PWH Magazine - November 2023

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Georgia Emert







L. Renee' Chubb


Pretty Women Hustle Magazine November 2023 Cover Image L. RENEE' CHUBB CEO/Founder Publisher Jakia Cheatham–Myles Lead Editor Adrienne Michelle Horn I A.M. Editing, Ink Graphic Designer/Copywriter Raquel de Lemos Raquel Writes Content Instagram: @Prettywomenhustlemagazine Facebook: Pretty Women Hustle Magazine TikTok: @Prettywomenhustleonline WWW.PRETTYWOMENHUSTLE.COM WWW.PRETTYWOMENHUSTLEONLINE.COM



Hey Hustlerz, Fall is here and in full force. Can you feel the breeze? Last month, we chatted about the importance of embracing the idea of change. We touched on the need to release the burdens of people, places, or things that no longer serve us. This month, we are on the same wave. It is very important to embrace change and embrace what propels us toward our goals. Change is the baseline of progress. When navigating business, being able to embrace change is your ultimate secret weapon. I am encouraging you to adapt, evolve, and enjoy your business journey. Together, let’s make a vow to make changes to our friends and welcome it head-on in this season of our business. This issue will highlight Female creatives from all over the world: authors, coaches, speakers, and innovators that will inspire you to dream and achieve and ignite fire in the next entrepreneur. Our contributors have provided tips, stories, and motivation to help women in business stay on track while going full force in their purpose. Take a moment and read through the pages of this magazine while thinking of other women in business you know who may need inspiration and motivation to keep going after their dreams. Find us on social media and let us know about your business. As we navigate through November, let’s get a head start on our goals and connect with other women-owned businesses from around the world. Allow this issue to serve as a reminder to “Dream! Dream Big! Don’t ever stop Dreaming!” Until Next time,

Jakia Cheatham - Myles CEO/Founder



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Written By: Georgia Emert

Last month, I discussed how your story is unique and that you should be confident in it. You should stand proud of how much you have overcome and how far you have traveled during this journey. Infertility stories can range from a simple pill (Clomid) to help aid the process of conceiving to multiple rounds of failed IVF. Either way, the stories are difficult, and you are stronger because of them. That being said, most of your stories involve a partner. That partner is a MAJOR part of your story. They are there to help be your support system. Without them, many of us would go insane. Infertility is difficult to navigate, and without a partner or support system, it can be very daunting. Sometimes, your partner can feel like your worst enemy; they may have to inject your butt cheek with an oil that burns or put hormones into your stomach. You may be too afraid to poke yourself with your next set of injections, so your partner does it. Your partner may be your alarm clock for the countless medicines you may have to take.


When you are having a bad day, your partner will be there to help. Ask them for back rubs, a McDonald’s Diet Coke, and a hot bath. Use your partner as a therapist. Talk to them about everything: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Call them when you need to cry or scream, or both. I know there are women out there who do not have a partner through their infertility process. But I am here to tell you to find a friend, family member, or colleague who you trust infinitely. Someone who you can confide in and talk to about everything. Someone who you can be your most vulnerable self. Without the support of a partner, friend, or family member, this journey will feel very isolating. Do not be afraid to tell your partner how you are TRULY feeling. Keeping these things bottled up during the fertility process is not healthy and can cause extreme stress (which is never good for conceiving). For more:


BEATRICE SPRINGS Beatrice Springs is a highly accomplished corporate professional with over 35 years of experience in quality assurance for a non-profit organization, adhering to the Code of Federal Regulations for the Food and Drug Administration. She is a top performer and a strong advocate for staff engagement, diversity, and advancement.

With 15+ years of corporate instruction and mentoring, Beatrice has empowered others and paved the way for community workshops, events, and initiatives that uplift women. As a parent, she founded a non-profit organization supporting high school college prep activities and established Thrifty Springs & Things Boutique, LLC, an online resell business, to offset college tuition. Beatrice’s expertise extends to facilitating virtual graphic design software for beginners and designing unique business cards. She completed her Public Speaker Certification and launched “Confidently Speaking with Bea Springs,” while also authoring the literary workbook “Confidence is More Than A Dress” and the guided journal “Radiance Awakened” for women. Beyond her professional endeavors, Beatrice serves as a regional director for the Herprenuer Network International, supporting Christian women in business and ministry. She also contributes as a board member to a non-profit women’s ministry, providing empowerment programming for young girls and women.

Through her remarkable achievements, leadership roles, and unwavering commitment to empowering women, Beatrice Springs continues to make a profound impact in the corporate world, entrepreneurial landscape, and the lives of those she encounters. Your career in quality assurance spans over 35 years in a non-profit organization, specifically in compliance with the Food and Drug Administration’s regulations. Can you share some insights into this part of your career and how it prepared you for entrepreneurship? From my very first entry-level position to my current director role, I have been immersed in this industry of quality and compliance for the same organization. I have been responsible for payroll, document control of regulated procedures, investigating deficiencies in processes, oversight of training tasks, data analysis for process improvement, and employee engagement. Although the tasks were different, they all required meticulous attention to detail, the ability to navigate constant innovation, and understanding how to engage and communicate effectively with people. My career has been pivotal in preparing me to be an entrepreneur.

As an entrepreneur, you must pay attention to the details of your business. This starts from determining your product line, the supplier, the website design, and shipping containers to business cards. Embracing the changes and innovations of your industry is key to staying on top of the latest shifts and trends in products, technology, and customer buying power. Recognizing there is no business without customers, the art of people engagement and effective communication is the most important aspect of being a successful entrepreneur. In addition to your corporate career, you’ve dedicated over 15 years to corporate instruction and mentoring. Could you tell us about some of the most impactful moments or lessons you’ve experienced in empowering others in a corporate setting? In my most recent opportunity as a corporate instructor, I was acting as a mentor for a newer instructor. There had been some tension between her and the previous mentor that resulted in some distasteful comments. Although my role was to mentor, I seized the opportunity to call out some underlying things that contributed to her lack of confidence. I coached her as an instructor but also personally to get her out of the place of not knowing who she was and her lack of confidence. These moments of empowerment changed the trajectory of her career and opened doors she would not have had the courage to walk through. This experience demonstrated how important it is for me to be open to every opportunity God presents for His confidence to be on display in my life. You’ve founded a non-profit organization supporting high school college prep activities and started an online resale business, Thrifty Springs & Things Boutique, LLC. What inspired you to take on entrepreneurship, and what challenges and successes have you encountered along the way? As my children were in the early years of high school, I realized as I researched things for college, information was not in one place. This made things challenging. I thought about parents who didn’t have knowledge of what to look for, how they would know what their children needed. From here, the non-profit was built to assist underserved mothers and families in preparing their students for college.

With the rising costs of college continuing to rise, I was looking for ways to supplement my income. I started doing live Facebook shopping shows and then branched out to an online resell boutique. The challenges of both for me revolved around time management as I still had full-time employment, family, and ministry still happening. In addition, both required funding in areas that were not initially identified. Transportation fees for college tours, standardized testing fees for the non-profit and offsite storage, additional inventory, shipping supply needs, and postage for the online resell boutique. Even with the challenges, the successes far exceed. It has been wonderful seeing students obtain scholarships, enroll in colleges of their choice, and graduate, and their parents say how much they appreciated the time and effort of assisting their families through the processes. I have met so many beautiful women who are now my faithful customers and other great resellers who have become friends. These entrepreneurial endeavors have been vehicles for me to assist families to accomplish goals and also pour into women and build their confidence. You offer virtual graphic design software instruction for beginners and have designed unique business cards. How do these creative pursuits complement your corporate and entrepreneurial work, and what do you hope others gain from doing business with you? My virtual graphic design instruction for beginners and my unique business card design services are creative pursuits that beautifully complement my corporate and entrepreneurial work in several ways. The virtual instruction allows me to share the knowledge I have with people who just want to learn how to get started and put their creative thoughts into marketing materials, journals, and planners. This not only serves as an extension of my corporate work but also aligns with my entrepreneurial spirit. By teaching them the fundamentals, I help them acquire valuable skills that can enhance their careers or entrepreneurial ventures. In addition, my unique business card design services enable me to apply my creativity in a practical and tangible manner.

Business cards are often the first impression a professional makes on potential clients. Ultimately, I aim to help clients and students unlock their creative potential and achieve success in their respective endeavors. You’re also a certified public speaker, and you launched “Confidently Speaking with Bea Springs.” Can you share more about your motivation behind becoming a public speaker and what topics you cover in your speaking engagements? Public speaking has always been present in my life, and starting “Confidently Speaking with Bea Springs” was a natural progression. I did my first oratorical contest at the age of 12 and appeared on a local PBS station kids show. As I got older, I found myself being the speaker for team projects and a facilitator for different things in my community. In the workforce, my first public speaking exposure came through teaching diversity with my company. Typically, I use my platform to speak with women about understanding their worth in Christ and building their confidence through the Word of God. In addition, I speak with youth groups on college high school prep activities, public speaking, and job interviewing. You’ve authored both a literary workbook titled “Confidence is More Than A Dress” and a guided journal called “Radiance Awakened” for women. What inspired you to write these publications, and what message do you hope readers takeaway? I have had the opportunity to meet so many women through my workplace, business, community events, and ministry. In these circles, beautiful women from all walks of life, financial status, and upbringing have presented themselves as the total package but lacked confidence. Many of them have asked where my confidence comes from. These women are my inspiration. These women were the little girls who did not get affirmed by their parents or mentors when they were growing up. These are the women who had insecurities as little girls and covered them up as women in designer clothes and shoes. These are the women who struggle to fulfill their purpose because they are unable to operate from an “identified” place in God. These women were my inspiration.

My desire for my readers is to use these two literary works to start building their confidence through the word God to catapult them into their true identities so they can fully embrace and fulfill their purpose. These tools will assist the readers with going deeper to pluck up negative thoughts, affirm their true identities in Christ, and move forward with the plan God has for them in their families, businesses, ministry, or wherever they are planted to bloom. Beyond your professional pursuits, you serve as regional director for the Herprenuer Network International, supporting Christian women in business and ministry. How does your faith intersect with your career and your role in this network? In my career, my faith plays a central role in shaping my values, ethics, and decision-making. My faith gives me guidance on how I communicate with coworkers and display the love of Christ. My career has been a financial resource, but it also serves as my mode of ministry in the marketplace. I strive daily to operate in integrity, honesty, and compassion in all my interactions with those in the workplace. My career has been a catalyst to fulfilling my assignment, fulfilling God’s purpose, and being that example of the living epistle to be read by all. As the Regional Director for the Herprenuer Network International, my faith leads in the way I approach leadership with a group of dynamic faithfilled women in business. Just as I do in my corporate career, I have the privilege of empowering others and supporting the Christian women of the network in their entrepreneurial and ministerial endeavors. I believe that each woman I work with has unique talents and gifts given by God, and my role is to help them discover and put those gifts to use and impact change. My faith provides a foundation of hope and resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks, both in my career and in my work with the network. I believe God has a purpose in every circumstance He allows to happen in my life, and this belief gives me the strength to push through it all and encourage others to do the same.

WAYS TO DECOMPRESS AS AN ENTREPRENEUR We all know that it gets hard sometimes to venture through

Also, writing in free form about how you feel, what is

life as an entrepreneur. Many times, we get lost in our work

stressing you out, or just your random thoughts can

because we can never just take a moment to rest. Our

help you identify what might be a pressure point or

thoughts consume us the most at night. It’s like we cannot

even spark a new idea to improve your success.

turn our brains off, and we constantly think about what we can do differently. We think about what new marketing

2. Make Time to Take Time

techniques we can jump into. We think about what new

Vacation is clearly not a four-letter word. Sure,

service we can offer, and this leaves us tired, stressed, and

pushing off a trip gives you more time in the present

burned out. Some of us are more burned out than others, but

to get things done, but stepping away can actually

we must find ways to decompress.

improve your quality of work and life. Skipping emails, sending calls to voicemail, and just unplugging

Let’s dive into a few ways that we, as entrepreneurs, can

can actually do wonders for your mental health. Rest

decompress from all of the things running through our minds.

and relaxation are necessary to perform at optimal levels. Plus, stepping away can give you a fresh perspective on issues that may have been plaguing

1. Keep Notes


Writing things down can be both a great reminder as well as a therapeutic opportunity to just vent. Creating a to-do list or

3. Exercise Effect

set of goals can help keep you on track and motivate you

Exercise releases endorphins, which can make you

throughout the day, week, or month. Plus, everyone feels

feel better.

good crossing things off or checking that box.

