Pretty Women Making Major Moves in 2022

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Mary McCray owns a Travel Agency called, Ashly’s Paradise Travel the agency was established in 2012, and she has a recreational golf chapter called, Ladies Tee Golf Chapter this chapter was created to introduce black females to golf and help create diversity in the game of golf, all levels are welcome to join the chapter. Mary McCray is an LPN of 30 years. Mary McCray is a mother and grandmother who loves to travel and ride motorcycles in her spare time, she got her 3-wheel motorcycle license. Social Media Handles- Ashly’s Paradise Travel Ladies Tee Golf Chapter.

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Mary McCray in five words?

Mom, Nurse, Grandmother, Spiritual, Loving



What inspired your start in the Travel Industry?

I grew up traveling with our parents as kids, and the love for traveling stayed with me, my siblings and I did the same with our kids, so it made sense a side hustle outside of my Nursing Career book our travel and get paid a commission

You worked many years in several different industries, what lessons were you able to carry with you in your entrepreneurial journey? The lessons, I have learned as an entrepreneur are to stay true and focused on your passion for what you are trying to accomplish and learn from your ups and downs.

Tell us about your company Ashley Paradise Travel

Ashly's Paradise Travel is a

company with the ability to book online 24/7 at your own pace and discretion and make payments as well as a book in person with an agent.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

My journey in 2022 is to continue striving for the best in all my adventures in life personally and in business.

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of? My biggest accomplishments to me were being able to secure an advertising market space with a Professional Bellator MM Fighter and the advertising I do on the Golf Course when I purchase a Hole and my company is listed on that Ad Making Pretty Moves

Making Pretty Moves

What is next for you in 2023?

In 2023, I am working on several adventures purchasing my motorcycle a 3-wheeler, and striving for my company to be a household name in all homes with great reviews.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A Pretty Woman who hustles means to me, a fierce woman with that go-get-it attitude, drive, passion and is Beautiful on the inside and outside with her own style and grace that sets her apart as a furious woman.
Pretty Reminder
Were Born for Absolute Greatness, Winning is in Your DNA” PRETTY WOMEN HUSTLE MAGAZINE



Michelle P Jones is "The Writer's Coach" and helps writers birth their literary masterpiece, which brings their story to life through the Authorpreneur Academy's course offerings, personalized strategic plan & coaching services and offers publishing services through her company, Bledsoe Publishing Company, LLC. As an Amazon international bestselling author, literary award-winning author, ordained minister, writing and copywriting strategist, confidence consultant, workshop/seminar facilitator, podcast executive producer/host, blogger, and inspirational/motivational speaker, Michelle is uniquely positioned to ensure you offer an exceptional literary masterpiece to the marketplace.

It is her belief that her life’s purpose is to use her skills, talents, and abilities in service unto God, with mankind being the direct beneficiary. Michelle is the Founder/CEO of the Authorpreneur Academy, and Bledsoe Publishing Company LLC, an independent publisher who offers professional services, through inspiring, empowering, and equipping entrepreneurial creatives, authors, and professional writers to structure and view their writing as a business set for exponential growth while introducing an exceptional literary masterpiece to the marketplace.

As a published author, Michelle has self-published two (2) books for national distribution: Grasping Your Success: Six Steps to Starting and Legitimizing Your Business (published 2017),

Walking on Water in My Stilettos: How God Strengthened My Faithwalk (published 2018), and published 2021 ABF Best Book Awards Finalist in Christianity Desperate Housewives of Biblical Proportions (November 2020) with Enhanced DNA Publishing, and is a contributing author in the anthology As for Me and My House: Stories to Help Onboard Households for Entrepreneurship (published December 2019)

Michelle is a writer's writer and believes in sharing her gift with the world through her monthly First Friday blog, Purposeful in Stilettos, Brown Girlz Readz Book Club on Clubhouse, and the bimonthly writing clinics she facilitates. Michelle is also the executive producer and host of a weekly podcast, the Unapologetically Michelle Show, where she discusses real, relevant, r Making Pretty Moves

aw, and life-changing topics that can positively influence her listeners’ choices and decisionmaking process positively Michelle believes life is a series of life-happening moments, and it isn’t about the fact that you went through them, but that you overcame each of them and stepped back into your community to share intentionally, unapologetically, and purposefully those learned life lessons with others to help them traverse their journey called life. Michelle enjoys reading, writing, listening to good music, and watching action-packed and Sci-Fi movies. Michelle believes that information is power and she can be found sharing the information she holds with others to empower them to live their truth, their purpose, and their life OUT LOUD and in living color. Michelle currently lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Outside of entrepreneurship and writing, Who is Michelle Jones in five words? A service-minded Kingdom Entrepreneur

What inspired your start in writing and sharing stories?

I have always loved reading and writing since childhood It began with me sharing business tips and tools with my clients and others To write about my life, being an entrepreneur, and introducing readers to the Bible in a relatable way Writing has always been my way to express myself and my feelings I just now have the opportunity to share it with the world

You have crossed over into the journal-making industry, what has been the most rewarding part of creating different journals to impact people? I believe that knowledge is power and that when we know better we can do better. Journals are a way to introduce information and for the reader to interact with the information immediately to affect change in their life intentionally. What most people don't realize is that trauma can be healed through our writing. It gives the person an outlet to put on paper what is informing their decisions and choices. Once on paper, it loses its power and its ability to negatively impact the author's life.

Tell us about your company's NEW Journal Line the Unapologetically Blacknificient Intentional Living Journal.

This journal is all that and a bag of chips The journal first and foremost celebrates the richness and beauty of the African American culture The reader will find historical facts, the celebration of our culture and journey to freedom, and relative information that can change their life The journal has 3 sections: How Am I Living, Intentional Living, and Journal Pages In the How Am I Living section, the reader will take an honest look at where they are in life They will share their deepest fears, hardest struggles, biggest dreams, etc. In the Intentional Living section, the reader uses the 31-day journal to intentionally live each day when utilizing the guides provided. They will write out their daily affirmation, share what they are grateful for, who they need to forgive, any objectives (goals) they want to accomplish, etc. All of these are designed to help the reader use the tools they learn to develop the skills they will use to intentionally and unapologetically live a happy, healthy and whole life. This is accomplished by them choosing themselves daily. The journal pages section is where the reader will chronicle their journey by sharing their experiences as they apply what they learn each day while completing the Intentional living section. A link to an introduction video will accompany each journal to ensure the reader understands how to best use the journal. It is our desire for people to have the best possible experience with the journal. We have created a separate journal for men and one for women, and the reader can select between two different covers when ordering
Making Pretty Moves

Making Pretty Moves

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

2022 started off with me starting my publishing company, Bledsoe Publishing Company LLL and ghostwriting a client's book and associated workbooks. I have since published his book and workbooks, published another client's book, began creating book covers for clients, created the journal, and am ramping up to begin designing an Unapologetically Black Coloring Book. I am also putting a call out for contributing authors for our Morning Glory anthology (which will be published in 2023). As a socially conscious business, Bledsoe Publishing created the Bledsoe Family Legacy Foundation with their first order of business to provide scholarships to graduating seniors who show a need and meet our criteria. Applications will be released for consideration in the fall of 2023 with notification of awardees being announced in the spring of 2024. As if that isn't enough, currently, we are writing gender-specific programming for nonprofits to use as their specialized internal programming and teaching them how to structure it to be an additional stream of income for their organization.

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

2022 has been a year of transformative change and growth for both myself and my company I am truly aligning my faith with my business and using Bible principles to serve mankind with services, programming, and/or products that equips, inspires, and empowers mankind to intentionally live a life of purpose unapologetically. This year we are kicking off our Unapologetically Write a program with two writing clinics per month. One will be virtual and the other will be in person. The program is designed to ensure its participants will have the necessary information to introduce literary masterpieces to the marketplace while understanding that presentation does matter. As previously mentioned, I am excited about the foundation, the work we are doing with nonprofits, and creating the Reformation Project which is also a part of the foundation. For me personally, my greatest accomplishment is when I invited God to be the CEO of my business. I check in with Him daily to see what's on my to-do list for the day and what action steps I need to take that honor Him and keep my businesses growing.

What is next for you in 2023?

In 2023, the kick-off of the scholarship program, the publication of the Morning Glory anthology, the introduction of the Grief Journal anthology, finishing up the Restoration Project (re-entry program to help to return citizens re-acclimate in society with the tools needed to intentionally live a life of purpose based upon the transformative change process), and publishing books for clients We are currently accepting new authors interested in publishing a book Bledsoe Publishing is equipped to take an author from concept to publication while the literary award-winning and international best-selling author and coach, Michelle Jones coaches them through the process. It doesn't matter where an author is in the process, Bledsoe Publishing has the right publishing package to meet their needs.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? Growing up I was always told that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I no longer believe that statement as it was taught. I believe beauty is an outward expression of the inner condition of an individual's heart. It is a reflection of who they are and who they see themselves being. With that being said, a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who knows who she is, knows her worth, and has realized she is not in competition with anyone other than herself as she strives to be a better person today than she was on yesterday. She doesn't have it all together and that's ok with her because she is growing

into who she is created, destined, and purposed to be intentionally and unapologetically. She is the woman I look at in the mirror every day and whom I encourage to keep going especially on those days when nothing seems to be going right. She is ME and every other woman who refuses to give up, give in and not live life to the fullest. She is the sister-friend I collaborate with and check in on to make sure she's ok, and whose successes I celebrate. And, whose tears I wipe when she's experiencing the growing pains from failure. She's not every woman, she's the woman who has decided to see each new day as an opportunity to accomplish her objectives (goals) and be of service to someone else
Making Pretty Moves




Na'Kedra Rodgers is a speaker, author, and influencer. A southern belle with sass; she has experienced heartache, healing, and everlasting hope. She is an overcomer and encourages others to declare they are as well using spirit-filled, uplifting words.

