Review Smiths
THE Issue 42 AprIl 2024
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter and are surviving the holidays if you have the kids at home, as I write this my toddler is climbing around the office like he’s training for Ninja Warrior and my 1-year-old is smacking my phone against the desk and this is the best they have behaved all day!
So, if you are like us and in need of a bit of escapism take comfort in the fact that the following pages aren’t full of unreasonable demands, for example, “I want to hold the biscuit I just ate!” and you might even find something that will entertain them.
We have so many great products in this month but there are a few special ones that deserve a shout out, the Meta Quest 3 VR headset for example, Kitchen Aid have just released their new colour of the year and your kitchen will love it. We have the RingConn Smart Ring that moves fitness tracking off your wrist and on to your finger and the Bosch Unlimited 7 ProAnimal is ready to tackle your fur babies spring moulting.
We look forward to seeing you next time for our May edition, if we survive the second week of half term that is.
For all media related enquiries please contact us at
For Advertising Enquiries
0208 191 8472
CONTeNTs 04. HydrAguN ATOm mINI 06. rIuTBAg r15.4 08. HAwke OpTICs NATure Trek 8x32 10. wesT keNT 21 pOd ‘luxury’ INdOOr gArdeN 12. BOsCH reCHArgeABle uNlImITed 7 prOANImAl 14. wACACO NANOpressO 16. IsTOrAge dIskAsHur dT2 18. sOAr ruNNINg wINdBreAker 20. slOppy JOe COllAr 2 22. TOrmek T-1 kNIfe sHArpeNer 24. dIsNey lOrCANA TrAdINg CArd gAme 26. sleepyTrOll BABy rOCker 28. gAmesIr g8 30. fellOwes lx50 32. rITTerwerk elexA5 34. guNNAr lOkI gOd Of mIsCHIef COlleCTOr’s edITION 36. rINgCONN smArT rINg 38. gOlfBuddy lAser lITe2 40. gOlfBuddy VOICe xl 42. meTA QuesT 3 128gB 44. rIBl AurA mVl5 led 46. HIdrATespArk prO smArT 48. sTANCe sOCks 50. IfI AudIO ZeN CAN sIg 52. pure wOOdlANd speAker 54. kITCHeNAId mIxer 4.7l sTANd mIxer – Blue sAlT
NANIT THe COmpleTe mONITOrINg sysTem
kIlOs geAr grANdpeAk HIgH-BACk CHAIr ANd TOOl 62. mICrOplANe uNIVersAl mIll
COmpresspOrT ulTrA TrAIl sOCks V2.0
mAJOrITy kNApwell BedsIde BlueTOOTH
Hi Everyone,
Editor and Chief Managing Director Alex Hilling-Smith Editor Emma Hilling-Smith Writer Dave Hicks Writer Peter Hilling
For more information on the Hydragun Atom Mini Massage Gun click heree TH e ATOm Is TH e em BOdI meNT Of sm A ll Bu T m Ig HT y. £179
There is nothing like a good massage to sooth aching muscles and aid recovery, but let's face it, professional massages are expensive and lying under a towel without your underwear on whilst a stranger pokes at your skin just isn’t for everyone. The rise of massage guns has made it much more accessible for all but that can be really bulky thankfully the Atom Mini Massage Gun has jumped in to make massage even more available, anywhere anytime.
This dinky little device is 5.7”H x 4.7”W x 1.77”Base and weighs just 1.2lbs, it comes in a protective case but to save even more space you can just pop it in your bag. Its tough aerospace-grade aluminium body is super durable, it comes with three interchangeable heads, the Ball Head for comfort, the Flat Head for a firm massage (this aluminium head can be chilled in the fridge for a cool massage) and the Bullet Head for a pinpoint and deep massage.
You could be fooled into thinking that due to its small stature it might not be so powerful, but this certainly isn’t the case, it has a SmoothDrive-m motor that delivers a strong, punching power at over 50 percussions per second and it has an output force of 17.6lbs (8kg). The high-torque comes from the 14-pole motor making it 25-540% stronger than other mini gun motors on the market, there are three speeds 1800, 2400 and 3200PPM and the battery will last about 5 hours (about 30 sessions). Another great thing about the Atom is how quiet it is, just 50-55dB, you wouldn’t draw too much attention using it on the gym floor. This is a great companion for sore muscles, it is so portable, easy to use and highly effective, an excellent choice and great value for money.
HydrAguN ATOm mINI mAssAge guN p rOs
sm A ll, l Ig HT weIg HT
AN d pOrTABle . dur ABle eA sy TO use Qu I eT lONg BATT ery l I fe pOwerful, up TO 3200 ppm ATTACH meNTs H ypOA llergeNIC , fully su BITIZABle , AN d su ITABle fOr use w
m A ssAge OIls AN d pAIN-rel I eVINg C reA ms
up TO 15.6-INCH lApTOp
When it comes to secure travelling RuitBag have got your back, awful pun intended, this particular model provides you with 22 litres of space and is suitable for up to a 15.6inch laptop making it the ideal commuter. This bag is airline carry-on size, it features a zipped and padded laptop holder, there is a quick-access smartphone pocket, a key clip, tech accessories pockets to keep your smaller items organised and water bottle holders.
The chest strap helps secure the bag when you are on the move, there is the option of buying an additional waist strap, this would help if you commute by bike or you are travelling with it for longer periods. The smart D-pocket lets you store and access your passport or phone whilst the backpack is on your back, ideal for zipping through security at the airport. Like all the RuitBags the clever design means the person behind you cannot open the bag, as all the zips face your back. This simple idea will immediately deter any pick pockets and you can travel in the diciest areas without having to worry about your belongings.
The tough outer body is made from a waterproof and anti-abrasive nylon shell which means it will travel with you for years to come. Other features include the suitcase strap, its fully adjustable to your body size making it suitable for tall, broad, narrow or small body types. The bag is comfortable to wear thanks to the padded straps, the bright teal internal line makes it easy to find items in the depths of the bag, the top loop can be used for hanging, there is a bike light clip for visibility and the whole thing is machine washable. It measures up at 50cm x 35cm x 20cm (19.5-inch x 13.77-inch x 6 inch) and weighs 1.30 kg. The bottle holder is made with a stretchy Lycra and can fit a 2-litre bottle (70 oz) with a 4-inch diameter, there is no height limit, you can also hang carabiners on the bottle holders for more storage options. If you regularly travel or commute with your laptop and tech this is a no brainer thanks to the high levels of security and comfortable fit.
lITre BACkpACk fOr
r15.4 seCure 22
For more information on the RiutBag R15.4 Secure 22 litre click here
ru ITBAg suCCeeds Ag AIN w ITH HIg H leV els Of seC ur IT y AN d dur ABle desIgN.
H Ig H seCur IT y dur ABle Veg AN B r Ig HT INT er IOr
I rlIN e fr I eN dly COmfOrTABle
p rOs
I have always loved animals but since moving into the countryside I have really enjoyed watching all the birds come into my garden, when I lived in the city, I didn’t see anything more exotic than a pigeon with all its toes, but we have all sorts of visitors here. A decent pair of binoculars are essential to fully appreciating these feathery friends and the Nature Trek are a good place to start.
This range of binoculars utilises Hawke Optics H2 optics which deliver a crisp and clear view with notable natural colour reproduction, the focusing wheel provides precise images all the way down to two meters close. The NatureTrek range offers a complete range of binoculars from the super portable 25mm models up to the oversized 50mm models, they are well suited to low light conditions where a large exit pupil diameter is required. The lenses are housed in a tough but lightweight, shock resistant polycarbonate body,
the high grip rubber armour ensures a secure hold even in the rain or with gloved hands. They have an ultra-modern top hinge design, high resolution phase corrected BAK-4 roof prisms, the stay-on lens covers provide maximum lens protection whilst transporting them about and the twist-up eye cups with position stops provides relief and comfort for the eyes.
These binoculars are highly portable thanks to their light weight, they can also be worn around the neck comfortably without causing fiction or muscle aches. The optics are really surprising for this price range with crisp highly focused images and a good colour rendition, these are a great choice for beginners however we think long term twitchers will appreciate the quality too. The only little niggle I have is the carry case feels a bit cheap, they could do with a hard carry case just for added protection in the backpack.