But there are other ways to get the blood pumping that doesn’t involve the gym. Playing a sport just for the fun of it can be a way to focus your competitive drive and channel your energy in a healthy way. If that sounds too intense, consider going on walking meetings, listening to an educational or informative podcast you love, or even playing with a fidget cube to get the blood going. 4. Good is Good Enough Your natural instinct to seek perfection is one of the things that drives you to excel as an entrepreneur. Listen, if anyone could do it, then everyone would do it, but they don’t. However, you need to sometimes understand that your best is good enough and move on. Spending too much time on one task can derail you from completing the entire project. Do your best, and when it is time to move on, move on. 5. Find Comfort in Allies You are not alone. You may not have a co-founder or employees (yet), but there are whole networks of people who have gone or are going through what you are. Find other entrepreneurs, peers, mentors, and groups you can share your frustrations with. They may have insight on how to solve a problem or, at the very least, lend an empathetic ear. 6. Healthy Lifestyle Seems simple enough, but take care of yourself. Get as much sleep as you can. Try to eat healthy foods, not just fast foods. Think about it this way: all the stuff your mom told you wasn’t just her “being crazy.” Poor diet, lack of sleep, and other factors can have a staggering effect on your well-being. And while we’re on the subject, call your mom. 7. NO! We all need to learn to say no from time to time. Stretching yourself too thin can cause issues financially, emotionally, and physically. You can’t be everywhere at the same time, nor can you solve every problem that arises. Don’t feel bad canceling a meeting, taking a mental health day, or choosing not to participate in an opportunity. It can’t be said enough, but once more, you can’t solve every problem that arises (Riper, 2021). I assure you that once you take the time to make the above changes and try something new, you’ll definitely be able to decompress. The more you strive to decompress, the easier it will become. References Riper, K. V. (2021, June 9). 7 ways successful entrepreneurs manage stress. Retrieved from


Monique Whitehead Monique Elizabeth Whitehead is 63 years young. She started writing this book when she was 43 years old. But due to her own pot pie syndrome and fears, Monique waited to release the gifts hidden in this book. Why is Monique describing herself in this manner, you may ask? Well, because she has issues just like all of us do. Monique had to overcome so she could help others become whole. Monique is a mother, wife, prayer warrior, intercessor, praise dancer, minister, and servant of God. One of Monique’s desires is to be a strong, powerful witness for her Lord. This book is part of Monique’s testimony, “Freedom is real, and it can be yours”! Coming from an abusive background in her first marriage and molestation as a child, Monique carried a lot of weight. She had to learn to release the pain to become whole. It’s her desire to see people healed from their hurt and pain. The Pot Pie Syndrome can take you through the dark places you have hidden. To the places you are afraid to see alone, but you are not alone. God is with you every step of the way. His heart hurts for you. Monique’s heart hurts for you. Walk this journey through the pages of the syndromes you live with every day. You can have joy again. It’s not too late. You are not a lost cause! Be whole, be free, and have greater joy!

Currently, Monique Whitehead is a licensed minister; she serves on several prayer lines. She is a newly accomplished author of the book The Pot Pie Syndrome. She started The Pot Pie Ministries in 2018. She works as a customer service operator. Monique’s passion and desire is to have her own cooking show and cookbooks. Another goal is to complete several books in different genres.

If you could use four words to describe who you are outside of entrepreneurship, what would they be and why? Kind-hearted: I share my heart with my family and friends openly. Because how can you care about someone or something without having a caring heart. Kindness goes a long way. If I call you family or a friend it means something to me. I want to be like my Lord and Savior, Jesus. He has a kind and caring heart. That’s why he was so willing to die for our sins so we would have the right to the tree of life and be saved. I want to be kind-hearted, just like him. Passionate: I am passionate about helping others through their journey of healing. To inspire them to see the truth of the matter or situation. I believe you give out what you want to receive. I am very passionate about cooking. It is one of my strengths. Why you may ask, because when I cook for someone.

The food has to be the best each and every time. I put Monique on a plate. I choose to put my passion for others out here in the same way. Courageous: it is not easy to put myself out here. But, I believe in the courage Father God gave me to leave an abusive marriage. Choosing Monique first takes courage. My courage has grown inside of me. This has allowed me to believe in myself like never before. To know I have the courage to fight any battle that is brought before me. I choose to be a woman of courage. Free: the meaning of free means so much to me. I am no longer bound to the prison of my mind. No person can imprison me. I am free by the blood of Jesus that runs through my veins. But for me to truly be free, I have to accept it. To believe that Monique deserves it. I have to choose to live free. What inspired you to begin your writing journey? The Lord always speaks to me in acronyms and poems. I wanted to put my thoughts on paper to really really help someone else. The same way the Lord speaks to me. I want them to understand that they, too, can understand what it means to not be bound by your own thoughts and fears. Therefore, Father helped me put it to paper. To help someone else be loosed from their bonds. Thus, The Pot Pie Syndrome book was born. When reading your testimony, we quickly realize your road to success was far from easy. Can you share more of your story? I got married at age 19, very young. I didn’t really have enough adult guidance in my life to help me understand what marriage was really about. As a little girl, you dream of being loved, getting married, and having children. I had that dream. But I really wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen. My life became a living nightmare, hell on earth so to speak. I was afraid all of the time. Scared I would say or do the wrong thing. I had children, and they were my priority. I had to make sure they ate and had clean clothes. But how could I do that? I wasn’t working; he wasn’t working. I remember one time we sat watching the door (with the mailbox slot) waiting for the check to come so I could feed my babies. I prayed and asked the Lord not to let my babies be hungry. Please let the check come today. I have to tell you. God turned those nightmares into days of peace and hope. It did not happen right away. I had to fight to believe Monique deserved the best life ever. I had to teach my children, especially my girls, not to accept just anything. I had to teach my boys to be men, not abusers. Don’t get me wrong, I know women can be abusers just like men. But in my case it was the father of my children. My sister Anita asked me one time what it’s like being in prison? I really was in prison. It really made me think. I know that I am a great woman. And I chose to be free. I left him after 10 years of abuse. I left with $60.00, 3 bags of clothes, and 1 toy each for my two younger children. My oldest son stayed with his father. I had so many firsts after I left him. Taking care of me and my children in my first apartment, learning how to drive my first car. There is so much more. But after 11 years, the Lord sent my husband, Gerald Whitehead, into my life. We actually met on the phone at work. He is my black knight and shining armor. Gerald is my everything. He loves our children. They call him Pop. I know what it’s like to be in prison. I truly know what it’s like to be free and loved unconditionally. Gerald and I have been married for 22 years. You are a woman of faith. How are you navigating faith and entrepreneurship? My faith in God and my entrepreneurship go hand in hand. It is because of my faith and the freedom He has given me that allowed me to write The Pot Pie Syndrome. To start The Pot Pie Ministries. The reason I am on different praylines and go to different places with my testimony. To give him the praise for strengthening me. He allowed me to believe in myself. I am a woman who is worthy, bold, beautiful, kind, and loving. Knowing that my father can help someone else know their worth, too. Tell us about your book. What message do you hope women take away from this body of work? The Pot Pie Syndrome is about being stuck going round and round each day in the same situation with the same mind set. But we are deceiving ourselves into thinking we have changed. I stopped smoking. I am not seeing 3 guys, only 1 now. I am a good mother, even though our children run without guidance. We think being their friend is the best way to parent. Aren’t you tired of you? That is the question. I want the people who read my book to see that God helped a human being just like them have freedom. He can help them have freedom, too. But first you have to accept you have a pot pie syndrome problem, too. You are an author, licensed minister, and entrepreneur. What is next for you? I want to write more books. I want to teach people my love for cooking. It’s not as hard as people think. I want to make cooking fun, not scary. You can cook more than microwave meals. I would love to have a YouTube channel to teach others to cook. Let’s talk about why cooking is so challenging. I desire a book club on zoom to talk about my book and other books with similar attributes and creative thinking for all God’s people. We all have a mission. Monique’s mission is freedom now!!! We do not have to stay bound in our own thinking. I want to complete several books in different genres.

MELONEY HENDRICKS Meloney is a friendly Caribbean finance officer turned writer who embarked on a transformative journey from ledgers to letters, never looking back. She is best known as the creative force behind “Dopamine on the Rocks,” a mental health blog that wholeheartedly embraces life’s highs, lows, and everything in between.

As a parent, Meloney has acquired valuable insights into navigating the rollercoaster of life. From mastering the art of handling toddler tantrums to discovering those elusive moments of tranquility amid the chaos, she’s encountered it all. Though she readily celebrates the joys of parenting, there’s a unique twist to Meloney’s story. Her unwavering commitment to shedding light on mental health stems from her own personal journey with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. This experience illuminated the profound impact of sharing, connecting, and breaking down barriers. Through “Dopamine on the Rocks,” Meloney’s mission is to skillfully blend humor, authenticity, and a sprinkle of wisdom to address the often-taboo subject of mental health. She understands that adulting can sometimes feel like navigating a game without the rulebook, and she wants everyone to know that it’s perfectly okay. Whether you’re seeking advice, a hearty laugh, or simply a virtual shoulder to lean on, Meloney has you covered.

In Jamaica, I attended junior high and high school, graduating from Manchester High School. Moving to Tortola, British Virgins this Island offered me with countless opportunities for personal growth and development. I was exposed to a diverse range of cultural experiences, expanding my perspectives and fostering an appreciation for different backgrounds and beliefs. Apart from my advocacy work, which is incredibly important to me, I have several hobbies that I enjoy. One of them is dog walking which not only keeps me physically fit but also allows me to clear my mind and find solace in nature. I find myself rejuvenated and refreshed after a good run. Listening to audio books is another activity that brings me immense joy and helps me continuously expand my knowledge. I enjoy exploring various genres, from fiction to non-fiction, as it allows me to escape into different worlds or gain new insights into the world we live in.

Can you share more about your personal journey from being a Caribbean finance officer to becoming a writer and the creative force behind “Dopamine on the Rocks”? My journey from being a finance officer to becoming a writer and the creative mind behind “Dopamine on the Rocks” has been quite the adventure. It’s actually one of my proudest accomplishments. I didn’t take the traditional route in my career in finance because when I started out, I simply didn’t know what I wanted to do. I didn’t have money for college, so I settled for jobs within my skill level. I actually started in administration when I moved back to the Virgin Islands. I got my official start in finance at a local tourism-based company, where I started out as a receptionist. Within the next 6 months, I worked my way up to the Accounting Department, processing payables for the cruise ship excursion costs. Over time, the love for numbers dwindled. There was something always missing. Yes, I grew in my financial career and eventually got my certifications; however, there was a piece of me that was searching for my true purpose. It all began with a desire for a creative outlet outside of the world of numbers and spreadsheets. Writing had always been a passion of mine, so I decided to take the leap and explore this side of myself. What inspired you to transition from working with financial ledgers to focusing on writing and mental health advocacy? The transition from finance to writing and mental health advocacy was inspired by a yearning for more meaningful work. As mentioned, while I had a successful career in finance, I felt a calling to make a difference in people’s lives by addressing the often-neglected topic of mental health after I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder shortly after giving birth to my third child. I began blogging about my personal experiences and struggles, and the positive response from my community and people across the globe further fueled this inspiration. “Dopamine on the Rocks” is described as a mental health blog that embraces life’s highs and lows. Could you tell us about the mission and message behind your blog? “Dopamine on the Rocks” has a mission to normalize conversations about mental health, particularly within the Caribbean community. The message behind the blog is all about embracing aspects of life. We often focus on the highs, but it’s equally important to acknowledge and learn from the lows. My aim is to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage open discussions.

You mentioned a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder in your journey. Can you share more about your personal experience with this condition and how it has shaped your passion for mental health advocacy? My diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder was a turning point in my life. It was a challenging experience that forced me to confront my own mental health and acknowledge the fact that my whole life as I was living it was completely out of alignment. I always knew my mind was different growing up. I was always called “too sensitive,” so I went through life just thinking I was just a “very sensitive” person. After my first manic episode, which I shared in detail in one of the first posts of my blog, I realized that while there were people like me within my community, culture dictated that they stay silent about their mental health issues. And for a newly diagnosed person, I need REAL people who have lived this experience to speak with. I knew I wasn’t the only one, so this ignited my passion for mental health advocacy. I realized the power of sharing my story and connecting with others who face similar challenges. What have you found to be the most powerful ways to break down barriers and encourage open conversations about mental health through your platform? Definitely authenticity and vulnerability. I’ve found that sharing personal stories and experiences and providing a safe, non-judgmental space for others to do the same is incredibly powerful. It’s about creating a community that fosters understanding and support. Humor, authenticity, and wisdom are elements you blend into your blog. How do these aspects play a role in addressing the often-taboo topic of mental health? Humor lightens the conversation, authenticity helps others connect on a personal level, and wisdom offers guidance and perspective. This blend allows for more approachable discussions about mental well-being. For those seeking advice, what can they expect to find on your platform, and how can they connect with you? You can connect with me through the blog or on social media: Blog: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: WhatsApp:


Tacara Wilson Tacara Wyvette Wilson, also known as Vette Wilson in the literary industry, is a 36-year-old international bestselling author hailing from Cleveland, Mississippi. Currently residing in Pennsylvania, she embarked on her writing journey in 2015 after signing with Diamanté Publications. With an impressive repertoire of over 41 published novels, Vette is rapidly establishing herself as a household name in the industry. In addition to her literary accomplishments, Vette is a passionate business advocate for single mothers and a survivor of domestic violence. Her personal experiences have shaped her into a fierce advocate for those facing similar challenges, as she strives to empower and uplift them through her work. Vette’s dedication to making a positive impact extends beyond her writing career. As the owner of three successful businesses, including Bossette Behavior LLC, a ghostwriting and literary consulting agency, Bossette Behavior Presents, an independent publishing company, and Goddess of Eden Cosmetics and Skincare, she demonstrates her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to excellence. Furthermore, Vette’s pursuits extend beyond the realms of literature and business. She is currently a law student and a criminal justice major, showcasing her drive to make a difference in the legal field. Alongside her academic endeavors, Vette is a sought-after public speaker, captivating audiences with her powerful storytelling and inspiring messages.

Can you share with us the moment when you decided to become a writer and what inspired that choice? Thank you for asking about the moment I decided to become a writer and what inspired that choice. Growing up, I discovered that writing became my haven place, where I could freely express my thoughts, fears, tears, and life experiences. As a child, I often found it difficult to be heard verbally, but through the act of putting my words onto empty pages, I found my voice. This newfound sense of empowerment and the realization that writing allowed me to communicate my innermost feelings and perspectives inspired me to pursue a career as a writer. It’s a journey that continues to bring me immense joy and fulfillment, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share my stories and connect with others through the written word. You’ve published over 41 novels, which is an incredible accomplishment. Could you tell us about your writing process and where you draw inspiration for your stories? I have never used a written outline when crafting a storyline and or plot. In my eyes, everything has a story behind it. From the trees and their leaves or the random elderly woman waiting at the bus stop with her shopping bags, etc., my inspiration is life. Reality, for me, comes naturally, and so does a great novel. There is a piece of my reality in every novel I have penned.

