Pretty Women Hustle Magazine November 2021 Issue

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Founder/CEO Jakia Cheatham - Myles WWW.PRETTYWOMENHUSTLE.COM


HOLIDAYS Written by: Latoya Wilson

We are now smack dab in the thick of the pre-holiday season. With all things, there comes a level of stress during the holidays that we take on unknowingly and sometimes knowingly, depending on how we handle it all. Halloween has passed, and all the little trick-or-treaters have gone home. As we embark on Thanksgiving, therein itself starts the stress processing. What to cook? Who's making what? Where are we eating? All things that are unnecessarily stressing us...if we allow it! Sis, you already know this Thanksgiving meal will be the same as all the others because that's what we do...stick to tradition! Aunt Janet will be bringing her Sock It To Me cake. Aunt Carolyn will be bringing her famous Mac n Cheese with the five blend cheese and baked to a crispy perfection that no other person has ever mastered in the family. Mom, of course, will be in charge of the dressing. Stop...we don't know nothing about stuffing where I'm from. The Dirty South! Honey, we eat dressing. I could go on and on, but you get the point. Stop stressing over things that continue to be the same and, more importantly, not your business to deal with. More than ever, you must stay empowered through the holiday season, starting with Thanksgiving! It's time for you to keep up that practice of saying NO to things that interfere with your energy. If it's causing you to stress or you feel any type of way other than positive....issa no and let it go! Yes...I'm here to tell you that some people will be upset by you taking your power into your own hands. Rightfully so! Yea, you're giving me the side eye. How is it their right to be upset with you for saying no? Oh, honey, because they're so used to taking your power, they were not ready for you to take it back. You got this!

Here are a few tips to keep you on track with your Empowerment: 1. Saying no will always be your superpower! It will feel strange at first, but it will become easier as you get used to it, and you will continue to feel empowered. 2. Keep a positive attitude. When you think positive thoughts, that will, in turn, help keep your attitude just as positive as you go through life. 3. Embrace your sexiness. During the holiday season, many of us dress up and attend holiday parties and family events. No matter where you go, keep embracing your sexiness and show it. 4. Smile! Smiling and laughing releases endorphins. Not to mention, both are contagious and will automatically change the atmosphere wherever you are.

There you have it!! Keep being EMPOWERED, SIS! WE GOT THIS!!


Not everyone is aware of the many factors that determine a credit score. It’s easy to make assumptions that seem logical but are actually false. Acting on incorrect beliefs is a sure way to make a critical mistake. Save money and make your financial life easier by avoiding these seven credit destroyers: 1. Carrying a big balance on your credit cards. While having a lot of debt is never a good idea, using more than 30% of the available credit on your credit cards hurts your credit score.

Your credit score not only determines whether or not

For example, if your credit limit is $10,000,

you can get a credit card, mortgage, or auto loan, but it

your score drops if your balance is over

is also a critical factor in determining the interest rate

$3,000. This is commonly referred to as the

you have attached to those items. A low credit score can

“utilization ratio.” Keep yours under 30%.

cost a lot of money over your lifetime.


2. Paying late is a huge factor in your credit score. Experts estimate that 35% of your credit score is determined by your payment history. Any late payments will lower your score. 3. Closing credit cards is a credit score killer. This is related to your utilization ratio. By closing a credit card, you lower the amount of credit that’s available to you. Your credit score is also sensitive to the length of your credit history. 4. Defaulting is an obvious credit score mistake. When you fail to pay back a loan you owe to a lender, you can lose as much as 100 points from your credit score. Make every effort to pay back your loans. If you’re struggling, contact the lender and attempt to make other arrangements. They can be very flexible if failing to do so means not getting their payments. 5. Applying for too much credit. Everyone needs to have some credit, but applying for too much has a negative effect on your score. Each time you apply for more credit, your potential lender makes an inquiry about your credit history. Each of those inquiries lowers your credit score. Avoid sending in every credit card offer that shows up in your mailbox. 6. Not having a credit card at all. Many people are getting rid of their credit cards in an effort to avoid debt. Unfortunately, this does nothing to help your credit score. Experts believe that the ideal credit score includes 2-3 credit cards. Credit diversity can account for as much as 10% of your credit score. Credit cards help to keep your credit history current. 7. Co-signing for someone else can be a mistake. Putting your credit on the line by co-signing for someone else is a huge risk. Their failure to stay current with the payments can destroy your credit score. You’re equally responsible for that debt, so any late payments or defaults will show up on your own credit report. You can even be subject to collections and lawsuits. If a lender doesn’t want to do business with them, you might want to reconsider before cosigning. By simply avoiding these common mistakes, you can’t help but have a great score that will guarantee you the lowest interest rates, even if your credit score is poor now. It may take time to boost your credit score, but it’s definitely possible. Give your credit score the amount of attention it deserves. It makes life a lot easier!

