9 minute read


Jevonya Allen commands attention as the Creator and Chief Visionary Officer of Twisted Networking, an internationally recognized business networking organization Known for her success as an author, a certified business consultant, and a networking coach, Jevonya’s mission is to teach people selling a product or service how to become skillful at building relationships that will result in personal and professional growth. Jevonya’s clients range from entrepreneurs in the ideation phase to the alumni association for a top high school in the United States. Her book, The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker, garners much publicity for entrepreneurs, startups, small business owners, network marketers, and sales teams Jevonya’s digital course, Networking School, is positioned to transform many lives worldwide. Jevonya loves discussing entrepreneurship, personal development, business, marketing, and networking. Jevonya has three adopted sons and currently lives in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

What inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

In 2009, a simple conversation with a friend propelled me into the thrilling world of entrepreneurship It all began when my friend contacted me about some innovative services he had started offering his clients. Intrigued, I agreed to watch a video that showcased the value of these services As I immersed myself in the presentation, I couldn’t help but recognize the immense potential they held I knew instantly that I wanted to become a client, but what I didn’t expect was that the video not only revealed the power of the services but also introduced a captivating business opportunity While the concept fascinated me, I never saw myself as a business owner Doubts and uncertainties clouded my mind

Shortly after watching the video, my friend informed me that he was participating in a competition and needed my support to achieve his goals

Determined to help my friend, I became a client and decided to invest in the business opportunity I had initially dismissed

As I signed on the dotted line, little did I know that this decision would catapult me into a whirlwind of possibilities The recruiting system of the business quickly drew me in, captivating my attention and igniting a spark of curiosity within me It was as if I was being nudged down the path of entrepreneurship

The next pivotal moment came when I was tasked with organizing an in-home presentation to introduce others to this opportunity To my surprise, one of the company’s top income earners, a woman I had seen in the video, happened to be in town. Her presence added an air of excitement and inspiration to my business launch

Hearing her incredible story and spending time with her, something clicked inside me I was captivated by her success, and a realization dawned upon me: if she could achieve financial prosperity through this company, and we were merely a few months apart in age, then why couldn’t I? At that moment, I saw entrepreneurship as a vital part of my path toward achieving my own financial goals

From that point forward, my dedication to building my business grew unwavering I embraced the challenges and hurdles that came my way, knowing they were stepping stones toward my vision of success Entrepreneurship became more than just a means to an end it became a journey of selfdiscovery, personal growth, and the fulfillment of my dreams

Can you share how your brand Twisted Networking came about?

About a year after I started my first business, I received a random phone call from someone who found my business card on a bulletin board at a restaurant, and he invited me to attend a networking event

I vividly remember the feeling that I had at my first networking event. Walking into a room full of strangers triggered my first panic attack I had to leave the venue and go outside because I was hyperventilating, sweating profusely, and shaking, unlike anything I had ever experienced After saying a quick, silent prayer, I regained my composure enough to go back inside

Following that experience, I got invited to various networking events, each with slightly different formats. I would accept the invitations even though I would be nervous before, during, and afterward

While I was at these events, I would usually watch and observe I would interact sporadically, primarily nodding my head and listening to others speak But I loved the thought process behind bringing like-minded businesspeople together to share, support, and pass referrals

I quickly learned that people did business with people who they know, like, and trust, and networking events were the conduit for bringing people together to grow their businesses However, all the events I attended left me feeling like something was missing

Recognizing the need for a balanced networking experience, I decided that I was going to create an event that would make networking more comfortable and easier for me

In January 2017, I held my first networking event at a Chinese restaurant in Rhode Island My attendees loved the format I had created, and within a few months, I was selling my system to other entrepreneurs who saw the value in using networking events to build their businesses

In just 6 years, Twisted Networking has seen attendees from over a dozen US states, Mexico, the UK, Granada, Sweden, Africa, Peru, Malaysia, and several other countries

What is your mission through your organization?

Our primary objective is to assist attendees in taking their businesses, causes, organizations, or careers to the next level by fostering meaningful relationships within a comfortable and welcoming environment

During our events, we strive to provide an optimal blend of informativeness, interactivity, enjoyment, and efficient use of time Our events are designed to be educational and engaging, ensuring attendees gain valuable insights and connections while having a great time

We build connections based on shared interests, passions, or values rather than solely professional or transactional purposes. We recognize that people connect more deeply when they can relate on a personal level, and this can lead to more fruitful and long-lasting relationships

Twisted Networking aims to create a positive and inclusive atmosphere where our attendees can showcase their authentic selves and build relationships based on trust and mutual support We emphasize the power of collaboration, synergy, and shared experiences in networking, recognizing that meaningful connections can lead to personal and professional growth

Overall, Twisted Networking offers a fresh and unconventional approach to networking, moving away from traditional formalities and focusing on building genuine connections through shared interests, creativity, and fun We seek to transform networking from a transactional activity into a meaningful and enjoyable experience that cultivates valuable relationships.

Tell us about your role as a networking coach. How does your role benefit women in business?