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Na'Kedra Rodgers in five words?

Beautiful, Courageous, Intelligent, Trailblazer, Believer

What inspired your start in ministering to women?

I've always been an outspoken person, but I began to feel as if I had no voice. I really had no clue what my purpose was in life and honestly, my spirit was broken I began to self-reflect and call on God and things got better the

more I did these things. I knew that other women could relate I wanted to help them get to their breakthrough I wanted to offer women hope and encouragement I wanted to remind them that they were special, and chosen and that God had a plan for their lives so they couldn't give up.

What message do you hope every woman walks away with when they encounter OptimisticallyKe?

Wait on God- Trials come. Life is hard but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. You can find restoration while waiting on God.

Trust His plan- God knows what's best for you God is building your character and you will be stronger when it's over It will get better- Storms pass Praise Him in the middle of it. Your breakthrough is right there. Keep going your blessing is on the way

of your business. All income from my businesses goes to my household and not to someone at the top of the food chain who knows nothing about me or my work ethic.

Tell us about your ministry

OptimisticallyKe is a Spiritual, Motivational Speaker, Author, and Influencer She desires to pour into broken women who feel as if they have no hope and are ready to throw in the towel. She believes that her calling is to serve these women by reminding them who God says they are. They are Unique, Empowered, Chosen, Healed, Forgiven, Resilient, and Overcomers. To encourage them to seek God's Plan for their lives and walk in the purpose that God intended for them long ago Making Pretty Moves

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

OptimisticallyKe posted daily inspirational videos on social media since April 2021. She created a logo for her business in December 2021. In January 2022, she took money from her savings and paid for 50 affirmation Tshirts to be made using 5 buzz words: Unique, Chosen, Overcomer, Healed, and Forgiven with corresponding bible verses She introduced the shirts on social media and sold out in 4 days To date, she has sold over 500 T-shirts In February, OptimisticallyKe attended her first vendor event She also applied for her LLC In March, OptimisticallyKe authored her first book Kneeling Earnestly for Transformation 30-Day Devotional and started selling it at the Working Women Wednesdays networking event To date, she has sold 300 copies In April, OptimisticallyKe opened a business account, had professional photos done, purchased business cards, and launched her website She also was a featured author for the AriseDaily com e-devotional Over the next few months, OptimisticallyKe was out in the community as a vendor at several pop-up shops. In July, OptimisticallyKe attended and graduated from a Christian Communicators Conference held at Riley Center Seminary in Fort Worth. In August, she signed with Redemption Press to get Kneeling Earnestly for Transformation 30-Day Devotional published with full distribution. In September alone, OptimisticallyKe did 3 vendor events. She also became a member of the Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce. October is more vendor events. It's been a busy year and there's more to come.

How did your ministry excel, what major moves are you proud of?

OptimisticallyKe is proud that she gave God a yes and that she's been consistent even after encountering obstacles. She started posting inspirational videos on social media in April 2021 and to see it evolve into an actual business, platform and ministry is amazing. OptimisticallyKe has a product line: affirmation T-shirts, 30-day Devotional, and jewelry yes I have custom earrings and bracelets. Won't He Do It! She has been featured in ShoutoutDFW, e-devotional, and Biztv. OptimisticallyKe is excited about her faith walk, running for Jesus, and spreading optimism and the gospel. Everything is happening so fast and OptimisticallyKe is grateful that God's favor is upon her life. She is claiming more major moves in her immediate future.

What is next for you in 2023?

OptimisticallyKe desires to expand her reach by speaking at conferences, summits, luncheons, and galas; however, she wants all that God has in store for her. She is operating in the realm of No Limits. God has already blown her mind in 2022 with the doors that He's opened on her behalf She believes this is just the beginning and it's up from here

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A woman who believes in herself and is confident in her capabilities A woman who knows her worth and goes after what she wants. A woman who fears God but knows that with Him all things are possible. There is no dream too big for Him to make

OptimisticallyKe.....that's me Making Pretty Moves


Chaundra Scott is a Maryland MSW, authorpreneur, and freelance writer. Her career in social work has spanned over 15 years with experience in child welfare, case management, community outreach, and engagement. She has served as a wealth of knowledge in seeking and accessing various resources whether for professional development or for the clients that she serves. She has even founded her own magazine called The Wellness Collective to highlight human service professionals, trending news and

wellness practices Chaundra is also a selfpublished author of over 5 book titles and provides literary services for other authors. When she isn't writing or serving in her community, she enjoys spending time with her daughter.

She also enjoys crafting, planning events, and binging her favorite television shows. Chaundra is seeking her DSW to further her social work passions in leadership, administration, and community outreach.

Outside of entrepreneurship and writing, Who is Chaundra Scott in five words?

I am resilient, transformative, creative, determined, and optimistic.

What inspired your start in the writing and publishing industry?

Some ask why but I ask why not! I turned my childhood love for reading into children's book stories for the family and workbooks/journals for wellnesscollective
Pretty Women Making Major Moves

adult enjoyment. As a child, my mother instilled a love for reading and learning. I would even write short stories Once I became a mom, I experienced many teachable moments with my daughter and I decided to share them with other families. Five self-published books turned into me assisting other authors in self-publishing their books as well.

You are someone who has worked years in public relations while assisting writers in sharing their stories, how did your years in public relations influence your journey?

Being a writer helped me to explore the art of media pitching I have worked with a few publicists to have their client brands visible to their target audience. I also offer media relations for authors in order to help them share their art of storytelling with the world. Those experiences led to me creating my own media platform of a magazine called The Wellness Collective

Tell us about your company Curls and Coils Curls and Coils Literary Solutions is my baby and my first business. The business name is based on the title of my first children's book. The brand encompasses all of my self-published book titles such as Dear Daughter, Fix Your C R O W N, Beautiful Shades, and more

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

This has been a year of reflection, ownership, and discovery. I had a few losses but I refused to quit. I continued to push through to reach my dreams and to advocate for myself Many sleepless nights, tears, and worries helped to mold me into the resilient woman that I am today. As a single mother, I doubted myself many times but my child is also my motivating factor to strive for greatness This is only the beginning I refuse to look back because I'm not going that way

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

I excelled to offer book collaborations, more individual writing projects, and launching my brand of The Wellness Collective The Wellness Collective will soon serve as a private practice coop for therapeutic services while also offering a magazine for social workers, wellness, and lifestyle. I'm proud of myself for seeing this vision through despite naysayers, my own imposter syndrome, and more

What is next for you in 2023?

2023 will be the launch of The Wellness Collective magazine and private practice co-op office space. 2023 is the year of "why not" and I'm here to receive it all!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

Someone who embodies grit, beauty on the inside, and the willingness to transform lives for the better

Making Pretty Moves
Pretty Women Hustle Pretty Women Hustle Pretty Women Hustle Pretty Women Hustle Pretty Women Hustle Pretty Women Hustle Pretty Women Hustle



Brilliant, thriving, passionate, and successful are just a few characteristics of Kristina Peck. The impactful wife and mother of two has professional expertise in nursing but found her true love for digital marketing and entrepreneurship through her award-winning brand of KP Business Marketing. Kristina began her entrepreneurial pursuits through Avon and the Pretty Women Hustle Network. Her nurturing spirit allowed her to assist hundreds of women find their voice through products, events, books, and much more. Despite this, Kristina was faced with some life challenges With the help of her family, she quickly preserved to achieve her ultimate goals and by finding her inner sense of self-love. Today, she is proudly a 3X award-winning entrepreneur, author, digital

magazine owner, and CEO of living life on her own terms! She enjoys spending quality time with her family and friends; making connections; being creative, and fellowshipping with her illustrious sorority sisters

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Kristina Peck in five words?

Resilient, funny, inquisitive, energetic, and outspoken.

What inspired your start in Marketing and Business Consulting?

When I started helping the PWH network with marketing, it was just for fun Within a month or two I developed a passion and love for marketing I enjoy educating and helping others set up their business for success for years to come.

You worked many years in the health industry, what lessons were you able to carry with you in your entrepreneurial journey? Be careful who you trust, work harder than everyone else in the room, and always strive to learn something new every day

Tell us about your company KP Business Marketing (Give me the new name if it has changed)

KPM-soon to be the KP Kollective is a 3x Award Winning Marketing agency based in Charlotte NC. We specialize in creating and implementing strategies for businesses to engage with their target audience that aligns directly with their brand message. KP Marketing first launched in November of 2020 after I decided to leave my Nursing career for good What Making Pretty Moves

started as a small business has quickly developed into an agency servicing not only small business owners but celebrities and corporate accounts.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

Whew-it’s been a journey! I did a lot of personal and professional growth in 2022 I restructured KP Marketing into a full-blown agency, overhauled our service, and improved our client intake process I stopped thinking “small” and started really focusing on aligning myself with “bigger” opportunists Like working with corporate accounts, and celebrities, and attending more events across the nation KPM grew A LOT in 2022 and I couldn’t be happier!