For more information on the Hawke Optics Nature Trek 8x32/10x32 click here £169
HAwke OpTICs NATure Trek 8x32/10x32
p rOs
fully mulTI- COAT ed OpTIC s TO prOduCe sHA rp
I m Ages
ClOse fOC us frOm 6.6f T/2m
lIg HT weIg HT AN d dur ABle ru BBer COAT ed
m I d - sIZ e CHA ssIs
sTAy- ON leNs COV ers
rry ACCessOr
Be BeTT er QuA l IT y 9
ry leV el
ul A rs ,
Tw IsT-up eye C ups CONs CA
I es COuld
A greAT CHOICe fOr eNT
BeAu TI ful OpTIC s
A lOw COsT.
keNT 21 pOd ‘luxury’ INdOOr
HydrOpONIC smArT gArdeN
A friend of mine once told me she had been replacing the same pot plant every time it died, for years, like this was normal plant owner behaviour, when I asked why they kept dying she said she always forgot to water it. The thought of plant after plant going to her windowsill to dry out and die still haunts me, but there is hope for these serial vegecidal maniacs.
The Luxury Indoor Hydroponic Smart Garden from West Kent is the world's first system to offer automatic watering and nutrient supply. It features the largest water tank, the most amount of pods, automated water and nutrient filler as well as an adjustable lighting system, it literally does everything for you. There is a water level sensor, which means the machine can detect when the water reservoir is low and automatically draws water from an external source whilst providing the perfect balance of nutrients. There are two different LED lighting modes with the blue light for growth or red light for blooming, you can customize the lights to meet the needs of the different plants. You can plant any type of seed and cutting but there are starter packs of fruit, herbs or flowers available on the website as well as a bunch of accessories for more advanced growers, but they are not essential.
The replacement A and B nutrients cost £18 for a litre of each bottle but these should last 10-12months if used correctly. The 21 pods mean you can grow a real mix of plants you fill it with a couple of your favourites, there is a companion app which will give you information on the water level, nutrient status, lighting, temperature, there's a low water level alarm, but it isn’t vital so it shouldn’t scare off the technophobes. The kit comes with 21 baskets, sponges and grow domes, 15 cover plates, A & B nutrients, plug adapter and transparent pipe. There’s a bit in the instructions that talk about using light blocking stickers, but the design has changed and are no longer needed or included. The unit measures up at 400mm x 260mm x 140mm and lights go to 55cm in height, the tank holds 7.5l of water, this will last you awhile. I love how user friendly the smart garden is, it allows you to grow anything, anywhere, 365 days a year, however I’m really not a fan of the metallic body and digital display, I find the robotic look jarring against the beauty of the natural world.
For more information on the West Kent 21 Pod ‘Luxury’ Indoor Hydroponic Smart Garden click here IT BeCOmes ClOse TO I mpOssIBle NOT keep pl ANTs A l IV e IN THIs sm A rT g A rdeN, I J usT w IsH IT lOOked A l ITTle preTTI er.
p rOs
user fr I eN dly
21 pOds
Au TOm ATIC wAT er f Ill INg frOm ANOTH er wAT er sOurCe
9 leV el, A dJ usTABle led full speCT rum l Ig HTs
11.7C m TOuCH pA d lC d sC reeN dIspl Ay
s elf-wAT er INg 7.5l wAT er TAN k
wAT erprOOf NANO - COATINg ON TH e l Ig HTs TO exT eN d l I fespAN
Au TOm ATIC N u T r I eNT feeder CONs
A pp BA sIC expeNsIV e
wAT er TAN k desIgN dOesN ’ T COmpl I meNT TH e pl ANTs
A N I mpressIV ely pOwerful COrdless , greAT
fOr CleA r INg up A f T er yOur fur BABI es .
p rOs
NI m Ble
45 m INs ru N TI me
effeCTIV e peT HAI r BrusH H eA d
l Ig HT
eA sy TO empT y AN d CleAN CONs
CAN Be AwkwA rd IN TIg HT spACes l I ke A CA r
s OmeTI mes sT ruggled w ITH sm A ll BITs Of CAT l ITT er p
r IC ey
BOsCH reCHArgeABle VACuum CleANer
uNlImITed 7 prOANImAl red
Pets are the soul of the home, they bring endless joy and companionship, most however also bring endless hair and mess, the right vacuum cleaner is essential to keep on top of the fur. The Unlimited 7 ProAnimal from Bosch is a wireless rechargeable vacuum specifically designed to tackle the homes of animal owners. It comes with a 70% bigger diameter of brush roll for 30% faster pick up, also provided is a crevice nozzle, mattress nozzle, charging cable, exchangeable battery pack, animal mini power brush, docking station, 2in1 furniture brush and upholstery nozzle, long flexible crevice nozzle and keyboard and drawer nozzle.
The vacuum has a durable build quality whist maintaining a lightweight at 4kg. It is powered via 3.0 Ah battery which is rechargeable and exchangeable with other over 70 other Bosch (and other branded) products and is protected against overheating and overcharging. It can clean up to 100m with just one battery charge, that’s about 45mins, easily enough for the average sized house, when it runs out of power it takes about 5hours for a full recharge or you can purchase an additional battery to boost your run time. The main body will bend with just a click, allowing you to get underneath furniture, there are lights on the brush head too that help you see into the dark corners. The ProAnimal Brush head does a good job of pulling up pet hairs but it will still need regular detangling, especially if you have long haired humans living in the house too, we also noticed it would struggle with bits of cat litter and rather than sucking all the pieces up it would send some bits springing off in different directions so it would take a few goes to get it all. The dustbox is bagless and holds 0.3l, it's easy enough to empty and clean out without getting your hands dirty, the filter gets cleaned at the same time which saves a job.
The vacuum is easy to move about, there are three suction levels and an auto mode that will automatically switch the settings depending on the thickness of the carpet. The foot release button allows you to quickly switch from floor cleaning to spot cleaning, the accessories are good, but we would have loved to see a long hose attachment, just to make cleaning in tight spots easier, like the car for example. The ProAnimal has a clip that can be hooked over or lent against furniture, but it isn’t able to stand on its own. All things considered this is an impressively powerful cordless vacuum that does a good job of picking up hair and moves effortlessly around the home, a spare battery and flexible hose would be a nice addition for the price range.
13 For more information on the Bosch Rechargeable Vacuum Cleaner Unlimited 7 ProAnimal click here
p rOduCes TA sT y
espressO w ITH
C rem A
eA sy TO use
H Ig Hly pOrTABle
80ml wAT er TAN k
m AN uA l pOwer
Ns A dA pT er
m A kes THINgs
eV eN sI mpler
yOu w Ill N eed
TO supply
BOIl INg wAT er
p rOs
For more information on the Wacaco Nanopresso and NS
click here
wACACO NANOpressO ANd Ns AdApTer
The Nanopresso is a compact and portable espresso machine which lets you produce a fresh cup of coffee no matter where you are, and it now comes in a lovely range of different colours and patterns. This small but capable device delivers your favourite coffee thanks to the patented pumping system, this can reach a maximum of 18 bars (261 PSI) of pressure during the extraction process.
There are lots of different parts to the Nanopresso, which can look intimidating at first, but after a few goes it becomes second nature, all you need is hot water and your favourite espresso ground coffee. The result is a rich and tasty espresso with a dense crema layer every single time. Everything packs away inside the main unit making it great for day trips, hiking, camping and picnics. Simply unscrew the base of the unit, remove the scoop, cleaning brush and water tank with cup attached to it, unscrew the portafilter and take out the coffee filter basket, scoop your coffee and add to the coffee basket. The bottom of the scoop can be used to tamper the coffee, replace the basket and portafilter, add up to 80ml of hot water to the water tank and attach. Now for the mini workout. Unlock the piston, flip the Nanopresso upside down and get pumping, it takes 6-8 pumps to get up to pressure then a further 20-30 pumps for the extraction.
The Nanopresso can be slipped in your backpack or even your pocket at just 6.14inches and 336g. The unit is lined and protected by the detachable cup, with a heatsink pattern that prevents the outside from becoming hot to the touch. Everything comes apart easily for cleaning when you get back from your adventure ready for the next one. The addition of the NS Adapter means you can make a coffee with the NS capsules (Nespresso), this takes out all the grinding and measuring of the coffee grounds as well as reducing the mess, it also makes it more portable, just pop a couple of capsules in the bag. We were really impressed with the quality of the espresso produced by this little machine, no electricity needed. A must have for those coffee addicts with a sense of adventure.
15 eNJOy A HIg H QuA l IT y espressO AN y TI me , AN yw H ere .
IsTOrAge dIskAsHur dT2
We all know how vital it is to keep personal data secure, we live in a world of professional scammers and leaked or hacked data can devastate lives and businesses. The diskAshur DT2 is the world's first and only FIPS 140-2 Level 2/3, NCSC CPA, NLNCSA BSPA and NATO Restricted certified hardware encrypted desktop drive. iStorage is the world’s first and only vendor to attain the following government certifications on PIN authenticated, hardware encrypted, HDDs and SSDs.
The diskAshur DT² USB 3.2 Gen 1 HDD is a PIN-authenticated, FIPS certified, AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encrypted desktop drive that securely encrypts, stores and protects data to military standards. This ensures you safeguard valuable and sensitive data to comply with stringent data protection and confidentiality regulations and directives, such as GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, CCPA and more.
