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MAY 2021

A Family Beauty Empire in the Making

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ALPHABET DREAMS By: Natashia Hagans

YOU ARE WORTHY By: Rosie Basquin


Founder/CEO Jakia Cheatham - Myles WWW.PRETTYWOMENHUSTLE.COM

PWH SPOTLIGHT Written by: Jakia Cheatham

Jameice Hill is a 22-year-old CEO. From Detroit, Michigan as the youngest child, she often dreamed of a better life for herself and her family. Jameice is a musician and dancer and a graduate of Cass Tech HS, Miles College (finishing early in 3 years) and now studies at Wayne State University, pursuing her Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice. At 19 years old, she lived out of state at Miles and struggled hard. Jameice had to figure out a way to support herself that would also help others prompting her to create Mink’d Cosmetics (MC). MC was developed in October 2018 out of her college dorm room at Miles, selling mink eyelashes to students who couldn’t drive to the beauty supply store. MC quickly became a household name on campus for the next two years and flourished. After graduating from Miles, Mink’d Cosmetics is now ran from home, selling makeup, accessories, and selfdefense items for women. The brand is also looking to expand even further with a building space. To date, Mink’d Cosmetics currently has products circulating in 19 states plus overseas in Germany. What does entrepreneurship mean to you? Entrepreneurship is creating projects or a brand itself that makes you happy. It’s doing what you wanna do and flourishing off of it on your own terms. A lot of people work jobs they don’t like or do things they don’t wanna do when they really can enjoy life. I always encourage people to be their own boss and direct their own path. What inspired the name Mink’d Cosmetics? I first started out selling only mink eyelashes. I originally called my business Mink’d by Meice as a play on words. I didn’t think I’d expand to anything else back then. As I sold more beauty products for women, I changed it to Mink’d Cosmetics.

Jameice Hill Mink’d was birthed out of a time of struggle for you while in college. How did that experience shape you as a business owner? The experience really put me in dog mode, and as a businesswoman, it made me a force to be reckoned with. At that time, I was down so bad, not even realizing it was shaping me into a boss. All of the people who turned their heads to me then wanna mooch off of my success now. Since I started my brand, I never let my foot off the gas. It’s made me put my best foot forward to learn the ins and outs of business and have a brand that makes consistent money. Your brand has become a household name, offering a wide variety of products for women. What’s next for Mink’d cosmetics? Expansion! In a few forms at that. I’m looking for a building space right now so that I can open up my first official store. I’m also dropping an apparel line this summer on top of reaching a wider audience overseas. I’m shooting to be known in Italy this year.

What advice do you have for someone wanting to start a business while attending college? Do it. Make a solid plan, and do it. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket starting out because that’ll set you back. For example, I started out only selling eyelashes, and I kept myself in that box for a while until people started asking for lash glue or tweezers in a bundle. Don’t limit yourself to just one thing, and don’t try to do a million things all at one time. People are gonna tell you not to do what makes you happy. It won’t work.No one will support you. You don’t know what you’re doing. But it’s your vision and your life. Promote, promote, promote. Network with others. Who you know and being known through word of mouth will help you excel. The no’s are always gonna come before the yes’s. Don’t be discouraged about anything. Be your brand’s biggest fan. If people you know don’t support you, don’t ever trip because there are over 7 billion people in the world waiting to shop with you. Think big, and you’ll achieve big. You got this.

Jameice Hill

BOSSED UP AND NOWHERE TO GO: A COVID SUCCESS STORY Let’s face it. I’m tired of this virus. I want to raw dog the air again. I want to hug people I love in public. I want to eat at buffets...wait, maybe we can skip on that, but you get my point. We’re tired of being tired, and a lot of us have cabin fever. However, for most of us, this downtime has been great for starting a business or a dream that we’ve always had. Jakara Brown, better known as Queen J, Ms. “You had me at lashes,” if you nasty, is no stranger to the effects that COVID has played not only on our physical but mental well-being, just as equally. Twenty-five years old, no children, her brother as her bestie for life, gets her style often imitated, but no one can bring it like the Queen, honey bee! This young woman’s desire, passion, and most importantly, her selflessness in wanting to heal others is truly why I’m honored to sit down with her and share her story. I have personally used her products. Her anxiety candle, lip scrub kits, and 24K gold essential oil are the go-to must-haves of the season. Jakara! My love, thank you so much for sitting down with me and doing this interview for Pretty Women Hustle Magazine! I want our readers to know you before we talk about all of your amazing products. Tell us about yourself and where you grew up. “Thank you so much, L. Renee’ for this opportunity. I truly appreciate being given a chance to highlight my business on a national level. This is so amazing. To answer your question, I grew up in a small town called Charles City in Virginia. Not a whole lot to do growing up, but I always knew there was something bigger out there for me, and I moved differently and thought differently than most of the girls my age, so I didn’t really have a large group of girlfriends to hang out with until I moved to Richmond which allowed me to blossom and come out of my shell a bit more.”