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of? In 2022, I really hopped out of my comfort zone. I stopped thinking of my business as just a “small business.” I hired a COO, Alicia Stevenson, a CFO, Nique, and an Assistant, Sarah Rossetti. Having a staff really helped me grow to the level I’ve been dreaming of. While paying employees/contractors was overwhelming and scary, my CFO took over and made everything a breeze. I learned to utilize a village because you can’t possibly do it all!

What is next for you in 2023?

We are getting a makeover in 2023! We’re revamping the way we do things, and our services, and offering the option for me to travel to YOU and work 1:1 together during a VIP Day.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? She is a woman who is confident in her abilities, strong enough to hold her own, and outspoken enough to pave her path while creating her legacy Making Pretty Moves

Geralyn McNeil is a Mobile, AL native licensed cosmetologist, lash artist, and body contouring, expert She is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and birth doula. She graduated from Empire Beauty School in 2016 and has worked in the beauty industry for 5 years. She is licensed with the state of Tennessee and Alabama. She began lashing at a local lash studio 2017 located in Nashville, TN before advancing her career and opening her own salon GP LASH & BEAUTY BAR in 2018. Her gogetter attitude and attention to detail led her to many opportunities.

She has touched many people, turned frowns into smiles, built self-esteem, and poured joy into many lives over the years. Geralyn has a keen eye for detail and creating art. She’s known for her freestyle lash technique and her



ability to lash in a timely manner. She is also known as “The butt grower ” In 2021 she released her butt enhancement product “Plump Posterior ” Specially formulated to grow the butt and hip area naturally Whether you have a surgical BBL (Brazilian butt lift) or natural it works for all.

Outside of the beauty industry and her lash career, Geralyn donates to the homeless. The Brown Paper Bag movement started in 2019. She offers discounted lash services in exchange for items to fill at least one brown paper bag with muchneeded essentials for the homeless. Items such as water, nonperishable items, sanitary items, fast food/ grocery gift cards, bible scripture, motivation quote, and a list of local resources

She is very passionate about what she does and is well on her way to the top.

Outside of entrepreneurship and beauty, Who is Geralyn McNeil in five words?

fashionista, athletic, mother, wife, foodie

What inspired your start in the beauty industry?

Being able to transform women in multiple ways Mentally, physically, and spiritually

You have worked many years in the beauty industry while mentoring, what lessons were you able to carry with you from entrepreneurship to mentorship? Staying consistent, never giving up, focusing on the positive, organization Making Pretty Moves

Tell us about Gpinthecity lash & beauty bar. We are located in Mobile, AL where we offer a variety of services. Luxury lash extensions, lash extension courses, body contouring, retail products and so much more.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

The 2022 journey has been a rewarding roller coaster This year was about getting organized and figuring out what I wanted out of my business Rebranding this year was very important to me I’ve overcome some obstacles that were much-needed life lessons

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of? I'm proud that I took and completed phlebotomy school at Herway training institute. Doing so is going to set me up for many opportunities to come. My raw hair collection (G-Code Extensions) will launch later in October 2022. I’m very excited about that.

What is next for you in 2023? 2023 I plan to fully launch my lash supplies! I want to have a full-stock lash supplies store. Just Walk in and shop!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

Not just pretty on the outside, but inside as well. Going after all things that matter to you. The art of many different hustles Making Pretty Moves



Shania Elliott-McDowell is a wife and a mother of four, born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. She now lives in Charlotte N C She proudly served for two years in The United States Army and eight years in The National Guard. Shania attended Johnson & Wales University, where she got her associate's in Culinary Arts. Shania has also received her Associate in RMA and her LPN license at Kaplan. She is currently attending CCU for her B. A and her Master's in Biblical Studies She is the proud owner and chef of Decadent Chefs, where she creates innovative recipes flavored with fruit. Shania is the founder of the nonprofit organization called Happiness Is Vibrant.

Shania is a three-time best-selling author and an international bestselling author She is currently working on her cookbook and her own Anthology.

Her hobbies are being a mom, reading, writing poetry, and creating new dishes Her favorite quote is by Janelle Monae “Embrace what makes you unique even if it makes others uncomfortable "

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Shania Elliot in five words?

Shania in five words outside of entrepreneurship and business is 1. Introverted 2. nerdy 3. Adventurous 4. Comical 5. Relaxed

What inspired your start in the culinary Industry?

My parents were my inspiration for the start of my culinary venture They diagnosed them both with HIV in my teenage years Learning how to cook for them where it wouldn’t coincide with their medication made me want to do culinary.

You are a woman of faith, what role does your faith play in your entrepreneurial journey?

My faith plays a huge part in my life and in my business without God I wouldn’t be able to accomplish the things that I set forth to do

Tell us about your company Decadent Chefs?

Decadent Chefs is where I get to create imaginative and arousing recipes flavored with fruits and vegetables for the evolving palate and also bring something innovative to excite some old recipes.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

My 2022 journey has been a journey of revamping, and resetting I had to go through a revision for Decadent chefs really Making Pretty Moves

be intentional about starting over. I am excited about the process and what will be the outcome when it’s time to relaunch.

How did you business excell, what major moves are you proud of?

My business has excelled in some ways but also has slowed down in some but it has helped me open the door to becoming a best-selling author and to write my cookbook

What is next for you in 2023?

For 2023 I am currently working on my cookbook and my anthology both slated to drop in the New Year

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman

Who Hustles?

My definition of a Pretty woman who Hustles is a woman who is confident and growing every day to make her business the best that it can be. Making Pretty Moves



Dr Sharon H Porter (Dr Sharon), educator, author, publisher, and host, is the President of SHP Enterprise, the umbrella entity of Perfect Time SHP LLC, Coaching, Consulting, and Book Publishing Form and SHP Media and Broadcasting. She is the Executive Director and Founder of The Next In Line to Lead Aspiring Principal Leadership Academy (APLA), where she trains, mentors, and coaches assistant principals from across the U S who desire to take the helm as principal.

Dr. Sharon is owner, and EditorIn-Chief of Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine & Media Dr Sharon is the host of The I Am Dr. Sharon Show, a live in-studio interview show, and three podcasts, Write the Book Now, The GRIND Entrepreneur Network Spotlight, and Leadership Matters

With Dr. Sharon. She is Cofounder and Vice-President of Media and Communications for WNM Ventures LLC Dr Sharon is a regular contributor to three magazines Additionally, she has been featured in Sheen Magazine, Courageous Woman,COPA Style Magazine, Glambitious, Rolling Out, WoMelle, Kognito, Black Entrepreneurs of Color, Urban Sentinel, That Anita Live Show, Let’s Do This Show, Wake Up Call Radio Show, The Avenue Radio Show, EduMatch, Define U Radio, The Principal Entrepreneur, Forbes, Huffington Post, Prince George’s Community TV, and WJLA ABC7.

She has over 30 years of experience as a school principal, Leadership Development Coach, assistant principal, Instructional Specialist, Curriculum Coordinator, and elementary and middle school

classroom teacher, and is currently serving as an elementary principal in Maryland. She is the author, visionary, and publisher of The Next In Line to Lead book series, The Women Who Lead Book series, and The HBCU Experience Anthology, book series

Dr Sharon earned her Educational Doctorate degree at Howard University, an Educational Specialist degree at Walden University, a post graduate certificate in administration and supervision at Johns Hopkins University, a Master’s degree at National-Louis University, and a Bachelor’s degree at Winston-Salem State University. She is a part of the 2019 Harvard University School of Education Women in Leadership Cohort Making Pretty Moves

Dr. Sharon is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council,Vice-President of the International Association of Women (IAW), Waldorf Chapter, American Business Women's Association (ABWA), Professional Women of Winston-Salem (PWWS), and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She serves on the Board of Advisors for The Women of Prince George’s and Envision, Lead, Grow (ELG), Inc, and is a part of the Executive Team of Black Women Education Leaders (BWEL), Inc , serving as National Secretary

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Sharon Porter in five words?

Wife Believer Bonus Mom Pet Mom Educator

What inspired your start into publishing and media?

The desire to share other's journeys and stories. There is truly something inside of me that loves to elevate and amplify the voices of others.

You have worked many years in the workforce, what lessons were you able to carry with you in your entrepreneurial journey? Three lessons I've learned in the workforce that I have been able to carry with my in my entrepreneurial journey are the following:

1. Slow down to go fast: There must be frequent "clarity breaks" to plan and regroup.

2. Act. Assess. Adjust.: "Do, Evaluate, Make changes as necessary.

3. Embrace and learn from failure: You learn, grow, and develop more from your failures than your successes. You must stop and take time to analyze your mistakes or shortcomings.

Tell us about Vision & Purpose Lifestyle Magazine and Media?

Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine is a print and digital bi-monthly lifestyle publication that launched in March 2020 The magazine is for the career professional, educator, business owner and entrepreneur Our columns include: L.E.A.D. EducationFIRST BookTalk Dollars & Sense Home Sweet Home Bon Voyage It's All Business Lights, Camera, Action, Fashion Forward NC Feature

Women Who Lead Let's Talk Politics When It's Natural Dawn Inspires Making Pretty Moves

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

2022 has been an incredible year thus far for Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine. Our 2022 cover features included Comedienne, host, and actress, Kiani Dancie; Retired Principal Carol Montague; Uber Driver, DaVanté Williams; entrepreneur and owner of Le'Craevyn's iRep, Felcia Tabron; College Chancellor, Dr. Walter McCollum; the Men of Howard University School of Law; and Media Personality and star of OWN's Belle Collective, Tambra Cherie

We were also fortunate to be invited to cover the Sister In Business Expo, held in College Park, MD as well as the National Book Festival held in our nation's capital, Washington, DC

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

My business excelled when we were able to secure corporate sponsors. I am proud of my sales team for making those moves as well as our contributing writers for their amazing articles in each issue.

What is next for you in 2023?

I look forward to moving into my brick-and-mortar headquarters in 2023 as well as securing additional corporate sponsors.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman whose beauty is inside and out. She knows her worth and value and will get the job done... PERIOD. Making Pretty Moves


CEO of Choose Your Signature Style

Ana is a Certified Virtual Personal Stylist and Visual Brand Consultant, creator of the Feng Shui Apparel™ System, working with high-achieving women, empaths, and mavericks who are ready to upgrade their success through their signature style. As a miserable grey mouse turned into a desirable woman, she understands the immense potential of visual appearance to change people's destinies. As a writer and host of the Style with Ana podcast, Ana is redefining style and elevating fashion through innovation, inclusion, sustainability, and reconstruction of the many levels of women's identity. If the traditional personal styling model is a straight line from the inside out, Ana's approach is a sphere.

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Ana in five words? Ambitious maverick empath mom and friend

What inspired your start in visual branding?

I was a miserable grey mouse that turned into a desirable woman after I had experienced the immense power of visual appearance. I wanted to share my experience with other women, inspiring them to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark it may be. We only have one body, we better love it because we are not going to receive a different one. But you can do so much more with it than you think I wanted to obtain some kind of certification for the work I was going to do I looked up different certification programs for image consultants and I finally

decided to go with Visual Branding because it was so different, exotic, and never heard of before. I'm one of the first 32 Certified Visual Brand Consultants in the world. And I am so glad I took that certification It is something special and helps me a lot with my mission today

You have worked many years with personal styling and branding, what lessons have you been able to carry throughout your entrepreneurial journey?

When I started, women in my home country Slovenia didn't value themselves to the point that they would consider their appearance as something important or even crucial for keeping healthy relationships, especially with their significant Making Pretty Moves

others There have been some shifts but I believe it still is a major issue Their mentality was brain over beauty: "If you love me, you will love me no matter how I look " That may be true, but then they complain because their man looks at other women who are dressed nicely. I felt a lot of resistance, but shy curiosity on the other hand as well. Every woman, in her essence, wants to be treated like a queen, but not all of them want to look or behave like one. Dressing the way you want to be treated is my advice. This is why I developed a simple, super-effective system over the years that builds on elegant comfort, and versatility while saving time and space. The other thing is branding. Find your flaw, turn it into your asset and you will win any competition. I've also been highly invested in the environmental dilemma of the fashion industry and am now looking into ways how to push it forward because the industry has been running in circles for far too long. The fashion industry is the 2nd largest pollutant in the world and while fast fashion companies have developed some sustainability and circular projects, I don't believe this is the ultimate solution. I am happy to say that more and more experts agree with me which was clearly evident at this year's 7th Fashinnovation event that took place in September - the world's largest event on fashion innovation. I believe the solution to the fashion industry dilemma lies in the hands of personal stylists and I am not afraid to take over this responsibility

Tell us about Choose your signature style?

Choose your signature style is the brand I created for my personal styling and visual branding programs and courses. The emphasis is on choice as the symbol of freedom and the signature as the symbol of uniqueness true to every individual. Many women believe they are stuck with their bodies. That they don't have a choice. "When I will lose so and so many pounds, I will be able to..." That's not completely true. Choosing colors, shades, patterns, shapes, and materials, all have an immense impact on us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. While ensuring more energy, well-being, and alignment with our essence, a harmonized attraction potential helps us reach our business and relationship goals much faster and easier. But not just on the wearer, it works on other people as well. The way our life is going to be is our choice. This is the main message of the brand.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

Oh, it's the journey of implementation. At the beginning of the year, I worked on my iconic messaging, vision, and branding I also worked on the challenge that I took in December to create my own podcast Midsummer a surprise hit me I found out my maternity leave was ending with no option of prolongation I realized I didn't have much time to do things slowly anymore I have two children under the age of 3, one of them being special needs I needed to act quickly, efficiently, and wisely I got a brilliant idea to create a Masterclass on how to become Zoom-ready in under 5 minutes It came from a man (laughs) This is something I really excel at due to my family situation With the limited time available, I created that Masterclass within a week. Due to technical issues, it took me another week to edit the replay... (laughs). I wanted to create a beautiful, perfect experience and used novelty apps for that. I remember how I struggled with uploading the videos to the platforms. It was so frustrating. After a week I finally realized the file size was not the issue, but the resolution apparently has an impact on uploading times as well. Maybe this will help the readers because nobody mentioned this to me when I was asking for help. During the whole year, I was also networking on social media and creating solid relationships with people that I resonated with. I also created a program for two models for my new website. True validation of my work came when they turned to my loyal brand ambassadors. I am so thankful to these ladies. Making Pretty Moves

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

I am super proud of my brand new podcast Style with Ana It is a one-of-a-kind style podcast available on all major platforms. My carefully curated guests and I talk about how our uniqueness can help us reach longlasting stellar results in business and life. A big recognition came when many of my guests confirmed their episode with me was an unforgettable experience.

What is next for you in 2023?

I plan to continue expanding my carefully curated guest list for the podcast. I was told by one of the guests that I am able to bring substance into fashion and style. I'm a natural visionary that is highly ambitious. Every time I go on air, I strive to lift the quality bar just a little bit higher. So be prepared to listen to high-quality conversations and I invite all readers to join us in this conversation. I integrated a novelty app for that in the show notes as well. And I would also like to warmly invite the readers to apply to be considered as a guest on the Style with Ana podcast. As already mentioned, you can expect an unforgettable experience. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

If I can merge both worlds, I would say money is beauty and work symbolizes freedom But above all, when we work, we feel useful And when we feel useful, we have a purpose A person with a purpose will shine in all her beauty beyond outside standards Always Making Pretty Moves


Glenda Moton is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. She studied at Tennessee State University earning a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education as well as earning a master’s degree from Grand Canyon University in Curriculum & Instruction in Reading Glenda has been an educator for 22 years with Miami Dade County Public Schools. She currently is a Curriculum Support Specialist for the Office of Professional Learning and Career Development. She is also the founder of “The Pen of a Writer, LLC”.

Glenda Moton is the author and contributing editor of two books: “Hopes and Fears: Learning Academically in a Covid-19 Environment” and “iRead, iThink, iWrite” Both books have received

media press and “Hopes and Fears” has received numerous features including TIME Magazine, Grand Canyon University, The Miami Herald, WLRN, WSVN Channel 7 News, and many more Glenda’s mission is to inspire, equip, and empower educators and students beyond the classroom. Glenda has a firm belief in the power of education and the power of the pen. During her diverse career, one thing that has remained consistent is her ability to move people and organizations with the power of her words. As a writer, Glenda believes her purpose is clear-to work in the Spirit of Excellence in every endeavor and show others how to do so

Outside of entrepreneurship and beauty, who is Glenda Moton in five words? Confident, Creative, Influencer, Passionate, and Resilient

What inspired your start in the professional writing industry?

As an educator, I am prone to writing, but it became more evident as I taught writing on a collegiate level. The more I wrote, the more I enjoyed it because I was able to express my thoughts freely on paper without fear or judgment.

You have worked many years in the professional learning and writing industry, what lessons have you been able to carry with you throughout your career?

As a professional in academia, I have learned that writing is a journey to a destination. The lessons I have learned throughout my career is to be true to yourself, and wherever your journey takes you don’t be afraid to turn the page to the next chapter in your life.

Making Pretty Moves

Tell us about The Pen of a writer LLC

The Pen of Writer was birthed from a class project with my 9th-grade honors students in June 2021 The essence of The Pen of a Writer is to provide young adults with the artistic ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and emotions through creative and academic writing.

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

I did a book project with my 9th-grade students titled: Hopes and Fears: Learning Academically in a COVID19 Environment. The project was published in June of 2021. In addition to the students receiving major media coverage, I was featured in TIME Magazine as One of 29 Educators who Helped Save a School Year During the Pandemic.

What is next for you in 2023?

In 2023, I plan to launch a new book titled: Love, Lessons, and Lullabies: A Book of Hope for Teen Moms. I’m also looking forward to showcasing a Podcast featuring teen moms who will share their stories about teen pregnancy

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman

Who Hustles

A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is one who relies on her faith to guide her through every aspect of her life so that she can fulfill her purpose. She inspires and encourages others to work in the Spirit of Excellence by using their voice and the Power of the Pen to write their stories.

Making Pretty Moves


Look out world, Taraneika Brady, Owner of Brains & Beauty Therapeutics, LLC and Founder of Brains & Beauty Achievement Club has hit the ground running in hopes of creating an avenue to reintroduce trade back into the education system.

