Pretty Women Hustle Magazine September 2021 Issue

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Founder/CEO Jakia Cheatham - Myles WWW.PRETTYWOMENHUSTLE.COM


Self-improvement can take on many forms and can be done in many ways. There is no right or wrong way to do so as long as you know you are advancing yourself and your personal agenda. As humans, we are learning and evolving every day. There is so much to take in in our everyday lives we never stop learning. From birth, we learn how to navigate and function in our bodies to adults when we learn how to cope and steer through society. Self-improvement is the never-ending will to want to keep learning to become a better version of yourself. This month, we recognize all those versions of self, and we reserve September as a month to honor your growth and self-improvement. Even if it doesn’t feel like you’ve made much progress, no matter how big or small, forward movement is still growing, and it is still something to be celebrated. Self-improvement starts with being self-aware. Self-aware in our actions, daily consumption, what we eat, what we drink, what we listen to, what we feed our mind, body, and soul. It is being conscious of what we surround ourselves with and how it makes a difference in our lives. Speaking affirmations or maintaining a morning routine. Adding workouts as a part of a regular routine. Taking time to meditate and slow down, practicing gratitude. Being mindful in the way we speak to ourselves and to others. Allowing life to take its course and not force anything but rather go with the flow. These are all ways we practice self-improvement. We are constantly growing and changing, and the world around us is constantly evolving. We have to move with it. Otherwise, we will feel out of control and unable to deal with the change around us. We begin to reject the change and the growth that life is trying to grant us. With a more open mindset and a desire to change and self-improvement, we can acknowledge these changes and flow with ease.

We beat ourselves up too many times when we feel like we can’t get what we want or something is not happening for us when we want it to. A way to self-improve is by being conscious of that notion and cutting us some slack. Understanding that we are human and we don’t always get it right the first time. You’ve tried the whole meal prep thing or the workout at 6 am thing, and it’s not working out. It won’t immediately, but practice makes perfect. When we incorporate minor small changes, they make greater impacts that we can see later down the road. Your overall mood and health can change based on those minor conscious changes you decide to make. We recognize the effort and amount of work it takes to make changes and improve our lifestyles, and it isn’t easy, but it is worth it, so we celebrate you this September. For making a difference and keeping at it. For being self-conscious and selfaware. Not only are you hustling, on the grind, and getting things done, but you are also paving your way for a better and brighter future. So, what’s not to love about that? Self-improvement could even be something small like learning a new skill or trying a new hobby. Trying a new dish. Who said you had to be good at it for it to be considered self-improvement? Self-improvement is all about self! All about you and making you feel like the best and baddest version of yourself -- in whatever way that means to you. We are here for growth! Keep shining, pretty women!

Written By: L Renee Chubbs


CBD-infused products have grown rapidly in the last few years, transitioning from wellness to luxury. Unfortunately, there’s an entire segment being excluded from the table...Black women. The Cannabidiol (CBD) industry is on track to reach 1 billion dollars by the beginning of 2022, thanks to its biggest customer...women. A report released by Ease Insights reveals that the number of women clients doubled in 2018, yet, Black women were and continue to be ignored. Let me be clear here. It’s not just Black women; it’s women of color, period. I’m speaking from the perspective of a Black woman in this industry with receipts. What is CBD? CBD is the compound extracted from Hemp plants and touted as the cure for all ailments, including seizures, anxiety, and chronic pain and inflammation, without any addictive side effects that other drugs present. Brightfield Group did a study and found that 42% of those using CBD say that they prefer it to “traditional” medical treatments or medications.


While CBD may be considered the latest and greatest cure-all, it comes at a significant price. Here’s an example. I sell CBD oil, and you can expect to pay around $115 for a standard 30 milliliter of CBD oil containing 500 milligrams of CBD. While my site is on the lower end, there are companies out here charging $250 and up for the same amount. Harvesting and extracting CBD from the hemp plate is extremely expensive. According to a recent survey done by, it costs anywhere from $400 to $700 per acre. Whew! After extracting comes the packaging, decarboxylation (removes acids), lab testing, and legal expenses. All of these factors go into determining the price point of each product. $250 is not an affordable price for CBD, for most people, especially now, coming out of a pandemic with everyone’s finances taking a brutal beating. Let’s be honest. Things were tight for minorities in this country before the pandemic, especially for women of color. According to the National Women’s Law Center, Black women are paid 61 cents for every dollar a white male makes, compared to 80 cents that white women make. Native women are paid 58 cents on the dollar, Latina women are paid 53 cents for every dollar. Simultaneously, the unemployment rate is double for Black women than it is for white women. While there are no specific data points that detail the diversity of employees within the CBD business, there are glaring examples of exclusion when it comes to race and gender. The research doesn’t lie, folks.

Marijuana Business Daily published a report back in 2017 that

According to the ACLU, “Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks

concluded only a mere 5% of the industry’s senior leadership roles

and whites, yet Blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for

were held by a woman of color. Ownership in the same industry made

marijuana possession.” “Despite the fact that marijuana is used at

up only 27% of ALL people who had launched a CBD business. Let

comparable rates by whites and blacks, state and local governments

me be clear. CBD is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) free, meaning there

have aggressively enforced marijuana laws selectively against black

is no psychotropic reaction. There is no high.

people and communities ... It is not surprising that the War on Marijuana, waged with far less fanfare than the earlier phases of the

Raeven Duckett, Supernova Women board member, a safe space that

drug war, has gone largely, if not entirely, unnoticed by middle-and

empowers women of color in the cannabis industry, surmised in

upper-class white communities.”

Bustle: Making matters worse, women of color may be the ones most in need “...This goes back to the War on Drugs in the ‘80s and the ‘90s, where

of CBD’s purported benefits. Women are reported to be twice as

smoking weed, having an ounce of weed on you, could mean you’re going

anxious as men, and data suggests that black women’s anxiety is more

to jail, you’re ruining your life; a whole lot of like negative impacts ...

persistent and more acute than white women’s. The health-care

[White people] weren’t getting arrested, they weren’t going to jail, and

system in the United States is also rife with racial bias: doctors are less

their families weren’t getting torn apart as often and as horribly as black

likely to provide pain drugs to black patients or accept their copays.

people.” When CBD companies make expensive tinctures, they perpetuate When you consider the historic, implicit bias that people of color face

inequities in terms of cost and marginalize the already over

when it comes to drugs, specifically marijuana, this makes a TON of

disenfranchised. Can a sistah get a break?

sense. All of this is despite legal, medical use of marijuana in 36 states and legal recreational use in 18.

CBD you later!


Shatina Miller

Shatina Miller is the owner and operator of Reneel Allure in Nashville, TN. Allure specializes in designing clothes and jewelry, creating organic hair and skin products. Reneel Allure also provides a nonprofit schoolhouse of excellence nutrition program where they grow veggies and fruit from seeds to ensure a healthy lifestyle for the community. As a wife, mother, and entrepreneur dedicated to her passion at Reneel Allure, Shatina’s inspiration to keep going is the infamous quote, “You only have one shot, so why not do what gives you joy.” Reneel Allure is that joy for Shatina and her family, picking fruit from the garden to nourish and provide nutrition to their community.

