The Review Smiths - Issue 34

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Review Smiths

THE Issue 34 May 2023

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the May edition of The Review Smiths, we have had some changes around the office, including a new member of the team joining us. She's noisy, has zero respect for working hours and is a massive distraction but we think we will keep her around for now, she’s only two weeks old after all.

However, a little old thing like having a baby doesn't slow us down, ok well maybe it has a little, but we still have some great products for you to look at. For those looking to burn off some energy we have some high performing sports shades, a triathlon suit, running headphones and some hiking boots.

To recover from all that activity, we have a rice cooker to make dinner faster and easier, a pellet barbecue allowing you to cook outdoors in Spring.

So, enjoy perusing these pages, whilst we get started on the next months edition in between night feeds and nappy changes, wish us luck.

Editor and chief

Managing Director

Alex Hilling-Smith

Senior Writer

Emma Hilling-Smith

Chief Peppa Pig Watcher

Master Hilling-Smith

04. NIChe ZerO COffee

06. rOad aNgel halO PrO

08. IsTOrage dIskashur M2

10. duux glObe Table faN

12. bONd TOuCh

14. lOMI sMarT WasTe kITCheN

16. WaTerhaul fITZrOy Navy

18. Weber sMOkefIre (2Nd geNeraTION) ex6 gbs WOOd

20. ePOMaker ek68

22. vasque TOrre aT gTx

24. COMPressPOrT aerO ss


26. shOkZ OPeNruN PrO

28. bOllé MICrO edge

30. sCyThe - sTONeMaIer


32. gaMesIr g7

34. TraCkleMeNTs

36. kITCheNaId MIxer 4.7l

hIbIsCus arTIsaN

38. sCaNMarker reader

40. faCePlaNT COlOur blINd

Crash OverrIde suNglasses

42. Peak desIgN Travel

baCkPaCk 30l

44. Peak desIgN MObIle

46. POWera PlaysTaTION TWIN

48. gOdICe full PaCk

50. luCIdsOuNd ls15x

52. NOkTa The legeNd WhP

54. Mxl MICrOPhONes aC-

360-Z v2

56. sTaressO MaNual grINder

58. sTaressO MINI


Dave Hicks Writer

Peter Hilling

For all media related enquiries please contact us at

For Advertising Enquiries

0208 191 8472

60. POWera xbOx dual

ChargINg sTaTION

62. sq PrOfessIONal rICe COOker

64. urbaNIsTa lOs aNgeles

66. bu COlleCTION

70. Trx PrO4 sysTeM

72. sylvaNIaN faMIlIes

76. OraNge WhIP TraINer


NIChe ZerO COffee grINder

The very first thing you notice about the Niche Zero Coffee Grinder is its elegant design, this particularly stands out in the White model with the aluminium body contrasting nicely with the genuine oak detailing for a modern finish. We all know that looks aren’t everything though but that’s not an issue with this beauty, the Niche Zero is a single dosing coffee grinder, constructed with premium 63mm conical burrs. The patented, straight through design provides a zero-grind retention, ensuring all the flavour ends up right in your cup, there is a dial that can be adjusted for a precise grind setting for your brewing style. All you need to do is pour the beans into the funnel and switch it on, it will then grind up the beans with surprisingly quiet efficiency, no one needs to deal with a loud blast in the ears before your morning coffee. For safety reasons the Zero will only grind when the lid is fully closed, the dial will help you identify the correct grind size whether you are using a filter, espresso, Chemex or French press, the grind is perfectly consistent no matter the setting. If we had to be pushed to find something to pick at this isn’t the fastest grinder we have tested but we are talking a matter of seconds here and unless you are in a professional setting it really won’t be that noticeable. It is easy to see the price tag of the coffee grinder and think it is overpriced for home use but if you are into your coffee and use a variety of brewing methods you would do well to find better consistency and retention than this.

P rOs

beau TI ful MOder N desIgN

1 gra M/seC gr IN d




63MM CONICal burrs hardeN ed

sT eel burrs

r eal Oak T r IM qu I eT (belOW 72db) I N f INIT e gr IN d dI al

safeT y INT erlOC k INg l I d

For more information on the Niche Zero Coffee Grinder click here Th Is PreMI u M COffee gr IN der del I vers a CONsIsT eNT gr IN d fOr a ra Nge Of breWINg M eT hOds .

rOad aNgel halO PrO

These days it is a no brainer to install a dash cam into your car, with so many available now it is an invaluable piece of equipment that can provide vital evidence in the case of an incident. The Halo Pro from Road angel is a reasonably priced system that comes with both the 2K HD3 dash cam and 1080p rear cam. These cameras offer a clear, highresolution image with use of the CMOS sensor, the dual system covers both the front and back of your vehicle thanks to the 2K 140° front camera with Super Night View and 1k 120°rear cam with Night Mode. Footage can be downloaded straight onto your Smart phone via Wi-Fi and the dedicated app where you can edit the footage, it has built in GPS to track journeys, locations and speed. This camera system will also record telematics data for every journey including detailed acceleration, breaking and cornering information, this is shown on a map for easy playback and reference. The G-Sensor lets your videos capture acceleration and movement data including bumps and crashes, everything is recorded on to a micro-SD card up to 128GB, unfortunately this will need to be purchased separately, when the max storage is hit it will automatically loop and record over the old footage. The Parking Mode (hardwiring kit required and sold separately) ensures the vehicle is protected when you are away from it, the hardwiring kit provides the power so you can switch the ignition off, and the Halo Pro will automatically enter into the Parking Mode in time-lapse. If the G-Sensor detects an event or movement the camera will then start normal, real-time recording, to capture what exactly is happening to your car. The Halo Pro isn’t packed with features but what you do get is a clear image, easy installation and a discreet set up. If you are looking for a high quality yet inexpensive front and rear system to record what happens on your road trips this is worth looking at.

more information on the Road Angel Halo Pro click here

P rOs

dual Ca M era sysT eM

g - s eNsOr a N d a h Igh PreCIsION g Ps MOdule

Park INg MOde

fu NCTIONal a PP


easy TO INsTall a N d dIsC reeT


l IMIT ed feaT ures

sd NOT INCluded

Park INg MOde hardWI re k IT NOT INCluded


Th Is dual Ca M era seT u P dOesN ’ T have T he

MOsT feaT ures bu T W haT IT dOes have IT dOes W ell .

P rOs l IghTW eIghT aT jusT 86 gra M s WIT h ITs COver ON IP68 CerTI f I ed WaT er a N d dusT resIs Ta NCe 370 M b/s read a N d W r IT e sPeeds NO seParaT e sOf TWare N eeded TO ru N ON COMPaTI ble dev IC es CONs COuldN ’ T f IN d a N y Issues , T hey seeM TO have IT all COvered! From £150.75 For more information on the iStorage Diskashur m2 click here

Online thieves are getting more and more sophisticated these days and greater methods of protection are needed all the time. So, we’re back to hardware for security and, when you see what they are able to do with it now, you wonder why you kept everything online?!

The Diskashur has a variety of safety features built in to help prevent unauthorised access to your data. Firstly, the PIN to access anything at all on this drive is 7-15 digits long so can be as complicated as you need it to be. You also have the ability to introduce different PIN’s for different users and then restricting the information held on the drive to be ‘view-only’ so nothing can get tampered with even by people that need to see it. Having managed shared drives before, this function is essential to stop well-meaning colleagues making irreversible changes to your meticulous masterplan for world domina... errr, office guidelines and


The Diskashur comes in a variety of storage sizes from 120GB to 2TB and can withstand drop impacts of up to 4 metres height and can survive in up to 1 ½ metres depth of water for half an hour. The data is encrypted using FIPS PUB 197 validated, AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption and the components inside the drive are coated in a tough epoxy resin to prevent physical tampering. There’s also a polymer coating on the keys to ensure no obvious button pressing marks over time so little chance of giving that PIN away. You also have a ‘self-destruct’ option which wipes out the data on the device if a specific PIN is entered and if an admin or user PIN is entered incorrectly 10 times, your data will be irretrievable, giving you peace of mind that whatever data you have, is safe.

9 IsTOrage
Or seNsITI ve daTa, I deal fOr a N Off ICe eN v I rONM eNT T haT ha N dles seNsITI ve daTa T haT has PeOPle WOrk INg frOM hOM e .
dIskashur M2 a safe Way TO

duux glObe Table faN

We’re all a lot more environmentally conscious these days and sometimes we have to make the odd sacrifice to satisfy our desire to ‘do our bit’ for the environment. When I found out how much energy my fan used for example (a massive 60 Watts and it’s huge!), I started using it far more sparingly and just had the windows open instead. Unfortunately, the noise from the main road outside my top floor flat made listening to music and watching my favourite shows problematic to say the least. And I do like my lazy days doing those very things! Then, along came this little beauty and oh, what a difference! The energy consumption is far better (up to 27 Watts but can be as low as 2!), it’s powerful, easily reaching all areas of my front room (it can reach up to 7 metres apparently) and it even goes up and down, not just sideways (it’s the little things sometimes…). Most importantly for me though, it’s quiet. I can close my windows and make sure there’s plenty of cool airflow all around my front room and barely even notice it when the latest episode of whatever I’m bingeing on my favourite streaming service is on. It’s also a lot smaller than my old fan and it looks… well, pretty cool actually! Like a little rotating ball throwing out cool air. It comes with a remote, so I don’t even have to get out of my chair to adjust anything. My only criticism of it is that there are only three speeds and the oddity that is the automatic time-out mode. Just 1 or 3 hours? Would it have been that hard to include a variable timer? Small grumbles though: compact, quiet and energy efficient wins the day for me.

