Men Who Hustle Magazine

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How Sneakers Saved My Life




TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 Damiko Starr 06 Ryan McCrary 09 Pastor Dwight Buckner Jr.

13 Terry Foster 17 Montavis Lee OUR COVER STORY

19 TRENT OUT LOUD 24 Gary Summers 26 Keith L. Brown 31 Bringing In A New York State Of Mind While Celebrating Freedom And Black Travel In Liberia

33 Aaron Johnson 35 Zack Peter 37 Cornell Martin 39 Art Brad 41Fredrick Beaty 43 George Blakeney Jr. 45 Doug Bennett 49 Fros, Braids, Fades and Waves


DAMIKO STARR Born Marcus Whitsey - his love for music starts as far back as his memory can take him. Music was introduced to him as a relaxation tool and grew into a passion that blends heartfelt lyrics and harmonic melodies that will sure to grab your soul. I had the opportunity to chat with Damiko and he shared what keeps him motivated and also why he is a man who hustles. Why did you choose music as a creative outlet? Since I was a kid I found music to be my outlet. It started off with just singing Songs that I heard my father play around the house. Then that love of learning new songs and realizing I could sing just grew into a passion. Singing when I was happy, when I was sad, sing all day long.

Have you had any memorable moments from a recording session or while on stage? Yes, one of my most memorable moments was when I was about 16. I was singing with an R&B group. We were in a talent show at Howard University Blackburn Center. Where the firstplace winner that would win the chance to perform







competition was stiff, we were the last act so all the pressure was on us. My manager pulled me aside and told me,” you know what you have to do, you have to play the crown if you wanna win. I was a little nervous but I wanted to win more than anything. So I grabbed that mic and put on one of the best shows I ever did in my teenage years. We won the contest that night and we got the opportunity to perform at the Apollo. A oncein-a-lifetime moment.

What keeps you motivated as a singer? Honestly, God has given me the gift of music. So I use that to be self-motivated, also the fact that I write and produce music helps me stay motivated, I always hear music, a melody, or lyrics in my mind. My daughter was one of my biggest fans and supporters. Unfortunately, she was killed on January 3, 2021, shot by a stray bullet. She was 22. So when I feel like giving up she’s my motivation.

What’s next for you? What can we expect in the future? I’ve released three singles so far from my upcoming EP. The first single was “HEY GIRL and the second and third I released on my birthday March 24, 2022. “ADDICTED and Unhappy,” are all available now in all digital music outlets. I plan on releasing my EP in June called “EI8HT” with five additional songs on it. The world can expect great heart-felt music, melodic melodies, catchy hooks, and great lyrics. Along with putting the

What inspired your journey into music? It’s fun to say but jealousy inspired my journey into music. I was tired of hearing everyone say how good my older brother could sing. I know even as a child that I could sing just as good as him so I started singing and never stopped, to this day we still have a healthy sibling rivalry. He stopped at singing, where I learned to write, produce along with engineering (mixing and mastering) music as well as singing. What do you feel is missing from R&B? Real-life stories, love, heartache, relationships. Lyrically R&B used to have a wide range of subject matter. Now is just sex, money and very similar to hip hop. How is your family instrumental in your music career? My family is totally instrumental, the reason being I come from a musical family. Everyone either sings or plays an instrument. But I wanted to be the best. What is the one thing you have to have when you are sitting down to write or record? Something to drink and my LED light on (Blue) from the creative process and (RED) for playback once I’m done.


DMV on the map for R&B. Like Hittsville USA did for Detroit in the 1960s

RYAN MCCRARY Ryan McCrary, also known as “The Funnel Doctor”, is a CEO, Sales Funnel Expert, Digital Marketer, Author, and Speaker. He is the author of the best-selling book, Mind Over Money, which has helped thousands launch a business with money management strategies while working a full-time job. After leaving corporate as a licensed investment broker, Ryan launched his digital marketing agency that specializes in leveraging effective funnels with paid strategies together for online entrepreneurs - so they can maximize their impact, increase their profits, and stress less. With over $450 million generated in revenue for his clients, Ryan is most passionate about helping business owners amplify their message and products while restoring time

freedom and creating generational wealth. Through his strategies, he’s helped ecommerce, local, and service-based businesses sell-out events, 10x their revenue, and maximize their return on investment with paid traffic. You are known as "The Funnel Doctor", how did you get your start in creating Sales Funnels? When did you realize that you were great at it? I began creating sales funnels four years ago when I first took my leap into entrepreneurship. There’s no better test of betting on yourself than when you actually work for yourself because if you don’t sell, you don’t make an income. Failure was simply not an option I was ever willing to consider. However, I knew I didn’t want to succeed at the expense of burnout so I began learning more about the power of funnels and how it created a systemized

approach to selling. If you don’t have leads, you don’t have a business. Leveraging funnels allowed me to expand awareness of my brand and build relationships that translated into a client base. Once I had achieved five-figure success for a client, it became a reality to me that this was an area of digital marketing that I was not only passionate about, but also great at. I come from a previous career as a licensed investment broker. As a result, creating generational wealth has always been something that was important to me. Funnels are the foundation of wealth creation and this provided me the ability to continue my purpose of building that for my clients in a different way. You started your journey while working full time, how did you balance both, what was that experience like for you? I would be lying if I said it wasn’t challenging. I had a demanding career that also served clients while also being a father. There were a lot of late nights and early mornings, but I was determined to make my dream of entrepreneurship a reality. I quickly learned to prioritize the tasks that would move the needle forward in my business. It was a lesson that made me value my time and transferred into my business when I became a full-time entrepreneur. What lessons would you say corporate America taught you that has influenced the way you work in your company? Great leadership is at the heart of all successful businesses. It is something that I believe a CEO has to make a priority each and every day because their team’s results are a direct result of your leadership.

What lessons would you say corporate America taught you that has influenced the way you work in your company? Great leadership is at the heart of all successful businesses. It is something that I believe a CEO has to make a priority each and every day because their team’s results are a direct result of your leadership. Operations are the pulse of an organization. Systems provide order, productivity, and efficiency. When you have a solid standard of operations in place, it provides clear expectations and boundaries in your business. The right team is the soul of your business. It truly takes a village. Without the right people in place, the work cannot continue without you. In that case, you are operating as a solopreneur instead of a CEO which will hinder you from scaling. Developing a culture where your team feels supported, appreciated, and rewarded will take your business to new heights. Tell us about your Best Selling book " Mind Over Money"? This book is about the importance of one’s mindset in creating and sustaining wealth. It creates a blueprint for financial awareness and success so you can triumphantly navigate almost any financial terrain. You may not have the money or business that you desire YET, but you can still understand how investors think and align your thinking like them. What message do you hope readers take away from this book? Success leaves clues through the blueprint of those who have excelled. They’ve forged a path for us to follow. My hope is that this book serves as a tool for others to learn how to master money in order to create financial freedom for themselves and generations after them to come.

At what point would you say a new entrepreneur needs to seek out a sales funnel strategist? The first thing you need to do is have a proof of concept. Market research is the foundation for creating an offer that your target audience will actually purchase. This is why you should sell your offer organically first before ever running paid traffic to it. Next, you need to acquire testimonials. Social proof is gold to converting your offers and also provides proof of concept that clearly defines the specific problem you solve. Once you have a proven offer that sells without paid advertising, you are ready to work with a sales funnel strategist. The important thing to remember is that a funnel is a system designed to automate the marketing that’s already working in your business. If these elements aren’t in place, it will be costly to your business and not convert.

What tips do you have for new entrepreneurs looking to increase sales? Today’s marketing landscape is focused on content creation, particularly video. While it’s incredibly important because it helps build awareness of your brand, it’s only one piece of the puzzle. The secret to sales lies in building your list. However, sadly it’s one of the most neglected marketing strategies. Often business owners strive to grow their followers and be heavily present on social media. But the reality is that you are merely renting space on those platforms and do not own the information. That was a huge lesson learned by many when Facebook and Instagram experienced a blackout recently. When you leverage your content to acquire subscribers to your list, you are able to take the conversation off of social media and continue to nurture the relationship.

