9 minute read


NICOLE S. FARRELL is a multi-faceted visionary, entrepreneur, writer, mentor, and dynamic International Speaker who is based in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. Her personal flair, cheerful spirit, wit, sense of humor, commitment to excellence, unique creativity, experience, knowledge, expertise, and friendliness always appeal to others, making her easy to work with and be an asset to any team In her entrepreneurial capacity, she is a certified Public Relations & Communications Strategist, Image Consultant, and Communications Journalist, catering to local and foreign professionals, teams, and corporate staff She is on the Board of Directors at the Switzerland-headquartered Global Chamber of Business Leaders (GCBL) as the Director for Communications

Farrell is the first Trinbagonian to be an Executive within the organization and to serve on the Board Additionally, she is the Global Chair - Public Relations and Strategic Communications with the UK-based Ishkama Global Change CIC organization and the Country Chair - Trinidad and Tobago Chapter with G100 Oneness and Wisdom. She is also the Founder and Strategic Director of her mentoring initiative, EmpireADY (pronounced Empire-Ready), where she and her team cater to youths and young adults

Farrell has been featured in several international magazines, including Global Times, I Am Woman Global, and Black Entrepreneur. She was the Cover Story for the Ishkama Global Change (IGC) magazine's May 2023 Issue, making her the first Trinbagonian to be featured and get Cover status.

Her authorship has contributed to two anthologies between 2022 and 2023, namely, Women's Voices On Time: Global Women Leaders Speak Out Anthology Collection, Volume 1 (available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble) and Women's Peace Purpose: Humanity Shares Their Emotions" Anthology Collection, Volume 1.

Her latest project sees her as the Creator and one of the hosts of the Facebook 'Live' talk series, "Frills & Fire" (in the Group of the same name), where she and her co-host, Candice Greenidge, discuss deep topics relating to life, family and friend relationships, work and entrepreneurship.

What services do you provide?

Image Consultancy being one of my portfolios in business, I offer a range of Image Architecture services to both male and female professionals (corporate and non-corporate employees, middle managers, and upper-level executives and entrepreneurs) It's all about refining one's image, and I like to have a holistic approach to clients' image enhancement.

Recently, I procured a range of photoshoot and wardrobe styling/branding services for someone who is in the field of Education but is also an entrepreneur as a Reiki practitioner She was so impressed and satisfied with how in-depth my work was, both before her photoshoot and during the photoshoot I'd also booked and coordinated everything for her with the Glam Team and studio I like including services that reduce or totally eliminate a client's stress levels

The second portfolio in my business centers around Public Relations and Communications, where I'm a Public Relations & Communications Strategist and Communications Journalist. In a nutshell, my focus is to conceptualize contemporary and creative strategies and concepts for organizations in order to achieve a sound goaloriented level of success with online and offline efforts, initiatives, and projects and not have them 'throw darts in the dark' due to lack of knowledge and direction.

The journalism side deals with writing news articles, special features, speeches, Press Releases, Crisis Management correspondence, preparing Media Kits, etc I also provide ghostwriting services for short publications

I'm also the Director For Communications at the Global Chamber of Business Leaders (GCBL), headquartered in Switzerland, and the Global Chair - Public Relations & Strategic Communications within the Ishkama Global Change CIC organization, which is based in the United Kingdom.

From my observations with strangers, colleagues, and associates and even my own desires as to what I'd like to offer, I decided to make the following Image Consultancy services available:

Public Speaking

Wardrobe Styling & Wardrobe Branding

Media Interview Training

Photoshoot Coaching & On-Set Direction

(Headshots/Full-Length Personality Images)

Body Language Coaching (Confidence)

Personal Branding Architecture

Head-To-Toe Makeovers

The wardrobe styling and branding (yes, there's a difference) and photoshoot services are geared toward female professionals and entrepreneurs. The other services cater to both males and females My targeted clientele for entrepreneurs and certain professionals are consultants, coaches, other service-based solopreneurs, attorneys, middle managers, supervisors, and Csuite executives

Both local and foreign clients have access to these services. The virtual world has allowed for even more opportunities within recent times to help clients from various parts of the world Therefore, a client can benefit from virtual coaching or consultancy facilitated by me

Even if women or men are from different countries and might have dissimilar cultures, we are still human at the core and have some commonalities that need to be addressed, changed, or refined

When did you realize you held a passion for PR?

I'd have to say that, apparently, it was an unknown inclination at the beginning. It was only after I got exposed to Business Protocol while doing a joint Course in that area of studies and Event Planning and Management, and then when I was ready to 'open the doors' of my business, that I realized I had an affinity for it since my childhood, really

I was always fascinated by showbiz as it was called, now more commonly referred to as the entertainment industry I would read countless entertainment magazines and publications, not only noting the 'what' of the content but also the underlying aspects of it I paid attention to what public personalities, celebrities, editors, publicists, and even media and paparazzi entities said and did through stories, articles, and columns I didn't realize it then, but I was actually informally studying the industry and field of work Over the years, working with different types of clients provided me with a variety of unique experiences No two clients are the same, so every new encounter is refreshing. I'm never bored.