Who is Shatina Miller in four words? Wife, mom, entrepreneur, child of the

Most High

When did you realize entrepreneurship was for you? In 2007 when opening my first home daycare. You are the owner of several businesses; how do you balance it at all? I have a talented team that helps me balance everything. Just like anything, you have to work hard and keep sowing and expecting excellence. What message do you hope women take away from your brands? The message I want women to take from my brand is that your crown ONLY fits your head and what’s for you is for YOU. Love still conquers all. Do what you love that’s righteous. What is the Schoolhouse of Excellence Nutrition Program all about? The SHOE Nutrition program is a nonprofit organization that helps prevent hunger for lowand mediate-income families in Tennessee and Alabama. Where do you hope to see next 3-5 years? Feeding families in all 50 there is no more hunger.

your business in the states to make


I See my brand expanding and giving women opportunities. I see Reneel Allure in department stores in storefronts and the Shoe Nutrition program."

PWH LOCAL SPOTLIGHT Shurvone Wright Shurvone is an Author, Speaker, Mentor, and founder of Confidence Without Regret- The Butterfly Experience and CEO of La’Boss Preneur Social Media Marketing. She encourages women to stand in their truth, helping them to find their voice, to go after their dreams and goals unapologetically. She has a gift of encouragement and exhortation, changing lives across the country. She is the bestselling contributing author of five books “Courageous Women Find Strength During the Storm” and “Women Who Soar, Finding Joy in the Journey, and The Unstoppable Warrior Women and For Such A Time This. She has had to honor of speaking on several radio shows, appearing in multiple magazine ads to promote and discuss her journey and books. She is currently the social media contributing content writer of OWN IT digital magazine. Shurvone helps entrepreneurs who have a passion to grow their business using social media and business strategies to attract their ideal clients. She helps you to be unafraid to be your best self to elevate your business and your life, through her business and her Facebook group called “La Bosspreneur Marketing Society and her Coaching Program. Shurvone is the CEO of Everything Wright, LLC, she currently has in production, the companies first product “ Bed Budeezy” unique items she created that will be convenient, affordable, multi-purpose, and supports COVID-19 safety protocols.

At what moment did you realize entrepreneurship was the path for you? I always had a feeling of wanting more and having better things in my life. I always had the desire to help others and have a side hustle. when I was 28 is when I got the entrepreneurship bug. I always wanted to try something new. when I first started being an entrepreneur I tried everything, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Princess House, Avon. Started a T-shirt business, I had no idea what I was doing but I just knew I wanted to own a business. You are the founder of several organizations, how do you balance running a business and family life? I now have grown children who are now 28, 27, 21. However when they were growing up, I did a lot of things for the business at night, and I still do. However, I make time and find time to grow my organization. It is very hard, but honestly, I am not sure I believe in the balance thing, because it is not balanced. It is finding time for those things that matter, God, Family, Work, Business, and Pleasure. Sometimes you have to give more time to one or more of those things, and it does not balance out, but somehow it all works out in the end. I do make my family a priority, my husband and I have been married 28 years and we still do date nights. So it's not balanced but we make it work.

I teach women entrepreneurs and business owners how to grow their business, and attract their ideal client using social media marketing, digital tools and strategies.

You are a Co-Author of several books, what common message runs deep through your chapters in all five books? The common message that runs deep, it trusting God through it all no matter what. Believing in oneself, and the process. Never give up on your dreams and goals As a social media marketing expert, what 3 common mistakes do you see among entrepreneurs on social media? The three common mistakes I see people make are No Calls to Action when posting Potential customers need to know what action they need to take if they want to purchase one of your items or make an appointment to schedule services.Before you post your next update, make sure every online profile has a link to your e-commerce shop or website in your bio. If you post a photo of an item, include a link that takes customers directly to the area of your site where they can learn more and make a purchase. Inconsistent Posting All too often, posting consistency is one of the biggest issues brands face. If you set up your business presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, yet you never add anything to one or more of those sites, you may find that you have a difficult time maintaining a follower base. It's important to find the sweet spot between posting too little and posting too frequently and maintain that on a weekly basis, even when you're between campaigns. To many Platforms Many businesses make the mistake of setting up a social media presence on every platform available, regardless of its relevance. It's important to understand the demographics of each site and choose those that are most likely to attract the audiences that will connect with your brand. It's far better to do one or two social media sites well than have four or five profiles that you rarely update.

What is next for you and your brand? Expanding my services, to offer 1:1 training/ coaching Online Classes and Training for anyone wanting to learn how to use social media to attract their ideal client and grow their business, using the strategies. I teach Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and anyone wanting to learn how to grow their business and attract their ideal clients using social media and marking tools and strategies.

SocialMedia Links: IG Shurvone_Wright


PWH POETRY By Natashia Hagans

She Decided

She sits alone... With her back arched against the wall... No tears to show... But tears weep from the inside of her heart... She seems to be damaged... Momma never hugged her... Her grandmother never hugged her either... She looks around in the dark for someone to hold her tight... Every day she holds a ruff and tough exterior... But the interior has turmoil... Waiting to be loved... Just not with a man while in bed... She wants more... For a love that is well in her soul... A friend who can listen to her pour her heart into words... Without judgment... The She The She

silence in the room uproots her... begins to cry for the first time... tears fall down her face like a waterfall... can’t let them settle any longer...

She Her ​H er She

weeps harder... daughter is startled... daughter states to her: ”Mommy, why are you crying? Can I give you a hug?” looked at her daughter and was about to send her baby girl on her way...

But She She She

she stopped and looked at her daughter... saw a real concern on her daughter’s face... hugged her hard... thought in her head, I can’t be like my mommy and grandma...

She let her daughter hug her and wipe the tears from her face... She hugged her daughter hard... She told her daughter: “Mommy is not ok, but she will be...” She knew right then she broke a generational curse with her daughter... The hard exterior ended there... She felt relief as she continued to hug her daughter... Her wellness journey began at that moment with that hug... She decided to get some help... She decided to talk to a therapist... She decided to keep hugging her daughter... While the tears rolled down her face...

YES GIRL, By: Patrice Rivers

on ls i W . .R L h c oa C LR Wilson is a CEO, Empowerment Lifestyle Coach, Motivational Speaker, Blogger, Author, Pius Size Model, Ghostwriter, Lead Media Correspondent, and Columnist for Pretty Women Activator, Cultivator, Catalystand andpart Trailblazer are a few Hustle Magazine, of the core team. Her words that describe young mogul in the making, Carla R. most important roles of all are mother and NaNa. Cannon. She is a 9x International Best-Selling Author & Entrepreneur on a mission to unlock, unleash and She was teenage mother and gave birth activate women intoatheir purpose from the pulpit to to theher child, a daughter, at 16 years with old. The marketplacefirst authentically and unapologetically a spirit of excellence. marriage following the birth of her daughter dissipated less than two years later. She married again at age 27, and out of the union, three sons were born. Some 20+ years later, she found herself back in front of a judge as the second marriage dissolved. Before the official divorce, she suffered from depression, suicidal ideation, drug, and alcohol abuse to cope with the pain. Through it all, she was able to find herself again! in 2020, she became the proud owner of LR Wilson







Empowerment Lifestyle Coach and Motivational Speaker. LR Wilson Consulting LLC offers Empowerment





Coaches in their personal and professional lives, focusing on goal setting. Goal setting is done through Empowerment Blueprinting, which is a unique concept offered exclusively at LR Wilson CONSULTING, LLC. She is the founder and creator of S.H.E.E. (Sisters Healing Evolving and Empowered), a group on Facebook. Out of this group, she published her first book, The S.H.E.E. JOURNAL , in 2019, a journal of affirmations instilling seif love in every reader. In 2020, she launched the Empowerment Planner





Empowerment Coaching Worksheets.