What has been your favorite digital marketing tool and why? I highly recommend Click funnels, especially if you are selling information-based products and services. One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is what funnel platform works best? After over four years in this industry, I’ve worked with a lot of funnel software and none have come close to Clickfunnels. They all have the bells and whistles to try and captivate you into purchasing. However, with marketing strategy, it all boils down to data. The numbers don’t lie. In my experience, our campaigns have high conversion rates when clients leverage Clickfunnels. @ryanmcrarymarketer

Pastor Dwi ght Kevi n Buckner, Jr, affecti onatel y known on soci al medi a as Pastor Dwi ght, i s a proud husband, father, and man of God. Wi del y known for hi s appearances on the hi t Li feti me real i ty show, Marri ed at Fi rst Si ght. Buckner i s a rel ati onshi p advi sor and author who i s dedi cated to i nspi ri ng peopl e to bel i eve i n themsel ves and thei r God-gi ven purpose. Buckner has a l ong hi story of ti me spent i n the church and growi ng under the l eadershi p of other seni or pastors. Buckner was born i n Mi nneapoli s, Mi nnesota to Pastor Dwi ght Kevi n Buckner, Sr. , and Angel a Buckner. He comes from a Pentacostal background and proudl y uphol ds the fami l y tradi ti on of pastori ng and bei ng a servant to the church. Buckner i s a seventh-generati on pastor fol l owi ng the l ong-l asti ng l egacy of the fami l y i n mi ni stry. Buckner real i zed the cal l to preach God’ s word at 16 years ol d.

After confi rmati on of the cal l to preach, Buckner enrol l ed at Beul ah Hei ghts Bi bl e Col l ege i n Atl anta, GA earni ng hi s B. A. i n Leadershi p Admi ni strati on. Buckner l ater deci ded to conti nue hi s educati on at the Pentecostal Semi nary i n Cl evel and, Tennessee, earni ng a Master of Di vi ni ty degree. Buckner founded and currentl y serves as seni or pastor at Generati on of Hope Church i n Decatur, GA. Havi ng the abi l i ty to start wi th l ess and thri ve Pastor Dwi ght uti l i zes hi s i nfl uence to i nspi re peopl e dai l y to never l ose hope. He works di l i gentl y to reach at-ri sk youth, young adul ts, broken fami l i es, and most of al l peopl e unfami l i ar wi th the church, around the worl d. Buckner i s also an entrepreneur and author of the book Breaki ng the Cycl e of Lust, Fi ve Thi ngs Every Man Needs, and OVERLOOKED, set to be rel eased i n June 2022. He i s a nati onal publ i c speaker and rel ati onshi p advi sor.

He i s a nati onal publ i c speaker and rel ati onshi p advi sor currentl y avai l abl e for medi a i nqui ri es and speaki ng opportuni ti es. Buckner resi des i n Atl anta, GA wi th hi s wi fe, El i sa Bennett Buckner and two chi l dren, El i as Buckner and Mal achi Buckner. By now we have al l heard the name Pastor Dwi ght Buckner, who exactl y i s Pastor Dwi ght outsi de of TV? Past or Dwi ght , out si de of t el evi si on, i s honest l y st i l l Past or Dwi ght . I ' m a Husband, Fat her, Ent repreneur, and Past or. I ' m a f ami l y man. Bei ng a husband t o my wi f e El i sa Buckner, and a f at her t o my Ki ds El i as and Mal achi Buckner means t he worl d t o me. To t hem, I ' m Dwi ght and Dad, and t hat ' s who I l ove t o be on and of f camera. You were on season 12 of the hi ghl i ght famed show Marri ed at fi rst si ght, can you share what that experi ence was l i ke and what l essons you l earned? Bei ng on Marri ed at Fi rst si ght was one of t he most exci t i ng experi ences I have had. I t opened new doors and l ed new members t o j oi n our church. Trut h be t ol d, I i ni t i al l y was l eani ng t owards not t aki ng t he opport uni t y. Not because I di dn' t want t o be on t v, but more because I envi si oned my f i rst appearance on nat i onal t el evi si on woul d be of me preachi ng a sermon; however, i t was me gui di ng t hrough counsel i ng. I bel i eve t he number one t hi ng I l earned was t hat you have t wo choi ces when t he camera i s on. You can use t he opport uni t y t o say or do somet hi ng t hat wi l l i nspi re mi l l i ons of peopl e or use i t f or t he wrong reasons and embarrass yoursel f . I deci ded t o represent God and i nspi re ot hers t o do t he same. And when I recei ve t he chance t o be on t v agai n, I ' l l choose t o do t he same t hi ng. You were a sound ear f or Marri ed coupl es al l over t he worl d duri ng your t i me on MAFS, What advi ce do you have f or coupl es consi deri ng marri age or even newl yweds?

Let me expl ai n, don' t compl ai n about what you don' t have f rom each ot her, especi al l y i f you have not communi cat ed your concerns or hel ped your part ner f i nd and bui l d what you bel i eve t o be mi ssi ng. Secondl y, do not compare your rel at i onshi p t o someone el se' s; embrace t hat you and your part ner are di f f erent f rom ot hers and t hat al one i s what wi l l make your j ourney uni que. And l ast l y, do not compet e agai nst each ot her. Your marri age i s not a bat t l e; i t i s a uni on bet ween t he t wo of you. What are a few keys women and men shoul d consi der before even consi deri ng di vorce? There are many key f act ors and quest i ons t o consi der bef ore maki ng a choi ce t o di vorce. One woul d be ef f ort . Have you i ndeed gi ven 100% t o t he rel at i onshi p? Commi t ment i s more t han a word; i t t akes ef f ort and dedi cat i on. So you have t o det ermi ne i f your rel at i onshi p i s wort h t he ef f ort . I bel i eve anot her key t hat shoul d be consi dered i s t i me. How much t i me di d you real l y put i nt o maki ng i t work? When i t comes t o f orgi veness and heal i ng, di d you gi ve yoursel f enough t i me bef ore cal l i ng i t qui t s? The l ast pri mary key woul d be t o know who you marri ed. Di d you and your part ner have unreal i st i c expect at i ons of one anot her? Di d you f al l i n l ove wi t h a represent at i ve? Not onl y t hat , but somet i mes, experi ences, t ragedi es, and t raumas cause your part ner t o change emot i onal l y, ment al l y, or even sexual l y t hroughout t he rel at i onshi p. I nst ead of separat i on or di vorce, t hey si mpl y need t herapy or counsel i ng and f or t hei r part ner t o be pat i ent wi t h t hem t hrough t hei r heal i ng process. Si nce bei ng on MAFS you have rel eased 3 books: Breaki ng the Cycl e of Lust, Fi ve Thi ngs Every Man Needs, and OVERLOOKED. What message remai ns true i n each of the books? The message t hat remai ns t rue and t he same i n al l my books i s t here i s hope f or a t urnaround, and you wi l l l i ve t o see t he best part of yoursel f .

Asi de from rel ati onshi p, marri age counsel i ng, and wri ti ng books, you are a Pastor. How do you bal ance entrepreneurshi p and mi ni stry? Trut hf ul l y I bal ance ent repreneurshi p and mi ni st ry pret t y wel l . I have owned and operat ed a barbershop f or 12 years and act ual l y st art ed my church i nsi de my barbershop. I woul d have a l ocal Tuesday ni ght bi bl e st udy. So f or me, my prof essi ons have al ways been t i ed t o mi ni st ry. Nowadays, I am doi ng a l i t t l e l ess cut t i ng hai r and more hands-on mi ni st ry, whi ch I al ways knew I woul d do f or t he rest of my l i f e. Where do you see your pl atform i n the next 3-5 years? I n t he next 3 t o 5 years, I wi l l decl are and decree t hat I wi l l have at l east t hree shows on t el evi si on. I wi l l have rel eased at l east f our more books and wi l l possess a nat i onal and i nt ernat i onal pl at f orm. I al so see mysel f host i ng a nat i onal conf erence ent i t l ed Hope f or t he Ci t y. What i s your defi ni ti on of a Man Who Hustl es? My def i ni t i on of a man who hust l es i s a man who put s God f i rst . He honors hi s f ami l y and works dai l y t o prai se God. A man who hust l es, prot ect s and provi des f or hi s f ami l y whi l e bui l di ng t o l eave a st rong l egacy f or hi s bl oodl i ne.

Soci al medi a handl e I G past orDwi ght Bucknerj r TI kt ok Past orDwi ght Buckner Facebook Dwi ght Buckner Jr. Twi t t er Past orDwi ght Bucknerj r

TERRY FOSTER Terry Foster, CEO & Founder of Terry Foster Consulting, is a digital marketing expert, paid traffic strategy coach, and speaker. He is the man behind helping hundreds of business owners fall back in love with their business by helping them generate leads and sales via effective and life-changing digital marketing strategies. Since 2016, Terry’s agency Terry Foster Consulting has managed over $15 million dollars of ad spending resulting in over $80 million dollars of sales of physical products and nearly $20 million dollars of digital products, high-ticket offers, and services for their clients. Terry is most proud of helping 13 different businesses exceed over one million dollars in sales in a calendar year along with several sixfigure revenue milestones.

