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WaystoKeep theRomance AliveWithA BusySchedule

Written By: India K.

Having a busy schedule and being in a relationship or married is not always oil and water The two can mix if you have a proper foundation Sometimes it may seem impossible based on your different schedules, the stress that comes with the jobs you both hold, or the energy it takes to connect emotionally, mentally, and physically after a long day At first, it may not seem such a big deal that you must cancel a date or romantic dinner Still, eventually, all of those canceled events will add up They will make a difference in the eye of your significant other. There are multiple ways to ensure you can keep the romance alive with a busy schedule.

First, ensure your partner knows how busy your schedule will be You never want to blindside your partner and have them under the impression that you’re less busy than you are Make sure to be open and honest about your schedule when making plans with your partner Let them in and see how you operate on a business level That will give them a sense of what you do day in and day out. You must commit to the challenges within your busy schedule and also within your personal life Sometimes that will drive you crazy and drain your energy all at once, but it will be worth it in the end.

They will feel as if they are not a priority for you. However, that can be avoided if you find ways to keep the romance alive with a busy schedule

There are plenty of ways to utilize your time wisely while having a busy schedule and incorporating romance into that schedule Many of us just do not take the time to figure out what will work best for us Not all of these will work, but finding the one that suits your relationship best is the key to success

Here are five strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship even when you’re swamped with work.

Put dates on the calendar--and don’t cancel!

If your relationship is truly a priority, then you have to prioritize it on your schedule While it may not seem romantic to pencil dates on the calendar, this is the most effective way to ensure you and your partner enjoy quality time together on a regular basis.

Secondly, never make your significant other feel left out Never make them feel as if you do not have the time for them or are unwilling to make time for them There will always be a time for work, and there will always be a place for pleasure You have to create that line between the two in order to allow for enough time for the two. A significant other of a spouse that feels left out will eventually tend to feel alone They will not see how busy you are with work at that point; they will only see that you are not making enough time for them.

Once you’ve scheduled your dates, avoid the classic “Netflix and sweatpants” rut and do new things together instead For example, you might try a new exercise class, experiment with new cooking techniques or recipes, pick up a new hobby, or simply take turns asking each other questions you don’t know the answer to

Research consistently finds couples who experiment with new activities enjoy better relationships, so make it a point to keep things fresh

When you’re together, be present. It doesn’t count as quality time if you’re checking your phone all through dinner If you’ve made a point of scheduling time with your partner, then respect that time by being present

Make your partner your focus the whole time you’re together, and you’ll enjoy much greater intimacy (and reduce the risk of your partner feeling disrespected or resentful).

Make time for communication. Even if you consistently make time for each other, your intimacy with your partner can still erode if you never scratch below the surface While it can be tough to find the energy to have serious conversations after a long day at work, dig deep and make it happen It’s especially important to communicate to your partner how you feel about your work schedule--and vice versa. Give each other space to air feelings, talk about what is and isn’t working in the relationship, express personal needs, and brainstorm strategies to make sure you both continue to have your needs met regardless of what’sgoingonatwork

Try to maintain the same sleep schedule. Sure, catching some ZZZs side by side might not breed any inside jokes or wild stories to bond over the next day But maintaining the same sleep schedule can still foster intimacy. That’s because physicalclosenessisakeypartofmostrelationships There’s no substitute for pressing the snooze button and enjoying a spoon fest in the morning, so try to hitthesheetstogetheronmostnightsoftheweek

Don’t forget the details. Birthdays, anniversaries, quirky rituals, saying “thank you”whenyourpartnertakesoutthe trash--it’s easy to take these things for granted when you’re feeling overworked Nevertheless, the details matter Small gestures such as remembering important dates, bringing home takeout from your partner’s favorite restaurant, responding to your partner’s calls or texts, asking about your partner’s day, and so on demonstrate to your SO that you’re invested in noticing and valuing what makes them (andyourrelationship)unique

Maintaining an intimate relationship and a demanding career is no cakewalk But by committing to these strategies as a foundation for a healthier relationship, you’ll help ensure your partner continues to feel valued and your relationship doesn’t erode simply because of entropy. Bottom line? Small, consistent habits can makeaworldofdifference(Kline,2018)


Kline, K (2018, April 1) 5 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Relationship When You’re Swamped with Work Don’t compromise what’s most important Retrieved from https://wwwinccom/kenny-kline/howto-maintain-a-healthy-relationship-when-youre- swamped-withworkhtml

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