Yes, Girl, Yes! Goodie Boxes hit the ground in

Empowerment coaching is the ability to allow

2021. Goodie boxes have unique products to

others to understand, accept and recognize

EMPOWER each consumer. Every


who they are by equipping them with tools to

month a different themed box of goodies

attain goals that they have outlined to acquire

arrives. Yes, Girl, Yes!! was featured on Cora

and/or regain empowerment in their lives to

Jakes Coleman Showcase and Off The Wire.

move them into their destiny.

LR Wilson is no stranger to the media spotlight. She appeared as a Speaker on Soul

How would you describe your industry?














appearances on “The Real Talk Podcast with

overwhelming yet fulfilling for Coaches as well

T. Holmes” and “The Chronicles of Doing Too

as Coachees. You have to find your niche and

Much with Angie Riley” in 2021.

be passionate about the work you do and the people whose lives you are invested in. Life

In addition, she released two eBooks, How To

Coaching can be a cut-throat industry at

Live An Empowered Life Guides and My Anxiety


Workbook. So much more is planned and in

compassionate and, most importantly, have

store for this Coach With The Most!

humanity if you truly are in the business to





help people and not just for the money. She also released the My Anxiety Workbook , which helps those who are suffering from anxiety in life. Addressing issues that affect our lives and hinder us from being empowered is what Empowerment Lifestyle Coaching is all about. Removing barriers to a successful life! She has successfully held two Empowerment conferences in 2018 and 2019 under the Channeling



umbrella, which is the name of her blog. The third and biggest Empowerment conference of all will be held in July 2022! 2022 Empowerment Conference = S.H.E.E. Edition * Rejuvenated * Recharged * Ready To Go * July 2022 in LOS CABOS, Mexico. MORE DETAILS TO COME! Who is LR Wilson in four words? An




motivational speaker, and a straight shooter with no chaser. What exactly is “Empowerment” coaching, and what inspired your start?


When someone signs up for coaching by LR, what can they expect? Coachees who sign up with me for Empowerment Lifestyle Coaching can expect to do work! They can expect to dig deep into the crevices of their being to conquer the goals they have set forth. They can expect homework. They can expect weekly check-ins and daily messages from me to see what they need, how things are going etc. My track record is stellar for completion through Empowerment Lifestyle Coaching. Not every Coachee needs what the next Coachee needs. My programs are not cookie-cutter, and you will come out on top. Everyone has heard of the famous “Wake Up Wednesdays with LR,” What is the process like to get ready for your lives? Wake Up Wednesday is just that. .me waking up on a Wednesday morning and doing a LIVE on IG. I literally come as I am! I don’t prep for it. Whatever God and/or the Universe places in my spirit to talk about, that’s what I do. I’m a genuine person, so I like to do real-life things that people can relate to. It’s not scripted, and it’s definitely not pre-recorded because that’s not who I am. What you see on Wednesday mornings. .. is exactly who I am. You recently released an empowerment eBook. Can you tell us about that? "How to Live An Empowered Life” is the eBook that was released, and there are steps to living a life of empowerment as well as questions that are asked of each person that purchases it to navigate through where you are and get you to where you want to be in life. It is made up of 7 easy steps! If you can master those 7 things, you are truly on your way to living an empowered life!

You are a single mother and grandmother. How do you balance entrepreneurship while supporting your family? Being a single mother is new territory for me; however, I can honestly say that my exhusband is there too as a parent and partner to me. Balancing entrepreneurship, working full time and family balance is hard. As a NaNa, because that’s what my grand diva, Aubrii, has been taught all of her life, is rewarding because I get to spend time with her during the summer and holidays. My kids and the grand diva get to see me working a full-time job and doing my own thing as a fempreneur. Many times, I’m up late working on things, and the balance comes in when I set my business aside, take care of home, and then those late nights and early mornings happen to continually build my platform. What are some challenges you have faced thus far in your career? To be honest, the challenge I have faced during my career as an Empowerment Lifestyle Coach is connecting with other coaches to acquire knowledge and resources that may benefit my business without having to pay for everything. It behooves me that some people don’t want to help others excel. I understand that it’s a business; however, I also understand the power of networking and that blessings come from helping others. What advice do you have for someone searching for an empowerment coach? My advice to someone searching for an Empowerment Lifestyle Coach is to hire me! Plain and simple! I have your best interest at heart even when you don’t have it for yourself. I’m genuine, and I am the biggest cheerleader you will ever meet when it comes to empowering! What is next for LR Wilson? Next is my international empowerment conference held in Los Cabos San Lucas, July 14-17, 2022. It’s the 2022 Empowerment Conference, S.H.E.E. Edition, Rejuvenated ~ Recharged ~Ready To Go! We are booking now, so head over to my website to get all the deets on it! I am actively seeking Motivational Speaking engagements to talk about Empowerment, Goal Setting, and simply being AWESOME in your own skin! That is something I really want to do and is at the forefront of my next endeavors.

CELEBRATING BLACK GIRL MAGIC WITH A TASTE OF LOVE IN THE DMV Our dreams are what we envision through the madness of our daily lives. We cling to the hope that one day we will be able to live out our lives by our intended purpose. Some create vision boards. Some write it down in journals. Whichever method is chosen, your dreams can become a reality. In Maryland, Chanel Holland is one woman who has manifested her dreams to her reality. Faced with challenges, she still persevered to overcome her obstacles in life. She is a true overcomer. Chanel triumphed over her difficulties to come out on top of her dreams. Her Black Girl Magic is evident in all that she does. Chanel’s story of resiliency can empower others. Here’s what she informed us about her inspiration, motivation, new food truck, and new lease on life:

What inspired your recent pivot in life? “After certain life-altering events, I could’ve balled up in a corner & screamed “whoa, is me,” but because I have someone depending on me, I was left with no choice but to come up with a plan for my life in order to sustain my livelihood. So, I decided to pursue one of my passions & that is cooking.” What advice would you give to your younger self and/or young girls to avoid certain life challenges? “My biggest advice to my younger self would be to ALWAYS love yourself. When you lack love & selfesteem, you tend to tolerate & accept less than you deserve because you feel unworthy of anything great. I tell my daughter all the time to look at herself & simply say, “I am beautiful, I am smart & I can be/do anything I set my mind to!” We are all Eagles, born to fly; therefore, the skies & beyond will forever be limitless.” What motivated you to expand your food services to a food truck? “I always knew A Taste Of Love was meant to be bigger than my Momma’s kitchen because of the amount of love we were shown throughout the last 3 years. Therefore, I learned to pray before making any decisions. I asked God to guide my footsteps in whatever direction A Taste Of Love is supposed to go. One day, I was online searching & the truck appeared. The gentleman I purchased the truck from was simply amazing, thus making the process simple. So right then & there, I knew it was nothing but God who opened the door for such an amazing opportunity.”