Terry is most passionate about helping fellow entrepreneurs and business owners love running their businesses. He has witnessed his proven digital marketing strategies directly lead to businesses needing to hire more employees, businesses being able to move into larger offices, and businesses being able to now give back to their community. Most importantly he has helped numerous clients transition from fear and despair to happiness and optimism.

What inspired your start in entrepreneurship, specifically digital marketing and paid traffic strategy? I believe that entrepreneurship is a great equalizer. Whether you are black, brown, or white - you have the ability to reach your wildest dreams if you are a determined entrepreneur.

Digital marketing and paid traffic is also great equalizer. Prior to being able to market online, the small businesses really had no chance of being able to compete with big businesses with big budgets. Digital marketing has fortunately changed that! Now any business is able to strategically get in front of their ideal customers and even has the opportunity to win them over via superior marketing - which is uber exciting! So I guess you could say I always cheer for the underdog. Entrepreneurship gives underdogs a legitimate chance to win as does digital marketing and paid traffic. You have been in the marketing industry for years, what has been the highlight of your career thus far? The highlight of my career was walking across the stage in Orlando at the Funnel Hackers Live conference in September 2021 to receive my “Two Comma Club Award”. The $1M mark was a goal that I and my team had set for 3 years - so finally achieving it was really special. Even though technically the goal was accomplished in 2020 - early on in my entrepreneurial journey I saw other people with their “Two Comma Club” award and I told myself that one day I would have to hang up on my wall as well. I spoke it into existence. Hitting the $1M mark goes way above myself or even my team. In my line of work, the money that I make has a direct correlation with the amount of money that we make for the clients that we serve. So that means if we were able to generate over $1M that means that our clients had to do at least 20x that amount! With highs, there are some lows, please share the most challenging part of what you do? Absolutely have had my fair share of challenges! The most challenging part of what I do is the fact that my team's input doesn’t already correlate to output. For example -

we can spend all day creating campaigns, we can spend all day checking them, and we can care about the performance immensely but that still doesn’t necessarily mean we are going to create a killer campaign every single time. There are just so many factors that aren’t directly in our control or sometimes even in the client’s control. Apple updates, Facebook algorithm changes, inflation - all these types of things have a massive impact on the performance of paid ads and unfortunately, they just come with the territory. Creating marketing strategies that actually work takes time and focus, how do you balance multiple clients and their needs? T-E-A-M and processes for the win. If you are a business owner that wants to scale to more than 7-figures a year, chances are you are going to need a team behind you. Not only do you need a team - you need the right team. Finding people that are strong where I am weak has always been something I have been good at. Having systems and processes in place is equally important to achieve balance. Again, I am fortunate to have someone on my team that is way better at creating and implementing these types of systems and processes than I am. When potential customers are introduced to Terry Foster Consulting, what message do you hope they take away every time? That they can trust us with their money. My motto from Day 1 is that “I treat your money as if it were my own”. Does that mean that we bat 1000%? - of course not. That does mean that everyone at TFC must care about the results and always try our very best.

We never ever guarantee or promise clients a specific result because there are just so many unknown variables. What we do promise our clients is that we will always care and our actions are going to reflect that. As long as they feel that way our job is done as far as I am concerned. What advice do you have for someone who is considering hiring a digital marketing strategist? Do your homework. The worst thing that a business owner can do is to be completely clueless about how digital marketing really works and think that hiring someone is the solution. If you are blind, you are going to be willing to follow anyone that says they know where they are going. This doesn’t mean that your goal should be to become a digital marketing expert. Chances are that isn’t the best use of your time and resources unless you want to build a digital marketing agency. However, you should be knowledgeable enough to have an educated conversation with the strategist that you plan on hiring. Bonus tip: it is always better if someone has experience helping someone do the exact same thing that you are trying to do. Just because I helped a haircare brand scale to seven- figures with Facebook Ads doesn’t necessarily mean I can do the same thing with Google Ads. Just because I helped a coach sell $1M worth of information-based products via an automated webinar funnel doesn’t necessarily mean I can do the same thing with a group challenge funnel. The more exact of a match - the better!

Can you tell us about your new Social Seller Program? The Scale With Social Selling System (SWSSS) was created to connect business owners that have validated medium/high-ticket offers book sales calls with qualified and interested prospects without having to run ads, challenges, or webinars. Since I am approaching helping businesses generate over $100M with paid ads - the “without having to run ads” line catches some people off guard. The truth of the matter is that paid ads are still highly effective but they also have become a lot harder and a lot more expensive. Paid ads are great, but they also aren’t the only way to accomplish your goals. The SWSSS in a nutshell provides your business with a part or full-time prospector that is fully trained on how to leverage the proprietary software that allows us to pull in hundreds of people that are your ideal clients with a single click of a button. This results in us getting calls booked on your calendar which of course results in you closing more sales. This process is responsible for booking thousands of high-quality calls at a cost that is less than what you would currently pay for a call booked via a Facebook ad. It truly is a nobrainer! If you could collaborate with any brand, who would it be and why? Facebook. On the surface, this may be counterintuitive for the SWSSS, but savvy business people always understand the long game. If we could help more business owners have success early on without necessarily needing to pay and figure out paid ads, then when they have that success and want to hyper-scale guess what they will be needing?

There are plenty of business owners that totally give up because their Facebook ads on a small budget didn’t work so they thought all hope was lost. These types of businesses could potentially be giving Facebook a lot more money if they just went through the proper steps. It could definitely be a win-win-win type of situation! What is your definition of a Man who hustles? A man that works hard to get everything that he wants - no excuses. Lack of effort will never ever be the reason that he doesn’t succeed. @terryfosterconsulting

MONTAVIS LEE Montavis Lee was born and raised in Franklin VA on November 28, 1976. In 1998, he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in business from Virginia State University. Montavis served as a Certified Cisco Network Associate for 22 years, where he expressed value for customer satisfaction, provided quality services, and was affable to clients. With over ten years in ministry, Montavis has always expressed his faith as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He continues his education in Theology and Biblical Studies at Bible Faith Global College. In 2019, he became a minister and a year later, an Elder in training. He attends Aquila and Priscilla Ministries with Pastor Jesse and Prophetess Patricia as the church leaders. Montavis continues to express great empathy and love for the people around him. Montavis is Kingdom Minded and Kingdom Focused. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time reading the word and spending time with his family.

Who is Montavis Lee in four words? Kingdom Minded, Kingdom Focus, Family Oriented, Passionate When did you discover your calling into the ministry? I discovered my calling into ministry about 12 years ago and entrepreneurship How do you balance Entrepreneurship and Ministry? I balance both by letting the Holy Spirit lead me and make wise decisions on what God would like me to do first or what’s is the main priority at that time. What advice do you have for the next generation of ministry leaders wanting to navigate their calling while running a business? You have to have a personal relationship with God first and pray without ceasing in a time that we are living in and let the Holy Spirit guide you on every decision you make while running your business. You have to truly be called for this and know it will take a lot of work to make sure it is all balanced the right way. What is your definition of a Man Who Hustles? My definition of a man who hustles is a man who never stops his dreams and accomplishments at no cost and always continue to think you new witty ideas on a daily basis on how to make your hustle successful in everything that you do. Never take no for an answer because what you set your mind to do it can be done if you have God on your side and he is doing the leading not the following.

Website: Facebook: Montavis Lee Facebook: Aquila & Priscilla Ministries

Trent Out Loud His entrepreneurial journey is a riveting story of innovation, creativity, resilience, self discovery, wins, losses and love for culture and community.

Trent Out Loud, the founder of Exclucity, laid the groundwork for sneaker culture in Canada and his autobiographical debut as an author, “How Sneakers Saved My Life: Book 1” and How Sneakers Ruined My Life: Book 2, gives you an up close and personal look at the man behind the brand. A child of Jamaican immigrants that went from being on welfare, to CEO of one of the most successful brands in Canadian history. From selling Long Tees and Du-rags out of the trunk of a car to ten store fronts that have employed over 800 people, everybody wants to know how he did it, and now he’s telling the unfiltered truth. Anybody can talk to you about how to get money, how to be a success, but not many are willing to be open enough to show you the toll it can take on your soul to get there. Trent Out Loud is standing in his truth and his courage will allow many to do the same. I have to begin by asking, where were you when you fell in love with sneakers? I need Time, Place, etc lol) I never fell in love with sneakers. I fell in love with business as a teen and sneakers are a great business to be in. I've always loved Jordan's and basketball, but I wouldn’t consider myself a sneakerhead. Those guys can tell you the original release dates, the history, and the textiles. Me, I'm a businessman who knows a lot about sneakers and the people who buy them. I think my stores are more successful because I'm not a part of my target audience.

