PWH MAGAZINE - March 2023

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Danette Mahabeer




Shaunda Thompson


Amanda Sherman

Gloria B 2 3



India K. Easley


Pretty Women Hustle Magazine

March 2023

Cover Image


CEO/Founder Publisher

Jakia Cheatham–Myles

Lead Editor

Adrienne Michelle Horn

I A M Editing, Ink

www iamediting com

Graphic Designer/Copywriter

Raquel de Lemos

Raquel Writes Content

www raquelwritescontent com

Info@Prettywomenhustle com

Instagram: @Prettywomenhustlemagazine

Facebook: Pretty Women Hustle Magazine

TikTok: @Prettywomenhustleonline





March is the Month of WOMEN! During the month of March, we celebrate and highlight the contributions made by women

When was the last time you took a moment to celebrate and honor the women around you who have broken barriers and made history in their community, city, and state?

As we prepare for Women’s History Month, try your best to highlight and honor another woman going after their goals and dreams

During this time, let’s aim to uplift and show support to the women who surround us

This issue will highlight female creatives from different industries while focusing on women-owned brands from around the world Our Contributors have provided tips, stories, and motivation to help women in business stay on track while fulfilling their purpose

On the cover, we have entrepreneur and mogul India Easley

Take a moment and read through the pages of this magazine while thinking of other women in business you know who may need inspiration and motivation to keep going after their dreams Find us on social media and Let us know about your business

Allow this issue to serve as a reminder to “Dream! Dream Big! Don’t ever stop Dreaming!”

Until Next Time, Stay Pretty and Paid!

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When we hear the words "health" and "fitness," we automatically think of salads and the gym Of course, these terms have to do with what we feed our bodies and how we treat our bodies. However, if we feed our bodies with the right foods but neglect proper daily hydration, are we really effective in our healthy lifestyle routines? The answer is no The same goes for our workout sessions Many people like myself hate to exercise. However, we still wish to have healthier bodies. Sometimes I wish I could just blink and have the body I desire without having to work for it Unfortunately, it just doesn't work like that

For those who dread traditional exercising, I have the solution to your problem You may have heard the term Zumba before but haven't looked into it or fully understood how it works or what it really is. Zumba was created in Columbia in the 1990s and is mostly categorized as a party than a workout. Because of this, people tend to be drawn to this type of fitness session instead of the traditional gym workout sessions Zumba is a simple workout session that is instructor-led and is designed with simple dance moves, mainly focused on the hips and step counts. Studies have shown that a 40 minutes Zumba session burns a total of approximately 370 calories It is very appealing to those who hate exercising because of how invigorating and freeing the activity is. Zumba can be done to any and all genres of music, from Latin to Reggae, to Hip Hop.

If you dread traditional exercising, Zumba may change your perspective. The more enjoyable the class is, the more motivated you will be to continue it. Subsequently, the more consistent you are with the program, the more you'll see positive results As they say, don't knock it until you've tried it. This may be the game changer for you in your health and fitness journey.


“New Year, New Trends”

I think we ’ ve all heard someone say the phrase, “New Year, New Me.” This is mostly because they’re getting resolutions ready and hoping to be able to keep those promises

For 2023, let’s shift to something along the lines of “New Year, New Trends.” There have been so many styles that have reintroduced themselves back into our closets And who knows, maybe bell bottoms and fanny packs will make a comeback too!


We’ve seen fashion trends come and go, but it’s the ones that come back that stick with us. It’s a great way to stay fashionable while also taking a trip down memory lane Let’s take a look at two trends making a comeback this season

#2 Trend - Sheer

#1 Trend - Novelty

Remember that pokemon tshirt from 2001? It’s safe to say this can come out of hiding for 2023 Pair it with heels and a blazer to add a professional yet playful look. We are seeing an emerging trend of vintageinspired fashion in recent years, with fashion icons such as Kim Kardashian, Gigi Hadid, and even the Duchess of Cambridge wearing pieces from the 90s and early 2000s This has translated to the rise of vintage-inspired clothing being sold in stores and online, making it easier for people to rock this style. The vintage-inspired Pokemon tshirt will fit right into this trend and will be the perfect addition to any outfit

Sheer-ly this one will be a shocker, but yes, it has come back. Pull out those super cute cropped tops and sheer dresses Sheer clothing has become increasingly popular recently due to its versatility and aesthetic appeal It is lightweight and can be layered over other clothing for a unique look or worn alone for a high-fashion statement. It has become popular because it can be incorporated into many different styles, from edgy to casual to dressy. Additionally, it’s easy to find sheer fabric in various colors and patterns, making it easy to create a look that is truly your own Wear a sheer pink blouse with a white tank underneath for a brunch date Pair it with beige strappy sandals and a white pencil skirt for a luxurious look. These trends have made a comeback this year, and I’m sure you have a few in your closet Make sure to take advantage of the resurgence of these trends and create a few brand-new looks for yourself! Stay Pretty


How many of us have found it so hard to stay on track while living the life of an entrepreneur? How many of us have wanted to move forward with certain business processes, but we get stuck within our own thoughts? There are plenty of times when a business owner has a set list of items to complete, but life just gets in the way. Being a full-time mom, wife, and business owner and still trying to have time for yourself becomes super hectic We all have so many things going on in life; sometimes, we get lost in what needs to get done and how soon we should complete it. Becoming an entrepreneur alone is incredibly stressful There are so many things that you must get done to be considered a successful business.