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT Born and raised in the concrete jungles of Upstate NY, as a child, I lived in the urban community better known as the “projects.” Being brought up in a single-parent household with only one sibling (an older brother), I developed quite the imagination. As a child, I enjoyed reading books and magazines and always pictured myself becoming a writer. I participated in writers workshops in school and was writing books as early as 8 years old. As I got older, I turned my focus into helping the children in my community as an advocate and educator. I graduated high school in 2008 and gave birth to my first-born daughter a year later. Though times were hard, I never lost my drive to accomplish the goals I set out for myself. I was able to obtain a college degree in Human Services and Childhood development in 2015. That was the year I decided not only did I want a seat in the corporate world but also a name for myself. I started my own beauty business with Mary Kay Cosmetics, uplifting women from all walks of life. Years later, the pandemic hit (Covid-19), schools and businesses closed down, and now I had two daughters to raise with no clear sight of what was going to happen. I told myself I wanted to be able to give and pour into them. I developed a vision board on what I wanted to accomplish, which is how Olivia’s School Choice was created. I believe all girls worldwide can benefit from this educational career book, tailored for ages 8 and up. It gives them hope, and it maintains a cultural vibe that is relatable.

What inspired your start in writing? I started writing at the age of 8. I would write song lyrics, short stories, and poems while sitting on my staircase. Since then, I told myself I would write books and mentor others. I got introduced to JK Rowling late in life, but when I started to watch her movies and read her books, it truly sparked a fire in me. I admired her creativity, although her genre is different from mine. I hoped to be as successful as her. When creating Olivia’s School Choice, what was the creative process like? I published it in March 2021. The process took me 7 months. When the pandemic hit and schools were closed, I wanted to keep the youth inspired and push the districts to reopen with alternative options. The Journey Into Education Series is a 3book series that mirrors the life of a teenager’s school selection process and how its curriculum focuses more on career-based learning. Being self-published, all stakes were on me, from finding a cover that would grab readers’ attention but not leave me broke, as well as finding a girl cartoon character to play the role. It was all a learning experience that I cherished.

The first lesson I want them to learn is that you have to do the research before anything you put your time and energy into."

Akilah Roberts What 3 lessons do you hope kids take away from this book? The first lesson I want them to learn is that you have to do the research before anything you put your time and energy into. The second lesson would be to always be goal-oriented because it will give you purpose. The third lesson to take with them is that opinions should always be welcomed with the thought that you control the outcome. When sharing ideas with others, they can help you see things in another light. What is next for you in entrepreneurship and writing? Olivia will be complete by Summer 2022. I plan on presenting the series to school districts and public libraries for acceptance in their catalog. In October 2021, I published my second short story, A Friends Keepsake, tailored for readers 16 years old and up. The goal is to keep writing and allow my words to inspire people while attending book fairs and doing pop-up shops.

Where do you hope to see Olivia’s School Choice in the next 3-5 years? Olivia’s School Choice series will be in every school district and public library in my hometown. I will then travel to different cities to promote and advertise. After reading about Olivia, every teenager will be gearing up, researching, and studying different career choices to prepare for their future. Facebook: Akilah Roberts Instagram: Kilahroberts


Cover Story

By: Latoya Wilson

Marshall Cathy Marshall, aka CaDori, is the Founder of CaDori Helping Hands, Inc, a non-profit charity that focuses on helping those in need of everyday essential living items such as food, clothing, and toiletries. But CaDori also helps the homeless population, domestic violence victims, and women who are unable to pay for a mammogram. CaDori has a special place in her heart for the homeless






homeless herself. Before becoming a nurse over 30 years ago, she lived in a shelter with her toddler daughters after leaving an abusive marriage. Having to rely on good-hearted people, she promised to one day be able to help others in need the way she was being helped.

Lonnie Webb Photography New Rochelle NY

So who is Cathy CaDori Marshall?

