PWH Magazine August 2022

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Pretty Women Hustle Magazine August 2022 Cover Image DORA SERGEANT CEO/Founder Publisher Jakia Cheatham Myles Lead Editor Adrienne Michelle Horn I A M Editing, Ink www iamediting com Graphic Designer/Copywriter Raquel de Lemos Raquel Writes Content P R E T T Y W O M E N H U S T L E M A G A Z I N E Info@Prettywomenhustle com Instagram: @Prettywomenhustlemagazine Facebook: Pretty Women Hustle Magazine TikTok: @Prettywomenhustleonline WWW PRETTYWOMENHUSTLE COM WWW PRETTYWOMENHUSTLEONLINE COM T H E P R E T T Y T E A M

To learn more about Tonia, visit

Tonia Gibbons is the CEO of Farr More & Associates, who allows her purpose to push her to higher heights. Tonia embraces her personal mission to provide quality, efficient service to her clients Tonia is also the creator and host of “Tuesday Talks with Tonia,” a forum where women come together to build each other up, support, encourage and love each other in a positive atmosphere

Farr More and Associates is a public relations and consulting group that helps businesses, non profits, those seeking elected office, and individuals connect with their customers, clients, constituents, and community to build trust and establish relationships We also help create and build your brand and brand awareness for the audience you seek to connect with We are Farr More than you think and Farr More than you expect What makes us unique is the collaboration and diversity of the group There are several businesses that contribute to the success of Farr More and Associates: hence the Associates in the name Tell us about Farr More & Associates and what makes your business unique?

My greatest achievement thus far is securing the Mayor for the City of Augusta as a client and the non profit I went through for some entrepreneurial training and certification That solidified what I knew; I had it in me, and others saw and believed in my skill set

What has been your greatest achievement thus far in your entrepreneurial journey?

The challenges I had to overcome to get where I am today are probably similar to others People not believing in my ability and not wanting to pay for the services I provide When you know what you know, and you know others don’t know what you know, and you put a price to it, people get squeamish I’m still working to overcome that challenge The other challenge was trusting myself and what God told me What challenges did you overcome to get where you are today?



My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who is confident in her own skin and with her own talents, doesn’t allow others to define her, and is willing to share the spotlight with others She also builds other women up, doesn’t wait on anyone to invite her to the table because she is already there and strives to make her family, community, and the world a better place on her terms

How does Farr More & Associates impact the community?

Tonia’s tips for wanting to become an entrepreneur are:

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

Write down your thoughts, ideas, and what it would take to pay the bills Do not accept no, from anyone If you know it’s what you are supposed to be doing, then keep working the plan until it materializes Always bet on YOU My faith is an essential part of my lifestyle. Everything I do, I do it in faith My products of The Essie Faye Collection are tees with faith filled and inspirational messages

Farr More and Associates’ impact on the community is pretty broad. We collaborate with many non profits by offering some of our services free of charge, we help other businesses by connecting them to potential clients and opportunities, and we sit on several boards of non profit organizations to assist with implementing plans for growth, capital campaigns, and organizational structure We work with others to host and sponsor events that fit our mission and bring the community together What can we expect to see from your business in the next 3 to 5 years? In the next 3 5 years, you can expect to see Farr More and Associates expand to have a non profit arm to the business, as well as us having a fully staffed office in the city and handling more private and public sector clients across the city, state and southeast region https://farrmoreandassociates com

Figure out what your passion is (something you love so much you’d be willing to do it for free) and build from that Find someone in that field who would be willing to be a mentor and allow you to “shadow” them As the Bible says, “write the vision and make it plain ”

Each client will experience a professional, intentional, tailormade consultation with our team, after which they will feel like family Our goal is to work with and build a relationship with our clients Everything happens at the speed of a relationship

Can you share more about the experience your clients can expect when consulting with Farr More & Associates?

Tell us about your transition from Corporate America to being an entrepreneur. The transition from working in the public sector to becoming an entrepreneur was scary at first. People tend to feel like you are only as good as the job you hold, but to me, it’s actually the individual that makes the job Separating yourself from the job or position and becoming an entrepreneur takes courage, confidence, and removing the fear factor. Relationships are key when becoming an entrepreneur I have been building and establishing relationships with the community since I moved here in 1999, and those relationships continue to help me on this journey called entrepreneurship. What tips do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to break into entrepreneurship?

READY TO CREATE YOU OWN Have your ever dreamed of designing your own line of notebooks or journals? I A.M. Editing, Ink is here to help make those journaling dreams true! Journal JBrand? ournal JBrand? ournal Brand?

MEET EXPERT FLORIST CONSULTANT by Jules Lavallee Photos by Sydney Rasch To learn more about Althea and her artistry, please visit: m She continues to serve as a featured artist for the Art in Bloom gallery exhibit, chosen and hosted by the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. What makes Rose of Sharon Floral Design Studio unique? Rose of Sharon Floral Design Studio offers wedding and event design, holiday design for homes and corporate offices, and day flower services. I have owned and operated a brick and mortar store and now own an in home floral studio I grew up with parents who ran a plant nursery and have an educational background in horticulture and floral design “ not try to be everything to everyone.”