By: L Renee Chubb

I certainly understand growing up in a small town. The one thing that got me through was school. Did you find school to be an outlet for you? “I absolutely did. I have two degrees. I double-majored in English and Music Education. The second time, I majored in Business Management, which has helped me tremendously grow my Beauty by Queen J brand. I highly encourage anyone seriously looking to go into business for themselves to take some business management or entrepreneurship courses. This is not for the faint of heart!” I can definitely concur with you on that, Jakara, and I commend you for educating yourself to be a better business owner for yourself and the people you serve. It shows. Talk to us about where your love of beauty and fashion started. “In a small town, it was pretty hard to stand out. Everyone around me was always into and wearing the same things because we didn’t have many choices for stores. I decided to start making my own wigs, then I moved to accessories, clothes, and I even tried my hand at my own cosmetics. I’ve always strived to be different, and if you’ve ever gone against the grain in a small town, you know how challenging that can be, especially at a young age.”

Wow! How impressive is that! At that age, I was putting random keys on big hoop earrings and wearing all black. LOL! So obviously, you had the sense to create a business. How did you come up with the name Beauty by Queen J? Is there some significance to that? “There absolutely was a very strong intention behind the name. I wanted every girl, woman, auntie, glam-ma, mom, sister, sistah, niece, what have you, to feel like a Queen. My brand is all about embracing your inner Queen and beauty. Something we as Black women need to do more of for ourselves and each other.”

You know what, Jakara? I always say, “We all we got.” I love it! Tell us how you remain successful and your specific keys to success. “The biggest key for me has been believing in myself. That’s not always an easy thing to do. We can easily give love so selflessly to others and often neglect ourselves. I knew going in I wanted it to be different for me and my business/brand.” Kudos to you! Most people spend years trying to decide what they want to be when they grow up, so to speak. Knowing what you want for your business, I’m sure you have future goals for your brand. “Right now, Beauty by Queen J is an online boutique. We do offer local pick-up and online shipping to all 50 states. I want to eventually open a storefront/retail location in local cities in Virginia. That’s my ultimate end game goal.”

Game on, sis! Now let’s talk about the products that make up this well organized and thought out brand. What are your top-selling products and the reason behind their popularity with your customers? “ My best selling products are my 24K gold serum, which you have sold out of at Stewart Boutique, and my lip scrubs. They both contain natural ways to exfoliate the skin and/or your lips. Everyone is always talking about how much they love how their skin feels after they use these two products.”

You recently launched a new brand, Ashon’s Crystals, focused on energy crystals and healing. Talk to me about that because I’ve purchased the anxiety candle you guys, and let me tell you, it’s better than anything I’ve ever been prescribed in a bottle. “When COVID first hit, I was going through a very rough time. I had just got promoted, and the company shut down and l lost my job. There was also a lot of sickness going on in my family. I was very depressed and didn’t want to see a doctor, so I started looking into other methods of making myself feel better. I got very heavy into metaphysical and spiritual items. The energy I received from the crystals and other items was an automatic mood changer. When I got more familiar with the products, I opened Ashon’s crystal bar so they could help others the same way it helped me.” What is your favorite item or the item that helps you the most in your new crystal line? “My favorite and best-selling item is my Sleep Well & Prosper candles. It’s a candle blend I used to help fall asleep instead of staying up all night mad at the world. Sleep Well & Prosper candles are to aid in falling asleep and manifesting money and are great for those with sleep issues such as insomnia. It is infused and topped with Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Labradorite, Lavender, Sage, Physalis, and Chamomile.” I definitely love the lip scrub and the serum, as I keep these in stock at the shop! Do you have any upcoming promotions, specials, or sales that people can take advantage of? “For Valentine’s Day 2022, we will be launching a new line of lip glosses, facial serum, and even hair bundles. We’re expanding our brand, and I couldn’t be more thrilled at the progression and support from all of my first-time clients all the way to the ones who have been with me since I sold my first jar of serum.” As we close out this article, what advice do you have for beauty brands just starting out? “Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Even if there’s a reason why you shouldn’t do something, there are a million and one reasons why you should. Always believe in yourself and never give up.” Thank you so much for letting us into your space, Queen J. Where can people connect with you? You can connect with me on Instagram @beautybyqueenj or on Facebook @Jakara Brown.