P rePare yOurself fOr T he N exT

heaTWave .


P rOs

sT yl Ish lOOk INg

r eMOT e CONT rOl

qu I eT a N d POW erful

eN ergy eff ICI eNT


ONly 3 sPeed


ONly 2 seT ChOICes

fOr au TOM aTIC TIM eOu T

For more information on the Duux Globe Table Fan click here
For more information on the Bond Touch click here

bONd TOuCh

The Bond Touch are a set of bracelets that work in pairs and the idea of them sounds like the perfect present for those who are often separated, like long distance relationships or couples that are often away from home for work. In the box we received two bond touches in black (also available in white), two sports bands in black (also available in gold and silver) and two USB chargers. The bands are highly adjustable and will fit all wrist sizes, they are also waterproof and if you wanted to change colour of the bands, there are twelve differently coloured sports bands available on their website and three metal mesh bands. They are charged by USB and battery life is four days, to charge fully they take around three hours.

To set them up initially make sure they are fully charged and download the Bond Touch app, the app runs on both iOS and Android, make sure the other person does the same thing and then you can add them as a pair. Once this is done you can start communication with the bracelets and even come up with codes i.e. 2 taps (I miss you), 3 taps (check your phone), 4 taps (SOS) etc. When you tap the Bond Touch it alerts your partner with vibrations reminding you that you are loved. You need to make sure that your phone is always within 10m of the Bond Touch or they will not work as they connect via Bluetooth to your phone to feed off the data. The App is really easy to use, and I like that it allows you to see your partners location and what the weather is like where they are.

After using the product for a month, it does work well although we did have some syncing issues every so often which took some fiddling, my main gripe with the device is that you do always need to have the App running in the background and it does drain your battery. However, this is a really nice idea, and the product does what it says it does and is a really sweet idea for a present.

13 P rOs I NNOvaTI ve I dea COM fOrTable lOTs Of C hOIC e IN COlOurs Clever a PP CONs s hOrT baTT ery l I fe sy NCINg Issues dra INs PhON e baTT ery
sTay IN CONTaCT WIT h yOur lOved

lOMI sMarT WasTe kITCheN COMPOsTer

Even the most conscientious of us will end up with some food waste, unless we start eating our veg peelings and egg shells, all these surplus items contain precious nutrients that your garden and pots plants will greatly appreciate, so why send them to the landfill. The Lomi Smart Waste Kitchen Composter allows you to easily compost your kitchen waste without stepping a foot outside or dealing with messy and smelly bins. The Lomi is about the size of a bread maker, it actually reminds me of a baby bottle steriliser, it will sit pretty on your worktop or can be tucked away in a cupboard, and no one will know of its contents. It has been designed to ensure that no nasty smells are created and pest like insects and rodents aren’t encouraged to come and investigate. It was interesting to discover that when organic waste (i.e. food) goes to landfills, this is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions globally, so it’s good to know that up to 80% of your waste can go into Lomi including fruits, veg, bread, animal products, plant waste (dead headed flowers for example) and Lomi approved products and packaging. It is super easy to use, it will require mains power and uses 60kWh of energy per 100 cycles which equates to 220 lbs of food waste diverted from landfill and 18lbs of methane emissions avoided. Once you have added your food waste all you need to do is push the button on the front the internal sensors then simulate and accelerate the composting process by using heat and agitation to produce nutrient-rich output in as little as 4 hours, its like magic. You can then use the nutrient rich soil to treat your indoor plants, your garden, or just your green bin depending on the mode you select. When active it is reasonably quiet, it can make some crunching or cracking noises depending on what you have in there but this is normally just at the start. As someone who is obsessed with house plants and will chastise my partner for throwing a yogurt pot in the general waste this is a dream for me, it’s certainly not a cheap investment but it does a fantastic job at quickly composting your waste in a clean and fuss- free way.

Th Is M ag IC COMPOsT er T ur Ns fOOd

WasT e INTO usable dI rT IN a M aTT er

For more information
Of hOurs .
on Lomi Smart Waste Kitchen Composter click here

P rOs

OdOur free a N d PesT free


CarbON POsITI ve


easy TO use dIsC reT e

CONs P r ICey ON g OINg COsT WIT h rePlaCeM eNT

POds TO IMPrOve sOIl qual IT y f IlT
ers (£59.99 fOr TWO)

WaTerhaul fITZrOy Navy

Waterhaul is no ordinary sunglasses company, they have been working hard to remove the most lethal form of plastic in our oceans, fishing nets, and turning them into stylish and functional sunglasses. These frames are made from 0% virgin plastics and 100% recycled fishing nets and lines, they are engineered and hand-finished in Italy. The rectangular unisex frame fits a broad range of face shapes and are classed as a medium-medium/large, they have a lens width of 52mm, bridge width of 21mm and arm length of 139mm. They come with a ‘Recycle and Replace’ lifetime guarantee, damaged frames can go back into the plastic recycling loop to create new pairs and Waterhaul will replace and recycle your frames for free, forever. The Fitzroy we received came in an attractive Navy but are also available in a slate grey finish as a nod to the materials origins, they use a reliable, ultra-durable three-barrel hinges, and offer a good amount of flexibility, a snug fit and are comfortable across the nose. They come with Barberini polarised glass lenses, the world's most premium and sustainable lenses, (known for making opticals for Maui Jim and the like). These glass lenses were chosen for their optical quality, the mineral glass offers the greatest optical clarity with an Abbe value of 59 (vs. 32 for polycarbonate), they are also scratch resistant making them perfect for the beach and provide UVA/ UVB 400 protection. Waterhaul lets you try they shades on before committing with a 30-day free trial at home and the option to exchange or return if they are not for you. These shades have been conscientiously created, even down to the free sustainable cork tri-folding protective case and plastic-free and 100% recyclable packaging. If I was desperate to find something to pick on it’s that there is not an eco-friendly microfibre lens cleaning cloth included, come on Waterhaul we know if anyone can make this happen it is you guys. They have achieved what so many have failed to do, the perfect combination of a truly eco-friendly, functional AND attractive end product, this is £95 you will feel good spending.

P rOs 100% reC yCled f Ish INg N eT fra M es barber INI POlar Ised glass susTa INable leNses salTWaT er a N d sC raTCh resIsTa NT TIM eless flaTT er INg lOOk ZerO v I rg IN PlasTIC WaT erhaul l I feTIM e Warra NT y l IghTW eIghT a N d COM fOrTable P resC r IPTION leNses ava Ilable COrk T r I-fOldINg PrOT eCTI ve Case
17 For more information on the Waterhaul Fitzroy Navy click here £95 P rOT eCT yOur eyes , save T he Pla N eT a N d lOOk dOPe T h Is su MM er.

Weber sMOkefIre (2Nd geNeraTION) ex6 gbs WOOd fIred PelleT grIll

Summer is just around the corner, we have had a funny year all things considered, what better than getting everyone over for a big old BBQ and the SmokeFire EX6 from Weber is a BIG old BBQ with a versatile cooking temperature of 95-315°C. You can use this grill to do everything from searing steak, smoking brisket, roasting a chicken to baking cakes, and everything in between, yes imagine baking a cake outside whilst adding a real wood flavour to make it take even more incredible. It has a large cooking grate (6,370cm²) that feeds up to eight people at a time, there are dual grilling zones giving you the option of direct and indirect cooking, the bottom grate provides 4,095cm². The entire thing measures up at 157cm H x 140cm W x 84cm D with the lid open, so it’s rather sizable, best suited for larger gatherings and families. You don’t have to be a natural chef with this grill thanks to the Weber Connect step-by-step grilling assistant, this clever tech pairs with your smartphone and will send you notifications when it’s time to flip and serve and will even provide a food readiness countdown to hush those hungry guests. You can control the temperature from your phone which means less time fussing over a hot grill and more time relaxing with your guests. The Gourmet BBQ System (GBS) cooking grate can transform the SmokeFire into a multi-functional grill with a wide range of GBS accessories like a pizza stone, sear grate, Dutch oven and more giving a wide range of cooking options. The SmokeFire uses Weber's exclusive porcelain-enamelled finish, this not only looks sleek but more importantly withstands the harshest environment, that means no rust and cracking over time. Other features include the large hopper and inclined auger, which allows you to grill overnight and smoke without any pellet jamming, the SmokeBoost function delivers a beautiful real wood-fired, smoky taste. The Easy-Clean System sends the ash and grease down into a removable drawer, keeping mess to a minimum and making cleaning much easier, you also receive a free core temperature probe and cutlery holder with this grill. This is a grill for food lovers, you don’t need to be a chef or even particularly enjoy cooking because the SmokeFire makes it so easy, you, your family and guests can just enjoy the delicious delights it produces.

P rOs

g reaT a ll- rOu N der

versaTIle 95-315°C COOk INg T eMPeraT ure

s ear, rOasT, bake a N d sMOke

Weber CONN eCT TeC h NOlOgy

large COOk INg area WIT h dual gr Ill INg ZON es

rusT a N d C raC k-free POrC ela IN-eNa M el f INIshed gr Ill

sMOkeb OOs T fu NCTION

easy-Clea N sys T eM

g Our M eT bbq sys T eM (gbs)


Th Is user-fr I eN dly gr Ill allOWs yOu TO easIly

M ake del ICIOus fOOd, ON e fOr T he fOOd lOvers .