Althea Wiles has over 20 years of experience in floral design She is the founder and education director of J Althea Creative, a floral design course, and florist consulting program. Althea is the proud owner and creative director of Rose of Sharon Floral Design Studio in Fayetteville, Arkansas Her design studio participates in 75 100 weddings and events annually and has been recognized by national and regional publications.

Tell us about your programs and courses for florists. Florists can enjoy customized, one on one courses and training, individual consulting, and general support for florists who enjoy designing but don’t love the “running the business” side of running a business You offer Individual 1 hour sessions and monthly packages. What will we get?

I have been there and done that from almost every aspect of running a florist business The University of Arkansas asked me to serve as an instructor last semester for their horticulture department students I have a lot of information to share with any budding or established florist based on this experience. You are a leading Florist Consultant and owner of J Althea Creative. Share your experience. I’ve been a floral designer for more than 20 years now. Throughout my career, I’ve informally taught design and business skills to multiple people With the launch of J Althea Creative Consulting, florists can now access my skills, knowledge, and experience, plus receive personal training and support in a structured setting.

How are you mentoring others? I teach best in situations where I can focus on the student, so my courses focus on one on one lessons Beyond that, I customize the courses and consulting based on my clients’ needs. Some clients only need a few pointers, while others need in depth training followed by accountability checks.

Each session is a 1 to 1.5hour long session where we focus on the business issues that are important to the florist These are held on Zoom and recorded, so they can be reviewed as needed Both options offer the same support, but the monthly packages reserve specific slots in my calendar for those specific clients. Based on our initial conversations, together, we design a program that supports you and your specific needs That might mean free form conversations where you pick my brain or specific training in an area you’re struggling with. Please share a few client success stories One client went from a 50% profit margin to 70% in just two meetings Another started booking $5,000 $15,000 floral package weddings after taking my Practice Your Pricing class. And a third was able to take her hobby business to a full service floral studio where she’s now consistently booking weddings What does the future of J Althea Creative look like, and what can your florist clients expect next? In the coming year, I will be opening my calendar for additional one on one consultation clients as well as launching our Pretty & Profitable Plan, a collection of short courses of various intensity where clients can pick from a menu of options that fit their schedules but still offer the benefits of one on one learning “One client went from a 50% profit margin to 70% in just two meetings.”

The hours were long and backbreaking, seven days a week during high season, and all for just a pound an hour. At the time, being a broke musician between gigs, I gratefully took what I got, even though I wasn’t too impressed.

Simply be! The benefits are enormous I promise!


I’ve had many jobs, ranging from good to bad to somewhere in between I’ve been on welfare and earned good money in the corporate world And yet I still think back to this summer with fondness in my heart

That summer turned out to be one of the best of my life I drove my little van to all the famous beaches, spending long days in the sun and enjoying views that tourists paid a fortune for I had fun bantering with the surfers, chatting with people from all over the world, driving beautiful lanes ringing my jingle, and generally having a wonderful, carefree time with ice cream on the house I was in heaven!

These days, whenever I get into “Manic Mandy” mode, I remember that gracious summer, pour myself a cup of tea, take a deep breath and tell myself to take it easy I remember that the Universe provides everything I need in its own divine timing I breathe, and I trust, and things work out just fine So today, dear reader, sit back, relax and remember to enjoy life

Many moons ago, that’s exactly what I did for one glorious summer in Cornwall, an almost Mediterranean paradise in the extreme southwest of the UK the birthplace of King Arthur But like many “perfect” places, it has its drawbacks. It’s a tourist trap, overcrowded and expensive in the summer and almost deserted in the winter. Not an ideal situation when you’re looking for a steady job.

When you ask most people about their favorite or ideal job, the answers are most likely going to be diverse but have one thing in common: the job will either be exciting, extremely well paid, or both. If you ask me about my favorite job, my answer will surprise you: ice cream seller.

Sometimes the key to happiness lies in the simple things in life. Our modern existence is stressful in its complexity. How refreshing it is to spend time just being! Simplicity is a tonic for the soul. I’ve pondered this question a lot recently and have come to the conclusion, that even now, as an entrepreneur, it is important to streamline my processes and make everything as easy as possible so that everyday flows with grace

By Silke Harvey

So why is a job with poor pay, extremely long hours, no leave, and no benefits so dear to me? The answer is simple: it made me happy and didn’t come with much responsibility It was bliss in its simplicity. And it gave me the opportunity to talk to people all day.