How do you balance motherhood, entrepreneurship, and your personal life? “ is a personal life nowadays?? The great thing with my daughter is that she’s fascinated by what I do, so she understands when I have to work those long hours because she knows Mommy is doing this so I can provide for her. I’ve always made her an employee of A Taste Of Love, so she’s right there with me. I had to learn that it’s okay to take a day off & just “live” a little. I recently just hit the dating scene again, so I’ve allowed myself to have days when cooking isn’t on the “to do” list & I venture out to enjoy someone else actually catering & doing for me.

Chanel Holland is a boss who is making moves on her own terms. “My Black Girl Magic will continue to emanate, evolve and elevate,” she expresses. “My legacy will be one where my lineage can look back & smile while saying: ‘my GG suffered & sacrificed so we wouldn’t have to’” Chanel continues. She didn’t let her life struggles determine her future. She took control of her own life and now lives within her own demands. Connect with her brand as @A Taste of Love on Facebook and as @atasteoflove20 on Instagram. You can see and taste the love in all that Chanel Holland creates. Stay tuned for her writing projects and more Black Girl Magic by following her brand online.

Writer, C. Scott, is a mompreneur, social worker, educator, and lover of all things literary related. Follow her online as @curls_coils.

INTENTIONAL EMPOWERMENT Written by: Latrina Caldwell

We all talk about being empowered in our daily lives, but are you being intentional about your empowerment? Asking yourself this question and allowing space for the answer has to happen. The definition of intentional is “done on purpose; deliberate,” according to Webster’s Dictionary. When you are intentional about how you live your life, you are more focused on how you will grow, what it will take to get there and when you will put those steps into action. There is no time like the present to allow yourself this grace. Just like success, empowerment has a different meaning for different people.

5. “I contain multitudes.” You will sometimes have mixed feelings, and you will change and evolve over time. Both of these things are okay! They simply reflect your complexity. Respect and honor your many facets and all they have to teach you.

Do you have an empowerment statement? Each day you should affirm your empowerment to promote self-confidence. There are 14 Daily Affirmations for Confidence that Promote SelfEmpowerment below to help you get started on your journey to empowerment courtesy of Law of Attraction. Make those statements intentional and commit to doing the work necessary. If you don’t know where to begin, hire a coach or a mentor to get you on the right track.

7.“I have the strength to succeed.” Whether you need to empower yourself to work towards abundance, romance, a rich career, or something else entirely, these words are useful. This is a quick affirmation to use when you’re feeling a little wobbly.

Empowerment is a personal choice and responsibility. When you choose to be intentional about changing things in your life, you evoke your empowerment which then becomes a snowball effect, and every part of your life will begin to fall into place. As an Empowerment Lifestyle Coach, I am a firm believer in manifesting empowerment through action. Setting personal and professional goals in our lives gives us power over what is expected to happen. Once you set the goals, you move into action to attain them. There may be some setbacks, and that’s okay. The key to it all is making it to the finish line. That Sis . . is INTENTIONAL EMPOWERMENT!

14 Daily Affirmations for Confidence 1. “I am worthy.” Simple but powerful. This affirmation reminds you that you have every right to ask to receive everything you want, no matter what undermining messages you may have received in earlier life. 2. “I have all the power I need.” Sometimes, we think we need to rely on others to get what we want. While other people can be great resources and supporters, it’s important to understand that you have everything you need inside. 3. “I make my dreams my reality.” A statement like this is a good way to quickly reflect on the truth of the Law of Attraction. And to turn your attention to your endless ability to shape the world around you. 4. “I give my unique gifts to the world.” Instead of comparing yourself to other people and worrying that you come up short, see that no one can give the world what you do. Rejoice in the fact that you are enriching that world every day.

6.“I will be my own best advocate.” Just as you already have all the power you need, you should feel confident about advocating for your needs and goals. You don’t need to apologize to anyone for pursuing respect and success. This affirmation helps you stay in tune with that idea.

8. “I am the author of my own destiny.” No one else gets to decide what’s best for you, what you want, or how you pursue it. Say this sentence to combat the underlying worry that you need to please others or that you should bow to their expertise in matters of your own happiness. 9.“I am responsible for my own happiness.” Likewise, no one gets to take away your joy. Plus, no one can be blamed for preventing you from having it. Happiness is a choice, and it’s one you can make today. 10.“I give and receive love each day.” Compassion and love boost your vibrational frequency and attract better things into your life, so a morning affirmation like this sets you up for a day of reciprocal positivity. 11.“I will triumph over all challenges.” There is nothing you can’t overcome! However, sometimes you need to hear yourself say this aloud before you remember that it really is true. 12.“I have the power to choose.” Sometimes, it can feel like you’re being forced into a corner, by people or by circumstance. However, your own manifestation abilities mean that you can always choose to do something different. Plus, realizing this is freeing. 13. “To take care of others, I need to take care of myself.” Whenever you feel like you’re draining your own resources to meet the needs of others, this affirmation can push you to see that you need to put your self-care first. 14. “I believe in myself.” Finally, sometimes the simplest affirmations are the very best. If you verbalize your trust and belief in yourself often enough, it will become the bedrock upon which all your other decisions are made.

PWH INSIDE LOOK Written by: Jakia Cheatham - Myles

Corina Towns The Mission: To empower young girls who have lost their mothers and have struggled with their identities, giving young girls another chance to build their self-esteem after a tragic loss. The Vision:

Dedicated to educating, intervening, and

providing resources for young girls and those who take them into their homes. The Background : Corina Towns lost her mother at a young age and struggled with her image, depression, suicidal thoughts, and self-esteem. She journeyed through the broken foster care system until her brother’s father took her into his home. Meanwhile, she battled with how she looked on the outside consistently. One day a woman named Mrs. Johnson took her to a hair salon and allowed Corina to experience a different life. Enhancing her outer appearance gave her the motivation to work on the inside. Even though she fell short daily, she never stopped believing in herself. Since then, she made it her task to reach out to young girls and give them that same experience. Just like Maya Angelou stated, “ Still I Rise!”

Message To Young Girls: Corina wants young girls to know this: No matter what you are going through, you are beautiful, smart, and loved. You will experience difficulties in this life after a tragedy but don’t give up! Keep pushing, keep your head up, and keep your dreams alive because times will get better!