19 For more information on the Weber SmokeFire click here

ePOMaker ek68

The EK68 from Epomaker is a 65% size wireless, gasket-mounted keyboard. I don’t know about you but as soon as I saw ‘gasket-mounted’, my mind went straight to a steam-punk style keyboard but, obviously, this was not the case! Gasket-mounted, when it comes to keyboards, refers to how the button is mounted. Basically, pieces of rubber are placed between the key and the mounting plate to provide a softer button press with minimised sound compared to keyboards without, giving you a quieter typing experience as well as reducing the pressure needed to type, cutting down on fatigue.

It comes with Bluetooth 5.0 as well as a Type-C USB connector (with a slot for the dongle – fantastic, hate losing those!) and can make use of wi-fi with a 2.4 GHz connection. All of the above means you should be able to connect to your chosen device with the minimum of fuss and a decent speed. The keys themselves have raised characters so you’ll never need to worry about fading through over-use but, if you have your own preferred style of keys, the EK68 makes it very easy to remove the current ones and replace them with your own favoured set.

There is a simple switch at the back so you can use this for MAC or PC and the lighting of the keyboard is programmable, although having the lighting on does tend to shorten the battery life. Speaking of which, there is a battery indicator light next to the arrow keys so you can easily see when you need to recharge.

The big seller for me is the quietness of the typing - I have a friend who I play online games with that uses a PC and things can get pretty clacky! Maybe I should encourage them to get themselves a gasket mounted keyboard.


P rOs

sOf T Press a N d qu I eT keys


g OOd sIZ e TO f IT easIly IN yOur la P WIT h

COM fOrTable use


The sOf TWare fOr re-M a PPINg keys IsN ’ T


a sOl I d, C usTOMIsable keybOard useful fOr ga MINg

Or as a COM fOrTable T y PINg Pad IN yOur la P aT a

g OOd Pr ICe .

21 For more information on the Epomaker EK68 click here

vasque TOrre aT gTx

It’s getting to that time of year again where the colder weather is receding and spring time is on the very near horizon. A perfect time to go out hiking and to appreciate all that mother nature has to offer! However, with Spring comes all sorts of issues like random showers, wet and muddy ground and slippery surfaces so a decent pair of walking boots is essential and those guys at Vasque have done their usual thing and produced a boot fit for purpose.

Firstly, the outer sole is made using a compound from Vibram combining rubber and foam in a design that ensures longevity despite the punishment rugged terrain usually deals to soles. The mid sole is a solid all terrain compound and the tread has a good grip in both dry and wet conditions. Speaking of wet conditions, these boots have a Goretex waterproof membrane (9 million pores per square inch!) which basically keeps external moisture out and allows internal moisture (sweat from your feet basically) to escape leaving you with nice dry feet while hiking. Couple this with a nice high collar and some good ankle support and you should be able to tackle shallow streams and those spring showers with confidence and comfort.

The leather parts of the boot are suede giving a nice feel to them (although investing in a suede cleaning kit would be a good idea to keep them looking good over time) and they are quite lightweight for boots with this high a collar, coming in at just over 1.1 Kg for the pair meaning you expend less energy while out and about. The only real complaint I have is that the laces are a bit short but you can replace these with ease if you so wish.

If yOu WaNT a PaIr Of hIkINg bOOTs ThaT WIll lasT aNd keeP yOur feeT COMfOrTable aNd dry, yOu COuld dO a lOT WOrse. yOu May WaNT TO INvesT IN sOMe gOOd lONg laCes hOWever.
For more information on the Vasque TORRE AT GTX click here 23 P rOs l IghTW eIghT durable WaT er PrOOf a N d breaT hable g OOd gr IP CONs laCes are TOO shOrT £220

COMPressPOrT aerO ss TrIsuIT

It’s hard to get the outfit right for any activity but when it involves swimming, cycling and running to the best of your ability then it’s crucial to have the right apparel, thankfully triathlon wear has been improving at a fast pace even if your training hasn’t. The Aero SS Trisuit from Compressport has been developed over the years with athletes with every detail considered to ensure the weight is as low as it can be. This suit weighs just 199g which is incredibly light and creates an ergonomic and aerodynamic profile, it is suitable for both general running and triathlons and can be used during training and race days. The built in targeted compression panels support the quads and glutes, reduce vibration, improve blood flow and delay fatigue, the fabric has been constructed to offer 3D thermoregulating, this means it works hard to keep your body cool when you get your sweat on but warm during and post swim. The ventilation panels integrated in the back and sleeves, ensure fast drying post swim and some breathing space whilst on the bike, there is also micro-perforation and an integrated pad that quickly wicks away moisture to avoid the risk of chafing on the bike and run. The flat seams on the sleeves also prevent rubbing and irritability whilst making sure they don’t ride up the arm whilst in motion. There is a flat, full-length zip that can provide extra ventilation if needed, it also aids in quick changes or toilet stops. There are 3-section, no-bounce pockets that wrap from hip to hip and can be used to store gels and other essentials, keeping them close to hand. The high-tech silicone crotch grip makes for a very comfortable position in the saddle and prevents you sliding forward. The Aero SS Trisuit has managed to cover every element of a triathlon with zero compromise, fast drying and aerodynamic for swimming, integrated chamois and non-slip saddle positioning for cycling and lightweight and thermoregulation for running, it really has it all.

For more information on the Compressport Aero SS Trisuit click here P rOs exCelleNT value fOr MON ey POsT ural su PPOrT I NT egraT ed Cha MOIs l IghTW eIghT Wra P arOu N d M esh POC keTs NO - sl IP saddle POsITIONINg veNTIlaTION Pa N els a N d PerfOraTION Ther MOregulaTION £220

ThIs TrIaThlON suIT has beeN Carefully CrafTed TO COver all asPeCTs Of The raCe, PrOvIdINg COMfOrT aNd

suPPOrT NO MaTTer WhaT eleMeNT yOu are WOrkINg ON.


shOkZ OPeNruN PrO

We have recently just looked at the OpenRun from Shokz and before we could fully appreciate them the new OpenRun Pro has been released, so, is it already time for an upgrade or is it worth holding on to the originals a little longer? The OpenRun Pro are Shokz most premium headphones and use most up to date bone conduction technology, Shokz 9th generation, they come in four separate designs Black, Blue, Beige and Pink. Just like their original counterpart they are made with a wrap-around titanium frame for a secure but comfortable fit that holds in place whilst you run, or even if you are mad enough to stop and throw in a few burpees. The open ear design allows for full situational awareness whilst you run, know exactly where the traffic, pedestrians and even other competitors are. The Pros also come with a Quick-Charge function but will hold an extra two hours taking it up to 10hours of play time per charge, ensuring they are ready to go when you are. If you have run out of charge just 5mins top up will give 1.5hours of play, that should be enough for most workouts. There is a slight reduction in the IP rating, from a waterproof IP67 to sweatproof IP55 Sweatproof we can only assume it’s due to the tech upgrade, but it shouldn’t really make a huge difference for normal runs and workouts, it can still handle sweat, rain and debris blown by the wind. Those little controls are still there on the earpieces, fine for me and my little hands but those with thicker fingers might struggle to select the right button, the overall weight is very similar too, just a couple of grams heavier at 29g. The integrated microphone allows you to take calls on the fly, the dual noise-cancelling helps to deliver clear calls in both directions and does as reasonable a job as most hands-free headsets. So, what about that new and improved TurboPitch technology? We were more than impressed with the OpenRun and how good the sound was for an open ear headset, this 9th generation claims to have even further enhanced the Bass for added motivation. The midrange and highrange are just as enjoyable, clear and defined. When you compare the headphones directly then yes, you can hear a slight improvement, but it certainly isn’t enough to warrant an upgrade, however if you are looking at getting your first OpenRun headphones why not spend the extra £30 for the latest tech and longer battery life.

P rOs

10 hOurs Play TIM e

COM fOrTable a N d seC ure

dual NOIse-Ca NCell INg MIC

eN jOyable sOu N d qual IT y WIT h

eN ha NCed bass

blueTOOT h 5.1

IP55 sW eaTPrOOf

9T h geN eraTION s hOk Z

TurbOP ITC h T eC h NOlOgy

5-MIN C harge fOr 1.5 hOurs Of



NOT WOrT h u PgradINg T he

OPeNru N

r eduC ed IP raTINg

k eeP a N ear ON yOur surrOu N dINgs W h IlsT geTTINg T haT exT ra MOTI vaTION frOM yOur favOur IT e T u N es .
27 For more information
on the Shokz OpenRun Pro click

bOllé MICrO edge

Bollé sunglasses have been perfectly crafted for athletes with the Micro Edge being one of the brands more advanced range when it comes to design and creativity. We received the Volt+ Ruby Polarized Cat 3 to take a closer look at, they arrived in a high quality protective hard case as well as a soft cloth bag. The frame is an attractive metallic teal colour with a pink and yellow gradient lens, they have a medium fit and weigh just 30g providing 100% UV protection with 30% colour enhancement thanks to the polarization. They have been constructed with a narrow shield and sharp lines, with a half-rim frame that focuses delivering a spotless horizontal and peripheral field of vision, they sit lightly on the face for comfortable all-day wear. The grippy Thermogrip nose piece adjusts inwards with a few clicks to get a precise fit, the temple tips also bend inward for a secure fit, this means you can turn your head any which way you want, flip upside down if you like and the chances are these glasses will remain firmly in place. Bollé’s Volt+ are the first sunglass lens ever created using Artificial Intelligence, unfortunately this isn’t going to give you some robocop style on lens graphics but it will give you a richer colour experience than is humanly possible with enhancements that help you see colours you’ve never perceived before while maintaining white balance. It also gives you high contrast vision, improved depth perception and high performance polarization, this makes hazards pop out clearer even in dull light conditions. The frames are eco-designed 100% bio-based with temple and nose pieces that have been made with renewable castor oil, reducing the amount of virgin plastics used. These shades not only provide excellent optics, but they balance a secure fit and comfort beautifully, perfect for the most intense sports, you will forget you are even wearing them until you take them off and realise how flat and colourless the world looks without them.