N O M A D I C | 2 4

Black Hair is a culture within itself when it comes to women Pride and Egos are developed from the roots of heads, so imagine the days when you start to lose patches and develop bald spots, breakage, dead ends, and lack of growth. It's devastating! PRETTY WOMEN HUSTLE HAIR LOSS AWARENESS MONTH 1 KALEIDOSCOPE HAIR PRODUCTS 2 WILD GROWTH HAIR OIL 3 DOO GRO HAIR OIL 4 HOLLYWOOD GROWTH SERUM by Akilah Roberts MIELLE HAIR OIL5 These are popular professional brands made from mostly natural ingredients to help promote hair growth for any type of coarse hair In remembrance of Madam CJ Walker, the first black woman creator of hair care products, the hustle still lives on by black women creating their own products right from their kitchen. Products that have been tested out and proven to lead the way in hair recovery include: 5 TOP OILS TO HELP GROW DAMAGED HAIR

Diann enjoys making guest appearances on various live streaming shows Diann is the cohost with Dr Jacalyn on her USA Global TV and Radio™® Additionally, Diann continues to be involved in various humanitarian projects with multiple organizations You are a well known children’s author that inspires readers to be kind, love themselves, and embrace imagination Tell us about your book, Song of Peace I came up with the idea of this book I thought wouldn’t it be wonderful if people around the world would say or sing peace over and over and put it out in the universe that maybe just maybe, for a moment, we could have everyone stop fighting and enjoy the blessings around them



To learn more about Diann:


Diann Floyd Boehm is a former classroom teacher and an award winning international author Diann writes children’s books and young adult historical fiction books , Diann’s books are designed to inspire her readers to be kind, love themselves, and “Embrace Imagination.” You can find all her books on Amazon Diann’s Story Garden YouTube Channel allows children to hear different children’s authors read their stories and Diann’s own stories Diann does speaking engagements, book signings as well as author visitations. Her creative flair encompasses the performing arts and performing in musical theatre productions in Dubai produced by Popular Productions out of the UK In addition, Children’s Author Inspires to be Kind, Love Embrace

Themselves, and

How did you come up with the ideas and magic for the “Little Girl in the Moon” series?

Award-Winning International

I have always loved the moon, and the moon would shine through my bedroom window when I was growing up So, I would move my little twin bed by the window and stare at the moon, and dream of traveling around the world spreading happiness My husband and I lived in Dubai, and we had an apartment with a fantastic Gulf view So, one evening, I was sitting on the balcony looking at the moon, and my imagination began going into overtime, and before I knew it, “The Little Girl in the Moon” was born And I thought how wonderful it was to have a little girl on the moon wishing she could know the earthling children. The book was born

How much fun was it collaborating with your daughter, Katherine, on this series? It is incredible when you look at your daughter all grown up and remember when we used to color, paint, or sing together I never imagined we would be doing a book together one day. She is a professor at SCAD University in Atlanta, Georgia, and is very multi talented To collaborate with her is a blessing I am bursting with pride when I get to say, “My daughter is the illustrator of the book.”

The Emiratis are beautiful people who have a love for their family and culture.

Dubai is a beautiful place to live Camels play an essential role in the Emirati heritage, and I was fortunate to ride camels there I wanted to give back to Dubai for my incredible experience, and it took a while to have the inspiration for the book to come to me I wanted to be different than other camel books in the UAE Finally, the inspiration came during my last year there, and Harry the Camel was born I co illustrated the book with my artist friend Yoshita M Ahmed

Tell us about your “Meet the Author” Appearances and Workshops. I enjoy making in person appearances and workshops I design each of my presentations and workshops based on the purpose of the event or workshop purpose. I want everyone to go home inspired, knowing it was time well spent Make a Picture Book

You are also a young adult historical fiction author

What are you working on?


What do you want the world to know about the people of Dubai and the culture?

It is designed for young children first through fourth grade. The children discover the power of storytelling and how it gives them the words for a written story The children first draw a picture, then share their picture with the class and tell the story behind the drawing. With the parent’s permission, the teacher or I record the child telling the story The child listens to what he or she said, and they become excited that they are storytellers and now have a story in words, not just pictures It is a powerful experience for them

My first young adult historical fiction is Rise a Girl’s Struggle for More It is based on my grandmother’s young life, and the purpose is to inspire others to pursue their dreams I am now working on the follow up to the book with the title to be determined I am excited about the next book and bringing to life the history of Chicago in the mid to late 1920s

Tell us about your book, Harry the Camel, inspired by your time in Dubai.