As a licensed educator and massage therapist, she quickly realized how alternative education and career routes were devalued. Aspiring to make a difference for children that looked like her, she created the Brains & Beauty Achievement Club. Her club introduces the kids to all educational routes with an emphasis on trade

As a first-generation college student, Taraneika only knew to go to college and graduate She was never exposed to alternative career routes and wasn’t sure

what she wanted to do. As a result, she changed majors several times causing her to accumulate student loan debt

After obtaining her bachelor's in Biology and Master’s in Education, she began her career as an 8th grade Science teacher. After teaching for seven years, she decided to leave education and attend massage school. She quickly realized that she could make so much more money with her trade than she could with her degree. Fresh out of massage school Taraneika went into business for herself. She then decided to go back into the school system to introduce all career routes to middle school students so that they can decipher which road would work best for their future without creating a financial burden before they become working adults.

Outside of entrepreneurship and therapy, Who is Taraneika Brady in five words?

Ambitious, self-driven, tenacious, server, and life learner

What inspired your start in the massage therapy industry? My love language is service and I’ve always been good with my hands. My entire life has been devoted to making a difference rather it’s through a listening ear or a healing touch. After discovering how beneficial massage was to well-being I was immediately drawn.

You have worked many years in the therapy field and you are now an educator, what lessons have you been able to carry with you throughout your career?

I’ve been teaching science at the

Making Pretty Moves
Decatur GA

middle school level for many years My massage career didn’t take off until I realized how important having a trade was Since then, I have used my experiences to introduce my middle school-aged children to both career routes and the potential debt they may obtain for not knowing what they want to do in their future.

Tell us about Brains & Beauty Therapeutics, LLC.

Brains & Beauty Therapeutics, LLC came to fruition from wanting to create a safe and peaceful environment where individuals could come to reach a balance mentally, and physically, and leave feeling beautiful. Our ultimate goal is to promote self-care and well-being.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

After I obtained my license in January, I immediately started working for myself and looking for a location. In March, I moved into my spa and joined The Spa Boss Tribe. This is a tribe of black spa professionals that provide educational training and helps with scaling businesses. Within the tribe, I formed partnerships and had the opportunity to do chair massages at Rick Ross's house I was also a contestant on a new TV Show called Spa Tank On the show, I pitched my idea to create a trade school to help eliminate student loan debt and introduce students to trade careers before they graduate from high school

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

I would like to think that BNB excelled because it was a new business that started during a recession and thrived. I am most proud of being nominated for not one, but two awards for 2022. I was nominated for Black Spa Awards 2022 Best Massage Therapist and Georgia Business Journal’s Best Massage Therapist. Being viewed and nominated amongst the best most definitely has set the tone and was my most MAJOR move.

What is next for you in 2023?

2023 holds many more rewards for BNB Therapeutics. I am currently enrolled in esthetician school so that I can add more services to our menu. I’m also sponsoring a club that teaches students all about entrepreneurship and trades.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a Pretty woman who Hustles is a lady with grit and the ability to grind effortlessly no matter her circumstances

Making Pretty Moves


Mother Of 4, Spa Owner & Educator Jessica From Labella Star Beauty Is Making Her Mark In The Industry With Her Services & Training. She Has Training Over 40 Plus Women From All Over Helping Them Start Or Expand Their Businesses By Providing Training & Mentoring Her Goal Is To Help Women Reach Their Goals Especially Single Mothers’. Star has won awards just in her first year of business and has been continuing to make her mark Her goal is to grow her training academy and to continue to help women secure their bags and help them to financial Freedom. Her Instagram is @labellastarbeauty Check her out!

Outside of entrepreneurship and beauty, Who is Jessica Jones? Jessica jones is A Mother & Wife

What inspired your start in the beauty industry?

I wanted to make women feel their best, so I started off doing makeup in a senior citizen home I saw how happy I made them so I went to school to further my knowledge of makeup, skincare & More.

You have worked many years in the beauty industry while mentoring, what lessons were you able to carry with you from entrepreneurship to mentorship?

I was able to learn more in-depth about business & learning more about business credit, marking, and setting up my business correctly. Now I’m able to pass down that information to my trainees so they don’t make the same mistakes I did

Tell us about Labella Star Beauty Labella Star Beauty is a spa that specializes in skin, makeup & Body

treatments our goal is to make men & women feel their best We provide multiple services so no one is left out We work every day to not only give great customer service & Services We also created labella star beauty training academy to create more amazing leaders, businesses & Trainers .

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

2022 has been a growth year for me. I have really invested in my business with multiple pieces of training to expand my knowledge & Business. I am able to take the lessons I learned and continue to grow to become even better for 2022 I have expanded my services & Training and overall knowledge of business & marketing. Getting ready for what 2023 will bring me.

Making Pretty Moves

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of? My 2 businesses Labella Star Beauty & Labella star beauty training academy have grown We expanded services, training & products. We have amazing digital products to help our clients grow their businesses. We are nominated for the instructor of the year and We will also be speaking at the Philly black business gala in November we will be dropping gems to amazing businesses in Philly!

What is next for you in 2023? we are excited for 2023 we will be expanding our training programs & services. We want to throw events like our 2nd annual women in the business event in 2023. We want to bring women from all over in one room to team up and show we all can unite and win together

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A strong confident woman who makes it happen by any means

Making Pretty Moves


LaToya Wilson, known as LR Wilson, is a mother, NaNa, and a business owner. She is the CEO of LR Wilson Consulting LLC, which specializes in personal and professional development She is originally from Greenville, MS, and moved her life to Minnesota 30+ years ago She is a mother of four plus a bonus baby and a NaNa to one grand diva. LR prides herself on helping people to be their best selves while showing up authentically She is an Empowerment Lifestyle Coach, International Motivational Speaker, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Facilitator, Author, Plus Size Runway Model, as well as a Certified Anger Management Specialist.

LR is also the Executive Director of the S H E E Foundation (Sisters

Healing, Evolving and Empowered) which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit where she works with both justice and non-justice involved, femaleidentifying clients and equipping them with life skills

She gives back by mentoring middle school girls through Project DIVA International and Future Leaders Matter.

In her spare time, she takes on writing for Pretty Women Hustle Magazine as well as interviewing prominent women entrepreneurs as a Lead Media Correspondent.

LR loves traveling and spending time with her close friends and family

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is LaToya Wilson in five words?

Amazing, Fear, Supportive, Funny and Unstoppable

What inspired your start in Empowerment Coaching?

My inspiration for Empowerment Coaching has everything to do with losing my identity during my marriage/divorce and motherhood. I couldn't recognize who I was and put everything I wanted to do on the back burner so everyone else could do/have what they needed. Once I found who I truly was without all the societal labels, I found other women going through if not the exact same situation, very similar which catapulted me into Empowerment Coaching

Making Pretty Moves

You are a woman of faith, what role does your faith play in your entrepreneurial journey?

Whew, Chile! The nights and days I've sprawled on the closet floor face down sobbing in prayer to get me through my personal life's struggles are countless. As far as my entrepreneurial journey, God never ceases to amaze me. I'm in rooms and stages I wouldn't have ever dreamed of. Whenever I have an event, He goes extra hard on cleansing my spirit and I literally, like clockwork, start purging 3 days before, and on the day of I cry and praise continuously. I have to be pure to pour into someone else. Even some times when I'm working with a client, He will tell me what I need to do and say. It's not always "traditional" coaching either because honey we will break out into prayer, song, and crying! Obedience is better than sacrifice!

Tell us about your company LR Wilson Consulting.

We offer 1:1 and Group Sessions as well as Corporate Partnerships.

LR Wilson Consulting LLC specializes in personal and professional development LR Wilson Consulting offers a variety of coaching and consulting services Whether it's 1:1 or in a group setting, we are here to assist you with moving past obstacles in your life that are preventing you from excelling

Corporate Partnerships

Our corporate partners receive specialized training in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Effective Communication Techniques, Mediation, and Conflict Management.

Anger Management

An added service is Anger Management classes for those who are court-ordered to complete them for various reasons.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

I have been so blessed in 2022! I have spoken on quite a few platforms as a guest speaker I held my very first International Empowerment Conference in Los Cabos San Lucas Mexico in July 2022 It was surreal to see 50 women supporting me all the way in Mexico and 95% of them I had never met personally a day in my life Some of us bonded through social media and some I met in Mexico who came over and attended the conference. I started a non-profit, the S. H.E.E. Foundation. Sisters Healing Evolving and Empowered which I was given the vision for this about 10 or 15 years ago. Then when I came back from Cabos, God said ok it's time. Work me up at 3 am and I could not go back to sleep. I already had the Facebook group so I guess that was the foundation for what he needed me to do. I hosted my first fundraising event on October 15, the Harlem Nights Gala. Just as I thought I was about to give up, after canceling the event, and rebooked it at the same place and time, the event sold out! God said now what? Literally slapped me back into faith!

Making Pretty Moves

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

My business excelled first and foremost because of God. I opened my business in June 2020...the pandemic! Secondly, because of who I am. I'm not trying to be cocky when I say that. It's because of who I am because I am genuine and real and I'm someone most people are comfortable with because I can relate to what they are bringing to the table. I don't have 500 things going at once either. I continue to perfect and grow my craft. I also don't rebrand so much that people can't recognize who I am or what I'm doing. I AM MY BRAND!