£185 P rOs I NC reased dePT h PerC ePTION 30% COlOur eN ha NCeM eNT h Igh PerfOr M a NCe POlar IZ aTION Ther MOgr IP TeC h NOlOgy s POrT y desIgN s eC ure

T haT PrOv I de IMPressI ve OPTIC s a N d exCePTIONal COM fOrT.

a N exCelleNT Pa I r
sPOrTs shades
For more information on the Bollé Micro Edge click here

Scythe is not a brand new game, just in case some of you were thinking ‘hang on a mo…’. This is a reprint of a quite popular and different kind of board game from Stonemaier. I don’t have enough space to do this behemoth justice but I’ll try to do my best to summarise!

The setting is an alternative 1920’s Europe and you and your opponents are trying to become the wealthiest or most popular faction there is in the farming world amongst a backdrop of war, innovation and mechs. There are various ways of doing this with many a micro-management feature allowing you to make every single game session different, no matter which faction you choose to represent. It pretty much means that no 2 games are ever the same which is what I consider to be a good sign in board gaming! The other plus is that there is no form of knocking a player out of the game, everyone is involved until a winner is determined so nobody ends up sat there, bored and missing out.

The game itself looks gorgeous with a fantastic map and a mixture of plastic and wooden pieces with over 160 cards and twice that amount of tokens. The different materials used for the pieces are actually relevant to different game mechanics and really help to provide a visual aid when playing that can help make it a little more intuitive.

It will take some getting used to and if considering this to buy, I would heartily recommend playing with fellow novices when you first get it and learn the game together. It has so much depth to it that even when you’re used to it, you’ll still find something new to keep you entertained. There’s a reason it’s being re-printed!

P rOs a sOlO MOde Is PreseNT

WIT h PleNT y Of ONl IN e

su PPOrT a dePT h Of ga M ePlay yOu

dON ’ T NOr M ally geT WIT h

M a N y bOard ga M es

fa NTasTIC seTTINg a N d


The ga M e ITself lOOks fa NTasTIC CONs

P rObably g OINg TO f IN d IT

frusT raTINg I f T ry INg TO

M ake T h Is yOur N exT fa MIly ga M e

sT eeP lear NINg C urve

- sTONeMaIer gaMes
For more information on the Scythe - Stonemaier Games click here 31 ONCe yOu ’ ve gOT used TO IT, a very reWardINg ga M e , full Of dePT h a N d TaCTICal Play, IT WIll Take a feW Play-T hrOughs TO really geT T he besT Ou T Of IT hOW ever. £78.99

gaMesIr g7

At first I thought, big deal, doesn’t look any different from any other controller I’ve used for my Xbox but, after re-arranging my furniture to get closer to my telly (used to a wireless controller you see) I started to play around with it and, I must admit, I was quietly impressed!

First of all it has a nice feel in the hands with a textured grip underneath and 2 back buttons that are easily reachable. These can be programmed like any other button on your controller without having to download any additional software. There is software available for this controller however, in the form of the GameSir Nexus (which is free to download on your Xbox) and this allows you to change the settings for the D-pad, joy sticks and even the vibration settings. You can save up to 3 different profiles using this thereby tailoring your set up for particular games.

As far as connectivity goes, the input latency is as low as 0.004s which (while marginally quicker than a wireless controller) on its own, isn’t going to make a whole lot of noticeable difference to the average gamer. The polling rate however, is 256Hz which is almost double that of most wireless controllers and, combined with the latency did seem to make a slightly noticeable difference, although not massive. But then, I’m not a pro-gamer!

The final thing to mention with this controller is the removable faceplate and the fact that it’s paint friendly! So, for all you artistic types out there that want your own unique controller, here you go. Personally, it’s my favourite feature of the Gamesir G7 and may tempt me away from a wireless controller after all if it weren’t for the fact that I’d have to re-arrange my entire front room permanently.

P rOs COM fOrTable P rOgra MM able exT ra bu TTONs g OOd resPONse TIM e Pa INT-fr I eN dly faCePlaT e fOr C usTOMIsaTION CONs I f ONly T he Cable Was a M eT re lONger. sPeed dI ffereNCe NOT really T haT M assI ve fOr yOur average ga M er. a g OOd WI red CONT rOller WIT h a lOT Of C usTOMIsaTION OPTIONs a N d T he abIl IT y TO M ake IT COMPleT ely u NIque .
For more information on Gamesir G7 click here 33 £149

TraCkleMeNTs faTher’s day buNdle

This little bundle came with the Wholegrain Chilli Mustard, earthy and piquant, stir through cheese sauce or mash for a robust tang and some cheeky speckles. The Particularly British Piccalilli is the perfect condiment for Cheddar, cold meats, and pork pies, this version packs a punch of sharpness and crunchy texture. For a condiment with a difference there is the Sweet Mustard Ketchup that delivers a good strong kick and comes in a feisty shade of yellow, made with a combination of wholegrain and smooth mustards as well as a measure of sugar and spices for perfect balance. The multi award-winning and rather addictive, sticky-sweet chilli jam smoulders with a gentle heat from fistfuls of fresh red chillies. beautiful with fish, meats, sarnies and creamy cheeses and last but not least the Tomato and Chilli Chutney is a rich, tangy chutney, that balances sweet onions and fiery chillies for a tongue-tingling heat. All these little delights are gluten free and suitable for vegetarians and vegans, meaning even more people can enjoy them.


kITCheNaId MIxer 4.7l hIbIsCus arTIsaN

The KitchenAid Mixer 4.7L Artisan stand mixer will be a best friend to cooks, bakers and chefs alike. This mixer comes in three sizes, small, medium and large and we will be taking a closer look at the medium version. These mixers come in a huge selection of colours ranging from subtle to bold and attention seeking including KitchenAid’s Colour of the Year 2023, Hibiscus, which will add a splash of life to any kitchen. This stand mixer uses a direct-drive motor with efficient wattage to power conversion straight into the bowl, the robust design is strong enough to handle even the toughest mixes. Constructed from solid zinc metal it is built to last a lifetime and more and comes with a 5-year guarantee. The Medium mixer comes with a 4.7L stainless steel bowl, 3L stainless steel bowl, transparent pouring shield, six wire whisk, dough hook and flat beater ensuring this mixer is ready for anything from bread and cakes, to whipping cream and mashing potatoes. The attachments can all go in the dishwasher which means

less time cleaning and more time enjoying your food. The mixer can take on both small and large batches, with the ability to process up to 12 eggs, 1l of whipped cream, in baking terms this will give you a 2.7kg cake or 9 dozen cookies. The stand mixer was the original home stand mixer with the unique ‘planetary action’, this allows the beater to spiral to at least 59 touchpoints around the bowl for a fast and thorough mix. The speed can be adjusted via the control lever from a gentle stir at level 1 up, beating at 6 and fast whipping at level 10. The tilt head makes it easy to access the bowl without making a mess, the single multipurpose attachment hub on the head opens the mixer to a wide range of uses, from a spiralizer to a pasta roller, ice cream maker or food grinder. This mixer will become your sous chef, it’s strong, consistent, reliable and versatile. At the end of the day it is easy to clean and will sit pretty on your work top ready for the next culinary adventure.

beau TI ful, eff ICI eNT a N d relI able ,

yOu WIll NOT regreT addINg T h Is


P rOs

vI bra NT COlOur POW erful

r el I able

5-year guara NT ee

bu IlT TO lasT

M aC h IN e Washable aCCessOr I es

b eau TI ful desIgN IN a WI de ra Nge Of COlOurs


For more information on the KitchenAid Mixer 4.7L Hibiscus Artisan click here 37
MI xer TO yOur k ITCheN.

sCaNMarker reader

In the digital age there is really no place for time consuming note taking, the Scanmarker Reader speeds things up all in a portable, lightweight and convenient package, this clever pen connects to all your devices via Bluetooth. It is compatible with all devices that use Bluetooth 4.0 and later, including Windows 7 or higher, Mac OS X 10.10 or higher and Android 5 or higher, it has a recognition speed of 3000 characters per minute, that’s a full line of text within one second. It has a scanned width (Field of View) of 1cm (0.4 Inch) so will work with fonts from 6 – 24pt and the 100 mAh, rechargeable battery provides about 5hours continuous scanning (charging time 2-3hours), it is charged via USB which means you can use your laptop or a portable battery pack to give it a boost. The Scanreader can improve oral language skills by adapting the speed of reading to suit the individual

needs, supporting those with dyslexia for example and helps with phonological processing. It works in more than 70 languages and is capable of both scanning and translating, giving you the option to learn to read, study a new language or boost confidence for those with reading disabilities. It is easy to use and sits comfortably in the hand, just guide it over the text like you would a highlighter, the text then appears and can be read out aloud in real-time on your device. The notes can be edited, copied, pasted and shared, it is fairly accurate in its scanning, sometimes it would skip words or get a few words wrong but for the most part it is accurate. The Scanmarker Reader is a handy tool for students, those looking to improve their reading skills or learn a new language, it isn’t fool proof and you might get the rogue word now and then but on the whole it performs well.