Knowing that you need a business plan, you keep putting it off because you feel it’s unimportant. You constantly remind yourself to set up a business bank account, but there are so many things at home Creating social media profiles for your business to gain more exposure is necessary, but you have not slowed down to take in the processes. These are all ways that an entrepreneur experiences procrastination Although, there are so many reasons things do not get done while being an entrepreneur; poor time management, lack of or limited resources, little to no capital, etc. Many times these are things that are completely out of our control Even though multiple trials and tribulations occur while being an entrepreneur, there are ways to eliminate them so you can stay on track.


The first step is understanding that organizational skills will be the most important and valuable aspect of eliminating procrastination Every entrepreneur has their own way of doing things and staying on task, but I like to consider 8 proven methods that will allow anyone to remove those horrible procrastination habits. As a business mentor and consultant, these are methods that I would recommend to all of my clients regardless of their entrepreneurial vision

Focus on a clear goal!

Understanding your goal will allow you to focus solely on that Create those clear and consistent business objectives, so you have something solid to work towards Even if you have larger goals - break them down into smaller, more manageable goals and tasks so they are easier to achieve This also keeps you focused and allows you to work toward\ larger goals

Know your why!

Have a true idea of what you are doing and why you are doing it Having a clear idea of your reasons behind it all will make it easier to follow through with the task. If you can understand and justify why you may need to complete a certain task, you can mentally prepare and execute it

Change your environment.

Changing your environment or the location where you are working will reduce your procrastination Maybe move from a room with a TV to one without Place your phone on airplane mode or power it down to eliminate distractions. This will allow you to focus solely on the tasks you need to complete Changing and recreating your perfect work environment will only work if distractions are eliminated

Focus on the next step.

Never take on too many tasks at one time This will automatically overwhelm you and increase the risks of procrastinating. You will not know where or where to begin if you are all over the place There’s no way of focusing when you have no set plan to focus on This leads to stress and no longer wanting to focus on the tasks you need to complete Maybe breaking down your tasks into smaller steps will allow you to focus on each and every next step needed for success

Take regular breaks

Always remember to take routine breaks. You never want to overdo yourself and strain your mind This automatically results in the shutdown of your mental, and procrastination sets in Plan a relaxing day and enjoy yourself No need to focus on ALWAYS working but more so focusing on rejuvenating your mind, body, and soul If you don’t want to take that long of a break, just take 5-10 minutes to relax and proceed with your next task

Tackle challenging tasks first!

Most entrepreneurs do not like to get the hardest tasks done first They simply add them to the very end of their list or at the end of the day. If you schedule the hardest tasks at the beginning of the day, you can have a very clear mind that can complete them If you complete the hardest tasks early in the morning or earlier in the day, you can utilize all your energy toward those difficult tasks first.

Make yourself accountable.

Knowing deadlines are very important; entrepreneurs have never had problems setting those for others but have difficulties setting them for themselves Verbally state when you will complete your tasks and make them known If you just really want to make yourself accountable for your tasks, post them on your social networks so you know to keep pushing yourself toward greatness

Use time management strategies

As mentioned above, time management skills and strategies are important for all entrepreneurs Knowing how to manage your time and block out your day into segments makes for a great strategy There are so many techniques to utilize that will assist with time management.

There’s one called the Pomodoro Technique A creative task could be done in the morning, and you could focus on muchneeded meetings in the afternoon and evening The idea is to establish a system or platform that will work best for you

Knowing that there are so many different strategies, as entrepreneurs, we can test out multiple strategies to see which gives us the best results



In 2015, what started as a monthly meet-up in her home for women veterans seeking jobs and networking opportunities, has slowly evolved into a non-partisan organization that has impacted thousands of female veterans economically, socially, and mentally nationwide. Women Veterans Alliance (WVA) has a vision to connect over 2 million Women Veterans and supporters globally for the purpose of sharing our gifts, talents, resources, and experiences.

WVA is committed to creating a community that Equips, Empowers & Encourages women that have served our country with knowledge, resources, tools, mentorship, key insights, and career opportunities to discover & fulfill their greatest potential

Navy Veteran Melissa A Washington is the CEO & Founder of the Women Veterans Alliance. I had the honor of having this candid conversation with Mrs. Washington, who is an award-winning advocate and champion for women’s veteran rights:

ST: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for Women Veterans transitioning to civilization life?

MW: Many women separating from the military do not have an established network, and they are also unsure of what their next move will be. Women Veterans Alliance provides that network for mentorship, career connections, education, and entrepreneurship Also, we find that many Women Veterans are unaware of their veteran benefits, which can help them purchase a house, earn degrees, start careers and manage their healthcare.


Melissa leads by example. She utilized her military education benefits to earn her bachelor’s degree in Business Management, which she leveraged to launch her career in corporate recruiting and human resources Melissa also uses the VA healthcare system. Every Woman Veteran has access to the Veterans Administration (VA) health system, which provides care at over 1,000 healthcare facilities The resources and support that WVA provides are vital And, at times, a matter of life or death. Veteran women are more than twice as likely as non-veteran women and over three times as likely as non-veteran women living in poverty to experience homelessness According to the Department of Labor, approximately 10 percent of all women veterans and 15 percent of all non-veteran women have incomes below the poverty threshold

ST: What are some barriers female veterans face to receiving resources and support?

MW: Identity Women do not feel they are veterans It’s their mindset and self-perception Women veterans minimize their experience and service to this country. Women Veterans Alliance is built on the foundation of educating and empowering women

Even when proudly wearing veteran-identifying clothing, all too often, society doesn’t make the connection that Melissa is a veteran Melissa’s husband Jarrod, a retired combat veteran who retired from the Marine Corps with over twenty years of service, is thanked for his service, while she is overlooked.