The major moves I'm proud of are definitely pulling off the International Conference and the fundraiser.

What is next for you in 2023?

In 2023, I have the International Empowerment Conference in Negril, Jamaica, July 14-18. I'm also working on having an event in April with a few ladies who asked to help put that on Lastly, I know, I'm playing with the idea of doing a Women's Empowerment Retreat Whatever God has planned for me, I'm here for it all!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who is Fearless when it comes to taking risks to build her brand. She's her #1 fan and inspires others to show up as their best selves in order to succeed in whatever she desires.

Making Pretty Moves


A Mother, Self-Discovery Coach, Author, and Philanthropist – Neda Renee was born and raised by a “village” in Omaha, Nebraska She left her father’s home two days after graduating high school to figure life out on her own. While homeless for three years, she depended on her aunts and older cousins to provide a place to lay her head or get a good meal and some guidance as she worked on learning how to become stable as a young adult

In her late 20’s, Neda Renee became an entrepreneur opening up her first official businessSalon TreVon. At her salon, she had countless conversations with moms who were having challenges with their daughters and their behaviors Wanting to share her secrets of success with these girls, Neda Renee found that she had a passion for guiding girls as her aunts and cousins did for her.

Now with over 20 years of experience providing self-discovery and personal development coaching, Neda Renee has her eyes set on sharing her proven method of 'remembering one's authentic truth' around the world Over the past 14 years, the organization she founded, Project DIVA Int’l (, has delivered relevant programming, emotionally stabilizing skillsets, economic literacy, and foundational career pathways to girls in 6th through 12th grades. Focusing holistically around academic, social, emotional, career, financial, and wellness behaviors, her organization has sustained a less than one-percent teen pregnancy rate, a 100% increase in financial knowledge, and a 99% graduation rate during a time when public schools in MN are failing them.

As a 2018 Bush Fellowship alumni, she is inspired to ensure Black girls in middle and high school, nationwide, have access to the resources and connections needed to actively pursue the lifestyles they envision, making healthy financial decisions, as they partake in hands-on experiences that allow for them to create streams of revenue before they graduate high school. Neda Renee currently resides in St. Paul, MN, and is blessed to have two sons, Lavone and Trenton. In her spare time, she is a student pilot in pursuit of her private pilot’s license. She will eventually be instructing girls toward their private pilot's licenses, inspiring them to join the world of STEM through aviation

Making Pretty Moves

Outside of entrepreneurship and writing, Who is Neda Renee Kellogg in five words? I am infinite, non-judgmental, unconditional, explorative, and fun!

What inspired your start in entrepreneurship and coaching?

I learned early on that I didn’t like taking lunch at a certain time! I didn’t like someone else telling me how much they would be willing to pay me for my time, either. I enjoy children but didn’t find the idea of traditional teaching in schools fulfilling. I’ve always desired to live a lifestyle that affords me access to all the things I feel like trying. Experiences such as flying planes, riding horses, sky diving, traveling globallyprivately- and eating the types of food I enjoy – to name a few.

My first go at entrepreneurship was my hair salon in Omaha, NE called Salon TreVon (named after my sons). I loved owning my salon, yet I was young and didn’t know the value of having a mentor in my industry to help me understand how to position myself to make a profit. During the time I owned my salon, I started a girl’s group that was held as an after-school program at Monroe Middle School, in Omaha, NE My goal was to guide girls in 7th and 8th grades to know that they were not alone in having to navigate school systems that were blatantly failing them

I fell in love with working with the girls at Monroe Middle I liked building developmental topics to talk about in my way, on my time, and with relevant information that the girls could use immediately in their livesbecause they could relate to it. This was the beginning of my self-discovery coaching career that has led to my 15 years of rockin’ with Black Girl Magic in the non-profit industry in MN.

How did your years in the salon industry prepare you for the season you are in now with Project Diva International?

My years in the salon industry prepared me by giving me a foundation to know that: 1.

I was disciplined enough to create a marketing strategy, 2) I was charismatic enough to enlist a group of industry artists and provide a classy and ‘full of potential’ platform for them to thrive, and 3) I was a visionary able to grow an idea into an experience for others to be served. It also taught me that I had the ability to understand the language of economics for myself and my business.

The salon industry affirmed for me that even though I didn’t have a college degree, I was still capable of sharing my brilliance with my community The beauty industry is where I was able to show up myself The moments through intimate conversations over the shampoo bowls, during their blowouts or while women waited for their services, is where I found my love for holding space and speaking life into others along their journeys I haven’t veered from this spark and am enjoying growing more and more seasoned as the vision continues to unfold!

Making Pretty Moves

Tell us about your company Project Diva International

The mission of Project DIVA International is to guide Black girls, ages 11-19, through a self-discovery journey, toward results.

Project DIVA International’s goals for its cohorts and school clubs are emotional and intellectual ownership, as well as economic sustainability. There is work that comes with walking through one’s day in confidence. There are levels of developmental habits needing to be created. We coach girls towards creating expansive mindsets that lead them to actively repeat the daily habits that move them successfully toward their visions.

As the light bulbs turn on and the girl's habits connect to ‘wins’, our team nurtures the conversations that move a girl to gratitude and joy as she sees the changes within and around her. These conversations happen through our personal and professional development academies and clubs.

The beauty of girls consciously entering developmental stages that they track their behaviors for themselves is life-changing They were opt-in with the expectation to get results They intrinsically focus on their solutions as they remove obstacles, replacing them with conversations and actions as they pursue and execute successfully toward their visions

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

My 2022 journey has been one of personal and professional development. As the visionary for my life and our team, with each new level of growth (emotional, mental, and financial), my thought process and internal knower evolves and expands.

Personally, I have been focused on owning my brilliance out loud. This year I have chosen to have fun while showing up for myself. Choosing to pay attention to my feelings has given me a sense of peace internally to be ok with me in all my light. Words cannot describe the joy in me.

Professionally, this year I have been focused on hitting and exceeding our annual budget in pursuit of having a paid staff of six (6) experts. As we pace our scale effectively and efficiently, we are positioning ourselves for a capital campaign I have been owning in 2022, that as the visionary, I pride myself in walking my talk For the girls to know that they can accomplish their visions, I must show up an example - accomplishing mine Words don’t teach, actions do, so, my 2022 journey is sharpening my focus on my self-discovery journey as I continue to lead by doing my work - both internal and external

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of? I am proud of the relationship we have built with our EOS Consultant, Shea Peffly, and Emily Kane Miller of Ethos.

We knew that in order to scale our organization we had to get the right systems for our growth in place. The work we do with Shea has brought us into alignment, helping us be on one accord with the direction we desire to go, solidifying that we have the right people in the right seats and ensuring we are passionate personally about what we are individually committed to. In bringing the vision to where we are ‘one band, one sound’ we have been more effective in our communication to our girls, parents, and the members which has and is increasing our retention, membership dollars and other fundraising goals.

Making Pretty Moves

As we have worked with Emily Kane Miller, CEO of Ethos, we are ecstatic to be able to get the measurements that we need without exploiting our girls It is helping us centralize our data in one place, it’s accessible to all leaders needing the information and we are able to pull multiple reports that are more detailed than we ever have with other systems.

I am honored to be in a place where we are building long-term relationships with others interested in supporting our efforts for longer terms. As we position girls that are 11 years old to reach certain milestones at 17, we are now solidifying funders/donors who seek to follow developmental growth over a course of years, in all the girls our organization serve.

What is next for you in 2023?

2023 is my year to be in an unlimited flow of resources. Three experiences that are coming for me as I wake up to have fun doing what I love are: 1) I am focusing on meeting and exceeding our organizational budget goal which will continue to support the five experts, aforementioned, assisting in executing revolutionary, system-changing leadership 2) I am solidifying our community partnerships and surrounding myself with real estate gurus (and the supporting experts necessary) who will walk our team into our state-of-the-art headquarters 3) I am studying the business of aviation with the goal of our sisterhood having a for-profit arm owning a flight school

I live a birthday lifestyle and I am so excited to spend the days of my life with others who love what they do. 2023 is gonna be a fun year being in the flow!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A woman who articulates what she is choosing to accomplish as a lifestyle and then wakes up every day being the vision. This woman enjoys experiencing her thoughts turn into moments of ‘I chose this!

Making Pretty Moves


Tona Michelle - entrepreneur, creative director, and published fashion/wardrobe stylist.

Tona has a combination of more than 20 years in the fashion and beauty industries. She began her beauty career as a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant in 2000. During her time as a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, she quickly learned the ropes and within months she’d recruited numerous Consultants and earned her first Red Jacket for top sales and recruiting. After several years as a Mary Kay Consultant, Tona decided to attend beauty school to gain more training as a Professional Make-up Artist. In 2007, she graduated with a license in Make-up Artistry from Bennett Career Institute, where she received training from industry greats Sam Fine, Valente Frazier, and Derrick Rutledge.

In 2008, Tona took on a job as a Make-up Artist for the independent film “Misunderstandings” Her work was well received by the producers, later making her the Key Make-up Artist for the film She would then go on to work on another independent film “God’s Truce”, a music video “Break Your Waistline” and her first magazine cover for “I am Modern” magazine. She has also freelanced writing for online and print magazines DC Fashion News, Élan Extreme Magazine, and Demand Studios. She also had several columns for Examiner online.