P rOs WI reless r eCOgNIse T exT IN MOre T ha N 70 la Nguages Tra NslaT es Over 40 la Nguages COM fOrTable TO hOld fasT, real TIM e sCa N TO sC reeN r eady Ou T lOud feaT ure COMPaTI ble WIT h a ra Nge Of a PPs a N d dev IC es CONs baTT ery l I fe/C harge TIM e COuld be beTT er
Ca N MIss WOrds Or geT T heM W rONg
39 $199 a ha N dy TOOl fOr NOT e Takers a N d T hOse lOOk INg fOr su PPOrT WIT h T heI r readINg sk Ills . For more information on the Scanmarker Reader click here

Crash OverrIde

susTaINable suNglasses

Sticking with the sustainable theme we have another pair of eco-friendly glasses to check out, these bold shades from FacePlant are quite aptly named Colour Blind and feature the brands colours of pink and blue, it’s a daring look and we are here for it. Each pair of FacePlant sunglasses are made from five recycled plastic bottles, keeping them out of landfill and the ocean, the plastic isn’t flimsy like plastic bottles, it is surprisingly tough and resilient. When you have finished with the frames, they are fully recyclable, just send them back to FacePlant and they will recycle them back into their production. Thanks to the flexible materials and FLX Hinge 2.0, these glasses will fit a range of head sizes, they use the Blue Lagoon ultra-HD polarised lens and measure up at 145mm width and 50mm height. The lenses are biodegradable and will start to degrade after 10 days in the ground (and completely disappear within 5 years), they are made from plant-based materials, they have impressive optical clarity and are both impact and scratch resistant as well as having UV400 protection and are Cat 3 rated. If the lenses do become damaged, they can be popped out and replaced, increasing the life of the frames, but they are fairly tough and not easy to damage, even in the hands of a toddler. They feel comfortable to wear, the lightweight construction weighing just 31g, making them suitable for daily wear, sports activities and sweating it out on the beach. All the FacePlant shades come with a no-quibble lifetime guarantee, if you manage to break them, they will fix them for you or recycle them into their 360 closed-loop production process and send you a new pair. We liked the bold and sustainable design and comfortable fit, but the tough design is what makes them stand out from the crowd, the price is the cherry on the top.

faCePlaNT COlOur
These shades are lOud bu T have a bIg susTa INable hearT.
41 For more information on the FacePlant Colour Blind Sunglasses click here P rOs M ade frOM reC yCled PlasTIC bOTTles durable bIOdegradable leNses uv400 a N d CaT 3 raT ed lIghTW eIghT COlOurful lI feTIM e guara NT ee £44.99

Peak desIgN Travel baCkPaCk 30l

This beautiful bag is a 30l expandable daypack, perfect for shorter travels, three days and under ideally as well as everyday carry, it is packed with all the wonderful Peak Design features we love, it has been created with photographers in mind but is suitable for anyone looking for a durable pack. It comes in three colours, a classic looking Black, the light-coloured Sage and the attractive Navy. The Travel Backpack features a big rear hatch opening to have access to all your gear at once, the enlarged top pocket has an organiser section to store keys, glasses, passport, etc, your belongings will be safe from whatever the weather can throw at it thanks to the tough, weatherproof exterior. The bag is suitable for travel as it meets international carry-on size requirements in both its expanded (33L) and compressed (27L) form. There are two expansive side pockets that can be used for bigger items, water bottles and tripods for example. The 360-degree grab handles and the tuck-away shoulder straps and optional hip belt accessory makes sorting the bag on flights easier by keeping dangling straps out of the way. Other features include the concealed external carry straps, the weatherproof 100% recycled 400D nylon canvas shell with 900D bottom liner helping it to become Fair Trade Certified and 100% carbon neutral. On the inside there are padded laptop and tablet sleeves, it is compatible with the Peak Design Packing Cubes and Pouches, which are sold separately, there are mesh zippered pockets so you can see exactly where everything is. The lightweight padding ensures your belongings are protected without adding unwanted weight whilst the light grey lining makes it easier to see right into the corners. The bag aims to be discreet and not give away the fact you might be carrying some very expensive camera gear inside, it also has theft-deterrent zipper pulls. The bag, as expected from Peak Design, is perfectly made, super tough with years and years of life in it, every detail has been thought through to make it travel friendly. Camera gear or not it will become your most trusted day pack.

P rOs durable Travel fr I eN dly P rOT eCTI ve WeaT her PrOOf fa I r Trade CerTI f I ed a N d 100% CarbON N eu T ral l IghTW eIghT COM fOrTable

Th Is durable bag Is ready fOr a N y adveNT ure be IT a W eekeN d break IN T he

For more information on the Peak Design Travel Backpack 30L click here 43
WIlder N ess Or T
COMM u T e TO WOrk.

Peak desIgN MObIle aCCessOrIes

Car veNT MOuNT

The Peak Design mobile range is everything you would expect from this company, robust and wonderfully engineered, the Car Vent Mount is no exception, you will need the phone cover to be compatible with the mount. Peak Design claim this is hands-down the strongest, sturdiest, most adjustable vent mount money can buy, and we don’t doubt them, it is built from solid machined aluminium and fastens to your vent with two points of connection. The 360-degree swivel arm lets you position your phone away to continue to allow the airflow to pass through and for optimal viewing. It uses the Peak Design SlimLink mounting system that when paired with the case uses magnets and a UV-shielded antislip pad to instantly grab hold of your phone in portrait or landscape, holding it securely in place even with the most rigorous of off-road driving. It comes in both standard or wireless charging models and is compatible with many but not all car vents with a full list available on the website and it also works with MagSafe phones and phone cases.

MObIle CreaTOr kIT

Designed for photographers and filmmakers who get the most out of the phones potential, it is a highly versatile phone mount that can adapt to tripods, GoPro mounts, 1/4"-20 mounts, and the Peak Design Capture Camera Clip. Mount your phone onto any Arca-type tripod head to capture timelapses and long exposures, put it directly onto any GoPro-style mount (on your helmet or chest mount) and capture and share POV video. If you carry your camera in Capture, now you can carry/ mount your phone in it too, it uses an ultra-strong magnetic/mechanical SlimLink mounting technology to grab and lock your phone in place, portrait or landscape, and remove it instantly with the press of a button.

RRP £39.96


The Mobile Tripod has been precision-machined and delivers a buttery-smooth movement for your most versatile camera: your phone, it is highly portable and pocket-friendly and packs down to just a 0.5cm thick. The ultrastrong Peak Design case and MagSafe compatible magnets quickly snap Mobile Tripod to the back of your phone and can hold it securely in either portrait or landscape mode, letting you get it in to position quickly and capturing that special moment. The Aluminium legs offer antislip stability, the vibrationdamping feet work in both tripod and kickstand orientations, the micro ball head smoothly adjusts your shooting or viewing angle, the ball tension can be adjusted with a magnetically integrated tuning key. Ideal for photography, filmmaking, videochatting and watching movies or tv shows. RRP £62.46

MObIle WalleT sTaNd WalleT

The Mobile Wallet has been created by the award-winning Peak Design softgoods team, the Mobile Wallet magnetically merges your wallet and phone into one handy device. The Stand Wallet has an on-demand fullyadjustable kickstand for taking photos or watching your favourite show. It is made from durable 100% recycled nylon canvas, with unique patterning and build to minimise bulk in your pocket. It can comfortably hold up to seven cards, which can be accessed instantly via the magnetically sealed flap, the ultra-strong MagSafe-compatible magnets grab your phone with a satisfying 'pop' and keep them securely connected, you don’t have to worry about it accidently getting knocked off. Once attached, the precision-tuned friction hinge lets you position your phone at any viewing angle, it has been built to age gracefully, not become stretched out with time like leather wallets. £48.29

For more information on the Peak Design Mobile Accessories click here 45


This attractive charger lets you simultaneously charge and display your DualSense Wireless Controllers with the officially licensed Twin Charging Station for PlayStation 5. You can charge two controllers at once, just click down and the LED base will light up to indicate charging level, once charged simply click down to release contact and you are ready to play. It is powered by an AC Adapter and comes with a two-year limited warranty.


more information on the PowerA Playstation Twin Charging Station click here

For stockists, please visit or contact our team directly on: 01295 672 200

BOMBAZINE pendant YELENA pendant KEEGAN wall light ARONA pendant
For more information on the GoDice Full pack click here gOdICe full PaCk a gOOd, fu N NOvelT y IT eM bu T I f T hey dON ’ T ex Pa N d T haT ga M es lI brary sOON IT COuld easIly fall by T he WaysI de fOr MOre T radITIONal ga MINg . T radITIONal ga MINg .

Being a bit of a board gamer, these instantly appealed to me funnily enough! I did have my reservations at first though. A friend of mine at school used to use a ‘random’ number generator on his calculator (quite cutting edge 30+ years ago!) for the games we played and I was never entirely convinced as to the actual randomness of it, especially as he never seemed to really suffer that badly in-game when using it…

However, with GoDice I’m actually rolling dice and all there is to complain about is the fickle fortune of fate! They feel surprisingly like real dice and make a good sound when they hit the table-top. I couldn’t see any bias in results either, suggesting the internal workings are equally distributed so you shouldn’t have any ‘weighted’ dice. The carry case is slim and fits easily in to your pocket and is battery powered but each dice only takes about 12 seconds to charge for about 2 hours-worth of use. There is a free app which currently comes with 14 free games for you to enjoy with your friends including Ludo, Backgammon and Yatzy! (I’m guessing no licence agreement with MB here!).

