PWH Magazine - July 2022 Issue

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K’Teonia Gunder






Raquel de Lemos

Jules Lavallee


Pretty Women Hustle Magazine July 2022 Cover Image K’TEONIA GUNDER CEO/Founder Publisher Jakia Cheatham–Myles Lead Editor Adrienne Michelle Horn I A.M. Editing, Ink Graphic Designer/Copywriter Raquel de Lemos Raquel Writes Content Instagram: @Prettywomenhustlemagazine Facebook: Pretty Women Hustle Magazine TikTok: @Prettywomenhustleonline WWW.PRETTYWOMENHUSTLE.COM WWW.PRETTYWOMENHUSTLEONLINE.COM



The Most Common Mistakes When Branding And Marketing Your Company KP Marketing

Written by Kristina Peck Building a brand is an important task when it comes to having a successful business. Creating and managing your brand can be tricky because you must ensure your customers are engaged with the right message. By making mistakes, you may sometimes confuse or lose some of your potential customers.

To avoid this, here are some common mistakes you should avoid when branding and marketing your company!

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Ignoring Your Competitors Your competitors are an important part of your business, and you should never ignore them. You need to understand what they do well and what they don’t do well. Doing this can better position your company to stand out from the crowd. Ignoring Your Target Audience It’s important to understand who you are trying to reach with your marketing efforts. You need to know what they want and how they want to receive it. This will help you make the right decisions when creating your marketing strategy. By ignoring your target audience, you are missing out on a big opportunity to connect with them!

Using Too Many Social Media Platforms It’s important to be active on social media, but it’s also important not to be overactive. Social media is a great way to keep in touch with your friends and family, but it’s also a great way to waste time. You can easily get lost in the social media world and spend hours scrolling. If you’re starting a new business and finding it hard to get the word out about your brand, you’ve definitely come to the right place. Our blog will be full of tips from successful entrepreneurs who have done exactly what you’re trying to do — build a well-known company that people know and trust! Check out our posts for more information on how we can help with your branding and marketing needs today.


Carla M. Cherry Carla M. Cherry is a high school English teacher. Her poetry has appeared in Random Sample Review, Bop Dead City, Anti-Heroin Chic, 433, Raising Mothers, and has been nominated for Best of the Net. Her five books of poetry, Gnat Feathers and Butterfly Wings, Thirty Dollars and a Bowl of Soup, Honeysuckle Me, These Pearls Are Real, and Stardust and Skin, are available via iiPublishing. She holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the City College of New York. When did you discover your interest in teaching and educating students? What made you choose English for high school? I discovered my interest in education when I became a volunteer tutor. I was initially a middle school social studies teacher, but when my school combined English Language Arts and social studies, I found I enjoyed teaching English more and went back to school to become an English teacher. How has your career as a teacher impacted your writing? My experiences with my students often find their way into my writing. I have always sought ways to encourage my students to treat my classroom as a writing community, and I am working to build one for myself.

When did you realize you had a passion and gift for poetry? When I was seven years old, I realized I had a passion and gift for poetry and read Nikki Giovanni's ego tripping. I have been hooked ever since! Five poetry books later, what has been the highlight of your writing career thus far? The highlight of my writing career has been the showcase that my best friend, Dr. Tanya ManningYarde, and I put on at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe in 2017. It was a beautiful experience to share my work with an audience. What message do you hope readers take away from your work? I hope readers are inspired to always hold on to love, hope, and justice. Where do you hope to see your work in the next 3-5 years? I would love to see my work reach a nationwide audience in the next three to five years. I'm not yet sure how I will accomplish that, but I am working on it! What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who recognizes and celebrates her inner and outer beauty. She works hard for her dreams to come to fruition and supports others along the way.


EXPERIENCE2WIN Ready to experience a WIN?! If so, book this curvy, plus-sized MODEL trained in runway, commercial, editorial, ad, or print. Currently, an Amazon ranked best-selling AUTHOR of MINDBLOWN, 4.5 out of 5 stars. A Featured SPEAKER for Professional Speakers Bureau International covering topics of Ancestry, Heritage, Familial Dysfunction, and Breaking Generational Cycles. WIN$OME was born in the Caribbean, bred in NYC, and currently resides in the southeast USA. Her academia covered Criminal Justice, Deviant Behavior, Social Control, and a Double Minor in Psychology and Sociology. She has been an avid humanitarian for 30 years with many accolades regarding Community Service, Outreach, and Advocacy. My daily mantra is Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight. Life’s TRIFECTA!!!

If you could use four words to describe yourself, what would they be? Loving, focused, intelligent, pioneer

You have worked as a curvy, plus-size model, author, and speaker for many years. What has been the most rewarding part of your journey thus far? I’m fairly new to plus-size modeling, but seeing the connections I’ve made via inspirational responses has been heartwarming. Various people have said I have encouraged them to pursue several things, and that level of inspiration is truly meaningful.

If you had to credit your success to one person or thing, who would it be and why? Credit truly goes to my spirituality which has led to my resilience!

You are known for speaking all over the nation. What message do you hope women take away from your platform? In any of my public or private forums, I truly hope that everyone receives the message of valuing their experiences in life to make it a win. I hope they understand that mindset is key. However, hindsight and insight versus foresight is truly what gets you to the next level.