Take me back to young Trent, growing up in Canada, what was the shoe game like? What shoes were essential in every young man's closet? Sneaker culture has always been present in Canada, but it was nothing like how it is in the US and New York specifically. I remember visiting my Aunt who lived in Brooklyn and going shopping in Flatbush. I'd come back to Montreal looking fresh to death. I'd say Jordans, Dunks, and Air Force Ones were the top three essential sneakers to have. You are what I consider The definition of a "Men Who Hustle", you started with durags, and long tees from the trunk of your car to building a successful international brand that serves as the goto for shoes, apparel, and accessories. What has been the most challenging and rewarding part of your entrepreneurial journey thus far? Losing 2.23 Million dollars was both the most challenging and rewarding lesson for me. You don't learn as much when things are going smoothly. When the ship is sinking that is when you find out how good you really are. Restructuring and saving my business was grueling, but now I'm battle-tested and stronger because of it. Two years after losing 2 Million dollars, I had my most profitable year ever. Your brand employs over 800 people along with multiple store locations, what would you say has been the key to your longevity thus far? Well first and foremost, I have great partners. Nike and Adidas, just to name two, are powerhouse legacy brands, so that definitely helps. But I had to work my ass off to be able to carry both those brands, and it has been even harder to maintain them over the past 10 or more years. Retail is tough, especially now with the ways things are being restructured. I've also had great staff over the years that has helped me immensely. I'm fortunate and grateful for their hard work and dedication. I didn't build Exclucity alone. You are the author of two amazing thought-provoking books ``How Sneakers Saved My Life, and How Sneakers Ruined My Life" which takes us through your entrepreneurial journey, what message do you hope young men in specific walk away with after reading your books? Well, I hope both men AND women can walk away knowing that entrepreneurship isn't easy, but it can be fun and profitable if you're willing and prepared to do the work. I also really want people to know that it's ok if you didn't have a perfect childhood, or if you don't come from money, you can still make it. That's why I put the "Trent" section in the books so that people can choose to read about the personal side of me if they want to, and if they don't, then that's all good. You can just read the "Exclucity'' section and get into the business part. I know there are a lot of people who think that their circumstances define them and are holding them back but use me as your example, I was a disaster. I just decided I would no longer be held back from anything. If someone has a jet, I feel like I should be able to have one also. We all deserve to have anything we want to have regardless of our past mistakes and or circumstances.

You said something that really stood out to me "Anybody can talk to you about how to get money, how to be successful, but not many are willing to be open enough to show you the toll it can take on your soul to get there." Please share the importance of mental health awareness as an entrepreneur? Mental health is my number one focus right now. Every speaking engagement, podcast, or interview, I preach about healthy entrepreneurship. And I follow that up by saying that "I don't always do a great job at it either". As an entrepreneur, you're basically a parent to your business. It's a 24/7 job, you must protect it at all costs. It's hard to find balance, but you have to or it will cost you the very thing you worked hard for. Going to therapy weekly really helps me stay focused, and to prioritize my mental health. It's even made me a better CEO. I do Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and to anyone reading this, if you don't know what CBT is please google it, it has changed my life. What does self-care look like in the life of Trent Out Loud? Well, I just answered this above but Therapy, Therapy, Therapy. For me, it all starts with my therapist because I can sort out what's best for me with a training professional. I make all the final decisions but I have help from a pro and that helps me tremendously. I absolutely love that they hold you accountable. A good therapist will remind you real quick what you said you wanted to do for yourself and hold you to it. You can talk yourself out of doing things for yourself but, it's not so easy when you have a therapist reminding you. It's so key. What is next for you in regards to life, family, and business? Life: I'm in a good space. I always want to make sure I'm living my life to the max, and I'm doing that. Family: I'm not married, nor do I have kids yet but, I'm thinking maybe it might be the time... MAYBE! LOL! Business: I'm in negotiations with Nike right now. I'm pushing back on their new DTC strategy, so time will only tell where that will end up. But I'm working on some other things. I'm always prepared. Of course, I just wrote my first two books and am living my third one. I will continue to do speaking engagements as well. I’m hoping to go on a school tour to talk to these kids. So if your school is looking for someone, reach out to my team. Outside of Entrepreneur, Who is Trent Out Loud in five words? 1. Family man 2. Athlete 3. Mental Health Advocate 4. Provider 5. Protector If you could give words of hope specifically to the next generation of young black male entrepreneurs, what would it be? Be great. Whatever it is that you're doing, be great at it. Our ancestors suffered, fought, and died so that we could have the opportunities that we all have today. And yes, I know some races have more opportunities than we do, but that's why we need to be great, so they can't deny us and we can continue the fight to equal the playing field. Keep working to give our kids what we didn't have. BE GREAT.

GARY SUMMERS Birmingham native and musician Gary Summers was in search of something different. Something new. With his musical background, he wanted people to feel his love for music and entertainment.

Then I started playing at church. The combination of playing R&B and Rap music at school, then the sweet soul of the gospel at church. Translated to an undeniable passion for music.

Being apart of his parenting company, AEG (American Entertainment Group) and gaining experience, in 2016 he established Soful Entertainment. A company that turns "A Night out into a Night to Remember." Our culture and love for an evening of enjoyment results in a gift to any community where you see Soful Entertainment Presents.

How did Soful Entertainment get its start? Well, let’s go back for a second. This will answer my passion for entertainment as well. I have several family members who were in the business first. My Uncle, his son, and nephew were in the business first. I attended a few events and then started helping them out with a few events. With the travel and meeting different people, I began to realize that this was something I could get used to doing. My family members not looking to retire any time soon. I figured it was my opportunity to start my own business. Under them, I was able to learn and grow. Now it’s my time to show and prove.

What inspired your passion for music and entertainment? When I was in elementary school, I begin playing the violin. Once in middle school, I started playing the saxophone. Being in the band and around different instruments gave me a new love for music.

What does Soful Entertainment currently consist of? Soful consists of 10 members and we provide top-notch entertainment. We put on Concerts, Comedy Shows, Plays, and also Business Expos. Our goal is to provide a night you won’t forget. And have you “SO FULL” that when you see Soful Entertainment Presents. That’ll you’ll be satisfied and looking for more of our events. Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years? No disrespect but we don’t hope to see our brand anywhere. Hope doesn’t measure the growth that we will have. We will be in the next few years a force to be reckoned with in the Entertainment Industry in.

What message do you have for young entrepreneurs looking to get their start in the entertainment industry? I would say get all the learning experiences you can get. This is definitely something that you don’t want to jump head first into without some learning. However, in some experiences, you do have to learn just by experiencing them. However, I would say keep your head up, never give up, and keep God in the Plan. Soful Entertainment


MR. KEITH L. BROWN Meet Mr. Keith L. Brown

Keith is an empowerment speaker who focuses on advocating for personal growth and for individuals to "Be Empowered, Not Devoured" Keith speaks about Motivation, Zoom Fatigue, Education, Mental Health, Parenting Topics, and more. Mr. "I'm Possible", Keith L. Brown has been named a worldclass speaker and one of the top speakers and consultants in education by Insight Publishing and International Speakers Network. "Mr. "I'm Possible". empowers hundreds of thousands of people annually, many of whom are in college school systems supplemental education agencies, and more. A Presidential Lifetime Achievement award winner, Keith created the “I’m Possible” institute where he coaches and trains speakers, authors, entrepreneurs, and those seeking to expand their influence both nationally and globally.

For more than 18 years, Keith has done television, radio, and celebrity events that leave people feeling inspired and motivated to do more with what they were given. Keith also speaks on diversity and inclusion, and motivation and has implemented the "Fathers not Farther" program to help young fathers, and all fathers who may not feel they are receiving the tools necessary to be the best father they can be. Brown is the author of Talk i$ Expensive, 'CHITLINS' (Creative Helpful, Intuitive, Thoughts, Lifting Individuals, Naturally Seeking), co-author of 'Conversations on Success' with Jack Canfield (Co-Founder, Chicken Soup for the Soul), John Christensen (Fish Tales), and fourteen of the most phenomenal individuals on the planet, He is also a co-author of the everevolving '303 Solutions Series,' which includes three books on the following: Effective Communication and Getting Results, Boosting Creativity and Solving Challenges and Goal Setting, not Goal Sitting!!! His newest literary masterpiece 'not impossible- 'I'M POSSIBLE'- A leadership guide for youth and young adults, is presently winning rave reviews nationally.