All this security however doesn’t mean it is difficult to use simply enter a 7–15 digit PIN to authenticate and then use as a normal external drive, easy, when the drive is disconnected, all data is encrypted using AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption without the need of extra software. All the components are completely covered by a layer of super tough epoxy resin, which is virtually impossible to remove without causing permanent damage to the unit. The drive is also designed to show any attempt of tampering making it obvious if a breech has been tried, the tough wear resistant keypad has a layer of polymer over the keys to hide any marks that could form over repeated use.
The DT2 incorporates a Common Criteria EAL 5+ (Hardware Certified) secure microprocessor, this increases the security through true random number generation and built-in cryptography. The data encryption key is protected by FIPS and Common Criteria validated wrapping algorithms. The Independent User and Admin PINs means it's ideal for corporate and government deployment, If the User forgets their PIN, the drive can be unlocked using the Admin PIN. The lightning fast backwards compatible USB 3.2 Gen 1 data transfer speeds. The drive will freeze if 5 incorrect PINs are entered and again after another 5, if 15 failed attempts are made the DT2 assumes it is being attacked and will delete the encryption key and lock itself, rendering all data previously stored on the drive as lost forever.
Additional features include the Auto-lock, Self-destruct and Drive Reset modes and it comes in a wide range of sizes starting at 1TB all the way up to 22TB. When working with sensitive data you can't really get more secure than the DT2, this professional grade hard drive is packed with security but at the same time is so easy to use making it a no brainer when it comes to storage.rendering all data previously stored on the drive as lost forever. Additional features include the Auto-lock, Self-destruct and Drive Reset modes and it comes in a wide range of sizes starting at 1TB all the way up to 22TB. When working with sensitive data you can't really get more secure than the DT2, this professional grade hard drive is packed with security but at the same time is so easy to use making it a no brainer when it comes to storage.
For more information on iStorage diskAshur DT2 click here £179
f I rsT AN d
f I ps 140-2
leV el 2/3, NC sC C pA, NlNC sA
B spA AN d
r esT r ICT ed
CerTI f I ed
p rOs
g OV er N meNT CerTI f I ed
mulTI ple l Ayers Of seC ur IT y
eA sy TO use
fA sT dATA T r ANsfer
TOug H Ou T er BOdy
Au TO lOC k, dr IV e reseT AN d self-desT ruCT
feAT ures
1TB-22TB dr IV e sIZ es
sOAr ruNNINg wINdBreAker
Running in the UK can be unpredictable, you start out with blue skies and sunshine but before you know it the clouds gather, and the wind picks up and your body starts getting cold, the right clothing is essential to get the most out of your run. The Windbreaker from Soar is a running jacket available in men’s and women’s sizes (XS-XL) in Red, Black and Orange, designed specifically for protection from blustery winds and cold conditions. It has a close-fitting ergonomic design which hugs the body to prevent loose material flapping in the wind, it can be worn over a base layer or directly on the skin.
The material is mid-weight and stretchy, so it moves with the body without restriction of the arms or torso, the long sleeve shell blocks out the wind and cold whilst letting the body breathe and moisture escape. The construction has strategic panelling in the body, this stops the lower part from riding up as you move and exposing the skin beneath, for added protection there's a cord system on your lower back to give you the precise fit. The laser-cut cuffs and ergonomic arm construction keep the sleeves where they are, the super thin cuff prevent any rubbing or irritation, especially important when running in wet conditions.
The inner lining of the jacket has a soft brush finish which helps keep things comfortable and provides some insulation against the skin, warm enough to wear as a single layer in milder weather or just one base layer when things get colder. There is a diagonal waterproof zip pocket at the rear that can be used to store keys, phone and gels for example without bouncing around or causing discomfort. There is some high vis detailing and reflective seams to improve visibility on gloomy days. The Windbreaker does exactly as it promises, it provides a good amount of warmth for how thin and light it is, the fit is really comfortable and flattering, it can easily become your go to jacket for trips out as well as running. £170
THIs l Ig HT weIg HT AN d prOT eCTIV e JAC keT
wOrks w ITH yOur BOdy TO keep THINgs
COmfOrTABle IN COld AN d w IN dy weATH er.
p rOs
Offers w IN d prOT eCTION AN d wA rm TH
fl ATT er INg , sN ug f IT
sT reTCH y AN d BreATHABle fABr IC
B rusH l IN ed
B ON ded ZI pped reA r pOC keT
r efleCTIV e deTAIls
For more information on the Soar Running Windbreaker click here
slOppy JOe COllAr 2
Sloppy Joe Clothing is celebrating its 30th birthday and it is proud to claim to be the UK's ultimate sustainable, smart-casual fashion brand, it rose to fame when the late Princess Diana was often spotted in a variety of the oversized Sloppy Joe sweatshirts, including the Collar 02.
Comfortable doesn’t have to mean compromised ethics, Sloppy Joe Essential Clothing, designed by Jackie Harris in London, is entirely manufactured in the UK using eco-friendly dyes and100% Organic Cotton. Sloppy Joe Clothing was created when Jackie herself wanted to wear effortlessly cool clothing, fabulous oversize sweatshirts, great quality, eco-friendly, easy and stylish to wear (and launder). Over the past three decades the Sloppy Joe sweatshirt has established itself as timelessly on-trend; however, the 90s is more popular than ever and with artists like Billie Eilish rocking the baggy look, Sloppy Joe is finding a new customer base amongst the youngsters. The Collar 02 features an open neck with stand up collar, and a distinctive rugby shirt appeal, it also features the straight hem and side splits, it is made with 100% Organic Cotton sweatshirt fleece and available in bespoke Sloppy Joe colours all year round.
The bestselling colour is Caramel, but it is also available in Powder Blue, Tan, Warm White, Black Wash, Diana Blue, Stone, Navy Wash, Dove Grey, Soft Lilac, Wild Primrose, Peach Fuzz, Lavendar and Coral Wash. Sloppy Joe Clothing colours are unique to the brand they manufacture their very own colour range, which is bespoke Pigment Dyed, using eco-friendly dyes in the UK. The colours alternate throughout the Seasons, so with each new season a new range is available to purchase. If you are looking for timeless style, sustainability and comfort then check out the Collar 2 it might be just what you want in your 2024 wardrobe.
p rOs
OpeN N eC k w ITH sTAN d up COll A r
dIsTINCTIV e rug By sHI rT A ppeA l
OV ersIZ ed COmfOrTABle
m A de IN TH e uk
slOppy JOe
COm BIN es COmfOrT
AN d sT yle w ITH
TH e COllA r 2
OV ersI de sweATsHI rT
21 For more information on the Sloppy Joe Collar 2 click here
Quick, easy, clean and quiet, it precisely sharpens blades 12 - 60mm high and up to 5mm thick, with unlimited length.
The Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener effortlessly delivers a razor-sharp cutting edge and a durable angle that won’t dull after every use.
The Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener has a sleek industrial design and comes fully assembled with a solid oak handle, powder-coated zinc body, diamond grinding wheel and composite honing wheel.
Built to last, with an 8-year warranty.
For more information on the Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener click here
TOrmek T-1 kITCHeN kNIfe sHArpeNer £330
dIsNey lOrCANA TrAdINg CArd gAme
Chances are, you’ve heard of Magic the Gathering, even if you don’t know what it is! Well, it’s a TCG (Trading Card Game) and is immensely popular, mainly because it’s fairly easy to learn, is vastly collectable and has a lot of options in how you play. So, finally, we have a Disney TCG and, Disney being Disney what with its mass appeal and all, this could potentially be THE next big thing in TCG’s!
The starter deck comes with a 60 card deck, rules, counters and a 12-card booster pack, enough to get you started and playing games. When you play, you choose what goes in to your playable deck and you have 60 cards in total, hence the booster pack included so you have some choice when creating your deck. The aim of the game is to be the first to gain 20 Lore and you do this by sending Character cards that you have in play on ‘Quests’. Players can use Characters to Challenge other Characters and take them out of the equation, preventing further Quests being undertaken. There are also Item and Action cards that can affect the game in various ways. The simplicity in game play comes with the fact that all the rules you need to play while in game are on the cards themselves so there’s no lengthy looking up of rules, making it very easy for young players to get to grips with.
And this is where Disney comes in to its own! The cards are all based on the iconic Disney art style and are immediately collectable as a result. Lorcana has, like any decent TCG, tiers of card rarity (A booster pack contains 6 Common, 3 Uncommon, 2 Rare, Super Rare or Legendary and 1 foil card of varying rarity) and this is where half the fun of TCG’s comes in as the search for those elusive Legendary cards heats up! Playgrounds all over will be full of kids eagerly trading cards with each other (clue’s in the name!) and begging parents to part with their hard-earned cash for another booster pack! The good news for collectors is that there are already expansion packs released and more are planned so this is no flash in the pan thing. The gameplay may be fairly standard as a game in and of itself but, it’s Disney. Nuff said.