You have entered the entrepreneurial world with your company Experience 2 Win. Can you share your mission? To transform and triumph in any area of life! We all are our own walking and talking billboards. So make it count in anything you do!

How can women get connected with your platform? Visually, creatively, and realistically. Anyone can connect, not just the ladies. I am easily reachable at my business link

Where do you hope to see your platform in the next 3-5 years?

As a social phenom. With the business scaled to include retreats, further expansion in my fields, and ascension into new endeavors using a combination of all my skill sets.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A viable female who relies on more than beauty and serves success as her portion. A soul who understands her power is not measured by only gains but via progression in ALL facets of life! @Experience2WIN on FB/IG/LinkedIn/YouTube/Twitter/TikTok


CHRISTINA SIMS Christina Sims is a personal branding coach, marketing strategist, wife, boy mompreneur, author, and speaker. An unexpected near-death birth experience in 2019 inspired her to launch her business, Mom Meets Life, where she specializes in helping online coaches and service providers become premium paid authorities in their niche through powerhouse personal branding and strategic visibility. Christina’s mission is to empower women to own and command their value while embodying an audacious, trailblazing mindset. With over $15 million in revenue generated for her clients, her bold and unapologetic strategies set her apart in an industry focused on perfectionism, trends, and scripted approaches.

Outside of business and motherhood, how would you describe yourself in five words? Persistent. Planner. Resilient. Protector. Cheerleader.

When did you discover your passion for entrepreneurship, specifically branding and marketing? I’ve always had a side gig most of my life. I had a lemonade stand. I used to make purses out of old jeans, made jewelry, and even mowed grass as a teenager. As a result, entrepreneurship was always something I had one foot in, but I chose to work in the corporate sector because climbing that ladder was most important to me at the time since I was the first in my family to attain a collegiate degree. I ended up becoming a workaholic in the process of attaining it. When I had my son in 2019, everything changed. I almost lost him at birth, so time with him became my priority. That time was cut short when I was required to return to work full-time exactly one month after giving birth. I realized I was existing and not truly living my life on my terms. I was determined to take my pen back and be the author of my own story. That was also when I realized I wasn’t alone. The pandemic had just struck, and I found myself connecting with other women online who had similar struggles, and many had turned to entrepreneurship but didn’t know how to grow their businesses.

After over a decade in the industry, I knew how to help them and would provide some strategies on how to stand out and get in front of their customers, and that’s when it clicked for me that this was something I really wanted to pursue and make entrepreneurship a true reality for myself in the process.

What message do you hope women take away from your platform?

You are busy between motherhood, entrepreneurship, and writing. How do you balance the day-to-day demands?

Where do you see your brand in the next 3-5 years?

Motherhood has taught me that everything is not going to get done. I’ve learned to prioritize my time to focus on what has to be done versus what is nice to get done. I set my intentions daily, pick the ONE thing that has to get done for each day, and work towards that. Anything additional completed is a bonus. I have firm boundaries around my time so that my family gets the best of me and not what’s left of me. I have learned to say no to what does not serve my growth or peace. Most importantly, I’ve learned to embrace the journey and have patience with myself. It truly takes a village. I can honestly say I would not have been able to accomplish a fraction of what I have without my mother and my husband. When you work from home and are a parent simultaneously, there’s no such thing as PTO. It becomes really easy for both worlds to collide. Communication, collaboration, and time blocking have been key to finding balance. Most importantly, putting your pride aside and allowing yourself to accept help will do your soul wonders. Do I always get it right? Absolutely not! But each day that I try is a win for me.

What does your creative session entail? Before I dive into any project, I always start by asking myself, “Why?” I have found that the more you ask why, the deeper you go into discovering the actual true purpose of your creation, who it’s for, and tap into why it’s needed so I can stay on target. This really sets the tone for the awareness I need to create. My creative sessions usually entail putting on my playlist of empowerment songs (heavy on Beyonce vibes) to jumpstart my energy, and then I usually segway into music that sets the tone for the experience I want to create. Then, I’ll either open up a Google doc, my notes section in my phone, or use sticky notes and just brain dump so I can see all my thoughts collectively. I’m a storyteller by nature, so I tend to frame my thoughts into a journey, so the reader feels like they are a part of the experience. Lastly, I do what I call “striking the jury,” which is where I remove what isn’t really needed or might distract my reader.

Have the audacity to be yourself in a world constantly telling you to be like someone else. Don’t allow anyone to treat your worth as currency when you are priceless!

This is really more than a brand for me. It’s a movement in the making. I’m here for the women who are tired of being dismissed and devalued. The women who are underestimated and feel hidden in the background. The women who are over having their voice silenced or told what their place is. I’m here to help women put their crowns back on and regain their power to create success on their own terms.