Your dreams are goals that are amazing A is aim for change B means it’s big, bold, and branded C means hold your dreams with care but be cautious D is for dreams are delightful and draws your potential from within E is for dreams are exceptional F means it holds favor G means your dreams are great H means it should make you feel happy I is forinnocence J means your dreams make your heart filled with joy K means you are touched with kindness L means you are touched with love M means you are big and magnificent N means don’t be nonchalant about your dreams O means to dream openly P means to dream with pure passion Q means to execute your dreams without question R means your dreams are filled with raves S is for special and spectacular without speculation T means dreams become terrific during the turmoil U is for beyond unique V means your dream has a loud inner voice W means to make your dreams a wish that became true X means no one can make a xerox copy of your dreams; they’re yours Y means dreams are huge, so say yes Z means you have a zillion ways to fulfill your dreams


Good Yoni is a private suite dedicated to women’s womb health. We know that your your Yoni (sacred place) is key to a more balanced, healthy and overall happier life. We have herbal blends for all kinds of Yoni concerns from menstrual pain or regulation, increased sex drive to simply relaxation

Services:: Yoni feminine washes oils herbs seats Book a party at our facility for a girls day/night or we even travel to you


PWH AUTHOR SPOTLIGHTJoyce Timberlake Joyce Timberlake, known nationally as the Cherokee Eagle Lady, is a professional artist, author, and teacher known as one of “The Four Sisters” who publish books and songs. Joyce has been involved in conservation programs for many years. She has had three television series on art, published art magazines, and served as an art critic for several newspapers. She has owned and operated several art galleries and began it all in 1965 when she created the Happy Tree for her children. “The Happy Tree” was copyrighted in 1981. She has also been featured in several national publications. Angelcia Carol Wright is the editor of this book and author of several published books of her own, including the Ghost Ships of the James River . She is the songwriter of the Happy Tree Book Series . Angelcia is also one of the “Four Sisters,” which include Barbara Adkins and Sandra Moore. What inspired you to start writing? It all started when my children were young. Telling them stories and creating drawings allowed me to escape from reality and into the wonderful world of my imagination. I have always been creative with the arts. From paintings to tie-dyed t-shirts with a cute little tree on the front of the shirts. When people started asking, “What‘s the story behind the little tree?” I decided right then to write. I began to write stories about the adventures of the Happy Tree and shared them with my children and their friends. It was an escape from reality for me, and it helped me nurture my own imagination through creativity and the use of the colors involved in my painting.

What message do you hope readers gain from reading your work? My hope is to inspire my readers to become confident in themselves and enjoy the outdoors by planting trees which will improve the health of all of us, especially the health of the earth. I would love to wake up their own imagination to the art of writing and painting. How has your rich history and background influenced your writing? I am an artist. I have provided art classes for students interested in the arts. I have the Happy Tree Club, which has had members state-wide, which teaches the importance of planting all types of trees. With children of all ages interested in my Happy Tree, I was inspired to write story after story because of my involvement in the arts. What is next for your brand? This first published book is called Whoever Heard of a Purple Happy Tree? There are many more books waiting to be published! Each book will introduce a special character along with a different adventure in the life of The Happy Tree as the Happy Tree and the Joy Babies travel through “Timberland” after the Great Fire almost destroyed the whole forest. How can readers connect with you? I can be reached by email – Paintings are online at the following website: (which includes the Happy Tree as well as other works by Joyce Timberlake that are available for purchase).

Nikkia Jones Nikkia N. Jones is the founder and owner of Arlei Natural Beauty. Arlei originated from Nikkia’s son’s middle name, Aric, and her daughter, MarLeigh (Pronounced Mar Lee). She took both names and created Arlei, pronounced ArLay, where they handcraft Activator, Cultivator, Catalyst Trailblazer are amen, few items from head and to toe for women, words that describe young mogul in the making, Carla R. kids, and pets. They provide hand-poured Cannon. Shecandles, is a 9x soaps, International Best-Selling Author and household products. & Entrepreneur on a mission to unlock, unleash and activate women into their purpose from the pulpit to the Arlei Natural Beauty officially launched on marketplace authentically and unapologetically with a May 1, 2020. Starting in the pandemic as a spirit of excellence. drop shipping boutique. Nikkia was on Facebook, and a lady asked if someone could make lipgloss and provide it at a wholesale cost. She immediately said she could do it, and a few days later, after dreaming and consulting with God, she launched her brand. Nikkia’s kids are both kidpreneurs (Daughter 7 and Son 10) who work alongside her, making the lipgloss and body scrubs. Arlei Natural Beauty has proudly grown from 10 products to now over 100 products for men and women.

By: Jakia Cheatham - Myles

Nikkia is grateful for her husband, who has been such an amazing supporter and encourager during this venture. Together they own and operate a trucking company called K5 Logistics, LLC. He manages the structure of the building, finances, orders, etc., while Nikkia produces the products. Her husband supports by giving insight into all products, supporting the household while building the business. Arlei Natural Beauty has thankfully grown so much that they are now expanding, The Jones family wants to continue throughout the years to help each person heal the natural way. As a nurse of six years, she hopes to incorporate her years of learning into natural healing.