TCg ’ s A re A BIT Of A NICH e , I f A r ATH er l A rge ON e . TH e dIsN ey seTTINg Br INgs TH em TO A muCH w I der AudI eNC e AN d TH e g A me Is fu N, sI mple A s THAT! For more information on the Disney Lorcana Trading Card Game click here
From £5
p rOs
e s TABl IsH ed TCg pl Ays T yle m A kes pIC k INg IT up sI mple
fOr TH e exper I eNCed pl Ayer AN d eA sy TO leA r N fOr N ew
pl Ayers
dIsN ey A rT s T yle AN d CHA r ACT ers
NOT T r I ed TO Be r I dIC ulOusly dI ffereNT fOr
TH e sA ke Of IT
ON- g OINg suppOrT – THIs g A me Is u Nl I kely TO dI e A
deATH A s sO m AN y HAV e dON e BefOre . IT ’ s dIsN ey!
B e prepA red TO speN d A lOT Of yOur dIspOsABle INCOme ,
lly I f yOu HAV e k I ds
My first baby would sleep anywhere, I am not exaggerating, he once took a nap in the middle of a soft play with 30 other kids running about screaming, I never appreciated quite how lucky I was until I had my second baby. She is the opposite end of the scale, the slightest bit of distraction and she would fight through the naps, me and my husband would have to take it in turns pacing around the kitchen with her in the push chair and the moment we stopped she would wake and cry.
The Sleepytroll (I’m pinching this name for my kids) is made for exactly this type of situation, keeping the baby in motion and giving your arms and legs a well-deserved rest. This rechargeable unit fits most prams available; one full charge takes 2 hours and will give 8 hours of rocking power on its highest setting. Sleepytroll has the most powerful rocking motion of any baby rocker on the market, you will be surprised how big a movement will sooth a baby, think about how much they would bounce around inside mum before they arrive earth side. There are 5 different intensity settings so you can find the right one that suits baby. It doesn’t have to be left on the pram either, you can attach it to the car seat, crib, bouncer, wherever they like to rest.
The Sensor mode can save the battery, it uses a sound sensor to recognise when baby is stirring and automatically switch on again, without you having to leave your seat, you might even be able to finish your cup of tea whilst it’s still hot! Its tough outer body isn’t the most beautiful but at the end of the day this is a product to help sleep, baby won’t care if it's not cute or colourful. It has been designed to withstand the tough Scandinavian weather and has an IPX2 rating meaning it will work during rain and snow and in temperatures from -10 to +35 degrees.
fINAlly A reAlly pOwerful BABy rOCker TO Help pAreNTs geT A BreAk durINg dIffICulT NAp TImes.
sleepyTrOll BABy rOCker
p rOs
fITs mOsT p r A ms AVAIl ABle
fully CHA rged IN J usT 2 HOurs
8-HOur BATT ery l I fe Of m A x seTTINg
Bu IlT-I N mOTION AN d sOu N d s eNsOr
5 A dJ usTABle speed s eTTINgs
mOsT pOwerful BABy rOC ker ON TH e m A rkeT
NOT A C u T esy desIgN Bu T w HO CA res I f IT
For more information on the Sleepytroll Baby Rocker click here 27
As any reader of my reviews will most likely know, I love Hall Effect controller sticks! And Gamesir have now ported this on to a Gamepad for use with mobiles, yes! For those unaware of Hall Effect, basically, they are more responsive and last longer than standard sticks due to using magnetism rather than mechanical connections, hence why I like them so much! Enough of the gushing fanboyism, what else does this Gamepad offer?
Firstly, the maximum height of 7.58 inches makes it compatible with a wide range of Android phones and the iPhone15 making the majority of phones useable. The only place that it lacks compatibility in is with the Gamesir App – it doesn’t host iOS so is no use for games without controller support. Thankfully, for those games that have controller support, a simple Type-C port connects the phone and away you go! A word of warning however – you may need to take your phone out of it’s case unless it’s 1mm or less thick as the connection isn’t great otherwise. Going back to the Hall Effect sticks, what I really like is the fact that you actually get 3 different styles of stick that you can easily swap out as the faceplates are magnetic and easily detachable as a result, even better!
The controller is comfortable and sized well with the buttons all in the right places and you also get an additional two that you can program to be whatever button combo you wish as well as having the ability to re-map all the standard ones. You get a 3.5mm jack for headphones and, as is fairly standard these days, there is a charge-through feature so your phone should stay active for all the time that you are. It’s a little weighty, coming in at just over half a kilo so be prepared for a little hand fatigue after a while but, as long as you take a rest every now and then, this shouldn’t lead to a problem.
gAmesIr g8 gAlIleO Type-C wIred mOBIle
gAmINg CONTrOller
For more information on the GameSir G8 Galileo Type-C Wired Mobile Gaming Controller click here
p rOs
H A ll effeCT JOys TIC ks
m AgN eTIC , CHANgeABle fAC e
pl AT es
s epA r AT e 3.5mm JAC k fOr
H eA dpHON es
A N drOI d AN d I p HON e 15
mOs T pHON es w Ill reQu I re
yOu TO TA ke AN y COV ers
Off f I rsT fOr TH e Bes T
A H A ll effeCT
g A m INg pA d
mOsT pHON es
AVAIl ABle TH ese
dAys , well wOrTH
A purCHA se I f yOu
g A me ON yOur
. 29
Keeping information and data secure has never been more important when everyone and their dog seems to be trying to scam you, a shredder is the best way to destroy your paper documents. The Fellowes LX50 is a high security shredder that uses cross-cut shredding and can shred up to 9 sheets at once, the pieces will come out as tiny 4 x 37 mm cross-cut particles (High security DIN P-4). This compact device measures up at H40.1 x W31 x D22 cm making it perfect for the home office, it will sit snuggly under the desk waiting to eat all your papers.
The LX50 will shed nonstop for up to 5 minutes before it needs a 30minute nap to cool down, this is fine for personal use but not suited for office use. It feels solid, like it can certainly take some use, the paper shredders powerful cutters will make short work of paper but also slice through staples, paper clips and credit cards with ease. It is worth mentioning it will thank you for a little bit of oil now and then to keep everything moving as it should, Fellowes sell their own oil and all you need to do is follow the instructions. For safety there is a lock which prevents the shredder from being accidently turned on, if you do have small humans around the house, we would recommend unplugging it when not in use, we know how little hands like to play with buttons.
When it comes to emptying the shredder, you don’t have to worry about doing it too often thanks to the 17litre bin, you can see through the little window as to how much paper you have in there. To empty just lift the top of the shredder off and empty into the recycling (not plastic bank cards). This is a good choice for a home shredder, its powerful, fast and quiet and gives good peace of mind that your personal information is properly disposed of.
fellOwes lx50 p rOs su ITABle fOr HOme Off IC e
s H reds 9 sH eeTs AT ONC e 4x37mm C rOss - C u T
pA rTICles ( dIN leV el p-4)
Cu Ts TH rOug H s TA ples , pA per Cl I ps AN d C redIT
f T er 5m
feT y lOC k g OOd Bu T NOT CHIld prOOf
CA rds lA rge wA s T e BIN
Needs 30m INs resT A
INs sA
For more information on the Fellowes LX50 click here
TOug H l ITTle sH redder CAN sm A sH TH rOug H 9 sH eeTs Of pA per IN ON e gO.
rITTerwerk fOOd slICer elexA5
We love kitchen gadgets here at The Review Smiths, but we don’t like bulky appliances that take up all the work top space, thankfully the Food Slicer Elexa⁵ has the ability to fold down when not in use, giving you that precious space back.
This slicer comes in either Grey or Black, it is constructed from a strong metal with plastic accessories, when it's folded up the machine is only 10 cm wide, perfect for smaller kitchens. Unsurprisingly, when unfolded it takes up more space but even then, the carriage way is about 20 cm, if you want to slice larger foods, a large loaf of bread for example the carriage can be easily unlocked and even removed completely. The thickness of the slice can be infinitely adjusted from wafer-thin to approx. 14 mm, with just a simple turn of the adjusting wheel. The Elexa⁵ comes with a serrated stainless steel circular blade that cuts through even tough food with ease. The built in safety switch can be used for intermittent and continuous operation to keep things safe, it is powered by the tried-and-tested 65-watt Eco motor, which has been chosen to work far more efficiently than other motors in conventional food slicers and with significantly lower energy consumption. There are two operating modes to choose between, for short operation, the switch is pressed to position "II". The circular blade then runs as long as the switch remains pressed in this position, for continuous operation, the switch is pressed to the "I" position, in this mode the blade runs without the switch being held down and until the switch is returned to the "0" (off) position.