In my adulthood, my interest in P.R. kept growing When I started my business, Au Courant EventZ, I decided to offer services in the areas of Event Management and Public Relations I felt that there was a great possibility that clients could benefit from both categories, either on an individual or combined basis The decision paid off! Fortunately, I booked several clients who wanted both sets of services for their projects

Throughout the six years that I've been in this field professionally, I've grown to enjoy P.R. even more It's exciting to me My Corporate Media and Entertainment careers saw me as a prime-time Radio Personality, Television Talk Show Host, Magazine Columnist for a national media entity, Television Actress, Event Host, Ad Campaign Producer, and Branding Strategist My career before that was in Executive Administration Everything I did has lent to my prowess in my current fields in some way, shape, or form Although I began doing Entertainment P.R. and Business/Corporate P.R. several months ago, I decided to focus only on Business and Corporate P R

What are the benefits of having an Image Coach?

Dealing with an Image Consultant should entitle someone to highly personalized concepts, advice, and ideas Assistance and guidance should not be generic.

So, one major and significant benefit is that a person's issues or challenges will be dealt with according to their personal and specific needs That's why an initial consultation is imperative. It's for me to find out what they find challenging but also for me to discern, among other things, in which areas they need enhancement or to improve So, that beneficial aspect is having someone who understands all of the complementary factors needed for the service categories.

Another benefit is that an Image Consultant can provide one-on-one personal branding guidance for your field For example, no two attorneys are the same No two beauty practitioners are the same No two executives or managers, or Coaches are the same Even if they have similar styles, complexion, height, size, personality, etc., they would require their own key guidelines

When it comes to body image, an Image Consultant can help clients understand their body type so that they'll know the best types and styles and colors of clothing, accessories, and even shoe styles to purchase. This is fundamentally important We can't always go with what's trending or what we found to be cute on a friend

Additionally, as an Image Consultant, the more you get to know your client, the more you get to understand them, and this can clue you in to factors that can be or should be considered when conceptualizing their scope of work. Having knowledge of Branding, Advertising, and Marketing with thirteen years of experience has assisted me with clients in immeasurable ways With entrepreneurs, I can advise them and include branding, advertising, and marketing principles because, at the end of the day, they're selling themselves to potential customers, clients, and associates, right? So, all of these things should be included in a client's concepts.

What would you say is your purpose in life?

In 2016, just before I began my entrepreneurial journey, I realized that my purpose was to uplift, inspire and motivate people At first, I thought of it as something on a personal level, but as time went by, I realized that I could also achieve this within my professional life

I love seeing people win! I love encouraging others. I love speaking life into people and trying to steer them towards seeing the positive side of things and the greatness within themselves that they can showcase and in which they can revel I want them to know that in spite of challenges, setbacks, closed doors, delays, etc , there's always another chance, a new path, or a good season approaching. It's not lost on me how support, encouragement, and even a simple compliment can boost someone's morale. There is a quote that says that people might forget what you did, but they'll never forget how you made them feel When you know or have been told that you impacted someone positively - and especially for a lifetime - it's both humbling and gratifying

What advice would you give to someone who suffers from a lack of confidence?

Both men and women experience this on different levels It is sometimes quite difficult to chip away at people's wall of baggage when it comes to a lack of confidence Then, there are those who are affected quickly and positively into gaining more confidence

Two pieces of advice that I'll give are: Give yourself grace with the process of becoming more confident. Most people will not go from 0 to 100 with progress That's because it's a process for many. It truly takes time to reach that level of freedom that is unbridled selfconfidence

The other piece of advice would be to please get professional help if your lack of confidence is deep-rooted and cemented, especially from traumatic experiences. Seek the services of a therapist, life coach, psychologist, or psychiatrist if your issues go very deep

You see, if someone has unpacked baggage that significantly weighs them down, it doesn't and would not matter how much better they dress, how attractive their online content is, how many opportunities they get, and so on. There will always be confidence lacking because they're treating the surface stuff and not the root

I always say I cannot 'sell' what I don't have If I didn't have confidence, how could I convince a client that I could influence them into operating with confidence and authority? At least, that's how I look at it

Outside of PR, communications, coaching & mentoring, who is Nicole S. Farrell in seven words?

A sassy, spiritual, friendly, and unique diva!

In your opinion, what fashion pieces should every woman own?

A common and general styling tip is to have classic pieces - pencil skirts, trousers, blouses or shirts, blazers, or jackets in colors with which you can mix and match This is definitely a tip to which I subscribe You truly don't need to have a walk-in closet full of clothing. You can shop smartly This can be neutral colors (which are usually recommended) or brighter colors if that fits your personal style more Neutral colors include shades of black, brown, cream, white, khaki, tan, navy blue, etc

Nowadays, mixing and matching bright colors is trending, especially for those who live in countries that experience Spring and Summer. So, even if you aren't a fan of going 'totally bright,' you can incorporate some bright-colored pieces to add a pop of color to your ensembles

One of my personal tips for fashion pieces would be that every woman should own accessories that can complement her ensembles, whether they are statement pieces or demure pieces - necklaces, rings, hand accessories, earrings Accessories help amp up your attire and give a complete look You just need to know what would work for you in general and, yes, even with some outfits, specifically

A bonus tip I'd share is to buy several colors of a particular style, especially if you'd like or wouldn't mind a uniform style for work or business. This option can work wonders for you! It's convenient and economical in the end

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A "pretty woman who hustles" is a visionary who is self-assured and unapologetically herself in her professional pursuits and dreams and who believes in her capabilities and God's hand of favor.

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