What is Ariel Natural Beauty In five words? Natural way to provide skincare. What made you decide on the beauty industry for your family’s business? I am a nurse, and I wanted to incorporate nursing and healing in a non-medicinal way. What is your why? My why is helping people feel better and have hopes for healing without swallowing large amounts of pills. My why is to create products to help with skincare minus the preservatives. What message do you hope women walk away with when they experience your brand? I want women to walk away feeling smooth. If they have pain, painless or controlled pain. If they have dry skin, more moisturized. If they are stressed or have a condition, use my aromatherapy products. If they have sexual needs and desires, use my Heat line. What does your brand currently offer? My brand offers Arlei Natural Beauty the regular line, such as lemon body scrubs or lotions. I also offer a Spa Collection where the products make you relax like you are in a spa and smell like a spa. We also have the Kid Collection, Men Collection, and pet items. We have a sexy line called Arlei Natural Beauty “Heat,” which enhances the bedroom and adds sparks. Can you describe the experience customers receive when coming in contact with your brand? My biggest seller is my pain oil. My customers swear by it and buy it in multiple bottles. I am on a different pedestal with the other items because of my customer service and my ability to help my customers. What advice do you have for new business owners entering the beauty industry? Do your homework and make sure you stand behind what you sell. Make sure that you know what you are selling and believe in your brand. It is okay for family and friends not to support you. Let them look and watch you go to the top. Remain humble and Let Go and Let God. What is next for your company? I look forward to continuing to be a blessing to all who try my products.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman who hustles? I am the definition. I hustled my butt off to get to where I am. I lost so-called friends and a couple of family members. I know God moved those people out for me to continue to elevate. He is who is giving me the life and determination to keep going each and every day. It has been an awesome first year. I launched May 1, 2020. I never thought in a million years that we would be this successful in a year. I look forward to capturing my dream of being a Nurse Practitioner and seeing Arlei Natural Beauty on a building someday in the near future.

Visit Arlei Natural Beauty Online

Social media handles Facebook Arlei Natural Beauty LLC Tik Tok @ Arleinatural Twitter: @ArleiBeauty

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I know God moved those people out for me to continue to elevate. He is who is giving me the life and determination to keep going each and every day.

Special and Unique Arlei Bracelets for mommy and daughter by Ann56

Hair by Canitra LaShae Beauty Lounge Owner of Protective Beauty


Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Toni Fernandez discovered writing and filming as a tool to express her emotions. The reaction she would receive from writing and filming music videos would soon lead her to writing and directing her most anticipated project to date, Still Got The Juice, a film series based in the 90s when fashion and music told the stories of our lives. Toni released a visual teaser of (Still Got The Juice) in September of 2017, accumulating almost 70,000 NON-PAID views in one month. Toni realized the buzz she created needed guidance. She took her talents to New York, where she met CR CAPERS, the CEO and Founder of the Hip Hop Film Festival NYC in Harlem. CR Capers has helped guide Toni on casting the right actors, marketing her brand to the right audience, and more. By implementing what CR Capers and her team have taught her, Toni continues to make her mark in the industry by creating meaningful yet intriguing storytelling for all to enjoy.

Patrice: What makes you a pretty woman that hustles? Toni: Hmmm, great question— I am a woman who knows her purpose— therefore, I do not allow anyone or anything to distract me from it. Patrice: How did you get into the film industry as a screenwriter? Toni: Many years ago, I used to write and film treatments for local music artists —I always believed a visual could define a song’s true meaning with a meaningful therapy behind it. Patrice: Let’s talk about your latest project, Still Got the Juice. What led you to write this particular film? Toni: Let’s see. Do you want the extended version? Or the short version? Five years ago, my sister passed away; her death took the will for me to exist away. When someone close to you dies, people will do one or two things: comfort you or completely disappear. The support system I thought I had COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED... that was the darkest time in my life ... but I pulled through with the help of my friend named Mikey. I met him through a mutual friend of ours. He would tell me stories of all the people he lost and how depression has a way of killing us slowly if we allowed it. His stories resonated with me so much, for he had nothing to gain from my vulnerability. Mikey would always tease me and say, “Toni, you use to have the juice!” Little did he know, those words would encourage me to keep going. After all the tears I’ve cried, I said to myself, “I still got the juice,” and that day, I picked up a pen and paper and began to write a script that I never knew I had in me and called it Still Got The Juice ... Losing Yourself Only To Find Your Way Again. Patrice: What was it like meeting CR Capers? How has she helped you in your career? Toni: I met CR back in 2017 at the Hip Hop Film Festival NYC when I decided to take Still Got The Juice to New York. She taught me a great deal about the industry. She also continues to allow filmmakers to showcase their talent on a larger platform. One of the many highlights I’ve experienced from her festival was being mentioned in a write-up for her celebration on in August 2019 for being Best of The Fest (top finalist) in the screenwriters’ competition. It was a surreal moment for sure. I will always appreciate her for taking time out of her busy schedule to mentor me. It will never be forgotten. Patrice: Tell us about film festivals that you participated in.