Other features include the circular blade lock, this coin operated dial allows you to remove the blade for cleaning, the carriage is also easily released and removed for cleaning. It’s simple enough to set up, the food tray slips underneath the slicer so the food will fall directly on to it, the eco motor is 20% more economical and 50% more powerful than the previous model.
THIs spAC e sAVINg fOOd sl IC er m A ke l Ig HT wOrk Of
w HAT eV er yOu TH rOw AT IT.
p rOs
eA sy TO use
sI mple TO CleAN
s err AT ed CI rC ul A r Bl A de , 17 C m
sl IC e THIC k N ess A dJ usTABle up TO A pprOx. 14 mm
sA feT y sw ITCH fOr INT erm ITT eNT AN d CONTIN uOus
For more information on the Ritterwerk Food Slicer Elexa click here
TH ese BeAu TI ful COlleCTOr's edITION glA sses feAT ure prem I um
C r A f T m ANsHI p AN d A re pACked w ITH feAT ures TO prOT eCT yOur eyes w HIlsT wOrk INg w ITH sC reeNs . $333 p rOs p rem I um l Ig HT weIg HT AC eTAT e fr A me l I m IT ed edITION sT urdy mulTI-BA rrel HINges legeN dA ry TI er leNs m AT er IA l gu NNA r pAT eNT ed leNs T eCHNOlOgy g
For more information on the GUNNAR Loki God of Mischief Collector’s Edition click here
Blue l Ig HT AN d 100% u V
- s HI eld plus COATINg BlOC ks HA rmful
As technology has evolved at breakneck speed our primitive bodies can sometime struggle to adapt, our eyes weren’t designed to stare at screens all day and although more research is needed it is thought the blue light emitted from screens could cause digital eyestrain, or computer vision syndrome. Symptoms include dry, irritated eyes and blurred vision it may even damage your retinas but a filter that cuts 94% of blue light has been shown to lessen damage.
GUNNAR pioneer cutting-edge technologies that enhance the digital screen experience and protect the human visual system. Over almost two decades GUNNAR have been producing eyewear that not only protects the eyes but are also visually stunning themselves. The Loki God of Mischief Collector's Edition are limited edition with only 100 serialized pairs in existence, this unique frame style is constructed with premium handcrafted acetate and paired with GUNNAR patented lens technology. Acetate frames are a bio polymer made from wood pulp or plant fibres which have the ability to layer and mix colours or textures. It is a functional material as it has hypo-allergenic properties, is both lightweight and flexible as well as being a sustainable material.
These striking glasses have sturdy multi-barrel hinges, they measure up at 48 mm lens width, 21 mm nose, 135 mm frame width, 145 mm temple and weigh 18.71 grams, they also feature GUNNARS most popular lens the Amber. This lens blocks 65% of blue light at 450nm which rates them 3 out of 5, it is rated 2 out of 5 for the colour rendition and 4 out of 5 for contrast making them a great all-purpose choice for computer work, reading and data entry. The G-Shield Plus coating provides an anti-reflective and smudge resistant finish, it blocks harmful blue light and 100% UV. These beautiful glasses can be ordered with prescription lenses too and will help protect your eyes from drying out, straining, uncomfortable glare and shields against damage to your circadian rhythms and sleep.
guNNAr lOkI gOd Of mIsCHIef
The market has been flooded with smart watches for years now but there's a new kid on the block in the shape of a smart ring. The RingConn is an award-winning smart ring that comes in three designs Moonlit Silver, Midnight Black and Pale Gold. This subscription free smart device is made from a lightweight but durable titanium, weighing just 3-5 grams, it is slightly larger than a standard ring, especially on slimmer hands and the plain finish might not be dainty enough for some.
It comes with an IP68 rating which means its waterproof up to 50 meters, so it doesn’t have to come off for swimming, showers, hand washing or sweating. It comes with a portable charging case for battery top ups, RingConn claims it will last about 7 days without charging however we were getting about 4-5days but it’s not too much of a problem and the charging case will last about 150days before it needs plugging in. The RingConn tracks your sleep by capturing indicators such as heart rate, SpO2, HRV, skin temperature, respiratory rate, duration, sleep stages, movement, sleep efficiency and sleep stability. This data is then broken down into a sleep score and offers personalised changes to help improve your sleep.
When you wear the ring, it will track your activity by recording your steps, calories burnt, activity intensity and standing duration, and will come up with your unique activity score. It will also monitor your stress levels, heart rate every 2.5 minutes and blood oxygen (SpO2) every 5 minutes, 24/7, all the data can then be viewed on the free app. RingConn guarantees your data is protected by promising never to sell your information on and the threat detection system blocks any suspicious activity related to your account, providing an additional layer of security. The ring is comfortable to wear, the team will send out a sizing kit to make sure you get the right fit and its tough enough to withstand everyday life.
Like all health tracking devices, you cannot be sure on the accuracy of the data, but it seems to collect similar data as a smart watch. The lights inside are noticeable in dark rooms and as I am someone who sleeps with my hands up by my face it can be distracting at night. It is also not obvious when the battery dies other than looking for the lights on the inside or checking in the app. The app is easy to use but rather basic in helping you improve your health; this could actually appeal to some who simply want to observe the data without being overwhelmed with nagging suggestions. The RingConn has some way to go to catch up with the big boys of health tracking, however it is subscription free, hard-wearing and gives you a good insight into a range of health markers.
THIs sm A rT r INg m ANAges TO COlleCT
H uge A mOu NT Of dATA fOr sOmeTHINg
sm A ll, HOweV er TH ere Is rOOm fOr
mprOV emeNT.
p rOs
l Ig HT weIg HT AN d s T rONg TITANI um
NO su B sC r I pTION fee
COlleCTs 24/7 H eA rT r AT e , BlOOd OxygeN T r AC k INg
sleep, ACTIVIT y AN d s T ress ANA lysIs
I p68 wAT erprOOf r ATINg
g OOd BATT ery l I fe w ITH CHA rg INg CA se
CH u N ky
l I m IT ed A dVICe frOm A pp
NOT OBVIOus w H eN BATT ery dI es
NO wOrkOu T T r AC k INg
For more information on the RingConn Smart Ring click here
For more information on the GolfBuddy Laser Lite2 click here A N esseNTIA l AI de fOr w H eN yOu ’ re Ou T ON TH e g Olf COurse , Qu IC k AN d eA sy TO use AT A fAI rly A ffOrdABle pr ICe , w HAT ’ s NOT TO l I ke? £129.99
Here we have another GolfBuddy gadget this month (check out the Voice XL speaker from GolfBuddy elsewhere in this issue) and this one is quite specifically for golf (unless you’re using it as a general view-finder of course…). It’s an upgrade on the previous version that is both lighter and smaller than its predecessor, even the carrying pouch has been improved allowing you to now either attach it to your belt or your golfing cart.
The Laser Lite 2 has a working range of up to 880 Yards (and if you can hit a ball that far, why aren’t you out there saving the world!?) and can locate a pin within 0.2 seconds, pretty much instantaneously as far as any mortal playing Golf is concerned. The readout in the viewfinder gives you the range so you can more comfortably pick out the right iron to make that shot with, saving you an awful lot of time as you work your way around the course. Of course, as we all know, golf is hardly ever played on a flat surface and so the Laser Lite 2 comes with a ‘Slope on/off’ button so you can instantly see what a difference the topography makes to your actual distance – a very handy feature and one easily accessed with a simple push of a dedicated button.
This range finding device also has a vibrate function that kicks in once the range is determined so you get a nice tactile notification as well as being able to see the range through the viewer. It’s all quite lightweight too, coming in at just over 150 grams so you’re not going to get fatigued with continual use of it. One final thing to note – It’s water resistant to IPX4 and so is OK for light rain. Any heavier and you’re going to have problems but chances are, you’re already on your way to the 19th hole by that point!
gOlfBuddy lAser lITe2 p rOs
sIly sw ITCH
e slOpe fu
Ig HT weIg HT
-l A sTINg
I fe
ex ACTly w HAT
’ s INT eN ded TO dO AN d dOesN ’ T COsT AN
sOlu T e fOrT u N e!
BATT ery l
(3-5000 uses)
HON esTly? NOTHINg . dOes
gOlfBuddy VOICe xl
Let’s face it, when it comes to golf, most of us are going to need a helping hand now and then to help improve our game and getting immediate feedback as you play is by far the best way to make changes as you go. The GolfBuddy Voice XL is a Bluetooth enabled, GPS speaker that connects to the GolfBuddy app on your mobile device allowing you to get verbal rangefinding and shot tracking, easily accessible via the remote control provided. With over 40,000 courses pre-loaded, chances are your local one should be available and you have a choice of measuring distances in Imperial or Metric, whatever suits your preference.