CaDori Helping Hands, Inc helps to contribute

She is the mother of five. She is one of 13

to The Rose by donating 10% of all of her “I

siblings, born in Birmingham, Alabama, a

LOVE ME” apparel sales during October every

Registered Nurse, a philanthropist, a #1

year. And during the pandemic, last year was

Amazon best-selling author, and the owner of

no different. In fact, during the pandemic,

“I LOVE ME” clothing apparel.

even more women needed assistance due to

She coined the name CaDori by combining her

massive job loss.

name, Cathy, with her mother’s name, Doris, and her oldest son Bobby whose nickname

CaDori Helping Hands, Inc also provides meals

was Dougie. Dougie passed away in a

to hundreds of families every Thanksgiving

motorcycle accident on October 12, 2010. So

and gives new winter coats to those who need

the name CaDori has a very special meaning

them every winter.

to her.

CaDori continues to advocate and educate the community on serious matters such as

CaDori Helping Hands, Inc was founded in

bullying and domestic violence, both of which

July 2017, just weeks before Hurricane

she has personally experienced and survived.

Harvey. After Hurricane Harvey hit Houston and surrounding cities and states, CaDori

Because of her compassion for helping others

Helping Hands, Inc went into action and

in need and her continued commitment to

helped hundreds of people with everything

improving the lives of others, Cathy “CaDori”

from food and water to baby supplies,

Marshall was honored with her very own day

household cleaning supplies, paying for hotel

in the City of Houston this year! Mayor

rooms, and transportation for people in need.

Sylvester Turner signed the proclamation that

CaDori states that it was as if she was being

January 27, 2021, and every January 27th

led by God to form her charity at that specific

thereafter as Cathy Marshall Day in the City

time to help people in desperate need.

of Houston, Texas!

Since its formation, CaDori Helping Hands, Inc

Cathy, you are doing great work in the

has continued to help people in need,

Houston community and beyond. Let our

including through organizations like The Rose

readers know how CaDori Helping Hands

in Houston, Texas. CaDori Helping Hands, Inc

came about?

has given donations to The Rose for the past 3

I founded CaDori Helping Hands, Inc. in July

years to help women who can’t afford to pay

2017, just weeks before Hurricane Harvey. I


feel like God was speaking to me then as I







look back now because that was the first major event of giving that my charity could

As a Registered Nurse, CaDori has seen

help people in need. I was once homeless and

firsthand the heartbreaking effects that breast

jobless over 30 years ago and lived in a shelter

cancer has on the patients she has taken care

with my two toddler daughters. This was

of and their families. And she is committed to

before I became a Registered Nurse. I

helping assist The Rose in preventing breast

understand what it feels like to have to rely on

cancer by providing free mammograms to the

the help of good-hearted people. I vowed to

women who cannot afford to pay and would

myself way back then that one day I would

otherwise not receive the mammogram. And

start a charity and help people who are in

to increase the survival of those who are

need just like I was in need.

diagnosed with breast cancer.

How did you come up with the name CaDori and/or the meaning behind it? I wanted a name different from any other name, so I joined my name, Cathy, and my mother’s name Doris and my son Bobby, whom we called “Dougie,” together and came up with CaDori. My son Dougie passed away on October 12, 2010, from a motorcycle accident. So the name CaDori has very special meaning to me. CaDori Helping Hands is a multifaceted nonprofit. How do you go from supplying necessities to the homeless to domestic violence survivors? CaDori Helping Hands, Inc. represents what’s in my heart. I have been homeless before, and I’ve been in violent relationships before as well. I help both groups of people and many others who need food, clothing, shelter, daily living essentials, and children who need school supplies. I also give scholarships for college as well. You also are an advocate for anti-bullying as well as a domestic violence survivor. How did these two things impact your passion for helping others? I was bullied in elementary school because I didn’t have the latest fashionable clothing to wear. I was laughed at and pushed around for that. I have a passion for everything that I do from my own personal life experiences. As a Nurse, I’m sure you’ve seen and heard many things. What story stands out to you that resonates with what you’re doing today for the community? I would have to say that working during this pandemic and taking care of so many patients diagnosed with COVID. Having to watch so many people die from COVID is something I’ve never experienced in my 26 years in the healthcare field. As a healthcare provider, I’m used to saving lives, not seeing so many people die after doing everything we knew how to do to save their lives. I can’t even think of the words to say to truly describe it all. It’s beyond heartbreaking. What amazing things are you working on for 2022? I have so many exciting things coming in 2022! You’ll have to wait and see. Finish this sentence “A Pretty Woman Who Hustles must have? Perseverance.