Toni: Wow! I am thankful to have been selected in so many festivals from Italy to Japan, India to London, Paris France, Hong Kong, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Reno Nevada, New Jersey to Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles-Prague Czech, Montreal, and the list goes on. Each festival has a unique experience. Patrice: Are there any awards or competition (s) you have been a part of? Toni: Yes - I am so honored and thankful to have three projects of mine, Still Got The Juice, Out On A Limb, and Just By Chance won a combined total of 30 awards so far in 2021, which are all posted on my social media platforms. Patrice: What inspired you to start a career in film? Toni: Life. Each person we meet in life is part of the path we walk on our journey— we learn the do’s and don’ts from each person we encounter and within all of that are stories to be told. Patrice: The film industry is constantly growing and changing. What makes you stand out as a screenwriter? Toni: I can’t give away my secrets; lol but I will say when you stop worrying about what the next person is doing, it allows you to create more original content, meaning when you focus so much on how to be like Mike, you’re losing the gift you were given to just be YOU. Patrice: Have you faced any challenges in your career? Toni: Absolutely, but I never use a challenge as an excuse. When a challenge surfaces, I weigh the pros and cons and work through them. Patrice: What new projects can we expect from you this year? Toni: It’s secret, lol. All I can share is we have many new projects with visuals coming, so please stay tuned. Connect with Toni: Instagram: @toni_filmmaker_fernandez Facebook: @StarScaleFilms Facebook: @Still-Got-The-Juice-421560568245801 Email:

Patrice Rivers is a freelance writer, certified journalist, blogger, and Owner of That Riverz Gurl Brand LLC. She is also the creator of the IGTV series The Riverz Report, which highlights men and women in business and in entertainment. Learn more about The Riverz Report by visiting Follow her on IG @thatriverzgurlbrandllc


Khristen Murdock PAGE FOUR| JOURNEY

Interview by Patrice Rivers

I am Khristen Murdock, a South Carolina native, born and raised. I am an Active Duty ArmyOfficer,




Fitness and Holistic Nutrition Specialist, Allaround Athlete, published Fitness and Fashion Model,



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extreme strategic structure within all fitness plans, both nutritional and physical, for personnel who desire weight loss, mass gains, lean, tone body mass, and or flexibility. I have also created my own fitness and apparel line called “Bodiedbymurda Apparel” to help broadcast who I am and what I am about.

Patrice: When did the love for modeling begin? Khristen: My passion for modeling began when I was a little girl. I remember playing dress-up and walking around in my mother’s shoes, just strutting down the hallway. My family always told me I was very photogenic and that my smile was priceless at the time.

3.Nutrition! Be willing to try new things in order to reach your goals and stay consistent. You have to be willing to let the bad stuff go! 4. Manifest it. Do the work! You can’t want something and expect it to just come to you or happen for you without doing the work! 5. Humble yourself, be patient and never give up!

Patrice: Was modeling always something you wanted to do? Or you took an interest in it later down the line? Khristen: Being a model was definitely something I always wanted to do and express! Actually, getting the full potential of it outside of my current career, I am determined to prolong it for the future!

Patrice: You also post fitness routines on Instagram. What message do you want your followers and viewers to gain from your videos? Khristen: I want to challenge them and give them a sense of hope that there are always different ways to achieve your goals, but you had to be consistent! Also, they can visit my website and sign up for online training and nutrition plans.

Patrice: As a fashion model, what are some of the challenges you have faced along the way? Khristen: The fashion industry can be tricky, and honey, they are picky as well. I have had challenges trying to get top-brand magazines and agencies to notice me and actually have the time to really shoot high fashion images. My career really affects a lot of my personal life endeavors. Patrice: Have you participated in any fashion shows or runways in the past? If so, how many? Khristen: Yes, absolutely! I’ve participated in six fashion shows in the past! Patrice: Tell us more about your fitness routine. Khristen: My fitness routine is fairly simple but very strategic and may require a lot of discipline. I challenge myself with high-intensity training workouts, calisthenics, yoga, and functional weight training, and bodyweight workouts. Patrice: How often do you work out? Khristen: I work out at least 4-5 times a week for 1 hour at the max. Time may vary with the current position I hold within my career! Patrice: What advice can you give to those who are planning to get back in shape or to start working out again? Khristen: 1. Get started! Start with a plan! Search for a great trainer online or in your current area and set up a consultation with them. Let them know what you are looking for as far as your goals! 2. Do your own research so that you know the ins and outs and know what you are signing up for!