As you walk down the street With ear pods in your ears Listening to symphonies And sweet jazz melodies Swingy your hips to accolades Tap dancing to the blues Skipping and hopping With no rules The beat of the music Matches your heart It goes boom And a boom Your hair sways back and forth Like the Afro beats You spit out hip hop Like poetry with beats SOUNDTRACK OF MUSIC B Y N A T A S H I A H A G A N S

Your energy twists and turns To Trap music Because you understand the struggle Because you use to smoke with your brother When you go to a concert and hear the music You picture the sounds in your memory Like sweet breeze that sways It can’t freeze Music is your soul You can’t live without it It’s safe When the world is so cold Music is a resurrection of life From ashes to ashes To dust It plays in your head Music is a must A soundtrack of forever


Television personality, philanthropist, wife and mother Kristen Scott is no stranger to multi tasking After three seasons on the hit VH1 reality series “Basketball Wives,” Kristen is now adding Author to her resume with the launch of her first book Broccoli Hair which launched in March of 2022 Inspired by her older daughter, Broccoli Hair follows the story of a little girl and her sense of self love by wearing her crown of hair with pride and affirming her self worth Kristen was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana She graduated with honors from Louisiana State University and excelled in her career as a pharmaceutical representative with Eli Lilly Co before marrying her husband, Thomas Scott, a former NBA coach. Kristen has had a passion to give back since she was a child Growing up in New Orleans, her father taught her the importance of community and charity by taking her to feed the homeless every Sunday after attending church

Kristen Scott of Hit VH1 Reality Series, “Basketball Wives”

How much fun is it being on the hit VH1 reality series, “Basketball Wives?” Basketball Wives was a lot of fun It had its ups and downs, but I had a good time filming Obviously, the world saw me cry more times than I planned on, but I was so blessed to have that opportunity and it really is helping me get to the places that I want to be in life

Today, Kristen has partnered with Kingsley House in New Orleans to provide costumes to over 70 kids for Halloween each year She also leads a team annually for the Sister Strut Walk supporting her mother who is a breast cancer survivor During the pandemic, she raised money for 2nd Harvest Charity in New Orleans by using her fanbase to promote small businesses on her social media.


By Celebrity Writer, Jules Lavallee

Follow Kristen Scott: @mrskristenscott

One of my pride and joys I was completely inspired by Kenzi, my five year old, who really exhibits an extreme amount of confidence at such a young age, especially when it came down to what she saw when she looked in the mirror. During the pandemic, we all had a lot more time on our hands, more than we ever thought we would’ve had and for me to sit down and actually write my second book that was inspired by my daughter that would hopefully help people and their kids around the world is just an amazing feeling The entire point of Broccoli Hair is to help our kids love what they see at all times The interesting part is that a lot of the feedback I’m getting is from the parents who are saying this book is helping them as well

My passion for homelessness was instilled in me as a child, but when my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017 I became a part of Sista Strut in New Orleans. Sista Strut brings together all these beautiful women that have had cancer, know someone who had cancer, etc It’s a beautiful event to see all these women supporting each other

I learned that even though she’s five, she is wise beyond her years She’s got this personality that’s completely out of this world and confidence for days not just about what she sees when she looks in the mirror but what she’s capable of as a little girl

What is your mantra?

If you want to make God laugh, tell him what you have planned! What would people be surprised to know about you?

I actually have some past television experience in the vault I was on ComicView as one of their models (I’m definitely telling my age lol!). I was on MTV as the Queen of Mardi Gras when I was in high school And I did two films, I was in Dukes of Hazzard and also in Déjà Vu, I was supposed to play Paula Patton‘s friend but my scene got cut, lol What did you learn about your relationship with your daughter during writing your book?

Share your upcoming projects for 2022.

You launched a new book, Broccoli Hair. Tell us more.

You have always had a passion for giving back since you were a child. What charities are dear to your heart?

I’m very Broccoli Hair focused at the moment Hoping to go on a book tour to promote it I’m also doing some print projects with my kids, so look for us on some of your baby products. I’m also trying to tap into doing commercials as well as breaking into the hosting/podcast space


What have you learned about reality TV? Any surprises?

I watched reality television before being on a show, however the amount of editing that happens is eye opening It’s obviously very necessary otherwise shows would be years long, but wow it happens in abundance. I think the thing that most surprised me about being on reality TV is that there are some people that will literally do whatever it takes to not only make the show good, but think that they are securing their spot as well

You hold several titles in business What four words would you use to describe Angela Marshall outside of business?



Angela Marshall is a public figure, professional writer, columnist, bestseller author, creative consultant, ex NFL wife, and business owner of “In Other Words, By Stone.” She teaches, enlightens, and shares motivating and transparent topics encouraging struggles to strength Angela has inspired minds to stretch and evolve across the globe Her heart and passion for liberating, illuminating, and motivating others has appropriately nicknamed her the “wise words woman ” Also known as “Author Stone,” she is a positive words powerhouse that utilizes personal life experiences of struggle, strength, and success to captivate audiences and readers abroad Angela is a community advocate, youth mentor, and supporter Angela has professional credentials with 15 plus years of experience editing, writing, and creating note worthy documents, announcements, and informational literature Before starting her business, “In Other Words by Stone,” she spent many years in the corporate world, fulfilling her dreams as a poet, columnist, and published bestselling author She offers a wide range of skills and services, from creating or revising bios, resumes, and ghostwriting to personalizing poems, inspirational quotes, and slogans By PWH Staff

Angela specializes in assisting business professionals, students, and aspiring entrepreneurs through her words and work After a successful career in authorship, publishing, and creative writing, she now speaks globally about transitioning from an ex NFL Wife to Entrepreneur Life, helping people achieve the same freedom and success Angela resigned from twenty years in the corporate world to embrace the purpose that has pursued her throughout life to be unmasked, unchained, and untamed As a former NFL wife, she struggled through a lavish but sorely lacking lifestyle. That chapter in her life produced the transparency in her inspiring inquiring minds want to know autobiography, Reality to Rags to Riches: The Story and Life of an Ex NFL Wife ” Angela has graced influential platforms across the globe. She is also a featured author in the bestselling book Women Who Lead This anthology chronicles successful women across the globe

PWH Living Vicariously Through Myself! What message do you hope women take away from the “In other words by stone” platform?