Beyond your literary career, you’re a strong advocate for single mothers and a survivor of domestic violence. How have your personal experiences influenced your advocacy work, and what message do you hope to convey to others facing similar challenges? These experiences have profoundly shaped my perspective and fueled my passion for advocating on behalf of those facing similar challenges. Having personally endured the hardships and struggles associated with domestic violence, I understand the immense courage and strength it takes to break free from such circumstances. This understanding drives me to raise awareness, provide support, and fight for the rights and well-being of survivors. As a single mother, I have witnessed firsthand the unique hurdles and stereotypes that single mothers often face. This has motivated me to advocate for policies that address the needs of single mothers, such as access to affordable housing, quality education, and fair employment opportunities. I aim to challenge societal stigmas and promote a more inclusive and supportive environment for all single mothers. Through my advocacy work, I hope to convey a message of resilience, empowerment, and hope to individuals facing similar challenges. I want to inspire them to recognize their strength, seek help, and believe in their ability to create positive change in their lives. By sharing my personal story, I strive to convey a message of resilience, empowerment and hope to individuals facing similar challenges. I want to inspire them to recognize their strength, seek help, and believe in their ability to create positive change in their lives. By sharing my personal story, I strive to create a sense of community and provide a voice for those who may feel silenced or marginalized. Ultimately, my goal is to foster a society that is compassionate, understanding, and committed to breaking the cycle of violence and supporting the well-being of single mothers and their children. We understand you’re pursuing a law degree and a criminal justice major. What motivated you to enter the legal field, and how do you see it intersecting with your other endeavors? I have always been obsessed with the justice system. The need to help those and be that voice for those who feel as if they have been wrongfully silenced pushes my drive. So many families, women, children, and men have been misrepresented in most cases by a corrupt and unjust system. I cannot change the world, but I can stand up, speak up, and help speed up justice for those who need it.

You’re the owner of three successful businesses, including Bossette Behavior LLC, Bossette Behavior Presents, and Goddess of Eden Cosmetics and Skincare. How do you balance your entrepreneurial ventures with your writing and advocacy work? Oh my. I can honestly say it is a task. You know, we, as women, love to think of ourselves as superwomen! We have this persona about us being the foundation of everything and everyone around us, but it does get overwhelming. I cannot speak for every woman, only me, when I say that prayer is the essential key to it all. I pray for guidance and strength. That is the first thing I do before starting my day and or a new task. Aside from relying on my spirituality, I always handle the more important things on my to-do list first! If that makes sense. As you navigate entrepreneurship, writing, and community advocacy work, what does a typical week look like for you? A typical week for me consists of the usual motherly duties. However, when I’m not spending my time managing my health, I’m on at least three to four business Zoom calls four times a week. Throughout each day, including weekends, I’m on my laptop and or desktop, completing projects for clients and creating new business plans for my brands. When I have some downtime, I’m on my social media platforms promoting myself, brands, and networking. What’s next on the horizon for Vette Wilson, both in your writing career and your other ventures? Currently, I have been in talks with a television producer in California. I am releasing five new novels for 2024, with four of them being inspirational and fact-based, surrounding my many obstacles and journeys. Also, I have my very own vegan wine brand and a clothing brand, and I will be starting a non-profit organization in 2024. The skies are never limited in my world.



P amela


Pamela Buchanan can usually be found reading a romance novel with relatability to her life. She also enjoys reading the Holy Bible that brings structure to her everyday living. Because she enjoyed reading and writing novels that others could relate to, she has been able to check off an item on her bucket list. This item was the release of her first novel, Destruction of True Friendships, which has turned into a sequel. How many times in life do we as people have friendships that destroy and leave us distraught? Well, Pamela can surely relate to the distraught of destruction. After being distraught from so many untrue friendships, she found her purpose in life by writing, working for nonprofit organizations, working in education, and continuing to work with the public as a Physician Liaison. These career accomplishments helped in her healing process and allowed new friendships to form. She now knows the real meaning of true friendships, and she daily encourages others to seek them as well.

Pamela often gives her mother, Mildred Goodall, great gratitude for being a single parent and raising such an amazing black woman. She is also very thankful for the friendship she acquired with Laquita Davis, who played a great part in her being an author. She is currently writing her sixth book titled Side Chick Chronicles: The Get Back Game!

Continuing to write on the sequel, she has allowed freedom of her mind, body, and soul. This sequel has been a great motivation for others to seek true friendships, have healthy relationships, and bring awareness to one’s character mentally, spiritually, and physically. She is the youngest of seven children but the oldest in stature.

Who or what inspired you to write a book? I was inspired in 2004 to write a book after I experienced some painful situations. I also encountered the death of a sibling. My sibling’s death made me want to share these painful experiences with the world.

Take a moment to reflect on early life. Can you remember when you first discovered your passion for reading and sharing stories? When I was a child, my mom would buy me journals to write down my fits of anger, fears, and desires for life. This caused me to write about my life’s mishaps, accomplishments, and inner thoughts. In turn, I would read all types of books and try to compare them to the entries in my journal. This brought about a strong desire for me to become an author.

I was hoping and still hoping that my novels would save someone’s life, and they wouldn’t have to go through what my sibling and I had to go through. Tell us about your debut novel. What message do you hope women take away from your work? My first novel, Destruction of True Friendships, is a fiction novel relevant to some real experiences. It is centered around a married couple who were supposed to have true love for one another. But instead, they destroyed their love, marriage, family, and friendships, mainly because of the pain that resided within them that they tried to use to hurt each other. By writing this novel, I want women to learn that love is not supposed to destroy us, and it should never make us settle for less than we deserve. You are a woman of faith. How does your faith show up in the work you produce? I am a woman of faith, and I let it shine in my novels. I reverence my faith throughout my novels to enhance the meaning of true love, happiness, and worth one should have and carry spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Books by Author Pamela Buchanan Destruction of Friendships Trapped

Aside from writing novels, you are an entrepreneur while still being active in the workforce. Can you tell us about the work you are doing currently? I am a Physician Liaison in the healthcare workforce. I aid in assisting different healthcare providers in finding employment. Also, I am a hairstylist and have an apparel line named, Prettie Bougie, which is also a source to encourage women of their worth and value. . What is next for you? Where do you hope to see your platform in the next 2-3 years? In the next 2-3 years, I hope to have a larger platform. Not only do I want to continue to write and publish books, but I also want to be a public speaker and an advocate for broken women. I want to turn my novels into a mini-series or maybe a movie. What advice do you have for aspiring authors? I advise authors to just do it. You will never know who can benefit from your stories and testimonies. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who knows who she is, whose she is, and will stop at nothing to reach the success she strives for.

Happily Ever After, So They Think! Falsely Accused The Secrets She Kept And The Lies She Told To Cover Them Up!


BELL Tanishia Bell is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, faith, and pursuing one’s true purpose.

As a devoted wife and mother of three, she embarked on a journey to escape the relentless demands of corporate America, seeking a more balanced and fulfilling life. This led her to establish TLB Consulting, driven by her desire for something uniquely her own.

“The Alignment of Me” serves as a pathway to happiness, joy, and abundance. Tanishia believes that gratefulness makes us truly happy. By celebrating life’s blessings, we take charge of our destinies, find inner peace, and discover our purpose.

Her entrepreneurial path wasn’t without challenges. Tanishia grappled with limiting beliefs and fear, causing starts and stops along the way. Despite thriving in the corporate world, she found herself drawn to nonprofit organizations, where she discovered a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Today, Tanishia leads TLB Consulting, offering HR support tailored to nonprofits. Her guidance, coaching, and practical solutions empower these organizations to overcome HR obstacles and cultivate positive work cultures, driving their missions and growth.

In 2023, a pivotal moment changed her life. A job loss ignited a newfound faith and determination. She embraced her identity as a full-time entrepreneur and authored “The Alignment of Me: Start with a Grateful Heart,” a 28-day gratitude journal reflecting her personal journey of fulfillment through gratitude.

Tanishia is also a certified life coach, dedicated to helping professional women unlock their full potential. Her passion for empowerment knows no bounds, and her journey exemplifies the power of faith, gratitude, and determination.

When exactly did you discover your passion and interest in entrepreneurship, specifically life coaching? My passion for entrepreneurship and the discovery of my path as a life coach are deeply personal chapters in my journey. Entrepreneurship feels like it’s in my DNA, as both my parents are successful entrepreneurs, and their influence has shaped my perspective. But it was towards the end of 2022 that I knew I was being called to something different. I embarked on a period of fasting and prayer, seeking guidance to reveal my life’s purpose and mission. I need to understand God’s plan for me. During this spiritual quest, God spoke to my heart, and His message was crystal clear – He wanted me to share my own story with the world. The question that followed was, ‘How?’ That’s when the concept of life coaching illuminated my path. Everywhere I turned, there was information about Life Coaches. I learned that I could utilize my own experiences to help women who, like me, are professional working moms, devoted wives, and dedicated caretakers yet struggle to find genuine happiness and peace. On my journey to becoming a Certified Life Coach in 2023, I had the privilege of working with an incredible coach who breathed life into my dreams and helped me focus on my vision. It was from this deeply personal transformation that my calling as a life coach emerged, and I felt compelled to share my journey to happiness and peace with others who may be on a similar quest. You’re also a certified life coach dedicated to empowering professional women. What are some key principles or strategies you use to help women unlock their full potential?

As a certified life coach with a passion for empowering professional women, I’m dedicated to helping women unleash their full potential. I understand the unique challenges and aspirations that women in the workplace face, and my mission is to provide them with the tools, strategies, and unwavering support needed to flourish in every aspect of life. My Approach: I believe in a holistic approach to personal and professional growth rooted in the following principles: Clarity and Goal Setting: Together, we’ll define your vision for success and set clear, achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations. Mindset Mastery: I’ll empower you to overcome limiting beliefs, cultivate a growth mindset, and develop the confidence to take bold steps forward. Strategic Planning: We’ll create a customized roadmap that combines your strengths and passions to help you navigate the path to your dream life. Balance and Well-being: I emphasize the importance of work-life balance, self-care, and overall well-being to ensure you thrive both personally and professionally. Gratitude and Resilience: Cultivating gratitude is a cornerstone of our journey. We’ll practice gratitude to appreciate your achievements, foster resilience, and find joy in every step of your growth.

Working with me means gaining a dedicated partner in your journey towards your dream life. I’ll be your confidante, cheerleader, and guide, providing unwavering support as we work together to unlock your full potential. Whether you’re striving for career advancement, work-life harmony, or personal fulfillment, I’m here to help you navigate the complexities of modern professional life and achieve your goals.

Your story is one of resilience, transformation, and following one’s heart. What advice would you give to individuals seeking fulfillment and peace in their own lives? Drawing from my own journey, my advice for those seeking fulfillment and peace in their lives. First and foremost, understand that what God has in store for you is uniquely yours, so resist the urge to compare your path to others. Embrace gratitude for where you are and what you have, even during hard times, as every moment is a part of your journey. Every moment molds you into the person you are meant to be. Remember, on the other side of fear lies success, and in tough times, trust and believe that God will never leave nor forsake you. Follow your passion with unwavering determination, using setbacks as stepping stones to growth. Set goals and take action steps towards fulfilling them. Break down your dreams into achievable goals and take consistent steps toward them. Action is key to making your aspirations a reality. Cultivate resilience as you navigate life’s trials, and trust your intuition when making choices. Always follow your heart. Surround yourself with a supportive community and practice self-care for both your physical and mental well-being. These principles have guided me through my own transformation and have been the key to finding fulfillment and peace in my entrepreneurial journey. Your entrepreneurial path has had its share of challenges, including dealing with limiting beliefs and fear. How did you overcome these obstacles and stay committed to your vision? Embarking on my entrepreneurial journey has been a rewarding yet challenging journey. I encountered my fair share of obstacles, including grappling with limiting beliefs, doubt, and fear.

There were moments when self-doubt crept in, making me question whether I was capable of living out my vision. Would I be successful? Could I sustain? Would we lose everything? However, I recognized that these doubts were natural companions on the path to success. To overcome them, I sought inspiration from stories of resilient entrepreneurs who faced similar challenges. I surrounded myself with a supportive network of mentors and peers who shared their wisdom and experiences. Additionally, I was fortunate to have amazing support from my family and my amazing husband, who believed in me and my vision even when I doubted myself. Their encouragement and belief in my abilities were the push I needed whenever doubt would start to creep in. And finally, my faith. Without my faith and God and the belief that if He brought me to it, He would bring me through it, I wouldn’t be where I am today. In 2023, you experienced a job loss that became a pivotal moment in your life. How did this setback ignite a newfound faith and determination within you? Losing my job was the best thing that happened to me. I can say that now. However, during that moment, I was terrified. I had no idea what I was going to do. But GOD! This unexpected turn of events ignited a newfound faith and determination within me that even surprises me at times. I turned to my faith in God, holding onto the belief that “all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called.” This verse became my source of strength. Instead of allowing this setback to deter me, I used it as a catalyst for change. Since that day, I have become an author and a certified Life Coach, and my business is growing. I thank God every day for that moment. That push helped me discover more of who I am and where I am going.