In 2009, Tona decided to utilize her skills in sales, customer service, fashion, and beauty to launch her first online boutique DC Consignment Boutique Later in 2010, she launched her cosmetics and skincare brand Tona Michelle’ Cosmetics. Since launching her most recent career as a style

In 2022 October Moon Branding was birthed to fill in a gap for women-owned fashion, beauty, lux retail, and lifestyle business owners who want to have big business branding and marketing but on a smaller budget Along with my design partner, Dawn Fowlkes, and other creatives, we provide unique creative big brand branding and marketing at affordable rates.

My advice to my fellow boss babes is to never give up on your dreams. It may not happen on your time but it will happen. If you want your dreams to become more than you’d ever imagined, you’ll have to do the hard work now so that you can enjoy success later Don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made by thinking that I didn’t have to pay someone in order to successfully

Making Pretty Moves

start, run and grow a business Do yourself and your credit score a favor and INVEST in having the pros do what you aren’t good at doing

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Tona Michelle in five words? A creator, ambitious, empath, giver, and seeker.

What inspired your start in the Branding Industry?

During my years of entrepreneurship, I’ve met a lot of other women-owned entrepreneurs who have high hopes of achieving their dreams but are missing the key ingredient which is proper branding. From the beginning of my journey of entrepreneurship, I knew I wanted to look like the big brands despite being small so I emulated them. Doing this drew customers to my brands. I wanted to provide the knowledge I’ve gained over the years in branding/marketing to help others level up in their businesses in order to reach their entrepreneurial goals.

You have excelled in several different industries over the years, how have your multiple roles prepared you for where you are now in business?

I think it’s very important to be able to do multiple tasks in your business so that you know what’s happening at all times Oprah, with all her money, still oversees everything with her businesses It’s especially important when you’re a small business starting out and not having the resources to hire. I still to this day help out in other areas when I need to because I want things to be the way I want them.

Tell us about your company's October Moon Branding.

October Moon Branding is a premier Washington, DC-based digital creative branding agency helping women-owned fashion, beauty, and luxury retailer brands grow and scale their businesses pushing their creative boundaries creating stunning content and brand strategies that result in exceptional outcomes.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

After closing my last online clothing boutique in 2019, I decided I was done with pursuing any type of business venture as things didn’t quite work out with the last ones. However, after feeling stagnant in life I took a college course and quickly realized I was done with pursuing that angle and that I only did so out of boredom Soon after it was put in my heart to start the branding business I’d actually planned to start it in 2021 I purchased a domain name, and created a cheesy logo but put it on the shelf as I wasn’t really ready to start a business again In 2022 GOD spoke to me that I needed to do this and so I did and I’ve gotten great responses so far I still lose patience and sometimes want to throw in the towel but those were the same thoughts that halted me before

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

My business has excelled at the rate as a new business should. I’m actually most proud of all of the experiences thus far. The clients have truly entrusted me and my team with their “babies”. This is a huge compliment to what we’re doing. In this industry with so much competition, you really have to know your stuff. I’m constantly learning as I’m a firm believer in investing in myself and my businesses.

Making Pretty Moves

What is next for you in 2023?

For 2023 it’s about growth and continuing to build a solid foundation bringing on individuals who share my vision and want to contribute to its growth.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? My definition of a Pretty Women Who Hustle is that she is selfless. She understands that she’ll receive a lot more in return when she helps others and that she isn’t losing anything by sharing her knowledge with those who seek it. In addition, she knows that it’s okay to take a step back and pivot if that one thing isn’t working out. As long as you have the ability to function, it’s never too late to pursue your dreams and dream new ones.

Making Pretty Moves


When fulfilling God’s plan is calling on your soul, you can rely on speaker, author, entrepreneur, and holistic wellness influencer Cassandra Hill to give you the right words to answer His call

As a firm believer in radical selfcare for professional Black women who’ve put themselves on the back burner in building their careers and businesses, Cassandra’s purpose is to empower women to become their most cared for, stress-free, purpose-driven, and impactful selves.

Her empowering insights and actionable advice have led her to share the stage at major events along with expert keynotes such as Iyanla Vanzant, contribute frequently to Thrive Global and Authority magazines, and be featured on CBS, NBC, FOX, and several local Atlanta channels.

Cassandra is an inspirational expert in health and wellness, women’s empowerment, spirituality, and women in leadership Relying on God and a holistic, natural regimen to heal her systematic lupus is what originally sparked her knack for transforming lives.

When Cassandra discovered the power of holistic and faith-based healing, she knew she had to share this gift with professional Black women. And she is grateful for the many unlocked doors that have provided her with the opportunities to do so.

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Cassandra Hill in five words?

Cassandra is a lover of God and overcomer

What inspired your start in the Holistic Wellness? For many years my body wasn’t well and doctors were unable to pinpoint the problems After being diagnosed with systemic lupus the side effects of the treatment became overwhelming. One day the thought entered my mind that I was tired of being sick. Crossing paths with a nutritionist days later after having this epiphany she recommended various foods to relieve pain. When my body felt some relief from the food I started taking courses in health/wellness and alternative health. Eventually, God blessed me to develop a regimen that put me in remission with systemic lupus The healing began a journey to heal others ultimately birthing Holistic Living Consulting.

Making Pretty Moves

You worked many years in several different industries, what lessons were you able to carry with you in your entrepreneurial journey? Working as a Gerontologist in Corporate America provided valuable knowledge

One of the greatest skill sets is understanding normal aging versus disease processes. Oftentimes individuals assume that with growing older conditions like hypertension (high blood pressure), type 2 diabetes, and other chronic illnesses are just a part of their reality which isn’t true.

One of my primary responsibilities while working in long-term care was maintaining compliance for my department. Throughout my tenure, I received zero deficiencies in survey inspections. Achieving this level of compliance was possible due to skills such as being detail-oriented and a strategic thinker.

Tell us about your company Holistic Living Consulting?

Holistic Living Consulting is a health and wellness business that caters to minority women. We envision a world where health disparities no longer exist for minority women. Holistic Living Consulting offers virtual holistic wellness coaching and digital courses. Through our affiliate partners, we offer healthy living products such as meals, shakes, supplements, CBD, and many other organic products to restore a woman’s mind, body, and soul

When Holistic Living Consulting was birthed, I had been living two years in remission from systemic lupus Unfortunately, while working in Corporate America, I neglected my health and well-being to achieve “success”. After years of neglect my body shut down and I was diagnosed systemic lupus. Luckily taking courses in health/wellness and alternative health changed my trajectory. Holistic Living Consulting is educating minority women on the importance of making themselves priority so they can have real success in their business or career.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

There have been incredible opportunities in 2022. Started the year off with being interviewed on Black USA news and being confirmed to an elite speaker at the Born to Be Dope summit. Speaking at the Exceptional Woman Tour was a wonderful experience and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing Judge Lynn Toler share her golden nuggets at the tour. One highlight of 2022 was hosting my first virtual event Black Women Healing.

Goldman Sachs inaugural cohort of One Million Black Women Black in Business brought together top Black women in business across the country It was an honor to be accepted into the program and graduate from such a prestigious institution

Other highlights of 2022 include

*Being named Influential Women in Business/Corporate by Smart Women Partner on LinkedIn

*Confirmation to the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging for the state of Arkansas

*Becoming an Executive Contributor to Brainz Magazine

How did you business excell, what major moves are you proud of?

Holistic Living Consulting diversified its services and products. This year we launched digital courses:

* Self-Care Bootcamp for Entrepreneurs

* Mindset Reset

*Unlocking the new true authentic you

Making Pretty Moves

As the CEO & Founder of Holistic Living Consulting, I’m proud that we have increased our brand awareness enabling us to share the message of healing naturally with more minority women This year the company had its first commercial produced and we are excited about launching it on various streaming television platforms. The partnerships with Farmer’s Fridge and Vegin’ Out have created healthy meal options for clients that require no preparation at an affordable price. Holistic Living Consulting has made decisions in business that has enabled us to support more women in living a healthier life.

What is next for you in 2023?

In the new year, I am excited about taking the message of healing naturally to women across the country through hosting my own television show or possibly a podcast. Since starting Holistic Living Consulting I have been the only employee and I’m looking forward to bringing on contractors to offer support so I can focus more on my zone of genius.

The devotional He Restoreth My Soul Triumph through Adversity won a Book Excellence Awards this year I am anticipating this book will continue to grow and become a #1 Best-seller

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? Being a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is more of a mindset than looks. As a Pretty Woman Who Hustles embodying confidence and willingness to trust God’s plans for your life results in ultimate success.

Making Pretty Moves


Denise Brown is an undeniably bold woman! A woman who is continuously increasing her skills in an effort to multiply her worth Denise is a 3 times-certified body contouring specialist, spa owner, nationally certified phlebotomist, lab owner, graphic designer, educator/instructor, mentor, business credit consultant, and pre/post-op cosmetic surgery consultant. Her skills and vision, paired with her drive and tenacity make her undeniable Denise Brown is the proud owner of King Khloe and Excelsior Testing. Denise studied sociology with a concentration in Criminal Justice at the prestigious Claflin University where she received her Bachelor of Science Degree. She furthered her education and received her first Master’s Degree at South University in Professional

Counseling. Her second Master’s Degree is in Healthcare Administration from Webster University Along with her extensive educational background she has over a decade of experience in healthcare and customer service

Denise is fascinated with learning new skills, evolving, and helping other female entrepreneurs by equipping them with knowledge, skills, and confidence!