Melissa is a Woman Veteran who is also a military spouse. In 2015, shortly after the Women Veterans Alliance was established, Melissa collaborated with a photographer for the What Does a Woman Veteran Look Like? Portrait Project. The total number of living veterans in the U.S. is 18 million. There are approximately 2 million women veterans in the U S Historically, women were not permitted to participate in armed conflict, but their duties often brought them close to the front lines. Women served in traditional roles as nurses, seamstresses, and cooks

Some courageous women served in combat next to their husbands or disguised as men World War I created an opportunity for African-American women to extend their medical service in the American Red Cross In response to World War II, a bill was introduced in 1943 to enlist and appoint women in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) The Women’s branch of the Navy was named the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES), and the branch of the Coast Guard was named the Semper ParatusAlways Ready (SPARS) In 1978, the Women’s Army Corps was dismantled, and all women were fully integrated as members of the U S Army Women make up approximately 10% of the veteran population and have a long-standing commitment of sacrifice, grit, and honor for this country

ST: How can communities better serve the mental, economic, and social needs of Women Veterans.

MW: We need to bring Women Veterans to the front and spread awareness of their needs at the state and federal levels We must also realize the Veterans Administration System was designed for men. If we advocate for the resources and rights of women veterans, we also bear the responsibility to use those same services that we fought so hard for, or else they will be taken away WVA also hosts the Small Business Awards, national conferences, and community events. The Directory of Women Veteran-Owned Businesses provides opportunities for women to put to good use their in-demand skills for themselves to build legacy and wealth. My radio show, Women Veterans in Business, brings visibility to women veteran entrepreneurs. The Speaker Directory and magazine give women a voice to share their stories and expertise In 2018, the non-profit arm of WVA, Women Veterans Giving, Inc., was created to close the gap in start-up capital for women who are veterans and entrepreneurs. Women Veterans Giving also provides the valuable experience of serving on a professional board of directors.

Navy Veteran Melissa A Washington is the CEO & Founder of the Women Veterans Alliance To learn more about Women Veterans Alliance, visit https://www womenveteransalliance com

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“You can’t teach the old Maestro a new tune ”Jack Kerouac


Personal Creed of “I believe”

Negative feminine sign

Water Element

Mutable Energy

Feeling Psych type

Positive Traits:


Unselfish Instinctive Affectionate


Negative Traits:

Needy Easily Led


Confused Depressed


Pisces are very easygoing people. They go with the flow and are crowd-pleasers When it’s time to adapt, it becomes a time of decision-making that can make or break their life.

Personal Love:

Their motto is it’s better to go together than alone They love to love, and having a partner is the best thing for how adventurous Pisces are. The company they give will always lead to something fun

Personal Money:

Networking is what Pisces do best, and they are not shy to let people know what they are doing next Trying to help people with their own ventures works out for their benefit as well Teamwork makes the dream work.

B y A k i l a h R o b e r t s

Chandria Eileen Turner was born to Oscar and Mary Turner in Birmingham, Alabama She attended Alliance Christian School, Warrior Elementary, and Warrior High School, from which she graduated in 1992 She also attended Jefferson State Community College, majoring in Business Administration She later moved to South Carolina

Chandria is the mother of three children as well as the grandmother of three Later, she discovered that she liked baking

One day Chandria was going to a friend's birthday party and thought, "I sure hope the cake is really good " However, when she tasted the cake, she discovered a piece of ice in her mouth, leading her to believe the cake had been frozen and the icing was spread on a partially frozen cake She asked herself, "Is this how we celebrate life with something that is not real?" She became upset, went home, and talked with her daughter, Rachel, who said three words, "Start the revolution " She later explained that some people have not experienced real cake as Chandria's generation has This was the birth of the idea of Dria's Southern Cakes. Chandria remembered her mother's and grandmother's cooking from scratch and wanted to do the same

Dria offered 100% made-from-scratch cakes, keeping alive a family tradition. Nevertheless, she is very aware that her help comes from the Lord, who continues to give her the ability and wisdom to do what she does TO GOD BE THE GLORY!


Outside of entrepreneurship, who is Chandria Turner in five words?

Motivated, spiritual, purposed, driven, and funny.

Reflect back on your childhood. What is your earliest memory of baking?

I can remember being around 6 years old, helping my grandma make sweet potato pies.

When did you realize you were passionate about baking and sharing your creation with others?

I realized that making cake was therapeutic for me 5 years ago, So every cake order is me making a cake for an extended family member

Take us through your process. What makes Dria's Southern Cakes special?

Dria's Southern Cakes is the best because of all the love in it I use real fruit, butter, and cream In this day and time, we think that grocery store cakes are the best it can get But I bring back the love that Mom had when making cakes

What message do you hope customers take away from your brand?

The best homemade cake ever!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A pretty woman who hustles is a woman with no boundaries She is able to be whoever she needs to be to get the best results possible




Clemencia Cleaning Crew is a premier eco-friendly residential and commercial cleaning company serving Greensboro, NC, and surrounding cities Owners husband and wife, Lewis and Tessa Clemencia started CCC in just a day Lewis was sleeping when God told him to start a cleaning company. Lewis did not have a background in the industry, but having been raised by a Dominican single mother, he was no stranger to cleaning He shared the message with his wife, Tessa, who quickly got to work

Unlike Lewis, Tessa had a direct connection to professional cleaning Growing up, she was very hands-on with the cleaning company owned by her mother Armed with Lewis’ research, lessons Tessa learned over the years, and her natural marketing skills, Clemencia Cleaning Crew was born.