You also get a device stand in the box so you can all see the game you’re playing (as well as the dice results on-screen for those unable to see the actual dice themselves – no cheating!) and a nice little velvet bag for either mixing up dice or keeping your carry case safe from scratches and damage. My only real grumble is the lack of actual games so far. With only 14 to choose from, the novelty could wear off in a short period of time but, as this is a relatively new product, we can only hope the library expands some in the future.


49 P rOs easI er TO T ra NsPOrT T ha N a ga M ebOard ‘COC ked’ dIC e are a T h INg Of T he PasT, jusT aCCePT T he resulT ON T he sC reeN! POT eNTI al TO Play ga M es usINg real dIC e Over vas T dIs Ta NCes CONs baTT ery C harge seeM s TO be qu IT e var I able fOr eaC h dI e l IMIT ed ga M e l I brary

I currently use a wired headset when playing on my Xbox and, I must admit, thoughts of a wireless headset have been running through my mind, especially after the last few games of my favourite FPS where the wires got caught under my joysticks and totally messed up my game. It was absolutely nothing to do with my gameplay, oh no… So, about time I took the plunge then!

Other than the obvious benefit of no wire, the sound quality on these is pretty good, although maybe a bit heavy on the bass even when not using the Bass Boost equalisation mode and using one of the other 2 types, Signature or Neutral. It didn’t stop me from hearing everything I needed to clearly however and that’s the thing that I consider really important. The headset sits comfortably on your head and the earpads themselves are made with memory foam, ensuring you can wear them for hours at a time with hardly any discomfort while the frame is lightweight and doesn’t press too tightly on your head.

All of the controls you need are located conveniently on the earpieces including the volume and game/chat balance and you can even do a mic check to see how loud you sound to everyone else in the chat. Speaking of which, the boom mic is removable and a second back up mic kicks in when it is not present, ideal if you’ve had a breakage.

The battery life is good at 15 hours which should be plenty of time for anyone to make use of without panicking and at 30 feet, the range should mean you don’t get disconnected in-between games while sorting out a cup of tea! Consider me converted to wireless, why I didn’t do this a long time ago is anyone’s guess.


For more information on the LucidSound LS15X click here luCI d sOu N d ls15x a g OOd f I rsT WI reless headseT a N d aT NOT TOO u N reasONable a Pr IC e fOr W haT yOu geT. I kePT M y seT.

P rOs

g OOd sOu N d qual IT y

deC eNT baTT ery l I fe

g OOd ra Nge

l IghTW eIghT a N d COM fOrTable


The fra M e fOr T he headsIghT

dOes feel l I ke I f yOu ’ re a l ITTle

Careless IT COuld break – g O easy!


NOkTa The legeNd WhP

The Legend from Nokta is absolutely packed full of features to make detecting as straightforward, enjoyable and fruitful as possible, it is their first simultaneous multi frequency metal detector perfect for multi-purpose treasure hunting. This highly adaptable detector is suitable for all types of targets and ground conditions, it uses a versatile 11” DD coil and has a highly robust body and fully waterproof, IP68 rated construction, don’t let the weather conditions put you off getting out there and searching. In fact, get yourself in the water as the Legend is fully submersible up to three meters (10ft) and protected from total dust ingress. The Advanced Discrimination settings give you precise control over your detecting, with control over the depth and discrimination capability in messy sites along with silent and stable operation, ideal for beach and underwater hunters. For gold prospectors the Legend features specific tools for finding gold dust all the way up to big old gold nuggets in highly mineralized gold fields (we can dream right). We don’t have enough pages to dig into all the features the Legend has to offer but we will try to give you the highlights, you can choose between, multi or single frequency searches, there are park, field, beach, gold field search modes as well as four additional slots in each mode to save your custom modes into. The Pinpoint mode provides precise location and depth to avoid damaging items when digging them out, there is also saltwater mode, vibration mode for noisy environments or those with hearing impairment. The included wireless headset makes for a more comfortable experience, the noise cancellation prevents false alarms, the manual ground balance lets the user tune into the ground balance on specific search conditions. The Legend allows you to get rid of EMI easily with the Recovery Speed setting, there are 60 Target IDs and Harmonic Tones to play with, the backlit LCD control panel is user friendly, and the LED flashlight helps you take your detecting into the evening or early morning. This lightweight detector weighs just 1.4kg making it a pleasure to use for long periods of time, it has a comfortable balance to it and the battery can easily keep up with you with up to 20hours of searching time. The USB charger means you can charge the Legend via the mains or a powerbank, you can also stay up to date with firmware updates to get the most out of the detector. The Legend is well named, it is an absolute legend, a powerful detector, highly adaptable, easy enough to use that it will appeal to novices but with lots of adjustable settings that will attract experienced detectorists. You literally cannot go wrong with this machine.

WheT her yOu ’ re N eW TO T he ga M e Or a N Old ha N d aT deT eCTOr INg yOu Ca NNOT g O W rONg WIT h The legeN d. For more information on Nokta The Legend WHP click here 53 P rOs rObusT, WaT er PrOOf bOdy PaC ked WIT h feaT ures a djus Table ThreshOld h Ighly ada PTable uP TO 20 hr baTT ery l I fe su ITable fOr bOT h NOv IC es a N d PrOs user-fr I eN dly $749

Mxl MICrOPhONes aC-360-Z v2

Zoom meetings. How quickly they seem to have crept in to our everyday working life! Of course, the logical next step from this was to have Zoom meetings with more and more people attending and able to tune in and contribute from afar and so Zoom Room came in to being. And then this: a microphone designed specifically for Zoom Room.

The unit itself has 4 quadrants, each housing 3 microphone capsules, making it able to pick up any sound within a 25foot radius and with 360° coverage so, suitable for medium sized meetings with probably about 7-8 people in a normal office space and the freedom to move around the room as needed with no reduction in pick up. For larger rooms or for more participants, you are able to connect multiples of this device together using USB-C cabling. USB-C is also how the mic connects up to your PC and it doesn’t require any drivers, which is a massive bonus in my opinion!

The sound quality is reliable and clear due to the echo cancellation software within Zoom itself (so, even though there are 12 microphone capsules in all, none of them will cause feedback or echo in any of the others) and the Digital Signal Processors keeps all the audio on track. The rubber feet on the base are removable and the kit comes with mounting pads so you can place the mic wherever suits your needs best, be it the ceiling or desk-mounted. It also comes in a choice of black or white and has an all metal frame so is pretty durable and takes the worry of accidental damage away. Finally, the power supply cable is lockable, making it very unlikely it will be accidentally unplugged in the middle of a meeting.

I f yOu use Z OOM rOOMs IN yOur day-TO -day busIN ess aCTI v IT y, yOu Ca N ’ T g O TOO far W rONg WIT h T h Is . jusT be PrePared TO faCTOr IN T he laC k Of WI reless CONN eCTI v IT y I f yOu Wa NT TO MOve rOOMs aT a laT er daT e! For more information on MXL Microphones AC-360-Z V2 click here


g OOd radI us Of sOu N d

PIC k u P

360° COverage

a ble TO ‘da Isy- Cha IN ’ OT her u NITs fOr

larger COverage

desIgN ed fOr use

exClusI vely WIT h Z OOM


ONly able TO use WIT h Z OOM! NO WI reless CONN eCTI v IT y OPTION

P rOs

sTaressO M a N ual COffee gr IN der ‘ dIsCOvery ’

For coffee lovers it’s all about finding that right brew and the coarseness of your bean grind can have a lot of influence over how your coffee turns out. Manual grinders can be a little too fiddly in this respect with many of them having literally hundreds of settings, making it hard to adjust with any conviction and you losing out on consistency. The Discovery grinder straight away put my mind at rest with that one with 12 numbered levels of grind on an easily adjustable dial so you can find whichever suits your type of coffee best and, crucially, keep it the same!

The grinding mechanism itself is made from stainless steel as is the body of the grinder with absolutely zero plastic components with the crank made from the same stainless steel as the rest of it and the pommel being made from walnut. Internally, there is a micromesh that helps to separate the finest powder from the rest of the coffee, increasing that level of consistency and the conical burr design ensures everything gets ground at the same size.

The grinder works smoothly and I found very little resistance as I’ve experienced with some cheaper grinders – a testament to the internal workmanship. It holds a maximum of 20 grams worth of beans which gives you enough for 2 decent sized servings of coffee, perfect for you and your partner in the morning or, if you’re like me, having a 2nd cup all to yourself!

It comes with a carry case which is only really suitable for preventing wear and tear (it’s no good for carrying externally if you’re camping for example) and keeping the crank in the same place (has its own little pocket!) so you don’t lose it. Finally, you get some brushes with it, perfect for cleaning the grinder once done.

For more information on the Staresso Manual Coffee
click here
grinder ‘Discovery’

a g OOd MI d -ra Nge gr IN der T haT del I vers a CONsIs T eNT

gr IN d, l IghT eNOugh TO Take ON yOur T ravels .

WOuld WOrk W ell WIT h T he sTaressO M INI rev I eW ed

elseW here IN T h Is Issue .


P rOs

CONsIsT eNT gr IN ds

l IghT aT jusT Over 500 g ’ s

a NTI- sl IP desIgN ON T he CasINg

sT eel burrs raT her T ha N Cera MIC fOr a sMOOT her gr IN d


The f IN es baskeT dOesN ’ T qu IT e sIT flush IN T he CONTa IN er sO yOu sOM eTIM es geT f IN es sITTINg IN T he ga



sTaressO M INI

I don’t know where I’d be without my usual morning coffee to get me up and going. Actually, yes I do. Feeling tired and miserable and in need of a coffee! Usually what happens when I’m out and about and unable to use my usual grinder at home and it’s not a happy sight… So this thing is a bit of a godsend.

