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varI cube cOrNer 36

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Now that we’re a little more aware of ergonomics and the importance of posture when it comes to repetitive tasks, more and more people are realising that the traditional desk and chair combo may not be the best for them after all. And, with working from home becoming more of a staple in todays day and age, it becomes even more important to make sure you’ve got the right set up for you.

The Cube Corner 36 (so named as it is designed to fit a standard sized cubicle in the corner) allows you to adjust the height of your working area without having to mess about with raisers or awkward manoeuvring of a desk. A lot of thought has gone in to the design of this desk aide and, not only is it really easy to adjust the height due to the spring assisted lift feature and air-lift piston (very handy for those who need to constantly adjust their work area), there are 11 different height settings too. Control is easy as there is a lifting handle on either side of the desk unit and the spring assistance makes this a smooth transition. Due to the design, cables trail at the back of this and it’s designed to not catch them when being lowered so you can lower the desk again safe in the knowledge that you won’t be trapping anything.


You’re able to host 2 monitors on the upper level due to how roomy it is and the lower level has almost as much space so you’ll be able to set up your keyboard and mouse in whatever arrangement suits you best. Finally, the base is weighted and pretty solid despite a small base area, so you should have almost no wobble, even when at its maximum height.

prOs easIly aDjusTable cOmes fully buIlT wHeN DelIvereD sTurDy very rOOmy cONs IT ’ s eXpeNsIve buT, If yOu NeeD THIs kIND Of THING TO Help cOpe wITH paIN aND DIscOmfOrT, IT wOulD be mONey well speNT.

a very sOlID, well maDe Desk raIser. a GOOD cHOIce If yOu NeeD TO aDjusT yOur Desk HeIGHT ON a reGular basIs.


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