Blushed to Greatness Q&A with CEO Corina Towns What exactly is Blushing Princesses? Blushing Princesses is a non-profit organization that helps young girls with their self-esteem and their identity. It helps young girls feel good about themselves. We have community partners that show them how to groom themselves and give out care packages with personal hygiene items. We have motivational speakers to come out and motivate them to be prosperous and tell them not to go down the wrong path. Most recently, you added an addition to Blushing Princess for young boys? Tell us more about that and the reason behind it. I spoke with a childhood friend about this event, and we realized the young boys also needed an outlet. They needed to be encouraged and uplifting to feel good about themselves as well. We have speakers to reach the young boys and to speak into their lives. You have a unique story behind Blushing Princesses. Give our readers a brief glimpse into your story and why this all came about. My mom passed away when I was 9, and my dad raised us. I would get teased about my hair​ because my hair didn’t look like the other girls. I remember in 7th grade, we pulled names for Christmas gifts. A male classmate of mine pulled my name, and his gift to me was a comb, a brush, and hair grease. That was a blow to my self-confidence. In middle school, my dad had someone put a Jeri-curl in my hair, and all my hair fell out. But then God sent Ms. Kathy Craft to start me on a different journey. She took me every two weeks to the hairdresser.

I wanted to be a help to other young girls the way Ms. Craft helped me. Hair is a big issue with me, and I want to help the girls have pride in their looks and not feel bad about their outward appearance. I also wanted to teach young girls how to take care of their hygiene from a woman’s perspective because I had to teach myself. For the past few years, you have hosted an event that has grown and grown. What’s the name of the event? When did you start it? Why is this event important? When will the event for 2021 be held, and where? The name of my event is Blossoming Blushing Princesses. This event began on June 1, 2018. This event is important because it gives hope and encouragement to our youth. The date for 2021 is November 13, from 2pm8pm. This event will be held at the Southwest Sports Club, 225 Burke, River Rouge, MI 48218. How can readers contact you to donate to the event? They can call me at 313-646-5431,, our Facebook page at Blossoming Blushing Princesses, or my email Finally, what is your ultimate dream for your business? My ultimate dream is to enlarge my territory. I want Blossoming Blushing Princesses to be a national organization, to open up a resource center, and to have a Blossoming Blushing Princess clothing line to include clothes, lunch boxes, notebooks, and other items.

PWH ENTRPRENUER SPOTLIGHT “Coach Vee” is a certified mindfulness coach, national speaker, and author who owns multiple businesses in Cincinnati, Ohio. She teaches alternative and holistic techniques that help her clients take charge of their mental health without medication. She started her service-based businesses to teach the masses how she beat manic depression and stopped practicing selfharm without the use of medication. Her services are designed to enlighten and empower her clients to use their God-given abilities to conquer harmful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Near the end of 2018, Coach Vee created the Mental Health is Sexy TM brand in an effort to make the attainment and sustainment of mental health an alluring, attractive, and desirable thing. Coach Vee’s Mental Health is Sexy TM brand has three key objectives: 1) to change the narrative around mental health, 2) to influence how mental health services are being delivered, and 3) to help erase the stigma around mental illness. You can learn more about her services and her brand by visiting During the pandemic last year, Coach Vee created a lifestyle brand to help spread her brand message. Mental Health is Sexy TM slogan is featured on apparel and accessories that can be found on her online boutique at She also curates various self-help materials that aid the community in their independent mental health and healing work. Coach Vee is new to the podcasting community and can host her own podcast entitled Mental Health is Sexy with Coach Vee from the 5-1-3 on all available podcasting platforms. She takes about 30 minutes to convince her listeners just how sexy mental health is during each episode. She also has a growing YouTube channel under the name “Coach Vee MP” where she has over 100 videos discussing various mental health and healing topics and tips.

On January 31st of 2020, Coach Vee released her first self-help book entitled Renew Your Mind: Take Charge of Your Mental Health, 8 Alternative Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life. Inside this book, Coach Vee shares the eight techniques she used to beat manic depression without medication. She is currently working on releasing two additional books before the end of this year. What inspired the start of “Coach Vee”? When did you realize you had a passion for helping others? Several life experiences inspired the creation of “Coach Vee.” During some very excruciating events in life, I often felt alone and misunderstood. I felt that the people around me could not help me in the manner I needed to be helped, so I never asked for help, nor did I receive the help they offered me. As a result, I learned to cope with, handle and resolve these issues through trial and error. I must admit, I endured a very long season of error and must have learned a million ways how NOT to cope with certain challenges that life threw at me.

Coach Vee During these times, I wondered how other people dealt with or coped with similar experiences when they did not have as much education, resources, or deductive reasoning skills. My heart yearned for those who handled life’s challenges “the best way that they knew how,” which ultimately made them worse off in the end. I wanted to help guide the masses with feedback and advice from my own experiences to help them avoid the pitfalls that I fell into. All of these things aided in creating “Coach Vee.” A person who could empower, inspire and teach others how to successfully navigate certain life experiences without jeopardizing their mental health. I have always had a passion for helping others, so the idea of creating a service-based business around that was a logical next step. You have created a platform to aid in the battle of Mental Health. Why is finding a coach so important? I have created a platform to aid in raising mental health awareness in a fun, upbeat, and exciting way. For decades, the conversation around mental health has been taboo because the masses focus on mental illness , which brings about a negative connotation (as the word “ illness” often does). I created and trademarked the Mental Health is Sexy TM brand with three main objectives in mind. The first objective is to change the narrative around mental health . The word choice in everyday conversation is a great example as to why a coach such as myself, is needed to positively influence the thought process, service delivery and conversations around mental health. A major part of the coaching services that I provide is to educate my clients on how to effectively advocate for their mental health (not support of their mental illness)... there is a difference. I specialize in teaching my clients non-medicinal ways to attain and sustain their mental health in both personal and professional settings. My work is important because there is a greater emphasis and push toward the use of prescription medication to cope with life’s challenges in Western culture. The idea of relying on external, medicinal options to aid in dealing with life’s challenges is ingrained within our psyche from young. A person can not experience true healing that way. The coaching services that I provide allow me to educate and empower my clients on their God-given ability to truly heal from within, providing the clarity and skill they need to take charge of their mental health to improve their overall quality of life. What tips do you have for business owners dealing with mental health issues while running a business? My tips for business owners dealing with mental health issues while running a business are as follows: “YOU ARE ALWAYS PRIORITY ONE!” #period. That means that your health and well-being must remain your main focus. Nowadays, so many business owners are focused on “getting the bag” that they often neglect their basic needs and daily experiences required to allow them to perform as the best version of themselves! Schedule a day off to engage in self-care, to relax and do nothing, or to just exist. Understand that you created your business out of your passion for a particular product or service and that to experience passion makes you feel good, right? So in order to feel good, you must create consistent balance within your life. Balance involves business AND pleasure. Balance involves work AND play. Balance involves hustle AND relaxation. Balance involves financial and physical health AND mental, emotional and spiritual health. I provide coaching services that empower business owners to successfully execute these very ideals within their lives. What message do you hope women gain from your platform, Mental Health is Sexy TM ? I hope that the message that women gain from my platform is that the attainment and sustainment of their mental health IS SEXY! LOL Or said another way: achieving, maintaining, and protecting their mental health is alluring, attractive, and desirable. When women gain these ideals from my platform, they will become laser-focused on how important their mental health is and shall not permit anything nor anyone within their space that challenges their mental well-being.