You spent many years in the corporate world and helping others with their writing needs. What was the biggest lesson learned during that time?

Tell us about your transition from ex NFL Wife to entrepreneur life. What have been your highs and lows during this time?

I will continue to uphold my mission “to speak and write to inspire, not to impress ” I have helped many authors write and publish bestsellers I have drafted speeches for politicians and people in positions of power worldwide I have graced stages across the globe sharing powerful, transparent truths to illuminate, motivate and liberate audiences My formula for expansion and longevity is simple, “positively impact through my words, work and wisdom ”

When I realized the power of words, I began watching how I spoke to myself and others It led me to a place of speaking and writing positively to uplift others They say time is the one thing you can’t get back in life If you think about it, you can’t get words back either I try to be mindful when replying, reacting, and reciprocating I aspire to leave a legacy of being a connector, not a competitor My words can build, bond, and bridge. That’s the goal.


I want to influence them to first pour joy, love, laughter, and knowledge into their soul, spirit, and body You can’t energize from a disconnected or broken source I trust that my mission will be a godly example of how to live vicariously through themselves and give them the strength to not want a seat at tables that are not prepared for them So many of us strive to be liked, accepted, and respected in organizations, relationships, or partnerships that do not serve love We need the capacity of confidence to walk away or not be aligned with anything or anyone that does not make us better What inspired your start in writing and sharing words of wisdom to motivate others?

I understand that authentic relationships and networking are much better than generic connections Many deals are fostered on “who you know;” however, I have met some amazing people who genuinely want to help you or see you do well when you are sincere in your purpose and not just trying to use them to elevate My platform has its share of struggles and success, but I’m proud to say that through all of it, I’m mastering turning fear into freedom, pain into prosperity, and trials into triumph

I’ve learned that even though the client/customer is NOT always right, I do my best to treat them right When providing services for others, it’s impossible to please everyone I focus on delivering the best experience possible, hoping my clients will not only return for additional projects but promote my business to others

Where do you hope to see your platform in the next 3 5 years?

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PODCASTER, WRITER, AND STANDUP COMIC By Jules Lavallee I n L o v e W i t h T h e O t h e r M a n

Caramel Lucas was born with the name “Francina.” She grew up as a shy girl with long black hair and big glasses She was the only girl surrounded by her brothers She had to grow up extremely fast to help take care of her brothers, which Caramel did not have a childhood Her biological father was never in her life, and Caramel felt rejected. Caramel has been through many difficult situations in her life as a child and a young adult. As Caramel became an adult, she learned how to let go of the past and focus on the future, and 20 years later, Caramel Lucas was created. Caramel has been in the entertainment industry for over 20 years. She has uplifted so many people with her outgoing personality. She is a Podcaster Host with her show, “Keepin It Real w/Caramel” on Anchor fm, which has a very wide digital platform She interviews entrepreneurs who want to be heard, gives her listeners inspirational and motivational messages and gives the entrepreneurs a chance to let the world know the impact they are making in the world. In 2018, Caramel became a Published Poet with Eber & Wein Publishing and Poetry Nation. She was published in the Upon Arrival Edition and Quarantine Edition. She received a plaque for both and became one of the best poets in 2019 & 2020. As Caramel kept pushing her career, she decided to continue her education at IAP Career College and became a Keynote Motivational Speaker. Caramel speaks about Relationships, Life Experiences, Online Dating, Parenting & Motivation. In 2013, Caramel became a Published Author and published a novel called In Love With The Other Man with Authorhouse, which became a bestseller. Caramel has written, produced, and directed her own movie of the novel.

Caramel Lucas shares her success with “In Love With The Other Man”

Denise is living the most normal life possible with her husband, Eric, the man she loves and whom she will never leave Keisha, a real estate agent, enjoys the single life until she meets a man named Robert, a handsome and rich bachelor. Keisha is very independent, living and doing her own thing; no man will change her lifestyle, or will he? Liz is married with three children, but she is still lonely because her husband, Frank, is never home Liz meets a young man named Terrence and falls deeply in love with him. What will Liz do? Is she in love with the other man? Tonya does anything with anyone and lives the single life. Tonya does not care about herself, her five year old child, or her mother, even though she still lives at her mother’s home. Watch out for Tonya; she may be with your man or your woman TELL US ABOUT YOUR BACKGROUND. My background has been very busy. In 2005, when I started in the entertainment business, I was a runway model with John Casablancas, then became an icandy model, leading me to be a fashion model I have been published in many magazines online and in print. I pursued acting in 2007, and I’ve done several commercials, music videos, and movies. The entertainment was exciting for me, and I wanted to do more. In 2009, I became an on air personality and a radio host for HOT 107 4 Being a radio host was fun I hosted many events and was on the air every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday night during the midnight hours.