Firstly, it’s compact – about the size of a normal drinks can so it’s easily transportable and comes in a fairly durable case with a strap so it’s easy to attach to your belt or rucksack. The Mini extends when you want to use it to about the length of a normal drinks bottle (500 ml) and, after putting either your ground coffee or a coffee pod in (very handy if you’ve not got room for a manual grinder or don’t want to carry a bag of ground coffee around with you!) you can add either hot or cold water to make your coffee. Don’t get me wrong, this won’t heat your water for you (there are no electrical components in the Mini), you simply have a choice of a nice cold-brewed espresso or waiting for your kettle to boil. A fantastic option on those hot mornings in Summer where a cold hit of caffeine is far more refreshing, not to mention the time-saving! It only takes about a minute to pump the water through this device in to the cup lid and it comes out nice and frothy, just as a good espresso should be.

The interior is made from stainless steel and the exterior is silicon so has a nice feel to it as well as being resistant to slipping out of your hands. Cleaning it is also pretty straight-forward with a quick rinse after emptying being all that is usually needed.

For more information on the Staresso Mini click here
a very POrTable , ha N dy l ITTle esPressO M aker, I deal fOr Ca MPINg ON T he g O. 59 P rOs qu IC k a N d easy esPressO sM all, easIly T ra NsPOrTable durable easy TO Clea N CONs I Prefer a larger M ug Of COffee usually sO IT ’ s a l ITTle sM all fOr M e £75

This Dual Charging Station is officially licensed by Xbox, the Xbox One Charging Station eliminates the cost and hassle of replacement batteries, you can keep your Xbox One wireless controllers fully-charged, ready when you are. The controller battery level indicates on the screen, so there's no need to take your eyes off the game. Each Charging Station comes with two charge-through battery doors and two 1100 mAh rechargeable battery packs that provide hours of gameplay. To charge, simply click controller down on the Charging Station and the LED light bars indicate charge level, when fully charged you can click up to store the chargers. It is powered by an AC adapter to keep USB ports free and comes with a two-year limited warranty.


For more information on the PowerA Xbox Dual Charging Station click here

100% flavor Zero chlorine Zero plastic 100% minerals preserved 100% Preserves the essential Purifies water and reduces trace pharmaceuticals and pesticides Eliminates chlorine for unbeatable tasting water Stop plastic waste PURIFY YOUR TAP WATER IN 15 MINUTES No filter cartridges or maintenance 15 minutes Automatic start and stop

COOker 3.6l

I’ve cooked many things in my time with none so awkward to get right as rice! The amount of times where I ended up with rice that was too stodgy, undercooked or just plain bland is probably only outnumbered by the mount of different methods I tried out before I got it absolutely spot on! My rice-cooking method now is awkward, time-consuming and probably baffling to anyone that knows what they’re actually doing but it works by crikey! And then this turned up on the doorstep.

Well, I don’t feel like a rice-cooking god any more, more like a chump that wasted his time when he could have had something as simple and easy as this. This particular version is 3.6 Litres and unless you’re holding a chilli festival, this size is fine for most families although there are other sizes up to 10 Litres (!) available, if you really need them... It’s simple. You use the measuring cup (160ml) to measure out each portion, add it to the pot, rinse the rice (very important this if you’re new to cooking rice, believe me!) and then put water in until you hit the appropriate line marked on the inside of the non-stick bowl. Put the lid on, plug it in and press ‘cook’. About 10-20 mins later, depending on how much is in there, it will ping ready and switch to the ‘Stay Warm’ mode and it’s ready to serve! I would recommend fluffing it up a bit with a fork but it’s not essential. Also a good idea not to leave the rice too long in the ‘Stay Warm’ mode as it will dry out eventually and not taste so good, despite their claim that you can keep it in this mode for up to 12 hours.

The non-stick pan makes it really easy to clean and a handy light system makes it clear when your rice is cooking and when it is just staying warm. If only I’d had this way back when.

sq PrOfessIONal blITZ raNge eleCTrIC rICe

NOT h INg MOre TO say really.

r ICe qu IC k a N d easy a N d PleNT y Of IT aT T haT!
63 For more information on the SQ Professional blitz range click here
£59.99 P rOs NON- s TIC k POT WOrks qu IT e W ell, easy TO Clea N M easureM eNTs are easy g reaT r IC e
T eMPeraT ure gauge . I MPOrTa NT as yOu shOuld keeP r IC e War M abOve 63° ONC e COOked TO avOI d POT eNTI al da Nger. I’M sure T h Is Is seT TO a safe T eMPeraT ure bu T sOM eT h INg TO CON f I r M WOuld have beeN NIC e .

I’ve reviewed a fair few headsets now so, I must admit, they were kind of blurring all in to one and feeling a little like variations on a theme rather than individual things themselves. Then something like this turns up and we suddenly have something that makes me look twice. These wireless babies are self-charging! They have used Powerfoyle™ solar cell material to basically make it so that, as long as there is a source of light (internal or external – not even just sunlight!), they will continue working and not need re-charging. Love it and I was almost sold on this feature alone but, put your review hat on Dave, are they actually any good as headphones?

The first feature to highlight is the single click noise-cancelling button. There are two modes for this – one is an Ambient Sound Mode which basically allows you to listen to whatever your ear-food is for the day but still be able to hear the surrounding environment, perfect for those in urban areas where hearing traffic or people around you is necessary or maybe as a tool in the office so others can get your attention if need be. The other mode is a full blackout of extraneous sound with your usual Active Noise Cancelling that you come to expect on most decent headphones these days. Another good feature is the lack of a need to switch them off as, when you remove them from your head, your audio automatically stops. If you don’t like this, you can change it in the companion app along with all the other features that you can adjust with the headset buttons. The app also has a graph showing you how much power your headphones have and it’s quite satisfying to see it jump up when you have them under light!

The sound itself is good, I’ve certainly heard a lot worse from a set of headphones and, while it’s not the best audio out there, it’s up there with ‘good enough for most of us that aren’t audiophiles’! Coupled with the long-term saving on battery or charging costs, well worth it!

P rOs s elf- Charg INg a NC a N d a M bI eNT NOIse seleCTION deCeNT sOu N d qual IT y CONs There are beTT er headseTs audIO -WIse a NC has a sl IghT h Iss IN T he baCkgrOu N d COrk T r I-fOldINg PrOT eCTI ve Case

The faCT T haT IT ’ s self- C harg INg a N d has a g OOd sOu N d qual IT y Pu Ts T h Is h Igh ON M y l IsT Of M usT-haves!

65 For
on the
Los Angeles

bu haNd blOWN glass Carafe

Carafes have made a bit of a comeback in recent years (in modern times at least!). Normally the sort of thing you would see in restaurants, it’s now not uncommon to see them decorating your friends’ coffee tables as palates become a little more discerning and people seek simple ways to spruce up an otherwise boring table! This hand-blown carafe from Bu may look simple but it is this simplicity that makes it worth adding to your own table.

Firstly, consider the fact that it’s glass and not some cheap alternative. Glass is inert and so there is no danger of contaminating the liquid inside whether it be wine or flavoured water or whatever you want to use it for, it’s no accident that this is the chosen material. Secondly, hand blown basically makes this a product made by a skilled artisan and the fact that it is just one solid piece with no ‘mould-lines’ greatly adds to its aesthetic simplicity. It’s going to look good on your table, even when empty and who doesn’t want something that’s well-made by a skilled individual?

As for the shape, there’s a reason the carafe has been around so long in one form or another and this design doesn’t break any moulds in that respect, but this is hardly a bad thing. Wine contained within can aerate better, bringing the flavours to life more and improving the taste generally. It’s also ideally shaped to avoid spillages (how many times has that ‘glug’ ended with a stain on the carpet? Especially if you’re on to your 2nd or more bottle…) and pours neatly in to your glass. As well as that, the aperture is wide enough to allow you to put things like ice and slices of fruit in quite easily

Finally, the stopper (for your non-wine entries!) is made from bamboo, making this a completely sustainable product.


P rOs

g lass Is IN erT

sIMPle , elega NT desIgN

WI de a PerT ure

g OOd qual IT y glass CONs

everyON e WIll be

jealOus , dON ’ T leT

IT Ou T Of yOur sIghT!

fOr T hOse T haT

haveN ’ T g OT

rOu N d TO usINg a

Carafe TO aeraT e

T heI r WIN e , T h Is

Is a relaTI vely

IN ex PeNsI ve Way TO

g I ve IT a g O W h Ile

geTTINg a h Igh

qual IT y PrOduCT.

Why NOT? (Ca N

equally a PPly TO WIN e…)

67 For more information on the Bu
Hand blown glass carafe click here

Now, this is something I can instantly relate to and I bet I’m not the only one! How many times have your keys got buried under all sorts of bits and bobs on the coffee table and you’re cursing and swearing while running late? Or, once you have got a key rack to avoid this very scenario, you then manage to knock other keys off the hooks which fall in shoes and then aren’t found again until one particularly painful encounter while getting ready to take your overlyexcited dog for a walk? Both. More than once…

So, a magnetic key holder is the answer! Nothing overly new here to be honest, it’s hardly a revolutionary idea (I have since found out…) but this is the only one I’ve found that isn’t just a lump of metal relying on magnets built in to your key fobs or one that relies on the circlet of metal to do the grabbing or lots of individual holders. The fobs that come with this rack are shaped to fit neatly in to the honeycomb recesses and each recess has its own neodymium magnet (can’t get much stronger for the size than these bad boys!) with an attraction that could easily hold up to 500 grams of weight. And, to be honest, if your keys are that heavy, I don’t think finding them is really going to be that much of a problem for you!