Clemencia Cleaning Crew truly cares about its customers and the environment With allergies and small kids in their home, an emphasis on eco-friendly products and practices is very important to them They love connecting with their customers and the community and consider them Tessa attributes CCC’s success to God, their wonderful cleaning techs, and their amazing clients who continue to love and support them

clemenciacleaning com


India K. Easley


The Write Easley

India K Easley is an Award-Winning Business Consultant and Mentor who is a native of Greenwood, South Carolina After graduating high school at the mere age of 16, she went on to go to an Ivy League Private University Being awarded a full academic scholarship to a University that once did not accept African American students meant something different to India It showed her she could do anything! India earned her way into the University academically but also spoke over (4) different languages, played (10) different instruments, and was the University’s first 16year-old Freshman; she felt she needed to do more

This is the moment when she decided to go a step further During this time, she had the opportunity to travel to Japan, where she experienced so many different cities Understanding a different culture, language, and atmosphere opened her eyes to so many things At this time, she knew the world had more to offer her than just what others had mentioned before After becoming a triple major in college, studying biology, political science, and psychology with a minor in Asian studies, she enlisted in the Air Force Understanding that she took an oath to serve this country, she decided to try something more difficult She then switched branches and enlisted in the Marines Knowing that she came from a military background and grew up as a “military brat,” she decided to serve her own time a little differently for this country.

After being injured in the Marines, she knew she couldn’t let that stop her from achieving her goals. She has always wanted to do more for the world and help those needing help. She then decided to go back to school. Then, she returned to college and received 4 degrees by the age of 23 – 2 of those being master’s degrees With all of India’s experience in multiple areas, she developed and founded The Write Easley, LLC

Taking notes from her late father, who was also an Army Veteran, serving 40 years for this country, she knew that education was something that no one could ever take away from you With this knowledge, she continues to strive and master whatever she puts her mind to Knowing how many different businesses and organizations there are that have been led astray did not sit well with her She desperately wanted to help them achieve their goals, which is how The Write Easley, LLC was birthed

Some women are designed to be loud and outgoing Others seem to be shy
When either woman speaks and is moving with God’s power, her words cause people and things to shift!

If you could describe yourself and your mission in one sentence, what would it be and why?

I would say I’m very humble and understanding. I’m a hard worker who doesn’t mind putting in extra work to get the things done that I have set goals for. This is the reason why we have the mission statement we have We know so many entrepreneurs have little to no funding, and we wish to still provide them with the services they so desperately want, need, and deserve It’s not about the money for us; it’s about helping someone who needs the help We are given our flowers by how happy our clients get when we assist them and provide them with information on something they know something about We have so many repeat clients because they trust us to give them the best services

You grew up in Greenwood, South Carolina. How did your surroundings impact your journey to success?

Growing up in Greenwood, South Carolina, was nothing flashy It’s a small town only a few people have even heard of The population there now is about 69,258, which I feel is small My high school graduating class had 72 students, and the graduation was not as big as most ceremonies My surroundings showed me how smaller cities remain close Whenever something happens, good or bad, the entire town comes together That’s what I like to see I like to know I’m from a town that supports its people I chose to leave and move to Colorado to better myself, but being from a small town had a lot to do with my success today I was able to spend time learning about myself since the town is so small; there was really never much to do I had no reason to be in the streets and get caught up in a negative path because everyone knew my parents; that’s how small the town is You’d have to drive about 45 minutes south or north to find fun attractions Being that it wasn’t much to do in my city, I had plenty of time to study, focus, grow, and expand my knowledge in so many different areas This is how my city assisted in my success This is why I wanted to better myself So I could speak about the small town I’m from and the major impact it had on my life I grew from something small with the lessons I learned I’m humbled to be from such a small area You appreciate life much more when everything moves slower. You’re able to take in everything so much easier.

After excelling academically, you enlisted in the Air Force and then the Marines. How did your time in the military train you to lead in a unique way? I have always had that military background from my dad. He was retired from the Army, so while my mom worked, we spent every day learning about everything! I trained with him, studied with him, and wanted to follow in his footsteps of obtaining that same discipline in my life The military truly changes your entire outlook on life I’ve created a tougher skin for myself, which is needed while being an entrepreneur The military way of doing things is so different than being a civilian It’s a mentality that I’ll always have

I like working with other military personnel because they understand my way of doing things I like to classify myself as very thorough, especially when I need to explain things to clients I play by the book and never really stray away from that I like to follow the same path and never change routes I’ve been able to lead so many people, including my clients because I’m a creature of habit I’ve been able to create a following, and we assist so many people all over the globe They trust my company with everything, and I wouldn’t want it any other way My military background prepared me to become a leader in every way possible I hold on to these skills and characteristics because they constantly make me better and remind me why I do what I do I was born to be a leader, and having a military background and mentality allows that leadership to shine

Tell us about your company, The Write Easley, LLC? The Write Easley, LLC was created to originally assist youth with tutoring I started with tutoring grade school students who struggled in all subjects We would meet at the city library in Greenwood after school and have 30-minute to one-hour sessions, depending on the age Over the years, more and more services and products were added, with me assisting college students with everything known to man Being that I had already graduated with three degrees at that time, there was no subject I hadn’t taken and/or passed, so it was easy to tutor college students Eventually, I wanted to do even more and add even more services, and that’s how we are who we are today.