What advice do you have for upcoming branding and marketing experts? Throw the rule book out, and don’t be afraid to be a trailblazer. Remember, trends and new strategies are temporary and will keep you chasing shiny object syndrome rather than cultivating a timeless, iconic, and sustainable reputation. Lean into your story and life experiences because that’s really what your customers are looking for: a shared experience to relate to. Never stop investing in your growth. Readers are leaders, and you will thrive when you consistently dedicate yourself to personal development. It’s not just about what you can do, it’s about how you can make people feel, and that truly begins with leading with service, staying true to your values, and being a thought leader in your industry that’s not afraid to go against the grain and say what’s unpopular but needed. I was able to find success and help my clients do the same when I stopped hiding behind the work and started allowing the person behind it to shine through. When you own your lane, you’ll never have competition. I am very passionate about that and help other online coaches and service-based women in business achieve without feeling like they have to sell their souls to societal demands so they can become leading authorities in their niche in my signature program, Invisible to In-Demand.

Never stop investing in your growth | @iamchristinasims


JEN GAINES Jen Gaines is an empowerment and marketing coach for emerging female entrepreneurs. She founded the She’s on Fire coaching company and host of the new She’s on Fire podcast. Jen started her entrepreneurship journey in 2008, using her marketing education and skills to help local business owners create a dynamic online presence. She moved to the online coaching space herself in 2017 after her daughter suffered a stroke at birth, and Jen realized she could not return to working outside of the home because she wanted to be there for her daughter every step of the way. Through her community, podcast, and programs, she empowers women to gain fiery confidence and build businesses that give them time and wealth freedom to create their own schedules and work wherever they want. While her coaching style isn’t for everyone, she truly cares deeply for every woman who comes into the She’s on Fire world and cultivates a sisterhood of kindness, support, and caring, with a side of fire and no bs to get women taking massive action. Through her company and her 1:1 work, she has helped hundreds of women transform their confidence and build businesses that impact their lives and the world.

What inspired your interest in coaching female entrepreneurs? Have you always had an interest in Marketing? Before starting my online business, I worked with contractors, helping them build their brand, move their business presence online and gain momentum using social media and other online marketing strategies. Ninety-five percent of my clients were men. I fully intended to work with the same demographic when I came online. However, I joined many Facebook groups specifically for work-at-home moms since that’s what I was doing. One of the issues I noticed were beautiful souls who had such a strong desire to run businesses and help others but were having such a hard time due to lack of confidence, lack of direction, and being overwhelmed by everything they had to do both personally and professionally. When I first came online, I also suffered from severe confidence issues. Running an online business was a whole different ball game than an offline business. It can make you feel vulnerable, and when you have confidence issues like I did, it can be very hard. It was something I wasn’t prepared for.

I had to really work on my confidence and my overall mindset first. Once I started working on myself and moving my marketing business forward online, I realized that mindset was the foundation for everything else. I saw so many women having issues with this, and I wanted to help them change that.

I’ve always been awe-inspired by how some companies and people build brands that truly stand out. This is why I build and teach building brands differently, from watching these other iconic brands and how they draw people in with their marketing. It’s fascinating to work on and even more fascinating to watch it all come together.

What has been your greatest lesson thus far in your career? My greatest lesson has been to never compare yourself to others that are ahead of you. Your journey is your own journey; you will get there if you keep believing in yourself, keep your blinders on, have a strong mission, and don’t let anything get in the way. I also feel it’s imperative to surround yourself with others who want more out of life and move away from people who want to hold you down. That’s why I’m so passionate about the She’s on Fire community. My mission is to empower women to take action and follow their dreams while being surrounded by a supportive system of other women on the same path.

What advice do you have for the next wave of entrepreneurs? Two things. First, the foundation for everything in your business is your mindset. Don’t listen to what other people think about the path you want to take. I see so many women held back because they’re worried about what their friends or family will say when they put themselves out there. I work with women who waited so long to follow their dream and speak their voices because they were afraid. They always tell me they wished they just did it sooner. Second, not everyone is going to like you or resonate with you. That’s actually a really good thing because the more you repel people, the more you’re going to attract your people. So work on your mindset around that.

Where do you see your platform in the next 3-5 years?

Right now, I offer both 1:1 coaching and group programs. I’m currently building a hybrid program called Ignite. This is an intimate group experience where entrepreneurs will have the unique opportunity of working in a very small setting, where I get to know their businesses as if they are 1:1 clients so I can help them grow and scale.

When I first started this journey, my goal was to just be able to stay home with my daughter and make enough money to support my family since we were barely making ends meet. Some months we had negative account balances. My husband was working his butt off, and I just wanted to make us whole while at the same time helping others learn and understand marketing for their businesses. That evolved quickly as I started working with women to grow their businesses. I wanted to help them grow their confidence and be fierce in their missions. Now that my daughter is a little older, my vision for She’s on Fire is to impact thousands in the next 3-5 years. To truly spread the She’s on Fire mission so other women can build and grow businesses that truly make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

Tell us about your new podcast? What can listeners expect when tuning in?

What is your definition Woman Who Hustles?

The She’s on Fire podcast combines mindset and marketing strategies to help women entrepreneurs grow as individuals and scale their businesses. And as with everything I do, it’s really my no bs approach to life and business.

My definition is a woman who is willing to do the work and takes the action needed without excuses, no matter how uncomfortable or hard it is, to get to where she truly wants to be.

What services do you currently offer with She’s on Fire Coaching?