I love the fact that CaDori Helping Hands have teamed up with The Rose in Houston. What does that partnership look like? How important is this partnership to the community? This partnership is very near and dear to me. I have not only taken care of so many young women and mothers who lost their fight to breast cancer but also to people who have been close to me personally. In some of those instances, the women simply did not have the funds or insurance to get a mammogram. The mammogram is one of the first but most important pieces in diagnosing breast cancer. If breast cancer is detected early enough through a mammogram, it is almost 100% treatable. The Rose provides free mammograms to people who can’t afford them, and if someone is diagnosed, The Rose will also treat them as well if they can’t afford the treatment or if they don’t have insurance. I am more than happy to be able to help provide free mammograms to anyone in need. The Rose is a wonderful place doing exceptional work in the fight against breast cancer. “I Love Me” apparel is another venture of yours. What’s the motivation and meaning behind the apparel? My “I LOVE ME” apparel was created to promote self-love and self-care. There was a time in my life when I didn’t love myself first, and I didn’t know how to love myself. My self-esteem was low. As I have grown and gotten mental health therapy and read books on self-worth, I began pouring into myself, and I started feeling better about myself. Now I can help other people who have low selfesteem. The “I LOVE ME” apparel is my way of helping people to pour into themselves by saying they love themselves. When you say, “I LOVE ME,” it’s powerful, and it makes you feel special. January 27, 2021, was deemed Cathy Marshall Day in the City of Houston. How exciting and such an honor. What did that mean to you and the legacy you’re building? I’m still in shock that I actually have a Day in the City of Houston! It is truly an honor that I never even thought about. Everything that I’ve done to help people is from my heart, and no special attention is ever needed in my mind. But it does feel great to know that the work I’ve done in philanthropy is appreciated and acknowledged in such a way. I give God all the glory.

To find out more about CaDori and CaDori Helping Hands, Inc, please follow her on all social media platforms @cadoribrand and @cadorihelpinghands. And visit her websites: and and You can also reach CaDori via email: and

IT’S THE SELF-LOVE FOR ME WITH EBONY D. Written By: Latrina Caldwell

Ebony D., also known as the Mommy Enthusiast, has an undeniable love for serving others and performing the works of God and is a single mother to a boy prince named Jeremiah. Ebony D. is a Praise and Worship Dancer, International Best-Selling Author, Health and Wellness Coach, and Founder and CEO of Self Love Improvements, where healthy meets the mind, body, and heart. Ebony D. is a part of the well-known John Maxwell Team in which she provides personal development and motivation and top-notch coaching to women all over the world, including areas such as Australia, Bahamas, Canada, Ghana, Belgium, Philippines, just to name a few. She facilitates transformational masterminds, group coaching, 1-on-1 coaching, and organization training that promotes growth, healing, seeking the inner you, and making an impact in one’s community and the world. Ebony D. has seized the opportunity of using her season of abandonment and rejection and turned it into a platform to spread the message of self-love. Ebony D. spreads the message of self-love through speaking, training, and coaching. She is a successful international podcaster and the radio show host of “Real Self Love Talk w/ Ebony D.” Ebony D. has been featured in CBS, Fox, NBC, Lifeher Podcast, Nikki Rich TV Show, Open Vibes Roku Edition, JSSelf Care Podcast, AIB Nation, and Glambitious Podcast, and more.

intimate “coming to Jesus” moment, as I call it, it was revealed to me the reason I continued to have repeated cycles of abandonment, non-committed relationships, and an unfulfilled life was due to my lack of self-love.

Ebony D. is a well sought out motivational speaker and can be described as being a person who is downto-earth, warm, and straight, no chaser, and loves people openly and endlessly. She greets people with hugs, laughter, and a fun, unforgettable personality.

These repeated cycles were causing pain, and I was tired of living a life of pain and disappointment. As a result, I went to work on myself. I developed strategies, techniques, and habits that helped transform my mind, body, and heart. I fell deeply in love with my transformation. I just had this crazy thought that someone else was battling selfsabotage, overweight, and a broken heart.