Of course, it’s not all about the voice, there is also a decently sized LED screen that displays the distance so if it’s a noisy, windy day, you can still take advantage of the Voice XL. Handily, there is a magnetic clip on the back that allows you to attach it to your golf cart and the remote clips to your clothing for easy access and is easy to use too. The main unit can also double up as charging point for any devices that use a USB charger so if your phone with the crucial app is getting low on power, you can juice it up and make sure you finish off that round (it uses a USB-A shaped port for charging attached devices). Speaking of which, the battery lasts approximately 10 hours (less if you use it as a charging point obviously) so should be plenty of time to get a round in before it needs recharging.
The Voice XL can also double up as a Bluetooth speaker so, if you want music accompanying you while you play, not a problem, you can just rely on the large LED display to give you the info you need while listening to your favourite tunes.
A N eA sy TO use , pOrTABle speA ker THAT CAN V er BA l Ise yOur g Olf dATA AN d pl Ay T u N es w H eN N eeded, preTT y HAN dy!
p rOs
m AgN eTIC mOu NT
dOu Bles A s A pOwer BAN k
lA rge , eA sy TO reA d led sC reeN
BlueTOOTH CA pABIl IT y A llOws yOu TO use IT A s A
speA ker fOr yOur fAVOur IT e T u N es
us B-C fOr TH e CHA rg INg OpTION wOuld HAV e BeeN
welCOme A s TH e A pOrT w Ill eV eNT uA lly
BeCOme OB sOleT e .
41 For more information on the GolfBuddy Voice XL click here
meTA QuesT 3 128gB
Virtual Reality gaming has had a slow start, it’s fair to say. It’s taken a while to make it work in a way that is easily accessible for the masses and we’ve seen all sorts of efforts ranging from a cheap cardboard outer (via Google) for your mobile phone to a fully supported games console VR headset from Sony for the PS5. Meta’s efforts so far have culminated in the Meta Quest 3 and, as a standalone VR set, it’s fair to say it tops the list.
What you are buying here is, essentially a games console focused on VR gaming that is strapped to your head. There is a monthly subscription available named MetaQuest+ that gives you access to 2 new games added to your library per month as well as the initial library of 500+ titles available. The plan is that the base number of games will gradually grow as new titles are created but also will cycle through so you get a good variety of game types. You can manage your own library so you should always be able to access the games you like. The monthly subscription is surprisingly inexpensive at £7.99 per month – less than a decent streaming service subscription.
The VR isn’t just restricted to virtual worlds – you can also super-impose digital details over the real world, turning a board game in to a fully interactive treat for example or actually seeing and interacting with virtual creations in the real world. The possibilities for this are endless, ranging from educational tools for kids to games that take in to account the real world, you could easily get lost for hours in this! Which is why it’s a good thing the battery life isn’t massive! At just over 2 hours on average, you won’t be spending all day on this and I don’t think that’s a bad thing in all honesty. Intentional design feature or a limit on tech available? I’ll leave that up too you… slicer so the food will fall directly on to it, the eco motor is 20% more economical and 50% more powerful than the previous model.
For more information on the Meta Quest 3 128gb click here
A H ellu VA lOT Of fu N AN d AT TH e sA me pr IC e r ANge A s
TH e l AT es T g A m INg CONsOles , eA sIly A CONT eN der NOw
w H eN CONsI der INg w HICH ON e TO Buy.
p rOs
CA rr I es OV er TH e l IBr A ry frOm m eTAQuesT 2
eA sy TO use HAN d CONT rOllers – A s T ep up frOm TH e 2’s
weI rd rOu N d desIgN
surpr IsINgly CH eA p su B sC r I pTION serVICe
CAN CONN eCT TO yOur pC TOO w ITH m eTA QuesT l IN k
(BOug HT sepA r AT ely)
rIBl AurA mVl5 led lIgHT
When it comes to creating professional grade content lighting is everything, it can make the difference between someone swiping onwards or engaging with you online. RiBL Aura LED has a new release this year with the MVL5 LED Photo and Video Light, designed to be a super versatile kit for photographers and videographers alike. It can be used to fill in light in studio settings, it can be used on location and when the cameras are off it can help illuminate your workspace.
This kit comes with the RiBL Aura MVL5 LED light, an ultra-thin 26.5cm x 268cm x 188cm large LED light panel, DC power cable, desk clamp with extendable column, micro ball head and Manual. The 19.5W LED light is powered by mains DC or the built-in 8000mAh lithium polymer battery this will provide up to 1.5 hours of illumination (it will take about 2 hours to fully recharge), the battery life isn’t great, but it can be used whilst charging. It has a CRI index of 95+ (192 beads; 96 warm, 96 white) and offers a variable colour temperature from 3200K up to 5600K and a stepless brightness control (up to 450 Lux @ 1m). The light attaches to the extendable, three section aluminium column, it features a tactile rubber twist lock and will stretch out to 960mm (not including the LED). The detachable micro ball head offers great flexibility when it comes to positioning the light with 360 degrees panning and a 90 degrees portrait notch.
The light is soft and flattering, it is smoothly diffused with a uniform LED and creates attractive set whether the subjects is object, animal or human. The whole kit is well made and it’s easily portable, it will attach to most desks, tables and square profiles of up to 50mm depth, with the aid of the integrated C-clamp. The MVL5 is a good choice for those looking for a low-cost lighting set up that actually delivers. The only thing that can throw a spanner in the works on location is the short battery life, but when it comes to indoor set ups it is good value for money.
THIs pOwerful AN d V ersATIle l Ig HT HA s pleNT y Of uses , J usT Be reA dy TO CHA rge IT up regulA rly
p rOs
pOwerful led l Ig HT pAN el
desk Cl A mp AN d exT eN dABle COlum N
s Of T, eV eNly dI ffused l Ig HT
3200-5600 k BI-COlOur T emper AT ure VersATIle g
For more information on the RiBL Aura MVL5 LED Light click here 45
fOr mON ey
l I fe
VA lue
CONs s HOrT BATT ery
The human body is roughly 60% water, yet so many of us are going through the days dehydrated, it is so easy to get to three in the afternoon and realising you haven’t had a drink since your money coffee. HidrateSpark have tried to make you more aware of how much you are drinking with the Pro Smart water bottle. These bottles come in four sizes, 17oz, 21oz, 24oz and 32oz, they also come in four colour options, Black, Deep Blue, Sea Glass (green) and Fruit Punch (pink) and you can choose between a straw or open lid. This smart bottle is powered by SipSense technology, it has a very visual reminder about how well you are doing as the base of the bottle glows to remind you when it's time to drink, it also tracks your water intake by syncing via Bluetooth to the HidrateSpark App. You can customise the glow type, colour and frequency on the app, you can choose between six present colour combinations, or you can create your own. The bottle connects to your phone app via Bluetooth; however, this isn’t fool proof and can become disconnected at times, giving false data about your hydration. The app will calculate a hydration goal with your activity, location and personal details in mind, and tracks your water intake on-the-go, it will also sync with most fitness apps to adjust your hydration goal accordingly. It can help you to find your bottle if it becomes misplaced by telling you where your bottle was last synced, removing any excuse to not keep up your water intake. The bottle is made with a vacuum-insulated stainless steel which can keep drinks cold for up to 24 hours and prevents moisture forming on the outside of the bottle. When it comes to cleaning the lids are top-rack dishwasher safe however the bottle is hand-wash only and it is important to not submerge it or get the sensor wet, it also cannot be used with hot liquids. The sensors battery life will last about 10-14days with regular daily use and it comes with a fast-charging cable to get you up and running again.
For more information on the HidrateSpark PRO Smart Water Bottle click here HIdrATespArk prO smArT wATer BOTTle A fu N wAy TO T r AC k AN d INC reA se yOur H ydr ATION Bu T IT's A l ITTle pr ICey fOr ITs feAT ures .
From $64.99
p rOs
fu N glOw INg rem IN ders
A pp TO T r AC k yOur prOgress
lONg BATT ery l I fe
fIN d my B OTTle feAT ure
COld dr IN ks ONly
yOu HAV e TO Be CA reful Of TH e seNsOr w HIlsT
sTANCe pIZZA fACe Crew sOCk
We love the design of the new Pizza FaceMelting sock is made with a poly blend and finished with Stance’ Seamless Toe Closure and a mid-weight cushion ideal for everyday wear
For more information on the Stance Pizza Face Crew Sock click here
sTANCe ICON Crew sOCk 3 pACk
For more information on the Stance Icon Crew Sock 3 Pack click here
Don’t go solo, life’s better in threes with Stance’s Icon 3 Pack.