You authored “The Alignment of Me: Start with a Grateful Heart,” a 28-day gratitude journal. Could you share more about the inspiration behind this journal and how it can guide others on their journey to fulfillment? “The Alignment of Me: Start with a Grateful Heart” isn’t just a journal; it’s the essence of my own life’s ups and downs, and it’s a reflection of the journey many of us experience. My path hasn’t been paved with ease; in fact, I often felt like I was constantly failing, always falling short, forever seeking something to fill an empty space in my heart. I’d turn to temporary comforts like job hopping, food, or shopping, trying to mend a void that seemed unfixable. My life took a heartwrenching turn when I discovered my husband’s betrayal after six years of marriage. It felt like my world crumbled in an instant. In that moment of despair, I turned to God and cried out for a breakthrough, for a guiding light to lead me out of the valley of darkness. That was the beginning of my self-discovery journey. My journey was anything but a simple comeback; it was a complete reinvention of who I was. Over time, I’ve channeled my life’s experiences, stories, and the wisdom I’ve gathered, and I wanted to assist others in their quest for happiness and peace amidst life’s trials. “The Alignment of Me: Start with a Grateful Heart” is a 28-day gratitude journal born from the depths of my heart, created to help others on their journey to fulfillment. It’s a companion that invites you to look around and within, to nurture gratitude, and to embark on a transformative journey, just as I did. Through this journal, I share the profound power of gratitude, which has been my guiding star through the darkest of times, and I extend an invitation for you to begin your own transformative journey, starting with a grateful heart.

what message or insight would you like to share with our audience about the transformative power of faith, gratitude, and determination? Throughout my journey, I’ve discovered the profound power of faith, gratitude, and determination. My faith is not just a belief; it’s what keeps me sane during the unpredictable rollercoaster of life. It’s that unwavering conviction that even in the face of uncertainty, confusion, and doubt, I can know without a doubt I can navigate through any challenge. Gratitude has been my constant companion, even during the hardest times. It’s a mindset that allows me to attract more positivity into my life. When I embrace gratitude, even when the chips are down, I find that it not only keeps me grounded but also opens doors to unexpected opportunities. It reminds me to focus on what I’ve achieved rather than dwelling on what I’ve lost or yet to attain. Determination is the fire that burns in my heart, driving me to keep going even when others may doubt my unconventional path. It’s the force that pushes me forward, especially when people raise eyebrows or question my decisions. In the face of skepticism, determination becomes my shield, protecting my dreams and propelling me towards my goals. Faith gives us the courage to take the first step, gratitude keeps us grounded and appreciative of our progress, and determination fuels our journey, ensuring that we press on even when the path is tough. So, for all aspiring entrepreneurs, working moms, wives, sisters, daughters, and caretakers, remember that your faith, gratitude, and determination are your secret weapons on this remarkable journey. Embrace them and watch how they can truly transform your path.

AFFIRMATION OF THE MONTH I will embrace change as my friend. I understand that change pushes me toward greatness. I am a powerful force of innovation. I am preparing for my transformation. I am the champion of my own success. With every shift in my life, I am becoming stronger, wiser. ~PRETTY WOMEN HUSTLE MAGAZINE


L. Renee' Chubb

"Words have the power to create worlds," says L. Renee' Chubb, a multi-published author and Certified NLP Coach. With a pen in one hand and a zest for life in the other, she's on a mission to help you rewrite your story and discover the magic of your own words. As a Certified NLP Coach, L. Renee' believes in the incredible power of neuro-linguistic programming to transform lives. "It's like being a detective for your own mind," she explains. Her coaching journey is all about helping you decipher the mysteries of your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, unlocking your true potential. L. Renee' has penned several books and national articles that resonate with those seeking personal growth and self-discovery. Her words are like road signs on the journey of life, guiding you through challenges and celebrating your victories. "Each book is a conversation with my readers," she smiles, "a way to say, 'You're not alone; I've been there too.'" L. Renee' Chubb is not just your Word Whisperer; she's your companion on the journey to self-discovery and personal growth. Through the magic of words and the power of NLP, she's here to help you uncover the story you were born to tell.

Writing is my way of reminding the world that there's beauty in every story, even the messy ones."

Can you tell us more about your journey as a Certified NLP Coach and how it led you to help others unlock their true potential? In my journey from being the proprietor of a renowned Black-owned beauty salon in Central Ohio to becoming a Certified NLP Coach, my life story has taken quite a captivating turn. As the owner of that salon, my focus was primarily on helping people look their best on the outside. Yet, I soon realized that real beauty isn't just skin deep. It's about the confidence

NLP explores how language shapes our thoughts and emotions. By examining our patterns of self-talk and communication, we can uncover limiting beliefs and thought patterns that may be holding us back. Programming: This refers to our habits and behaviors, which are learned and can be changed. NLP helps us identify unhelpful patterns and replace them with more empowering ones. It's like reprogramming a computer to run more efficiently.

that radiates from within. This epiphany led me to delve into the realm of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

In essence, NLP empowers individuals to become the

(NLP), a transformational discipline. NLP is the secret sauce that allows individuals to reprogram their minds and unearth their full potential by understanding the

architects of their own personal transformation. By investigating and understanding the thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that shape our lives, we can

intricacies of their thought processes and dismantling limiting beliefs. Transitioning from salon couture to

make intentional changes, unlock our true potential, and lead more fulfilling and successful lives. It's like

becoming a "Mind Magician" through NLP certification has been a remarkable journey. It's akin to replacing hairstyling tools with a fresh toolkit for

being both the detective and the hero in the story of your own personal growth.

personal development. My mission now is to empower individuals to unlock their true potential, boost their self-esteem, and chase their most audacious dreams.

Your quotes emphasize the power of words and NLP. How do you believe these two elements can help individuals on their personal growth journey?

You've mentioned that NLP is like being a

Words are the building blocks of our inner dialogue. When we choose to empower words and engage in

detective for your own mind. Can you explain how this methodology works and its impact on

positive self-talk, we influence our mindset and emotions. NLP complements this by offering practical

personal transformation? Neuro-Linguistic Programming can indeed be likened to being a detective for your own mind. This

strategies to rewire our thought patterns. It's a dynamic duo: words shape our mental landscape, and NLP provides the roadmap to navigate and

methodology is a powerful tool for personal transformation because it allows you to investigate and understand the intricate workings of your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, much like a detective unravels a complex case. Here's how it works and its profound impact on personal growth:

transform it. Together, they empower individuals to break free from limitations, build resilience, and chart a course toward self-discovery and personal growth. The synergy between words and NLP is profound in personal growth. Words not only impact our inner world but also our external interactions. Effective communication, which NLP fosters, can strengthen relationships and open doors to new opportunities on our journey of self-improvement. Furthermore, NLP techniques such as reframing negative experiences or setting clear goals offer practical tools for overcoming challenges and achieving personal milestones. In essence, words create the narrative, and NLP equips us with the means to rewrite our story, ultimately propelling us toward the highest levels of personal growth and self-fulfillment.

Understanding Neuro: The "Neuro" in NLP refers to our neurology, which encompasses our brain and nervous system. NLP acknowledges that our experiences are filtered through our sensory perception, which includes sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. By paying attention to how we process these sensory inputs, we can gain insights into our mental processes and reactions. Linguistic Aspects: The "Linguistic" part pertains to the language we use, both internally (self-talk) and externally (communication with others).

What inspired you to become a Word Whisperer and guide others on their journey to selfdiscovery and personal growth through words?

My journey into becoming a "Word Whisperer" and guiding others on their path of self-discovery and personal growth through words was inspired by a profound realization. I recognized that words possess an incredible power to shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions. They are not just symbols on a page or sounds in the air; they are the essence of human communication and understanding. In my earlier role as a salon owner, I witnessed firsthand how a simple compliment or a word of encouragement could

Clients can expect a supportive partnership that equips them with the mindset and language to navigate life's challenges, seize opportunities, and create a narrative that aligns with their true potential and aspirations.

transform a person's day and, in some cases, their entire outlook on life. I saw how words had the ability

who was struggling with crippling self-doubt, which was hindering both personal and professional growth.

to lift spirits, boost confidence, and instill a sense of self-worth. In essence, what inspired me was the profound realization that words are not just tools for

Through our coaching sessions, we identified deepseated beliefs of unworthiness. Using NLP techniques, we worked on reframing these beliefs and instilling a

communication; they are instruments of transformation. They have the power to shape

sense of self-worth. Over time, this individual not only regained confidence but also made significant

destinies, and through the fusion of words and NLP, I found my calling in helping others unlock their true potential and create a life they truly desire.

strides in their career, ultimately securing a leadership position they once thought was unattainable. Witnessing this transformation was truly

How do you approach coaching sessions, and what can clients expect when working with you to

remarkable. Another inspiring story was a client who had a dream of starting their own business but was paralyzed by fear of failure. Through our work

rewrite their stories? When it comes to coaching sessions, my approach is

together, we addressed their fear by shifting their mindset and helping them set achievable goals. This

rooted in empathy, empowerment, and practicality. I begin by creating a safe and judgment-free space

client not only launched their business but also saw it thrive beyond their expectations. It was a powerful

where clients feel comfortable sharing their stories, aspirations, and challenges. This foundation of trust is essential for meaningful transformation. Next, I delve

reminder of how the right words and mindset can turn dreams into reality.

into the client's narrative, exploring their goals, values, and the beliefs that may be holding them

But to date, the biggest transformation is me. I created a Clear The Air: 17-Day Quit Smoking Course

back. Through the lens of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I help them dissect their thought patterns and identify any limiting beliefs or negative self-talk. Then, we embark on a journey of selfdiscovery and empowerment. Together, we reframe those limiting beliefs, replacing them with positive, empowering beliefs that align with their goals. We craft a new narrative, one that empowers them to pursue their dreams with confidence. Clients can expect a tailored coaching experience that combines practical NLP techniques with the power of words. I provide tools to enhance their communication skills, not only with others but also with themselves. Throughout our sessions, I offer guidance, encouragement, and accountability to keep them on track. Ultimately, working with me is about rewriting your story from a place of empowerment.

after embarking on the smoke-free journey myself using NLP. NLP Is great for those wanting to get over the cravings and triggers of addiction.

Could you share some success stories or transformative experiences from your coaching practice? One of the most memorable journeys involved a client

In your view, what are some common challenges people face when it comes to self-discovery, and how can your coaching and writing help them overcome these challenges? Self-discovery often involves overcoming limiting beliefs, fear of failure, and uncertainty about one's path. Through coaching and writing, I guide individuals to reframe these challenges. Coaching provides personalized strategies, while my writing offers inspirational and practical insights. Together, they empower individuals to embrace self-discovery with confidence and purpose. Common challenges in self-discovery include limiting beliefs, fear of failure, and uncertainty.

My coaching provides tailored strategies to reframe

discovery and personal growth, I offer these key

What is next for Lrenee? What upcoming projects do you have on the horizon? The closing of Stewart Beauty Salon marked a significant turning point in my journey, one guided by faith and a deep sense of purpose. While the salon named after my grandparents was a cherished chapter, it was time to embark on new endeavors. One of the exciting projects on the horizon is the expansion of Stewart Magic Hair, our luxury hairline. This venture has been a labor of love, and we're committed to offering high-quality hair products that enhance confidence and beauty. Our aim is to reach even more individuals, helping them look and feel

pieces of advice:

their best.

these obstacles and build confidence. Through my writing, individuals find inspiration and practical guidance. Together, coaching and writing serve as powerful tools to help people navigate the journey of self-discovery with resilience and purpose, unlocking their true potential along the way. What advice would you give to individuals who are looking to start their own journey of selfdiscovery and personal growth? For individuals embarking on a journey of self-

1. Start with Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout the process. Self-discovery can bring up challenging emotions and thoughts. Embrace these as part of the journey, and practice selfcompassion. 2. Set Clear Intentions: Define your goals and intentions for self-discovery. What do you want to learn about yourself, and how do you want to grow? Having clarity about your objectives will guide your efforts. 3. Embrace Vulnerability:




As for what's next for me, it's all about continuing to inspire and empower others. My passion lies in helping individuals rewrite their stories, tap into their potential, and pursue their dreams with confidence and purpose. How can individuals interested in your coaching or reading your books get started on their journey of self-discovery with you? Individuals interested in embarking on a journey of

stepping out of your comfort zone. Be willing to embrace vulnerability and take risks. It's where real

self-discovery with me have several avenues to get

transformation occurs. 4. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to seek support from

coaching sessions are available, and the process begins with reaching out through my website or

coaches, mentors, or therapists who can provide guidance and accountability. A supportive community can also be invaluable. 5. Mind Your Language: Pay attention to your selftalk. Use empowering language and affirmations to build a positive self-image. Words have the power to shape your reality. 6. Practice Patience: Self-discovery is a lifelong journey. Be patient with yourself and understand that growth takes time. Celebrate small wins along the way. 7. Journaling: Consider keeping a journal to document your thoughts, feelings, and insights. Writing can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. 8. Stay Curious: Approach self-discovery with curiosity and an open mind. Explore new experiences, read books, take courses, and engage in activities that challenge you. 9. Reflect Regularly: Set aside time for regular selfreflection. Evaluate your progress, reassess your goals, and adjust your path as needed. 10. Celebrate Your Uniqueness: Remember that your journey of self-discovery is unique to you. Embrace your individuality, and don't compare your progress to others.

started. For those seeking personalized guidance,

contact information. Through an initial consultation, we can discuss your specific goals, and together, we'll create a tailored coaching plan to support your journey. Please visit me on Facebook and Instagram @HealthandWealthStrategist, follow the Boutique Hair Store @StewartMagicHair, and my website at to schedule your complimentary discovery call. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A "Pretty Woman Who Hustles" embodies the spirit of resilience, determination, and ambition. It's someone who combines inner strength and grace with a strong work ethic and a relentless drive to pursue their goals and dreams. This individual understands that true beauty goes beyond appearances and is reflected in their character, confidence, and the way they tackle challenges head-on. A "Pretty Woman Who Hustles" is not defined by societal norms but by her ability to carve her own path, break barriers, and inspire others through her unwavering pursuit of success and personal growth. SHE is ME!