When did you discover your passion for educating and empowering young girls and boys and their families? I first discovered my passion for educating, inspiring, and empowering children, youth, and families when I was the SGA President at Savannah State University from 1989 – to 1991; during that period, I also served as a Tutor-Counselor with the Upward Bound Program. I was able to enrich the lives of so many youth and families via this national program, known for enhancing the lives of first-generation College Students. It was essential to be an advocate. Even back then, I knew the value of creating a legacy and promoting equity, especially for African American Youth and Youth of Color overall. So this journey has been one of over 30 years of Servant Leadership for me, and I’m just as passionate today as I was then. Can you reflect back on your school days, was there a teacher, counselor, or worker who poured into your life? During my formative years, I was labeled a “Special Ed” and “At-Risk” student, primarily due to being very talkative and hyperactive. There were two individuals, however, who nurtured my gift of speaking, Ms. Finkelstein, my Fifth Grade Teacher at PS 52 in Springfield Gardens, Queens, NY, and Mr. Sims, my Drama Director, in the Black Spectrum Theatre in St. Albans, Queens, NY. Ms. Finkelstein would encourage me to read aloud and often called on me to provide answers. She also allowed me to verbally welcome all my classmates every day. I was like “Bob Barker” from the game show “The Price Is Right.” She always put my gifts in the forefront and told me I wasn’t special, Ed- I was special. Mr. Whitfield Sims was my mentor, drama coach, and another father figure. He gave me tough love, and told me using my voice effectively, would take me around the world. Throughout Middle and High School, I acted in plays he directed. I, along with my peers at Black Spectrum Theatre, had the opportunity to travel throughout the city and other states, performing. He used the number 17 to maintain order, and for the past 20 years or more, I have adopted that practice for audiences I speak to nationally and globally. Both of these individuals empowered me to speak with confidence and excellence. Your platform focuses on encouraging individuals to "Be Empowered, Not Devoured". Can you share the message behind this? My platform of “Be Empowered, not Devoured” simply means I’m giving individuals the authority to pursue their dreams, goals, and vision, not permission, but authority. By giving them authority, I’m showing them their internal power and how it can be used to execute greatness externally. When you’re empowered, there’s hope amid life’s storms; regardless of the circumstances, you will be resilient when you’re empowered, and resilience produces positive outcomes. When you're devoured, you allow other people and life’s events to smother your gifts and talents. Those who are devoured allow the negative opinions of others to define them, while those who are empowered use their inner fortitude to define themselves. So when I say “Be Empowered, not Devoured,” I’m encouraging individuals to have a seat at the table instead of being on the menu! What has been the most rewarding part of going into schools to empower young lives? What has been the most challenging? The most rewarding part of going into schools and working with children and youth has been seeing the fruits of my labor. When I can get through to these promising pupils and see them go from being disengaged to fully engaged and being intentional about their education and future, I’m rewarded. When I receive hundreds of messages via social media and email from scholars telling me I made a profound impact on their lives; I’m rewarded. And when Administrators and Teachers randomly follow up and let me know my content/messages have been implemented, that’s very rewarding, as I can give all the Motivation, Inspiration, Education, and Elevation in the World; however, if there’s no Implementation, nothing will change.

Implementation leads to Elevation, Graduation, and Gravitation towards destiny. The most challenging times have been going into environments where the culture and climate were one of “low expectations.” In those instances, I did my best to inspire and empower, knowing those children and youth may get a dose of what they deserved; however, if they were being educated in a culture of low expectations- there’s only so much I could realistically do. Consequently, I love doing Professional Development Sessions and Family/Community Engagement Sessions before working with children and youth. Doing so allows me to help establish a Culture and Climate where High Expectations and Social-and Emotional Learning are intricately woven into a school and school district’s fabric as a whole. What message do you hope parents take away from your curriculum? I sincerely hope parents who are engaged via the “not impossible/I’m Possible” curriculum” will walk away knowing they too must be intentional about promoting high expectations in the home and family. I empower them to use the resources designed to help their children succeed in school and life. I encourage them to SHOW UP! I want parents to know if they can pack stadiums and gymnasiums for football and basketball games; they can and should fill the cafeteria, gymnasiums, and auditoriums for PTA meetings and Curriculum night! Very near and dear to my heart is our “Fathers not farther” program, where we empower fathers to “Reflect, Respect, Protect and not Neglect” their children. And many are engaged in the educational process of their children. Research shows that Black Fathers are more involved in their children’s daily lives than any other race of men. So we want to increase the advocacy of fathers in particular and all parents in general. Parents must walk away from our sessions knowing their children must be College and Career Ready and must be nurtured in positive environments, where love and high expectations are not exceptions but the rule. Finally, parents who are being coached/trained via our curriculum also walk away knowing their income doesn’t have to be the primary factor determining their child’s outcome. Our “not impossible/I’m Possible” curriculum fosters a mindset of resilience and excellence and gives tangible tools for families to be successful and significant and build a legacy. Why is mental health awareness so important in the lives of our young students? Mental Health Awareness is critical in the lives of our promising pupils, many of whom I inspire and empower are low-income and underrepresented. In many of their communities, mental health awareness is not promoted. In fact, it’s taboo to even talk about it. Therefore, Social Emotional Learning is key for the children and youth I serve nationally and globally. They must know how to recognize their emotions, comprehend them, feel them, and empathize with others. When their mental health is not a priority, they are oppressed, suppressed, depressed, and often destructive. I encourage parents to engage in conversations with their children and check on their well-being. I urge schools to begin each day with wellness checks and tapping into the emotions of our children and youth before tapping into academics. When we focus on the mental health of our children, they will better understand how to cope with the challenges of life overall, and they will be more compassionate and empathetic towards others. I have a program called “Self-I-Care,” which focuses on children and youth, and families being intentional about positive self-talk and empowering themselves to make their mental health a priority. This must begin at an early age and become a part of the culture and climate of every school district. What is next for Mr. Im Possible? Next for “Mr. I’m Possible” is expanding our Virtual Learning Curriculum to reach many more Pupils, Educators, and Parents (P.E.P. Rally Plan) on a digital platform. While we can’t realistically get to every district physically, we can do so via virtual learning. In addition, I’m looking forward to expanding my coaching and training for speakers and doing more inspiring and empowering in the Entertainment Industry. Finally, I’ll be working on a “Fathers not farther” book to empower even more dads.

How can parents and teachers get involved with your program in their schools? Teachers and Parents can get involved with our programs by encouraging their respective districts to bring my team and me to inspire and empower. They can do this via or keithlbrown.comOnce I’m in a district, teachers and parents will have access to our resources, in-person and virtual empowerment sessions, and ongoing coaching and training. What is your definition of a Man Who Hustles? My definition of a man who hustles is as follows: One who has a tenacious work ethic and believes in sweat equity by utilizing all of his God-given gifts and legally doing what it takes to expand his impact, influence, and income, while not allowing negative people or circumstances to derail him. As men who hustle, we awaken every morning and go to bed every night, thinking about how we can effectively and efficiently be “the head of our families by using our heads and hearts to better our families and communities.” And we turn those thoughts into action! We HUSTLE (Help, Understand, Serve, Transform, Lead, and Empower) with purpose on purpose while building a legacy!!!

IG/TikTok: keithlbrown_ Facebook: keithlbrown1911 and keithlbrown/mriampossible. Twitter: keithlbrown1911 YouTube: keithlbrown1911

Bringing In A New York State Of Mind While Celebrating Freedom And Black Travel In Liberia Africa has always been seen as a wealth of knowledge, industry, and the heart of Black culture. New York natives, Saqar Ahhah Ahershu and Den Tut Rayay, are on a mission to spread more awareness of not only Africa but of Liberia. Liberia is a country of West Africa that borders Sierra Leone, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire. More than 15,000 freed and free-born black people who faced social and legal oppression in the U.S. and 3,198 AfroCaribbeans, relocated to Liberia between 18221861.

love with West Africa. Then, after learning Liberia’s narrative we were absolutely blown away. Who knew there was a WHOLE country founded by African Americans and why is this story so hidden?" Why is it important for you to spread awareness about Liberian culture? "Liberian culture is empowering and it's a part of some of the greatest accomplishments of African Americans. Such accomplishments are founding the first Black Republic on the continent of Africa (2nd behind Haiti); and that the first African American President was JJ Roberts, not President Obama. Then to learn about the 16 tribes that welcomed us home because these are our brothers and sisters that opened that door for us while so many others had not thought about us. The culture of Liberia will

Liberia was the first African country to reclaim its independence. These fascinating facts of history excited Saqar Ahhah Ahershu and Den Tut Rayay. The two men decided to create the Journey Home Festival in Liberia. Not only are they exploring the richness of Liberian culture but the Festival is also in celebration of Juneteenth. What better place to celebrate the freedom from slavery than in the first independent country of West Africa? Between June 17-26, 2022 travelers can experience sightseeing, music, shopping and much more. The culture filled festival will highlight the diverse offerings of Liberia and also the labor of love from Saqar and Den Tut. We sat down with the two distinguished gentlemen of culture and history. Here’s what they shared about Liberia, the Journey Home Festival, and more: What was the motivation behind your travel from NY to Liberia?