The design aesthetic is what I really like about this rack though. Made from sustainable bamboo and using one of natures most efficient shapes (clever little things those bees…), it doesn’t ‘jar’ the eyes like other key racks and the natural bamboo pattern and colour is wonderfully simple and a nice little touch to welcome you home after a long day at work.

sIMPlICITy ITself TO use aNd lOOks gOOd

as Well as beINg Made frOM susTaINable

MaTerIal, WhaT

s NOT TO lIke?

bu hONeyCOMb key raCk

M ade frOM susTa INable M aT er I als

NaT ural lOOk

M agN eTs are sT rONg

Ta IlOred k ey fObs a N d r INgs INCluded

CONs yOu Ca N ’ T buy sPare fObs Or r INgs sO I f yOu

lOse yOur keys


For more information on the Bu Honeycomb Key Rack click here 69
P rOs

Trx PrO4 sysTeM

Now, we would all like to be a little fitter right? So, you sign up for that gym membership, get yourself some half decent exercise gear so you don’t look like a complete newbie when you turn up, then worry about exactly that, start to panic over looking like an idiot that has no idea what they’re doing in a gym and end up staying home, wasting your money each month because you’re tied in to a 12 month contract… Sound familiar? It’s certainly how my brain makes things happen anyway!

The TRX Pro4 System then, is a great way of getting around that problem. It’s quite simply a suspension trainer kit but it benefits from the expertise and experience of TRX so you know you’re getting a good quality product and that’s what you’re paying for here. In the kit (that just about fits in to the mesh carry bag it comes with), as well as the usual straps with handles (more about those in a moment) you also get a door anchor and a suspension anchor. These are made with good strong Velcro and, with a weight capacity in the straps of up to just under 160 Kgs, it’s needed! Not that it’s likely you’ll be putting that much weight on it anyway (an average person weighs about half that in the UK) but would you rather less capacity? How about even more then? With the included D-clip anchoring your kit in place, it grows to over 300 Kg, giving this a very re-assuring solidity to it. The handles I mentioned earlier are made of rubber with a slightly spongy texture and a good diamond shape pattern on them to help maintain grip – essential when exercising.

As for the exercising itself, TRX have an app with a monthly subscription which gives you access to exercise classes teaching you all the ways you can use the system (and a choice of trainer) or you can go for a ‘pay-per-lesson’ option instead if you don’t want to do like the gym membership.

WIT h a 10 year Warra NT y, T he INITI al Ou Tlay WIll be OffseT fOr W haT Is a really raT her g OOd PI eC e Of k IT.

P rOs

e s Tabl Ished

a N d T rusT ed COMPa N y

sT rONg velC rO

h Igh Ca PaCIT y


T ra NsPOrTable

aT u N der a kg IN

W eIghT

CONs ex PeNsI ve

bag COuld be a

l ITTle larger


For more information on the TRX Pro4 System click here

sylvaNIaN faMIlIes feNNeC fOx faMIly

Whether small dolls are your thing or not, for something that is on average 3” tall for the adult dolls and half that or smaller for the children you can’t deny the level of detail that goes in to the Sylvanian Families range. All of the clothes they wear are made out of material and removable (and thus interchangeable with other sets) and boast patterns as intricate as any you would find on real-sized clothing – although to be fair, that is the point I guess!

This set includes a variant of the typical ‘nuclear family’, in that you have a mother (Sharon) and father (Ronald) with posable legs and arms and two daughters (Allie and Kaya). The daughters are ‘Cradled Children’ and so have no moving parts of their own, just a wrap each. There is only so much you can do with a baby after-all – they tend to just sit there gurgling and demanding all of our attention in my experience. Being able to fully pose one would kind of ruin the immersion I suppose but the set does come with a double pushchair so at least Sharon and Ronald can take them out and about and show them off to the rest of the

Sylvanian Families that you either have or are about to get! The double pushchair comes with a Fennec Fox design on both halves of the seating side, tiny little flowers on the wheels and the trays at the front even have tiny little shapes cut in to them, just like real ones! You’ve got to admire the attention to detail.

Ronald has cross-hatched blue trousers with a stripey shirt and a tiny red tie while Sharon sports a flowery purple skirt with a yellow striped blouse and lacey collar. Very traditional (I think it’s unlikely you’re going to find families that reflect contemporary life within Sylvanian Families – middle-class England from the 20’s seems to be their template. Which is a shame as you would think it a great platform to teach children about how wonderfully rich and varied different families are in today’s society) but then, that’s what the Sylvanian Families are all about and, if that’s your cup of tea, you’re probably going to get a lot out of this set, enjoy!


For more information on the Sylvanian Families Fennec fox family click here

P rOs

fIN ely deTa Iled ClOT h INg

The dOuble Pra M Is a NIC e TOuC h

fOxes are COOl I guess


Please keeP T heM aWay frOM sM all C h IldreN!

The COlOur INg Is very geN dered – rONald Is blue W h Ile s harON Is yellOW a N d Pur Ple WIT h flOW ers . IsN ’ T IT

TIM e W e MOved beyON d all T haT?

a PerfeCTly qua INT l ITTle seT

WIT h NICe TOuChes a N d aTT eNTION

TO deTa Il . NOT eNTI rely sure IT ’ s

T ruly refleCTI ve Of TOday ’ s sOCI eT y, hOW ever.


sylvaNIaN faMIlIes rOyal PrINCess seT

I found myself somewhat surprised to find out that Sylvanian Families are still going! For those not in the know, Sylvanian Families first came about in the late 80’s and was a massive thing for a fair few number of years (Toy of the Year, ‘87,’88 & ‘89 in the UK!). I remember my stepsister and mother going nuts for them, never really appealed to me in all honesty but then I was more inclined towards board and table-top war games, hardly a good setting for the wholesomeness that is meant to be Sylvanian Families!

They are basically anthropomorphised miniature dolls with an astounding level of detail in the clothing and accessories that come with them. All the families are set in the fictional town of Sylvania and all manner of animals are included in their ranks, hence the variety of creatures in this set representing the younger family members in their varied Princess garb as they play dress-up. A Husky, a Snow

Rabbit, a Striped Cat, a Mouse and a Persian Cat (the last 2 are ‘cradled baby’ versions – slightly smaller models so they fit into all the typical accessories you would expect when playing with models of babies) are what you get here, each with their own style of dress and detachable headwear ranging from tiara’s to hats. You even get a royal sceptre for the mouse one – I can imagine the little mouse lording it over all the others, despite being a baby!

Whether you just like to collect small things or you have children that would be interested in these, they are a charming addition to the household. Especially worthy of note is the level of detail and care that has gone in to the clothing alone. If you’re going to get any kind of doll or are considering these as a gift, someone is bound to be delighted.

For more information on the Sylvanian Families royal princess set click here


P rOs

exT reM ely deTa Iled

r eMOvable aCCessOr I es

Cu T e

a var I eT y Of a NIM als


b e Careful sM aller C h IldreN dON ’ T geT hOld Of T heM

b e ready fOr a N eW ObsessION TO eNT er yOur l I fe

sTIll gOINg sT rONg , sylva NI a N

fa MIl I es are T he gO -TO W heN a N eed

fOr a NT hrOPOMOr Ph Ised dOlls COM es

TO T he surfaCe


OraNge WhIP TraINer

Golf is not a cheap hobby (not to mention time-consuming) so, how to go about getting practice swings in without your own driving range or having to pay for a round every time you just want to improve? Well, the Orange Whip Trainer isn’t a bad place to start!

It is essentially a whippy bit of plastic with a weighted orange ball at the end. Of course, to say that makes it sound like any of us could just go out and create one and, funnily enough, this isn’t the case! The counter-balance weight is patented and designed to ensure your swing stays on plane by counter-acting the orange ball at the other end. This orange ball is an even weight all the way through and is designed so that you don’t have to worry about the facing of the training aid when you use it – you can just pick it up and start swinging. As well as this, it’s convenient to transport, being slim and just over the length of a regular golf club (deliberately so to exaggerate the motions made while taking a swing – think of it as a smaller goal to practice your penalties at so that the normal sized goal is easier to deal with) and if you have a decent sized room indoors, allows you to practice inside too (just stay away from the light!).

So, on to the advantages of using this training aid. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a golf player already so you’ll probably know how essential it is to maintain your balance when taking those shots. This device allows you to instantly feel where you may be going wrong and make changes to compensate to ensure your actual shot is as smooth as possible with muscle memory eventually giving you that smooth follow-through all golfers crave for.

a gOOd T ra ININg a I d fOr T hOse W hO have T rOuble WIT h T heI r sequeNCINg bu T IT WON ’ T fI x a N y T h INg
by ITself
P rOs r eCOMM eN ded by Pga a N d lPga PrOfessIONals g OOd fOr War MINg u P befOre a rOu N d h elPs CO - OrdINaT e yOur u PPer a N d lOW er bOdy TO helP M a INTa IN bala NCe 3 dI ffereNT sIZ es ava Ilable INCludINg ju NIOr For more information on the Orange Whip Trainer click here 77 £94.95 instagram/

For stockists, please visit or contact our team directly on: 01295 672 200
BOMBAZINE pendant YELENA pendant KEEGAN wall light ARONA pendant

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