2 minute read
clIck aND GrOw smarT
Now we are deep into winter we only seem to get about 15mins of decent daylight a day (I might be slightly overreacting here but only just), this might make the idea of growing house plants seem like something that has to wait until the Spring, wrong! The Click and Grow Smart Garden lets you grow a wide range of plants from the fragrant beauties to the delicious even in the darkest corners of your home all year round. The latest version, the Smart Garden 3, come is three colours, white, grey and beige and arrives with three complimentary soil pods with basil seeds to get you started, it has a threepod capacity, and you can mix and match these to your hearts content. These little plant pods are so easy to set up, simply insert the pods (they come in biodegradable pots and contain no harmful chemicals) then add the water to the 1.2l water tank. This is enough water for up to three weeks’ worth drink for your new plant babies. Then it’s just a case of plugging it in, we are aware that every penny counts so it’s good to know the LED lighting system is energy efficient and only consumes 3.8kWh of power a month, that’s about £1.30, cheaper than one fresh basil plant from the supermarket. The Smart Garden 3 uses two lamp extension arms so the lamp can grow with your plants, all the nutrients are already in the soil and the light and water are automatically controlled, the only way you can go wrong is by unplugging it and forgetting about it. The are more than 75 different organic and pesticide free plant varieties to choose from (or you can use your own seeds) including tomatoes, strawberries, salads, lavender, calming tea, catnip, busy lizzies and petunias. If previously your windowsills have become a house plant graveyard the Smart Garden 3 is for you, you really cannot go wrong.
GrOw plaNTs successfully 365 Days a year, eveN IN THe DarkesT cOrNer Of yOur HOuse.
prOs quIck aND easy TO seT up pluG IN aND fOrGeT abOuT IT auTOmaTIc waTerING perfecT amOuNT Of lIGHT, NuTrIeNTs aND OXyGeN aT rOOT level cOmpaNION app caN be useD TO GaIN prO TIps 6fT 3IN cable leNGTH GrOw 365 Days a year mOre THaN 75 fruITs, flOwers, Herbs aND GreeNs TO cHOOse frOm cONs waTer TaNk cOulD be preTTIer