After my father passed away in 2020, I strived to create this company that would grow into something even bigger than just tutoring and writing His surname is listed in the business name, so this is not only his legacy that I am growing; it is also mine because I have his surname Being during a time when Covid-19 created a large pathway for entrepreneurship, I took a huge opening to create a gateway for all entrepreneurs I do everything I can to show our clients how much we take pride in ensuring they are well taken care of I know this is what my dad would do I know this is the person he trained me to be I treat them the way any business owner would want to be treated They are sometimes just starting out, so we hold their hands to ensure they are on the right path My father’s wisdom is now the wisdom I possess within this company. I share the same wisdom with our clients as well.

What inspired your start into entrepreneurship specifically?

I kind of touched on that in the previous question, but to be a little more specific, I love to be in charge. I don’t like to be micromanaged, and anyone who knows me will tell you the same. I’ve always had this vision of being a partner at a law firm or a very prestigious firm in a major city. Then I thought, why be a partner when I can be the boss of it all I knew I had the strength, knowledge, and drive to be a leader, which drove me to entrepreneurship

What obstacles have you faced in order to get where you are today?

When I tell you I’ve faced so many obstacles, I’ve literally been through everything in the book My father’s death has been the largest obstacle I’ve ever faced His death changed me in many ways and increased my drive I’ve lost friends and family members who shied away I’ve had to work harder to prove myself as an African American woman, and I’ve had to do it all while being a mother and a wife More than I’d like to admit, my body tells me to slow down and take a break Obstacles teach me just how strong I actually am I wouldn’t be where I am today without enduring the toughest obstacles that have been thrown my way I just keep pushing, believing, and saying that failure is not an option

What has been the most rewarding part of your journey thus far?

Being able to help people in other countries. Having clients in all 50 states is major but adding 15-plus countries and 4 continents to that just makes me smile while saying it Never in a million years did I believe I could do this as fast as I did My dad always said any idea can be successful, but you just have to be at the right place at the right time I can say timing played the biggest role in my success Watching my clients grow with my help and gain that funding from grant applications we ’ ve written is just so rewarding It’s bigger than anything I could ever ask for I just want to continue being that resource for clients and give them what they need for their businesses and organizations

This work will forever be rewarding as long as I can continue offering my services

What message do you hope customers take away from their experience with The Write Easley, LLC?

I hope clients know just how much we value them I want them to know that we will do whatever we can to ensure their experience is nothing but great I know that not all clients will have a great experience because everyone has different expectations Keeping this in mind, we try to make sure even those clients who may not like their experience walk away knowing that we tried our best to right any wrongs It’s our responsibility to ensure clients know that we care about them We take hold of their missions, visions, and goals and create something even larger We set them up for success in all ways possible, and this is what our clients are going to walk away knowing

What is next for you and your brand in 2023?

I see myself doing more corporate business and locking in major partnerships. I want to continue to grow my knowledge of all things business. This way, I can train my people, and we can help even more people on an even wider range I’m also working on starting two new businesses this year, which will be numbers 6 and 7 for me There’s much more to come, and I wish to continue thriving and winning as a multibusiness owner As far as the company, I’m getting ready to launch a new branch of the company in Georgia, and I’ll also be creating an international hub in Japan We have many clients in Asia and Africa, so I’ll start with Japan and my connections there as the first international route we will take By the end of the year, we will have expanded even more and hired more staff to assist our clients in the various time zones internationally Our clientele is steadily growing, and we must continue to grow with it We started small and have grown to become bigger than ever We will only continue to adapt and continue to evolve while establishing more opportunities and services

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman that doesn’t quit This woman has gone through hell and high waters but comes out swinging in the end She never gives up because she knows it’s not an option She knows her mental will not let her quit She’s a go-getter and an opportunity seeker Every time that door opens, she’s right there, walking through it That’s the definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles, and she stays looking damn good while doing it She never skips a beat; she’s too good for that


Empowered by P.C.

Paula (PC ) Campbell is an Author, Certified Transformational Life Coach, Certified Life Purpose Coach, Mentor, Dynamic Empowerment Speaker, and Minister It’s her desire to encourage, strengthen and walk you through the journey of becoming your best self! Welcome to the place where youll be whole, healed, and determined to operate in your purpose, on purpose!

Empowered by PC is an empowerment company that seeks to partner with you to PUSH you into purpose Whether it’s One-on-One Coaching, Group Coaching, Business Coaching, Empowerment Speaker, or a Minister for your upcoming event, she’s your one-stop-shop!

What inspired the start of Empowered by PC?

Ive always been inspired to empower, build and encourage women The inspiration became a reality when I fully embraced my God-given purpose and ability to speak life to others

If you could sum up the desire for your brand in one sentence, what would it be and why? Our desire is to partner with you in an effort to PUSH you into purpose Theres power in PURPOSE!

What message do you hope women take away from your platform?

Our mission is that women know: 1 They can walk in their purpose unapologetically 2 They can embrace who they are 3 They can shift the trajectories of others by taking the first step toward their own launch!

What can women expect when booking services with Empowered by PC?

Women can expect a loving, safe, and nurturing environment curated to help them navigate through healing, into wholeness, and walk out their purpose!

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?

In the next 3-5 years, I see my brand as a multigenerational and international service that breaks barriers to serve those in need!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A pretty woman who hustles is a woman who isn’t afraid to break the rules, put in the work, or be too loud and edgy She operates intentionally to break generational curses! She makes hell nervous She wakes up with a desire to fulfill her purpose, even when shes tired She knows the hustle because she embodies the hustle She is hustle personified


This year International Women’s Week falls from March 4-7, 2023, with International Women’s Day being March 8 The week celebrates women and their role in society as well as how far women’s equality and the fight for it has come When society celebrates women, they become empowered and strengthened, enabling them to create their own identities

Keep reading for 5 ways to celebrate International Women’s Week this year

The History Of International Women’s Week

Beginning in the early 1900s, International Women’s Week started during widespread protests across Europe, particularly in Russia, against the discrimination of women These protests pertain to various aspects of social life, such as remuneration, voting rights, and the like.