WELLSEVANS Nydia Shatanya Wells-Evans is an inspirational survivor and advocate for domestic violence awareness. With a mission to empower, support, and promote survivors and their families, she has taken a courageous path of sharing her story in hopes of sparing others from similar experiences.

A native of New Orleans, she is a two-time survivor of domestic violence, making her a passionate advocate and public speaker on the subject. Growing up in an environment marred by domestic violence, she vowed never to accept or go through what she witnessed, leading to years of being submissive in relationships. Despite her challenging experiences, including nine years in an abusive relationship, she found the strength to break free and emerge as a Victor from a victim. Her personal journey has inspired her to use her voice and experiences to let others know they are not alone and help is available. Nydia’s commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond her advocacy. She’s the owner of three successful businesses, showing her entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to excellence. Her academic pursuits in law and criminal justice complement her mission to make a difference in the legal field.

Education has always been a priority for Nydia. She earned her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Southern University at New Orleans and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in the same field. Nydia’s passion for helping others and her desire to empower and uplift those around her drive her work. She founded Blessing Our Women, Inc. (BOW), a New Orleans-based non-profit focused on supporting women starting over and raising awareness of domestic violence. Her published book, The Love You Promised Hurts Like Hell: Memoirs of My Pain, and her participation in various anthologies underscore her commitment to breaking the silence around domestic violence. Nydia Shatanya Wells-Evans is a survivor who has turned her experiences into a powerful mission to make a positive impact in the lives of others, proving that every scar tells a story of survival.

Nydia’s dedication to spreading awareness about domestic violence and providing support serves as an inspiring example of resilience and hope. She currently resides in New Orleans, Louisiana, and is working on her second book, “Love’s Parting Gift,” set to be released soon. This book discusses her journey of adjustment after surviving a lifethreatening incident.

Who is Nydia Wells-Evans? Nydia Shatanya Wells-Evans is a native of New Orleans, LA, who has survived her storms. Not only has she survived domestic abuse, but she has also survived sexual assault. She is a beautiful and strong woman. She is an advocate, an author, a model, a business owner, a student, a motivational speaker, a president, a sister, an employee, a widow, and a mother, but most importantly, she is an inspiration and role model for her children. She is the epitome of not letting anything get in the way of your hopes, goals, and dreams, no matter how long it takes. Nydia is a resilient 2x survivor of domestic violence. Nydia is a force to be reckoned with, and she is not backing down. Nydia is soon to be a household name. Take us back to the beginning. How did your childhood impact who you are today as a leader and speaker? My childhood had a major impact on my life. As a child, I never saw my parents fight, but I heard them argue a lot, and let’s just say they bought a lot of furniture. They never allowed me to see the abuse. They would send me to the room and tell me to close the door. I could remember always thinking how I would never accept that. I would say things like I’m never going to let a man put his hands on me. But you know how the saying goes, “Never say never.” Well, that is so true because I met and married my father. The jealous and angry version of him, anyway. My husband and I fought every day, just like my parents did. The only difference is my mom argued and fought back each time. I, on the other hand, watching her speak up for herself, thought that was why she had to fight so much.

I assumed that if I were submissive, I wouldn’t have those problems, but I was wrong because I still had to fight. I started off letting him argue alone, thinking he would get tired and shut up. Instead, he got angrier because he said I was acting childish by not saying anything. And when I did argue back, I was being disrespectful because I was not supposed to talk back to him. The crazy part is that I was in love before I even met my husband, but it didn’t work out because he was a cheater. Believe it or not, sometimes I try to blame him for what I went through, but truth be told, I chose that man, that life, and I chose to stay, so it’s my fault. And I still love him. When did you realize you had a story that needed to be shared with the world? I realized that I had a story that needed to be shared with the world when God gave me the assignment to start my non-profit. Not only did He birth the non-profit through me, but He also gave me another chance at life on several occasions. I almost lost my life at the hands of my husband at least three times. Then God spared my life again when my last boyfriend tried to take me out by pulling the trigger of a gun in my face 4 times. He tried to cancel me, but God covered me as any Father would for their child. I believe my purpose for being here is to share my stories. I plan to keep sharing my story in hopes of helping someone else. I pray that my story helps so many people. Your advocacy for domestic violence awareness is one near and dear to your heart. Can you share more about this initiative and why it is important to you? Being an advocate for domestic violence is important to me because I want to break the generational curse. My parents were in an abusive relationship. My grandmother was in an abusive relationship. I was in an abusive relationship for 10 years with a man who eventually became my husband, then shot by a boyfriend in another relationship. Can you tell us about your organization BOW? Blessing Our Women, Inc. is a New Orleans-based 501(c)3 certified non-profit organization that caters to survivors of domestic violence.

We will help survivors of domestic violence exercise their legal rights and explore options to help them make their batterers accountable for their actions. We will offer a no-judgment zone to help them be free of shame and will provide compassion and connections for each survivor through our support programs and networking with fellow organizations. Our mission is to empower, promote, and support all survivors and their families. To support the victims, survivors, and their families who have been affected by domestic violence in any form. To educate the community on healthy relationships, to work with community partners to provide education, awareness, and services for the healing process of the abused one has encountered. To offer guidance to survivors to help build healthy relationships and help reduce shame and guilt so they can build their interpersonal skills. Our goal is to encourage and empower survivors by any means necessary, including but not limited to our annual luncheons and other activities. We will work with other organizations to help provide hope and healing and rebuild families. We are committed to ending domestic violence by changing the current beliefs and institutions which encourage violence. What message do you hope women take away from your platform? The message that I want survivors to take away from my story is that they are not alone, no one is exempt, it’s not your fault, and help is always available. You can’t leave because someone else wants you to because you will only end up right back there. Tell us about your debut book, The Love You Promised Hurts Like Hell. This book shares some of my experiences in life. It does not cover everything, just enough to say that I have a testimony. It talks about how I felt in the relationships I shared. In my opinion, it shares what one should not do. And that is to stay. I know you can’t tell someone when they should be done because I stayed in one relationship for 10 years when I knew it was bad 6 months in. I call it Memoirs of My Pain, but it should have been called Lessons That Will Forever Mold Me.

It was preparation for what God has called me to be and do in life. I didn’t understand that then, but I wear it today. It shares God has kept me. What 3 takeaways do you hope people get from reading this project? Three things that I want people to take away from reading this project are: 1. Your current situation is not your final destination. 2. Self-love is very important. How can you love someone else if you don’t love yourself first? 3. Sometimes, you need a shove in the right direction. Throughout my situation, I became a licensed and certified domestic violence coach, started a non-profit, and got other certifications. I turned my “what was meant for bad” into a positive outcome. What is next for you and your brand? I have expanded my brand to include “NSW,” which stands for Nydia Speaks Worldwide. Those are also my initials. I am currently working on my second book, Love’s Parting Gift. I am also working on a domestic violence documentary.


Things that once seemed to be a setback were actually a setup to cultivate change... Blazing the ever-evolving trails of the hair care industry, Dr. Enola Pillard is also making staple moves in authorship. Having earned a Doctoral of Professional Cosmetology and a certification in Holistic Tricology, Dr. Enola has mastered the art of catering to the needs of others and paying attention to details, making her the perfect Certified Life Coach. With over 23 years of serving women as a salon professional, her passion and dedication to enhancing outward beauty have pushed her into the assignment of enhancing inner beauty and helping others to recognize what God has put in them and how important it is for them to embrace and walk in it. Dr. Enola has authored a catalog of book publications, including Adjusting Your Crown, The Entrepreneur's Prayer Book, and the #1 best-seller Powerful Affirmations for Fempreneurs, with more to come. She has been featured in several TV broadcasts, magazines, and podcasts, including What's Your Super Power TV, Zealous Women Magazine, and Making Moves Podcast, just to name a few. Dr. Pillard has been awarded the Bridging the Gap Book Club Award, Women of Excellence Leadership Award, and Chew's Multicultural Hair Expo Icon Award for the impactful work that she does in her industry and the community.

Dr. Enola Pillard, D.P.C., CEO and Founder of Ashanti Enterprises, is a true Louisiana girl who has dedicated her life to empowering others through her beauty talents, uplifting their esteem, and being a willing vessel for the kingdom. An amazing mother, hair loss practitioner, intercessor, author, and life coach striving to change the world one life at a time.

As the CEO and Founder of Ashanti Enterprises, could you tell us more about the mission and goals of your organization and how it aligns with your commitment to empowering others? To inspire others to excel in achieving their personal goals and dreams. Taking leaps of faith and the necessary steps to set shortterm and long-term goals.

Can you tell us about your journey in the beauty industry and what inspired you to become a Certified Life Coach? As a beauty professional, I've had many clients sit in my chair, and as an educator, many ask for advice. I felt it was important to get professionally trained to be even more effective.

What are some of the key messages or lessons you hope to convey to your readers, clients, and those you inspire through your work as an author, life coach, and hair loss practitioner? I am honored to help so many authors press the start button as an Author Strategy Coach, putting a plan in place from start to finish. As a Holistic Hair Practitioner, Trichologist, and Hair Replacement Specialist, I've gained knowledge, skills, and experience to service clients with scalp disorders and hair loss with specific protocols and treatment plans.

How do you bridge the gap between outer and inner beauty in your work as a Certified Life Coach? The inner beauty compliments the outer beauty. Being professionally trained, I'm able to give clarity and different strategies to execute realistic expectations and goals.

Your impact on the industry and in the community has earned you prestigious awards, such as the Bridging the Gap Book Club Award and the Women of Excellence Leadership Award. What do these recognitions mean to you, and how do they motivate you in your work? It made me realize not to regret anything I've been through. Things that once seemed to be a setback were actually a setup to cultivate change and empowerment in others.

The inner beauty compliments the outer beauty. What's next on the horizon for Dr. Enola Pillard and Ashanti Enterprises? Do you have any upcoming projects or initiatives that you'd like to share with our audience? I am so excited to graduate next July with my Doctoral Nationally with the National Beauty Culturist League. I have two book projects of my own and two Anthology projects that will be released and completed before the end of the year. I have events, appearances on the radio, podcasts, and other magazine features. And a few other special things plan to promote my brand.

For more:


SPOTLIGHT Imagine Me Creative Book Publishing

PORTIA SMITH Portia Smith wears multiple hats with élan - she’s not just a devoted mother but also a licensed counselor and a trailblazing entrepreneur. In 2019, she channeled her fervor for storytelling and reading into establishing Imagine Me, Creative Book Publishing. Inspired by her yearning to see African-American children shine as protagonists in picture books, she crafted her distinctive brand. Imagine Me Creative Book Publishing stands out as a unique hybrid independent publisher, prioritizing the spotlight on diverse characters in children’s tales penned by equally diverse authors. Their ethos hinges on the significance of representation in children’s literature, holding the conviction that such representation profoundly influences young readers’ self-image and worldview. Beyond publishing, they extend a plethora of services spanning retail, e-commerce, marketing, and advertising, all tailored for the digital age. Their curated product range encompasses positive affirmation books, intricately designed journals, and bookmarks. Furthermore, selfpublishing authors find a haven here, with the company offering them a suite of marketing, advertising, and branding opportunities. Smith’s groundbreaking work hasn’t gone unnoticed. Her features span across reputed platforms like Impact Magazine, Black Parent Magazine, and Exposure TV Network. Channels like Wee Nation Radio and Hip Hop Weekly Magazine have also recognized her contributions. Smith’s entrepreneurial prowess was further solidified when she clinched a position on the prestigious Forbes Next 1000 list, ranking within the top 500 rising entrepreneurs in the US.

Portia, can you tell us what inspired you to establish Imagine Me Creative Book Publishing and prioritize diverse characters in children’s literature? In the aftermath of experiencing profound personal losses, I leaned into the healing power of positive selfaffirmations. This practice became a transformative tool not just for me but also for my two wonderful children. Recognizing a lack of representation and diversity in children’s books, I was compelled to establish Imagine Me Creative Book Publishing in 2019. I wanted young readers everywhere to see themselves in the stories they read, promoting positive self-esteem and confidence, especially within the African-American community. Your publishing company offers a range of services, including retail, e-commerce, and marketing. How do these services contribute to your mission of promoting diverse children’s literature? Our array of services ensures that diverse children’s literature is accessible, marketable, and reaches a wide audience. By blending traditional retail with e-commerce, we’re able to make these essential stories available globally. Our dedicated marketing initiatives amplify the voices of underrepresented authors and characters, ensuring that children everywhere have the opportunity to see themselves reflected in the pages they turn. Representation in children’s books is vital. Could you elaborate on the impact of diverse characters on young readers’ self-image and worldview? Representation in literature provides children with mirrors and windows. Mirrors, where they see themselves, their cultures, and their experiences reflected, validating their identities.