"After visiting Senegal and The Gambia we fell in

be seen by tourists because it is more than an urban community. The key to our mission is to also educate others of our ancestral arrival to the Liberian Country in 1822 to acquire the first Black and free state." What inspired the creation of the Journey Home Festival? "A friend of ours named Bamba sparked the initial creation. We met him at a festival we organized in Atlanta and he told us that we should organize something similar in Senegal. From there this guy was on top of us for months about traveling over to Senegal. So right when we were about to travel, we were brainstorming names and Den Tut Rayay came up with “The Journey Home Festival”. The rest is history!" To connect with Saqar Ahhah Ahershu and Den Tut Rayay please visit The duo can also be followed on Instagram as @journeyhomefestival.


AARON JOHNSON Some people are born with an undeniable ability of unique creativity and Aaron Avont Johnson has proven this philosophy to be true. Driven, Creative, Motivated and Tenacious are just a few words to describe this Millennial Brilliant Writer and Director. As a child prodigy by the age of 9 years old, his quest to build a media empire encompasses everything from writing films to producing them. Born and raised in Miami FL, the city’s cultural diversities have laid the foundation for Aaron’s artistic proclivities and powerful creations. Making over 23 film projects, two sold-out off-broadway shows, and Television scripts that impact the minds and emotions of his viewers, his influential style of filmmaking is a visual representation of his talents. His gift of immaculate storytelling has propelled his career forward. Aaron has won numerous awards from film festivals and honorary platforms. During the London International Filmmaker Festival in London England, Aaron won two awards for his powerful feature film “Lost”. He also landed a global distribution deal for the said film at the age of 17. Aaron’s achievements have allotted him opportunities to be honored alongside the likes of Ava Duvernay, Harry Belafonte and Bishop T. D. Jakes.

He has been highlighted by several media outlets such as Madamenoire, Essence Magazine, 40 under 40, Black Enterprise, NBC and Wave 3 and etc. With a growing fan base of loyal supporters, his vision is to leave a lasting legacy that changes the world of individuals through storytelling. Aaron’s goal is to share his original content with various Television networks to inspire, bring awareness and diversity to the Industry. When did you develop your passion for film and media? It all started when I was 9 years old. My mom was trying to figure out how to create a slideshow on her old laptop and I took it over to do it for her. I created her slideshow and developed a love for editing and creating. Over the next couple of years, my parents and I created my production company and started producing content. Since then, we have produced short films, features, TV pilots, stage plays, scripted content, non-scripted content, etc. After creating 23 films, what has been the message you hope viewers take away from each film?

Well, the message for each film varies, however, all in all, I hope someone leaves inspired by it. Inspiration can change our lives in many different ways and give us a new perspective on life. For example, in my film "Lost", I wanted people to have more compassion for homeless people. If you look at the film, we see a young man who experienced something tragic that steered his life on a different path. With my recent project "Predestined" I want people who watch it to understand that forgiveness and love can conquer all.

Where do you see your brand in the next 3-5 years? I see my brand over the next 3 to 5 years expanding to the television market. Outside of film, I want to expand to show running my own TV shows and opening a door for new creators. Along with that, I see a lot of work with youth and inspiring the next generation of creators to follow their dreams.

What is your definition of a Man Who Hustles? In my opinion, a "man who hustles" is a man who is persistent, courageous, strong, and can endure. On your journey to success, there will be problems and tests that will come to stop you. It is important to remember that if God has given you a dream, he intends for you to carry it out. So keep on going and know the only way you can fail is by stopping.

@aaronavontjohnson @predestinedtheseries PredestinedTheSeries

Zack Peter of Popular Pop Culture Show #No Filter with Zack Peter By Celebrity Writer, Jules Lavallee Zack Peter is a pop-culture junkie turned published author, leading podcaster, and ultimate tea spilling professional. You can catch his signature wit and gift-of-gab as host of #NoFilter with Zack Peter — an Apple Top 100 podcast, serving you the hottest reality tv news, three times a week. He’s built the show from a podcast into a popular YouTube channel, go-to Instagram account (@nofilterwithzack), and a buzz-worthy line of #NoFilter Wine. Often sourced in US Weekly, Daily Mail, People, & Page Six, amongst others, he’s even been featured on Bravo’s Vanderpump Rules and Summer House. How did you break into the entertainment business? Mostly by trying to bang-down every door I could get in front of! Until I realized, there are windows, and those are a lot easier to break! The “traditional” entertainment work is not easy to break into. But luckily with social media, I was able to tap into a new market that ultimately helped me build the platforms I have today. So it’s really about staying resilient and finding new and creative ways to get seen! Tell us about how you started your popular pop culture show, #No Filter with Zack Peter. I started about 7 years ago — way before podcasting was what it is today.

Everyone and their grandma has a podcast now! It really happened on a whim. I was doing stand-up and making videos on YouTube when I came across a podcast studio that was looking for new talent. I didn’t really understand podcasts and was initially against the idea — “I’m an on-camera talent,” I would tell myself. However, I enjoyed listening to Tim Ferris on my way to work and it seemed like untapped territory, so I decided, why not? I told myself I’d give it a try for two-years and if it didn’t work out, then nobody would even notice or care. And if it did work out, then great! It took a lot of learning and failing and rebuilding and failing again, and rebuilding it yet again to really find my groove. But I think that journey ultimately paid off in the end. I’ve seen many people jump into the game now and skyrocket to the top (which, great for them),


but I’ve always kept my eye on the end-game. I’m playing for longevity, not quick success. I’m a fine piece of meat in a slow-cooker; not some McDonald’s Big Mac fresh out the freezer! Who are a few of your favorite guests? It changes all the time because I have such great conversations with people! One of my all-time favorites would have to be my 100th episode with Jenny McCarthy. Mainly because we’ve worked together for so long and she’s been like a mentor to me, so it was nice to really just sit her down, pick her brain, and talk about life. I’ve also had many great conversations with a lot of our favorite reality stars. I really got them to open up, like chatting with Lala Kent about sobriety and insecurity, or Scheana Shay about her miscarriage, Cherie Chan about grief and healing, Margaret Josephs about business and getting sued, and more. I love getting people we know and showcasing them on a real human level. Who inspires you? I would say that young version of myself that envisioned the life I have today. As a kid that didn’t come from much and fought very hard for every opportunity I’ve had access to. I always had big dreams and always believed in myself. So, now, whenever I doubt myself, I remember that kid that had such a hunger for life and I channel that ambition. I think it’s important. And, of course, I think I have to say, the women in my life — my mother, my grandmothers, and my aunts. They really taught me

How to be strong, how to be resourceful, and have to have a really good work ethic. I always look to them for strength and motivation. What does it take to succeed in the entertainment business today? Tenacity. You’ll get a lot of rejection and it’ll weigh on you. But you have to stay focused on your end-game and keep pushing forward, knowing that no matter how many times you hear “no,” there will be some yeses along the way! You just have to stay the course. How important is giving back to you? I think it’s crucial. It keeps you sane and keeps the world in perspective. My background is in fundraising. I helped run Jenny McCarthy’s foundation for nearly a decade. I started when I was 16, volunteering my time, which eventually led to my role as her Executive Director before I pivoted into podcasting full-time. It was initially inspired by my brother, Ethan, who has autism. We did a lot of work to support families like my own, providing them access to medical treatment (covering doctor visits with specialists, lab testing, nutritional counseling), producing affordable conferences for families, and helping them improve their quality of life. It’s probably some of the most important work I’ll ever do and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to give back.

CORNELL MARTIN Cornell Martin is a Husband, Father, Grandfather, Pastor, Community Organizer, and former owner of Martin’s Masonry Inc. for 40 years. Cornell has served on many boards throughout the city while trying to enhance the Huntsville, Madison County community, which led him to start Operation Clean Streets and a Community Neighborhood Watch initiative. Cornell is the Founder and CEO of a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization entitled, Chill Huntsville and Stop the Violence in Huntsville, AL, and Chill Talk podcast which is dedicated to those that may be thinking about committing a crime. In addition to being the founder and CEO of a non-profit organization, he operates a podcast called, Vent-Stration. The Vent-Stration Podcast is a place where one can vent their frustrations by calling in on a live podcast. Cornell loves the work that he does now in serving others and the community, since retiring from the construction industry. Every Sunday, you can find Pastor Martin at his church in Tennessee or preaching eulogies 2-3 times a month. Every Friday you can find Cornelll and his non-profit organization, Chill Huntsville and Stop the Violence feeding the homeless and the helpless throughout the City of Huntsville, Alabama.