In Love With The Other Man is the story of the lives of four ladies: Denise, Keisha, Liz, and Tonya.

It played at the theater in Orlando, Florida, and now you find it on YouTube at Caramel Lucas or on my website What is your advice for other creatives on how to turn their books into films? My advice to others is when you write a novel, don’t stop. If you feel you have a great idea for a movie and know it is special to you in your heart, go for it It may not sell how you want it to, but you took a step forward and should feel accomplished. You had the courage to do something you felt was right for you. After that, I wanted to write. Ever since I was a kid, I always loved writing In 2013, I wrote my first novel called “In Love With The Other Man”; in 2017, I wrote and produced my own movie. I continue to pursue writing music videos, poetry, movies, and comedy skits. When I started writing comedy skits. I want to perform them. In 2014, I began to do improv In 2015, I went to my first standup comedy show at Orlando Improv on a huge stage, and it felt great. I didn’t want to stop, so I became a motivational speaker in 2020 to help others who want to be heard. I had to make a foundation and became a podcaster host in 2020. Tell us about your book, In Love with the Other Man. What was your inspiration? My book is about four women who are best friends, and they all have their own lives and situations. Their lives are not perfect, but they support each other. My inspiration comes from what I have seen. What I have heard. What I have been through. Life is not easy, and I wrote this book so men or women can relate. There is someone in that book that someone can relate to or someone knows that they can relate to. I am very inspired by our downfalls and how we can get up and move forward Your story was made into a feature film. How excited were you? Yes, I was super excited. I can say I was overwhelmed and unbelievably blessed by the higher power.

You are a critically acclaimed podcaster. What can we find on “Keepin It Real w/Caramel”? You can find entrepreneurs who are telling their stories We have a great time on my podcast I want all my entrepreneurs to feel comfortable and be themselves, and I tell you, they definitely keep it 100. You will hear all types of entrepreneurs who want to be heard and tell the audience what they are doing and how they got there. The entrepreneurs on my podcast give great advice, and we just have positive energy Plus, I’m easy to talk to Lol! What do you enjoy the most about being a standup comedian? I enjoy being on stage and making people laugh. I truly believe that laughter is the key to a longer life. I am goofy anyway, so that is a highlight for me. What is next? I don’t know....whatever direction I decide to go, it will be a fun time. I go with the flow because I am definitely a go getter. I will make it worth going.

P R E T T Y W O M E N H U S T L E C O V E R S T O R Y CEO DMS Financial Dora Sergeant


Dora Michele Sergeant, MBA, is an accounting expert, finance guru, and the owner of DMS Financial Dora has stamped her name by making an impact in a field that was once a male dominated industry A graduate of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff with a master’s in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix, Dora started her career 25 years ago. She realized her love of accounting in high school at the age of 16 while taking her first accounting class, immediately knowing it was what she wanted to do. Known for her expertise in finance and money management, Dora has worked in several industries, including telecommunications, education, and the governmental sector While these experiences helped shape her growth professionally, she experienced her biggest success when she stepped away from corporate America and became an entrepreneur Dora has built a business with a six figure net worth within five years She has received multiple notable accolades, including becoming a Cambridge ‘Who’s Who Among Executive and Professional Women’ nominee and being the winner of the AASBO “Business Official of the Year” Award Through DMS Financial, Dora offers several financial services, such as business set ups, notary, and tax preparation for individuals and businesses. One of her main goals is to help people become more aware of matters associated with their savings, retirement, and fiscal responsibility. Dora strives to help all her clients meet their financial goals and prides herself on harboring solid relationships with them individually, enabling her and the DMS Financial team to better understand her clients’ businesses Her goal is to create and implement financial strategies that are simple and effective in achieving financial success for all of her clients In addition, her success can be credited to how she gives her customers rare experiences While perfecting her methods in the one on one experiences that the “big box” companies do not offer, Dora has set herself apart in major and critical ways We can do anything with a cup of coffee, a smartwatch, and a fly ass pair of stilettos. " "

What message do you hope entrepreneurs take away from your brand? That anything is possible. I hope entrepreneurs understand that if you are interested in a particular industry and there is no one in that industry that looks like you, walk through that door and make that industry look like you What do you have coming up for DMS Financial? How can readers support you? So DMS Financial is taking her platform and branching out to collaborate with some young entrepreneurs in various new industries, so be on the lookout for DMS In the meantime, support us by allowing us to assist your organizations with our financial services

1. 2. 3. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a Bad Ass Woman who is up on her game in her life and her industry and has a fabulous sense of fashion We can do anything with a cup of coffee, a smartwatch, and a fly ass pair of stilettos For more information on DMS Financial or to book a consultation, visit www dmsfinancial net or email dora@dmsfinancial net

What are the most common issues you find amongst entrepreneurs’ finances when they come your way? Lack of an understanding of the financial statements, lack of receipts and documentation for expenditures, and a definite misunderstanding of commingling of funds We run across these problems quite frequently, and they truly wreak havoc on a business owner ’ s perspective of their finances.