Where do you see your company in the next 5 years? In the next 5 years, I see my companies and brands supported and known internationally! I see millions upon millions of people engaging in conversations about mental health in a fun and engaging way because I pushed that narrative. I see my company positioned to change the legacy of my family in the most amazing ways. I see the most influential people in the world believing in my companies and brands so much that they are graciously willing to help spread my message, products, and services worldwide! Everyone will know just how sexy mental health is because of me and my efforts. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who understands that “pretty” goes well beyond any physical appearance or presence. She also understands that “hustle” goes well beyond her business(es). Pretty is a mindset, a complete embodiment of mental, emotional, and spiritual attributes that are pleasant, pleasing and attractive to that woman and those around her. That woman understands and accepts the true beauty within herself and can see and value the true beauty within others. She “hustles” or diligently works to secure her mental, emotional, and spiritual health and believes that while attaining these things, all other things she desires shall be added unto her. She also helps others see the “pretty” within themselves whenever they struggle to see it for themselves. A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is multi-faceted in both her beauty and her grind. She prioritizes her mental health because she accepts that she must be the standard in that area for everyone who admires her. To find out more information about upcoming books, virtual training classes, and coaching programs, subscribe to her email list at” Social media: IG = @coachveemp; FB = @coachveemp YouTube = Coach Vee MP

BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT SELF-CARE Written by: Latrina Caldwell

Self-care is not a new concept, nor is it complicated. The term self-care is exactly what it sounds like: taking care of yourself. Self-care is described as any activity we engage in to maintain our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It is not just about considering our requirements. It is rather about understanding what we need to do to take care of ourselves, and subsequently, take care of others. That is, if I don’t take care of myself, I won’t be able to take care of my loved ones. Self-care is not a selfish concept. It’s a necessary one. If you don’t care for yourself, all stress relief activities in the world will not help. If you don’t get adequate sleep, meditation will be meaningless. If you try to meditate, you may fall asleep because you aren’t fulfilling your body’s need for sleep. If you want your stress relief activities effective, you must first take care of your basic needs. Effective self-care necessitates a balance of activities that address physical, mental, social, spiritual, and emotional aspects of health. We’ve all heard about self-care, but how many of us actually practice it? Perhaps we’re too preoccupied or distracted and don’t think about ways we can intentionally pause and care for ourselves. Self-care is critical for mental health, and it’s something that we all need to do. Treat Yo’ Self! The comedic adage “treat yo’self” may come to mind, but selfcare isn’t careless spending. Self-care improves your health, decisions, and day-to-day actions, according to the research. Make a list of self-care activities that you enjoy. Your favorite hobbies. People who are important to you. Experiences that make you feel relaxed. Places and things that bring you joy. Keep this list handy, so you have a catalog of go-to ways you can treat yourself!

6 Ideas for Intentional Self-Care Here are a few self-care ideas to try to help you feel more energized and less worried over time. You will feel taken care of (in every sense of the word) spiritually, mentally, and physically after practicing intentional self-care. Exercise regularly Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can boost your physical and mental health, improve your sleep and help reduce stress.

Set Boundaries Setting boundaries is the basic step to prioritizing self-care. Identify your work hours, put them on your calendar, and stick to them! This frequently entails turning off notifications and shutting down your technology so you can concentrate on yourself rather than the pings and dings from your computer. Setting boundaries is crucial to ensure you have time to do things that refuel you, such as spending time with your family, going outside, and getting enough sleep each night. Feed your body with the healthy food Your diet is a significant part of self-care. When you eat a nutritious and balanced diet, your skin will reflect precisely that. Nutritious, healthy foods are one of nature’s best gifts to us. If regular meals are complex, try to keep a stash of nutritious, protein-packed snacks on hand. Make it a routine to eat healthy foods that will help you strengthen your body. Also, drink at least 8-10 glasses of water that will help to flush out the toxins Practice yoga and meditation Yoga helps you to connect with your body and the emotions stored deep within. Yoga promotes non-judgment and acceptance of where you are in life, knowing that you are building a strong foundation for a more empowering life. Meditation is one of the simple, most accessible spiritual practices to maintain. Meditation has many advantages, including stress reduction and a better understanding of who you are and what you want out of life. Celebrate yourself What do you generally do at the end of the day when you’ve had a long day? Do you give yourself a pat on the back and say, “Hey, I see you, and I appreciate how hard you worked today?” Although not in those exact words, positive self-talk is essential. It’s not bad to compliment oneself. Spend money with intention Self-care is often linked with buying things. If you want to buy something, spend money on things that will assist you make memories. For example, spend money on things that will allow you to connect with others. A book that you will review with friends from a book club is a great buy. That is meaningful selfcare right there! Finally, make self-care a habit by allocating time to focus on yourself. Put it on your to-do list, write it in your planner, set a reminder on your phone — whatever it takes to make time for yourself! Self-care does not have to be time-consuming or complex. In reality, if you stress over how to practice self-care, you’re defeating the aim! Just make sure that you make time to do things you like and make yourself feel better (aside from the checkmark on the to-do list). You won’t regret it!

PWH ENTRPRENUER SPOTLIGHT Tamela Holmes Tamela Holmes is a hairstylist, podcaster, and soon-to-be author. Tamela started to live her passion at the age of 11 as a hairstylist that later became her career. She is the owner of T. Holmes and Company Salon in Goodlettsville, TN. As Tamela began to search her purpose after much prayer, her journey led her to start her own podcast, RealTalk w/ T. Holmes, in May 2021. The podcast is a platform she uses to inspire others by talking about her struggles as a child. Tamela is married to Leonardo Holmes Sr., and they have four children.

Can you share more about your new journey as an author? I am brand new as an author. I’m torn on what to share and what not to share. I have mixed feelings and emotions as I express my thoughts, but I am determined NOT to be stuck in my past as I give Inspiration of HOPE to others. “Giving up is never an option, and the fight must go on.”​ I am beyond excited to be on a new journey of life, and I expect great things to come as I travel this journey of greatness!!

What does entrepreneurship mean to you? Entrepreneurship to me means to see and focus on my vision, boldly stepping out on faith, creating a plan, clearly in manifestation while following the execution of my plan.

What is next for Tamela Holmes? Tamela Holmes’s vision is clear. Although I’m in constant prayer for God’s will to be done in my life, I see RealTalk w/ T. Holmes to be a whole production with my own broadcast station as I help others build their own table as we all climb the latter. Tamela will soon be a bestselling author, producing more inspiration for Hope books.