To learn more about Essie, visit or Essie Taylor is an influencer and world changer. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from Northwestern University and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Rockford College. She is a veteran educator of Bilingual Education, English as a Second Language, and Spanish Language Acquisition with National Board Teacher Certification. She is an advocate of lifelong learning, language learning, and multiculturalism. Essie is the CEO of KenMar Press and The Essie Faye Collection. Essie is the author of Finding the Love You Deserve: 30 Lessons in Self-Love & Acceptance and Finding The Love Your Deserve: A 60 Day Healing Journal For Women of Faith. She is also a minister, youth advocate, recording artist, podcaster, and improviser. She is deeply committed to motivating minorities, women, and youth to pursue God while chasing their dreams and carving out their life’s paths. She loves God, people, and helping others. Essie has been a Christian for nearly all of her 39 years; she was born again at 15. She has been a bilingual worship leader and interpreter for 10+ years and has, by the grace of God, helped to establish bilingual ministries at five churches in her young life. She is a survivor of domestic violence (verbal and emotional abuse) and marital abandonment in a prior marriage. Essie is a Chicago native; she lives there with her husband, Donald Taylor II.

When did you develop your passion for learning and educating others? Developing my passion for learning and education has been a process. As an elementary and high school student, I didn’t like school much, though I performed extremely well academically. But growing up in Englewood, a food desert and gang-infested neighborhood in Chicago, I realized that education would open doors of opportunity for me as a Black girl in America. My parents are diligent advocates of education as well—I am a 1st generation college student. After birthing 11 children and raising 15, my mom went to college and earned her associate degree. She and my dad are my heroes.

If you could use four words to describe The “Essie Taylor” Brand, what would they be? Authentic, faith-based, transformational, and relevant

PWH AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT You have written and published several books. What message reigns true in the pages of each book? The message of both books is one of hope and healing. You can take authority over your life, partner with God to heal and create the love and life you desperately want and deserve.

Can you share the vision behind your podcast? What do you hope women specifically takeaway? I initially created my podcast, “Heart To Heart With Essie Faye,” as a space for me to speak from the heart to encourage listeners during the pandemic. My vision has evolved, as I currently host a series entitled “Separation and Divorce in Faith Communities.” In this series, I am breaking the silence around an issue that has been silenced in many faith communities.

Where do you see your platform in the next 3-5 years? In the next 3-5 years, I see myself as a six-figure speaker, bestselling author, entrepreneur, and consultant. I see my platform reaching hundreds of thousands of listeners and touching, transforming, and healing the lives of thousands of women.

What is your definition Woman Who Hustles?




A pretty woman who hustles is a woman who is beautiful inside and out. She exemplifies the fruit of the spirit and has positive energy. She is a woman who knows who she is and what she wants and goes after it relentlessly. She knows her God and has an impeccable work ethic. This woman loves herself first; she loves God and people and acts like it unapologetically.

This series aims to bring awareness, encouragement and healing to the hurting but also share preventative measures with those married and single to prevent separation & divorce in our communities. I want women to know that there is hope. I see you; God sees you. You’re not alone—you have a community. And this is not the end. You will grow through this. You will heal and learn to love again.

How do you balance entrepreneurship and ministry? I’m still figuring out my balance. I’m passionate about both. You can spend hours at work when your passion consumes you and you love what you do. Sometimes it’s as if I have a fire within. I am extremely fortunate to have an understanding and supportive husband. He allows me to serve women in bilingual and the music ministry. He cheers me on as I pursue my dreams. I couldn’t do any of what I do without his support. My parents, siblings, mentors, and friends support me as well. They’re priceless!

How does your faith speak through your work as an entrepreneur? My faith is an essential part of my lifestyle. Everything I do, I do it in faith. My products of The Essie Faye Collection are tees with faith-filled and inspirational messages.

Listen to Essie’s music on


Follow Michelle on social media: @MichelleWFuqua Michelle W. Fuqua was born in Monroe, NC. She is an international bestselling author, America’s purpose igniting life coach, mentor, transformational preacher, and speaker. She has achieved progressive levels of leadership responsibility working within Fortune 500 Corporations in the Energy Industry. Michelle is wife to Louis and mother to Daniel and Christian. She is the founding pastor of Living Water Church International, Inc. She is passionate about helping women, in particular mid-life GenXers, the forgotten generation, rise above obligation, survival living, and regret to embrace and pursue their called life in business and ministry unapologetically. Michelle is a published author of Shattered Perceptions, In Christ We Live: a 40 Day Intimate Journey to Strengthen Your Daily Walk with Christ, and Ignite Your Purpose: Embrace Your Divine Calling, Succeed in Life, Ministry, and Business. She is a contributing author in anthologies, Souled Out Volume 2 and Soulful Affirmations, The Secret Prayer of a Righteous Black Woman, and I Am Speaking: Rewritten Rules of Encouragement to Affirm Women Disrupters. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, an MBA, MA in religion, MA in pastoral counseling, and a Master of Divinity. She is currently a candidate for Doctor of Ministry

What inspired your start in life coaching and mentorship There was a time when I struggled with low self-esteem, which made me feel like an imposter. Therefore, I procrastinated or gave up on initiatives before they had a chance to take root. I lived my life in fear. One day, I decided that I needed to change. I sought out life coaches, and I was amazed at how effective they were at helping me to see life differently. Once I zeroed in on my identity, calling, and purpose, my clarity, and confidence increased. I have consistently met my goals and started helping others to do the same. I am passionate about helping Christian professional women who are a part of the forgotten and neglected “Generation X” find joy and purpose through actively pursuing their divinely called life.