Three pairs of uncommon solid, everyday socks for any occasion. They are Athletic Ribbed, Terry Loop In Forefoot, Heel, And Toe for Medium Cushion, with Arch Support, Reinforced Heel & Toe and Seamless Toe Closure.
Stance and Jay Howell have your golden ticket into a world of pure imagination. Artist and creative behind ‘Bob’s Burgers’ and ‘Sanjay and Craig’, Jay Howell has added his own imagination to the all-new exclusive, Willy Wonka Box Set. This box set includes the full set of Jay Howell's "Stance x Willy Wonka" collaboration that is chock full of Wonka goodness, including Oompa Loompas, Wonka Bars, a ballooning blueberry named Violet Bearegarde and an exclusive Golden Ticket style only available within the box set. All crews are designed with a combed cotton blend and mid weight terry cushioning in the heel, toe and forefoot for added durability, comfort, and moisture absorption.
For more information on theStance Willy Wonka Box Set Crew Sock click here
49 sTANCe wIlly wONkA BOx seT Crew sOCk
Half the reason amplifiers work so well is because the power output from your usual media device (laptops, mobiles etc) is quite ridiculously low. To be fair, if it wasn’t, your batteries would die within an hours-worth of use… The problem with that is that you don’t get to appreciate the full power of the music you’re listening to. Amplifiers do exactly that and this one from Ifi Audio improves the power of the sound by up to 50 times!
Of course, all the power you could ask for is a waste of time if the quality of sound is no good – louder isn’t always better! The Zen Can Signature has been built with sound quality firmly in mind however and an attention to detail that truly justifies the price tag on this bit of tech. The lay-out of the circuitry has been designed to minimise any internal noise and reduce any interference to a negligible level while the power core itself has been designed for silent running by Ifi Audio as well as being equipped with Active Noise Cancellation II to help reduce the effect of EMI and RFI noise.
There are 3 input options – RCA, 3.5mm single-ended and 4.4mm balanced allowing you to connect most audio devices to this amp. You also have 3 output options: There is a 4.4mm and a 6.3mm socket and an adaptor so you can plug in your 3.5mm headphones in to the 6.3mm socket. The customisation continues with 4 gain settings so you can set the right level for your headphones (0, 6, 12 & 18 dB’s) as well as Xspace and Xbass (two anologue processing modes), plenty to fiddle about with to get that sound just right… One final note – this amp has been designed to work well with high-end headphones and speakers so you may not gain the full benefit if you’re using less than top of the range in the first place.
p rOs g reAT sOu N d QuA l IT y eA sy TO use COmpACT AN d lOOks g OOd A dA pTABle CONs ONly reA lly wOrTH IT I f yOu ’ V e A lreA dy g OT super B speA kers/H eA dpHON es
51 For more information on the Ifi Audio Zen Can Signature click here wOrTH y Of A few Qu I d I f yOu feel yOur HIg H eN d speA kers/H eA dpHON es A reN ’ T Qu IT e C u TTINg TH e musTA rd! £299
pure wOOdlANd OuTdOOr speAker
Is there anything quite as blissful as sitting beside the campfire listening to your favourite tunes, it is definitely one of my happy places, however this can be marred by some tinny speaker producing harsh tones and ruining the vibe. One thing that immediately stands out with the Pure Woodland Outdoor Speaker is the rich and warm sound it produces, the 10watt dual acoustic speaker uses a combination of active and passive technology, which means whether you are listening to music, podcasts or using it to accompany a movie or tv show.
This award-winning speaker is housed in a rugged, waterproof case (IP67) in a unique oval shape with reinforced bumpers on the top and the bottom making it more than suitable for outdoor environments. it claims to have up to a 14hour battery life but that’s rather generous and it does decrease when using Bluetooth or louder volumes, we would say 10hours is more realistic for average use. The Woodland is straightforward to use, the buttons are a little on the small side which might make it harder for those with sausage fingers (dad I’m looking at you), there are 3 presets buttons, each button can store up to 2 of your favourite programmes (1 DAB+ and 1 FM).
There is no way to scan for stations, you get what you are given, and this is actually part of its charm I think, making it fuss free. The same goes for the sound quality, it's so confident in what it provides it doesn’t give you control over the sound settings, again the simplicity will be welcomed by some but not by others. It is 5.1 Bluetooth enabled; with easy connection you can start listening to your favourite audio immediately. You will find yourself using this speaker camping, in the garden, at the beach, in the work shed even in the bathroom.
p rOs
I mpressIV e wA rm, r ICH sOu N d pOrTABle
TOug H I p67 BOdy
BlueTOOTH 5.1 w ITH dAB+ AN d fm
wI pe- CleAN fABr IC
BAC kl IT dIspl Ay
m AN uA l CONT rOls
us B-C CHA rg INg pOINT
BATT ery l I fe sHOrT eN ed By BlueTOOTH AN d HIg H er VOlumes
CAN ’ T A dJ usT sOu N d seTTINgs
ker 53 For more information on the Pure Woodland Outdoor Speaker click here
A fuss free, HIg Hly pOrTABle AN d dur ABle Ou T dOOr speA
mIxer 4.7l ArTIsAN sTANd mIxer
– Blue sAlT
The KitchenAid Mixer 4.7L Artisan stand mixer will be a best friend to cooks, bakers and chefs alike. This mixer comes in three sizes, small, medium and large and we will be taking a closer look at the medium version. These mixers come in a huge selection of colours ranging from subtle to bold and attention seeking including KitchenAid’s Colour of the Year 2024, Blue Salt, which will add a splash of life to any kitchen.
This stand mixer uses a direct-drive motor with efficient wattage to power conversion straight into the bowl, the robust design is strong enough to handle even the toughest mixes. Constructed from solid zinc metal it is built to last a lifetime and more and comes with a 5-year guarantee. The Medium mixer comes with a 4.7L stainless steel bowl, 3L stainless steel bowl, transparent pouring shield, six wire whisk, dough hook and flat beater ensuring this mixer is ready for anything from bread and cakes, to whipping cream and mashing potatoes. The attachments can all go in the dishwasher which means less time cleaning and more time enjoying your food. The mixer can take on both small and large batches, with the ability to process up to 12 eggs, 1l of whipped cream, in baking terms this will give you a 2.7kg cake or 9 dozen cookies. The stand mixer was the original home stand mixer with the unique ‘planetary action’, this allows the beater to spiral to at least 59 touchpoints around the bowl for a fast and thorough mix.
The speed can be adjusted via the control lever from a gentle stir at level 1 up, beating at 6 and fast whipping at level 10. The tilt head makes it easy to access the bowl without making a mess, the single multipurpose attachment hub on the head opens the mixer to a wide range of uses, from a spiralizer to a pasta roller, ice cream maker or food grinder. This mixer will become your sous chef, it’s strong, consistent, reliable and versatile. At the end of the day it is easy to clean and will sit pretty on your work top ready for the next culinary adventure.
w Ill NOT regreT A ddINg
m I xer TO yOur k ITCH eN. For more information on the KitchenAid Mixer 4.7L Artisan stand mixer – Blue Salt click here
B eAu TI ful, eff ICI eNT AN d rel IABle , yOu
p rOs
VIBr ANT COlOur pOwerful
r el IABle
5-yeA r guA r ANT ee
Bu IlT TO l A s T
eAu TI ful desIgN IN A w I de r ANge Of COlOurs VersATIle 55
m ACHIN e wA sHABle ACCessOr I es B
NANIT THe COmpleTe mONITOrINg sysTem
Babies are scary. Not in a “They’re gonna take over the world!” kind of scary (although, now I think about it, what else are they going to do when they grow up?!), but in a ‘heart in your mouth every time you hear something out of the ordinary or they go anywhere within 10 feet of something potentially dangerous’ kind of way. There you go, I’m not going to sugarcoat it for all you expecting parents out there, you WILL experience fear the likes of which you have never known but, thankfully, we have stuff that can help ease that feeling and (more than likely) increase your own life expectancy at the same time!
What this system provides is, quite simply, peace of mind. It comes with a camera, wall mount, a swaddle and a breathing band. The breathing band has geometric shapes over it that the camera locks on to and tracks and so is able to keep tabs on your baby’s sleeping patterns and rhythm. You get a free trial of Nanit’s Insights Sleep Plan included with your purchase and this is where the monitor really comes in to its own. As well as being able to watch the live feed from anywhere (including the ’picture within picture’ feature allowing you to keep it open and viewable on your device while doing other things), the app provides an analysis of the sleep your baby has had and how good for them it was. This means you’re able to make informed decisions on all things related to their sleep based on real data. Of course, this is all in real-time too so it should come as no surprise that there are instant alerts for things such as baby standing up or starting to cry, giving you the peace of mind you need to be able to do all those things you can’t normally do while baby is awake. A parent’s work is never done!