Windows, where they gain insights into the lives and experiences of others, fostering empathy and understanding. This dual impact shapes a young reader’s self-image, instilling pride and confidence while also broadening their worldview, promoting inclusivity and acceptance. Imagine Me Creative Book Publishing also supports self-publishing authors. What services and opportunities do you offer to authors seeking to contribute to diverse children’s literature? We’re passionate about amplifying diverse voices. For selfpublishing authors, we offer comprehensive support, from editorial guidance to marketing strategies. Our platform acts as a launchpad for emerging authors, ensuring their stories resonate with the intended audience. By collaborating with us, authors are not just publishing a book; they become part of a movement championing diversity and representation in children’s literature. Your product range includes positive affirmation books, journals, and bookmarks. How do these products reinforce your commitment to empowering young readers and authors? Every product we offer stems from a personal journey of healing and empowerment. Positive affirmation books instill resilience and self-worth in young readers. Our journals provide a space for self-expression and reflection, while the bookmarks serve as daily reminders of the power of positivity. Collectively, they embody our commitment to nurturing both the minds and spirits of young readers and authors. Can you share any upcoming projects or initiatives that Imagine Me Creative Book Publishing has in the pipeline? We’re eagerly anticipating the release of our “I Can Cope Kid” book series, focused on affirmations, coping skills, and confidence-building. In addition to being an entrepreneur, you’re a licensed counselor and devoted mother. How do your various roles and experiences manifest in your mission and vision for diverse children’s literature? Each role I’ve embraced - from a counselor to a mother, from a widow to an entrepreneur - has deeply informed my mission. As a counselor, I understand the profound impact of representation on mental well-being. As a mother of two incredible children with disabilities, I recognize the necessity of inclusive literature that speaks to every child’s unique experience. My personal journey through grief, resilience, and rediscovery fuels my vision for Imagine Me Creative Book Publishing. It’s more than just a business; it’s a heartfelt mission to empower, inspire, and uplift through the power of diverse stories. For those looking to delve deeper into Portia Smith’s world: • Social Media: • Instagram: @portias_bookshelf • @imagineme__cbp • Website: • Email:



Devin La’Angelia is a woman of faith, International Author, and Christian Publisher of “Pen To Vision Publishing,” where she assists aspiring authors on how to write and share their stories in confidence. She relentlessly encourages others to own their stories without fear of judgment and shame from their past, hurts, and trauma. Devin knows firsthand what it’s like to experience some of the bitter effects of abandonment, as she too grew up mother and fatherless in the foster care system. She also experienced multiple counts of sexual abuse from different men and has pushed past her pain and excelled in life unapologetically. Her greatest joy is teaching others how to do the same by leveraging their stories as positive mechanisms to become a voice for the voiceless. She is a firm believer that any life experience, no matter how painful, can be used as a tool to help others through their current life trials and circumstances!

When did you discover your passion for writing and sharing stories? My passion for writing began in the 5th grade. Whenever we were challenged to write how we would one day change the world, I began to discover I enjoyed writing essays. I also kept a diary and wrote my daily events all the way up through school. Tell us about your brand, “Pen to Vision Publishing.” Pen To Vision was birthed to help believers share their unique stories and the wisdom they gained from life experiences. At Pen To Vision, we believe every survival and redemption story is a book. We, as believers, are the Bible some people will first encounter.

PEN TO VISION PUBLISHING What services are you currently offering through your publishing company? I offer self-publishing services with a guided course. The course allows any new writer to complete a book within 30 days with my blueprint method. What message do you hope readers take away from the work your company releases? I want people to know their voice matters. No matter how small you think you are, we serve a God who can use you in a unique way. Our voices need to be heard more often in these last days. What advice do you have for new writers with the hope of one day publishing their work? For new aspiring writers, please understand you are the solution and answer to someone’s problem. Many people suffer in silence as I once did because we 1. Hide in shame; 2. Are fearful of being judged for telling our truth; and 3. May simply not know where or how to start writing a book. My mission was to fix this problem for good!

Tell us about your book? My book delves into my childhood traumas, learning the gift of forgiveness, and it exposes the lies of how selfidentifying ourselves through our life experiences can bring a life of confusion until we find Christ. The book itself is titled Beautiful Disaster: The Identity Crisis Within. I wanted people to know that no matter where you come from, your identity can only be found in Christ Jesus. What can readers expect from Devin Pugh next? More upcoming books and new authors being birthed through my publishing services and collaboration projects.

For more:

You are a woman with a testimony of overcoming obstacles. Can you share a little about your story? I grew up mother and fatherless in foster homes before I was later adopted at age 8. When my great-uncle passed away, his wife decided to keep my siblings and I. I have overcome sexual childhood abuse from multiple men, and I have survived a toxic marriage that ended in divorce. Through it all, I’ve made no excuses to have a victim mentality. I’ve defied all odds through my faith and have maintained to live a very blessed and successful life.




To learn more about On the Court Solutions:

GO V E R N O R C U R T I S Laurie Governor Curtis is an international speaker, coach, and co-author of the book What Now Mindset Vol. 1. Laurie is also a two-time inductee into the University of Richmond Hall of Fame (Women’s Basketball). With over 20 years of leadership experience on and off the court, Laurie is no stranger to setbacks and challenges. She understands the impact hard work, resilience, and determination can play in achieving your goals. Her approach is powered by her personal experiences and providing real-life examples that inspire and motivate others to succeed personally and professionally. Laurie is the founder of On the Court Solutions, a consulting business that gives Laurie the opportunity to marry her love of sports and business. Through her speaking and coaching, Laurie helps individuals and businesses develop practical strategies and creative solutions that will allow them to succeed in places and on stages beyond what they could have imagined.

Outside of entrepreneurship, who is Laurie Governor Curtis? I am a woman of faith. A mother of two. An author and international speaker. I am an advocate for others. I am committed to continuous improvement by actively seeking personal and professional development opportunities. Fitness is a priority. The beach is my happy place. My flowers make me smile. I love all things DIY. And my family and friends mean everything. How did your time as an athlete prepare you for where you are today as an industry leader? The lessons that I learned and developed on the court are the things that have made me who I am today. Things like the discipline and work ethic acquired through consistent training fostered by goal-setting and focused determination. The resilience developed in the face of setbacks equipped me to overcome obstacles in the business setting. Teamwork and collaboration skills contribute to effective communication and cooperation with colleagues

Additionally, time management skills learned have proven invaluable when juggling multiple responsibilities in a business context. Leadership qualities and decision-making process, as a studentathlete, translate into confident decisionmaking in business leadership roles. What I love about sports is that they instill the ability to handle pressure, enabling individuals to excel under demanding circumstances. It also promotes a healthy lifestyle, which enhances productivity and focus as a leader. And finally, the competitive spirit fostered in sports drives innovation and continuous improvement in business endeavors. Tell us about your company, On The Court Solutions. At On The Court Solutions, our mission is to empower athletes, businesses, and individuals to achieve their full potential and make a positive impact in the world. We provide personalized guidance and support to help our clients develop a clear and compelling vision for their personal, professional, or business growth.

Our results-driven approach is designed to unlock our clients’ full potential and to equip them with the tools and mindset necessary to create meaningful change in their lives and the lives of others. We are committed to fostering a culture of growth, empowerment, and impact and to making a lasting contribution to the communities they serve. What can women expect when working with On The Court Solutions? We are passionate about empowering individuals and businesses to reach their fullest potential. Our mission is to help others WIN. Win in life and win in business using our foundational message of Vision, Impact, and Strategy. When your vision is clear and you have developed a strategic plan to get there, the impact is not only felt in your life but the lives of those around you. What you can expect from us is our dedication to fueling your potential through our results-driven approach. We provide clear and measurable goals, datadriven analysis, tailored strategies, actionoriented plans, accountability and feedback, a plan for continuous improvement, transparency, and communication.

What message do you hope women take away from your platform? Get clear on what you want to do and why you are doing it, invest in yourself personally and professionally, be strategic in your decisions, monitor your progress, and be ready to pivot. The journey will not look like you think it should, so be ready to adjust your direction. And remember, the little wins lead to bigger success. Enjoy the journey. What is next for you and your brand? I am looking forward to launching my podcast and a wellness (spiritual, physical, mental) retreat. Both have been on my todo list for a while, and I am excited to roll these out in the new year! What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A woman who is confident and secure in who she is as she works to build a legacy for herself and her family.

@lauriegovernorcurtis @lauriegovernorcurtis



Author N. Denise N. Denise, a native New Englander who now resides in Maryland, is the author of It Happened at Church!, her debut work of fiction. A United States Army Veteran who earned a Purple Heart during Desert Storm, she enjoys quilting, writing restaurant reviews, writing & reading books/short stories, traveling, and being around family and friends. She is an active member at her church, and rest assured, this book does not reflect the membership! Her passion is community outreach with a focus on helping children in foster care and young adults who are leaving foster care. Holding an MBA focused on Health Services Management and a Masters in Human Resource Management, she currently works as a contractor managing a multimilliondollar contract for a non-profit group. N. Denise is currently working on several books, including the second It Happened at Church!, and a children’s book. Stay tuned for her other works of fiction to be published in 2024! N. Denise is married with two young adult children.

N. Denise, can you tell us more about your release, It Happened at Church!? What inspired you to write this book? I will be honest. I had several ideas for books, and I started each one. After I wrote my first book, I ended up with writer’s block. So, I stopped writing. Then, an idea about a fictional church came to mind, and that is when It Happened At Church! was born. I am active in my church. My family consists of generations of Christians. There are stories and more stories to be told. However, I chose to write fiction. You’re not only an author but also a United States Army Veteran with a Purple Heart. How has your military experience influenced your writing and creativity? I believe the discipline helped me to get the story written, self-publish it, and self-market the book. Your passion for community outreach, particularly helping children in foster care and young adults leaving foster care, is commendable. Could you share some of the initiatives or projects you’re involved in to support these groups?

I am the President of the Women’s Ministry at my church. In addition to that, I have activated my friend circle called Tasha’s Team to conduct drives for backpacks and other items. These items are then donated to causes like Comfort Cases and The Children’s Inn. We understand you’re currently working on several books, including the second It Happened at Church and a children’s book. Can you give us a glimpse of what readers can expect from these upcoming projects? Yes! I want my readers to meet more of the members of The Church. I will also dive a little deeper into Vista and Bernetha’s lives. Additionally, there are some characters who are “coming back” to cause more trouble!! My children’s book will take more time to complete as I am focused on the follow-up to It Happened At Church. Family plays an essential role in your life, and you’re married with two young adult children. How do your family and your experiences shape your writing and your commitment to community outreach? My family is a giving family. For generations, that is just who we are. Community outreach is in our DNA, and we passed this on to our children. They were very supportive of my writing and all that comes with creating a book. You can usually find one or all of them with me at signings! What message or takeaway do you hope readers will find in It Happened at Church!? Well, I really want people to be entertained! The characters are so “real” it is easy to believe you actually know these people! It is a short read and definitely a page-turner, as one reader commented! If my book makes an eighty-four-year-old laugh, I think I am winning! What can your supporters expect from you next? How can they support your mission? I will continue to write. Book purchases and book reviews are the best! I ask each person reading to consider what organizations they want to support and DO IT! There are so many people in need, and every little bit helps!!



MARSHAUN OLANIYAN Marshaun Olaniyan is a Shift Relationship Strategist and a 2x Amazon Best Selling author. She helps Black Christian women shift their mindset, shift their perspective, and shift the way they show up in the world via her books, digital courses, group coaching, and 1-on-1 coaching. Marshaun understands what the average woman looking for a meaningful, loving relationship normally goes through, especially when it comes to what they want, need, and desire. She knows what’s holding women back from creating the love life they’ve always dreamed of. Marshaun combines all her data and research and shares simple yet effective tips and strategies with her clients so they can stop being an obstacle in their own lives and create extraordinary relationships. Marshaun’s Why! My mission is to show black women they have the power to create a relationship with themselves, their partner, and the life they are proud to be a co-creator of! My mission is also very personal as I am a divorcee, faced bankruptcy, and struggled to put the pieces of my life back together once the divorce was final. I now know the missing pieces of the puzzle were not being given the tools to be a married woman, how to choose the best man for me, how to stay authentic to my needs, and then staying in an unfulfilled marriage way too long. I am called to break the generational curses that plague Black families and marriages one Black woman at a time.

Who is Marshaun? Can you describe your purpose in five words? Help black women reprogram themselves. You have had to overcome several obstacles to get where you are today. Can you share a little about your journey to entrepreneurship? My journey to entrepreneurship. My journey began when I started my YouTube channel. I started my channel because I found the relationship gurus on there were mainly speaking about how to get the guy. I saw nothing regarding the real relationship once the rose-colored glasses came off and the real relationship began. To me, there was no real substance. When I began my channel, I didn’t think it would turn into a business, but once I started addressing things I know that occur while being in a relationship, several women and men reached out to me and asked me to coach them. You are known as the “Shift Strategist.” Can you go more in-depth about the importance of shifting? I’m known as a Shift Relationship Strategist. The importance of shifting allows one to realize and live in the life they’re intentional about creating. Shifting allows one to get a glimpse of the area(s) they need to work on in order to become better, more aware of oneself and how to change oneself.

Take us through a typical session with the shift strategist. Where does one begin on the road to shifting mentally, physically, and spiritually? A typical session with a Shift Relationship Strategist starts off with me asking why we are here today. I allow her to speak, and then I ask questions based on what I hear her say. Next, we come up with solutions to whatever problems she is faced with.

What message do you hope women take away from your platform? The message I hope women take away from my platform is how much power they have within themselves and how facing the things they try to run away from will cause further pain than it does when they come face-to-face and start to work on and work through those issues head-on. I also want them to know things don’t just get better overnight. Things get better over time with nurturing and caring for their mind, body, and soul.

What is next for Marshaun, “The Shift Strategist?” What can your community expect from you in the next 2-3 years? My community can expect in-person events, more speaking engagements, and helping even more black women to own their power, continue to make themselves a priority, and create healthy relationships.