When did you realize that you had a story that needed to be shared with the world? I realized that my life and experiences could encourage others and help them keep moving forward. I have always felt a strong sense of responsibility to be an example and encouragement for others. However, I was very hesitant to step into the fulness of my calling until I realized that certain individuals are in need of my gifts, talents, and abilities.

PWH CHURCH GIRL LIFESTYLE SPOTLIGHT I do not have the right to withhold what I can teach others. This came into an even clearer view during the pandemic. I really felt a pressure to serve, to plant, and to produce. It was as if I was running against my life clock, and I had to step out there. Since then, I have participated in multiple anthologies, designed multiple journals, and completed a book.

You are an international best-selling author. What message do you hope readers take away from your work? My first message is that each person matters and has intrinsic value. I strive to encourage people to believe in themselves, to seek God to understand their identity and calling, and then to build a plan that allows them to release their gifts into the earth. Many people deal with low self-esteem and feelings of unworthiness. I share a message encouraging them to be beautiful, gifted, and strong.

As a transformational preacher, how do you balance the call on your life with ministry and entrepreneurship? This has been the hardest part of my journey. As a minister, my instinct is to serve others, care for them, and help them heal. My desire is to always do this at no charge. I felt guilty about starting a business that would charge for what I originally identified as ministry. The bottom line is that everything that I do is ministry. I like the term pastorpreneur. It speaks to how I am striving to operate now. So, I spent some time (a lot of time) with God to figure this out. He basically gave me an organizational chart for my life that puts everything in perspective. I serve my members as needed. I see my business as expanding my ministry in that it allows me to grow my influence outside of the traditional church. Finally, I will say the other challenge has been organization and time management. I have learned to be disciplined, rest, and graceful with myself and others.

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years? I have a vision for a whole life transformation curriculum that will serve women who want to pursue their purpose and leave a legacy. Currently, I have developed the “Ignite Your Purpose” line, which includes a book, journals, a coaching program, and an online course. This is the first part. My goal is to help women who feel like it is too late. Who have reached a point in life where they have acquired everything they thought they wanted and realize that it does not satisfy them. They may know what they should be pursuing or need help figuring it out. However, they are ready to revamp their lives and serve in ministry/business.

What has been the most rewarding and challenging part of your journey thus far? The most rewarding part of my journey is seeing others learn from me, grab hold of their purpose, and thrive. The most challenging part of the journey has been the continuous mindset work necessary to maintain the pace and resolve that I strive for. Some days I have doubt, fear, and fatigue. Other days, I slay the day. I find that when I keep my relationship with God first, I am able to manage the fluctuations. I pray. I do daily affirmations. I have a vision board. I review the goals that are leading to my dream life. Then I do what is next.

5 WAYS TO CREATE CONTENT FAST RAQUEL WRITES CONTENT Written by: Raquel Shante de Lemos If you've done any marketing online within the past ten years, then I'm sure you have heard the saying: "Content is king." No matter whether you focus on Facebook, blogging, or YouTube - to be successful and grow, you need engaging content, and you need to post it consistently. Many small business owners and freelancers fall into the trap of daily content creation and posting. This is a problem for a number of reasons. However, daily posting can often lead to burnout and you run the risk of sharing content that doesn't necessarily relate to your target audience. Here are a few tips for creating content that matches your brand identity and message, while saving you a lot of time. 1. Batch create content. Schedule a time weekly to sit down and create content. Write as many blog articles or create as many Instagram posts as possible during that time. 2. Repurpose Content. Don't forget about content you've already shared. Old blog posts can be remixed into social media images or reels. 3. Use a Scheduler. Use an app to manage your social media posting schedule. For Facebook and Instagram, it's best to stick with Meta Business Suite. 4. Utilize PLR Content- PLR (private label rights) content are digital products with licensing for commercial use. PLR products can be remade into so much content. 5. Give Canva a Go. Canva is a program used for graphic design and marketing. Using it to plan your content saves time, especially since it's equipped with a scheduler.


K’Teonia Gunder

K’Teonia Gunder is an entrepreneurial powerhouse that wears many titles. She is a brand strategist, crafting creative, and real estate investor, but the title she holds dearest is being the wife of Nick Gunder and a mother to her twin boys, Mason and Masiah. The Georgia native got her start in business while residing in Williston, North Dakota, where she opened the first black-owned women’s boutique in the area. Gunder’s entrepreneurial journey would not stop there, as she would become a notorious branding enthusiast after launching K. Gunder Branding & Building, a branding company specializing in Small Business branding that focuses on boosting the brand identity of businesses on any level. Since its debut in 2018, Gunder has obtained over 20+ certifications in Graphic Design and Small Business Development and helped over 100 clients establish successful businesses. She has worked with clients whose products are featured in Walmart, Macy’s Marketplace, and other major retail outlets. When Gunder is not developing the latest brands, she loves to craft. In fact, she took crafting to new heights when the creative turned what was a pastime hobby into another stream of revenue with the release of her die cutter tool line, K. Gunder Tools. The die-cutter line established Gunder as the first Black-owned tool line of its kind. In 2020, Gunder teamed up with her husband to invest fulltime in real estate. Together, they have wholesaled, flipped, and rehabbed over 50+ homes. The Cornell Institute for Women’s Entrepreneurship alumnus has been featured in several publications, including SHOUTOUT ATLANTA, VoyageATL, and Black Wall St. She has also made a public appearance on the Atlanta Small Business Network.