Patrice: What plans do you have for fashion modeling and being a fitness model? Khristen: I plan to travel a little and do more quality shoots and fashion shows in the future! Definitely plan to go for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Auditions again. Patrice: Congrats on being on several front covers of magazines. Are you planning to do more covers later on this year? Khristen: Thank you so much, and yes, of course! I am taking as many photos as possible prior to going on official business so that I can submit to magazines in the future and maybe land some international covers! Patrice: Besides exercising to stay fit, what does your diet look like? Khristen: My diet or lifestyle, as I like to call it, is number one when it comes to my health. You can work out all day, every day, but if your lifestyle is sloppy, your results will be sloppy or lacking very much! I am an Alkaline Vegan (Dr. Sebi Diet), so I eat foods that derive from nature only. Patrice: What is next for you for the remainder of the year? Khristen: Deployment for my military career for nine months, reaching my fitness goals, and staying consistent with them as well as my holistic lifestyle. I also plan to continue submitting photos to magazines for covers and publications and manage my online fitness training. There are many moving pieces in a small about of time, so I have to stay on it and remain humble. Connect with Khristen: Instagram: @Bodiedbymurda Facebook: Murdock, Khristen Website:



As our lives have transitioned to the digital age, social media has gone on the rise. The need to create a perfect image seems to infiltrate our minds and can bring on a lot of pressure, especially for our youth. It is important to remind ourselves that perfection is impossible and you are enough just the way you are. Self-image can hinder us all. We can be our own critics, but it is imperative to love ourselves and seek our own value and worth first. Don’t let the false sense of poor self-image make you feel like you are unworthy of love. Learn to love the broken parts you hide away from the world. Learn to love the parts you wish you could change. Learn to love you just the way you are, unapologetically. Comparison is the thief of joy! Remember, social media and anything on the internet is a highlight reel of what people WANT you to see. Self-improvement is key, and you can gain new skills and grow in wisdom through experiences, but you don’t have to do it the way someone else does, and you certainly don’t have to look like them while doing it.

Each journey is unique, a path paved specifically for one. It’s up to you to find that pathway, to discover that journey, and keep pushing ahead. Never settle for an okay thing. If you believe you deserve more, then you will get just that. See yourself in light and abundance, and you will attract just that. No matter what anyone tells you, never dim your light; if they can not adjust, they can leave. Never stop being who you are for the sake of others. You are worthy, just the way you are!

Get Up & Get At ‘Em- Woman’s Guide to a Healthier Tomorrow Get your heart pumping, your blood flowing, and your booty showing by trying some fun exercise that stimulates the mind, body and soul and keeps you alert and energized throughout your day. Taking care of your body is something we as women oftentime take for granted. We seldom stop and rest because we are constantly juggling work, mom life, being a nurturer, a giver, and a caretaker. We are so focused on go mode and trying to be there for everyone else, we fail to stop and be there for ourselves. It is okay to take a break, even if it’s only for a brief moment. Centering yourself and understanding that you can only do so much will improve your overall health. Take 30 minutes out of your day and try some of these meditating practices to get your mind stimulated, your blood flowing, and reground your mind and body in order to boost your energy and keep you elevated throughout your day. Breathe! Take those deep breaths that you feel from within your belly. Inhale through your nose till your lungs are nice and full, and slowly release. By taking deep controlled breaths you are sending oxygen to your organs and opening up more blood vessels. You will feel more alert and it is also a great way to calm down and reduce anxiety. It’s an old school method, but it is effective nonetheless. Feeling adventurous? I would recommend lying on your back and hanging your head and shoulder off the bed for up to two minutes. Not only does this increase blood flow to your heart and lungs, it can even prevent bad posture! From the countless hours you spend hunched over at a computer desk, this fun exercise keeps you young and keeps you straight. Stimulate the mind. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and when you have had a long day it is easy to flip on the TV and remain distracted from work, but how about opting for something a bit more stimulating? Keep your mind sharp and wit by trying a puzzle, or completing a crossword. It keeps your brain active, and it is a fun challenge you can do in between your day to keep it interesting. Get up and get moving! There is no shame in your game and it is okay to bust a move. Blast your favorite toons and dance like nobody’s watching. Revive your mind, body and soul by working up a sweat and burning some calories. Have fun and get heart healthy by hitting the dance floor.

Adjusting your routine and incorporating some of these methods will make all the difference in promoting a happy and healthier tomorrow.