What inspired his start in entrepreneurship, especially in the Non-profit sector working with "Chill Huntsville"? Entrepreneurship runs in the blood of the Martin men. We found it senseless to make someone else rich, while we were receiving above minimum wage. The second part to this question Chill Huntsville and Stop the Violence was started with no incentive of being non-profit or for-profit. The desire was to help bring awareness to crime in our city that had escalated or gotten out of hand. So I decided to step up and use my street savvy to help talk to gang members and target some of the rough areas of our city to speak to citizens in various communities about crime escalation.

What services and programs are currently offered through this initiative? We started, by going to crime scenes and talking to family members trying to console them, and being an advocate for them. We also would take food, water, chairs, and tents to help with family members' visits. I also attended funerals to show moral support. I have spoken at many seminars and group gatherings to share my knowledge about what we could do to help stop crime in the city.

We started out picking up donations from various grocery stores to feed the homeless. We currently feed the elderly and those who are suffering from physical illness in my community once a month. Three times a month we visit homes of the elderly apartments such as Willow Run Seventh Day Adventist Tower. We service The First Seventh-Day Adventist tower on Vernona Avenue in the City of Huntsville. We have had an annual chill-out cookout in the park for several hundreds of people once a year in June. How can the community of Huntsville get involved? Without the help of the community, I wouldn't be able to spread myself as I do without the help of community members. The community can get involved by helping us serve the people that we help. Donations and grants are always welcomed. We need funding in a bad way. How do you balance entrepreneurship and your initiatives while focusing on your ministry?

As of now, I am retired from the masonry industry. I'm a full-time pastor and my church is in Tennessee. I juggle my time between family, church, community, and working the 501c3. I have days that I do ministry including, working on sermons, visiting the hospitals the nursing homes, as well as, preaching funerals in the city of Pulaski, TN, and in Huntsville, Alabama. What message do you hope others take away from your platform? I want people to take me seriously about what I am doing. I have been at this since February 1, 2018. I have devoted time, efforts, monies, and elect of certain things in order to keep this 501c3 up and running. I want people of this community to know that crime is escalating and I want to bring more awareness to what is happening, Hopefully we will join forces and work together. I want Chill Huntsville and Stop the Violence to become a household name in the City of Huntsville and as it grows, develop Chill Decatur, Chill Athens and beyond, to the surrounding area's of Huntsville, AL.

Email Addresses:

ART BRAD Art Brad has over 25 successful years of International and Enterprise business experience that includes Technology, Entertainment, Education, Sports, and


Health. Areas of strength that have allowed for his consistent success include a positive attitude, selfconfidence, honesty, and being a team player. Many have described Art as an exceptional professional with extensive experience in building lasting business relationships and the ability to motivate plus drive


people to reach their goals. Art displays an amazing ability to manage change while empowering others to foster teamwork and provide motivational support in order to establish focus. While overseeing a robust portfolio of companies that were clients to


manufacturing giants and Network Communication Providers, like Avaya, Teleglobe Communications Corporations, and Windstream Holdings, Art was the driving force in reaching over one hundred million dollars in sales contracts. The revenue was generated primarily by implementing company initiatives that


included design, building, Voice/Data networks, and managed services for businesses worldwide, including a targeted 90 percent of the FORTUNE 500. These companies also had a large focus on secure and reliable Internet protocol (IP) telephony systems, communications software applications, and services.

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What inspired your start in entrepreneurship? Honestly, entrepreneurship is a part of my DNA. My grandmother was an entrepreneur and had several businesses she would operate outside of being active in the church. My mother is a physician and she has always had her own private practice after finishing medical school and working with professional athletes and my wife who is the backbone of our family and my business partner, she helps me keep my day organized and makes sure things are relaxing and runs smoothly with all of our businesses. I am truly blessed to have always been surrounded by strong black businesswomen. When did you discover your passion for Technology, Entertainment, Education, Sports, and Health? For the past 30 years, I have operated in the technology space consulting top Fortune 500 companies and maintaining high-end “named accounts” and negotiating business contracts. Education for young children is my love space. I have worked with the youth before and after I graduated from college with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science, so my passion is to inspire young black men to know better and to do better by working hard in school. Also, being a father of two young women myself, it’s important that young women remain confident and continue to follow their passion and dreams. My love for football started many moons ago in Pop Warner Football and continue through my college career at Morgan State University. I was born into a family of Professional Boxers. My father and uncles were Professional Boxers and my favorite fighter is Muhammad Ali. Today, I just enjoy watching the game and cheering the young men on the field, and working with legendary boxers. My plate from PunchByPunch Boxing is a great place on Clubhouse to get to know the fighters up front and personally. Allowing them to tell their stories about how they got started with boxing. Last, my love for Health and Wellness is what true wealth is me and my wife operate Grow Out Oils a Clinical Aromatherapy Company that manufactures health and wellness products for physicians,

dermatologists, licensed professionals, and holistic practitioners, and resorts and spas. During Covid, our company had more physicians looking for alternative products for patients who wanted natural holistic products for at-home use. So, we formulate and create labels and packaging that represent our client's brand and retail space. What has been the most rewarding and challenging part of your career thus far? The rewarding part is working with the youth and being able to help other professionals create opportunities to build generational wealth. Challenges are the ways in which you view changes that need to be made in order to keep being productive. My mindset is to push through uncomfortable moments so that you can enjoy the accomplishments on the other side. What message do you hope men take away from your work? My message to other men is to keep working towards your passion and desires. Don’t allow life's ups and downs to discourage you from following your dreams. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals will help you achieve the desires of your heart. Let go and be great. Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years? Since 2013 me and my team have been working silently on building my brand to get us to this point where we have true recognition within the Professional Boxing Community. Our goal is to highlight the legends who paid the way in the sport so that young men and women have a positive outline to launch their careers in boxing and do it in a successful manner.


FREDRICK BEATY (Born Fredrick Lamar Beaty) found the love of writing early in childhood. He cites the great Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, and a host of other comic book writers as his influences. As an adult he traveled between Georgia and California, settling in California for a while. He eventually moved back to Georgia to focus again on music, but the writing was something he could not resist. He started back writing short stories and poems. "Broken Chains" was his first published work as an independent author in 2017. He has also coauthored 4 other books and released “The Road Less Traveled” in 2019, and released "Tapestry….The Interwoven Soul" in 2022. He also hosts The Author's Alley radio show powered by TrailBlazerz Radio, his flagship radio station. He also contributes to Aspiring Authors Magazine's Facebook page as an editor and a contributing writer. He is also a proud Navy Veteran, serving from 1990 to 1993. His writing can also be found on his personal blog at

My love for writing was something that started in elementary school and was cultivated in high school. I was fascinated by writers like Stan Lee, Alan Moore, and so many others on how they could take established comic characters and humanize them. I realized after I published "Broken Chains" that there was a serious and sincere message in the gift that Yahweh has bestowed on me. I've literally been writing ever since.

Can you reflect on the exact moment you developed your love for writing? When did you really realize that you possessed a gift that should be shared with others?

You have written and co-authored several books, what message do you hope readers take away from your work?

You are a navy veteran, how did the military influence your creativity and work ethic as an entrepreneur and writer? The military experience showed me that I could aspire to be more than what I was and it showed me the limitless potential I had at the time for growth. It instilled in me the drive to succeed not only as a writer, it also instilled the right mindset and work ethic to be successful in both areas. I fall back on the things the military taught me because those skills and ideas are transferable.

My message had always been a singular one initially, but became multidirectional and multifaceted as I have grown as a writer, and become much more aware of my purpose. The message is to push for social change by allowing my vulnerability to show in the words I write. By being open and sharing that most intimate part of me, I hope that people that read my books look into themselves and be the change that they desire to see. What does it mean to be a Man Who Hustles? Wow!!! This is a great question and one I had never truly thought about. Most people associate Hustle with money. Not how I see it. A Man Who Hustles is a man that is armed with the tools, knowledge, and skills to be a positive impact. To be a Man Who Hustles means to always be present at any moment. It also means using your abilities, skills, and knowledge to be the change that he desires. This Hustle is never for monetary gains, it is for knowledge, and the passing of that knowledge to the next generation.