When did you discover your passion for entrepreneurship? I discovered my passion for entrepreneurship when I started selling phone cases. I noticed that there was something that, you know, actually worked. I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing at that time. Still, I knew this was something that just made me super happy. It worked because I hadn’t been working and loved working in customer service.


...research your area and know what type of target you’re trying to appeal to.


When I sold my first product, I saw how it made someone very excited and happy. I knew then that I had found my purpose. From there, I started more businesses. I was able to grow and get better in business. That’s pretty much how my three businesses were developed. You are a brand strategist, crafting creative, and real estate investor. What made you decide that this is the field you want to put all your energy into? Because all of these different industries allowed me to create unlimited freedom. I’m able to control my time. I can control what I want to do, and I can do what I want to do on my time. It allows me to be a mom. It allows me to be a wife, and it allows me to enjoy life. How do you balance entrepreneurship, mentoring, wife, and motherhood? When I first started this journey, it was hard. As you grow and learn and also have wonderful mentors, you know people that you can look up to, you kinda find a balance. I was able to look at their lives and pretty much used the way they did things with their families and implemented that within my family. Being a mom and a wife is one of my greatest accomplishments. So if I don’t achieve anything else, I want to make sure I’m doing whatever it takes to be the best I can be to my husband and my twins. My family is a part of my businesses as well. So we are always doing things together. The boys love to help and just love to be around Mommy, so I have built a little schedule around us, so everything works out pretty well.

You have owned a boutique for several years. Could you share your greatest lessons from that experience? The greatest lesson I learned is you have to plan what you want to do in business. You just can’t be out here starting businesses. Also, you have to research your area and know what type of target you’re trying to appeal to. It is also understanding who you are going into business with. You must make sure that you both align and that this is what you both want. Tell us about your brand, Kgunderbb. What message do you hope women take away from your brand? Kgunderbb is a branding company that specializes in small business branding. We offer business resolutions for your company identity through professional branding services. We help develop new businesses, giving them strategies and visions to execute. What I hope other women take away from my brand is that no matter what people say, keep going. I was told that I would never amount to anything. I would never have the nice things in life. I’m here to tell you everything I ever wanted in a room that I ever needed to be in or wanted to be in, every opportunity I always got by believing in myself and connecting with the right people, educating myself, and keeping God first.

What is the experience like working with Kgunderbb? Based on what everyone who works with me states, it’s refreshing for them. Completely different from the average working environment. I allow my people to enjoy music while working. We’re able to have healthy conversations and still knock out these orders. You’re really going to catch a vibe and even heal if the timing fits. What Tips do you have for new entrepreneurs looking to brand their small business from scratch? Take branding classes, educate yourself on the theories of Branding, and establish a presence that defines your brand. Become an expert and always remember the three C’s: clarity, consistency, and constancy. Never sugarcoat yourself. Express your brand across all communication channels and determine where you fit in within your industry. Always network that will take your business a long way What would you say has been a key to your longevity in the business this far? Being consistent. I always keep my audience in my loop. I’m never sugarcoating anything. I tell them the truth and let them know who I am and what I stand for. If you were to look me up on Facebook, you would see that I try my best to keep people as my clients. My family and my friends in my business, not my personal business, of course, just my business is motivation. Not only that but inspiration too. I always get messages about how I inspire someone, so doing that helps me keep going too. Where do you hope to see your big brand in the next three to five years? I don’t use hope in my vocabulary, but my brand will be a household name. I will help thousands of new business owners. I will have a board of directors and my real estate company. We’ll be turning 22 million each month. My crafting company will be global, one of the biggest crafting businesses to ever hit the world, and I will help other craft creatives create their brands from scratch. I have big goals, and I will complete each one of them. I’m going to help as many people as possible, and I will be able to give back.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman who hustles? My definition of a Pretty Woman who hustles is a bomb-thriving woman who loves herself, loves others, pushes them towards their purpose, and helps others heal. A woman who builds businesses and great relationships. One who is just living their life unapologetically, doing what they love. A Pretty Woman, to me, is a woman who doesn’t have to unscrew another person’s light bulb to feel secure. A woman who just is herself that believes in God or whoever their higher power is. Just a woman who knows herself, and I am that Pretty Woman who hustles.