How do you balance life as an entrepreneur, podcast host, author, and family woman? WOW, balancing. Hmmmm! Sometimes I ask myself the same question. My life has always been fast forward. Being a wife, mother, entrepreneur, podcast host, and soon-to-be author has definitely been a challenge for me at times. My balance has not always been swift. More often than less, I have to stand firm and constantly be in prayer as I wait on God. My balance will forever be HOPE!!! What was the inspiration behind your show, Real Talk w/ T. Holmes? As a hairstylist, behind the chair, I’ve lived in my passion as I was NOT walking in my purpose. As a young girl, I’ve always wanted to be on a platform, not a platform for shape, form, or fashion but a platform of inspiration. I hear so much behind the chair. We, as women, tend to lose ourselves, so I knew it was past time. I started to pray and ask God to show me my purpose. For months I couldn’t hear Him, and suddenly March 2021, I heard God clearly say, “It’s time.” RealTalk w/T. Holmes podcast is just as simple as that -a platform that was created from my struggles in life to help inspire others. I am a firm believer that our trials and tribulations are not for us. Somewhere along the way, God will place us in the presence of others who are experiencing the same thing, and we must minister to them how we overcame. Nevertheless, the inspiration behind RealTalk w/ T. Holmes grew in my heart when I made a simple phone call to Scott Wallace to ask questions about how to start a podcast. I owe a major THANK YOU to Scott and Harriet Wallace with Wallace Media Group. God will definitely place people around you that you never expected to be a part of your life.

Ways to connect: Email- Facebook- RealTalk w/ T.Holmes Podcast page Instagram-@Realtalk_wtholmespodcast

PWH ENTRPRENUER SPOTLIGHT Yolanda Minniefield Yolanda’s life and testimony alone are newsworthy and worth knowing! She has written about her journeys from growing pains to facing extensive prison time; sharing not only her fears of having to leave her 8 children behind, but her triumphant victories while gaining back her life! Yolanda’s extreme faith and praying spirit pour into her minority business, where she is praised by her peers for being a bold, courageous, and motivating woman- always encouraging her peers to press forward. Yolanda’s success is reflected through her successful business, The M.Grant Project which provides Freelance Grant Writing Services and Small Grants, as well as assists inspiring Entrepreneurs with documentation creation, filings, courses & consulting. Known as ‘The Grant Plug’, Yolanda has written countless Articles, Business Plans, Grant Proposals, etc. for a consistently growing number of thriving business owners, in multiple states, and manages a Grants Listing Site with over 100 Grant opportunities and 3500k members. The M.Grant Project is in the beginning stages of opening its first Inclusive CoWorking Space during a Pandemic! As a six-time Published Author, ACHI’s 2019 Woman On The Rise Recipient, 2020 One In A Million Award Recipient, 2020 Urban CEO Nominee, and 2021 Deborah Rising Award Recipient, Yolanda is continuously developing into one of the most inspiring women of our time, much deserving of her flowers.

Who exactly is Yolanda The "Grant Plug" in four words? Resilient. Original. Purposed. Powerhouse. When did you realize entrepreneurship was for you? I knew that entrepreneurship was for me when I would fill up with visions, and I could no longer sleep or breathe right having them in me. I knew that there were gaps to be filled and I could clearly see what I needed to do to fill them. The more I sat with my skills and acknowledged my capabilities, the more I sought entrepreneurship. What is the "Grant Plug" brand all about? ‘OG The Grant Plug’ is about giving away the game! There are so many misconceptions about Grant Funding, Startup Capital, ways to generate Capital, etc., and so we give away the tools and resources that actually help others to position themselves for what’s truly available. My business ‘The M.Grant Project’ literally helps to fund, develop and grow other minority businesses, and there is power in that! We even awarded our 3rd Small Business Grant recently.

At a minimum, we educate and give direct access to funding opportunities; we’ve helped over 370 minority business owners, nonprofit founders, and entrepreneurs push forward during the Covid-19 Pandemic and grew our members over 3500k, so the brand speaks for itself.

Can you give four tips for business owners getting ready to search for grants?

First, I would say PLAN. And I mean that in every way- have a Business Plan, write out what your complete Funding Plan is, Plan your Pitch and your approach, and Please Plan your Budget.Second, Research. Do your due diligence by knowing where to find the opportunities available and by knowing the companies you’ll be asking for funding from. Third, Be Courageous and Convincing! Being timid in your approach is not going to get you a ‘Yes’.

And lastly, order your GRANTed Planner Kits from The M.Grant Project! It will certainly help you get in a position to win those Grants!

When preparing grants and consulting companies, what has been the biggest mistake made by entrepreneurs? Not having a Business Plan! There is a no bigger mistake than trying to work, and have others operate from inside of your head… What is next for "The Grant Plug"? Opening our Coworking Space in DeKalb County, Ga is our greatest accomplishment! We are excited to provide a space where small business owners, nonprofit founders, & entrepreneurs can come in to not only work collaboratively but can find and apply for funding on-site, create, register, or file paperwork, utilize all office equipment, find employees or volunteers and network! We look forward to growing our courses, databases, and memberships into 2022.

You can follow The M.Grant Project on Social Media: Facebook Group: The M.Grant Project, Minority Grants Group! IG: @OG.TheGrantPlug @TheMGrantProject Twitter: OG_TheGrantPlug @MuvaOG

PWH ENTRPRENUER SPOTLIGHT Donelle Grant Donelle Grant was born and raised in Pasadena, Later moving to Phoenix, AZ to enjoy life with husband and four children. Donelle is grateful for blessing of owning Several businesses: Scrub UP, Heart Scrub, and Bo$$ Lay-Dee League.

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Donelle has been a nurse for over 10 years. Her main goal was to create a pair of scrubs that fit, were decently priced, and provided confidence while working the day to day shifts. Scrub UP provides that. Donelle's overall goal is to give back to women all over the world and provide a product that displays confidence that so many lack. Scrub UP provides quality scrubs that encompasses the heart of healthcare heroes.

Describe your hustle in four words. My hustle is simple it’s CABS. Confidence Always Brings Success. When did you realize you needed to provide a product for women in the healthcare field? About five years ago, I had been working a double shift & when I completed the shift for that evening I stopped by one of my patients’ rooms before clocking out and she said you are a beautiful woman and have a nice body but your pants are a little too small. When you leaned over to grab my water I can see your underwear. Not only was I embarrassed but a bit angry. No matter where I shopped all the scrubs fit the same even the ones labeled to fit curvy women. What do you hope women take away from your brand? I want women who shop with The Scrub UP Shop to remember CABS. Confidence is key in all you do. It took confidence to get through school and confidence to do something so “EASY” as being a nurse. What has been your greatest lesson thus far? So far my greatest lesson has been time management. I have so many projects that Scrub UP is involved in and future projects that slowing down, and taking the necessary time to cross t’s and dot i’s is the best way moving forward. What is next for Scrub Up LLC? The sky is not the limit for Scrub Up, LLC (the Scrub UP shop). The next phase will be revealed in November. Keep following!

