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mam elecTrIc sINgle

mam elecTrIc sINgle 2 IN 1 breasT PumP WITh rechargeable baTTery

Finding the right breast pump is like finding the right pair of shoes. It needs to be practical; it helps if it looks good and most of all it must be comfortable, the MAM 2 in 1 Breast Pump is a very close match. Firstly, you have a choice of two pumps, depending on how lazy you’re feeling, I’m joking, no breast-feeding mother ever gets a chance to be lazy. You have the choice of a manual or electric pump which makes this a portable and versatile set up, the manual pump is great for when out and about and it easily packs away into a compact unit. Then you have the electric pump which has lots of bells and whistles including the touch screen digital display and 18 different levels, with 9 levels of stimulation and 9 levels expressing modes. Some first-time expressing mummies might try and get the pump going as quick as possible, but it might take a little time to find which settings work best for you and delivers the optimum results. This pump has a soft silicone inlay in the funnel for a comfortable fit against the skin, this is one of the top priorities when picking a pump, but the downside is there is only one size to choose from, ladies come in all shapes and sizes and a one size fits all approach isn’t necessarily going to work for everyone. The whole unit is BPA and BPS free which deserves a massive thumbs up. It is simple to take apart and assemble again, allowing for a thorough clean, it can also be put in most sterilisers. The electric pump has a rechargeable battery which claims to hold up to 3 hours of charge, but during testing we were getting slightly under this time, also as the battery starts to lose its power so does the efficiency of the pump. All things considered this pump is good value for money, you are getting two types of pumps along with two storage pots, for decanting, freezing or late feeding, two easy start bottles (130ml and 160ml) with Size 0 and 1 teats for instant feeding. A strong choice for mums expressing in a range of locations


PrOs maNual aND elecTrIc PumPINg 18 mODes Of sTImulaTION aND exPressION TOuch screeN DIgITal DIsPlay bPa & bPs free rechargeable baTTery POrTable cONs PumPINg becOmes WeaKer as The baTTery Wears DOWN ONe sIze fuNNel

a haNDy POrTable PumP fOr ON The gO mummIes.


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