Mary Elizabeth Jackson is a three-time #1Amazon Bestselling author in the collaborative anthologies The Fearless Entrepreneurs, and International Best Sellers Invisible No More, Invincible Forever More (Aug 2021), and The Book I Read (March 20222). Jackson is also the 2017 Gold Maxy awardwinning author of the children’s book series Perfectly Precious Poohlicious and Poohlicious Look at Me (Tuscany Bay Books), Poohlicious Oh the Wonder of Me (Tuscany Bay Books June 2021). Cheers from Heaven, a mid-grade reader released October 2021 (Tuscany Bay Books), with co-writer Thornton Cline. Jackson focuses on writing empowering books for kids and adults. Jackson is also a ghostwriter, collaborator, songwriter, educator, and the voice for the Sports2Gether app. Mary is a special needs advocate and an Ambassador Advocate for AutismTn. Mary is also an advocate advisor for the Global for-profit Billion-Strong. She co-founded and cohosts Writers Corner Live TV and Special Needs TV Shows on Amazon Live, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Writers Corner Live features author interviews from New York Times best sellers, International and National best sellers to multiaward-winning authors, and all things in the writing world. Special Needs TV features interviews and resources for parents, families, and caregivers. Jackson is also working on an edutainment YouTube channel with her son featuring children’s book reviews and family fun and education for all children. Jackson is currently working on an anti-bullying campaign as well.

THREE-TIME #1 AMAZON BESTSELLING AUTHOR Written by: Celebrity Writer, Jules Lavallee

To learn more about Mary Elizabeth, visit

What inspired you children’s author?




My youngest son was born late in my life and was a surprise. He stopped growing near the end of his term, and the doctors prepared us that he might have brain damage and not walk. He is a true miracle and did not have any of the issues we were told about but was born with other challenges like being unable to swallow. About five months after his birth and my recovery while nursing, I was in a place of complete gratitude. This is where my first children’s book was written. It was inspired by my son, his entrance into this world, and my other two children. Also, all children are perfect just the way they are and need to know this.

Your motivation for your books is to give kids tools early in life to feel empowered. How are your books, Perfectly Precious Poohlicious and Poohlicious Look at Me, motivating children? My goal is to write from the child’s viewpoint and help them understand that no matter how they come into this world, they are “okay” exactly as they are. I included I AM pages in each of the three books in this series to help parents get their littles started early with those empowering affirmations. There are YOU ARE statements as well to help parents, siblings, and caregivers learn how to begin using them in their lives.

You are the Co-host of The Writers Corner Live TV Show and the Special Needs TV Show. What is coming up for July?

What was the inspiration for the International bestselling book, Invisible No More? The inspiration was to inspire others to know they can overcome challenges in their life. This book is the brainchild of Lynda Sunshine West as well, and this anthology has been one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had as an author. Bringing together 29 women with stories of trauma, abuse, loss, grief, and other challenges in one book—each woman sharing how she overcame incredible circumstances to become Invincible For Ever More is nothing short of inspiring. It is the first time I have opened up publicly about certain things in my life, and it was the first for many other women. Telling our stories gave each of us ‘permission’ to be transparent and hopefully help someone else who might be experiencing the same thing as one of us.

What is next?

I started the Writers Corner Live Show four years ago this coming July with my friend Bridgetti Lim Banda. We wanted a platform where authors could share their books and journeys and find new readers. We have had the honor and privilege of interviewing authors worldwide. Debut to New York Times bestselling authors have been on the show, and each has a unique story.

I am working on my next book that will be true life experiences. I am almost finished with a children’s emotional book/journal that can be used for all children to help them learn how to process and understand their emotions and feelings better. My show Writers Corner Live is starting an author show Network and is in the beginning stages. I am also working on creating a line of sensory toys.

Special Needs TV is all about the disability world with interviews, resources, and information for families and others with anyone who has challenges. Both shows can be found on Amazon Live, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube every Tuesday at 11:30 AM EST.

This summer, I will be working on creating positive interventions for children emotionally, mentally, and academically with AutismTn for anti-bullying legislation. We hope this can help cut down on a continual problem and bring about better outcomes for kids across our state.

We have a great lineup of authors for July and are booked through December 2022. David Kelly- July 5, James E. WebbJuly 12, Jen Nash- July 19, and Actress and Filmmaker Jennifer Lieberman- July 26. I am in the process of booking for Special Needs in July. We will have a doctor on that specializing in this field. Every interview is always amazing.

Tell us about your book, The Fearless Entrepreneurs. What have you learned as an entrepreneur? The Fearless Entrepreneurs was my first anthology adventure. It is filled with 28 contributing men and women authors through Action Takers Publishing and Lynda Sunshine West. Each author shares their personal entrepreneurial story of what they overcame to get where they are, tips, and gold nuggets of their success. As an entrepreneur since I was in high school who has tried many different things over the years, never giving up till you find what makes your heart sing is one of the biggest things I have learned. Many of us have an entrepreneurial spirit, and each of us has to find our own path and what is our perfect fit. We just have to keep trying and find our niche to be successful.


Alexandria August Alexandria August is a Black author, writer, editor, podcaster, small business owner and single mother. She is a philanthropist, former journalist, and model who has written for celebrities and locals. She has written in media for over six years. She practices spirituality chakra and energy balancing. Anything good, she is down for it. Outside of entrepreneurship and your many titles, who is Alexandria August in four words? Humility, strength, bold, intuitive. What inspired your start in entrepreneurship specifically writing? Self-awareness. I have always written for personal enjoyment. So when the opportunity came for me to make money off of my writing, it triggered a spark in me for entrepreneurship. I think God for that. You have over six years of experience in the media industry. What was your biggest takeaway? The biggest takeaway is to be true to yourself. There are always going to be people that know more than you. There are always going to be people that make more than you. At the end of the day, stay original to yourself and stand on who you are. If you talk funny, own it. If you feel you look funny, own it. Respect yourself, and your tribe will come to you.