Ms. Ebony, you offer a lot of amazing services surrounding self-love. What inspired you to start the “Self Love Improvements” brand? Great question! I was inspired by my desire to want to grow and develop from the inside out. I wanted to love the person who I spend the most time with, which is myself. As I had a personal,

Therefore, I did a thing. I stepped out on my intuition and started my brand, “Self-Love Improvements,” where healthy meets the mind, body, and heart. I have had the opportunity to impact and plant selflove seeds into women in Japan, the Bahamas, the United Kingdom, Africa, and all over the US. It has truly been an amazing journey.

Self-love is a hot theme right now. What is unique about your brand/movement? Self-love is extremely popular today. I commend and salute everyone who is taking the initiative to put themselves first. Within Self Love Improvements, single women focus on finding contentment in their single season and breaking the cycles of non-committed relationships. Instead, position themselves to receive the desires of their heart. Self Love Improvements apply practical, real-life strategies and biblical principles, accountability, transparency, and sisterhood to help one become the best version of themselves. Self Love Improvements believes in building a community of cheerleaders rooting for all sisters to succeed on their self-love journey. Last but not least, I have personally experienced not loving myself, being misused, abused, walked all over, rejected, and abandoned to now loving myself, setting boundaries, setting goals and expectations up front, and as a result, I am living a life of joy, peace, purpose, contentment in my single season. Therefore, I can truly identify 100 percent with my Queens on where they are and where they want to be. You also have a podcast called “Real Self-Love Talk with Ebony D.” What is the podcast about? Where can readers listen to it? Real Self Love Talk is a show that reveals and celebrates my guests’ journeys to self-love. I interview guests from all walks of life who have a self-love story to tell. The purpose is to spread the joy of “ Self Love,” alert others about the effects of having or not having “Self Love,” and to give people a platform to be transparent about their self-love testimony. Listeners can listen and download on any podcast platform and/or navigate to My show airs every Friday at 8 pm EST. You are also a published author. Congratulations! Your book, Gift of Pain, is currently available. What was the inspiration behind your book? Thank You! Yes! This was one of my biggest accomplishments! The inspiration comes from my personal story of being single, pregnant, and alone. I was traumatized and broken when my child’s father told me he wanted to be with another woman, he couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to be around for our unborn child, and asked me to get an abortion. And while I was pregnant, he did just that -- left me to experience the journey of pregnancy and birth alone. But God is so good! God saved me, kept me, and revealed to me the sunshine in the storm. I found so many gifts during this pain of being alone. It is all wrapped up in my book. My book/story can be found on amazon or visit www.

How do you remain balanced with all of your businesses, motherhood, etc.? This is a great question. Balance is that a thing? Haha. Just kidding, But, In my opinion, having balance in life is a result of structure. I develop structure by utilizing tools and techniques that simplify daily, monthly, yearly, personal, and professional tasks such as a calendar, a watch, setting short-term personal and professional goals, developing a plan, and a self-love routine. I am aware that I am not the only person affected if I am off balance. Therefore, I communicate thoroughly with all parties necessary on all tasks that include them. As a result, we move on one accord, which makes life a lot easier. The right hand knows exactly what the left hand is doing, and all that is set to be accomplished will be accomplished. Self-care is just as important as self-love. Share with us how you practice self-care? I like to say I combine self-care and self-love daily. For selfcare, I work out daily, I eat a nutritious breakfast and lunch. I get plenty of rest. I take my “me time.” For example, I do one easy self-care technique: I go in the bathroom for five minutes, close the door, and sit in silence. This helps me to reset throughout the day, release any unwanted emotions, thoughts, etc. Looking back, what advice would you give your 18-year-old self? This is a really great question. At the age of 18, I moved out on my own, lost my virginity, and was quickly sucked up into the ways of the world. I experienced several non-committed relationships at this age, and sadly I set the tone for my adult life until I found self-love. With that being said, I would tell my 18-year-old self to slow down, be patient with yourself, learn who you are before seeking a committed relationship, seek counseling to heal from your wounds of abandonment from your father, and develop an intimate relationship with God.

So please tell us what’s next for Ebony D? I am currently collaborating with a few amazing, talented, gifted, boss women and men as we are preparing for transformational conferences in 2022, along with a few book collaborations. Where can our readers connect with you? Please follow me on Instagram: @iamebonyd, Facebook: @iamebonydavis, Website (

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