LATRINA HARVEY Latrina Harvey is a woman on a mission. She’s a true visionary whose forecast is always on the grind. Born and raised in Dallas, TX. Her early struggles didn’t get in her way of believing in herself. She runs and operates several businesses. She has a clothing store, Tha Spot Boutique. She is a co-partner in a tax consulting business. She’s a certified Life Coach. Latrina has authored her memoir, Give Me One Reason To Keep It A Secret, which is sold on Amazon. She also has her version of a customized minority-inspired Barbie doll. Nothing gets in the way of this woman. She’s a goal setter and brings her ideas to reality. She now resides in the Dallas suburbs with her family.

What inspired your start in entrepreneurship? I had this strong desire to be my own boss as a little girl. I would make $1 selling homemade coloring books. What obstacles did you have to overcome in order to walk in your full purpose? I had to stop worrying about what other people think and step out on faith so I could grow in life. Tell us about your brand, “ThA Spot Boutique.” At ThA Spot Boutique, I sell urban outfits, fashionable handbags, accessories, and virgin hair.

What can women expect when shopping from ThA Spot? Great customer service and a new trendy outfit. Over the years, you have ventured out into tax consulting as well as life coaching. Can you share a little on how you navigate both brands successfully? I navigate the two. My tax Business is seasonal, and being a Life Coach is a gift from God. Everything falls into place when you have a gift from God. I enjoy listening and talking to others. Tell us about your memoir Give Me One Reason To Keep It A Secret. What message do you hope women take away from your work? As you read my memoir, you will notice that early in life, my path took me down a very distorted and winding path. Some may have given up or out, but God gave me the strength to weave through, and if He gave it to me, He will give it to you. DON’T GIVE UP! Greater is coming. What is next for you? Where do you see your brand in the next 2-3 years? I have not reached my full potential because every day, I’m learning something new and exhibiting new gifts and talents that I possess. So where do I see myself in 2-3 years? After all my hard work and dedication, I see my money working for me and not me working for my money.

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Theresa is an author, ordained minister, life coach, and public servant. Ms. Daniel specializes in the area of inspiring others to discover their true calling in life. Her personal philosophy is “You are not in trouble, it’s just a transition.” She understands the power of being resilient and tenacious in the face of opposition. Her own story is an empowering lesson in itself of ways a person can overcome great challenges in life to become a survivor. For over 25 years, Theresa has worked face-to-face advocating for women’s, children’s, and families’ rights in our society. Empowering victims of domestic violence, providing counseling services to the addictive and the criminal justice population. She can connect with audiences everywhere with an empowering and transforming message of hope, purpose, love, and selfrespect. Her delivery is candor, seasoned with compassion and humor and filled with nuggets of wisdom. Theresa has served hundreds of people in the United States and abroad (faith-based organizations, hospitals, colleges/universities, private sector, and state agencies through her keynote presentations, workshops, women’s events, and retreats. Theresa is active in many Civic organizations: She is a member of the National Women Political Planning Board, which endorses Women candidates in the political process as elected and appointed officials to Congress.

She served on the Burlington County Advisory Council on Women and the Mayor Citizens Advisory Council in the state of New Jersey. Lately, she was elected to represent Vision 2020 as a National Delegate from New Jersey for a two-year term. She is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She is married to Dr. A. Daniel and has three adult children. As an adjunct professor of psychology for over 17 years in the field of higher education, she has demonstrated the ability to teach and mentor culturally diverse student populations and provide instruction for the Military Service members. Specialties include keynote workshop/seminar presenter, book consultant, personal/group life coaching, and personal and professional development.

What inspired your journey into entrepreneurship? What led you to specialize in inspiring others to discover their true calling in life? My journey into entrepreneurship was sparked by a burning desire to take control of my destiny and not rely on others for my livelihood. I had experienced too many instances where employers easily let me go because they didn’t like me or wanted their friend for my position. Enough was enough, so I started forging my path and not depending on someone else for my source of revenue.

I realized I needed to take charge of my life and make decisions aligned with my values and purpose. Others observed a freedom in me, so friends began to ask me if I could help them because they hated their jobs. I firmly believe that each person has the potential to discover their passion and craft a rewarding and prosperous career and life. This unwavering determination propelled me to specialize in empowering others to uncover their true purpose in life. Having felt the frustration of powerlessness in a job and being subject to the whims of others, I decided to become an entrepreneur and create a life that is both gratifying and in harmony with my authentic purpose. Facing challenges in life can be trying, yet you’ve not only overcome them but also become a survivor. Could you share some key lessons or principles that have helped you build resilience and tenacity in the face of opposition? Reflecting on my life, I am in awe of the strength and determination that have carried me through some of the most challenging experiences. My story is one of overcoming. Cancer, grief, financial struggle, divorce, single parenting, sexism, and racism in the workplace. The books I have had the opportunity to pen have shared about overcoming obstacles, transition, and change. I just finished publishing a Guided journal to help others by sharing fundamental principles that have guided me through difficult times and helped me move forward in life, being determined and unstoppable. Becoming an unstoppable individual requires courage, resilience, passion, and perseverance. These qualities serve as a foundation that empowers you to overcome any obstacle. The first ingredient to becoming an unstoppable force is courage. We all face challenges and obstacles, and it is natural to feel fear and doubt. But what separates those who crumble under the weight of life circumstances and push through and come out stronger is having the presence of courage. The second ingredient is resilience, especially in the uncertain digital era of the 21st century. No matter how courageous you are, setbacks and failures are inevitable. Strength allows you to bounce back from these setbacks and become stronger. It is about adapting to change, learning from mistakes, and maintaining a positive attitude despite adversity. The third crucial ingredient is passion. It fuels your dedication and ability to work long hours, make sacrifices, and focus on your goals. Having a hunger drives you forward with purpose and keeps you and your team focused, even when distractions abound. It is the deep sense of commitment and the drive to pursue your dreams wholeheartedly. The final ingredient is perseverance, the ability to keep going despite seemingly insurmountable challenges. In the rapidly changing and disruptive 21st century, mental toughness is crucial. Persistence means sticking to your goals, pushing through adversity, and never losing sight of what you are working towards.

Your books, such as I Am In It to Win It and The CEO of Your Life, offer motivational and inspirational guidance. Can you share some key takeaways from these books and how they can help individuals on their personal and professional journeys? The CEO of Your Life: Take Charge and Make It Count! - Welcome to the executive suite of your life! It’s time to step up and call the shots. You have the power to shape your destiny and make crucial decisions. Think of yourself as the HR decision maker, carefully selecting those who align with your goals and values. You are a brand, and it’s time to operate like one! This book will provide you with recurring insights on how to position yourself for success strategically. It’s about taking control and claiming what is rightfully yours! No more dress rehearsals. You are the real deal. Embrace your role as the CEO of your life and be actively involved in making it everything you want it to be. You are in the business of YOU – the ultimate CEO. The opportunity lies at your feet, and it’s up to you to seize it. The time is now. Success in life, business, and, most importantly, as the unique individual you are starts with you. So, let’s embark on this journey together. With the CEO mindset, you can shape your future and create a significant life. Stay tuned for valuable insights and strategies that will empower you to live your best life as the CEO of Your Life. I AM In It To Win It - I’m determined to succeed in life – in the face of challenges and obstacles, all it takes is a combination of perseverance and grace to navigate life’s ups and downs. Cultivating a champion’s mindset unlocks the potential of a growth mindset, which can significantly impact a person’s personal and professional success, happiness, and overall well-being. Renowned boxer Muhammad Ali once said that True champions are not made within gym walls. They are developed from a deep-seated passion, an unrelenting dream, and a clear vision. Skill and willpower are indispensable, but the strength of one’s will surpasses mere talent. When faced with adversity, do you embody the spirit of a champion by staying engaged, pushing boundaries, and performing at your best? Or do you succumb to defeat by burying your head in the sand and giving up? Remember, resilience is the key. As an adjunct professor of psychology for over 17 years, you’ve mentored culturally diverse student populations. How has your experience as a professor shaped your approach to mentoring and coaching, both personally and professionally? Recognizing and understanding the diverse cultures of clients or students, including their values, traditions, and history, is not simply a matter of political correctness. It is crucial for me to address disparities and provide high-quality coaching.

I understand how Culture influences an individual’s experiences, perceptions, decisions, and interpersonal relationships. It also impacts how clients respond to coaching and the results they achieve. As a coach or adjunct professor, I must develop sensitivity towards diverse client populations and strive to comprehend culturally influenced behaviors and how they impact a person’s behavior. Racial, ethnic, gender, and cultural disparities are present across all aspects of society, not just in the educational arena. Despite the presence of diverse individuals from various racial, ethnic, gender, and cultural backgrounds within communities and organizations, I worked to create a culturally competent environment that recognizes these differences as strengths to be nurtured rather than threats. Instead of merely tolerating individuals from different backgrounds and who may hold a different view than mine, I must embrace diversity as a valuable asset and understand that that person is priceless. Embracing these differences as strengths enhances the overall experience.

What is next for you? Where do you hope to see your platform in the next 2-3 years? The next step for me as an International Life coach is to aspire to train individuals worldwide on audacious steps to live the life they desire, even when they feel apprehensive about taking action and conquering their world. It is essential to begin by knowing oneself, then extending that impact to the local community, followed by a national influence, and ultimately making a global difference for years to come.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A pretty woman who hustles means-a determined woman who works hard and takes initiative to achieve her goals and succeed in her endeavors. She possesses a combination of beauty, intelligence, and drive, and she uses her talents and skills to make things happen and create opportunities for herself and others. This term encompasses the idea of a woman unafraid to play by her own rules and navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence. She embodies the qualities of resilience, self-motivation, and a strong work ethic while embracing her femininity and unique style. A pretty woman who hustles is a force to be reckoned with, as she defies stereotypes and breaks barriers to create her path to success. For more:


Margo Williams Margo Williams is an Evangelist, Chaplain, Author, Advocate, and Educator in the areas of Domestic Violence/Rape Crisis Intervention/ Suicide Prevention/Homelessness, and is a photographer. Evangelist Williams experienced abuse in her life and now has a heart to help others break free. The books that she has written are to help build up self-esteem and confidence and provide resources to aid in breaking free from bondage. Also, this is part of Margo’s women’s ministry. Currently, she is working as a Behaviorist in an elementary school. Her role is to help enforce the inclusion of disabled students in the general classroom. Margo has worked in the field of Psychology/Human Services for 29 years and has seen much transformation in those she’s worked with. Her recent project was with the J. Paul Getty Museum, mentoring youth in photography. This was another opportunity to put her mentorship skills to work, as well as be a part of “L.A:. In Dialogue,” which became an exhibit from June 3rd-17th. “L.A:. In Dialogue.”

Can you tell us about your journey from experiencing abuse to becoming an advocate and educator in the areas of domestic violence, rape crisis intervention, suicide prevention, and homelessness? My journey from experiencing abuse to becoming an educator and advocate was a lifetime of healing. The first thing was getting the confidence and courage to walk away and knowing that I am important and needed. Once I received counseling and stopped looking for a relationship to fulfill my needs, I was then open to grow. I trained with the Rosa Parks Sexual Assault Center and became an advocate against rape and assault. I had to use my voice to save others.

Part of my journey was going through homelessness, which would cause me to find resources to survive. Homelessness also caused me to seek the Lord, who would deliver me from bondage. My reason for advocating in the area of suicide Prevention is the depression that overtook my mind. I struggled with the thoughts of suicide for years. Now, my desire is to educate on the signs to look for. Life struggles can affect our decisions in a negative way. I’m now an Advocate/Presenter for the American Suicide Prevention Association. I must positively impact as many souls as possible. How did your personal experiences shape your passion for helping others break free from bondage and build self-esteem and confidence? My personal experiences strengthened me to go and be a voice for the broken. I didn’t have a great support system when I was going through brokenness. This is what God has given me to do. Could you share some insights from your books that provide resources for individuals seeking to break free from abusive situations? In the book I Am That Butterfly, the Transformed Life, I collaborated with five other women who shared their experiences and the journey of healing. I shared information regarding abuse, the signs of an abuser, contact information, and information on how to get out. The children’s book I Am Divinely Designed is a book on teaching children confidence. This book is interactive and can be used to write in as well as create dialogue. The book When God Speaks, Poems and Prayers is a devotional for personal healing. There are poems and prayers to meditate on, along with scriptures. Can you tell us more about your women’s ministry and how it supports women in overcoming challenges and finding empowerment? My women’s ministry builds girls and women up through counseling, mentorship, and having women’s gatherings. Having a support system is key to helping others acknowledge what they’ve gone through so they can move forward in their purpose. The books I’ve written have blessed so many, and this is a blessing for me to see. As a behaviorist in an elementary school, what are some of the strategies you use to enforce inclusion for all students in the general classroom? As a behaviorist, I show the teachers how to include the students, using visual aids and token boards, giving the students breaks, and teaching the students to be understanding. In these settings, disabled students have to be given the same opportunities as the general population. There are schedules that are created for the staff to follow.

Can you tell us more about the “L.A:. In Dialogue” exhibit and your involvement in it? How did it contribute to the dialogue and understanding of the community? For “L.A: In Dialogue,” I was a photographer and mentored those new at the art of photography. This was such a blessing to see so much creativity. All photography created was then part of J. Paul Getty’s exhibit, “L.A: In Dialogue,” from June 3-17, 2023. This exhibit was patterned after Carrie Mae Weems and Daewoud Bey, who are African-American photographers from the ’70s. My photography was focused on African Americans in South Central. What is next for you? What can your supporters expect in the next 2-3 years? In the next 2-3 years, I expect to have many more books published, and I do have another book to be released in January 2024. I plan to travel and educate schools and churches on suicide Prevention and abuse. I will continually mentor and counsel women and girls. I will be speaking at a summit in Georgia in August 2024.