Social Media Handles: Facebook: Fredrick Beaty, TrailBlazerz Radio (also on Facebook) Instagram: @mr_beaty and trailblazerzradio Website:

George Blakeney Jr, Professional Basketball Player Shows Why "YOU CAN" Foundation is a Slam Dunk BY JULES LAVALLEE

George Blakeney Jr is a professional basketball player internationally and a venture capitalist. George is a product of Tarboro High class of 2009 and The University of North Carolina at Pembroke class of 2013, has been making his mark on the world. With over six years following college, currently as a professional basketball player, he has played and competed in nine countries, won a championship in Peru, and most recently led the Patriots of Rwanda to qualify for the NBA Africa League. George Blakeney Jr has always dedicated his time and efforts to seeing the next generation succeed in life. He holds faith and love to his heart dearly. While seeing the world, he always counts his blessing and realizes how fortunate we are to live and have the necessities we have also. The You Can Foundation is only step one of what’s next for him. Share a pivotal moment in your life when you said, I CAN. A pivotal moment in my life when I said I CAN is when I was younger and someone close to me said I why you want to do that, You can't do that, you know what you need to do all of that, and from then on out I maybe even before that, I been accomplishing everything with God's grace since. It's only fuel for me. What is it about basketball that you enjoy? How has it shaped your life? I enjoy playing for the fans but ultimately playing in different countries with my name on the back of my jersey representing my family and myself. I really enjoy the diversity of the game and how at the end of the day, the more people you can reach through your play, they become much more interested in you. Tell us about the You Can Foundation. It has shaped my life in many ways i can't explain but especially being accepting of many different cultures and how people operate within their place of living. You hear so much about certain people but I don't judge but I accept and love. So once you do that, then your entire outlook on life changes and you become a student. The You Can Foundation is all about helping students achieve and accomplish their goals and dreams throughout any adversity they face. We believe that each student has the greatness and the growth qualities within themselves to accomplish anything. We just serve as a catalyst to guiding them to unlocking that inner greatness inside. What creative methods are used to create hope and equip children with principles and skills? The Creative Methods we use are Education, Sports, Community, Events/Forums, Spirituality, Wellness/Mental Health. Through all of these components,

we create fun and informative events that last a lifetime so that the student understands the importance or gains more intellect that they had no clue about to help them navigate through life now and for the future. Generally, a lot of people suffer due to the lack thereof. And a step further, when they learn about something, we don't necessarily know how to apply it, which leads to a deeper whole to climb out of. So, it's our job to help these students on all levels of understanding and take the next steps on doing so. Why are children coming to the You Can Foundation? Children are coming to the You Can Foundation because it's fresh, it's new, and you have a phenomenal individual such as myself relating to the youth. I was in their shoes, I play basketball so the attraction is there as soon as I walk in standing 6'10. And honestly, Is everything truly possible? 100000000%, if you believe and attain the proper backing and form the correct relationships, solely relationships not with the premise of what would I get from it, but from the place of naturally 2 people believing, liking, forming a friendship, that furthermore leads to that person doing anything in their power to helping you succeed. Whether it's financial, recommendation, being on site, reading information, knowing what they offer, gives that student a better outlook on everything. The hosting college that has the sisterly connection with a lot of universities has it setup to where a bridge program is in place if they come through that college.

officialyoucanfoundation You Can Foundation

MR. PERSPECTIVE Article By: Chandra Gore

Comedian and Host Doug Bennett is known as Mr. Perspective specializes in speaking from a universal perspective and representing thoughts that sometimes invoke criticism and pointed conversations. His direct style of comedy is oftentimes seen as harsh but is needed in a world that shuns criticism labeling it as ‘Hating”. Doug is focused on hustling smarter and not harder to reach the top. "Food for thought...Scrape the plate." - Doug Bennett

What inspired your start in comedy? Well, I have always been told I was entertaining and should be on stage somewhere, but I rejected that notion. I always felt that as a comedian no one would take me seriously plus I have PTSD from the whoopings I used to get for being the class clown. But a woman I was dating at the time saw how I had the entire restaurant laughing on our date. So she made a bet with me to go to an open mic and if I do well I have to pursue it if not I'll never hear about it from her again. Well, I went to an open mic in Bethesda MD. And received a standing ovation and the rest is history as they say. What keeps you motivated? Well I have been thru a lot in my life and I know a lot of people say that.... just know they all are lying they ain't been through anything lol. No, what motivates me is knowing that I will succeed in spite of all the obstacles in life that did their best to make me fall and stay down. Also to be in a financial position to take care of all those I love. What do you feel is missing from the comedy industry? I have been a fan of comedy since I was "sleeping" waiting for my Mom to leave for I could stay up with my brother and watch Eddie Murphy whether Raw or Delirious (and use some jokes at school....which ultimately added to my "PTSD" ) But watching comedy since then I believe changes in society have contributed to the changes in comedy. I believe society as a whole has gotten to a point where we look to be offended as opposed to understanding. So it has had a reverberating effect....


so now it taints the originality, edginess, and raw honesty that is what made comedy such an entertaining and engaging genre. So now what we see are people who are carbon copies of what they feel is successful instead of being sincerely and authentically themselves and resting in the fact that success will find them. In your opinion what makes a great comedian? A great comedian is someone who can draw the crowd in and not force their way on them but coerce them into seeing the world thru their eyes and putting them in a position to relate to the comedian but also to relate to themselves. We live in a world where being yourself is frowned upon especially if it upsets the status quo. So a comedian should make it a safe place not just for him or herself but for all that came to see them. Because it is an escape from reality to see reality for the realness that it is and not what society tells us it is. Why are you a Man Who Hustles? Because only one person can be lazy in the relationship and unfortunately that CAN NOT be the man. No, I am a man who Hustles because I am living off the fruits of those who sowed before me. So it is my responsibility to sow these seeds for the generations to follow to enjoy the fruits of my labor and so on and so forth. It's about realizing that my life is the answer to someone else's problems. So paying it forward. My old pastor said, "If you take an apple and ask the apple tree what it tastes like it won't have an answer because its fruit is NOT for them." So that's why I hustle cause it's not for me.

He is also the host of the podcast Conversations with Comedians - a fastgrowing show that provides a wide range of topics from comedy, politics, society & culture with some of America's hottest comedians. Bringing a Comedic take on a wide range of topics from comedy, Politics, Entertainment, Urban Culture, and Music.

Facebook Link: rspective Instagram Link: dians/



Hey Carter! Books latest release, Fros, Braids, Fades & Waves, highlights the hair journey of Black boys in a fun and encouraging way. We typically see literature showcasing different hairstyles for Black girls, which is why this book stands out. The vibrant illustrations by Starvos Pierce make Dr. Thomishia’s words come to life. Every shade and style of Blackness is perfectly represented. Parents of Black boys everywhere need this book in their child’s hands. In addition to the book, Dr. Thomishia Booker is focused on building self-identity and confidence in young Black and Brown kids,

In creating intentional steps to ensure that Black children are represented in educational spaces and parents have the tools they need to be the best at the most important job they will ever have. In order for people to believe they can achieve, they have to see someone they can relate to already achieving it. Her gentle parenting approach is laced with compassion and cultural and clinical training. The wealth of knowledge and experience she possesses will greatly benefit communities of color.

What inspired this book, "Fros, Braids, Fades & Waves"? My brand is primarily focused on Black boys and I am always looking for ways to tell the stories of Black boys. Most of my ideas come from real experiences with my son. Last year, Carter told us he wanted to change his hair. There were a lot of opinions about him no longer having his curls and people projecting their fears onto us. We were excited for him and felt it was important to embrace his autonomy. We showed him a variety of different hairstyles and let him choose which style he liked best. He finally decided on a mohawk fade. He looked so handsome and you could tell he felt confident especially since he chose his own hairstyle. The book celebrates Black boy hairstyles and the confidence Black boys have in wearing their hair how they choose. Why do you believe the journey of the young black man's hair is not something we talk about? Why is the conversation essential? Black parents typically decide for their children how they will wear their hair at a very young age. In most cases, Black boys get their hair cut short and Black girls keep their hair long. We place value on Black girl’s hair early on. This can be viewed as the beginning of a Black girl’s hair journey, especially since the maintenance of a Black girl’s hair is more complex in comparison. We are seeing more and more Black boys/men choosing to wear their hair in longer natural styles. Even with shorter hairstyles, Black boys are faced with the challenge of conforming to European standards of beauty. What can we do to boost confidence in young black men concerning their hair? We can help boost their confidence by showing them positive reflections of themselves in books, toys, and media. Let them see leading Black characters with big afros, long locs, or braids. Create hair care lines specifically for Black boys and support them in their hair care journey. Allowing space for Black men/boys to embrace their curls and coils. All of this can help boost their confidence, but it will continue to be an area of need unless we see shifts in race-based hair discrimination and the weaponization of Black hair. What message do you hope families take away from this book? My books are written for Black children and speak life into them through affirmations. I know that Black families will read my stories and feel connected to the message. With that being said, I want non-Black families to see the joy that lives in little Black boys. I want them to see our hair as a symbol of strength, power, and rich culture. More importantly I want them to engage in a dialogue in their homes about hair differences and respect.

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