me, it's like having my name attached to my own legacy.

3. Creating shared goals We chat about your amazing brand and extraordinary vision. You'll tell me all about your "baby" and we custom curate a plan to help your "baby" grow and thrive.



content section here "If you want to be original be ready to be copied." -Coco Chanel What tips do you have for new entrepreneurs trying to balance motherhood and their dreams? Ask for help. Asking for help will NEVER make you less of a mother. It takes a village to do this-schedule selfcare time, and get comfortable with using the word, "NO." Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years? I would love to see KP Marketing in the Celebrity and Corporate scene. I have started getting my feet wet with celebrity management and really love it. It's a whole new industry to learn and I'm hoping it brings great things to KP Marketing! What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? Enterprising women who are determined to be the greatest.


Thank you & See you in our next issue! PRETTY WOMEN HUSTLE MAGAZINE


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