While she is proud of her career success, Dora also takes pride in how she went from being a teen mom to being the CEO of a thriving, successful accounting firm She also gives much credit to her late mother, who at an early age instilled in her that she was intelligent and capable of doing anything she put her mind to Outside of Finance and entrepreneurship, who is Dora Michele Sergeant in five words? Adventurous, Fearless, Spontaneous, Baddie, Family oriented When did you realize you wanted to pursue finance as a career? While taking Mrs Ferrell’s accounting class, I realized in my sophomore year of high school that I wanted to pursue a career in accounting You have grown your company into a 6 figure brand with multiple awards under your belt. What has been the most rewarding part of your career thus far? As we celebrate my fifth year in business, my most rewarding moment came in year three when I opened my first storefront Unfortunately, it was the year of COVID, but once everything was reopened, we retained the office facility You offer several services and programs. What services from DMS do you recommend for new brand startups? I recommend the business set up service. In addition to offering the set up of the structure of the business, we also offer finance budgeting and forecasting, and QuickBooks set up and training We believe in assisting new businesses in establishing a strong foundation If you could collaborate with any brand, who would it be and why? I’m not sure I would call it a collaboration, maybe a mentorship I have wanted to work for Ernst & Young Global Limited since I realized accounting was my passion While working for them is not my current aspiration, Ernst & Young has been around for upwards of 30 years, and I would like to establish a mentorship with them to understand their sustainability and ability to maintain relevance in an ever changing industry Make your finances a priority. Realize you can’t do everything yourself. If you are focusing on your craft, hire people or engage someone with a level of financial expertise to do the accounting for the business. It’s ok to invest in YOU!! Spend the money to hone your skills or advance your craft It will be worth it in the long run

What 3 tips do you have for female creatives looking to get their finances in order?


How much should you spend on advertising per month to see results from this marketing strategy?


There is no one size fits all answer to this question, as the amount of money you spend on advertising will depend on your business and the target market you are trying to reach However, a good rule of thumb is to spend between $500 and $2,000 per month on advertising. If you are spending more money on advertising, you are likely investing in more expensive types of ads (such as television or print ads) or employing more aggressive marketing tactics (such as discounting or offering free products to consumers who visit your website) Conversely, if you are spending less money on advertising, it may be because you are relying mostly on online advertising (such as Google AdWords) or engaging in less aggressive marketing tactics


What kind of results can you expect if I invest in this kind of advertising? This will depend on the type of ad that you are buying, your target market, and how much money you are willing to spend. However, a high quality display advert (such as an organic advert displayed at the top or bottom end of web pages) is likely to increase clicks through from search engines (the number one driver for online traffic), which is expected to TIP! Before creating a budget, ask yourself these questions:

Creating a Marketing Budget

1. What is the goal of your marketing strategy? 2. How much money do you currently spend on advertising each month? 3 What are the different types of ads that you are running, and how much do they cost? 4. Are you using any promotional offers or discounts to attract consumers to your website? 5 Are you targeting a specific audience with your advertising, and if so, who?





Written by: Jakia Cheatham Myles

To learn more about Mimi's Yoga Kids, visit www mimisyogakids com

When did you discover your passion and interest in Yoga? What sparked your interest in Yoga for Kids specifically? I discovered yoga in 2010 and did it here and there throughout the years I got back to yoga in 2015 after a family crisis that was extremely stressful for me I started a regular yoga practice to help keep stress down because I was caring for my newborn grandson because his mother couldn't at the time As he got older, he started doing yoga with me The light came on, and I realized that kids could benefit from yoga too I got certified, and Mimi's Yoga Kids was born.

Meet Camelia (Mimi) Felton! She is a Black Yoga Teacher Alliance and a Yoga Alliance 200RYT Yoga Teacher, a KAY (Kidding Around Yoga) Certified Kids Yoga Teacher, a Certified Meditation Instructor, and a YBB (Yoga Behind Bars) certified Trauma Informed Yoga Instructor & a Reiki ll Practitioner She is also enrolled at Prema Yoga Institute to become a Certified Yoga Therapist Mimi started Mimi's Yoga Kids in 2018 after realizing the many benefits of doing yoga with her young grandson She knew that this was something that kids and their families needed. She couldn't find what she wanted, so she created it! She is very excited to share all these wonderful practices with children and their families She wants to share her knowledge with the world to cultivate awareness of how these wonderful practices can teach all of us, especially our children, MINDFULNESS, INNER PEACE, MEDITATION & IMAGINATION! So come and join her as we learn, grow, and thrive together. All are WELCOME here!