Today International Women’s Week endeavors to spread awareness of five critical aspects of women’s lives These include creating and enjoying happy relationships, selfknowledge, leadership development dealing with sexual and interpersonal violence, and forming a positive self-image

Just imagine a completely gender-equal world. A world that is free of stereotypes, bias, and discrimination Or a world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive That is what International Women’s Week strives to achieve. If you’re asking yourself how to celebrate International Women’s Week this year, you’ve come to the right place Here are 5 ways to celebrate International Women’s Week in 2023

5 Things to Do for International Women’s Week


1 Participate and Join in the International Women’s Week #EmbraceEquality Campaign

In 2022, the International Women’s Day theme was #BreakTheBias, and this year’s theme is #EmbraceEquality This call to action is meant to celebrate women forging ahead for change, elevate visibility for women creatives, and build a workspace where women thrive

Although simple, this impactful way to celebrate International Women’s Day is to show your commitment to challenging inequality by participating in the #EmbraceEquality social campaign For example, please take a picture of you crossing your hands in an X and share it on your social media using #EmbraceEquality and #IWD2023.

2. Support Female Owned Small Businesses

Supporting small businesses owned and operated by women helps to equal economic empowerment, women’s products and services, and a more prosperous economy overall Plus, supporting small businesses is always a good idea!

This International Women’s Day, vote with your dollar by seeking and supporting local women-owned businesses You can even share your support for the small business challenge with your friends and family encouraging them to do the same! If you find yourself wondering how to support women’s entrepreneurial spirit, purchase clothing from their brands, eat at their dining establishments, or even give a shout-out to their businesses on your social media

3. Donate To Women’s Charities

To make a significant difference to a worthy cause, consider donating to a charitable organization that supports women locally or globally.

If you want to donate, here are a few organizations doing incredible work for gender equality and women’s rights

Women for Women International is incredible because they fund women survivors of war and conflict, connecting them to resources and support to realize their power

Dress for Success is a not-for-profit organization that revolves around economic independence Empowering women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and the development tools to help women thrive in work and life.

Care works to end poverty by eradicating inequality and advocating for equal rights for all women globally. Women are also vital to CARE’s community-based efforts to increase access to quality health care, improve basic education, and expand economic opportunity for all.

4. Send A Message of Appreciation to The Female in Your Life

Life moves pretty fast, and it’s easy to forget to stop and thank those who have helped you jump through life’s hurdles, offered kind and wise words, or picked up our slack So take some time during International Women’s Week or on International Women’s Day to write a message of gratitude to those women in your life This can be coworkers, friends, or family members that have inspired any part of your daily life

Emphasize the contributions they’ve made to your life while still actively working to accomplish their personal goals Often, words of encouragement and love can go a long way in lifting someone’s spirit and inspiring them. Whether it’s your grandmother, mother, sister, daughter, girlfriend, or friend, send a text, call, or even Facetime a significant woman in your life, to let them know how amazing they are during International Women’s Week.

5. Host Or Attend An Online Panel

Sometimes hearing women share their experiences, knowledge, and advice is one of the best ways to get inspired to make changes in your own life There are tons of significant virtual events planned for International Women’s Day and International Women’s Week each year

As you figure out how you will celebrate in 2023, research some exciting women’s events in your community and encourage your family, friends, or team to register with you

No matter how you celebrate International Women’s Week or International Women’s Day, you’re sure to inspire change. Doing any of these things brings awareness to women’s struggles, helps to inspire change in gender equality, and empowers women Happy International Women’s Week!


Valerie D Wade is the author of the debut novel Ivy Lee’s Rue and the upcoming novella Leaving Jacksonville A lifelong resident of Michigan, currently living in Detroit, but raised in Highland Park She is an alum of Wayne State University and currently works as a Research Administrator

Valerie has published poetry, is a volunteer literacy tutor, and currently tutors an ESL student She has volunteered as a dog walker at the local humane society and cherished her late beagle, Buttercup, for twelve years She loves spending time with her adult children and grandchildren and plans to pursue learning to play drums

Ivy Lee’s Rue began as an assignment in an Imaginative Writing class while enrolled in her last semester at Wayne State University The initial assignment was to create an essay based on a random photograph The journey has taken many turns, shifts, and title changes It began as a story entitled, Leaving Jacksonville, where Ivy Lee was a minor character but soon emerged as the protagonist with inspiration from an ancestor’s real-life circumstance From that, the simple story of Ivy Lee’s Rue was born; a heartwarming comingof-age narrative of a Christian woman navigating mental health challenges while depicting deep love and sacrifice within a strained sister’s bond

Who or what sparked your interest in reading and writing?

I have always been an avid reader and was double promoted in second grade for my reading ability

As a teen, I penned a short story that my childhood friend really enjoyed, and she begged me to continue to write more and create believable stories

I found time to dabble in poetry as life unfolded while raising a family, and I had a few poems published in anthologies I returned to school in my late forties to earn a bachelor’s degree. During my last semester, I enrolled in a course on imaginative writing My interest in writing has reignited since joining that class Regular attendance at two writers’ groups over the last several years, Motown Writers and Pen and Tablet Writers, which conduct monthly meetings, offered accountability, mentoring, and useful self-publishing information

It gave me the confidence and motivation to continue writing after witnessing my peers transition to self-publishing

When did you realize you held a gift for sharing stories?