I’m giving my raw and honest opinions. I have dealt with so much and deal with so much. The power of self-realization is amazing. What message do you hope readers takeaway? Everybody has been through adversity. Invest in yourself, trust in yourself, and your life will be exactly what it was destined to be. Where do you hope to see your platform in the next 3-5 years? Successful. My book is global my podcast is global. I believe that I have and will be on more platforms. The more I got into podcasting as an author, the more I saw the need for the underprivileged communities wanting to publish their book. I knew I wanted to be able to help those people, so I’m hoping and praying that my company will be able to at least sponsor three people to make their dreams come true. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? Bold, Sexy, Confident, secure, Motivated, Intelligent. She’s a doer, hustler of the year every year.

What can people expect when opening your new book, A Conversation with Alexandria August? A conversation with Alexandria August is written in a way that touches so many genres the readers that read the first book of the series will automatically want to know more and read the rest of the series because it touches on so much.

Image Credit: Nina Austin


MARGARET P. BEAN Margaret P. Bean is a dynamic woman who takes pen in hand and flows in short stories, poems, and silent moments. She shares from a place of inner beauty to bring forth words that share reality, truths, and stories that edify, encourage, and simply inspire the readers to want to read more and write their own inner desires of the heart. Margaret brings her SoulSatisfying brand to the content she creates. Margaret’s writing career started in 2004, writing several encouraging and inspirational books. During a 2016 radio interview, Margaret was asked, “What was next?” “A stage play,” she blurted out. With no idea what the play was going to be about, Margaret sat down at her dining room table with pen in hand and finished with her first stage play, The Game Changer. A play about dating games, health care awareness, specifically HIV, and just learning to wait on God for your mate, The Game Changer debuted in 2017. Margaret is currently producing her next stage play, Treachery Lies & Deception, coming to the stage on 9/10/22. Margaret is pursuing her passion of creating quality content for the stage, the big screen, and television.

You hold many titles, aside from entrepreneur, author, etc. Can you give us five words to describe Margaret P. Bean? Humble, Determined, Resilient, Go-getter, Passionate.

When did you realize you wanted to share your heart through short stories, poems, and silent moments? By my third book, Madison St. Clair’s Turning Points, was the first book that allowed me to flow in a different way with the short stories, poems, and the silent moments was written based on obstacles, challenges, and just various things that I had encountered on this journey of mine, and I needed to express myself differently. I was on a journey of self-discovery at the time, just after my divorce, and I found “Madison.” She came with a new perspective on how to live my life and do it to the fullest. Madison St. Clair is not a pseudonym to hide my real identity (Margaret P. Bean) because she is “ME” revealed.

You have written several books. What message do you hope readers take away from your work? I write from a very passionate place, so I would like my readers to be inspired, motivated, and encouraged to fulfill their dreams. Women wear a lot of hats and can be overwhelmed with the many challenges they face, and many run on empty while pouring into others. I want women to take a moment for themselves, do some self-care, and make time for themselves. It’s okay to sit down, relax and read one, if not all, my books to refill themselves with inspiration, motivation, and strength. I started a women’s ministry titled “Strengthen Thy Sister,” whose mission is to build, inspire, encourage and strengthen women to be their best selves.


You branched out and started a publishing company during the pandemic. Can you share a little about your company and what you offer? During the pandemic, I couldn’t get to a stage. Most of my work-for-hire scripts were put on hold, and I couldn’t sit still. Thus, MPB Publishing was started to flip the script and allow novice writers to make their dreams a reality. Publishing can be very expensive, so I provide a service agreement to edit, publish, cover design, and Amazon distribution. My services make dreams come true at a reasonable rate.

MPB Entertainment has a mission to tell stories through entertainment. How did this sector of your life get its start?

You wear multiple hats being an Author, Coach, and CEO of many companies. What have been the most rewarding and challenging parts of your entrepreneur journey thus far? I would have to say the most rewarding is seeing an actor pick up their script, read my written words, and bring those words to life. It amazes me every time as if it were the very first time. The biggest challenges are when the vision is bigger than what I can imagine, but then God, who provided me with the vision, always provides the provisions of people and resources, so I cast all my cares on Him and remain humbled and honored that He chose the ordinary me to do the extraordinary to bless his people. My motto is there is no greater privilege than to serve God and his people.

MPB Entertainment was officially established as an LLC in 2021 to bring to life a vision of providing job opportunities to passionate Actors who desire to bring powerful messages to the masses on stage, film, and TV.

Can you tell us about your new stage play, Treachery Lies & Deception. Can you share what your audience can expect? Treachery Lies & Deception is the ultimate betrayal of friendships. Body, mind, and soul are truly tested; however, Love and Forgiveness reign, and I always provide a message to the masses that deals with Mental Health Care Awareness and Domestic Violence. The audience can expect dynamic talent, awesome singing, and a powerful message that will leave them speechless and empowered to seek assistance, be more transparent about their own concerns and begin to live a more inspired life.

Where do you hope to see your platform in the next 3-5 years? I hope to see MPB Entertainment in full force with a studio for filming, TV production, and stage presentations. Employing people to live their dreams and fulfill their purpose.

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