DIANA COOPER Meet Truckin’ With Dee, born as Diana Cooper, a Miami native with a passion for life and a heart full of ambition. She’s not just a mother to four incredible daughters; she’s also a life partner to the amazing Darrius. But here’s where her story takes an inspiring turn. For over a decade, Dee thrived in the fast-paced world of the Mortgage Industry, but then 2020 happened, and the world seemed to hit the pause button due to the whirlwind that was COVID-19. Life was moving at the speed of light, but Dee was ready for a change, a new challenge. That’s when she decided to make a bold leap into the Transportation Industry, and oh boy, what a journey it’s been! With unwavering determination, they sought out the best coaches in the Logistics game. They dove headfirst into learning the ins and outs of the Sprinter/Cargo Van System, positioning themselves to conquer the Last Mile, where Dee discovered her newfound passion and career. Dee and her team didn’t just stop at learning; they aimed high and secured contracts with some of the biggest companies out there. What’s even more impressive is that in their very first year, they achieved a jaw-dropping 7figure income. But here’s the most motivating part of her story: Dee didn’t keep all that knowledge and success to herself. She and her team created a thriving Last Mile Coaching Program designed to uplift and empower others on their journey to success in this niche.

They’re all about helping individuals learn the ropes, from starting out with a personal vehicle to maintaining and scaling a successful Last Mile Business. Dee’s story isn’t just about achieving dreams; it’s about helping others discover their potential and turn their aspirations into reality. So, if you’re ready to take the leap, Dee and her team are here to show you the way to Last Mile success.

Who is Diana Cooper in five words? Dedicated, Strong, Loyal, Passion, Hustler. You are a mother and life partner, which I’m sure keeps you pretty busy. How do you balance entrepreneurship and family life? Honestly, I’m still learning this part! Lol. I recently learned that since the business is now growing and profitable, it’s time to delegate and hire more staff. I am learning that it’s boundaries that need to be set, and I have to respect that when it’s family time, nothing can stop that. I turn off the business phone, and whatever is happening will have to wait until I’m available. Is it easy not, but it’s necessary because my family needs me just as much as if not more than my several businesses. You have worked in several industries over the years. How did your career experience prepare you for life as your own boss?

I think God prepared me more than the industries could have. Now, they did play a major part, but being a teenage mom pushed me more. I knew that I had someone other than myself that depended on me, and I needed to not only provide but to be able to be a great example for my girls. The mortgage industry prepared me for trucking in so many ways. Being a Branch Manager, all my earnings were commission only, so my hustle determined my success. The thought of knowing that nothing will be coming to me and no one can save me, I had to make it happen, and whatever I wanted, I could have as long as I worked hard, hustled hard, and prayed harder. If you could tribute your success to one person or thing, who and what would it be and why? Unfortunately, I can’t say one person, but I can say my success comes from my (WHY), which is my family. I call them my why because when I want to give up, knowing how much they depend on me and look up to me, it pushes me to keep going. I tell all my coaching clients when they first start this trucking industry that if you don’t have a WHY, you won’t last. Find your WHY, and the success, money, and fame will follow. What inspired your start in the trucking industry? My Fiancé He wanted to get into the trucking industry, not me. I hate change and was willing to stick out the Mortgage industry even though it was rough due to COVID. He pushed me to do it and now look at me. Trucking is my life and has made me a multi-millionaire. What has been your greatest accomplishment since launching your career? The stability I have been able to provide my family and showing my daughters that nothing is impossible, even when starting over. Also, another accomplishment is how my Last Mile program has taught other people how to start, scale, and maintain their own trucking business. What message do you hope women take away from your platform? Nothing is impossible. It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to start over. It’s okay for no one to believe your dreams. Just don’t stop! Never give up; I lost it all, and God blessed me with more. Everything is a process, and don’t judge your success by your neighbors’ success. Slow and steady will always win the race. Start that business. Take that risk. Keep pushing and know nothing catches God by surprise. He knew it before you and will bring you through it. What advice do you have for new entrepreneurs looking to join the trucking industry? Find you a coach. The last thing you want to do is find out the hard way and lose money. We had a coach who showed us so many things, and I thank God for him. Invest in yourself and your business with guidance from someone who is already successful in the field you want to join. Don’t reinvent the wheel. We took the stairs so you can take the elevator. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A woman who is led by God and determined to hit goals and milestones no one thought that she could. A woman who grinds and shines to achieve her dreams. I am a pretty woman who hustles, and so are you. Let’s get it.


Latia Smith Latia Smith, author of Peter’s Trip to the Dentist and Charlotte Gets Braces, continues to captivate the world of pediatric dentistry. The UNC Chapel Hill dental hygiene graduate developed her passion for writing children’s dental books to create common scenarios that occur at the dentist. She brings to life a fun-filled atmosphere where the dentist and staff provide comfort in an environment created to meet children’s needs. Her books educate readers and help build confidence in children to receive dental treatment. Latia continues her role as a dental hygiene clinician by providing preventative oral hygiene care to patients. She advocates for oral health by educating her community with oral hygiene instructions, nutritional counseling, and ways to prevent oral disease. When she is not indulged in dentistry and creative writing, she enjoys spending time with family, traveling, attending a variety of events, and exploring new hobbies.

When did you realize you had a passion for sharing stories that inspire and uplift readers? Pediatric Dentistry is a world in and of itself that specifically adapts to the needs and care of children. After working in a pediatric setting with experienced dentists and dental professionals, I was able to witness and experience being in an environment created “just for kids.”

The dental staff have turned dental visits into an awaited adventure that children look forward to. Children are rewarded with the proper tools they need for home care, receive fun prizes, and potentially become a part of a “cavity-free” community. The reward for the dental staff is maintaining children’s oral health in the fight against one of the top US diseases (cavities) among children. Tell us about your books. I created a series of children’s dental books to make it fun and informative for little readers. Peter’s Trip to the Dentist is an introduction book and guide that depicts a step-by-step real-life scenario of what to expect during a routine dental visit. Readers are able to join six-year-old Peter as he journeys across town with his family to the dentist. This book discusses the procedures for dental cleanings, taking radiographs, and getting a check-up exam. Home care instructions are given in order to maintain good oral health. The overall pleasant experience makes children look forward to their next visit. Charlotte Gets Braces is a book about a young girl who is on a mission to get braces. When Charlotte loses the last of her primary teeth, she’s excited to finally get an evaluation from her orthodontist to see if she would be a good candidate for orthodontic treatment.

As summer draws to a close, Charlotte wonders if fate will grant her wish and send her back to school with braces. In this book, young readers get to see that getting braces can be exciting and what exactly getting braces entails. The end result is not only a beautiful smile but a healthy one. No one looks forward to getting a tooth filling, especially for the first time. After biting into something sweet, Mimi felt pain inside one of her teeth. The discomfort, whenever she chewed, would result in a trip to the dentist. In Mimi Gets a Tooth Filling, Dr. Jason discovers a cavity inside one of Mimi’s back teeth. Dr. Jason, the town’s pediatric dentist, removes the decay and places a tooth filling with ease and comfort. Young readers will learn the details of what all is entailed when getting a filling. What message do you hope families take away from your work? Oral health is important for everyone of all ages. Good habits start at an early age. I hope that my books can help children find comfort and excitement in learning about dental hygiene, dentistry, and good nutrition. Take us through your creative process from idea to book. I envisioned all the children that go for their dental visits. I compiled all my thoughts of my time spent over the years working in a pediatric dental office and what “we,” as dental professionals, did throughout our day. I remembered why I became a dental hygienist! Peter was a figment of my imagination, a character that I created. I could picture him standing in front of his bathroom mirror, preparing himself for his dental visit. From there, I pieced together the words, and the words eventually became a story. When I was done, I had written my first children’s dental book. You are currently working as a dental hygienist. How does your work prepare you for entrepreneurship? My education, training, and clinical practice skills molded me into a dental hygienist. My continuing education keeps me up-todate with the evolving ways of dentistry. My knowledge enabled me to be able to write my books. Now, I can reach out to a large population that includes families, schools, and pediatric dental offices. Children’s Dental Health Month allows me to tour different schools to educate young children about their oral health and have a “read-aloud” session with them. I have officially branded myself. What do you hope women take away from their time at the dentist? I hope all women gain the necessary knowledge to maintain their oral health and pass that knowledge on to their children, family members, and other people of our younger generation. What is your definition of a pretty woman who hustles? A pretty woman who hustles is someone who continues on a career path without ceasing in her education. She continues to set goals outside of the scope of her career and strives to reach the highest altitude of those goals. Most importantly, she is an influencer to herself, her community, and younger generations trailing behind.


Deanna Dias Deanna Dias is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was raised by her mother, the late Esther Dias, Her late grandmother Esther Foulks, and grandfather, Daryyl Foulks. and a slew of other relatives. She attended the University of Pittsburgh and now attends American Military University with a focus on Business Administration and Entrepreneurship. Deanna is a serial entrepreneur who owns a women’s clothing retailer, Bangolz Boutique LLC, a staffing and event marketing company, Daressia Industries LLC, a luxury press on nail company, Press on Posse LLC, and a business coaching company, Deanna Dias LLC. Her latest projects include her “How to Business” YouTube channel, D’Nation Podcasts, and organizing monthly events on behalf of her companies. Deanna’s rich background comes from her tough but loving background from her family and her various experiences in the United States Army Reserves. As of today, she has served 18 years and is passionate about serving past 20 years. She holds in her heart and soul what her grandmother told her when she was a little girl, “You can do and be anything you want in this world.” This is a message she frequently reminds anyone she works with.

Who is Deanna Dias in five words? Someone who’s making it happen! Take us back to the beginning of growing up in Pittsburgh with your mother and grandmother. What life lessons would you say you have carried with you throughout your journey? My upbringing was perfectly balanced. I say that because my grandmother and mother were book and street-smart. Both of them held degrees, and both of them were about their business. Growing up, I was held to an academic standard, but at the same time, I wasn’t bound to ultra-strict rules. I was free to be my own person and navigate my life in the best way I saw fit.

I was allowed to have my own style and wear different colors in my hair. When I got to high school, I was allowed to date and go to parties. However, I did everything I was supposed to do in school. I worked a part-time job and was involved in extracurriculars (cheerleading, swim team, and wrestling manager). Both ladies were extremely unique in my eyes. My grandmother kept my eyes open to opportunities around me, basically telling me that the world was mine if I wanted it. My mom helped me stay grounded, focused, and pretty. She was such a lady! My mom didn’t start wearing tennis shoes until I was in middle school. Prior to this, she wore nothing but high heels and pretty flat shoes. Who or what would you say was your first example of entrepreneurship done right? How did their story inspire you? The thing that inspired me to be an entrepreneur was the freedom to do what I wanted and the resources to do things and take care of the people I love. The first book I read on an “entrepreneur” was Oprah’s first biography. I was between middle school and high school. Her story was something else, but her fight and drive were seriously off the chain. She knew what she wanted! She kept going and did what needed to be done in spite of her surroundings, trauma, upbringing, racism, sexism, and the like. It’s like she didn’t care what anyone else thought. I’m sure she had fears and doubts, but look at her now! I’m trying to get like Oprah. Tell us about Bangolz Boutique LLC? I always wanted to have a store. During my first deployment to Djibouti, Africa, in 2007, I had the idea of starting a clothing store called Bangles (the word coming from a popular bracelet at the time). When I came home, I let the idea marinate for a while. When I started clothes shopping to update my wardrobe since I’ve been gone all that time, I noticed that I saw NOTHING but club clothes. Everything was short, low-cut, tight, etc. I did buy some of that, too, but I also went to church, and I wasn’t about to abuse the “come as you are” phrase. That’s when I had the idea to niche down my boutique. I wanted to have a store that catered to women who had somewhere to be and looked the part without having to shop in the “Misses” section of the store. I changed up the spelling to Bangolz and have been running with it ever since.

Can you describe the creativity and inspiration that goes into your boutique? The biggest inspiration for my boutique is my mommy. Growing up, my mom used to dress like she was the CEO of a company. The lady was SHARP. She’s held office jobs for most of her life. But she did more than just put clothes on. She made a statement. She didn’t dress like an old lady or a church mother. Her style was trendy, and it was her own. That is when I thought, “You don’t need to dress like an old lady to look professional.” Now that she is no longer here when I purchase my items, I think to see if she would say, “Fee Fee (me), I want that!”

ENTREPRENEUR SPOTLIGHT What can women expect when shopping Bangolz? Women can expect to get clothes themed for their current and inspiring lifestyle. Successful women want to be stylish and look just as good in the office as they do on vacation and at brunch. They can expect quality clothing that is going to last and be a staple in their wardrobe. They can expect an added boost of confidence knowing that their clothes came from a go-getting queen like them! You are a serial entrepreneur succeeding in several business ventures. Can you touch on the mission behind each one? All of my businesses focus on one thing, and that is SERVING. With Press on Posse, I serve women with hand, nail, and foot care and embellishments to fit their lifestyle. With Daressia Industries, I serve businesses with staff/talent to fuel their projects and materialize their dreams. Bangolz Boutique is everything I mentioned before. What advice do you have for women looking to own and operate more than one brand? My advice for women trying to operate more than one entity is to build one business at a time. It needs to grow a following and be automated before moving on to the next idea. Each business needs your undivided attention. If you hire a team, you have more time for more high-level tasks that will allow you to focus on the next business. Tell us about your new YouTube channel. What can women expect from your channel? My YouTube channel has gone through a few revamps. Mainly because I’ve been learning more about myself and my craft. My channel is me explaining what I think is important for entrepreneurs to know, understand, and apply for success. Women can expect a thorough explanation of various business aspects that play a role in operating a business. I aim to explain and demonstrate these topics in such a way as to make them digestible and evergreen.

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