The camera itself also has two-way audio so quite handy when they start to get a little older and able to understand when it’s time to go to sleep and stop playing while they think you’re not watching… The quality is 1080p HD and is also encrypted and the whole system is compatible with most popular software systems. There is a charge to continue using the app and without it, you’re looking at a simple camera with a live feed, just to warn you.
If yOu ’ re HAppy TO pAy THe suBsCrIpTION COsT ON TOp Of THe COsT fOr THe seT, yOu ’ ll HAVe A fAIrly COmpreHeNsIVe sleep reCOrdINg/ ANAlyTICAl TOOl As well As A reAl-TIme VIdeO feed TO yOur BABy.
p rOs
r eA l-TI me NOTI f ICATIONs
A NA lysIs Of sleep pATT er Ns
p ICT ure-IN-pICT ure VI ew
Temper AT ure AN d H um I dIT y seNsOrs AN d repOrTINg
mOre INCluded w ITHOu T A su B sC r I pTION wOuld HAV e
BeeN NICe , espeCIA lly g IV eN TH e s TA rTINg pr IC e .
For more information on the Nanit The Complete Monitoring System click here 57
One thing easily forgotten when camping is a decent chair. Mainly because you generally can’t pack your good old regular comfy chair in to the car of course but also because many camping chairs (especially the ones at the more budget end of the scale) are, frankly, uncomfortable for periods longer than 5 minutes and leave your thighs bruised through badly placed support struts. Sometimes, you do get exactly what you pay for!
This foldable chair from Kilos Gear does a really good job of ensuring the support frame is as far from the seating area as possible, removing the ‘bruised thigh’ option! When you have the strong metal legs extended to maximum length you pretty much have a hammock supported from the ground and it is dead comfy! At just over 2 ¼ Ft wide it should be plenty big enough for most and with a height of almost 4ft, you really do feel like you’re lounging around outdoors in luxury. There is a padded headrest and the chair itself is cushioned in all the right places – you’re not going to want to get up again!
Of course, as anyone used to camping in the UK knows, rain is a constant enemy and if you tend to leave your chairs out at night, you’re going to have a damp bottom for the rest of the day. This thing is made from water-repellent nylon so all you have to do is wipe any excess water off and you’ve pretty much got a dry seat in no time at all. Combine all the above with the fact it all fits in a bag just 20 inches long and 6 wide, has a cup holder and seemed pockets and is easy to set up with struts connected via elastic cords, you’re not going to want another camping chair.
kIlOs geAr grANdpeAk HIgH-BACk CHAIr p rOs wAT er-repelleNT
AT er IA ls COmpACT sTOr Age A dJ usTABle TO Be eITH er A lOw Or HIg H CHAI r pA ddINg IN TH e r Ig HT pl ACes CONs yOu T ry mOTIVATINg yOurself TO geT BAC k up Ag AIN, g O ON, dA re yOu!
59 For more information on the Kilos Gear GrandPeak High-Back Chair click here A N eA sIly T r ANspOrTABle , eA sy TO seT up V ery COmfy CA mpINg CHAI r. wITH A C up HOlder. A N d pOC keTs . wHAT mOre COuld yOu wANT? £121
For more information on the Kilos Gear GrandPeak 2-in-1 Stool & Footrest click here TH e perfeCT ACCOmpANI meNT TO TH e H Ig H BAC k CHAI r Or J usT A CONV eNI eNT sTOOl fOr dAy T r I ps Or A ‘m A ke-dO’ TABle , A V ersATIle pI eCe Of k IT fOr A reA sONABle pr ICe . £36
Elsewhere in this issue, we have reviewed the High Back Chair from Kilos Gear Grandpeak™ range and here we are looking at the perfect accompaniment to go with it – a footrest! Well, a combo stool and footrest if we’re being precise but who’s checking? The name does hide the fact that, at a pinch, this can also double up as a table, although I wouldn’t rely on it being too flat – maybe think carefully before balancing your morning cup of coffee straight on it but it can certainly hold books and other bits and pieces steady while you’re busy elsewhere.
The legs are made from the same aluminium alloy as the chair and the individual rods are connected via elastic cord, making setting this up easy and quick as well as adding a lot of strength and durability. It folds up in to a very transportable pack that is only 14.6 x 6.3 inches and comes in at a lightweight 566 grams (Please ignore the deliberate mistake on the site link, this footrest does NOT weigh 566 kg’s, trust me!). So, if you’re on a short hiking trip and don’t have the capacity to take a whole chair, this does very well as a substitute when used as a stool, as well as offering an additional seat for any unexpected guests. Of course, as a foot rest, it works very well with the chair, especially when you take advantage of the chairs’ adjustability to recline while relaxing.
It's made from the same water-repelling nylon as the chair and can also double up as an extra storage pouch as it zips up all around with plenty of wriggle room for bits and pieces once the legs are in there. It’s also a perfect size for kids so for those that do family camping, this is a fine substitute for lugging another whole chair around!
kIlOs geAr grANdpeAk 2-IN-1 sTOOl & fOOTresT p rOs eA sy seT-up wAT er-repelleNT
AT er IA l
Be used A s AN A d -HOC TABle AT A pINCH COmpACT AN d eA sy TO T r ANspOrT CONs NOT A s COmfy w H eN sITTINg IN fOr lONg per IOds AT A TI me
A compact and stylish design, this Microplane Universal Mill has three different interchangeable blades: fine, coarse and ribbon to grate food directly during cooking or at the table.
The blades are ideal for a variety of foods including cheese, chocolate, garlic, nuts, seeds, coconut and spices. Made with Microplane's photo-etched, ultrasharp stainless steel blades for effortless grating and superior results. Spices are precisely and finely cut for a full aroma. Dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning.
For more information on the Microplane Universal Mill click here
mICrOplANe uNIVersAl mIll
High-protection trail running sock with clever cushioning and wraparound ankle support for optimal stability and comfort during ultra-marathon races. Maximum stability and a reassuring feel in rocky terrain provided by a wraparound, compressive ankle strap, Cushioned impact and increased comfort thanks to a reinforced toe box, extrathick terry bands and targeted 3D.dots. Delayed fatigue thanks to targeted compression around the arch and ankle that boosts blood flow to optimise performance during your longest races.
For more information on the Compressport Ultra Trail Socks V2.0 click here
COmpresspOrT ulTrA TrAIl sOCks V2.0
mAJOrITy kNApwell BedsIde BlueTOOTH
Alarm clocks are, generally (and intentionally!) annoying. Blurting out loud, abrupt and repetitive noises that, if nothing else, frightens us awake with a much needed jolt of adrenalin! Or, at the very least, woken up by the effort it takes to find the damn snooze button to switch that damn noise off! I’m sure I’m preaching to the converted here so, how’s about a Bluetooth capable, DAB+ Radio Alarm Clock with a nice, large display and an easy to find snooze button for under 40 quid? Good, right?
For what you pay, this thing packs quite the punch. It tops out at 80 dB’s (imagine someone switching a vacuum cleaner on next to your bed) and has a nice, large LED display so even the blurriest of eyes can check the time! The snooze button is big and bold in the dead centre at the top of the unit so is nice and easy to find for those that can’t get up on the first alarm (although, I would question the sanity of anyone that actually does that!) and you can set the alarm to start on whatever radio station you choose, whether FM or DAB+. You have the option of saving up to 40 DAB+ radio stations and there are 4 individual pre-set buttons that you can store multiple stations on, giving you in essence, 4 categories to save your stations under. Well, that’s how I would use it.
The Bluetooth allows you to channel any kind of tune in your digital collection and you can either take advantage of the inbuilt speakers or plug a headset in using the 3.5mm jack. Unfortunately, you can’t connect any Bluetooth headphones or speakers – the Bluetooth only works one way but has a good enough range of about 10 unobstructed metres so you can move your phone around and not have to worry about the connection. In addition, the radio can double up as a charging station via the USB-C port at the back.
A V ery A ffOrdABle , COmpACT AN d eA sy TO use r A dIO A lA rm ClOCk, I deA l fOr T r AV ell INg .
p rOs
dOu Bles up A s A BlueTOOTH speA ker
CHA rg INg pOINT Is HAN dy
BIg , eA sy TO reA d led dIspl Ay
NOT BeINg ABle TO CONN eCT BlueTOOTH speA kers Or
H eA dpHON es Is frusT r ATINg Bu T fOr TH e pr IC e , CAN ’ T
reA lly COmpl AIN
For more information on the Majority Knapwell Bedside Bluetooth DAB+ Radio click here 65
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YELENA pendant
KEEGAN wall light
ARONA pendant