As a networking coach, my primary objective is to empower individuals and organizations to enhance their networking skills and optimize their networking endeavors for business growth and success. I accomplish this through diverse offerings, including my book titled The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker, my comprehensive digital course known as Networking School, engaging in-person and virtual workshops, and delivering impactful speaking engagements

One aspect of my work that brings me great fulfillment is providing invaluable support and guidance tailored specifically to women’s unique needs and challenges in the business world I understand the importance of addressing the obstacles that women often encounter when it comes to networking, such as self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and other confidence-related issues that can hinder their full engagement in networking activities By focusing on these areas, I assist women in building their confidence and empower them to navigate the networking landscape effectively

I am committed to helping women overcome any gender bias they may encounter in networking environments. I equip them with powerful techniques to handle biases, develop assertiveness, and leverage their strengths to establish credibility and influence within their professional network By providing practical strategies, I enable women to break through barriers and create impactful connections that transcend gender stereotypes

I assist women in developing a strong personal brand and effective communication strategies Through personalized guidance, I help women articulate their unique value proposition, refine their messaging, and enhance their networking pitch. By honing these essential skills, women can effectively communicate their expertise, skills, and aspirations, leaving a lasting impression on potential collaborators or employers

A final aspect of my work involves assisting women in cultivating networks that align with their professional goals I offer valuable advice on identifying and connecting with mentors, sponsors, and like-minded peers who can provide invaluable guidance, open doors to opportunities, and offer unwavering support throughout their career journey. By facilitating these connections, I empower women to tap into the immense power of networking, expanding their horizons and propelling them toward their desired accomplishments.

When did you realize you had a message to share with the world?

In May of 2021, my business coach suggested that I should write a book At first, I was taken aback and thought, “Me? Write a book? I buy books and read books, but I don’t write them ” However, his words resonated with me, and after contemplating the idea, I surprised myself by coming up with the title for my book within two weeks Determined to bring this concept to life, I immersed myself in the writing process, and within two months, I completed the initial draft of my manuscript.

Tell us about your book, The Introverts Guide to Becoming a Master Networker. In The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker, I present a comprehensive resource filled with practical advice and proven strategies specifically designed to empower introverts in their journey toward enhancing their networking skills and achieving success in both professional and social environments The book acknowledges the inherent challenges introverts face when it comes to networking, recognizing their preference for solitude and the need to recharge in quieter settings.

Dispelling common misconceptions, I challenge the notion that introverts are passive, indifferent, or unassertive

Instead, I shed light on the unique qualities and strengths that introverts possess, which make them exceptionally well-suited for building deep, meaningful relationships the cornerstone of authentic networking. Through a ten-step process tailored to the introvert’s perspective, I guide readers on their path to becoming master networkers.

Throughout the book, I explore a range of key topics essential for introverts looking to excel in networking These include gaining a deep understanding of introversion itself, mastering networking fundamentals, overcoming common networking challenges specific to introverts, embracing authenticity, developing a compelling personal brand, crafting an effective networking strategy, expanding digital networks to leverage online platforms, nurturing relationships through meaningful follow-up, and creating an introvert-friendly networking environment.

By offering insights into the unique strengths of introverts, such as active listening, thoughtful observation, and the ability to forge genuine connections, my book empowers introverts to leverage these qualities as they build a strong network I demonstrate how introverts can create meaningful relationships that propel them forward in their careers or personal endeavors, utilizing their innate strengths to achieve their goals.

The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker serves as a roadmap for introverts seeking to navigate the world of networking with confidence and authenticity It is a resource that supports their journey and celebrates and harnesses the untapped potential within introverts, empowering them to forge connections that truly matter.

What do you hope women take away from your work?

While The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker addresses networking challenges that introverts face, it also recognizes some of the unique obstacles that women may encounter in professional and social settings

By reading this guide, women can discover key insights and strategies that will enable them to navigate the networking landscape with confidence, authenticity, and success.

One important takeaway from the book is the emphasis on embracing and leveraging strengths, particularly for those who identify as introverts. It highlights qualities such as active listening, empathy, and the ability to establish deep connections, which women can harness to build meaningful relationships and create networking opportunities that align with their values and goals

The guide also emphasizes the importance of cultivating an authentic personal brand Women are encouraged to develop a brand that is true to their values, passions, and goals, avoiding conformity to traditional societal expectations. By embracing their uniqueness, women can stand out and attract connections that resonate with who they truly are.

Additionally, the guide highlights the value of supportive networks and mentorship. It emphasizes the importance of seeking mentors who can offer guidance, support, and growth opportunities. Furthermore, it encourages women to support and uplift each other, fostering a community of empowerment in their professional journeys.

By reading The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker, women can gain valuable insights, tools, and strategies to navigate the networking landscape confidently, authentically, and successfully It equips them to address the unique challenges they may face while empowering them to build meaningful connections and achieve their business goals

Who is your ideal reader? Where do you hope to see your book next?

The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker is beneficial for introverts seeking to improve their networking abilities, women navigating professional and social networks, professionals across industries and sectors who want to expand their networks, build relationships, and advance their careers, students and recent graduates who are entering the job market or exploring future opportunities, individuals in leadership or business development roles and anyone interested in enhancing their networking skills and building meaningful connections

I hope to pursue international publishing and translations and to become a New York Times bestseller.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A “Pretty Woman Who Hustles” is a woman who embodies holistic well-being, diligently balancing her physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual aspects while striving to be a productive member of society.

She values her appearance and takes pride in self-care, recognizing that self-care is essential for overall success and happiness However, she understands that true worth extends far beyond physical beauty, challenging the misconception that appearance alone determines a person’s abilities or drive.

Driven by a tireless work ethic, she exhibits unwavering commitment and determination in pursuing her goals Whether she ventures into business, entrepreneurship, creative endeavors, or any other field, she remains focused on achieving professional success

A “Pretty Woman Who Hustles” embodies strength, ambition, and self-care a woman who defies stereotypes, pursues her passions and embraces the full spectrum of her capabilities

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