Positive feedback from my Imaginative Writing

Professor was the first time that I received validation that writing could be something that I should continue, and I realized it is something that I thoroughly enjoy

How would you describe your writing style?

I would describe my writing style as narrative I write dramatized fiction stories that are engaging and empathetic Ivy Lees Rue is a heartwarming coming-of-age story with characters that are familiar in relatable situations and circumstances The fictionalized character of Ivy Lee was inspired by early memories of a family member’s circumstance Initially, she was a minor character but emerged as the protagonist and the focus of this simple coming-of-age story She represents countless people struggling with mental health issues

Where do you hope to see your work in the next 3-5 years?

In the next 3-5 years, I plan to retire and hope to have produced and published several prolific works and devote more time to my craft while enjoying the journey

What message do you hope readers take away from your work?

I feel like my current work, Ivy Lees Rue is essential to recognize those suffering from mental health challenges that are often invisible. Mental health is a stigmatized topic in our community Our mental health is fragile and can affect any of us We are but one life event away from triggering an onset of mental health challenges I authored this book for those who may relate to Ivy Lee; a common woman struggling with an illness out of her control I want my readers to hang on to hope and their faith in God and keep moving forward even through challenging periods It is a tribute to the unseen and circumstances of those struggling with mental health challenges

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who is beautiful inside, focused, dedicated, ambitious, and determined to conquer her aspirations She works hard through all her challenges to see her goals to completion so that she can inspire other women to do the same

V A L E R I E W A D E O N L I N E . C O M

Michelle Ami Reyes, PhD, is the creator of Seasoned with Grace She is a race & culture coach, an award-winning author, and an activist. Her first book, Becoming All Things: How Small Changes Lead to Lasting Connections Across Cultures, is the recipient of the 2022 ECPA award Her second book, The Race-Wise Family, was a finalist in the 2023 Christianity Today awards Michelle writes at the intersection of faith, race, and justice. She has contributed to several book chapters, including The Jesus I Wish I knew in High School, Kingdom & Country, and Take Heart: 100 Devotions to Seeing God When Life’s Not Okay She has appeared on The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, NBC News com, and Good Morning America Michelle lives in Austin, TX, with her husband and two amazing kids

What inspired your creation of Seasoned with Grace?

Over the years, I’ve learned all the mistakes of how not to engage in race conversations I know fairly well what shuts people down and what phrases and mannerisms immediately turn a low-stakes conversation into a hightension debate. Conversely, I know how to ask strategic questions that make people feel seen and understood and how to create opportunities that excite people to work toward positive racial change That’s why I created Seasoned with Grace I want to help Christian leaders and practitioners get straight to the heart of which strategies work when it comes to race conversations and which strategies to avoid


I want to take out some of the heartache and mistakes I’ve made along my journey so that you can begin effecting positive racial change faster, more strategically, and with greater impact Not only that, I want you to not have to go this road alone That’s why Seasoned with Grace isn’t just an online course It’s a curated journey for Christian leaders (like you!) to work toward racial change while feeling supported, connected, and empowered

How did you develop your passion for writing?

I once read writing advice that you should write about the ideas that drive you crazy. And let me tell you, there are a lot of ideas that drive me crazy Ideas that are just marinating and growing and blossoming inside of me and knocking on the door to come out Perhaps this is why I’ve been passionate about writing, even since I was a young girl I’ve always hoped and prayed that God will use my writing to change the world at least, for my writing to be a force for good and healing in the spaces I inhabit

To learn more about the Michelle Ami Reyes, PhD, please visit: MichelleamiReyes com

Tell us about your book “Becoming All Things: How Small Changes Lead to Lasting Connections Across Cultures”?

The idea for Becoming All Things came in the summer of 2018 I had so many conversations with folks in my church, online, and with friends about how to connect with people of other cultures People kept asking me questions like, “What kind of questions are OK to ask about another person ’ s culture?” and “How do I not mess things up or offend someone?” It became increasingly clear to me that so many folks have a heart and desire to connect with people outside of their own cultural background, but they choose not to because they’re afraid of not being able to be culturally sensitive.

The last thing they want to do is upset people or “make things worse. ” My calling to write Becoming All Things stemmed from these oneon-one conversations I wanted to create an easy roadmap for folks to begin understanding what culture is, how to develop their own cultural identities, and how to take simple, easy steps to connect with their family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers in non-anxious, nonoffensive ways

Tell us about your book “The Race-Wise Family”?

There are a few issues more difficult for parents to discuss with their kids in recent years than those related to race and justice It can be difficult to know what is appropriate to mention to children and how to introduce the topic in a way that honors God and his vision of kingdom diversity and is also cognizant of the current points of conflict and concern

That’s what The Race-Wise Family: Ten Postures to Becoming Households of Healing and Hope is all about It provides practical lessons as well as guidance on what it means to disciple our families in upholding the dignity of all individuals and seeking justice

What is next for you?

I’m a writer at heart, and I believe I have many more books still inside of me I have a few book projects that I’m currently juggling, including some creative writing – and I can’t wait for that to be complete, so I can share it with the world!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is someone defined by inner beauty and hard work She knows what she is called to and makes the necessary choices to achieve her dreams Too often, women are caught between duty and desire, between the roles of wives, daughters, and moms and their personal interests But it shouldn’t have to be one or the other. We shouldn’t have to feel like we are forsaking our families or familial responsibilities whenever we make time for something we are passionate about, nor should we throw our personal callings to the wind simply because we ’ re married or have kids We can be pretty women who hustle, who work hard, find balance, and experience great joy in our callings

PWH AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT MichelleamiReyescom
I wanted to create an easy roadmap for folks to begin understanding what culture is...