COOKING WITH CULTURE AND CONFIDENCE WITH Nadege Fleurimond Written by: C. Scott Many are choosing new hobbies and exploring their God-given talents during these unprecedented times. For some, they have turned their love towards the kitchen. From new recipes to sharing a love for culture to exploring new flavors, cooking is serving as a great form of stress relief for many. While mixing up new flavors, ingredients, and textures in the kitchen, why not do it in style and for the culture? Nadege Fleurimond is a Haitian serial entrepreneur who has graced us with cookbooks and more to share her love for cooking, catering, and heritage. She has also launched her new apron line, Carabella Aprons . Carabella Aprons allows you to express your love for cooking during these unsure times while also being stylish in traditional Haitian garb. The richness of the culture and heritage in Nadege’s Haitian roots are seen in this embroidered apron. They are inspired by carabella denim, which is a representation of the rich Haitian heritage. These trendy aprons help to portray the universal language that food represents while connecting people across the globe. Available for kids, women, and men in stylish designs that display Haitian art images, these aprons will bring confidence and fun into kitchens everywhere. The embroidered artwork on the aprons also features designs from artist Gracie Xavier. Perfect for gift-giving, home display, and to spice up your culinary life at home, Carabella Aprons are a must-have. Nadege Fleurimond has published two culinary books: Haiti Uncovered - A Regional Adventure into the Art of Haitian Cuisine; and the Taste of Solitude - A Culinary Journal. Her flavorful culinary offerings express her love for tradition and heritage in print and beyond. Follow her culinary creations, new apparel, and updates online and across social media platforms. Cook with culture and confidence as you build new cuisines for your home delight.

Photo Courtesy of James Hercule)

Writer, C. Scott, is a mompreneur, author, literacy coach, and advocate. Visit her on Instagram as @curls_coils and also @beautifulshadeslc.

Written By: C. Scot

EXPLORING LOVE, LUST, AND ROMANCE WITH NEWCOMER, Dr. Tavis Wade-Jones There is beauty in experiencing love, lust, and even romance. From the courtships to orgasms, it’s all a part of your personal journey. New author, Dr. Tavis Wade-Jones, is on the scene to help you explore the ups and downs of love in her new novel. Her sexy release known as Never Met A Stranger, follows the love life of character, Alicia Renee. Here’s the synopsis: Constantly looking for a man to complete her, 26-year-old Alicia Renee will do anything to keep a man. She’ll even sacrifice herself. But will that be enough? She quickly learns that keeping a man doesn’t equal a healthy and loving relationship. After one attempt at love, she finds herself giving more than she bargained for while also falling into a sudden depression. Alicia’s whole being seemed as if she was her own stranger. Thankfully her girl tribe of friends, Kim and Joi, attempt to help change her perspective on life. Her new outlook unleashes her journey to evolve, find peace, and find her lost sense of self. Have you ever met a stranger? “I used to have a really hard time articulating my thoughts. Writing became the best method to get my point across,” says Dr. Tavis. “All of my thoughts, feelings, and experiences would be balled inside and would cause anxiety,” she continues. She continued to use writing as a positive outlet. Although her current book has a sexy spin on romance, she also hopes that the novel will help others to heal, explore in a healthy manner, and reflect. Never Met A Stranger also mirrors a few real life events for the author.

There is no better arena in which to experience Nia’s dynamic presence than in her coaching. She is loving and compassionate, yet her straight talk approach evokes people to change for the better. She uses various platforms to promote her message of forgiveness, healing, love and creating a healthy environment to have the life you desire. You can experience these messages in her coaching program, book, speaking engagements, course workshop, and social media. Nia continues to walk in her Godgiven purpose by inspiring people to be resilient, strive for self-improvement, self-love, and committing to lifelong growth that will yield a prevailing and positive harvest in every facet of their life. “Sharing my story is an authentic way of selfhealing. So many people do not take the time to heal before moving on to the next relationship,” continues Dr. Tavis. “ Although the scenarios are different, I have been guilty of not taking the time to heal before moving on,” she expresses. Dr. Tavis is on a mission to help others improve their dating lives while allowing love to truly impact them in its purest form. “We must learn to leave the past behind. Unsuccessful relationships can be draining, so it is natural to put your guard up,” Dr. Tavis advises. “When the time is right, and you’ve met someone you’re into who is also into you, let your guard down. It’s not a crime to be vulnerable,” she continues. Dr. Tavis also hope that her readers will reflect on these six takeaway points:


Author Spotlight

1. When it comes to meeting someone new and you start dating, don’t rush it. Embrace your single life. 2. Be upfront and honest while also asking questions. 3. Communicate 4. Peep everything! 5. Don’t ignore the red flags. 6. Take time to heal. Dr. Tavis is encouraging healthy relationships that will require honesty, trust, respect, and open communication. Her Black Girl Magic is leading the movement of healing. “My Black Girl Magic will inspire and empower you to be your best self,” she exclaims. Connect with Dr. Tavis Wade-Jones online and on social media as you continue to journey through love, healing, and romance with her debut novel.