Ways to connect: Instagram information Scrub_Up101 Facebook @theScrubUPshop

PWH ENTRPRENUER SPOTLIGHT L. Renee L. Renee is an Ohio Buckeye, born and raised. She still resides in Ohio with her husband, James, and their 2-year-old dog, Kane, an Italian Mastiff. She is the mother of one son and the grandmother of a beautiful 3-year-old girl. L. Renee has been an avid community activist but became even more involved within the past 4 years. L Renee has self-published 4 books and contributes to a regular column in Pretty Women Hustle Magazine. She is also a highly recommended member of the IAPWE (International Association of Writers & Editors). L. Renee’ is a Certified Makeup Artist/Advanced Skincare Consultant, Call Center owner, and she runs a boutique hair salon in Gahanna, Ohio, with her business partner. She is a private real estate investor, a provider of essential services, and owns a 100 person call center in Central Ohio. L. Renee’ is looking to make generational wealth the exception and not the norm as she helps women and men in her community build brands and break generational curses. Nobody said you couldn’t look good doing it, is her philosophy. At what moment did you realize entrepreneurship was for you? I knew I wasn’t built for the politics of corporate America at 19 while working for the State of Ohio. I was never a 9 to 5 punch your time clock type of person. It stifled me. As much as I knew this, I was forced into entrepreneurship instead of venturing out and taking a leap of faith on my own. In 2010, I was in a debilitating car accident that restricted me to a bed for 6 months. During that time, I came up with my first business, D.I.S.K., Dependable Internet Solutions, and Knowledge. My goal was to do admin work from home. It is now a 70 person remote call center with agents all over the US and Canada. Since then, I’ve fully embraced my entrepreneurial spirit and am now referred to as a serial entrepreneur. You are what the world calls a “Serial Entrepreneur,” what has been your biggest lesson thus far? Creating multiple streams of income is a must. Stewart’s beauty is making waves in the beauty industry. What inspired your start? My grandmother Madge Stewart. She was the most polished woman I have ever met, still to this day. Grooming was extremely important to her, and she would take me to the beauty shop twice a month ​ since I was 9 years old. When she and my grandfather passed away, they made sure that I would be able to take the legacy they left me and carry it on.

What services are you currently offering? We are currently the only full-service salon owned by Black women in Gahanna, Ohio. We offer facials, eyelash extensions, massages, henna brows, manicures/pedicures, natural haircare, custom wig creation, and more! You can check us out at www. What is the experience like entering Stewarts Beauty salon? We pride ourselves on the professional yet calming and regal atmosphere at Stewart Boutique. When you walk in, you are greeted by our Receptionist and surrounded by beautiful hues of purple and gold. We greet each customer by saying, “Welcome Black,” as our customer base is typically 99% African American. When they leave, we say, “See you next time.” We try to provide a relaxing and family-oriented safe space for all of our guests and staff. What advice do you have for someone looking to get their foot in the door? Never give up. There will be challenging days, and you are not going to see a profit for the first year. Stay the course and learn all you can about the business. Find a good local mentor with who you can meet up and share ideas and feedback. What is next for your beauty empire? We’re going to be looking at opening other locations in Columbus, including possibly a wig bar. We won’t tell you too much, as not to spoil the fun! You can stay abreast with all we have going on by following us on Facebook @StewartBoutique

PWH ENTRPRENUER SPOTLIGHT Lakesha Davis LaKesha, a native Baltimorean, is a student at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore pursuing a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership. She holds a Master’s Degree in Human Services Administration and Associate's and Bachelor’s Degrees in Criminal Justice. In addition to being a lifelong learner, LaKesha is a full-time mother, employee, authoress, and serial entrepreneur. She gives back to her community by serving underprivileged youth, providing training and mentorship through her nonprofit. Additionally, she shares her talents with the community by coordinating the largest LGBT festival in the state, providing life and business coaching, and working part-time as an adjunct faculty for an adult literacy program. Her debut literary work can be purchased on Amazon: LED: For those who suffer among us (Neeuq Nyeusi). Who is Lakesha Davis in four words? Strong, Go-Getting, Capricorn Queen When did you realize entrepreneurship was for you? When I was 19, as I muddled through this thing called life, I wrote a program that would defragment the services that I was having so much trouble navigating (housing with children and a mental health issue, and unemployment). I wanted to help girls who shared my experience circumvent the additional trauma. As the years went on, my experiences and skills changed, and the program evolved to what it is today. Boys, girls, and LGBT youth are the target audience of this comprehensive mentorship program with a vision to eradicate teen pregnancy and promote intergenerational parenting while developing leadership and entrepreneurship skills. I offer training, workshops, support groups, and referrals to other services such as mental health and drug treatment. The Non-profit status was recently approved, which I am ecstatic about. I am in the process of researching and applying for a few grants and developing a fundraising campaign. As an arms business, the for profit sector provides notary services, CPR/AED/BLS and first-aid training to the community, business consulting, event coordination and decor. I am a life coach and am developing my public speaking skills to be a better motivational speaker.

I recently discovered the need for an LGBT resource and event center. I created one that will bring two neighboring jurisdictions together. How do you balance entrepreneurship and motherhood? It has been tough. I am working to perfect this everyday. I would like to get my children involved so they don't have to work their whole lives in jobs that lead to a stagnate state.

Tell us about your book LED: for those who suffer among us? In my life, I've experienced common atrocities that change the way adolescents approach adulthood. I was sexually abused and assaulted by the age of 14; became a teen mom, was a domestic violence victim from 18 to 23, suffered from depression and anxiety, and have been homeless. As an adult, employee, and student, I experienced abuse in the workplace and classroom. I was at the brink of responding with violence when bureaucratic measures failed. I went to therapy and was diagnosed with PTSD. It was only then that I was able to conceptualize and piece together the connection between my trauma and views. Initially, this book served a much different purpose. I am a Ph.D. student and wanted to take an unconventional approach to an internship. Not only was I approaching a leadership topic from the follower's perspective, but I also elected to write sort of a tell-all book. This wasn't a self-help or leadership book. It was a personal story describing traumatic events and the leaders that shaped the nucleus of my followership and view of leadership. Once my project was due, the deliverable was to have it published. Here I am, an author. The book is a quick read but will hold your interest all the way through. It's real, raw, and relative to our experiences as women. I recommend it for teens and women who lead. Get a different perspective. What message do you hope women take away from your work? To be resilient. Anything you set your mind to do, get it done. Nothing happens overnight. Find a niche and a mentor. So many people are quick to jump on what is trending. Those fads fade quickly, sometimes leaving you in a worse position. Evaluate your skillset and work hard to improve and develop it. Surround yourself with good people that enhance your vision. Research. Research. Research. Know your craft inside and out. Plan well into your future and execute the goals one by one. Your coach/mentor should be able to guide you and hold you accountable! Lastly, Lead, follow, and inspire until you get everything you desire! How can readers get involved in your community projects? I am always looking for volunteers and interns. I have several projects happening simultaneously. I am open to any guidance and assistance as well.

I can be contacted on any of my websites: Life and Business coaching; Non-profit; forprofit; LGBT events and resources What is your definition of a pretty woman who hustles? Pretty Women who hustle come in many shapes, sizes, and disciplines. She is a go-getter who goes to get what she wants. She is a phenomenal woman who doesn't let anything get in her way. Hustle Pretty Women, Hustle!

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