Truth Bomb Marketing

Meet three successful female entrepreneurs that came together to create a new method of business education for women. Heidi, the stay-at-home mom, Karin, the medical professional, and Chef Katrina, the culinary artist who wanted out of the corporate world or never wanted to join the workforce They have invested in courses, mentorship, and self-development programs to gain mastery in building their businesses.

After achieving what many consider success, they discovered that they built their businesses in a way that didn't make sense and was unsustainable because it was missing something.

It was missing the Female Business education --the foundational training that teaches women to approach business from what works for them when they create life/family with business. A holistic approach that leans into their feminine energy to balance what we've been taught by men about business.

They have truly Reimagined Female Business

If you could collectively come up with four words to describe truth bomb marketing, what would it be and why?

Truth: Unlocking the feminine truth in business education and training. We show up authentically and honestly We own our mistakes, share lessons learned, and speak truths that lead to change and enlightened female entrepreneurs


Heart-Centered: We lead from our hearts to ensure that we put our Truth Bomb family first. We value the women who choose to be part of our movement to change the landscape for female business education. When we reawaken our feminine leadership, we lead from the heart, mind, and body Truth Bomb Marketing is the heartbeat for feminine business leadership and training.

Innovative: We've reimaged the entire thought process and structure for business education and training for female entrepreneurs We've approached Truth Bomb Marketing through the lens of innovation and change Our unique three trimesters of business education and training for women make us the cuttingedge community to join.

Philanthropic: Always paying it forward is our motto. For every Truth Bomb member in our community, we reach out and support another female entrepreneur through ongoing charities that create lasting change We believe in the power and energy of abundance.

You three come from different backgrounds. How do your unique past experiences reflect how the company is run?

The beauty of having three separate backgrounds is that we are able to connect with women in all areas of their business Our different backgrounds as a stay-at-home mom, a medical professional, and a culinary artist can help paint a broad picture of all of the various backgrounds that females come from when deciding to create their own businesses.

As female entrepreneurs, we know that attempting to do everything in business can be overwhelming The three of us have built successful businesses on our own, only to suffer in silence with our frustration, overwhelm, and burnout. By coming from different backgrounds with the same purpose, we show exactly how unique Truth Bomb is.

When women support women in business, together, we move mountains Each of us has a strength that we need for Truth Bomb Marketing, as a company, to thrive and make a REAL difference for women in the new era of female business education that we are teaching We love bouncing ideas off each other and are learning our strengths and weaknesses together We have each other's back, and that is the core of Truth Bomb Marketing. We want to connect women and their businesses It's time for a different approach to women's business education One that highlights the innate feminine leadership style and ability to get shit done with ease

We are taking female entrepreneurs on the journey from Stuckville to Awesome Village Giving them a new perspective on life and business You really can have it all family, business, and success.

What can clients expect when working with Truth Bomb Marketing? Can you share the client intake experience?

Female entrepreneurs can expect a new approach to business and life, unlike anything they have ever experienced When they become members of the Truth Bomb community, they become part of our family They become sisters we cheer on and support to ensure they reach their goals

The first step is to access our app-based community Truth Bomb Marketing via Apple Store or Google Play Store Search Truth Bomb Marketing and become a member today. We offer a trial period so that you can experience our community and training.

Next, we invite you to our one-of-a-kind virtual workshops that happen throughout the week Learn how to reconnect to your feminine power to create a business that lights up your life and inspires those around you Our virtual workshops are designed to leave you with actions that are easy to do and greatly increase your business.

For those that want hands-on support, we offer all-inclusive 3-day workshops These workshops are the foundation for all our education and training The start of the female business journey begins with Reimagining the Female Business 3-Day Workshop You walk out of the weekend with renewed confidence and a purpose-driven business plan customized for you!

We've literally reimagined the world of female business education Our on-demand training library provides the innovative education and training that women have wanted for years and didn't know it A new era in female business education and training.

What message do you hope women specifically take away from your brand?

The era of learning business education and strategies from men is over. It's time to rock in a new era of feminine business education so that women thrive Women need to learn feminine business leadership skills that allow them to collaborate, create, and manifest millions in their businesses.

Tapping back into our feminine energy as women to create a life/work balance that makes more sense When women learn and implement the three trimesters of business, they learn to work in their flow Allowing them to create the life that leaves them fulfilled.

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?

Truth Bomb Marketing will be the #1 Female business education and training company in the world Our Truth Bomb community will have over a million female entrepreneurs that rediscover their feminine leadership power to create and manifest billions in business revenue

These women will be the future leaders of this education and transformation of how business education is taught to women Truth Bomb Marketing will be known as the pioneer in female business education and training. With access to live events all over the world Together when we celebrate being a woman in business who thrives Thus creating a ripple effect that will impact every aspect of our world

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is someone that has discovered her desires and passions She pursues them with a devotion that enables her to create a business that inspires others to greatness. She creatively explores ways to support herself and other women in their endeavors.

When she implements the three trimesters of business into her life, she begins to see how life and business flow together She recognizes that she can achieve more when she collaborates with other women Life expands, and so does she in her feminine power.

She begins to create a life and a business that she doesn't need a vacation or a break from She has built her business in such a way that you can't decide whether she is working or playing

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