Writer, C. Scott, is a mompreneur, author, literacy coach, and advocate. Visit her on Instagram as @curls_coils and also @beautifulshadeslc. (Book Cover Image Provided By Starvin Artist Graphic Design) (Individual Photos are Courtesy of Dr. Tavis Wade-Jones)


Written By: Chandra Gore

“No matter what happened yesterday, every day is like a new audition. When we audition, we put our best face on. ‘Make every moment your audition,’” Chong Kim, from her poem, “Stage It.” In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, I want to honor and share the story of Author, activist, and world-renowned speaker Chong Kim. Her story is powerful and inspiring. She has been working to end sexual exploitation and human trafficking for nearly two decades. Focusing much of her time on activism and human rights, her dedication and passionate expertise is fueled by her lived experience as a survivor of child rape and sexual exploitation. Chong Kim settled in Oklahoma City by way of Pyeongtaek, South Korea, when she was an infant. From childhood, she battled numerous life hardships, including being born with a disability, bullied throughout school, and being a victim of sexual child abuse. Her childhood trauma forced her into many new beginnings, including being ensnared by deception into the sex trade by the age of 19. Being equipped with life’s challenges paired with innate instincts afforded Kim lessons of survival that, in the end, kept her alive. Through healing and gaining confidence, her ability to share her story helped pave the way for her to be recognized as one of the most compelling voices as a survivor.

I spoke with her via Q&A about her work and what more can and needs to be done to combat sexual exploitation and human trafficking. We also discuss her memoir, Broken Silence, and her movie, Eden . What more do you feel you can be done to combat to end sexual exploitation and human trafficking? All I can do is continue to speak my truth, bring awareness, teach preventative measures and consistently be there for others when in need. What are the signs that someone should look for if they suspect exploitation or trafficking?

Chong Kim It depends on the situation, location, and circumstances. No two or more trafficking scenarios are alike, but what someone can do if they feel suspicious about the situation, person or circumstances is to follow their gut feeling, look for red flags, behavioral detection, and so forth. You also want to look out for possible victims who may look malnourished, un-kept, or wear clothing that may not fit the situation or are closed off from other people. Many victims don’t need to be with their traffickers in order to be trafficked as well. Can you define what advocacy truly looks like? To me, it’s about standing up for what is right, joining campaigns and charities, and collaborating with other fellow survivors to support one another, and giving back to help those victims still in need. Advocacy is also being on the front lines of legislation changes and educating our leaders about human trafficking and all involved in the atrocity. How can others use their first-hand experiences to empower others as you have? Many survivors have used their own experiences to bring their awareness to the public. Male survivors especially bring their voice that boys are just as much trafficked as girls. Thank you for not shying away from sharing that minorities are oftentimes the victims. What more do you feel can be done to bring this information to light? I feel there’s so much more we can do to bring awareness, especially to our minority/ethnic communities. Accepting me and helping me bring this to light is a huge help.

Tell me more about the movie Eden. Who should watch this and why? Eden is about the survival and hard choices I had to make to survive in the trafficking ring. The overall arch of the story is the corruption side. It’s so important that young adults and adults watch this film to learn the infrastructure and how easily one can be susceptible to trafficking. Traffickers do not just seek the vulnerable. As long as you are breathing and your body can be turned into profit, that is all they need to sell you, from slave labor, organ trafficking, sex trafficking, and so much more. Your memoir, Broken Silence, is your story that you wrote for cathartic purposes. Why should others tell their stories? I wrote my book to give an insight into my broken childhood of sexual rape as a toddler to racism in school and being in foster care and how that manifested without me realizing that I was already a target to be sold. We have so many people who have come from broken homes, and I wanted to utilize my book as a reference to learn from and give them hope that not all things that have gone wrong will stay that way. I was determined to make something of myself, and I wanted to empower other girls and boys, no matter their circumstances, that we can still win in the fight against oppression. More about Chong Kim: Kim’s liberation swelled to empowerment as she began to write her experiences into art. She began penning several poems and articles on social injustice. She followed with her first movie production based loosely on Eden’s experience, which was released in select theaters in 2012. Eden moved into streaming platforms from 2013 to date, including YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. In 2017, she wrote and published her memoir, Broken Silence . She has currently completed her scripted TV series, Every 40 Seconds, which is soon to be released. Today, Chong Kim’s reach encompasses an international turn toward spreading awareness. She is working to solidify her foundation, Velvet Brick, and innovations to end social injustice, systemic racism, and child abductions. You can find out more about Chong Kim by visiting her website at

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