What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

You have completed several certifications and are currently enrolled to become a certified Yoga Therapist. Can you share some of the benefits of yoga? There are so many wonderful benefits to practicing yoga. It promotes self awareness, relieves stress, calms the mind, stretches the body, and truly brings balance to your mind, body, and spirit We hear of yoga for adults, but how can yoga for children become implemented in schools and programs worldwide? Kids need and deserve the benefits of yoga They, too, are stressed and overwhelmed with everything in the world today They need a safe space to breathe and relax their minds Schools are starting to get it, but we still have a long way to go My wish is that every school gives space for kids to do yoga What message do you hope families take away from a session with Mimi's Yoga Kids? That yoga is a practice. I teach through four key elements: mindfulness, inner peace, meditation, and imagination. This allows kids and their families to experience yoga in a fun and engaging way They feel empowered to practice yoga, mindfulness, and meditation at home It creates something the entire family can do together Where do you hope to see your platform in the next 3 5 years? Teaching yoga and mindfulness throughout the world. I have so many goals that I desire to crush. I want a team to help support the goal and mission to reach more people with the amazing gifts of yoga.

A woman who truly knows her worth. She believes in herself, works hard, and makes things happen. She is super stylish and DOPE! She inspires others to be the best version of themselves by being HERSELF!!!! I AM HER!!!!!




There will be people who will see how you love yourself, but they may not love you However, it is easy to let the people who are not genuine just walk away You know that it's not serving you We sometimes take whatever we can get when we don't love ourselves. That can lead to being in some disastrous situations. Let me tell you a little snippet about me.

Are your goals what you want, or did society tell you? What does happiness mean to you? What is standing between me and my dream life? What things give you energy? What gives you energy? It would be easy for me to say a plethora of big words and quotes about love, and you may like that But that is not entirely me or how I feel We watch movies about love, and it's always boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy loses girl. Sometimes we see them get back together and rejoice because we love happy endings. In the story of love, I think it is even more wonderful when the man or boy never puts himself in a situation to lose the girl he says he loves He cherishes every opportunity with her and would not betray her. Is that likely? Yes, it is. Let's back it up here, love in a relationship, courting, or even marriage is wonderful But it does start with self Do you love yourself? That could seem like a silly question to ask, but it is important you ask yourself before we continue Here are some questions to see if you do love yourself.

As a plus size Black girl, I often wanted to be like everyone else I never saw someone that looked like me be successful or happy in a relationship So, I sought to be someone else.

You must set the tone for what you want relationships to look like. Love for self is the highest form. If you don't love yourself, how can someone else love you?


LaTonya Jackson is a multi business owner, female leader, and an inspiration to the North Louisiana community She is the Owner Operator of Tender Touch Svc, LLC, Jackson's Easy Travel, and LaTonya's Janitorial Svc, LLC. She is the wife of Mr Mike Jackson, Owner of Mike's Lawn Svc, LLC, a Godmother, beloved daughter, sister, aunt, and friend Her business acumen, spiritual persona, and extensive business knowledge make her a leader and mentor to those around her Her business Tender Touch Svc, LLC, helps families with caregiver services for their loved ones and employs several individuals in the North Louisiana area Outside of entrepreneurship, If you could use four words to describe LaTonya Jackson, what would they be?

Balancing everyday life can become very challenging at times Prioritizing is definitely a MUST Once upon a time, I tried handling the responsibility of a full time day job and my full time entrepreneurship I am married, so I must ensure I have quality time for my husband

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3 5 years? In the next three to five years, I expect to manage and work my brand full time with a strong staff as my team

Christian, Honest, Dependable, and Hard worker

When did you discover your interest and passion for entrepreneurship and starting your business?

How are you currently balancing entrepreneurship and family life? It became very overwhelming, and I had to hire an assistant to help me I struggled with letting go of so many responsibilities of my entrepreneurship business at first, but after I saw the relief that it brought me and the time available to spend with my husband and do other things that were lacking, letting go became easier and easier


What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

It does not matter what our features are, but it definitely matters where our heart is, where our mind is. A pretty woman must have great values, work ethics, and the ability to speak clearly so she is NOT MISUNDERSTOOD She has to be trusted with finances, and she has to work hard but more so work smart. I know life challenges will come our way, but there is nothing too hard for God She has to pray and have a relationship with God to be able to hear from Him when she needs to!


The mission behind my business is to let families continue to live their lives to the fullest as we, as healthcare providers, take care of their loved ones Can you share the mission behind your businesses?

I discovered my passion for entrepreneurship in 2007 I was a healthcare worker, but I was a full time healthcare worker then I changed careers to law enforcement, but I still loved caring for people in my heart I then knew I wanted to pursue my dream of having an agency providing care for the elderly

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