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Denise Brown in five words?

Wife, Mother, Loyal, Hardworking, and Infectious

What inspired your start in the beauty and contouring/ Graphic Design industry?

I was a new mother. After having my daughter, the weight came off

quicker than anticipated. When I stopped breastfeeding when my daughter was six months, shortly thereafter, the weight returned with a vengeance I was the biggest I’ve ever been in my entire life I no longer desired to go on dates with my husband (it was a weekly thing), get dressed, go out with friends, etc. I started doing research on it because I had been seeing a lot of it. I was in multiple mom groups, and I realized I wasn’t the only one struggling with my weight. Reading about postpartum, and depression to name a few, I realized that there was a need for not just a noninvasive way to combat weight problems but also to help women be confident and feel comfortable in the skin they’re in

Making Pretty Moves

When a woman believes she is beautiful and she is confident, she can conquer the world! I not only wanted to help myself but I wanted to help other women regain their confidence back There are a lot of women who were/are misinformed about the industry and I wanted to be a part of the change. Not only do I want to help them regain their confidence but I would like to also enlighten them and make them more knowledgeable so that they can not only reach their desired body transformation goals but they can maintain them as well. Equipping them with the tools needed to be the unapologetically, bold, fierce women they were born to be.

Now with graphics, this started as a hobby. Yes! A hobby! A little backstory. When I found out I was pregnant, my husband and I were elated! I was still working my 9-5 and I was working from home. As time went by my job became more stressful, and my blood pressure spiked (hadn’t had an issue with my blood pressure for about 2 years prior to my pregnancy). I then was labeled high risk. With this being my first pregnancy, my husband didn’t want any complications so he suggested I quit my job. *blank stare* I have been working since I was 15, and I have always been overly independent. My thoughts and emotions were all over the place, however, I did not want a complicated pregnancy if I could help it I quit my 9-5 when I was about 4/5 months I have never been the type to sit still and do absolutely nothing So I was strolling Instagram and I saw a post about graphic training I decided to take it so I purchased the recommended laptop, etc The course was a beginner’s course, and no prior experience was needed I took the course and it got me started with the basics

There was an intermediate and advanced course that was offered but by the time I was ready for the courses the young lady vanished! She closed all of her social media accounts, I tried sending her an email and the email was returned. Something detrimental must’ve happened because she was very responsive and assisted me prior to class and after. I panicked! After a 5-minute meltdown, I gathered myself and I went over her course again and I started researching more. The more practice I got the better I became! I am a “self-taught” designer! I did not invest info another class until 2020 and hired a graphics coach! 85% of what she trained me on, I already knew. I was so proud! I didn’t let that obstacle stop me! I kept moving forward. Once I got the hang of everything, this went from a hobby to an actual business. Designing is therapeutic for me and I thoroughly enjoy designing. I design for both women and men, however, being an entrepreneur I realized there was a heavy need for proper branding. I then refocused on helping entrepreneurs properly build their brands by providing them with quality graphics and content It’s an amazing feeling to see something I designed on apparel, billboards, vehicles, marketing materials, etc Wherever that brand goes, a piece of me goes with it and that’s beyond satisfying

You have been in business for several years, what has been your greatest lesson? My greatest lesson was not getting a mentor sooner than I did! One of the best decisions I made was to get a mentor! Sabrina Lee is the best mentor there is!

Tell us about your company King Khloe Graphics. King Khloe, the brand strategist. At King Khloe Graphics your vision meets reality. I’m fully equipped and proficient in graphic design. My creativity is magnified when I have a blank canvas and free range to create magic!

Making Pretty Moves

Can you share your 2022 journey with us? Where do I begin?

In 2022 I became 3x’s certified as a body contouring specialist, I became a master trainer/educator, I made the most in retail that I have ever made, I became a certified phlebotomist, I opened my own lab, and I enrolled to become a phlebotomy instructor.

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

My business excelled by becoming a phlebotomist and opening up my own lab. That added another stream of income. Not only is that another stream of income, but it is also a business that is recession-proof!

What is next for you in 2023?

In 2023 I will be offering more courses for body contouring, enrolling students in phlebotomy, and helping them set up their own labs. I will also hire staff to assist with executing these goals.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A woman who is undeniably bold, unapologetically fierce, confident, and headstrong One who is continuously increasing her skills, and has a voracious appetite for crushing her goals daily

Making Pretty Moves


Dr Felicia J Lindsey is the founding member of the AGR Book Club and an advocate of literacy. After co-authoring and publishing a book, she realized the struggle that new authors face when working to get their work in front of an audience. Inspired to help, she decided to create a platform that would support both new and multipublished authors to get their works noticed. Being a lover of cooking, she decided to also use this space to highlight and celebrate new and up-and-coming chefs. AGR Book Club is a space for membership engagement, combining the love of reading with the love of enjoying a delicious meal.

The site features a monthly newsletter that keeps members informed about local events and new releases from the online bookstore carrying their new favorite books AGR Book Club has a Podcast that explores culinary arts with chefs, adventures through authors, and the ever-expanding world of wineries/distilleries. Additionally, the site features a blog that supports authors, Chefs, wineries/distilleries, and a platform to exhibit the latest talent. Joining A Good Read Book Club inspires members to connect with a community of like-minded book enthusiasts and cook a fantastic meal with loved ones In addition to building community, A Good Reads

Bookclub assists new authors with marketing by helping them get their books featured in book club discussions For those who enjoy the cooking aspects, the site provides an opportunity for people to have personal experiences with chefs. Dr. Felicia has always found comfort in a good book. With AGR Book Club, she hopes to bring the gift of reading for pleasure and fun to both novice and seasoned readers alike.


Making Pretty Moves

Outside of entrepreneurship and business, Who is Dr Felicia J Lindsey in five words? Ambitious, courageous, Independent, Vivacious, Perceptive

What inspired your start in the book industry?

The power that words have over an individual in the course of their lives is extraordinary. In my career, I see first-hand the effect of words spoken to and over people and the profound effect on the individual. I am an avid reader and I have been inspired, sad, joyful, and angry. I started in the literary community by writing a book due to my love of fantasy books. When I began the journey I was inspired to start the AGR book club.

Can you recall the moment you fell in love with reading and writing?

I fell in love with reading when I went to West Creek elementary school, where I was given the opportunity to go to the library weekly It all started with The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

Tell us about your company AGR Book Club

AGR Book Club is a Book club that caters to authors, chefs, foodies, wineries, distilleries, mixologists, and drink lovers. We have a blog, monthly newsletter, cooking demonstrations, and food and drink pairings that complement the book of the month. As a reader, you’re not only immersed in the book but the taste/culture of the book. We support local bookstores by partnering with bookshops with the online bookstore. The community is designed for authors, chefs, wineries, mixologists, and distilleries to network with fellow colleagues in the industry. Our community of professionals is promoted and featured at events.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

In 2022 we focused on the needs of our members and different ways to enhance the membership experience.

How did your business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

We started guest features for authors, chefs, mixologists, wineries, and distilleries, an app for members on the go, started featuring indie authors weekly in the group, and Brunch and Books to meet up with members Launching the Deliciously Lit podcast where adventure, books, and cuisine collide

What is next for you in 2023?

Establishing an annual retreat for the book club and community.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A woman with the fortitude and insight, to acknowledge an opportunity and see it through to completion.

Making Pretty Moves
Making Pretty Moves


Brandy Harrell is the CEO and Lead Designer of Ladybug's Creative Touch. Ladybug's Creative Touch is a veteran owned and operated event and party planning company Established in 2022, Ladybug's Creative Touch was created after she and her family wanted to take the passion for designing and decorating on a professional level. Her company is family oriented and consists of a team that shares the same passion, morals and values as she does While putting her clients first she and her team aim to create lasting memories for a lifetime experience.

Outside of entrepreneurship and design, Who is Brandy Harrell?

When I'm not with family and friends I volunteer for different youth sports organizations I also volunteer with veteran's organizations also

What inspired your start in creative design and event planning ?

I have a passion for helping people.

I love to interact with people's families to help them create a memorable event for loved ones.

What has been your biggest obstacle since starting in the event planning industry?

My biggest obstacle is financial funding Due to the rising costs of items, I have utilized most of the funding I set aside for my business

Tell us about your company Ladybug's Creative Touch?

The name Ladybug's Creative Touch came to past because of what I used to call my mother

Since my supporters are my brothers and sisters I decided to say it her( Ladybug's) Touch because we are all a part of my mother.

Can you share your 2022 journey with us?

After several years of doing events as a hobby I decided to live by my motto " Faith over Fear" with that I decided it was time to make this official. I attended a workshop and several classes to help improve my artistic skills

Making Pretty Moves

How did you business excel, what major moves are you proud of?

Each month my business has had bookings I thank God for everything If it wasn't for him, I don't know what I would be.

What is next for you in 2023?

In 2023 I'm working on building a better brand for Ladybug's Creative Touch. I plan on taking more workshops and classes to stay current and to help enhance my client's experience. Investing more into marketing for my business will help generate more business.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A pretty woman who hustles is any woman that goes after her dreams and achieves them in a respectful and graceful manner.

Making Pretty Moves
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